[frame_right][/frame_right]A Mercedes Benz commercial premiering in New Orleans at the Superbowl seems rather prophetic, declaring
“Something powerful is coming February 3rd.”
Feb 2 is Imbolg “In the belly”, some 6 weeks (a woman is considered unclean 6 weeks after delivery) after Yule, the birth of the Solar god Mithras, Sol Invictus etc. Madonna officially changed her name to Esther; last year she declared the Superbowl “America’s Holy of Holies” and performed all 7 acts of Ishtar’s (Esther) Descent into Hell during the Halftime show. Purim on Feb 23-24 is the Babylonian Holy Day created by Esther. Probably coincidence slaughters in Gulf Wars 1 and II occurred on Purim by Bush Sr and Bush Jr and a Bushmaster 223 was the Scapegoat weapon for gun control followng Sandy Hook eh? NOT! 33° Sodomite Mason Clint Eastwood said
“This is America’s Halftime”
and later spoke to Obama in an Empty Chair at the National Convention. Is this a harbinger of things to come?
John and Jim Harbaugh are coaches of the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers; the 1st time brother against brother as coaches in the NFL much less the Superbowl has occurred has the same theme as the Civil War. Worth noting is Tsar Alexander of Russia blockaded San Francisco on behalf of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
The showdown was decided Jan 20, 2013 on Inauguration Day. Quick review: 12/21/2012 the Stars “Inaugurated” the New Age of Aquarius; Jan 11, 2013 the New Moon “Inaugurated” the New Age; Jan 20, 2013, the Sun “Inaugurated” the New Age and on 3/21/2013, the Zoroastrian New Year will begin as the Sun rises in Aries. Obama’s Inauguration speech, the themes “Perpetual War”, “Flames of Battle” and “Strength of Arms” came through.
Sargon the Great of Akkad (Don’t hold me to this, but Akkad means Gypsy; my best guess for Sargon III is still Mitt Romney as improbable as that may seem now; he is a Welsh Romanichal Gypsy, Gun Runner, Sinaloa Drug Cartel money launderer and Mormon Melchisedek Priest with a genealogy going back to Norman William the Conqueror) had a similar “Inauguration” shortly after the Flood as Aries replaced Taurus; today Aquarius replaces Pisces as the age of the Earth approaches 6000 years. “As the days of Noe were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be…” Mat 24:37 What were the days like? “The wickedness of man was great on the earth…” Rev 6:5 The Raven didn’t come back to the Ark because there was death to feed on; the Dove came back as no life had returned to the earth; the Raven then became a symbol of the Battlefield, Death and War in Celtic, Welsh, Norse and Viking culture; the fields of lost Souls. They were often seen gathering around the Gallows or Groves; hanging a person on a Tree, Gallows or Gibbet places a Curse on them. The Raven was associated with the Norse Odin and Gaelic Bran meaning both Abraham and Raven. In the Omen movies Damien is guarded by Ravens until he was ready to be revealed. To be clear here, I am in no way saying Obama is the Alternative Messiah, despite the current Newsweek Magazine cover proclaiming Obama’s “Second Coming”. Newsweek previously posted Obama in its cover with a Rainbow Halo and “First Jewish President”; Is he Jewish? Obama is the LGBT Messiah, but not much else.
In Bird symbology, the Falcon symbolizes Horus; in Persian (Farsi) Obama means “He is with us”; Who is he? My best guess is the illigitimate son of Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz; like father like son, his name is Bari Malik Shabazz where Shabazz refers to the “First Race” and is symbolized by the Royal Falcon. Probably just coincidence the Patriots and Atlanta (Atlantis) Falcons lost eh? Gun control has a nasty habit of neutering Patriotism.
Avis=Bird; Garrire-To Speak “Inaugurare” means “Install an official after consultation with Augurs” Augurs “Read Omens” and determined the appropriate time for the Inauguration on the flight or entrails or songs of Birds; this came to be called “Language of Birds”. Recall Obama’s mantra “Yes We Can”; because it means “Thank You Satan”. The 2 Bibles used in the Obama “Inauguration” belonged to Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, both slain during times of “Civil Unrest”. Is it coincidence States are talking of Secession from the Union as they were in 1861? An interesting thing happened on Jan 20 in Australia as Tropical Cyclone Oswald hit Queensland. Oswald of course was the Scapegoat used in the assassination of JFK. What say the Augurs? God describes Angels in league with Satan as birds. In Rev 18 Babylon falls and is described as a “prison of every unclean bird”. Is America “Babylon” of Rev 18? Absolutely NOT! America will however be the Scapegoat for “Babylon”.
Now let’s look at the Mercedes commercial trailer
..and 3/20 appearing from the Flames.
Mar 21, 2013 is 700 years after the last Knight Templar Grand Master Jacques DeMolay was burned at the Stake. Nowruz is called “New Light”, the Medean/Zoroastrian “New Year” will officially begin the “New Age” with the Sun rising in Aries. 3/21 is Ostara (Eostre), and the Resurrection day of Attis, Mithras and Sol as well. On this day, the shadow of the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl (aka Kukulkan or Viracocha) will descend the steps of the Chitzen Itza Pyramid, simultaneously, the Anglican Church will enthrone a New Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Reverend Justin Welby. Female Bishops, Homosexual Marriage, teachings on Evolution, Sharia law, Noahide Law (Beth Din) will ensue. Fire is the symbol of Nowruz, you can see a reference to it in this Mercedes(Mercedes means “Mary of Mercies”) Benz commercial..
First, note that Dodge/Chrysler owns Mercedes Benz, a Nazi company denoting Wealth and Luxury. Mercedes means “Mary of Mercies”; their logo is the “Triquetra” used in Druid Rituals, Celtic Runes, Gothic Coinage, Gothic Magick Rituals and Gothic Cathedrals. The Triquetra is also on the cover of the New King James Bible; we saw that false bible featured in the movie Book of Eli.
Got a real King James Bible?
Hang on to it.
The Triquetra was also used on the New Age Book Aquarian Conspiracy. The Chrysler Logo that of the Assyrian Church and Assur, the winged archer and solar disc used in Nineveh. Dodge cleverly hides the Goat known as “Baphomet”, “Goat of Mendes”, “Azazel” (Wilderness Goat) or “Uncle Sam” (Samaritans pretend to be Christian, Muslim and Jewish). America is about to become Wilderness folks!
The American Diner in the Mercedes commercial is the Napoleon House in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The primary battle of the War of 1812 was fought there in defense of a divided United States by 33° Mason Andrew Jackson. Napoleon a Rothschild lackey made the Masonic “Hidden Hand” sign of Jabulon popular, which was later used by Karl Marx. Diners are generally a symbol of American optimism; the first Railroad Dining Cars were often used by the Elite to slaughter the food (Buffalo) of American Indians; the Trans-continental Railroad joined in the Mormon “Zion” with the Golden Spike between the Engines “Jupiter” and “#119”. The series Wild Wild West refers to the West, called Calneh or Amurru in the days of Nineveh and the Tower of Babel; Mormon Secret Agent (Dannite/Avenging Angel) James West actually worked for Brigham Young, President of the Mormon Church, not the President of the US. The Black Doberman out front of the Diner signals the presence of the Devil as the Jukebox starts playing Sympathy for the Devil. Notice in the commercial, the 13 burns to leave 3/20 behind. A signal? We’ll soon find out. First, a look at the union of the Germanic, Pagan Angles and Saxon tribes that formed the Church of England. Take note that on 9/11/472 Saxons stole Britain through deceit and on 9/11/1835 the Mormon Avenging Angels murdered the Fancher-baker Party through deceit on orders of 33° Mason Brigham Young.
The current head of the Anglican Communion Justin Welby to be enthroned on 3/20 is in Communion with:
- Druid Church; Druid means “Knowers of Trees”; Rowan Williams, his predecessor is an initiated Druid Priest and professor at Westcott House and current head of Magdalene College. Westcott was head of the Bible Revision Committee of 1887; Magdala refers to Mary Magdalene where Magdala means Tower ie a false connection to Jesus and Heaven.
- Episcopal Church which ordains Sodomite male and female clergy
- Roman Catholic Church
- Assyrian Church of the East
- Orthodox Churches (Greek, Catholic, Russian, Syrian, Coptic etc) Orthodox means “Having the correct opinion”; They do not.
- The Jesus Seminar led by John Shelby Spong who denies all words spoken by Jesus as Divine
- The Anglo-Catholic Jubilee Group who considered 2013 a Jubilee; of what? My best guess is the 10th Jubilee from Pope Leo X and the Jesuit takeover of the Vatican; the 2nd Jubilee from the worst US treason of 1913 “Federal Reserve Act” and 1st Jubilee since the slaying of John F Kennedy (Important in the lyrics of Sympathy for the Devil)
- Pagan New Age Churches such as Grrsedd of Bards.
- Talmudic and Orthodox Rabbis eg Chabad Lubavitch
- Muslim Brotherhood/Arab Spring; Prince Charles even converted to Islam 20 years ago and in theory at least, heads the Anglican Church of England.
- “Man of Wealth and Taste” refers to Esau and Edomites who were prophesied to live off the fatness of the earth and obtain “Dominion” (Genesis 27:39-41KJV)
- Troubadours refer to Occitane Bards, the extension of the Celtic Druid Church in southern France.
- “Hanging around St Petersberg” refers to Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) and Vladimir Lenin who traveled from Manhattan to initiate the Bolshevik Revolution, kill the Tsar’s family (Anastasia, the youngest Romanov was rumored to have escaped) and steal their incredible fortune.
- “10 Decades” refers to 2013 being 100 years after the Federal Reserve gave Bankers the “License to Steal”.
- “Cops are Criminals” refers to the Cheka, Stalin’s secret police, Nazi Gestapo or the Mormon Mafia (Dannites-Avenging Angels-Mormon Mafia) etc. The reversal seen in “Sinners are Saints or Heads is Tails” is a reversal of God’s order.
Right Reverend Justin Welby is also an ex-Oil Executive who likely knows Oil refers to “Langue d’ Oc” (Language of Occitane) aka “Language of Yes”, “Language of Birds”, “Green Language”, “Language of Oil” and “Yes We Can” meaning “Thank You Satan”. Think he has forgotten or forgiven the Cathar executions in Langue d’ Oc? Guess again.
Lyrics to Mick Jagger’s Sympathy for the Devil
(Read Now..)
Check out some of the references in the song:
Have you guessed that Lucifer’s name is really Satan and the Devil? or that his game is to steal your Soul? or that the only thing restraining Lucifer is Jesus Christ? On 3/20/2013 we may find out 2013 is the year the Phoenix rises from the ashes of America to re-create New Atlantis as Jesus releases the restraints on Lucifer.
In Genesis 3:20 Adam calls his wife Eve; in Aramaic (Syrian) the word means “Serpent”. Now can you see why Communion with the Druids “Knowers of Trees” is not Wise? America’s first flag was an Evergreen Tree for this reason. Jesus was Crucified on the Serpent’s Tree and in Aramaic He spoke His last words “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Mick Jagger says Lucifer “was there with Jesus in His moment of doubt and pain”. I suggest making sure Jesus is with you in your moment of doubt and pain!