“Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth….And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck…The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob”
– Genesis 27: 39-41 KJV
Compare this to the verses in your new bible; they are reversed for a reason!
When Jews can be coerced into studying the Babylonian Talmud, Kaballah, lighting the Hanukkah Menorah, wearing the Yarmulke and flying the Star of Molech; when Muslims can be coerced into praying to a Black Stone and circumambulating an Obelisk in Mecca; when Christians can be coerced into lighting Trees for their homes, wearing the Cross, eating the Trans-substantiated Body and Blood of Jesus, and teaching their children about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus; Satan’s War for our Soul is nearly won.
Esau represents rebellion to God; seen in the name Korah, a son of Esau as well as Korah the Rebel Levite Priest whom God swallowed up with his priests and possessions for refusing to follow Moses and Aaron. Today we see the Levite Korah in the Mormon Church assuming Levite roles Jesus assumed (ref Heb 7) and the Edomite Korah in Amalekites (Esau’s grandson) who wage perpetual war with God “Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:16 Want to join Esau? Secret Society Initiations (Jesuit, Masonry, Witchcraft etc) require “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” at some point. For this reason, Jesus will swallow up all of the House of Esau, put out any remembrance of them (ref Ex 17:14) as the very last act of the New Covenant. (Ref Obadiah). Where? Jerusalem of course; nothing about Rabbinical Judaism or Kaballah resembles an acceptable method of worship to God; the Talmud has Jesus in Hell in boiling excrement for Pete’s sake! Jude also references this “Perishing in the Gainsaying of Core” (Perishing refers to Spiritual Destruction for Eternity) Korah is Core; the Elite/Bankers/Wealthy/Priestly Caste much like the Pharisees, do nothing in service to or worship of God. Time to say Bye Bye to your Edomite Priest in Sheep’s Clothes!
All Born Again Christians are grafted on to the inheritance of Jacob through Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ. The “Elite” (Fatness=Wealth=Elite=Edomites) become Rich by the Sword (Military-Industrial-Banking) until “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) is given. Who is Esau today? In addition to bloodline descendants of Muhammad (Quyraish Tribe) aka “Sayyids” leading Muslim Nations, just look for “Red”; Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Shield (Rothschild), Red Brigades etc. They are everywhere claiming to be adherents of every religion on Earth. My ex-Presbyterian Pastor told me “We are going to win this war” Now I know what the Edomite Cretian meant by this. Merry Christmas Reverend Rick!
God (Jesus Christ) knows every thought, deed and action committed by everyone who has ever lived on Earth; except Aliens that is, because they are made up Edomite nonsense. How? God provides Flesh with the Spirit and Soul; the Spirit is returned to God at death and the Soul is Judged. Good news though? He forgives everything except “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”! Lucifer (Allah) uses “Intelligence Agencies” in place of any real ability. Edom hides behind organizations like CIA, NSA, KGB, MI-5, Mossad, ISI. Priest Confession is but one example of this dare I say “Brilliant” strategy.
Jesus is Shiloh “He whose it is” and He is about to grant that Authority to Esau. When He does, “All Hell will break loose”! Jesus referred to this time as “Those Days” and unless He shortened them, no flesh would remain. Is it just coincidence Fukushima Fuel Rod removal by hand using amateur crane operators begins today as the Pacific Ocean plume of radioactivity is arriving? Or meticulously planned to coincide with the arrival of Comet ISON? and the anticipated “Bird Flu Pandemic” (Un-sanitary conditions and Vaccines cause Pandemics)? and the so-called 11 yr Solar Cycle Maximum (A Lie)? and Solar Magnetic Field Reversal (also a Lie)? and flip of Earth’s Magnetic Field (also a Lie)? and Global Warning “Tipping Point” (also a Lie)?
All this is on my Daily Update introduction. Comet ISON; Hopi Red Star and Blue Kachina Prophecy; St Malachy Pope #112 Prophecy; Nostradamus 2 Suns Prophecy; Mormon White Horse Prophecy; Ismaili “Twelver” Prophecy; Eagle and Condor Prophecy; a Tetrad of Blood Red Moons and Solar Eclipses in 2014-2015 on God’s New Year, Tabernacles, Trumpets and Passover; Project 911; Prophecy Summit etc etc are all pointing to an imminent return of Jesus Christ and all of them are lying. It is however nearing the time of the Babylonian “Christ Child”. The Advent of Marduk begins Sun Day Dec 1. I suggest being in Covenant with Jesus Christ by then.
On 11/17/2013 James Lloyd http://christianmedianetwork.com/ sent mass E-mails claiming Jesus fulfilled the “Two Sticks” prophecy in Ezekiel 37; James Lloyd is a Liar. Jesus joins the 2 Sticks; Israel with Judah at the 2nd Coming. James tried to get me on his V Channel doing a regular show; Paranormal and Supernatural Radio? Thank God I rejected his offer. The 10 year project presented here began when I rejected an invitation to join Freemasonry at Church. Just a suggestion: Stop lighting your House and setting up the Christmas Tree and see how your neighbors react. Jewish? Stop setting up the 8 or 9 branched Hanukkah Menorah and watch what happens. The Christmas Tree and Hanukkah Menorah are not Christian or Jewish; they are Satanic. Holy and Ekklesia mean Separate not Congregate!
False Prophets and Shepherds like James Lloyd are dealt with in Eze 33-34; rely on the Word (Authorized Bible) not Private Interpretations. Judgment of Mt Seir (Edom) is covered in Obadiah; Jesus Judges Edom at the 2nd Coming and none shall remain. Edom escapes the Beast system with Moab and the chief of Ammon as described in Dan 11:41. The gathering of Israel in Eze 36 fulfills Gen 49:10; Jesus “Shiloh” (Shiloh means “He whose it is) is the only one to carry the Scepter of Judah; He gathers Israel at the 2nd Coming; Eze 37 “Gathering of dry bones” is the “2 Sticks” of Joseph-Ephraim and Judah-Israel (Jesus was Jewish and descended from Judah; Ephraim was a Traitor with Assyria) “David my servant shall be king over them; and they shall have one shepherd” Eze 37:24 Anyone seen King David in Jerusalem? Me neither; David is Resurrected and arrives in Jerusalem with Jesus Christ at the 2nd Coming. “My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people” Eze 37:27. Jesus is the Tabernacle during the Millennium; Templars and Zionists will build the Temple of Satan with the Throne of Pergamon (currently in the Berlin Museum) inside.
Ezekiel 38-39 describe the final battle “Gog and Magog”. Gog and Magog is over 1000 years from now, at the last day of the Millennium! Hearing the hype around Genghis Kahn lately? The Golden Hordes are stampeding alright, but “Magog” has nothing to do with Genghis Khan’s Mongolian Capital of Siberia “Tobolsk”. Timing is everything folks and Jesus’ plan of redemption is 6000 years to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and 7000 years to the union of God in Spirit and Flesh (Dan 7:14) By my count the world is coming up fast on the last 3 1/2 years before the return of Jesus Christ.
Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Serpent comes first as a false “Morning Star”; Jesus cleans up the mess! Edomites know full well, none of them will survive the 2nd Coming as stated in Obadiah. Time to Get on His Wedding List! Jesus is the Shepherd and only His Lambs can hear His voice!
Federal Reserve Act of 1913 or TPP in 2013?
On 11/18/13 Edomite Brother Nathanael Kapner www.Realjewnews.com/ claims the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) will cement Jewish Domination; this is a Lie. Look at his Robe and Red Cross; it’s the Cross of Edom! TPP and TAP (Trans-Atlantic Partnership) will cement Edomite “Dominion” and America’s demise
100 years ago as most of Congress departed the Capitol for the “Holy Days”; the Federal Reserve Act created the Rothschild (Edomite) Bank which prints Federal Reserve Notes. The Interest charged the US Government ensures there is never enough money in circulation to cover the Debt. As Congress prepares to depart the Capitol for the same Satanic “Holy Days”, the TPP will end any pretense of US Sovereignty.
Edom’s Dominion is prophesied in Gen 27:40 KJV; Dominion means “Sovereign Authority to Rule”. TPP is a “Secret” (Classified) “Fast Tracked” Agreement between the US and Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, New Zealand, Chile, Canada, Mexico, Peru and the Hashemite (Edomite) Kingdom of Brunei. Obama will send this Treason to Congress for a vote by the end of 2013. TPP is designed to allow Foreign Corporations and their Lawyers the right to sue Sovereign Nations for “Monetary Damages” from Copyrights, Patents, Trade Marks, Property Rights concerning Oil Drilling and Gas/Oil Fracking, Internet Commerce, Crop Pesticides; don’t like it? Get a Lawyer and duke it out in an International Court made of TPP Lawyers and Judges who may not even speak English. Kangaroos carry their offspring in Pouches; guess who is in the TPP’s “Kangaroo Courts”? Think Red here! Need generic drugs? Take it up with International Lawyers and Obama Care Administrators. Want privacy protection? Aire your grievances in FISA Court, the NSAs personal “Rubber Stamp” Court. All 535 members of Congress have sworn oaths to protect the US Constitution; their “Moment of Truth” will come in days when a “No-Debate” vote for TPP will be their one way ticket to Hell. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” Rev 21:8. Why would the US Congress take a floor vote without seeing or debating a multi-thousand page piece of Legislation surrendering US Sovereignty? Edomite “Dominion” requires Treason. Folks, you can choose Jesus Christ or try to be part of this Edomite Dominion; but just remember “God hates Esau” in both the Old and New Covenants. Mal 1:3 and Rom 9:23. There will be a time when we stand in Judgment by God. and ” …there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it” Obadiah 18. Obama intends to have TPP voted on by the end of 2013; Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!
The Covenant with Abraham stipulated “Do not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan” Why? Ham and his mother gave birth to the genetically inbred Canaan; Isaac and Jacob complied; Ishmael and Esau did not and married Hittite women. What about Ishmael? The United Arab Emirates led by Abu Dhabi and Dubai are protected by the US Navy 5th Fleet. Abu Dhabi has even been given a US Customs Pre-clearance Facility with others planned for Dubai and Qatar. Why on Earth would the US grant Ismaili Dictatorships known for hosting the world’s largest Global Arms Bazaars the right to by-pass US Customs? Treason.
The connection between Ishmael and Esau is their Hittite Wives; as first born sons, one of the privileges was to become “Priests”. Muslims are led by Ismaili Priests (Imams); Christians and Jews are led by Edomite “Priests” and “Rabbis” Neat trick eh? Just remember Jesus warned of this in Mat 23:8-10. Guess who originated as a Hittite God? Santa. Good ole jolly St Nick in a Red Edomite Suit, drunk on Red and White Psychociiibin Amenita Mushrooms with presents for the Tree. Jesus hates the doctrine of “Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:6;15) because they destroy His flock by Elevating themselves as Clergy! And not just anyone was made a Priest either; only the Lowest “So they feared the LORD, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places…” 2 Kings 17:32 Guess what we call these “priests of the high places”? Father, Master, Rabbi and Reverend! Guess what’s on the national flag of Qatar? The same Evergreen Tree used by America on its first national flag. Good wholesome tradition? or Hittite deception? One Nation Under God? Don’t kid yourself, Congress means “To meet for War”; the US Congress has long ago sold America out to Ismaili based Wars. “Ishmael will be a wild man, his hand against everyone, and everyone’s hand against him” Gen 16:12-16 Abram was 86 when Hagar bore Ishmael; America is about to be 86’d from Treason.
Obama Care was created by the Heritage Foundation, the same “Neo-con” Think Tank that created Mitt Romney’s Health Care system in Mass; it was Shepherded by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. Say the Shahada “There is no God but Allah” and the forced Insurance and Penalties of Obama Care no longer apply to you. Mandatory Commerce between Individuals and the Federal Government violates the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution. Obama Care was signed into law on 3/22 at 3:22UTC because in Gen 3:22 Adam falls for the Serpent’s Lie; Society 322 aka Skull & Bones Society is the “Brotherhood of Death”. Death Panels, Dhimmitude (Arab Slavery), Jizya (Arab Tax on non-Muslims) are all part of this Ismaili-Edomite “Dominion”. Making more sense why Obama bowed to King Abdullah now?
Democrat Ezekiel Emanuel was Obama’s Science Czar, Obama Care architect and Global Warming Guru. Best way to combat Human caused Global Warming? Eliminate the source of CO2 and CH4 of course. This is why the CDC and HHS is planning for an “Unprecedented Slaughter of Animal Carcasses after Thanksgiving”. Bye Bye Farts and Breath in both people and their food! Who thought up this little “Pearl of Wisdom”? Mitt Romney and Barack Obama’s personal adviser Dr Henry Kissinger “Control Oil, you control nations. Control food you control people”. Make more sense why the Mormon Church owns 2 million AC of farm and ranch land in America now?
Ezekiel’s father is Chicago Dr Benjamin Emanuel was/is and Irgun Terrorist who bombed the King David Hotel in 1946, a watershed event in the creation of Israel. God’s redemption of Jews? Hardly The Star of Molech on the Flag is a dead giveaway.
Ezekiel’s brothers are Ari and Rahm. Mayor Rahm, is a Sodomite member of Man’s Country, the same Chicago Bath House sodomite Barack Obama belongs to.
Ari is a Hollywood talent agent for Michael Moore, Larry David and Sacha Baron Cohen. Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 blamed Bush Jr for 9/11. The Skull & Bones Sodomite inducted by John Kerry can’t tie his own shoes; get real. Moore’s Bowling for Columbine with 330 Freemason Charleton Heston blamed access to handguns and automatic weapons for Columbine. Guess that explains why SWAT, NORTHCOM and FBI were on-scene in minutes yet allowed the rampage to go on for 3hrs on the same day of the year Waco was torched and the AP Murrah Bldg was blown up. Want to know more truth than watching the news? Watch Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat or The Dictator The problem is when Truth comes out in slapstick fashion like this or on Family Guy most of us tend to “Throw the baby out with the bathwater” Listen carefully when Sacha says Saddam and Osama are living at his house. Cohen means Priest; Samaritan Priest thus Sacha Baron Cohen is literally a Jewish Imposter Priest of the Lowest Class. Just a crack up eh? Here is his sick humor in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRbxIHi9zw&feature=youtu.be Finally, who doesn’t think Larry David is a hoot? Pissing on pictures of Jesus Christ is just brilliant fun eh Ari?
Thanksgiving is a celebration of Native Slaughter; Christmas (Christ Mass) is a celebration of the annual, repeated slaughter of Jesus Christ. Edomites know full well Jesus is God, the issue is they rejected God selling any God given inheritance for a bowl of Red Beans. Jesus Christ is the “Word made Flesh” so it is no coincidence Christmas infiltrated the Christian Church with Emperor Constantine in 313 AD and Jesus put 313 ! as a “Woe” in the God Inspired texts that became the KJV. Christmas is not a Roman Catholic Papal tradition; it is Satanic. It was no coincidence Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE on 3/13/13 as Jesuit (read Chaldean) Pope Francis I was elected at 7:06 Italy Time. Micah 7:6 describes our enemies being in our own house, Dan 7:6 describes the 3rd Beast aka Edomite “Dominion”; 7X6=42 months of Great Tribulation beginning with Edomite “Dominion” and 7+6=13 the number of Rebellion to God!
11/22 is the 50th anniversary of JFK’s Masonic sacrifice codenamed the “The Big Event”
JFK’s speech calling Secret Societies “Repugnant” got him killed by none other than Mr “October Surprise” George Bush Sr (Nazi George Scherff Jr). JFK Jr was murdered for threatening to expose George Bush Sr’s involvement in his magazine George. Here is George laughing at the “Deluded Gunman” Theory at the funeral of 330 Mason Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren’s Commission member, also a 330 Luciferian Freemason, Gerald Ford. http://12160.info/video/bush-sr-laughs-at-jfk-shooting.
Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy were murdered for trying to eject the Bankers from US Control; Greenbacks and Silver Certificates were not subject to Private Bank control. Lincoln and Kennedy were named after their grandfathers. Both had genetic diseases. Each lost a son while president. Each lost a sister prior to serving shortened terms due to their assassinations. Both married dark haired 24 year old spouses who were previously engaged and fluent in French. Both were elected exactly 100 years apart to the Congress; Lincoln in 1846 and Kennedy in 1946. Both were elected to the Presidency exactly 100 years apart; Lincoln in 1860 and Kennedy in 1960. Both were elected with less than 50% of the popular vote, and both had their elections legally contested. Both were intimately involved with civil rights and negro oppression. Both had personal advisors named Billy Graham. Both had dreams of being assassinated and both were shot in the back of the head on a Friday with military autopsies performed. Their killers were known by 3 names, each having 15 letters and both killers were born exactly 100 years apart; John Wilkes Booth in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald in 1939. Both killers were themselves killed before their trials with colt revolvers and prior to even being allowed to tell their version of the events. Lincoln sat in box #7 and Kennedy rode in car #7. Both were succeeded by southerners named Johnson who were both accused of involvement with the assassinations. Both Johnsons were born exactly 100 years apart; 1808 and 1908. Both were born to fathers who were janitors. Both were elected to Congress 100 years apart; and became president exactly 100 years apart after their predecessor’s assassinations.. Both rode in the same horse drawn caisson in mahogany caskets after being killed, Both funerals occurred on rare 20 year conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter. A week prior to Lincoln’s assassination, he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week prior to Kennedy’s assassination, he was with Marilyn Monroe. Lincoln was shot in “Ford’s Theatre” and Booth hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln made by Ford and Oswald hid in a theatre. Still don’t think God has an active role in world affairs?
With JFK gone, Freemason traitor LBJ was able to escalate New Deal era spending on his “Great Society” and use the fabricated “Gulf of Tonkin” incident to escalate the Vietnam War. JFK stated he would “Bring the Advisers out of Vietnam”; he was referring to Operation Phoenix Assassins like Oliver North and Colin Powell, running drugs for Jesuit Cardinal Francis Spellman. JFK attempted to eliminate the Federal Reserve Bankers with Silver Certificates, and JFK promised to “Splinter the CIA into a million pieces”. In Frame #313 in Abraham Zapruder’s film shows moment the “Magic Bullet” impacted JFK’s skull; magic? Or an ! from God? New bibles change the Exclamation Point ! to Hallelujah’s; might want to use those new bibles for Yule Logs and get a KJV.
The first Muhammad Army formed on 3/13/624 AD at the Battle of Badr. “Bandar Bush” (business partner with the Bush family and Carlyle Group) aka Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan and his Wahhabist brother Salman bin Sultan have a new $multi-billion, fully trained and equipped, 250,000 man personal army called “Mohammad Army”; now you know why CIA trained Mujahedeen (Warrior of Allah) Barack Obama bowed in submission to their “October Surprise” father, King Abdulluh (Servant of Allah). King Abdullah supplied the BAC-111 Poppy Bush used to secure release of Iranian hostages after his election to the Reagan White House. The House of al-Saud are called “Brigands of the Desert”; followers of British Agent Muhammad Abdul Wahhab. These guardians of Mecca and Medina guard the real Mt Sinai in NW Arabia (ref Gal 4) with US forces, and now have an openly al-Qaeda military “Muhammad Army” working in concert with Edomite King Adbullah II (another Servant of Allah and Grand Orient French trained Freemason) in Jordan and Zionists in Israel. Waking up yet? Hey isn’t Mt Sinai in Egypt? Russia trains SAudi Generals and the US Army trains Egyptian Generals; ain’t this just a hoot?
US, Jordan, and Israel training and equipping al-Qaeda is not as bad as having John Kerry waiting for the Russian ship “Mol Comfort” to arrive in Jeddah with 5000 shipping containers full of weapons destined for al-Qaeda. Now you know why Saudi Generals like Bandar are trained in Moscow.
Nour M, a Turkish ship with 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles was seized enroute to al-Qaeda “Rebels” in Syria; Hey, isn’t Turkey supposed to be a US ally? We’ll find out on Thanksgiving Turkey comes from Turkomen aka Mohamadens!
Jesus as Priest of the Most High (Melchisedek) called down to the Cross and His body “Trans-substantiated” by the Pagan Priest (Kahn Baal) into the Wine and Bread for Consumption (Cannibalism); add the Hittite Santa and a Grove, some Mistletoe and it just warms the Hearth eh? Turkey comes from Turkomen aka Mohammadens and the Guinea Fowl Aztecs domesticated in Mexico; like the Turkey, Americans have been Domesticated and Fattened; if lucky, Presidential Pardoned, but more than likely we will be slaughtered just like the Natives in America. How about the Christmas Goose? The ancient symbol of the Babylonian Divine Child ready to be sacrificed is a little expensive thanks to Tea Party darling Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger. In 35 years of Military and Commercial aviation I have never been hit by a single Goose, yet Sully managed to run into a flock of Canadian Geese migrating in January (Sure!) without so much as a feather, blood splat or bent compressor blade. “Control Food you control people”.
“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” Mk 13:13. Why 13:13? “But the men of Sodom were wicked sinners before the LORD exceedingly” Gen 13:13 “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” Rev 13:13. Ishmael was 13 when he was circumcised; he only copied what Abram in his Covenant with God did for Isaac at 8 days of age as God instructed. 13 is the number of Rebellion; you can trust God’s Word and become Holy by separating from this Chaldean-Ishmaelite-Edomite deception or you can join the Chaldean Yuletide. Yule means Infant in Chaldee; when this 2013 “Beast” is born, America’s Goose will likely be cooked! Time to get right with Jesus Christ; ditch the Priests, Imams, Rabbis and head for your “Prayer Closet”. 2 minutes of your time will with 100% certainty change your address for eternity!