[frame_right][/frame_right]This is an Osiris-Horus, death/rebirth ritual that British MI-6 agent Aleister “The Beast” Crowley would be proud of..
Ian Fleming was a 33° Freemason. Fifty years (aka a “Jubilee”) of James Bond was featured at the 2013 Oscars as Adele sang her song “Skyfall”. You may recall Adele became famous for “Chasing Pavements”; that being the “Pavement” where Jesus Christ was flogged before the Crucifixion. The site where Pharisees demanded the release of Jesus Barabbas, an “Alternative Messiah” of sorts whose name means “Jesus, Son of the Father” was released in place of Jesus Christ. This Jubilee is a reversal of Isaac and Ishmael and Jacob and Esau’s fortunes.
Oscar means “God’s Spear” The original “007” was the Rosicrucian mystic and alchemist John Dee, considered by many to be the father of the British Empire and of Secret Cyphers in the court of Queen Elizabeth I. British is derived from B’Rith meaning “Birthright Covenant”; Whose? Cain, Japheth, Haran (Abraham’s older brother), Ishmael and Esau to name a few. License to Kill? Esau obtains that when he achieves “Dominion” (ref Gen 27:39-41KJV) over Jacob. When will that be? At Skyfall.
Lyrics to Skyfall leave nothing to the imagination:
Skyfall Lyrics
“This is the End”
..should get your attention!
“Feel the Earth move…I’ve drowned and dreamt of this moment, so overdue”
..this is a reference to the Earth splitting and the Flood killing the Cainite bloodline.
“Skyfall is where we start…where world’s collide and days are dark”
..this is speaking of a Death and Rebirth which the entire movie Skyfall portrayed.
“Let the Skyfall…I know I’d never be me without the security of your loving arms keeping me from harm…put your hand in mine and we will stand tall”
..Jesus promises no such security; Christians are “accounted all day long as sheep for the slaughter”.
It is Lucifer/Satan/Devil that promises Peace and Security!
Aurora means Dawn ie Eos, Sunrise or Lucifer. Aurora Plaza in Shanghai was featured in the Skyfall trailer which played last July at the premiere in Aurora CO of the movie Dark Knight Rises. Pretty hard to figure Hollywood out eh?
The movie begins with a near fatal injury to James Bond and ends with a Re-birth of the “007” franchise with a new boss M. Notice the English Bull Dog on M’s desk has an obvious injury to its left eye; Bond will get this at the end of the movie. Q= “Quelle” meaning Source; the Gospel of Q is the oldest Gnostic text to declare Jesus was not Divine; Bond’s gadget man is Q; in particular a gun that cannot be used against him.
M is the 13th English Letter; the Society of Ormus aka Illuminati, Theraputae or Order of Perfectibillists use a stylized M as their symbol. They have been in control of the “Fertile Crescent” (Nile to the Straits of Hormuz) for over 2000 years. Think Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls his new (Fake) Stealth Fighter Q-313 by accident? Quite a gadget if it were real, but it isn’t. How about Winter Storm Q which blanketed 20 states with snow this week?
The movie is a classic battle of “Initiates” found in Dialectic: Thesis + Anti-thesis=Synthesis. What Synthesis? Notice as Bond exchanges his $Million Maybach car for the original Aston-Martin, the license plate has the number 216. 63 ie 6X6X6= 216. The Cubes of the Pythagorean Triangle 33 + 43 +53 =216 These represent the Occult “Trinity” Father, Mother, Son. Notice Q is called Mum or Mom; as she dies at the end of the movie, Bond essentially is re-incarnated as the Son; a very Gnostic theme.
216 also figures prominently in God’s timeline. The Flood caused mountains to be produced; this caused a wobble on the Earth’s Axis which in turn caused “Axis Precession”. The Zodiac is divided in 12 segments; Equinox Sunrise precesses through each “Astrological House” every 2160 years. Did you notice Adele used the lyrics “Hold your breath and count to 10”? 216 X 10 is likely meant here. Folks, we are entering the Age of Aquarius the “Water Pourer” and Revenge is on the mind of every Occultist who are just waiting for the “License to Kill”. 40 days of Lent and 40 days of Rain ringing a bell here? God’s Wrath is described in Rev 16; Benedict XVI resigning just coincidence? “Blessing 16” Resigns and Peter the Roman assumes the mantle as Rome burns, just as St Malachy prophesied (planned). How about Beyonce giving the Kohannim Priestly Benediction at the Super Bowl? Take a look at the new “Moneypenny”; she looks a lot like Beyonce and quite likely was meant to.
Folks, Esau obtains “Dominion” in Dan 7:6 and hands this “Dominion” off to an “Alternative Messiah”; the Messiah Adele wrote her song to. The day before Passover, Jesus was betrayed; the same day was used by the Edomite Haman to decree death to Jews on Purim; think Edomites have forgiven or forgotten what Esther and Mordechai did? Guess we’ll find out on Oscar Night; it’s Purim after all.
This Passover will also be unique in that a new Anglican (Church of England) Archbishop will be enthroned as a new Roman Catholic Pope is elected; you did catch the 2013 burning up to leave 3/20 on the contract with the Devil in the new Mercedes Commercial, Right? Did you notice the Chi-Rho was backwards? Whether 3/20 sees the revealing of the Alternative Messiah remains to be seen, but 3/20 is the Zoroastrian “New Dawn”; ready for a Final Battle of Good versus Evil? Get ready before the Sky Falls; Adele means “Of Nobility” and Iran means “Noble Caste”. You did catch the villain in Skyfall was Agent Silva, Right? The Mede-Persians (Iran) are the Silver breastplates in the statue described by Daniel.
Silva captures Bond who says “Everybody needs a hobby” Silva asks “What’s yours? Bond says “Resurrection”.