Updated Updated US Memorial Day
Spiritual Name
There one SPIRITUAL NAME by which Salvation is offered to Man in the 8th and final Covenant; that’s every Man, Woman and Child. JESUS. Jesus (Jah), the Flesh Name of Salvation in the 7th Covenant was rejected. In the 6th Covenant Name “I AM”? You guessed it. Rejected. Reject the 8th and Hell for Eternity will be your new home.
There is one place every individual has access to where JESUS can offer SPIRITUAL BAPTISM of the Holy Ghost.
Your Personal Prayer Closet.
Rapture? Tribulation?
There is no 7 yr 2520 day Tribulation or pre-Trib Rapture mentioned in Scripture. The 1260 Day Great Tribulation follows the 4 Horses. Initiates of the “Alfalfa Club” handle, handle care and feeding of the White, Red, Black and Pale Horses in America. Alfalfa means “Fresh Fodder”; Fodder are Pawns of War. Initiates like John Kerry, Jeb, George, Marvin Bush, Henry Kissinger or Alfalfa Club President Bob Gates know this well; Gates not only trained Obama as a Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah) in the early 1980’s; he arms funds and trains Isis Mercenaries at Benghazi and is also Boy Scouts of America President inaugurating Sodomite Scout Masters. The term for this is Pederasty.
Earth Dwellers look for signs of the times and Jesus is giving it to them. The 8th Tetrad of 4 consecutive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 also has 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei making the event a once in history event.
On Memorial Day the President of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems in Moscow Konstantin Sirkov “Geologists believe the Yellowstone Super-volcano may explode at any moment…Russia must take US advances on our border seriously…A small Megaton size warhead detonation in Yellowstone or along the San Andreas Fault triggering a Coastal Scale Tsunami and America’s Infrastructure would collapse and the US would just disappear”. Spoken like a true Satanist; Edgar Cayce predicted this by channeling Demons; Bahai prophecy predicts this as well as does the Cambridge Earth Sciences Dept who were in Nepal ahead of their Earthquake coincident with the CERN startup. No need for a Nuc Warhead when EM Scalar Weapons (Assymetrical Warfare) have been used for 50 years “We have a tremendous new weapon that if not used responsibly may destroy all life on Earth” Nikita Kruschev 1961 “Nations are now engaged in Eco-warfare, triggering earthquakes, creating volcanic eruptions…” Samaritan Satanist William Cohen 1996. Who gave Russia Nikola Tesla’s Patented EM Technology? The US of course, after Prescott Bush had Nikola Tesla murdered in NYC he gave the technology to fellow Satanist Joseph Stalin.
US Patent # 4628299 “Predicting Earthquakes by means of Ambient RF Detection” US Patent # 3611365 “Predicting Thunderstorms using Ambient Electrostatic Field” Why no warning in Sichuan China? in Haiti? in Indonesia? in Fukushima? in Nepal? Are these guys at Ambient Tech in San Francisco smart? Or pawns in a far larger game? Why let the Patent expire?
500 day warning by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of Climate Chaos Sept 22,2015
Jesuit Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change due June 24, 2015 (He believes in the Big Bang, Evolution, and Global Warning for Pete’s sake) and Papal visit to America Sept 22-27. Darwin’s Evolution Theory began in the Galapagos Is May 25th; Masons attain Sovereignty at the 33rd Level. On May 25th, perhaps not coincidentally the Wolf Volcano began erupting after 33 years dormancy; 33 human vertebra support the Temple of Wisdom (Skull); Jesus was 33 at the Crucifixion. 33% of a Year from May 25, Francis will visit America and the UN; 2015 is the UN “Year of Light” and 100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Relativity Bull Shit. Coincident with the Papal visit, CERN will attempt to prove God did not create the Universe, or Man; the Big Bang ie Atum ejaculated the Universe the Stars which exploded to create Atoms which make up Man. (no I’m not kidding), one of 10500 such Universes where Carbon based life is a mere toss of the dice and causing Global Climate Change. How does it feel to be one of 10500 Universes where the God Particle holds Atoms together at the Quantum Level and gives Order to Chaos in the Universe? Hold your watch up folks, in Sept 2015 Time is Up, like Zedekiah in Jerusalem, we are all sinding in the mire pit; a nice way of saying Cesspool of Chaldean Bull Shit.
Jade Helm 15 “Master the Human Domain” moved up to June 15-Sept 15, 2015 beginning with Raider Focus (Raider “Person who collects plunder in war”) Jesus warned against worshipping Creation rather than the Creator 6 places in Scripture and returns to “Destroy those who destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18
34 volcanic eruptions along the Pacific “Ring of Fire” as of May 2015
CERN increasing power to 13 TeV May 29, 2015; detection of Mirror Universes using ALICE (Rabbit Hole) scheduled for Sept 24, 2015. Shiva the Destroyer is in front of CERN for a reason. The moment CERN restarted particle collisions, the Scalar EM engineered Nepal Earthquake occurred. When CERN doubles power the Earthquake movie San Andreas debuts; when CERN resumes particle collisions in Sept 2015, the Satanic Jubilee begins with the reconciling of Quantum Mechanics (Graviton/God Particle) and General Relativity. Hermeticism in the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes “As Above. So Below” or “Laws of Sympathy and Attraction” became public with Nicholas Copernicus’ Helocentric Theory (God created Earth before the Sun and says Earth is Fixed); Johannes Kepler wrote math equations describing this apparent motion; Giordano Bruno proposed Earth like Planets with Aliens and the relative insignificance of Man; Galileo and Newton introduced the magical “Force” of Gravity; Albert Einstein (rather his 1st cousin wife/relative) introduced Relativity; Fred Hoyle and Lord Kelvin proposed “Panspermia” originally a Jesuit Lie proposed by Fr Athanassius Kircher; Darwin (rather his grandfather Erasmus) proposed Evolution from Panspermia (Evolution from Alien Pond Scum); Richard Dawkins proposed there was no beginning; Stephen Hawking (Stephen=Martyr/Crown; Hawking is Horus) lent his fraud name to String and M Theory saying “Watch for Aliens to be like Columbus…when they arrive it will be the same” ie Disease and Destruction. Hermetic Bull Shit ends with Hawking, the 45 yr ALS survivor from Cambridge. Fitting because Cambridge Apostles also wrote the underlying Greek texts for every new bible version and henceforth lost the ability to speak.
NOAA warning of a “Super El-Nino” causing Climate Chaos
“High Noon” Sun on Mabon (12 O’clock=12 House?) reaching the Altar in St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris on the Brass (3rd Beast Kingdom=Esau; Dan 7:6) “Rose Line” Sept 22.
Kol Nidre and Feast of Atonement Sept 22-23, 2015. Forgiving of Sins planned in advance; neat Satanic trick eh?
Asteroid impact and Tsunami warning near San Juan (John) Puerto Rico for Sept 24, 2015
Flood Warning emphasized in the movie Evan (John) Almighty for Mid-day Sept 22
“Rapture” Warning for Sept 24, 2015 Jesuits created this Lie just like Big Bang Theory, Gravity Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Evolution Theory and Pharaoh Ramses as Exodus Pharaoh.
All these converge Sept 13-22 (Feast of Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles), 2015 Why? Esau sold his Birthright Covenant with God to his brother Jacob for Beans and will soon have Dominion (Gen 27:39-41KJV). Their intent is to “Harvest” people in Covenant with God.
Frogs: 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet
The Roman Catholic Church is not the Woman Riding the Beast, nor the Whore of Babylon, nor capable of handing out 7 Vials of God’s Wrath in Rev 16. Witchcraft (Craft) is the Luciferian Beast.
Jesuits “Society of Gesu” have nothing to do with Jesus or the Catholic Church. Basilica of St John Lateran is the Mother Church of the Jesuits and Hidden Seat of the Bishop of Rome considered the “First of the World’s Churches”; “Mother of All Churches” and Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of Truth (Amen=Truth) of the “Hidden God”.
Lateran means “Hidden Frog”; the 3 Unclean Spirits (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet) are like Frogs. Gesu is the “Grand Architect” of Masonry and “God Particle” or “Grand Geometrician” of CERN giving Order to the Cosmos and Mass to Matter. Don’t buy this BS! Gesu is not God and never will be; Gesu is Lucifer, the Dragon, Serpent, Devil aka Satan (Rev 12:8) Want to contribute to the Edomite cause?
Esau rejected his Birthright Covenant with God and was renamed Edom=Red. His written intent is to kill everyone in Jacob’s physical and spiritual family. Red Nose Day May 21. Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer hides a more Sinister side; Rudolf means “Fame-Wolf”; he leads Santa (Red Suited Shaman) on his Solar Solstice journey as “Solis Invictus”. Why May 21? Gemini the “Twins” begins then; Remus and Rommulus (Rome), Castor and Pollux (Greece), Horus and Set (Egypt) symbolize the conflict between Esau and Jacob the Gemini “Twins”. The Twin Towers were destroyed 14 years ago, replaced by the fully insured One World Trade Center or Freedom Tower. Esau is Free at last! But not for long.
The world’s largest Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) is in front of St John Lateran; originally erected at Karnak to the Hidden god “Amun” (Amen) worshipped by the adoptive mother of Moses and Female Pharaoh of the Exodus Hatshepsut (Ramses II is a Jesuit Lie) then moved to Circus Maximus (Circe=Circle=Congregation) and finally to the Plaza of St John Lateran. (Review the Red Kachina Prophecy; this site may be where the Mask is removed) St John Lateran is dedicated to “Christ the Savior” in honor of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist; not Jesus Christ. The OT and NT combination is called St John the Divine whose Mother Church is the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. The symbolic union of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism is about to unleash the Beast. When? The statue in front of the Cathedral of St John the Divine indicates the period of Cancer (June 21-Jujly 22) in 2015? We will soon see.
Modern day Hospitallers inherited the role of the Knights Templar (currently serving as the Vatican Swiss Guard) are Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Their intent of to create a Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS UPON THE EARTH of the Roman Catholic Church and a Scapegoat for “Economic Babylon” (Physical Babylon “Gate of the gods”) in order for Lucifer, Antichrist and False Prophet to be accepted.
The Papal visit by Pope Francis proclaims the Carroll family detailed the plan for America at its birth.”Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is the Jesuit/Rosicrucian motto of the US Dec of Independence. Happy in Welsh means “Wise”; Property ownership is not possible because Pope Francis believes in the Welsh forgery called “Donation of Constantine”. Papal land ownership was then surveyed in the Welsh “Doomsday Book” published by Bastard King William the Conqueror and his Royal fake Jewish (Edomite) Bankers from whom Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney descends, and were later expelled for Usury in 1290 AD. 700 years later Poppy Bush started the Gulf Wars with “Shock and Awe” (Shekinah means Presence of the Deity Lucifer).
Francis sits on the Hittite Cathedra “Teaching Seat” as Bishop of Rome in St John Lateran Basilica in front of the largest Obelisk dedicated to the Egyptian god Amun (Amen) in the world. Amen means Truth; Jesuits like their Egyptian Priests of On predecessors Lie. In this word Cath we see Cathay=Cathar= Heth=Hittites; and Catharsis “Discharge of Pent up Emotion” He is well aware of the Jesuit BS teaching legacy, Military and Usury that are part and parcel Jesuitism “Society of Gesu”; the G “Grand Architect” in “Freemasonry” and the G in CERN’s “God Particle”.
Pope Francis will head to Repair the cracked Liberty Bell, Esau’s Liberty from the Yoke of God (Gen 27:39-41KJV) closes the 8th Tetrad and inaugurates the Satanic Jubilee 50 years after the 7th Tetrad Jubilee “6-Day War” and founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco (San Andreas may ring a Baal) with the demise of America as Scapegoat “Babylon” (Rev 18) the Gate of Osiris (Bab=Gate of On=Babylon). The Sodomite Marriage, Big Bang, Evolution proponent will symbolically shake hands with US Protestant Calvinism (TULIP Total Depravity, Un-conditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Fixed Pre-destination) all Calvinist BS which like Jesuitism is in direct opposition to all things God wrote in the Bible. JESUS calls this the “Falling Away” and it’s coming soon.
Sign of the Times
The Jesuit trained Carrolls donated the 10 SQ MI tract of land that became the US Capitol (Womb of Jupiter/Zeus) in Washington DC on the 77th Longitude; 77 being Aleister Crowley’s “Ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter”. Not part of the US, the Federal Government enjoys Sovereignty as does the City London Corporation and the Vatican. Rather than kicking the Satanic Jesuits to the curb, the US under Reagan (actually Satanist “Poppy” Bush Sr) gave Jesuit Ambassadors super Ambassadorial status above all others. Drugs for Weapons from Vietnam to Columbia to Afghanistan has been the Jesuit legacy and ISIS (Throne) their greatest and final creation..
Carrols also control Brugge Belgium; home to the Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” and GHW Bush’ “1000 Pts of Light” Cupola under which 1st born children are sacrificed daily by the Mother’s of Darkness like Barbara Bush, Aleister Crowley’s “Babalon” daughter; the progress of the New World Order written is written with their blood (Ref Marc Dutroix affair and Jimmy Saville affair) In addition to the Mother’s of Darkness the Carrols control SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Transactions) that is threatening to remove Russia; WWIII will surely result.
WWIII was planned on the Feast of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871, the anniversary of the founding of the Jesuits in the crypt of St Denis (Dionysus) by Belgian Jesuit Fr Jean Pierre De Smet, the handler for Mormon Church Mason/Witch Brigham Young and Masonic Sodomite Albert Pike. Islam against Zionism to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion. Sounds lovely doesn’t it?
High Noon means “Event or confrontation likely to decide the final outcome of a situation”; “High Noon at the OK Coral” symbolizes followers of JESUS opposed by people initiated with the Mark of the Beast; the OK hand sign made with your Left Hand forms the 666. WWIII? We’ll soon see. Brass represents the 3rd Kingdom; the 4th Kingdom of Iron is Satan and his short lived rule on Earth. Witches refer to the day as Mabon, the day dedicated to the Captain of King Arthur’s Army. At the end of the Brass or Rose Line at St Sulpice is the Aquarius Symbol at Dec 21, 2015; on top of the mythical burial mound of King Arthur is the Aquarian Cross. The Buddhist spiritual leader Dalai Lama will join The Who for the Glastonbury Festival June 24, 2015 “Feast Day of St John” in the Vale of Avalon for the 33rd and possibly final festival before the return of King Arthur. He said “I want to Re-incarnate as a mischievous blonde woman” Sept 22, 2015 will in all likelihood, be a very big deal. Having a personal relationship with JESUS will ensure the outcome of confrontation will be in your eternal favor.
Sept 13, 2015 marks the end of the 7th 7 year period or “Shmittah Year”, and begins a Jubilee; the 120th Jubilee in world history? Not quite; more like the start of 7 Trumpet Warnings of the Great Tribulation by my count (Just a guess at this point).
Feast of Trumpets 2015 begins with a New Moon and Solar Eclipse will start the Civil New Year on Elul 29-Tishrei 1. God’s New Year began 6 months before this. 7 years later will be Aug 7, 2022, coincident with 9 Av (Tisha b’ Av), the day the 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed for the same reasons; Worship of Tammuz. The Bar Kokba Revolt (declaring yourself God will draw God’s ire every time) and Alhambra Decree (Crypto Jews ejected from Spain) happened on this date as well. The DJIA fell 7% when it re-opened and closed on Feast of Trumpets after 9/11/2001 it fell 777 pts or 7% again exactly 7 years later. 9651.51 was the DJIA on 9/11/2001 and 8 yrs later is hit the exact same number; quite a Jubilee eh? NOT! God doesn’t control the stock markets, man does.
Pre-Trib Rapture is a Jesuit Lie invented by Fr Francisco Ribera SJ and Fr Manual Lacunza SJ ; no matter what or what doesn’t happen this September, don’t feel “Left Behind”; Tim LaHaye lied too, as did Plymouth Brethren John Nelson Darby and Rev Cyrus Scofield as well as most all Study Bible Note authors.
On April 22, 2015 the FBI and One World Labs
(The Owl of Wisdom on their logo is the Bohemian Grove Owl “Molech”) warned Commercial Airlines to watch for hackers taking control of the aircraft via the IFE (In-flight Entertainment); BS! The IFE is not connected to aircraft systems, but the US Patented “Boeing Un-interruptible Autopilot” is. Motorola spin off Freescale Technologies has patented RF Chipsets to control most every internet connected device from land, sea, air, space transportation to banking to the electric grid. “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household” Mat 10:36; it was this way in the Old Testament as well (Micah 7:6) Perhaps the most influential “Foe” inside the House is Big Bang, Sodomite Marriage, Global Warning, Evolution proponent, Jesuit Pope Francis I.
Burden of Palestine
“And here we go” These words begin no holds barred fights inside the Octogon; Pope Francis just initiated the final confrontation in the longest running feud in history between the religions founded on Abraham inside the Octogon, the Star of Isis and foundation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Freedom Flotilla III sets sail May 18 for Gaza. The Jesuit controlled Vatican proclaimed the Sovereign State of Palestine for a reason; WWIII may be one incident away. The Flotilla is led by Marianne, the French Goddess of Liberty symbolized by the Red Phrygian Cap used by Revolutionaries in France and America. Masons have used the time tested slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” to initiate Revolutions all over creation and as they were in France, the US has some 30,000 Guillotines and 200+ Internment Camps at the ready.
“WWIII is a Jesuit/Masonic (Fr Jean Pierre De Smet/Sodomite Albert Pike) plan put in writing on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871; WWI built up Nazis; WWII exchanged Nazis for Communists (Hitler and Stalin both Brotherhood of Death initiates); WWIII will pit forces of Political Zionism (Israel-Talmudism; Evangelical Christianity) against Islam (Sunni, Shia including Nizari Assassins and Twelvers aka Hagarenes). The goal of WWIII is the acceptance of the Doctrine of Lucifer, Mark of the Beast and Freedon from God, seen in the name Francis, servant of the Black Pope, Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas, the final personification of the Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity ie Satanists on pulpits teaching lies) Jesus hates (Rev 2:5;15). Note: Jesuit Fr De Smet was also the handler of Luciferian Mason/Witch Mormon Church Prophet Brigham Young; buckle your seat belts folks!
May is Maya, the mother of Hermes/Mercury; the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes spells the now 6000 (actually 5997 1/2) year goal our “As Above; So Below”. On the Ides of May the Vatican (Divine Serpent) officially recognized Palestine as a Sovereign State drawing the predictable ire of Muslims and Israel; all stage managed by Sovereign Luciferian Masons. Abraham joins Islam under Hagar-Ishmael-Esau; Israel under Jacob + followers of Jesus spiritually grafted to Jacob; and eastern religions under Keturah.
Isaiah 14-28-32 describes the Burden of Palestine; most new bible versions change Palestina to Philistia to confuse this prophecy with the Philistines. Modern Palestine like Israel is a British (B’Rith-ish=Covenant of Birthright) creation; Palestine from the Mandate of Palestine in 1920 and Israel in 1948; they are Masonic creations. Modern Palestine is not Philistia nor Edom.
Burden of Damascus
Isis took control of Palmyra May 20; the US and Russia (Ref Mol Comfort and Nour M) funded, created, armed and trained international mercenary army of locusts and frogs. Congress will likely approve deployment of 15,000 “Fresh Fodder” troops. The Temple of Baal-shamin (Temple of Hadad/Zeus/Helios/Baal/Jupiter) in the City of Date Palms (equivalent with Christmas Trees). The timing of the movie Jupiter Ascending is likewise no accident. Sept 22, 2015 “Kol Nidre” Talmudic Rabbis who ordered the Crucifixion will absolve the sins of the congregation for the 2016-17 “Jubilee”; the 50th Year since the founding of the Church of Satan on “Year One Satan” (Anno Satanae), 6-Day War, and 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles.
“Damascus is taken away from being a city no more..it shall be a ruinous heap” Isaiah 17:1 the Burden of Damascus is yet to see fulfillment, as are the other Burdens of Assyria, Babylon, Moab, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Tyre described in Isaiah, some are to be fulfilled after the Millennium others at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Pay close attention to the Restoration of Israel beginning at Is 11; modern Israel is not God’s Restoration of Israel.
Modern Israel is an Edomite (Rothschild/British=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant) creation. Edomites know the days are approaching fast when none shall remain alive (Ref Obadiah); Those days end at Armageddon (Mt of Slaughter) as Pope Francis knows well. On the visit to Jerusalem in 2014, Pope Francis prayed at the wall separating Bethlehem from Israel; rather symbolic as this is the joining of the 2 Sticks in Rev 11:1-4 and Eze 37:16. Folks, the joining of the 12 Tribes of Israel will be done by Jesus at the 2nd Coming, not Edomites before the Great Tribulation! STAY ON THE PORCH!
Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV makes clear “Jacob shall no more rise…”. The reason given in Amos 5:26 is worship of the Star of Molech, the current flag of modern Israel. Israel is not Jewish; nor God’s gathering of the “Dry Bones” (Eze 37); it is a stage managed Masonic fraud. Luciferian Mason Netanyahu is Ashkenazi; Ashkenaz is the grandson of Japheth not Shem ie not Semitic, not part of Israel/Jacob or Judah. Palestine is managed by Luciferian Mason Mahmoud Abbas. Iran (Aryan=Noble Caste) by Luciferian Grand Orient (Rising Sun) Lodge Mason Ayathollah ali-Khameini; Iraq by Luciferian Grand Orient Mason Ayathollah ali Sistani and Jordan (Idumea) by Luciferian Grand Orient Lodge Mason King Abdullah II; this only names a few. Grand Orient Lodge Masons are initiated in Paris (Par=House of Isis); Isis means “Throne” or “Satan’s Seat”.
Jacob’s Trouble in Jer 30:7 is after the Millennium, coincident with “Gog and Magog”. Jesus established the return of Israel as “Shiloh” (He whose it is) in accordance with Gen 49:10 prophecy given to Judah. Jesus does the joining of Israel (Northern 10 tribes) with Judah (Southern 2 tribes) in accordance with Eze 37:16-22; Rev 11:1. Notice in the KJV Juda is spelled without the “h” in Rev 7; this because JESUS is God in Spirit, the “h” means “God is with me”. When He returns so will the “h”. This event must therefore match Joel 3. Notice Joel 3:20 says Judah shall dwell forever and Jerusalem… Currently Jerusalem is in Heaven “The mother of us all” (Gal 4); Physical Jerusalem is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth…” bringing with Him “the ark of his testament” ie Ark of the Covenant; the 10 Commandments JESUS wrote as ” I AM” to Moses to become JEHOVAH. In flesh, Jesus then was called Jehovah.
The point here is the bible is a 7000 year pre-written prophecy including the Millennium, a foregone conclusion occultists/Luciferians vehemently deny. The Word of God both Old and New Covenants are not subject to the slightest modification!
Recognition of Palestine was also a foregone conclusion. Theologians (Liars) have long claimed Palestine is Esau, who comes against Judah and are utterly destroyed (Obadiah) at the 2nd Coming. This is not the case; Esau is as prophecied in Gen 27:39-41 KJV: Wealthy (fatness of the earth), Priests (dew of heaven) and obtaining “Dominion” (Sovereign authority to rule); an authority given to them by JESUS. (Ref 3rd Beast Dan 7:6 and the Luciferian 4th Beast in Dan 7:7)
Modern Palestine and Israel are Masonic projects. Every Israeli PM was/is a 33 degree Sovereign Luciferian Mason. Every Palestine leader is likewise a 33 degree Sovereign Mason ie Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat. The Peace Accord attempted by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both 33 degree Masons has finally come to fruition as will the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque and construction of the 3rd Temple in its place, complete with the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” currently in Berlin
Understanding (Prophesy) Scripture is the key. JESUS is the only way to understand the fact that the Inspired Texts of the KJV are the only true Word of God in print. Every word, Jot and Tittle is as it needs to be for us to figure this out. No Study Bible Notes, just a literal reading and prayer will put you in covenant with JESUS.
Rosh Hashanah Sept 14, 2015 (Rabbinical Head of the Year; Feast of Trumpets; Solar Eclipse). Rabbinical date Kol Nidre (All Vows) Sept 22, 2015. Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur or Feast of Atonement) Sept 23, 2015. Feast of Tabernacles Sept 28, 2015. Above all else is the admonition to “Swear not” meaning make no Oaths. Why? God will hold you to them. Kol Nidre negates any Oaths made in public, guarantees Salvation by writing the initiate’s name in an alternative Book of Life and forgives all Sins the congregation plans to commit during the coming year. Great deal; too bad it’s Satanic Bull Shit. The New Covenant is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man; 8 is the number of Eternity represented in 8 people saved in the Ark. 8 years ago the movie Evan Almighty made its debut. Evan means John as in St John the Divine, a Satanic combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist immortalized at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. In front is a statue of St George killing the dragon, standing atop a Sun/Moon union which is atop a Crab (Cancer June 22-July 21) cutting Satan’s head off; all this atop a DNA Helix rising from a pond. The Feast of St John is June 24. In Evan Almighty , God’s order to enter the Ark in Gen 6:14 is emphasized as is Sept 22 at Mid-day, the exact time God instructed Noah (Evan) to board the Ark, an Ark built specifically in Washington DC. At the Cathedral of St Sulpice in Paris, a Brass Oval at the Altar marks the Sept 22 Equinox; on the Gnomon Pillar marking the Dec 21 Solstice is an Arrow pointing to the Aquarius symbol.
September means 7th Month; 22/7 is an approximation of Pi, the Circle of Heaven brought to Earth by builders using the Square and Plumb. “Behold, I come quickly…” Rev 22:7 does not refer to the 2nd Coming but to the restoration of God in Spirit with God in Flesh in the presence of Man when creation is 7000 years old. Masons believe a Circle can be Squared; this idea is in stone at the Great Pyramid; close but no cigar! This “Dominion” lasts forever as described in Dan 7:14; Esau’s “Dominion” as the 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 lasts about a minute because Edomites hand control over to Lucifer, the 4th Beast. Looking at Sept 22 as 7/22 we have the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles represented; one problem; Feast of Tabernacles ends on the Great Day when Jesus was Circumcised in fulfillment of the 7th Covenant between God and Man. Tabernacles is 15 Tishrei + 8 Days=23 Tishrei. Luciferians can’t see this because they are blinded by the light.
JESUS baptizes with Fire and the Holy Ghost aka “Living Water”. JESUS Circumcises His followers in their Hearts. The Satanic baptism is on the horizon, why not get a real Baptism and sit back and watch the greatest show on earth? That loud knocking on your Prayer Closet Door is JESUS, why not let Him in?
44 years ago in 1971, C Alan Martin posted his angelic (demon) inspired vision of America’s 44th President being its last; having a Foreign born, Sodomite, unable to produce a valid Birth Certificate, or Social Security #, unable to E-Verify for employment, not sworn-in to defend the Constitution, sharing the White House with a Transvestite who wore #44 playing football for Oregon State University will likely fulfill this vision; Why 2015? The 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses coupled with 2 preceding Solar Eclipses inaugurating the 50th Year Jubilee following the 7th Tetrad, Founding of the Church of Satan, coining of the term Al-Qaeda (Ibn Sayyid Qutb in San Francisco) and 6-Day War perhaps? A Satanic Jubilee kicks off the Age of Aquarius in America, the land of the Edomite Shepherd “Amurru “. When? Feast of Trumpets of course.
May 9, 2015, the 70th anniversary of V-Day; Stalin’s (Talmudic fake Jew Iosif Dzhugashvili) victory over Hitler? Hardly, both men were Jesuits and both initiated into the Brotherhood of Death and knew the Masonic playbook quite well. WWII was only the 2nd leg of a 3 stage race to Hell.
Sodomite Confederate General and Sovereign Worshipful Grandmaster of Scotch Rite Masonry in the US Albert Pike (actually Jesuit Fr Jean Pierre de Smet) wrote the plan for 3 World Wars on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871, also the anniversary of the first Satanic Jesuit Oaths on Aug 15, 1534 in the crypt of the Cathedral of St Denis (Dionysus/Lucifer): WWI to build up Nazis; WWII to trade Nazis for Communists and WWIII to put Islam against Zionism.
Celebrating Stalin’s pre-planned “V Day” over the Nazis (Stalin and Hitler were both initiates of the Brotherhood of Death Society), the US Government ordered all 50 States to turn over all 192 Apache Gunship Helicopters to the US Army in exchange for Blackhawk Transport Helicopters; absolutely illegal; it seems pretty clear the plan is to take out America and it’s Government from my vantage point.
Also on V-Day, 14 mostly western/southern State Governors, specifically the ones targeted in Jade Helm 15, were threatened with charges of Treason for attempting to defend their states using State Defense Forces aka Well Regulated Militia. All 50 States used the Fasces Logo for their National Guard Units; most all are in debt to the Federal Government (Unconstitutional) who in turn is in debt to the IMF. The US is a CORPORATION with a CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES. Citizens have no Rights and all 50 State Governors know this. Balance Sheets balance Debt with Assets, recorded on secret accounts called CAFR’s (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports). Why CAFR? The acronym hides the real meaning Kafir, Arabic for Infidel, Unbeliever or one who rejects Allah, the god of Islam. Takfir means “One who judges a Muslim an Infidel” such as ISIS (Throne) or Sharia (Revealed) Law Judges, trained, financed and armed by the US. Allah is the 4000 year old Arab moon god Sin folks. Muhammad a Quyraish Bedouin of Mecca descended from Korahites (Num 16) who rejected God, Moses and Aaron. You can worship Sin or God, but not both. Worship Sin and you will die eternally in Sin.
Sept 22 is Kol Nidre; members of the Synagogue of Satan will have their names written in Talmudic Rabbis Books of Life. This book claims Jesus is writing in Hell in His own boiling excrement. About as Blasphemous as it can get. I suggest you make sure your name is written in Jesus’ Book of the Life while there is still time. You do this alone in your Prayer Closet, not in Church listening to Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes.
70 Weeks = 7X7 Weeks=490 Days
There is no Rapture or 7 yr Tribulation. Daniel’s 70th Week (Dan 9:24-27) is 7 Days Pretty difficult to understand eh? Both are Dispensationalist. Dispensationalism originates in Amos 7:2-3;5-6 KJV; new versions have God changing His mind and raising Jacob/Israel up; the KJV correctly states “Jacob shall no more rise”. God doesn’t and cannot change His mind, because He wrote the Word of God in advance of Creation as Alpha and God cannot Lie.
Jesuits created Dispensationalism, pre-Trib Rapture and the 7yr Tribulation Lies; Kansas con man Cyrus Scofield put this garbage in Study Bible notes and Tim LaHaye made a fortune selling the Lie. The other major Lie in our time is Gog and Magog; the world’s final rebellion against God occurs in Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium; Russia, Yemen, Iran etc have nothing to do with this. Jeremiah refers to this as “Jacob’s Trouble” (Jer 30:7), One problem; Jacob is not in Israel and will never rise; made clear in Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV. Jacob is in Diaspora (Scattered) as are followers of JESUS grafted on to Jacob via the New Covenant.
2520: Time, Money, Land
2520 days =7X360; 7 years of 360 days. 330 Mason, Rosicrucian Gravity liar Isaac Newton believed the 2520 lies, as did William Miller (Millerites), Ellen White (7th Day Adventist), and Mary Baker Eddy (Church of Christ Scientist). The 2nd Coming (Advent) of Jesus Christ does not happen at Advent; the Advent of Sol Invictus (MIthra) happens after Advent at Christmas aka Saturnalia. Prophecies concerning the 70th Jubilee (70 Weeks of Dan 9:23-27) rest on interpreting 70 Weeks as 490 Years, a pre-Tribulation Rapture, the 70th Week being a 7 Yr Tribulation and Jesus’ Crucifixion being 31 AD. Jesus was born 1 1/2 years before Herod died in the Spring of 4 BC; His birth was Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC; His Crucifixion was 33 1/2 years later on Passover 27 AD. Folks, AD “Anno Domini” means “Year of our Lord”, but that Lord is Molech, Baal, Satan, not JESUS/JAH/JEHOVAH.
What will happen at Advent? MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIM. America was set up as a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Rev 18). America will be weighed in the balances (the ones symbolizing the Justice Dept where Sodomite Albert Pike’s statue stands. Belshazzar used the furnishings of the Temple for an Orgy and saw those words written by the hand of God on the wall. Congress and Sodomite Barack Obama should look at the wall behind them.
America will be found wanting; $18Trillion Debt, $50 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and $700 Trillion Derivatives will tip the scales hard over. America will be judged. When? First, note the KJV uses CAPITALIZED letters meaning this is a SPIRITUAL Judgment, not a physical one. JESUS does the SPIRITUAL Judging. New bible versions often change this to Mene Mene Tekel Upharsim because this is a physical Judgment, specifically relating to Citizens who write their Names like this Howard Ratcliffe and are given a CORPORATE FICTION at birth like this HOWARD RATCLIFFE which appears on their Social Security Cards, Licenses etc
Mene is a physical amount of money equivalent to 50 Shekels; Tekel is a Shekel; Upharsim is 25 Shekels. Mene=50 Mene=50 Tekel=1 Upharsim=25=126 Shekels. Eze 45:12 is the division of land during the Millennium; a Shekel equates to 20 Gerahs. 20X126=2520. New bibles emphasize the 2520 days by changing Upharsim to Peres. In this rendering Mene=1000 Gerahs; Tekel=20 Gerahs and Peres=1/2 Mene or 500 Gerahs for a total of 2520 days. 2520 days=7yr Tribulation which follows the Rapture of the Christian Church according to Jesuit Liars and their Wolves in Sheep’s clothes standing on Nicolaitane pulpits Conquering the Laity with Satanic Lies.
7X77=539; there are 539 nautical miles from Babylon to Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to Patmos Is; the fall of Babylon in 539 BC reinforces this 2520 theme as well as Mene Mene Tekel Upharsim. 2520 thus represents Money, Time and the Earth; all things Earth Dwellers worship rather than God. Aleister Crowley said 77 is the Sublime Septenary; the ultimate manifestation of Spirit in Matter. This is why Washington DC is on the 77th Meridian.
Another problem placing faith in numbers is seen in BC-AD. Jesus was not born at Christmas 1BC-AD, he was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC some 2300 days before Anno Domini “Year of our Lord”. Daniel 8 illustrated the last 2300 days before the 2nd Coming; hearing about it directly from Jesus and Angel Gabriel made perhaps the bravest man in Scripture faint and get sick for days. Time to get JESUS on your side; times are going to get very difficult.
Now When? The Aquarius Symbol appears next to an Arrow (Symbolizes Air Superiority) at the Winter Solstice marker on the Gnomon Pillar at St Sulpice Cathedral. On that day, the Sun will rise between the Trilothon Stones at Stonehenge, near Glastonbury Tor where the Aquarian Cross stands atop the mythical site of Avalon. Jesus promised His return would be as they were in the days of Noah when the Flood hit; Aquarius is the “Water Pourer”. A Solar Eclipse on 1 Tishrei (14 Sept) and a Lunar Eclipse on Feast of Tabernacles (Sept 28) end the 8th Tetrad and begin a Satanic Jubilee Year.
Witches call Sept 23 Mabon; today, at least in public, burnt offerings of grain largely replace the gruesome human sacrifices in fires to Molech. The Satanic Jubilee begins Sept 22 at Mid-day the Sun will strike the Brass Oval on the Sacrifice Altar at St Sulpice; the exact time and day emphasized in the Flood Movie Evan Almighty and in 2015, the date which aligns with Kol Nidre “All Vows” when Talmudic fake Jews (Edomites in Robes) will guarantee Salvation, negate all Vows and Oaths and forgive all Sins their Congregations plan to commit the following year. Pretty coincidental don’t you think?
Daniel’s 70th Week is not 7 yrs, it is 7 days; the final Week is called the “Covenant with Many”; mid-week the 2 Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) will be killed and rise 3 days later, on the 7th and final Trumpet “3rd Woe”. Jesus bodily resurrects His followers and unleashes 7 Vials of Wrath the next day; arriving with a sign nobody knows called “The Word of God”. Time to read it. It is called Authorized Bible for a reason and Masons had nothing to do with it.
This is a pretty good round-up of Dispensationalist thinking and how CERN figures in; do not believe her Rapture or Dispensation Lies. CERN is complete BS! CERN is a cryptogram for Cernunnos “Horned One”; Horns like Snake Skin shed and renew stronger every Solar Year, hence CERN hides Lucifer/Satan as Sol Invictus (Mithra), born at Christmas. Jesus was conceived on Hanukkah and born on Feast of Tabernacles; Satan is conceived on Easter and born at Christmas; it’s opposite day in Satan’s world..
There is no Force of Gravity, Black Holes, Dark Matter, or Star Gates (Worm Holes) or Mirror Universes; all this is Satanic nonsense popularized by Luciferian Mason, Rosucrucian Isaac Newton, Zionist Albert Einstein and New Ager Stephen Hawking.
Satan is the “god of Forces” in Dan 11:38 who promises Freedom and Liberty. Example, Isis means “Throne”; Benghazi is Cyrenaica aka “Synagogue of Libertines”; the US, Russia, Iran, China all arm Isis from Benghazi with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Abu Dhabi et all (Kingdom of Ornus=Kingdom of the Snake) laundering and brokering the transactions.
Jesuits began in the crypt of St Denis (Dionysus, Bacchus, Al-Khidr, al-Mahdi, Green Man) Cathedral on the Feast Day of Lucifer 15 Aug 1534. Francis means “Free”; the Pope’s visit to America is Sept 22-27, 2015. Washington DC (Columbia=goddess of Freedom), NYC (UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine) and Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love refers to Esau) over Sept 22-27, 2015 does not portend a Rapture of the Christian Church. It refers to the escape of Edom, Ammon and Moab from the Alternative Messiah in Dan 11:48. The Church of Philadelphia is the “Synagogue of Satan…those who say they are Jews but are not”.
Sept 22-27, 2015 does not portend Planet X. Planet means “Wanderer”, a reference to Cain as a Vagabond/Fugitive on Earth; X means “Messiah”. 3600 yr orbit? BS Immanuel Velikovsky made this nonsense up by adjusting dates to fit his agenda; this is generally written in the Syriac Peshitta, the Aramaic (Syrian) version of the bible. Noah’s Flood 7200 years ago; Exodus 3600 years a go. The latter is close; the Exodus happened in 1492 BC. Generally speaking, there are 400 years represented in Egyptian captivity, Judges, Kings and the Inter-testament period. 2000 years Creation to Abraham and 2000 years Crucifixion to 2nd Coming. Keep it simple folks, God didn’t make this difficult to grasp; it’s all written down. Noah’s Flood happened 1656 years after Creation; bank on it; therefore we can rely on the Flood happening roughly 4300 years ago which matches Dendrochronology, Radio-carbon dating and Radio-metric dating which all show a catastrophic earth changing event at the same time about 4300 years ago. Hopi Shaman and Nostradamus also wrote false timeline in the Blue Star/Red Kachina Prophecy and 2 Suns Prophecy outlined below. Don’t fall for the BS; Sept 22, 2015 to April 30, 2016 (Passover) will likely make for a spectacular Beltane Jubilee.
The cracked Liberty Bell was cast in White Chapel, London where Luciferian Mason, Druid, Sodomite Winston Churchill’s father and Lodge Masons in the London Police Dept were “Jack the Ripper” just as al-Qaeda and ISIS are homegrown. It has Lev 25 “Proclaim liberty throughout the land…” referring to the (7th Shemita Jubilee). The problem here is Israel and the Star of Molech are not Jewish nor the gathering of Jews by Shiloh (Gen 49:10) because JESUS is Shiloh. Jerusalem is currently “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8) in bondage to Sin; Spiritual Jerusalem is in heaven and the mother of us all (Gal 4)
The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius: France=Free; Foreign refers to anyone not in covenant with God; Minister=One who works for another ie Lucifer; Laurent means Laurel “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” refers to the Cathar prophecy of the Crown of Bacchus/Lucifer; Fabius means Bean or Something of little value; the Beans Esau traded his relationship with God for) and John Kerry (SMOM/Jesuit/CFR/Bilderberg/Alfalfa Club/Luciferian Mason/Samaritan Kohen=fake Levite) wearing Tekhelet Blue, announced the 500 day timetable ending with Climate Chaos on Sept 22, 2015 Tekhelet is the false color of the Levites (Kohens are fake Levites) made using Canaanite techniques (Murex Trunculus secretions exposed to UV Light). They are flatly saying Climate Chaos will happen Sept 24-25, 2015 matching the Jesuit Pope’s visit on Feast of Atonement. On the night prior on Kol Nidre, Talmudic Rabbis will write the names of the Congregation in their own Book of Life and forgive the sins of the Synagogue of Satan; these Sins are Sins they plan to commit the following year. That year is the Satanic Jubilee, 50 years after the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco in the “Hotel California”
A Guardian Angel (Demon) delivered a message to Benjamin Solari (The tribe of Benjamin is prophesied to Ravin as a Wolf dividing the spoils; Solari means “Son of the Sun”) Parravacini, a plan much like C Alan Martin’s in 1971 (Pres 44=Obama=the Last American President) or St Malachy (Molech) in 1136. His vision said “The Pope shall leave the Vatican in his travels and reach America whilst mankind falls”. Pope Francis’ visit to America is timed with the end of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Feast of Tabernacles and CERN’s ramp up in power in the Vain attempt to prove Dark Matter. A Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah, the Rabbinical “Head of the Year” will signal the start of the Rabbinical Jubilee Year, the 50th Year after the founding of the Church of Satan and 100th anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
Note the other prophecies concerning the Sun as God; this is a Satanic Lie. The Celtic Cross symbolizes “Repair of the Earth” and has nothing to do with God. “New Humanity” refers to those in Covenant with Satan through the Mark of the Beast.
The movie Evan Almighty portrays Steve Carrell as Noah (As in the days of Noe, so shall the coming of the son of man be) The movie also mentioned Sept 22 mid-day as the day people in Washington DC need to board the Ark. Whether this means Congress will take refuge in underground bunkers like Greenbrier remains to be seen. On Sept 22, Priests at St Sulpice in Paris will mark the spot on the Brass oval in the altar where the Sun hits, to begin their own version of the Jubilee during Feast of Trumpets. Evan is Welsh for John as in John the Baptist, the greatest of the Old (7th Covenant) Covenant. John Kerry is a Johnnitter or Knight of St John of Jerusalem.
Satan promises Freedom and Liberty, God promises eternal life and a rule with inviolable rules which are today as they will be in the Millennium, as they will be for Eternity, as they were in every Covenant between God and Man; “Love God” “Love our Neighbor”. During the Millennium for example, Feast of Tabernacles is the only mandatory Pilgrimage and Holy Feast in Jerusalem (Ref Zech 14:18) Why? Earth was created and it’s Creator born on Feast of Tabernacles.
The Nepal (Mt Everest is Chumolongmo “Earth Mother” because Noah’s Ark settled there) Earthquake hit at the exact minute/second CERN started its particle stream at 7 TeV with a team in place warning of “The Big One”; rather coincidental eh? On July 4, 2012 CERN claimed proof of Gravity aka “God Particle”. This theoretical particle gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe. God says Earth is Fixed (Ps 93:1; Job 26:7); Gravity forces Earth to move.
On Cinco de Mayo (CERN smashed the first Light Particles; NOT! 5 May is the ancient Beltane, not Mexican Independence but rather the birth of Communism and its founder Karl Marx, the Birth of Evolution Theory and the birth of manned Space Flight) CERN announcing the first collisions of Photons is BS! Einstein’s theory of Photons dictate them being a “Force Carrier” with No Charge and No Mass; CERN uses Magnet Fields to accelerate Protons, CERN cannot accelerate Massless, Charge less Particles. 7 Hz is called the “Earth Beat” because the Speed of Light divided by the Earth’s circumference is 7sec. Sept 24, 2015 CERN plans to increase power to 13 TeV (13 is the number of Rebellion and Rev 13 is the start of the Great Tribulation). An earthquake? Likely so, Jade Helm 15 wraps up then, so everyone will be in place for the San Andreas earthquake (Andreas Lubitz means X=Messiah or Peace and Love; Germanwings was a Sandy Hook style fake designed for occult communication)
14 western/southern state Governors were threatened with treason for attempting to use State Defense Forces to protect their States. All 50 State Governors keep CAFR’s (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) and know the Fasces symbolizes their National Guard Units; all are committing Treason. This was their Muammar Qadaffi moment.
Nice timing! An undersea Volcano is now erupting along the Straits fo Juan (John=Evan) de Fuca; a Tsunami among the northwest coast coupled with earthquakes along the San Andreas Fault? San Andreas and its movie promo “We always knew this day would come”, Jade Helm 15 assets in place and warnings of San Andreas Fault Earthquakes by the same morons using the same exact wording “Big One” who were in Nepal ahead of the 7.8 earthquake to brief residents of Kathmandu of “The Big One” is rather coincidental eh?
No question Sept 23-25 is shaping up to be a big deal, but Rapture? No Way. Begin of 7 yr Trib? No Way. Rev 9:11? No Way. Start of Great Tribulation? Remember the Doves released by Benedict XVI and Francis were attacked by a Seagull and a Crow/Raven 2 years in a row? The night Benedict resigned to become the first Pope Emeritus, lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice. God is noticing and warning us! In Mat 16:18 Jesus established His Church on His Divinity; Satan established his Church on Small Stones like Peter.
Tomorrow World started in Belgium on the Feast Day of Lucifer 2005; an electronic music festival Sept 25-27, 2015 near Atlanta Georgia. Why Electronic Music? Electrons are Light, not Photons; the Elect or Illuminati are “Sons of Light”; Lucifer is the “Light Bearer”. Music began with Cain’s grandson Jabal (Harp and Organ), the Divine Music of Religion which mimics God creating the Universe with His Voice.
Pope Francis is Pope #112 and Last Pope according St Malachy; real person? Hardly, Molech=Malach=Satan. He will certainly not lead the Congregation through the Tribulation as the book “Petrus Romanus” claims. When the Great Tribulation begins, the world will be Free of God and the restraints on Esau will be removed. This will be the “Strong Delusion” to believe Satan’s Lies which deceive the entire earth (Rev 12:9) Even the Hopi planned for this at Prophecy Rock “Red Kachina=Esau will remove his mask at the plaza before the un-initiated” Will this be at the UN Plaza in Sept 22-25, 2015? Time will tell, but we do not have the luxury of Time on our side to warn others. We need to do this now!
Writing on the Wall
www.One-heaven.org/ (+ seven other sites just like it) declares the Pale Horse was released 12/21/2012.
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn when Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II is elected; Pope Benedict is #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 after releasing 2 White Doves on “Peace Day”; they were attacked by a Seagull. Francis had the same thing happen on the same day in 2014 by a Crow and Seagull. There was no person St Malachy; Malachy is Baal-Moloch, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Saturn. The prophecy was written by Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16)
Prophecy of Benjamin Solari Parravincini 1938 “The Pope shall leave the Vatican in his travels and reach America whilst mankind falls”. A Brass oval on the altar at St Sulpice Cathedral marks Sept 22; the Solstice is marked by an Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar. The movie Evan Almighty highlighted Sept 22, the Papal visit to America and Kol NIdre “All Vows” coincide to conclude the UN and CERN “Year of Light”
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. Do the Math. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan “Green Man”. French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the “Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth” (Lateran Archbasilica), the seat of Jesuit Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome.
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad” www.al.kidr.org/ Sheikh Nazim adul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014 al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George. War seems inevitable in 2015.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the Ecumenical Council of the Lateran in 1517 (The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Martin Luther. Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason.
Mormon White Horse aka Blood in the Streets Prophecy states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain”
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Sochi is the ancestral home of Circassians (goddess Circe=Circle) the “White People”. Prophecy Rock in AZ puts this plan in stone. “After the arrival of Blue Star, Red Kachina, the “Purifier” will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. Red Kachina is Esau (Edom=Red) who intends to kill his brother Jacob (Gen 27:40KJV). White Brother is Lucifer; the White bearded Jesus is a Gnostic creation. You will want to be “Uninitiated”! The Word of God outlines the need for this in Rev 11:1-2 and Eze 37:16. Stay on the Porch!
Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” Jesus sets up the Judgment Seat at the end of the Millennium over 1000 years from now; Nostradamus lied. The Sun will reach the Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar of St Sulpice Cathedral on Dec 21.
“The death of “Mabus” will herald thirst, hunger and a cataclysm when the comet runs” Obama nominated Ray Mabus to Sec of Navy; Navy means Navel. Mabus is a CFR Traitor, RAND Center, ex-Saudi Ambassador who will head the Navy salvage of Deep Water Horizon in 2015. Is this comet Planet X or Blue Star Kachina? No way. Operation Blue Beam can put just about any image people want to see on the Ionosphere; like the advertisement says “Ion Television, Positively Entertaining”.
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet channeled a demon who predicted Russia would be die and be re-born to become the hope of the world…Freedom; Christ’s kind of Communism. The Sochi Olympic Logo was a Bear Cub; the Re-birth of the Russian Bear. Tobolsk (Tobol River) has nothing to do with Tubal and Meshech (sons of Japheth) in Eze 38:2; the battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7) not now! Baphomet means “Union of Logos and Sophia”; the Tobolsk Kremlin and Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk were made for the “Prestige” the 3rd and final act of the “Great Work” of Lucifer.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12. Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama wore #44 playing football in college; Obama is President #44; the Obama Nation becomes the Abomination in occult jargon.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is a Jesuit, “Operation Condor” operative who took over the Vatican on 9 Mar 1513.
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age; those predictions are the Demonic Playbook.
The last Prophecy is a real hoot!
North Georgia Guide Stones erected by RC Christian (Rosicrucians) iin the Gravestone capital of Georgia calls for killing all but 500 Million people. 4 pillars and 8 languages recorded in 8 languages record this Earth Worship goal. On the English language face was a Corner Stone engraved with “2014”; the Cornerstone was removed in April at the start of the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles. On top of the monument is Blood, also recently placed. Pretty obvious the Blood is America, soon to be offered as a sacrifice. When? Sept 22 is 9/22 “And almost all things are by the law purged by blood” Heb 9:22 The 8th Tetrad of Lumar Eclipses ends Sept 28, 2015.
Bab and Baha’u’llah: Bahai prophecy says “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” This lie is the source of Edgar Cayce’s lies. Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape! “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36; Ps 44:22. Problably coincidence the US has President #44, a Cross-dressing First Lady who wore #44 playing football for Oregon State, and scripture ends with Chap 22 eh? NOT!
American Pharaoh and the Sign of the Times
The term “Blue Bloods” (Royalty) originated with the Kennites. American Pharaoh won the 2015 Kentucky Derby in Louisville (named after King Louis VIV of France known as the “Sun King”; from the land of the Kennite Sun King the 2nd race for the Triple Crown moves on to Baltimore “Pharaoh’s Town”, and then to Elmont (Mount of El/Saturn) NY for the Belmont (Mount of Bel/Baal) Stakes.
Barack aka Bari Malik Shabazz, son of Nation of Islam leader and Sovereign Prince Hall Mason Malcolm X has a name meaning, Bari=Solar Barque; Malik=Molech; Shabazz=Royal Falcon the symbol of the Egyptian sun King Horus or First Race aka Horites. Obama believes he is a Kenyan (Kennite) descendant of Pharaoh Taharqa, the “Last Pharaoh” related to Menelik, the un-biblical, mythical son of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. Obama is thus a Foreign born Shepherd King as were the Hyksos Pharaohs of Egypt. Hydsos were a mix of Ismailis, Edomites and Canaanites called Amalekites, who are at “War with God from Generation to Generation” Ex 17:16. Amalekites became Pharaohs who assumed control of Egypt; one of their own now occupies the Great House (White House) with his cross-dressing partner Michael (Michelle), a Priest of Ameru (Serpent Priest; Ref cousin Rabbi Funnye Capers) from Ethiopia (Cush), guiding America (Edomite/Canaanite Serpent) just as Nimrod did 4300 years ago in Babylon. Michael even wore #44 playing football for Oregon St and Obama is Pres #44. Michael believes he pulling off this charade; related to the Cross-dressing Hyksos Pharaoh of the Exodus Hatshepsut who did the same thing only in reverse. Hatshepsut was so hated, her name was removed from Hieroglyphics.
It’s really quite an amazing accomplishment so many people are mesmerized by this charade, even when it is fairly common knowledge Barack Obama has no valid Birth Certificate from Hawaii, valid US Passport or verifiable college transcripts. He is also a member of the Chicago Bath House “Man’s Country”. Here is symbolic proof all is not what it seems.
This year’s Kentucky Derby was won by American Pharaoh, with jockey Victor Espinoza. Victor=Victory; Espinoza means “Thorny Thicket”; the thicket the Ram was caught in as a substitute sacrifice for Isaac on the place where the 3rd Temple will soon be built in Jerusalem. The story of American Pharaoh began 8 years ago.
8 years ago Big Brown won the Kentucky Derby, a horse chosen and betted on by Barack Obama who had just changed the logo on his B-757 campaign jet to a Prince Hall Mason designed setting sun amid red and white stripes (Identical to the Carbon Fund Logo except the latter is Green). Sarah Palin prepared in advance by setting aside Prince Hall Mason Week while AK Governor, a Masonic Order of the First Race “Shabazz” open only to Blacks. Like Hillary Clinton, she and John McCain had no intention of winning. Hillary chose and placed her bet on 8 Belles, a nautical term which means Mutiny or End of the Watch; 8 Belles broke both front legs simultaneously near the finish line, and Big Brown became the winner. 5 months later in Kentucky, Hillary ended her run for President in Kentucky in front of a US Flag with all 50 Stars sewn on upside down; the symbol represents Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes.
Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Persian for “He is with us”. President #44 was predicted by C Alan Martin in his demonic vision of the 12 houses; Michael Robinson wore jersey #44 playing football for Oregon St; his mother Marion Robinson conducts Santeria Rituals in the White House.
Barack and Michelle (Michael Robinson) have admitted numerous times his home country is Kenya, named after the Kennites as is Kentucky. Abraham’s wife after Sarah died was Keturah, a Kennite as was Moses’ wife Zipporah. Kennites originated the term “Blue Bloods”
Will Smith will play Ethiopian Pharaoh of Egypt Taharqa, whom Barack claims ancestry albeit secretly; a falsely claimed descendant of the Queen of Sheba (Notice Sheba plays a part in “Gog and Magog” in Eze 38 1000 years after the 2nd Coming) and Solomon (No such descendant is mentioned in Scripture but Sheba’s 666 Talents of Gold is). Michelle/Michael is related to Ethiopian Priest of Ameru (Ameru means Serpent and is one of the sources for the name America; Amurru is the name given to the Edomite Shepherd god) Rabbi Funye Capers in Chicago. Recall Exercise Jade Helm 15; Jade is the stone of Imperial China or Hittites (Sons of Heth=Cath=Cathars=Cathay=China=Sina=Sinai=Wilderness of Sin) Helm means “To steer a ship” as in 8 Belles. America is the substitute sacrifice for Babylon; the Alternative Messiah will rise from America’s ashes as a Phoenix.
6X6X6=216; the Cubes of 3, 4 and 5 added=216, the latitude of Obama’s falsely claimed birth in Hawaii (means Water and Breath of Life; the exact meaning of Pharaoh). 3-4-5 is represented in the dimensions of the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, Federal Triangle and 13,000Lb Satanic 3X4 Ft Altar in the UN Meditation Room.
“Change is coming to America”; “Yes We Can” and “A new beginning for Islam” are Obama’s campaign promises. Read the lyrics to The Who song “We won’t get fooled again”; it describes what Baltimore (Town of Pharaoh) began and relates the story of Esau being fooled by Jacob into selling his Birthright. Next stop for American Pharaoh is the Preakness in Baltimore (House of Pharaoh)
Kennites claim descent from Cain through Ham (Black) and his incest with his mother which carried the “Seed” across the Flood to Ham’s (Black) First Born Son Canaan, “Cursed” by this illicit union. The Holy Grail is this Cainite Bloodline or “Blue Blood”
Need more? Michelle is Michael a Cross-dresser with claimed ancestry to Priests of Ameru. Ramses II was not the Pharaoh of the Exodus, the Cross-dressing Hyksos Pharaoh Hatshepsut was. Hated so much for allowing the Israelites to escape across the Red Sea to ARABIA and 10 Plagues, her name was removed from Hieroglyphics. Hyksos were Amalekites at War with God from Generation to Generation, an Ishmaelite, Edomite, Hittite people known as the Priests of On or Priests of Horus. They were called “Foreign Shepherd Kings” who originally came from Crete (Cretans) to Egypt and once kicked out, they went to Thera where a Volcanic Eruption and Earthquake buried them alive in Lava and a Tsunami destroyed Knossos in Crete.
Obama is exactly that, a Foreign born Shephard King taught to believe he is the incarnation of the Pharaohs. Obama is Aryan “Noble Caste” meaning “He is with us”. Time to get right with JESUS folks!
The name by which man can find salvation is ‘Yahsuhua’, not Jesus!
The New Covenant is SPIRITUAL not Physical. Ps 68:4 JAH and Mat 1:25 JESUS (KJV has this SPIRITUAL form correct; new versions do not) are the Covenant Names JEHOVAH. Hu (Celtic form) and Shu (Egyptian form) are corruptions of Yah or Jah + Shu or Hu. Jah arose in Chiliasm, the goal of placing a Man on the Throne of King David in a re-built 3rd Temple, built according to specifications designed by Isaac Newton using the ashes of the previous Red Heifer to Consecrate the Cornerstone and ashes of the New Red Heifer to Consecrate the Kohannim “Chief Priest”.
432 Hz is the vibration of Consecration being the Square Root of the Speed of Light “c” where E=M X the speed of light squared; the radius of the Sun and factor in the radius of the Moon; the number associated with Water Harmony “Cymatics” and the Beast rising from the Sea. The number also factors in to the 2160 year Axis Precession and Age of Aquarius “Water Pourer”, timed with the Serpent descending Chichen Itza; the 365th day is the Precessional Time Clock Altar on top completing the cycle (7th Shemitah and 8th Tetrad) on Sept 23, 2015 “Feast of Atonement” when the Chief Priest repeats all 216 names of God; too bad there are only Alpha. Omega, I AM, I Am He, Melchisedek and JEHOVAH, Jehovah all Names Jesus/JESUS used.
Salvation is by one NAME only, JESUS; this is the reason the KJV was such a hot button with the Jesuits in the 1605 “Gunpowder Plot”; they knew the KJV would become the 7th purified and promised Word of God in Ps 12:6.
Yahsuhua, Yehoshua, Jahshua are all versions of Joshua not JESUS.
G-7 (G=7th letter; Liber 77: Book of the Goat) was held June 9-10. Topics: Relations with Russia; Fighting ISIS; TTIP; Ebola) “5th Congress (Congredi means “To meet for War”) of World Leaders and Traditional Religions” met in Astana, Kazakhstan. Topics: Global Ethics, Inter-religious Dialogue, Peace and Security. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape” 1 Thess 5:3. Who’s the child? Antichrist. Bilderberg meets June 11-14. Shssh, it’s a secret. 5th Congress sounds a bit like the 5th Ecumenical Lateran Council 700 years ago, the final declaration was read by a Jesuit (Gesu) French (Free) Catholic (Universal) Cardinal (Cardo=Door) President of the Pontifical Council of Interreligious Dialogue named Jean (John) Louis (Famous in War) Pierre (Peter) Tauran (Bull) who also just happens to be Carmerlengo of the Catholic Church responsible for distribution assets of the Holy See and determination of death of the Pope. The Prophecy/Plan of St Malachy (Molech) may ring a Baal; Pope Francis I is the Last Roman Catholic Pope elected to preside over the burning of Rome. The symbol of the Carmerlengo is 2 Keys, one Gold and one Silver “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of Forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things” Dan 11:37-38. God Particle and Transgender had better be ringing a Baal here folks.
Pope Francis’ letter addressing climate change to the world.
One of the speakers who will present the letter is Professor John Schnellnhuber, founding director of the Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Schnellnhuber has advised German President Angela Merkel on the threat of global warming. As reported by Breitbart, the professor has stated that the world is overpopulated by 6 billion people.
Schnellnhuber is well known for promoting draconian measures to combat climate change. In 2009 he proposed a CO2 budget for every individual on the planet. He has also put forth a “Master Plan” for transforming society that involves creating a system of world government including an earth constitution, a global council and a planetary court.
The Jesuit Mother Church of all Churches is ethe Basilica St John Lateran; Lateran means “HIdden Frogs”; The Hidden Frogs are the 3 Unclean Spirits in Rev 16:13 “Dragon, Beast, False Prophet Rev 12:9 further defines “Dragon, Serpent, Satan and Devil as the same entity. Jesus further defines Satan as Lucifer the “Angel of Light”
In a Basilica is a Cathedra “Teaching Seat”. A Papal Encyclical is a “Teaching Paper” delivered by the person deemed the Vicar or Vicarious Christ on Earth.
Pope Francis not only believes in Evolution , Big Bang, God Particles, Global Warning and Alien Baptisms, he believes Earth is overpopulated by 6 Billion people and wants a Global Council empowered to enforce Carbon Allowances.
June 18 is the start of Ramadan; under the Papal Cathedra is the Shahada “There is no God but Allah”.
The announcement of Prof Schnellnhuber was made on the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, a follow on to Man-made Laws in opposition to God’s Laws that began with Naram-Sin, grandson and successor to Sargon the Great. This followed by Lipit-Ishtar and the Amorite Code of Hammurabi in Nimrod’s day. Cathars are the Church of Amor.
Amor means Love, the change in new bibles in 1 Cor 13 from Charity to Love reflects this. Charity is the esteem and regard for God.
The reason Family Guy and Married with Children predicted Caitlin Jenner is Caitlin means Katherine or Cathar; this being 700 years after the 5th Lateran Council which directly led to the Reformation under Martin Luther who declared the Pope was the Antichrist (Beast).
THE ROMAN POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST/BEAST. This is Jesuit revenge pure and simple.
So was there any significant of Prince Charles coming to America with the Anniversary of the Magna Carta earlier this year. He aslo change to Belief of Islam or that just an Sabian tactic for WWlll???
Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton drafted and forced King John to sign the Magna Carta, man’s laws in opposition to God’s, on 15 June 1215 (15=6;6;6) Langton also divided the bible into 66 books (6 the number of man) rather than 49 (7X7). He mediated the dispute between Pope Innocent III and King John effectively making his Kingdom a Fiefdom of the Holy See. Innocent III called for the Albigensian (forerunners of the Cathars and Bogomils) and Muslim Crusades
Pope Francis’ Carmerlengo Jean-Louis Pierre Tauron is in charge of distributing the Papal See holdings which includes the British Empire and City of London Corporation holding most of the physical assets (Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Property) of the world. Much of it detailed in the “Doomsday Book” commissioned by Bastard Norman King William the Conqueror (Prince William is the 1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter). He will decide this on the Pope’s death and Francis is #112 and final Pope according to the prophecy of St Malachy.
Tauron is a Cardinal-Priest who read the final verdict of the 5th Congress of World Leaders and Traditional Religions June 10 in Astana Kazakhstan calling for Peace and Safety; l the exact words Paul used to indicate destruction coming swiftly.
Francis was elected on Red Heifer Day 3/13/13 after lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice the night of the resignation of Nazi Brown Shirt Pope Benedict . Twice now these men have released Peace Doves that were attacked as they flew from the Vatican Apartment.
Belief in Islam? In 1993 Charles allegedly converted to Islam. It’s fairly obvious he ordered the murder of Diana at the 13th Pillar of the Pont d’ Alma (Bridge of Souls) perhaps because Diana and Dodi Fayed had gotten pregnant. Guess the timing wasn’t right
Flag of St George (Orange and Black) seen flying over NATO base in Latvia June 12. The bronze statue of St George killing the Dragon is at the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. The Cathedral statue also features the Crab (Cancer June 21-July 22) cutting Satan’s head off.
Heads up, things are about to get ugly
WHO is proposing travel restrictions to S Korea because of MERS CoV. Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Med Center in Rotterdam weaponized H5N1 first using bird fesces fed to pigs in Shanghai and using the dead carbasses to create what is now called MERS CoV. When asked why weaponize Flu? He said “Because we can”. Bats not Camels transfer the disease and human to human transmission is likely.
“Human to human transmission of even a moderately fatal disease will becoime a plague of unimaginable proportion” MERS CoV at least in 2012 appeared to be 50% fatal. Ron Fouchier, Yoshihiro Kawaoka and a Saudi Arabian virologist created this mutated strain.
The bio-weapon lab in S Korea is called JUPITR. Korahites (Korea) and Priests of Jupiter should ring a Baal. Margaret Chan is an Officer in the British Empire working for Prince Phillip who stated he wants to be Re-incarnated as a Killer Virus. She is no stranger to Killer Viruses; she managed the 2003 Asian Bird Flu pandemic.
On a side note Bohemian Grove begins with Hi Jinx (2700 Men dressed in women’s clothes putting on plays in the Grove in front of Molech) July 2 and ends July 26, the same day 9 Av occurs in 2015. Destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples? Today the Temple of God is in Man and Woman who accept JESUS as LORD and Saviour. Buckle your seat belts folks!
On June 18 Ramadan begins; 3 million people in Mecca the same day Jesuit Pope Francis releases his encyclical on human caused Global Climate Change.
This is big!
Texas Pulls $1 Billion In Gold From NY Fed, Makes It “Non-Confiscatable”
Really Big. UofT used Endowment money 2nd only to Harvard U to purchase $1B in Gold Bullion and store them in HSBC (Hong Kong-Shanghai Bank) Vaults which were used as loan collateral to launder Drug/Weapon purchases for ISIS. Now the bullion will be stored in a TX Depository and declared Un-confiscatible. TX is the only State not legally bound to the US Constitution (Lone Star); the Texas State Flag flies even with the US Flag, not below it.
The plan was to set up another Confederacy with Jeff Davis as President after the Civil War. On Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 Confederate Albert Pike released his Jesuit written plan (Fr Jean Pierre De Smet) for 3 World Wars, the last to pit Zionism against Islam in order for the Doctrine Lucifer to be accepted.
A TX Magistrate Judge illegally declared BITCOIN “Legal Tender”; now it appears Gold is “Legal Tender” as Lambda Chi Alpha initiate and Super Conducting Super Collider thief Ron Paul has wanted all along. Remember Rabbi Dov Zakheim? He first bankrupted TX then the Pentagon as Comptroller under George Bush Jr
The US has no gold in Federal Depositories like Ft Knox, it was used to fund the Vietnam War. Texas will lead the States into Civil War and secession from the Union and the UN will step in to control the vast military resources.
On another side note, TX Gov Greg Abbott has a credibility problem with Wheel Chair Truthers who have been demanding proof he is actually a 30 yr Paraplegic.
Stephen Hawking has a similar issue, reports are he is a drugged sock puppet fed lines to say via computerized voice by a team of Jesuit handlers. Odd to say the least, but his recent Alien Infinite Universes declarations ahead of the God Particle and Mirror Matter experiments at CERN are Metaphysics at best.
Family Guy exposes the Hawking Fraud just as they did Caitlin Jenner
Stephen Hawking means “Crown of Horus”, if he is legit, how on earth can he survive ALS for 45 years? If not, why does he show up on the Lolita Express Jet at Jeffery Epstein’s private island full of underage prostitutes with the likes of Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, John Kerry et all?
My best guess is Hawking is an actor just like TX Gov Greg Abbott or MIchael J Fox or Magic Johnson (allegedly sick with AIDS for 30+ years) Just look at their names for Pete’s sake: FOX was the name Jesus gave to Herod Antipas F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6 or 666. Magic Johnson? Needs no explanation. They must be laughing their butts off
Family Guy and Married with Children predicted the Bruce Jenner sex change over 6 years in advance.
Pope Francis Focus on Family and Marriage Summit ringing a Baal here?
“Nothing in politics happens by chance; if it happened you can bet it was planned” FDR
Vladimir Putin Ex Wife Lyudmila Putin Claims “THE REAL PUTIN IS DEAD” and Replaced With a Body Double
Probably getting ready to assassinate the fake Putin to start WWIII
7 Homo
Six openly gay U.S. ambassadors meet in Washington in March 2015. They are, from left, Ambassador to Australia John Berry, Ambassador to the Dominican Republic James Brewster, Ambassador to Denmark Rufus Gifford, Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Daniel Baer, Ambassador to Spain James Costos, and Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius (Photo: Blake Bergen/Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies)
(CNSNews.com) – International free-trade agreements like those being negotiated with countries in the Pacific and Europe should help to export American values such as human rights, including for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people, according to seven openly homosexual U.S. ambassadors.
The seven, joined by the State Department’s first “special envoy for LGBTI persons,” Randy Berry, signed a joint letter published Tuesday in the national gay and lesbian news magazine The Advocate, and re-posted by the White House.
“Through the President’s trade agenda, we will not only support
sexual U.S. Ambassadors: Trade Deals Should Advance LGBTI Rights
3rd Rock predicted the Great Vaporizing Meteor of 2015 in 1996; a Geo-engineering event similar to Caitlyn Jenner being predicted in Married with Children in 1997.
Efran Rodriquez predicted a Meteor Impact after his passing in 2013 killing 750K for Puerto Rico causing a 12.0 Earthquake (an impossible number)
BP Alaska Oil Pipeline Chaplain Linsey Williams predicted a Meteor impact for San Juan for Sept 24, 2015.
April 25 is Robigalia (Robigus is the ambiguous trans-gender god of agriculture disaster equivalent with Mars/Aries/Nergal the UNKNOWN GOD or the Areopagus)Bruce Jenner announced his castration/sex/name change to Caitlin April 25, the same day CERN restarted, timed precisely with the Nepal Earthquake (Everest means Chumolomgmo or Earth Mother) in Kathmandu. (Kath is here as well)
Caitlin means “Pure”, seen in Catherine. St Catharine’s Monastery sits at the base of the fake Mt Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt where the Syriac Peshitta was found in a trash can; it should have stayed there.
Geo-engineered, FEMA planned Hurricane Katrina hit on the Feast Day of the beheading of John the Baptist precisely timed with a Gay Pride Event in New Orleans. On Sept 10, 2001 FEMA spokesman Tom Kennedy said FEMA had #1 priority, a Terrorist Act in NYC; #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans and #3 a massive Earthquake along the San Andreas Fault.
Cathars “Pure Ones” taught castration/celibacy and had female priests; female Anglican Reverends now want a name change of God to “She”. The Anglican Church is also considering re-baptism of Trans-gender persons.
Cathars predicted “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” ; this being 700 years after the Templar execution of Jacques de Molay in 1314.
Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”; the Lateran Basilica has the Papal Cathdedra (Cath again) “Teaching Seat” of the Jesuits; the Frogs being the Jesuit Scapegoats for the 3 Spirits; Beast, False Prophet and Satan in Rev 12.
Melchisedekians await the arrival of “Prince Melchisedek” at the 10th Jubilee (500 years) from the 5th Lateran Council 1512-1517 which started the October 31 “Halloween” Protestant Revolution of Martin Luther who declared the Pope was the Antichrist. THE JESUIT POPE IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST; ONLY THE SCAPEGOAT
Cathar means Cath=Sons of Heth=Hittites whose wives married Ishmael and Esau, symbolized by the Hittite Red Dragon (Satan=3rd Frog Spirit) in China=Sina=Sinai=Wilderness of Sin, original home of the Alternative Priesthood of the Korahites God swallowed in the Earth (Num 16). Fake Priests, Fake Mt Sinai making sense now? Jade Helm 15? Jade is the stone of imperial China; Helm=Steer a Ship.
Caitlin Jenner also has another little problem; his son in law impregnated his daughter while married to his step daughter.
Time to wake up folks!
Bob Gates is Alfalfa Club President for 2015.
Bob Gates managed Benghazi arming of ISIS and murder of Sodomite Chris Stevens.
Gates trained Obama in Pakistan to be a Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah) with Osama bin Laden (Taliban “Student” trainer Tim Osman) while CIA station chief under Ronald Reagan/George Bush
Gates led the way to the repeal of “Don’t ask don’t tell” which prevented openly Gay soldiers from serving.
Gates is President of the Boy Scouts of America and just changed the stance on exclusion of Gay Scout Leaders.
Sodomite Obama (Google Man’s Country; Jeremiah Wrights “Down Low Club” and lovers Mohammad Chandoo, Kal Penn, Reggie Love and 1st Cross Dresser Michael Robinson) was not sworn to defend the Constitution by LGBT lawyer and Sodomite Bush Jr appointee Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for this reason.
“Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”
2015 is the “Year of the Sheep” 2 Wolves feasting on a Lamb pretty much sums it up eh?
May 19, 2015 Pope Francis promoted Dominican (Anno Domini AD means Year of the Lord, not Jesus, but Satan) Fr Tim Radcliffe (name means from Red Cliff near London) to head the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace. Radcliffe says “Gay sex expresses Christ’s self gift” He says “Homosexual Priests should not be excluded, rather Priests who against this should be excluded”
Female and Lesbian Bishops in the Anglican Church are re-baptizing trans-genders and referring to God as “She” Why? Zeus (Lucifer) was suckled as an infant by a She-wolf). 2015 is the Silver Shielf “Year of the Sheep”; the 99.99% pure Silver Coins feature 2 Wolves devouring a Lamb.
Evangelical Tony Campolo says “After days of prayer, God has told me Full acceptance of homosexuality in Churches must be promoted”
Canada is dropping Gender from Birth Certificates.
Bob Gates accepting openly Gay Boy Scout Leaders.
Howard, I do love your work and grasp and understanding of words and their meanings and History.
I am also impressed with your understanding of Esau/EDOM, and the significance of EDOM in these end days!
I have been trying to awaken people to EDOMS impersonation, and importance also!
My web site is for the Christian “beginners” in understanding Gods word as it applies to EDOM, and I only hope to provoke further research from my readers. I am not that great of a writer, but those that have a willingness to understand will get a good start!
THANKS again,
Climate Change is a religion and is a depopulation movement.
Long considered the bible of socialist thought for progressives, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto has been an essential tool—kind of like a hammer and sickle—for politicians, union members, and tenured college professors to spread the idea that Marx’s work in the area of economics laid the basis for understanding labor and its relation to capital.
In the first two sections of his book, Marx describes the plight of the working class and how Communism holds the answer to the inequities suffered by the Proletarians (poor working-class) at the hands of the Bourgeois (the wealthy). In outlining his goals for how communism would accomplish this goal, Marx laid out the following:
Climate Change is a religion and is a depopulation movement.
Long considered the bible of socialist thought for progressives, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto has been an essential tool—kind of like a hammer and sickle—for politicians, union members, and tenured college professors to spread the idea that Marx’s work in the area of economics laid the basis for understanding labor and its relation to capital.
In the first two sections of his book, Marx describes the plight of the working class and how Communism holds the answer to the inequities suffered by the Proletarians (poor working-class) at the hands of the Bourgeois (the wealthy). In outlining his goals for how communism would accomplish this goal, Marx laid out the following:
Marxist Barbara Marx HJubbard said “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies; we do this for the good of the planet”
Marxist theology is written in stone at the Georgia Guide Stones and echoed by the Rio Earth Summit and UN Agenda 21 proponents Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Jacque Cousteau etc.
“They worshipped and served the creature (creation) more than the Creator…” These are the Earth Dwellers JESUS describes beg; inning Rev 14 with the Great Tribulation.
Pope Francis (Jesuit/Society of Lateran ie Frogs/Unclean Spirits) and Ban Ki Moon (Unification Church Moonie and KCIA) adhere to this Earth worship Church; humans are just CO2 and Methane producing cattle that use up wood, air, food and water.
A group of women in the Church of England want to start referring to God as ‘She’ to combat sexism – with critics deriding the proposal as a case of political correctness gone mad.
Former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe, who left the Anglican Church following the decision to ordain women priests, called the proposal ‘plain silly’ and ‘the work of a few lunatics’.
But the women priests behind the idea argued that using ‘He’ suggests men are closer to God and called for the tables to be turned on sexism in the Church.
One of the supporters of the idea, the Rev Emma Percy, chaplain of Trinity College, Oxford, said the dominance of male language makes women feel that they are less holy.
The chaplain, who is also a member of Watch (Women and the Church), the pressure group that helped win the argument for female bishops in the Church of England, said using the word ‘She’ for God would be more inclusive.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3104672/Women-priests-want-rewrite-Church-England-religious-services-God-called-SHE.html#ixzz3cHesbt1f
The United Nations Foundation, created by billionaire Ted Turner, along with a branch of media giant Thomson Reuters, will spend $6-billion to train journalists and to subsidize media content in 33 countries to promote UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), also known as Agenda 21. [This will happen prior to the UN Summit in September. The SDGs are collectivist agendas supposedly to end poverty and malnutrition. The subsidy approach is similar to the funding that the Gates Foundation has used to influence the British newspaper
Ted Turner aka RC Christian also financed the Georgia Guide Stones in the Grave Stone Capital of Elberton GA. The English Cornerstone inscribed with “2014” was removed and replaced with blood on the top of the structure in April 2014 to begin the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover.
Pope Francis will detail his plan for Sustainable Development at the UN during his September 2015 visit. Ban Ki Moon addressed the Vatican Global Warning Conference in April. Oct 4-5 is the Great Day of Feast of Tabernacles, the day Jesus was Circumcised in fulfillment of the Law; Oct 15 is the day the October Horse is sacrificed as part of Robigalia; this 2nd Race uses a 4 horse chariot called a Quadriga.
The Quadriga of Apollo atop the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin where Obama gave his “Yes We Can” speech twice (Kennedy and Reagan gave speeches there as well). Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamos or Throne of Zeus) is next door in the Berlin Museum. When that heads for Jerusalem you had better watch out.
Obama’s mentor Bob Gates is President of the Alfalfa Club; Alfalfa is Arabic for “Fresh Fodder”. Alfalfa Club member Henry Kissinger got the annual award this year in February; he said “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars”
American Pharoah takes the Triple Crown with a win at Belmont today, 6-6-15 breaking from Post No. 5 at 5:50 p.m. CDT
6-6-15 (todays date) or 666
555 (the gate and time of the race)
equaling 11 11 11
AP’s Trainer was seen wearing a cap with the “Monster” drink logo prior to the race. Homage to who may have had a hand in this historical and possibly significant win??
I put up a new page American Pharaoh on Daily Updates with this Travis. The Monster Logo has 3 Hebrew letters “Vav” meaning “Nail”; the 3 Nails used to Crucify Jesus. Vav is Gematrically 6 hence 666 “Mark of the Beast”. Monster Energy uses the Slogan “Unleash the Beast” on every can. Pretty obvious eh?
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; CERN intends to prove the God Particle and Mirror Matter (Dark Matter) on Feast of Atonement, one day after Talmudic Rabbis forgive the Sins of the Congregation for the coming Year on Kol NIdre.
Earthquakes were timed with CERN starting back up in Nepal, Aleutian IS and Japan. Mat 24, Lk 21 and Mk 13 are here, sounding the Trumpet is appropriate.
Great!!! That’s Looking forward to it. Also, Sabah earthquake in Singapore goes along with work mention about in the your Therenothingnew page as well. Man,What its feels like to know your ahead of these Guys moves every step of the way Haha
The peals of a ‘Jesuit bell’ welcome Pope Francis to Sarajevo
Sarajevo was where WWI started with the pre-planned assassination of Archduke Ferdinand; the war ended in Armistice on 11/11/18. The Jesuit Pope essentially said the conditions for WWIII are all in place. The Korean War also ended in Armistice. The sequels are also pre-planned.
Got EM —-Great Vaporizing Meteor Due In 2015″ Says 1996 TV Sitcom ‘3rd Rock’; ZWO Meteorite Agenda 1996 TV Show – 3rd Rock from the Sun
Tsunami-Hype Comes To CA: ‘New Study’ Says Los Angeles, San Diego At Risk For ‘Tsunami Disaster’; Geoengineered
Heard the new anti/terror bill to replace the patriot act to include algorithisms for PreeCrimes, heard anything o. This?
Freedom Act is Patriot Act on stealth steroids. It is essentially Spielberg’s Minority Report. The American-Russian-Turkey-Israel-Jordan funded Frankenstein (Google Mol Comfort and Nour M) ISIS (Throne) is flushing out true followers of JESUS and Freedom Act is deemed necessary to combat ISIS. It’s all quite the Satanic farce.
Biblically, this is described in Eze 37:16 and Rev 11:1 Our choice is JESUS/Judah/Porch or Ephraim/Altar. Choose the former.
Sign of the times…? Wolves eating a sheep on the 2015 Silver Shield Year of the Sheep 1 oz Silver PROOF Lunar Series coin.
“The 2015 Silver Shield Year of the Sheep is the first release in the Silver Shield Lunar series. This unique product fits perfectly with the ethos of the Silver Shield collection.
The obverse features two ravenous wolves feasting upon a downed sheep. A single sheep dog is howling a warning in hopes of awakening the rest of the ignorant, naive and docile sheep before it is too late. The wolves are baring their fangs and looking directly at us, daring us to try and avoid becoming their prey. The wolves symbolize the evil men who prey upon the unaware in our society.
The reverse shows the revised Silver Shield logo with the trivium in the center encircled by the words “Silver Shield 1 Troy ounce 2015 .999 Pure AG” surrounded by 47 bullets.
This ia a unique take on a Lunar series that you will not find from any other mint. A perfect addition for Lunar series collectors, and a great display piece which is guaranteed to spark interesting conversation!
This proof round comes in an air-tite coin case, with a numbered certificate of authenticity and it’s own collector box.
Get yours today, and listen to the warning cry of the sheep dog!”
“Democracy is 2 Wolves and a Sheep deciding what to have for dinner” Ben Franklin.
Franklin, a Luciferian Mason, Hellfire Club Initiate (remains of several ritually tortured/sacrificed children were found under the kitchen floor and radio-carbon dated to the time he lived in Trafalgar Square house) and Rosicrucian Traitor and his British astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly decided on July 4, 1776 as the Birthdate of America because of a rare 5 planet occultation by the Sun. CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) decided on July 4, 2012 as the date to announce 99.99% proof of the God Particle.
The fining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts” Prov 17:3 Time is up. Time to get ready for the trials.
Caitlyn(Bruce) Jenner invited to Tel Aviv pride events
Tel Aviv Municipality asks former American athlete who came out as a trans woman to participate in next week’s Pride Parade as LGBT community’s guest of honor.
The deal, which has been under discussion behind closed doors since early 2013, is intended to remove barriers to trade in services. It’s a sort of companion piece to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which cover trade in goods – but potentially far bigger, with Wikileaks claiming that ‘services’ now account for nearly 80 per cent of the US and EU economies.
Like TTIP and TPP, TISA could be sped through Congress using Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), also known as fast-track authority, which has been passed by the US Senate and may be taken up in the House this month. Under TPA, Congress is barred from making amendments to the trade deals, and most simply give yes-or-no approval
Published on Jun 2, 2015US Secretary of State JOHN KERRY “Gravely Wounded” in French Gun Battle Assassination Attempt & not Broken Leg from Biking, say reports.
– Kerry’s evacuation by military airlift suggests something significantly more serious than a broken or fractured bone — his normal dedicated airplane would easily suffice for a temporary leg and hip cast and as much medication as he might need. The absence of photos of him falling and fallen — a bike ride
would normally be a photo opportunity with hoards of media — is also telling.
– A Kremlin report says that US Secretary of John Kerry was “gravely wounded” on May 31, after a secret meeting he was holding with a top Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) commander
erupted in gunfire in what Federation intelligence analysts are calling an “obvious assassination attempt”.
– According to this report, Secretary Kerry was in Geneva, Switzerland, this past weekend for meetings with his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, trying to overcome obstacles to a final
Nuclear Agreement, a month ahead of a deadline for a deal between Tehran and 6 world powers.
1) Was John Kerry Shot in France? Public Intelligence Blog, June 1, 2015.
2) US Secretary Of State Kerry Reported “Gravely Wounded” After French Gun Battle. What does it all mean, June 1, 2015. Sorcha Faal.
3) Wikimedia commons images – US Secretary of state John Kerry
(Thumbnail image public domain)
Hillary Clinton armed and funded the Sinaloa Drug Cartel in Operation Gun Runner using the off books US Direct Commercial Sales State Dept Account, so it’s not surprising John Kerry who let Hillary escape testimony on Benghazi training and arming of ISIS would train, fund and arm Tajikistan Special Ops Col Gulmorod Khalimov who allegedly shot Kerry and now intends to kill Americans in their own cities to impose Sharia Law.
In 1910, the English occultist, Freemason, and poet, Aleister Crowley, published a strange and now little-known work called The Scented Garden of Abdullah: The Satirist of Shiraz under the name Abdullah el Haji. In the work, which imitated Sufi poetry, Crowley claims to have been accepted into “the joyous company of the Sufis,” but that he cannot openly discuss Islamic mysticism, “if only because I am a Freemason.” – See more at: http://disinfo.com/2015/06/occultists-freemasons-and-the-secret-history-of-radical-islam/#sthash.9aigomnP.dpuf
Pope To Reveal About Alien Contact on June 5
The Freedom Act is WORSE than the Patriot Act
The FREEDOM Act turns private telecommunications companies into depositories of “pre-crime” data for future use of state security agencies. It is a classic authoritarian move for the state to co-opt and subsume the private sector. Once the FREEDOM Act is signed, Americans’ telecommunications information will be retained by the telecommunications companies for the use of state security agencies in potential future investigations. In other words, an individual under no suspicion of any crime and thus deserving full Fourth and Fifth Amendment protection will nevertheless find himself providing evidence against his future self should that person ever fall under suspicion. That is not jurisprudence in a free society.
Britain tGlenn Ford, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey (BGS), told the Daily Express that last year’s tremor in Rutland “was very small compared to the quakes we see in areas of high seismic activity such as Greece.”
He added: “We do have a major plate tectonic boundary between the Eurasian plate and the African plate.
“There is a possibility one of that size can hit the mainland UK.”
o be hit by major earthquake as new ‘super deep’ fault lines found
A giant FC Koln (German Soccer Club) “1.FC” Billy Goat Logo was put up on the Hoover Dam 5/29/2015 https://www.facebook.com/fckoeln.en/posts/456155561216342
The $50 Bill shows the Hoover Dam being destroyed and Hoover Dam was a focus in the Transformer Movies. They installed the Hoover Dam By-pass Bridge so traffic can transit even with a Dam failure.
The $20 shows the Twin Towers and Pentagon being hit exactly as they were on 9/11/2001.
The $10 shows the AP Murrah Bldg being blown up exactly as it was on April 20, 1995.
The $100 shows a Missile, Radiation and Tidal Wave hitting New York.
On the new “Game Show” “500 Questions” with CNN Liar Richard Quest, the question “What did CERN detect on July 4, 2012? (America’s Birth was selected in 1776 based on Sabaean Astrology, a 5 planet occultation by the Sun) was answered “God Particle” at 6.66Sec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZGPAJvUC_8&feature=youtu.be
CERN uses a stylized 666 Logo.
The moment CERN started up at full power, the Nepal Earthquake occurred with an Earth Sciences team from Cambridge (Stephen Hawking’s Lucasian Math Chair) in place briefing residents on “The Big One” when it hit.
When CERN began particle collisions on May 29, San Andreas the movie made its debut as 2 giant earthquakes occurred on the Aleutian Is and off the coast of Japan.
CERN is not causing this; EM weapons are and CERN is being set up to be the Scapegoat for “Earth will reel to and fro as a drunkard” Is 24:20
CERN starts full power particle collisions on Feast of Atonement the day after Kol Nidre forgives the Satanic (Edomite) Congregation of Sins they plan to commit the following year.
Jesuit Pope Francis I will be in Philadelphia (Synagogue of Satan/City of Brotherly Love=Edomites) for the final Lunar Eclipse of the 8th Tetrad and start of the Satanic Jubilee 50 years after the Church of Satan was founded in 1966 coincident with the 7th Tetrad..
A Billy Goat on the Hoover Dam? May as well have put a Flag with all 50 Stars Upside down like Hillary did https://www.pinterest.com/pin/433753007835522588/
Ahh you on the same trails huh Howard. Good find ALSO varValerie Jarrett Secretly Lobbying Big Corporations To Support UN Climate Talks
Jesus said people will kill you and believe they are doing God’s work in John 16:2. Climate Change gives them the reason, albeit a lie.
Another item of interest that I would like to mention is the infamous “predictive programming” in the 2015 Economist cover—it contains a “cymbolic” American drum set with a broken 50th drum on it. Isn’t a drum covered with a skin/membrane? Quote: Drums consist of at least one membrane, called a drumhead or drum skin… So the depicted 50th drum has a broken membrane. What happens when the water breaks?
I went to see San Andreas this weekend. In the first few minutes (and the event that ‘sets off’ the San Andreas) the Hoover Dam is destroyed (spectacularly! of course) after it is hit by a 7.1 earthquake. I immediately thought of some of the posts you have done on this subject…
Did you notice the number 7.1 associated with the earthquake that destroyed the Hoover in the San Andreas movie? Is that another signal? The number 7.1 can be written as 7.10. Hmm… How about the 7th month and 10th day? In the Hebrew calendar the 10th day of the 7th month is Tishrei 10. Guess what day is Tishrei 10 in the Hebrew calendar this year–September 22/23, 2015!
What do you think of this…?
“…Long before the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews, Joseph, the first and foremost Hebrew to enter Egypt, enslaved the Egyptians. So far as I know, Joseph was the world’s first economist; our first “John Maynard Keynes”.
It’s fascinating to note that Joseph enslaved the Egyptians long before the Egyptians enslaved Joseph’s relatives and descendants—the Hebrew people. It’s not hard to imagine that the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews as a form of retaliation for Joseph having first enslaved the Egyptians.”
I view Joseph as a type of Christ; this guy views Joseph as a “diabolical sonofabitch”; Guess what he is saying is Rachel is a bitch. Is that what you wanted me to comment on?
I’m sorry I wasn’t more explicit…I didn’t care much for the author’s labeling of Joseph either. However, I was amazed at a 3700 year old method of economically enslaving a nation without force that seemed to be relevant today in the US and the world at large. An example of God’s enemies exacting revenge on God’s people today?
Oh, right I see what you mean. No I don’t think Joseph enslaved Egypt; he became Vizier of Egypt the same way Daniel did in Babylon; by telling the truth God was providing him.
Church of England May Rebaptize Transgenders According to New Identity
Rev. Chris Newlands, vicar of Lancaster Priory, has introduced a motion for the church’s General Synod to debate the issue. Newlands, who is in a civil union with another man, has stirred controversy before over the church’s stance on sexual issues, claiming in 2012 that there was a glass ceiling for openly gay clergy.
“That this Synod, recognising the need for transgender people to be welcomed and affirmed in their parish church, call on the House of Bishops to consider whether some nationally commended liturgical materials might be prepared to mark a person’s gender transition,” the proposal reads.
Very Reverend, Druid, ex BP Oil Executive Justin Welby has put the Anglican Church in Communion with almost every Church in existence; no surprise to me. The Anglican Church in America aka Episcopal Church has Lesbian and Gay Clergy; the head is openly homosexual Very Reverend Kathryn Jefforts Schori; her #2 is openly gay Rev Gene Robinson who left his family after committing Adultery with his lover.
It’s all designed as a middle finger to God.
Feminist Clergy Wants Christians to Refer to God as ‘She’Feminist clergy within the Church of England wants Christians to refer to God as a ‘she,’ despite Jesus referring to God as His Father.
Women and the Church (WATCH), an activist clergy group best known for pressuring the Anglican Church to accept female bishops, wants to modify the official church the Rev. Emma Percy, a member of WATCH, told the Guardian. “We need to have a language about God that shows God can be expressed in lots of diverse terms.”
The chairperson of WATCH, Hilary Cotton, said that several clergies were already using female pronouns to refer to God. liturgy to include female language and imagery to describe God.
My last day in Church (Presbyterian Church USA) in 2004 was listening to the Female Synod President propose changed to the Trinity. “Father, Mother, Son”; “Mother, Son, Womb”; “Rock, Redeemer, Friend” were among 10 or so choices. I vocally objected and walked out.
The event for which physicists across the world are waiting with bated breath is almost here. CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) — the world’s most powerful particle accelerator credited with the discovery of the “God particle” Higgs boson in 2012 — will be back in action next week, the European research organization said in a statement released Friday.
As CERN explains, the particles are so tiny that the task of making them collide is “akin to firing two needles 10 kilometers [6.2 miles] apart with such precision that they meet halfway.”
This collision would send showers of particles through LHC’s detectors, allowing scientists to discover exotic new particles that could either bolster or “break” the Standard Model of physics.
Given that thousands of magnets of different types and sizes are used to direct proton beams in the accelerator, preparation for LHC’s “Season 2” has been a painstaking process. Following its shutdown two years ago, scientists at CERN have been working strenuously in and around the accelerator’s caverns, recalibrating and improving the sensitivity of its four main detectors located along the 17-mile ring — ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb — and its multitude of subdetectors, magnets, collimators and calorimeters.
July 18 2010. 6.7 quake, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. 7.3, 6.9 quakes, near New Guinea, in the Pacific.
And it is possible that the CERN LHC could cause earthquakes even before it is turned on, by the particle beam going backwards in time a few days. And: March 11 2011, giant 9.0 earthquake in Japan off the coast, and a tidal wave tsunami hits Japan. Then a 6.8 aftershock quake in Japan. Note that the CERN LHC particle accelerator in France began again near speed of light collisions on March 12-13 2011, after a winter rest. A connection? .
Howard any significant that you know of with Flutes and CERN??? Thanks for the scoop
CERN has an orchestra and choir for their “God Particle” Scientists donned Black Robes and sang on July 4, 2012 for the big announcement dedicated to Peter Higgs.
To put it bluntly, CERN is BS. No Time travel, no Gravity, no God Particle only BS, a Black Hole to vacuum money from Sheep just like GHW Bush and the Texas Super-conducting Super-collider.
The Theory of Everything is Pan the Goat (God of All Things) and Mirror (Mirror Matter (The Ark Of God). Pantheism is the Global Consciousness Project Jesuit Evolution proponent Pierre Tiellhard Du Chardin called Nous or NJoosphere after Plato’s Noosphere.
Pan means All or Everything; he seduced his nymphs in the Groves with the Flute which hid the ugliness much like Santa Claus hides the goat Sinterklass.
Stephen Hawking is a Jesuit project called the “Hawking Project” literally meaning Crowned (Stephen 1st Martyr) Horus (Hawk headed son of the Sun).
The mother church is St John Lateran; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Spirits behind the Beast, Dragon and False Prophet. Gesu is the Masonic Grand Architect and God Particle
CERN is Cernunnos “Horned One” which hides Horus the Sun-King (Antlers annually shed and renew like Snake Skin; hence the occult symbolism of Horns and Serpent hiding Horus whose letters are crypoticallly used in Hours and Ormus (Snake) the Middle East being the Kingdom of Ormus from Nag Hamadi Library in Heliopolis to the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz)
CERN will be the Scapegoat (Lev 16 Azazel (Goat that departs) for God destroying the Earth. In fact EM Tesla based weapons will do that and are now doing this. Mat 24 is here; Earthquakes, Pestilence, Famine and False Christs; Don’t be fooled, this is not the 2nd Coming of JESUS.
CERN uses the 666 Logo; July 4, 2012 CERN announced 99.99% Proof of the God Particle; the time was 6:66 on this question yesterday on 500 Questions.
Can you Dis CERN the times now?
Same day CERN ramps up to 13 TeV and the God Particle question is answered at 6.66 sec earthquakes happen on the Aleutian Is and off the eastern coast of Japan.
1666 Redemption Through Sin
1666 Redemption Through Sin
Road founder sentence to life interesting
Ross Ulbricht conceived of his Silk Road black market as an online utopia beyond law enforcement ’s reach. Now he’ll spend the rest of his life firmly in its grasp, locked inside a federal penitentiary
This is deeply troubling, terribly misguided, and very dangerous
The stated purpose [of the Silk Road] was to be beyond the law. In the world you created over time, democracy didn’t exist. You were captain of the ship, the Dread Pirate Roberts,” she told Ulbricht as she read the sentence, referring to his pseudonym as the Silk Road’s leader. “Silk Road’s birth and presence asserted that its…creator was better than the laws of this country. This is deeply troubling, terribly misguided, and very dangerous
Also the the Corps of Engineers to take control over streams, waterways, wetlands, and even ditches and puddles in the name of protecting the environment. [It is a move by which the federal government plans to controll all private property, farming, and industrial operations
Hitler, Stalin and now Petro Poroshenko nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. “Martial Law throughout Ukraine can happen in hours” Peace loving Proroshenko May 29
EPA just assumed control over all small waterways, wetlands, streams and even puddles. Not remotely anything Gina McCarthy or Obama could dream up; rather final nail in the coffin for the US by controlling every water source; part of the UN Agenda 21. “Control oil you control nations; control food and water and you control people” Satanist Henry Kissinger.
Control Oil? US has several Trillion Bbls of discovered and tapped oil in the ANWR, Gulf of Mexico, Green River (Uintas-WYO-UT) and Bakken not being used.
In Yemen, 3/4 of the nation has no access to clean water thanks to the US and Saudi Arabia. The US is next
3rd Beast “Dominion” of Esau (Dan 7:6) centers on Spratly Is in South China (China=Cathay=Cathar=Hittite) Sea, part of the Ismaili-Edomite Kingdom of Sulu and Sabah (Sabaeans of Haran; Sabah means “Sunrise”) and Straits of Hormus (Horus=Horites; Tammuz).
Chaldean Konn-Tors (Priests of the Torriod ie Magnetic Field) came to Egypt as Priests of On (Heliopolis “City of the Sun”) aka Shemsu-Hor (Horus worship being the source for Chanukah and Christmas aka Saturnalia and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn). From Egypt to Haran as Sabaeans of Haran (Solar Priests; Haran being Abraham’s elder brother/Lot’s father ie Ammonites and Moabites) Edomites, Ammonites and Moabites escape the hand of Antichrist (God of Forces) in Dan 11; God of Forces being CERN’s “God Particle” which purports to give Mass to Matter at the Atomic (Atum is the Supreme Egyptian god=Atom) Level via Gravity and Order to the Cosmos via Gravity Strings (Super Strings, Dark Matter). This final Blasphemy will occur Sept 24, 2015.
Chaldean Priests (Pharisees) ordered the Crucifixion of God in Flesh; today they are Zionists set to wage World War III with the other side of the Chaldean “Dialectic” Islam; all sides managed by Jesuits managing their Sovereign Masonic dupes.
WWIII in the Pacific (Peace; Peace Sign is the Broken Jew used in Witchcraft Initiations) Spratly Is mean “One who comes from Sproatley”; Sproatley is Yorkshire, Britain; British means “B’Rith” or Birthright Covenant. Ismail and Edom rejected this Covenant; Isaac and Jacob did not. Time to choose sides; Hint: Stay on the Porch with Judah nor the Altar with Ephraim/Israel (Eze 17; Rev 11). Gen 27:39-41 KJV states Esau is Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) and Priests (Dew of Heaven); Ishmael controls Commerce (Malacca St, South China Sea) and Straits of Hormuz; respectively the Kingdom of Sulu-Sabah and Ormus (Sunrise-Snake)
Sproatley has “Righful Heirs” in Romania (Chaldean Gypsies ie Romani or Romanichal); these are the same Chaldeans, Dom, On, Sabah, Sulu “Vampires” who make their fortunes off Blood; the spilled Blood of Wars they create. ISIS “Throne” is the Throne of Antichrist aka “Satan’s Seat” (Pergamon) moved from Pergamos (Turkey) to Berlin under the Quadriga of Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddan means “Destroyer”. Shiva also means “Destroyer” hence God Particle physicists at CERN walk passed Shiva everyday. Nepal was hit with an EM created Earthquake the moment CERN started up; in Sept CERN will finish the job timed with Pope Francis I visit to America (Ameru=Serpent; Amar=Canaanite god of the setting sun; Shalom in Hebrew “Peace” aka Lucifer/Vesus “Evening Star”)
Satan’s Seat is the Throne of Zeus; Zeus was mythically born on Crete hence the self stylized moniker “Cretan” (Liars, Evil Beasts, Slow Bellies in Titus). Europe the name associated with Europa, Cretan mother of the MInotaur (Bull); the same Apis (Honey Bee=Chaldean Word=Bullshit) Bull, Golden Bull of Dan (Judge) and Beth-el (House of El/Saturn) Wall St Bull No more obvious Cretans than British Royalty, King Abdullah (Servant of Allah), Jordan’s Edomite Nintendo junkie King Abdullah II, Mr and Mr Obama, Sultan of Brunnei (Sabah) etc.
The Dannite Judges of America will end up being Mormons (Mormo “God is the Graveyard; King of the Ghouls) who allegedly came from Nimrod (Babylon) to America with Ishmaelite women claiming Dannite lineage. “Limited Atonement” refers to the shedding of one’s blood for not accepting Antichrist rule. Iran-Contra drug for weapons money launderer Mitt Romney (Romanichal Gypsy of Norman descent) knows well America is accounted in the Doomsday Book, lands claimed by Normans such as the Vikings (6-Kings), part of the original Donation of Constantine and his Druid mother Helena. The White Horse Prophecy refers to Mitt “The one mighty and strong, clothed in light who will usher in the One” White Horse is also called Blood in the Streets Prophecy.
Chaldeans will seek Revenge for the Flood (Line of Cain), Sodom and Gomorrah, Thera, Crete, 10 Plagues, Red Sea, Battle of Qadesh, Phillistine destruction (Samson Option is killing everyone; North Georgia Guide Stones call for killing all but 500M; Jesus said unless He shortened those days no flesh would remain), 1st and 2nd Temple destruction, International Banker expulsion from all 160 nations, Templar Arrests, deMolay execution, Alhambra Decree (Cryptos/Marranos came to America murdering 10’s
of millions with disease).
Al-Qaeda means “Solid Foundation”; ISIS means “Throne” they are one in the same mythical enemy whose goal is adherence to Sharia Law (Revealed Law of Shahar “Morning Star” Lucifer) “Recite aloud “There is no God but Allah” and mean it, and Hell for eternity awaits.
Followers of JESUS are not battling Flesh and Blood enemies; Jesus won that battle already. Followers of JESUS are fighting a SPIRITUAL Battle. The only weapon available is a One on One relationship with JESUS via the Holy Ghost and His Word, the Authorized Bible (KJV) minus Study Notes or any “Private Interpretation”. No Rapture, No Israel Dispensation, No 7 Yr Tribulation (Daniels’s 70th Week is 7 Days not 7 Years). Daniel’s 70 Weeks (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 Days not the convoluted mess your Study Bible Notes claim. Dan 8 “2300 Days” is already here. You need to be in your Prayer Closet asking JESUS for help and you need to do this now. Your Priest, Pastor, Rabbi, Guru, Master and Imam are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”.
Holy means “Separate” not “Congregate” Time to Get Out, before the greatest sacrifice in human history begins at the Altar of Antichrist.
Shalom is the Canannite god of Dusk or Sunset. Venus as “Evening Star” and offspring of El (Saturn). The Star on Israel’s Flag depicts “As Above. So Below”; it is the visual depiction of Saturn or El
Obama’s Logo is a Prince Hall Mason designed depiction of Shalom; the Peace that comes with America’s destruction. Don’t get fooled by Karl and Jewish imposters attempting to bring followers of JESUS under any part of OT Law. “Love God” “Love our Neighbor” That’s it.
Look for I was able to Find Howard Got Em Patent on prediction of Earthquake
RF Detector for predicting EQuakes
Tate says that in their first attempts at predicting earthquakesin 1984 and 1985, they did not miss a single event, so he is optimistic about using this technique for short-term forecasting of San Andreas quakes. “In three to five years,” he says, “we should be able to issue [earthquake] warnings.””
So, an expired Patent for a predictive device capable of warning timing and size of Earthquakes, Solar Flares and Tidal Surges? They claim the positions of the Sun and Moon cause these RF fluctuations and Tidal Surges #4628299; A Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse on 1 Tishrei (Sept 15) and Kol NIdre-Tabernacles (Sept22- 23) to forgive Sins Satanist fake Jews plan to commit in advance?
Another patented method to measure ambient electrostatic field for Thunderstorms? Why the Hell did CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers get away with driving down the road a mega Twister hit in Moore OK 4 hours before it tore across the town?
Why in Hell does Cambridge Earth Sciences Dept get away with being in Kathmandu briefing residents on the possibility of a major earthquake before it happens precisely coincident with CERN starting up at full power?
These Satanists need to be charged with murder and people need to wake up “A man’s foes are the men of his own household” Jesus Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 It has always been this way and will always be this way.
Tsunami warning for Alaska, Northern California, Oregon and Washington State after 8.0+ event
Semidi Island – Aleutian subduction zone.
I expect a bad Tornado season again and severe weather for Texas and Oklahoma due to the Vortex shift in Mid Atlantic Arctic dips. Climate change will be back on the Carbon Exchange of Media propaganda
Chirikof Island, Alaska
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude 7.0
Date-Time ◾29
I saw American Sniper and noticed the Kraft Int’l Logo is the exact same Skull without a lower Jaw used in the movie to depict the SEAL’s. Skull & Bones also uses this same Skull minus lower Jaw.
Chris Kyle allegedly founded Kraft Int’l after leaving the Navy. He allegedly lost a $2M Slander Judgment against Jesse Ventura, is killed Feb 2, 2013 and his alleged widow is now suing Kraft for 51% ownership.
Kraft Int’l mercenaries were all over the Boston Marathon Bombing; the Backpacks Tsarnev Bros had were White; the ones exploded were Black; same as Kraft uses. Dr Ed Ward did an analysis of the explosions and concluded they were Tactical Nuc tests; Kraft mercs had Radiation Detectors and Radiation monitors in Vans; there was a Drill being conducted using Boston Police, FBI using the same Crisis Actors used at Sandy Hook. Tsarnaev’s court appointed atty pleads him guilty and provides no defense.
Putting the whole mess together, it seems to me Kraft (Witchcraft/Masonry) is the Navy SEALS and are being used on domestic soil against citizens, first in the place where Masons dressed as Indians to start the American Revolution. American is derived from Anurru, Ameru, Amar and Can all meaning roughly Edomite Shepherd/Serpent Snake Priests of the West ie Land of the Dead (Setting Sun); the Setting Sun Logo is Obama’s Logo and is the same as the Carbon Fund Logo. Carbon Fund refers to killing humans to lower carbon and increase carbon sequestration (Dead people don’t breathe, fart, need cattle or waste trees on shelter)
Interesting etymology of Seal http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=seal “Seal one’s fate” comes from Secret Society Initiations as well as Scripture 7 Seals and the Seal Jesus uses on His followers. Hermetic Wax Seals were used on official documents and Seal’s Bath is the Sea.
SEALS are part of Jade Helm 15; Jade “Master the Human Domain” ie Sea, Land, Air is the Hittite (Heth=Cath=Cathay) Imperial Stone. Helm guides a Ship.
The Satanic Jubilee in the 50th year after 7th Tetrad, 6 Day War and founding of Church of Satan on the San Andreas Fault in San Francisco named after Franciscans who are named after the Franks “Free” ie Holy Grail and the Francesca, aka Tomahawk used in Cruise Missiles such as started Shock and Awe (Kabbalist Shekinah “Presence of the Deity) in Gulf Wars, on 9/11 to hit the Pentagon and Libyan War. 8th Tetrad ends Sept 15-28 same day Jade Helm 15 ends with a Solar Eclipse and a dozen predictions concerning the 8th Tetrad and Papal Visit etc etc. the 8th Great Day of Tabernacles equating to the day Jesus was Circumcised at 8 Days of Age. The cutting away of unnecessary Flesh if you will, is mass death of the Un-initiated.
This then is the Talmudic Repair of the Earth; the Hermetic Seal “As Above; So Below” is the removal of the Un-initiated from Below just as JESUS removes the Un-initiated from Heaven Above. How? with Mercury (Toth=Hermes=Mercury=Nebo) in Vaccines made mandatory during Martial Law. Now the missing Lower Jaw might make sense ie Keep this Secret; Nebo is the God of Secret Wisdom in Chaldea as well as Egypt and America; Bee means Word in Chaldee and so Nebo is the Mormon God of secrets in the Beehive State declared the “Enemy” with Texas (Chris Kyle’s State) in Jade Helm 15.
The most recent city to fall to ISIS (Throne) is Solomon’s City of Tadmor aka Palmyra “Palm Tree” or “Evergreen Tree” called “Bride of the Desert” for its strategic trade position between Chaldea where Abraham was born and Northern Syria where he went in Amurru.
33 degree Luciferian Sodomite Mason Clint Eastwood has done it again with American Sniper. Sargon the Great’s mother was considered a “Changeling” (Gen 6 Nephilim; BS of course) and Temple Prostitute in Ur; their daughter a Temple Prostitute in Haran where Sabeans of Haran taught Chaldean Astrology; Age of Aquarius is now in the open at Glastonbury and St Sulpice (Rose Line) and mathematically with Alpha Leo Regulus representing the western boundary of Leo and start and end of the Zodiac as Rex or “Law Giver” (Closest to Ecliptic as Mercury/Nebo/Toth/Hermes is to the Sun) 150 degrees from the eastern boundary of Aquarius and the Virgin “Spica”.
There will never be Signs of the Times more pronounced than right now.
the clock kings crazy crimes Howard in the Gematria Calculator . This is the Name I that Came Up thomas plantard de saint clair
I found something of the Jesuits seal Howard Sant’Andreas Della Valles Thanks
Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov said in an article for a Russian trade newspaper on Wednesday, VPK News, that Russia needed to increase its military weapons and strategies against the “West” which was “moving to the borders or Russia”.
He has a conspiracy theory that NATO – a political and military alliance which counts the US, UK, Canada and many countries in western Europe as members – was amassing strength against Russia and the only way to combat that problem was to attack America’s vulnerabilities to ensure a “complete destruction of the enemy”.
Conspiracy theory: The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov.
Conspiracy theory: The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov.
“Geologists believe that the Yellowstone supervolcano could explode at any moment. There are signs of growing activity there. Therefore it suffices to push the relatively small, for example the impact of the munition megaton class to initiate an eruption. The consequences will be catastrophic for the United States – a country just disappears,” he said.
“Another vulnerable area of the United States from the geophysical point of view, is the San Andreas fault – 1300 kilometers between the Pacific and North American plates … a detonation of a nuclear weapon there can trigger catastrophic events like a coast-scale tsunami which can completely destroy the infrastructure of the United States.”
He said the Russian geography on the other hand would protect it from a tsunami or a volcano attack. Few people live on the coast in Russia and Siberia which rests on basalt would withstand similar attacks.
Russian target number 2: The San Andreas fault line, here pictured on the Carrizo Plain in California.
Russian target number 2: The San Andreas fault line, here pictured on the Carrizo Plain in California.
Mr Sivkov, who spoke at the 2013 Moscow Economic Forum, said by 2020 to 2025 Russia would have amassed “asymmetric weapons” in its arsenal for the attack.
“The situation for us today is comparably worse than half a century ago,” he said.
“The weakened economic potential in Russia, the loss of the ‘spiritual core of what was the communist idea’, and the lack of large-scale community allies in Europe such as the Warsaw Pact, Russia simply cannot compete against the NATO and its allies
Vatican Adviser Says America’s Founding Document Is Outmoded, Reveals Global Game Plan
By Jeffrey Sach :Top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says that when Pope Francis visits the United States in September, he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in the Declaration of Independence.
Sachs, a special
The United States, Sachs writes in the Jesuit publication, America, is “a society in thrall” to the idea of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But the “urgent core of Francis’ message” will be to challenge this “American idea” by “proclaiming that the path to happiness lies not solely or mainly through the defense of rights but through the exercise of virtues, most notably justice and charity
LIfe, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is the Rosicrucian motto of the US Dec of Independence. Happy in Welsh means “Wise”; Property ownership is not possible because Pope Francis believes in the Welsh forgery called “Donation of Constantine”. Papal land ownership was then surveyed in the Welsh “Doomsday Book” published by Bastard King William the Conqueror and his Royal fake Jewish Bankers from whom Mitt Romney descends and whom were3 later expelled for Usury in 1290 AD.
Francis sits on the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” as Bishop of Rome in St John Lateran Basilica in front of the largest Obelisk dedicated to the Egyptian god Amun (Amen) in the world. In this word Cath we see Cathay=Cathar= Heth=HIttites; and Catharsis “Discharge of Pent up Emotion” He is well aware of the Jesuit BS teaching legacy, Military and Usury that are part and parcel Jesuitism “Society of Gesu”; the G in “FreeMasonry” and the G in “God Particle”
Francis will head to Repair the cracked Liberty Bell, closing the 8th Tetrad and inaugurating the Satanic Jubilee with the demise of America as Scapegoat “Babylon” (Rev 18) the Gate of Osiris (Bab=Gate of On=Babylon). The Sodomite Marriage, Big Bang, Evolution proponent will symbolically shake hands with US Protestantism in direct opposition to all things God wrote in the Bible. JESUS calls this the “Falling Away” and it’s coming soon
The Carrol family also donated the 10 SQ MI tract of land that became Washington DC. Not part of the US, the Federal Government enjoys Sovereignty as does the City London Corporation and the Vatican. Rather than kicking the Satanic Jesuits to the curb, the US under Reagan (actually Satanist “Poppy” Bush Sr) gave Jesuit Ambassadors super Ambassadorial status above all others. Drugs for Weapons from Vietnam to Columbia to Afghanistan has been the Jesuit legacy
Carrols control Brugge Belgium; home to the Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” and GHW Bush’ “1000 Pts of Light” Cupola under which 1st born children are sacrificed daily by the Mother’s of Darkness like Barbara Bush, Aleister Crowley’s “Babalon” daughter; the progress of the New World Order written is written with their blood (Ref Marc Dutroix affair and Jimmy Saville affair) In addition to the Mother’s of Darkness the Carrols control SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Tranasctions) that is threatening to remove Russia; WWIII will surely result.
WWIII was planned on the FEast of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 by Belgian Jesuit Fr Jean Pierre De Smet, the handler for Mormon Church Mason/Witch Brigham Young and Masonic Sodomite Albert Pike. Islam against Zionism to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion. Sounds lovely doesn’t it?
Thoughts on Kent Holvind charge being Drop with Pensacola Florida Howard??? Jesuits Inquisition in progress!!!Kent Kennites Hol- VIND???
Hovind “Dr Dino” believes he is God’s employee and not subject to tax law. Jesus said “Render unto Caesar…” If I remember correctly Hovind teaches Comet seeding of humanity and the oceans, and an asteroid impact killed off the dinosaurs. The Comet theory is untenable in all aspects. The word Comet “Long Haired Star” is a veiled reference to the Merovingian Monarchs of France “Long Haired Kings” who claim Divine genealogy from Jesus and Mary Magdalene; total BS! If Dr Dino would teach correctly that Comets were produced by the Flood and “Fountains of the Deep” things would be better. All Comets are a product of the Flood; ones that reach Escape Velocity enter Elliptical Orbits and return on predictable paths; ones below that velocity laden with Sodium returned to freeze the record of pre-Flood animals aka Dinosaurs.
Fossils are not Fossils at all; they are Rock that has been formed in the shape of bones subjected to high pressure, heat and water; by osmotic action molecules of carbon are replaced by silica (sand) and become “fossils”. Fossil Fuel is likewise a myth; Coal and Oil are produced by the same high heat, pressure and water under the earth; no Comet could account for that.
Dinosaur “Terrible Lizard” is a Satanic myth. Leviathan and Behemoth are in scripture and the record of frozen Wooly Mammoths, large fish etc bears that proof.
Dinosaurs as appear in Museums are plaster of paris models taken way out of context using Rothschild/Rockefeller financing and Hollywood promotion. Tyrannosaurus Rex for example is not compatible with human life in any respect; his name Tyrant King comes from Tammuz Rule; we see this on Ash Wednesday, on New Age Satanists as the Ankh and in so-called Christian Churches as the Cross. Jesus was of course Nailed to a Tree alongside 2 Thieves which formed the 7 Branch Candlestick not on a man-made Cross because that was the Law He wrote in Deut 21:22-3. The Cross makes that Law a Lie but seems so close to the Truth nobody notices; This then I believe is the case with Kent Hovind.
Why be a Tax Dodger? A true follower of JESUS should know his fortune comes from God and will be taken away by God. Hovind has quite a large empire built up as I recall, and is in with the Creation Inst
I get frustrated with men like Hovind who garner undue attention teaching 90% Truth 10% Leaven.
Hovind received Masters and PhD in Divinity from Patriot Bible University in Colorado Springs (most Evangelical Christian psychology originates here such as with TEd Haggard who taught and still teaches AF Academy Cadets the fine art of Tithing for Sodomy, Hookers, Crack and Military dominance or Psychotic James Dobson “Focus on the Family”) ; this is where the Comet and Dinosaur BS originated. He even has a Dinosaur Amusement Park and a Science Center to learn how a giant ice ball created the oceans for Noah’s Flood.
Hovind is a Lunatic out to cause rational people to view young earth creation believes as Lunatics with him.
The Rock Marries Fan Couple at Surprise Wedding: “The Whole Thing Was Insane”
“The Rock” officiates a wedding just in time for his role as the Saviour “Ray” (Light) in San Andreas (Cross of Andrew=X=Messiah). Good thing 10,000 soldiers will be have been trained in position with military equipment for Jade Helm 15 eh? Andreas Lubitz’ picture in front of the Golden Gate Bridge by accident? Hardly, the total nonsense story of Germanwings 9525 and a name meaning Messiah of Peace and Love?
You may recall The Rock starred in the Mummy sequel playing the Akkadian Scorpion King; he knows his role very well
Rockefeller to mark 100th birthday with land gift in Maine
The 99-year-old Rockefeller, who turns 100 on June 12, will be joined by his daughter Neva Rockefeller Goodwin and son David Rockefeller Jr., at a formal announcement Friday.
The transfer is to take place this summer.
The Rockefeller name goes way back on Mount Desert Island, where powerful Gilded Age families like the Astors, Morgans, Fords, Carnegies and Vanderbilts escaped to the Maine coast to beat the summer heat.
They Did not Lie about Jade Helm being Practice ! Because the More people they extract the better they will get at it…
Mormon Church was also founded in Palmyra only this one in New York where a mythical battle of Nephites and Lamanites killed a million people, chariots, elephants, metal swords at the spot where Angel Moroni delivered the mythical Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith.
A line stretched from Teotihuacan (Place where men become gods) at Tenochtitlan (Mexico City where millions were sacrifice to the sun god) passes through America’s 1st 5 Colonies: Washington DC, BAltimore, Philadelphia, NYC and Boston to Stonehenge and Glastonbury Tor (Aquarian Cross) to Sophia Bulgaria (Eye of Sophia) to Troy, Baalbek and Mt Hermon (Mt of the Chief from Gen 6)
Hold on to your hats; this is going to get ugly
Obama Signs Bill Creating “Amber Alert” System for Violence Against Police Officers
S.665 is also known as the Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015, named for two NYPD officers killed late last year. It will set up infrastructure at the local, state, and federal level to keep meticulous track of acts committed against police. According to Congress’ website, the bill will create a Department of Justice-sponsored “Blue Alert” system, which mirrors the Amber Alert system created to locate abducted children.
The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy’ deeper into the relation of the Carrolls (Daniel, John and Charles) in the founding of the United States in 1776.T Thoughts since the Jesuit Pope is speaking inn the Congress IN Sept
July 4, 1776 was chosen by Rosicrucian Ben Franklin and his British Astrologer Ebenezer Sibly because of a rare 5 planet occultation by the Sun. The auspicious “Birth” of America portends America’s “Death” as the Scapegoat “Babylon” (Rev 18) in order for the Alternative Messiah to be revealed.
The Jesuit Carrols founded Georgetown University directly opposite the Freemasonic HQ “Supreme House of the Temple on what became the 77th Longitude. John Carrol as Bishop of Baltimore for example means Bishop of Pharaoh’s House. Rosicrucian Count de St Germain founded America and wrote the Declaration of Independence because America was to be sacrificed on the altar of Freedom from God; hence the 1st Jesuit Pope whose Peace Dove was attacked by a Raven will visit Philadelphia where the cracked Liberty Bell resides in the City of Brotherly Love. That being the Love Esau has for his brother Jacob and his intent to kill all of his ancestors all over the globe.
JESUS refers to the Church of Philadelphia as the “Synagogue of Satan”. The Church has the peculiar warning to “Those who dwell upon the earth” Jesus warned not to worship Creation instead of the Creator; thus the Jesuit teaching legacy is Evolution, Big Bang, Heliocentrism, Global Warning etc.
Carrol means “Alms Giving”; the Alms being the Wave Sheaf of First Fruits “Omer” hence they founded the College of St Omer.
America is to become a giant Fire Sacrifice; Carolingian style. The Carolingian Monarchy being first called “Sin Eaters”. The world’s Sins are to be transferred to America and offered up to Baal by the Society of Gesu.
Bob Gates is a Jesuit. Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus and Minerva. Minerva means “Mind; Reason; Understanding” She is the goddess of Crafts, Science and Wisdom., Jesuit Neb Gov Bob Kerry (Knights of AkSarBen) are similar to Bohemian Grove; Kerrey, Chuck Hagel and Warren Buffet are initiates in this Egyptian Goddess/Pedophilia cult using the Omaha Capitol Bldg designed by Luciferian Mason Roscoe Pound) has a spin off Minerva Initiative involved in higher education methods; Jesuits first began on the Feast Day of Lucifer in the Crypt of St Denis aka Dionysus; Dennis the Menace or Dr Smith from Lost in Space if you prefer. First as Teachers; they then taught BS from Pulpits in all the religions as Priests with topics such as Priest Confession, Water Baptism, Christmas, Easter. After that they instituted the Renaissance as “Black Nobility” with the Sciences (Scire=To Know both Knowledge and Sexually such as Pedophilia and Pederasty) using topics such as Evolution, Big Bang, Dark Matter Aliens, Heliocentric Theory, Gravity, Rapture, Dispensationalism etc. All total Horse Shit because they are the Riders of the 4 Horses.
Minerva is the “Mother of the Moon” called by the Greeks Athene. Allah is the Arab Moon God “Sin”; hence Bob Gates trained Obama in Pakistan as CIA Station Chief in 1981-3 as a Taliban (Student) to become a Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah) which he is; this is why he bowed to King Abdullah and is mentored by Grand Orient Lodge, Edomite Nintendo Moron, King Abdullah II of Jordan (Idumea=Land of Esau).
JADE is also the Stone of Imperial China; China=Cathay=Sons of Heth or Hittites whose logo is the Red Dragon because Hittite daughters married Esau (Edom=Red) and Ishmaelites; hence Ismaili (h is missing because they willfully reject God) nations like Iraq, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, 1/2 of India, Yemen, Kuwait, Oman and Iran are partnered with China.
WE can soft peddle this garbage or call out the Satanists inside the Gates for what they are; Mass Murdering, Pedophile, Liars teaching Bull Shit to the masses. Its time to Wake the Flock Up
Forgot to mention Bob Gates is not only a Jesuit,Benghazi Gun Runner for Isis and Mujahideen, who admitted US WMD’s were sent to Bashar al Assad in 2003, he is President of the Alfalfa Club this year; ain’t that right President Wannabe Alfalfa Club/Jesuit/Skull & Bones/33 degree Mason/Arab Shriner/Bohemian Grove/Knight of Columbus/WX Derivative/911 Architect Jeb Bush?
Alfalfa is Arabic for “Fresh Fodder”; “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” Alfalfa Club Satanist Henry Kissinger. “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death…” Babs Marxist L Ron Hubbard
The care and feeding of the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse is done by Pale Face Arabs pretending to be interested in America’s well being.
Watching Bob Gates talk about how we should fight Isis today made my puke on the TV
Right On !
The key is to store your backed-up files someplace inaccessible,” he said. “Taking the backup off the network is absolutely essential. And if you re-image [reload backed-up files] on a clean machine, you have to make sure you address how you got infected in the first place.” Source:: http://www.voanews.com/content/fbi-warns-ransomware-scams-on-the-rise/2775731.html
‘Minerva Research Initiative’? It seems there may be a tie-in between this initiative (which was instated following the 2008 ‘crash’) and the agenda of JADE HELM 15.
Here’s why …
The premise behind the Minerva Research Initiative is apparently this: study how violent political overthrow, aka mass civil breakdown, happens in the day and age of social networks, and be prepared to counteract it – by “targeting peaceful activities and protest movements” – when it finally reaches US shores.
What is Minerva?
It studies the dynamics of civil unrest, and how the US military might best respond.
From the .mil website itself,
…understanding the physical terrain and environment …cultural and political environments where those threats develop …detection of radical actors and regime disruptions… improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral and political forces of strategic importance.
The Minerva Research Initiative, initiated by former Secretary Gates in 2008.
While its initiative is stated to cover “regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S.”, certainly THE MOST STRATEGIC REGION is right here in the United States. The homeland.
Here’s something interesting… Reported from the Guardian last year (regarding Minerva), “Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model “of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions.” The project will determine “the critical mass (tipping point)” of social contagions…”.
Did you know that “JADE” stands for (Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution) and is an initiative established by the ‘Air Force Research Laboratory’?
Another Minerva project (according to the original Guardian report) “seeks to uncover the conditions under which political movements aimed at large-scale political and economic change originate,”
Could the Minerva project be tied-in with JADE HELM 15? If you study the apparent purpose for JADE HELM, it does seem to compliment that of Minerva.
A primary purpose of JADE HELM is to test (train) their abilities to infiltrate, go undetected, blend in with a civilian local environment without blowing their cover – all with the intent (goal) to garner trust and intelligence (on the inside) of a insurgency or uprising.
Some states within the U.S. (regions of states) will be labeled “hostile” territory where apparently military personnel will be inserted to ‘infiltrate’ hypothetical civilian insurgent groups in various regions.
This drill has a purpose – Training has purpose. The only reason you would train on this scale and in this place, is to evaluate your operational abilities in an English speaking, Western environment…
Can you say, “collapse”?
It is quite reasonable and logical to accept that the US .gov has a high strategic interest in its homeland. While many of you have a grasp or understanding of our upcoming economic undoing (collapse?), do you believe that .gov also sees the ‘writing on the wall’?
By the time the “mass civil breakdown” is set to take place (and grand central-planning experiments by the Fed and its peers fall into a heap), virtually everyone who poses even the tiniest threat to the (collapsing?) regime will be branded a terrorist.
Is it simply a matter of time before men in gray suits (or men in full-on military garb) quietly (or loudly) arrest any and all potentially threatening social network “nodes” of so called ‘terrorist behavior’ on the simple grounds that their mere presence threatens the status quo with an even faster collapse?
Just what is JADE HELM 15??
…food for thought.
“We will pass TPP later this week”-Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell on May 17.
HR2283 “Stop online ammunition sales act 2015” introduced; introduced May 17
HR 2232 “Vaccinate all children act 2015” introduced earlier this week. Important because the UN and WHO can then enforce these Un-constitutional laws.
AK Gov in 2007 and Prince Hall Masons designed Obama’s campaign logo the Sun amid Red and White Stripes. Those are the Stripes Laban and Jacob separated their flocks with and the ones used in the Carbon Fund Logo.
Carbon Fund? Jupiter Rising explains what this is; human sacrifices used to create the Elixir of Immortality.
Prince Hall Masonry is essentially a branch of the Nation of Islam, open only to blacks. NOI claims Blacks descend from Moors who slaughtered 50,000 Christians in Fez Morocco; Shriners revere these Moors. Mormons claim Blacks descend from Ham (Black) and carry the “Curse”.
Papal Visit, Solar/Lunar Eclipse finishing the 8th Tetrad, 50th Year Jubilee from the 1966 Year One Satan founding of the Church of Satan, Jade Helm 15 and an asteroid impact near San Juan (St John=Knights of St John=Hospitallers).
So, South Pole supply ships can’t get through the record ice pack but NASA’s JPL Scientists say Global Warning will destroy the ice pack in 5 years
Big Bang, Sodomite marriage, Evolution, human caused Global Warning enthusiast, Operation Condor murderer Pope Francis will post his Global Climate Change Encyclical next month and visit the US on the exact day French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned of Climate Chaos hitting on Sept 22.
Lying is just Fabulous isn’t it?
So Jeb Bush holds a Town Hall Mtg in Reno yesterday and is accused of his brother W creating Isis. Actually not quite true. HW created Isis by slaughtering 100,000 Iraqi soldiers under White Flag of truce on Hwy 80 (Daniel received his vision of the last 2300 days just east on Hwy 80 in Susa). Chemical Ali used US made Chemical weapons to create and now control Kurdistan. His Skull & Bones namesake resumed the war after fellow 33 degree Luciferian Mason Carlyle Group investor Saddam Hussein’s Iran-Contra WMD’s were transferred to Bashar al Assad in Syria using CIA Evergreen B-747’s in 2003, admitted by Barack Obama’s CIA Mujahideen mentor Bob Bates. W ordered the dismantling of the Iraq army the same way his Dad “Poppy” named after Afghanistan Opium Fields to Afghani soldiers fighting the Soviets. 250,000 US armed soldiers told stories if the “Highway of Death” without leadership, food or money, but a shit load of weapons now looked to the real enemy; the US and joined the US creation Isis.
And we need to learn these mistakes again with President Jeb, a 33 degree Mason, Jesuit, SMOM, 4 degree (Sovereign) Knight of Columbus, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipping Satanist and Weather Derivative Billionaire WHY?
So, the US arms, trains and funds ISIS mercenaries at Benghazi and lets Gen Petraeus, Gen Allen, Adm Gaouette and HIllary Clinton escape congressionjal testimony led by John Kerry. John McCain meets with ISIS leaders; John Kerry waited on Russian weapons the Russian ship Mol Comfort and Turkish ship Nour M was delivering to ISIS. Gaouette lies about the fake bin Laden raid and fake burial at sea and the FBI admits the raid was fake. Now US Special Forces receive the Green Light to kill ISIS, Jordanian, Saudi and Turkish mercenaries simultaneously with a Syrian attack on ISIS, Saudis and Turks.
Pope Francis recognizes Palestine “Howl O Gate, the City Paelstina is dissolved”; warned of in Isaiah right before the Burden of Damascus “Damascus shall be a city no more”.
Anyone still think the bible is a story book?
Howard, Just a question in regards to Malcolm Little aka Malcolm X(Malik ShabaZz) and the Nation of Islam. Wasn’t the founder I thought and was brought under in youth was Elijah Muhammad. Who’s name derive from the Prophet Elijah. So what conclusion or foresight measure that brought you to Malcolm being the founder of Nation of Islam????
33 degree Luciferian Mason Malcolm X (Stuart Little) is Milcom/Molech and X=Christ=Messiah. He adopted the name Bari Malik Shabazz; his wife Betty also took Shabazz. His verified trip to Kenya lines up with the birth of Barack Obama (Bari Malik Shabazz Jr) far better than the fake pregnancy/birth of Stanley Ann Dunham in Hawaii in my opinion. Barack and Michael, his Sodomite partner have admitted several times “Barack’s home is Kenya”
The name Bari Malik Shabazz means Solar Barque of Molech; Shabazz means “Royal Falcon” which the Egyptians called Horus. Followers of Horus, born at Solar Solstice ie Christmas/Hanukkah are biblical Horites. In Iran, the Solar Christ is “Mithra” (Priest Miters derive from this name); in Rome “Sol Invictus”; in Druid Britain “Apollo” which we saw at the Sochi Olympics; in Turkey “Attis”; in Phoenicia “Dagon” which we see in Harry Potter “Dagon Alley” and so on.
The original Solar Priests came from Chaldea as Konn-Torrs (Priests of the Torroid; ie Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) Field; then in Egypt Horites and later Priests of On (Heliopolis); in Phoenicia “Kahn Baals” (Priests of Baal).
Shabazz means “First Race” that being Cain which we see in the movie Jupiter Ascending (Jah + Pater or Father Jah; JESUS=JAH not Jah) Cainite seed crossed the Flood via Ham (Black) and his mother which produced Canaan (Phoenicians/Philistines/Cretans/Samaritans and the wives of Ishmael, Esau and according to the Book of Mormon Ishmaelite women with Levi (Levites)
Nation of Islam has nothing to do with Islam; it began with Wallace Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930; he disappeared and Elijah (Eli=Priest in King David’s Day as a youth seen in the movie Book of Eli and Jah=Jehovah) Muhammad took over (Muhammad Ali took his name from Noble Drew Ali and Wallace Muhammad) When Malcolm X legitimately converted to Sunni Islam, he was murdered; Louis Farrakhan took over and recently he started grooming Ishmael Muhammad to exact “Justice” on Whites.
Farrakhan is also a 33 degree Mason who teaches followers to adhere to L Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics” (Sodomite John Travolta did a movie “Battlefield Earth” about this so-called “First Race”)
Drew Ali was the original founder with the Moorish Science Temple which teaches Africans descend from Moors from Morocco who originally converted to Islam in 700 and murdered 50,000 Christians; at Fez, the Red Fez worn by Shriner Masons (Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine) celebrates this Moorish slaughter . Drew Ali believed he was a reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad, a mystic Rosicrucian teaching first published in the “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ”. Note the Aquarian Symbol is at the Dec 21 marker at St Sulpice and atop Glastonbury Tor now; 2015 is a very big year for these Satanists.
In Feb 2015 the topic “Viruses: Weapons of Mass Destruction” was the keynote speech given by Dr Leonard Horowitz a Messianic Jew at the Christ Universal Temple of Chicago.
So, back to the original question Malcolm X did not found Nation of Islam; when he went off script he was dispatched as was Plagiarist Martin Luther King. We can see the commonality of Nation of Islam, Moors, Messianic Judaism, Scientology, Jehovah’s Witness, Church of Christ Scientist, Mormons and others in Rosicrucianism and their Rose Line at St Sulpice Cathedral.
Notably, the founding of NOI on July 4, 1930 makes 2015 the 85th anniversary and the Satanic Jubilee Year of 2016 the 86th. To “86” someone is derived from Abram and Sarai; they became Covenanted with Melchisedek and received the “h” (God is with me). Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born; his name was changed to Ismail (Hagarenes, Twelvers, Assassins) after he rejected the Covenant; similarly Esau rejected the Covenant and became Edom. At 99, he had Isaac and circumcised him at 8 days; to copy this Ishmael was circumcised at 13 and so it is today with false Converts becoming Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes.
Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Farsi for “He is with us”; the 44th and final US President according to C Alan Martin in the 12th House meaning the American Pharaoh (Per aa means “Great House” his real name Bari Malik Shabazz Jr or Son of Horus (Pharaoh) may even actually believe he descends from Solomon and the Queen of Sheba via Prince Menelik and Ethiopian Pharaoh Taharqa. This lie is critical to understand because the Ark of the Covenant is claimed by the Vulgate (Catholic Bible), Talmud, and Septuagint to have been hidden by Menelik and returned to Israel in 1948 with God’s gathering of the Jews to the land promised to Abraham. Jesus describes the Ark (missing since Josiah’s day) ca 609 BC is in Heaven with Jerusalem (Gal 4) the Jerusalem in Israel where Jesus was crucified is called “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8 KJV).
This then is the 2 choices we have today. The Old Covenant (Law) or the New Covenant (Grace); we can be at the altar or on the porch (Rev 11:1); we can be with Ephraim (Israel) or with Judah (JESUS) (Eze 37:16) but not both. Eternity is determined by our choice.
Oh Ok hmmm well I was right about Wallace . In youth day’s I thought something was right even with symbolism and things iSaw Now 2 something years later it makes senses.Now know we on One accord. DaMi Lama at the Glastonbury Tor festival . Mention Recarnation as well. He utter when he dies he hope to return as a Blonde woman. Oh dear He going from Marxist as he once utter to student to this madness. Double minded mindset. Thanks for the Thoughtful insightful answer. Also the confirmation as Well Howard.
Great info Howard on connecting the Dots. Obummer, may just be the Last Pres if the Helm Goes Live! No Apachies Yikes !
Consider and Pray ! Thanks !! :). Response to Howard…
Law or Grace ? Why must it be either Or ?
How about Law and Grace… You see if you break the law, you become a transgressors of the Law/You are then a law breaker and Sinner! So if the Wages of Sin is Death! And You are an Unrepentent Sinner/Lawless one, following the Lawless One,man of Sin, as Stated in Scripture. Well The wages of Sin Is Death ! (Not Eturnal Life). Do
Continued . Well The wages of Sin Is Death ! (No Eturnal Life). Do not kid yourself, Scripture states very clearly, the Unrepentent will have their place in the fire.. If you are Lawless and Have Rejected the Law of Yahuah. You have nothing to repent from Breaking. How Can one repent when they have nothing to repent of. lawless people cannot repent because they do not have a law to stop breaking and repent of.. So No, they do not go to Heaven. Any Questions or was that Clear enough?
The Law and the prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 Jesus said this Karl. Wake up
I just watched Jeopardy and the final question was answered correctly with the following written by the contestant:
Saudi Arabia
Violent Storms to Threaten 1,200-Mile Swath of Central US Saturday
Another outbreak of severe storms, including tornadoes, will get up to full steam on Saturday over the Central states.
The risk of severe weather will stretch along a swath approximately 1,200 miles long.
According to AccuWeather Storm Warning Meteorologist Eddie Walker, severe storms will rake the Plains from near the borders of Canada to Mexico on Saturday into Saturday night.
The storms will affect areas from North Dakota and Minnesota to Texas.
ISIS Names New Terror Threat: America’s Power Grid, Blackout Could Kill Millions. Exposed Weaknesses In America’s Power Grid Are Greatest Threat To Our Way Of Life.
John Lo Schiavo, S.J., 90, beloved former president and chancellor of the University of San Francisco, died Friday, May 15, 2015 in the infirmary at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos.
As iconic to San Francisco as the Golden Gate Bridge, Fr. Lo, as he was affectionately known, was gracious, funny, with a knack for naturally connecting with people. He touched more lives than anyone in USF’s storied history, presiding over countless funerals, baptisms, and marriages for generations of San Franciscans, saying mass regularly for the Carmelite nuns, and golfing with civic leaders and friends
Beloved? Is that why Jesuits have been kicked out of every nation on Earth starting with Egypt and Babylon? Why Fr Lo makes no stand against Sodomite Marriage? Why Jesuit Pope Francis approves of Gay Clergy and Gay Marriage? Why Pope Francis believes the Big Bang is true?
Jesuits in their Oaths Swear to act as Protestants, Huguenots, Catholics and Jews; also swearing to tear babies from the wombs of their mothers and swing their heads against the rocks.
The only person who is beloved by Jesuits are people who don’t understand who th3e enemy is or Jesuits themselves.
Schiavo is derived from Schiavus Latin for Slave; One who owns another is a Schiavus/Schiavo.. Jesuits took control of the Vatican on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534 and formally under Pope Leo X aka Lorenzo the Magnificent. Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus and Minerva, infiltrating every religion on Earth. Satanists in Robes on Pulpits and University Lecterns
Icons violate the 2nd Commandment; Iconic as the Golden Gate Bridge? Wait until San Andreas hits and destroys that Bridge just like the movie promo
HAHA Howard I was sent this crap by Jesuit Corp worker who is friend. He thought I would be interested in this??? Welll Also question in regards to this Obama Is Creating a World Police Force While Destroying the U.S. Military???? Thoughts
Obama is not a US Citizen. He did not swear to defend the Constitution with his hand on the Bible thanks to Jesuit John Roberts. He has no college records thanks to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. He was trained as a Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah; Taliban means “Student”) in Pakistan thanks to Bob Gates. Of note, is Abdel Mutallib the Christmas Bomber is a Talib “Student” who shares the name with Islam’s founder Abdel Mutallib who trained Muhammad)
Obama bowed to King Abdullah (Abd=Servant of Allah). He bowed to Shinto Emperor and Order of the Garter Emperor Akahito who knows very well Fukushima is killing the northern hemisphere with radiation because Obama delivered the MOX fuel used at Fukushima. Obama sang “God save the Queen” in Westminster Abbey to Queen Elizabeth II where Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton are buried; the Queen here is the Queen of Heaven.
34 earthquakes are erupting along the “Ring of Fire” now; 3 Tectonic Plates converge at Fukushima. Plutonium (Pluto=Roman god of Destruction) fuel is continually mixing with seawater underground, not only forming a Buoyant cloud of death in the Pacific being evaporated into the CA mountains polluting the water supply, but forming underground spherical shells similar to the “Fat Man” Plutonium enhanced fission weapon Luciferian Mason, Shriner, Jester, CIA founder, UN founder, Israel founder, MAFIA Capo Harry Truman used at Nagasaki, the Jesuits first acquisition by Ignatius Loyola after Tehran. When atomic fission happens at Fukushima, it will trigger earthquakes all over the globe because the earth is filled with Water as Jesus said, not molten liquid not magma as Austin Powers said. The shock waves will cause Earth to “Reel to and Fro as a drunkard” just as Isaiah foretold. Jade Helm 15 will have thousands of foreign and domestic troops in place in the western US by Sept and people will have San Andreas fresh in their minds.
What is it going to take to wake people up? Satanists intend to Destroy the Earth and Jesus returns to destroy them which destroy the Earth (Rev 11:18) It’s called Great Tribulation for a reason!
Why do these people want to destroy the Earth and yet try to save it and return it to pre-flood conditions?
Why are there Church “Fathers”? Why are Jesuits called Fr? Why are Jesuits called” Co-adjurors? Jesus said “Judge not, lest ye be judged” and “call no man on earth your Father”
I have an idea! Read the Bible and feel sorry for all the Jesuit Fathers, Talmudic Rabbis, Eastern “Masters” and Muslim Imams who will be in Hell lamenting the day they denied Jesus.
Without question, the Internet has been a boon for our information age. Anyone within the range of Wi-Fi or a snap-in computer cable has access to unimaginable amounts of data at the click of a mouse button, without much interference from onerous rules and regulations.
That is, until June 12, when President Barack Obama’s “net neutrality rules” become effective
jESUITS dOPPELGANGLER Donald trump donated at least 100k to-clinton-foundation
Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are both SMOM Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes or Knights of Malta, Hospitaller or Johnniter. Donald is Scots-Welsh-Irish for “World, Rule, Power; Trump is Jesus, the Trump of God” Ever wonder why “The Donald” has a Palm Beach Departure named after his daughter Ivanka with Ahab, Baybe, Cryer and Brther on it before the Obama “Birther” scandal broke and he has never produced his much publicized proof Obama was not born in Hawaii? Ivan means John, like the other; slang for “Toilet”. Al-Qaeda in Arabic means “Foreign Toilet”. The Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC is about as creepy as it gets; the Twin Towers are seen falling down in the archway at the entrance, carved before 9/11/2001.
The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty” Associated Press
Is this Pope leading public discourse according to the Bible or following a secular humanist globalist agenda (going along to get along
Amos 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV makes clear “Jacob shall no more rise…”. The reason given in Amos 5:26 is worship of the Star of Molech, the current flag of modern Israel.
Jacob’s Trouble in Jer 30:7 is after the return of Israel (Shiloh does this in accordance with Gen 49:10; Jesus is Shiloh) and the joining of Israel (Northern 10 tribes) with Judah (Southern 2 tribes). Notice in the KJV Juda is spelled without the “h” in Rev 7; this because JESUS is God in Spirit, the “h” means “God is with me”. When He returns so will the “h”. This event must therefore match Joel 3. Notice Joel 3:20 says Judah shall dwell forever and Jerusalem… Currently Jerusalem is in Heaven “The mother of us all” (Gal 4); Physical Jerusalem is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8. Jesus returns to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth…” bringing with Him “the ark of his testament” ie Ark of the Covenant; the 10 Commandments JESUS wrote as ” I AM” to Moses to become JEHOVAH. In flesh, Jesus then was called Jehovah.
The point here is the bible is a 7000 year pre-written prophecy including the Millennium, a foregone conclusion occultists/Luciferians vehemently deny.
The recognition of Palestine was also a foregone conclusion. Theologians (Liars) have long claimed Palestine is Esau, who comes against Judah and are utterly destroyed (Obadiah) at the 2nd Coming. This is not the case; Esau is as prophecied in Gen 27:39-41 KJV: Wealthy (fatness of the earth), Priests (dew of heaven) and obtaining “Dominion” (Sovereign authority to rule); an authority given to them by JESUS. (Ref 3rd Beast Dan 7:6 and the Luciferian 4th Beast in Dan 7:7)
Palestine was/is a Masonic project as was/is Israel. Every Israeli PM was/is a 33 degree Sovereign Luciferian Mason. Every Palestine leader is likewise a 33 degree Sovereign Mason ie Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat. The Peace Accord attempted by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both 33 degree Masons has finally come to fruition as will the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque and construction of the 3rd Temple in its place, complete with the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat” currently in Berlin
Understanding (Prophesy) Scripture is the key. JESUS is the only way to understand the KJV is the only true Word of God in print. Every word, Jot and Tittle is as it needs to be for us to figure this out. No Study Bible Notes, just a literal reading and prayer will put you in covenant with JESUS.
Hi Howard
Do you see any benefit for an American to leave the USA and expatriate to another country like South America or Europe?
Train track explosion in Odessa Ukraine; same time as Philadelphia derailment. Odessa was/is home to exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings. Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” is named after these same Edomite-Horite Priest Kings Jesus calls the Synagogue of Satan “Those who say they are Jews but are not” . Cracked Liberty Bell means the same as the Swastika (Broken Jew) Satanists are determined to have Liberty from God by repairing the Earth to the time when only Cain and his family were on the Earth.
Updates – Amtrak Train Derails Near Philadelphia (Port Richmond) – Train #188 With Approximately 240 Passengers.
The engine car separated from the passenger cars. ♦ Level III Mass Casualty Event ♦ Seven Passenger Cars. ♦ FBI says “nothing indicates terrorism at this point”.
FBI Warns of Train Derailment Threat
W A S H I N G T O N, May 8:
So, the IC issues a warning, then when something happens that matches said warning, they disavow that same warning, that there are no indications? It does not appear that they ever recanted that warning (that I can find).
While this has been a credible threat for decades, is the public to be reassured that this was not terrorism, just horrific AMTRAK infrastructure decay and shoddy maintenance/operator error? Whew, THAT makes me feel all better now.
Updates – Amtrak Train Derails Near Philadelphia (Port Richmond) – Train #188 With Approximately 240 Passengers.
The engine car separated from the passenger cars. ♦ Level III Mass Casualty Event ♦ Seven Passenger Cars. ♦ FBI says “nothing indicates terrorism at this point”.
FBI Warns of Train Derailment Threat
W A S H I N G T O N, May 8:
So, the IC issues a warning, then when something happens that matches said warning, they disavow that same warning, that there are no indications? It does not appear that they ever recanted that warning (that I can find).
While this has been a credible threat for decades, is the public to be reassured that this was not terrorism, just horrific AMTRAK infrastructure decay and shoddy maintenance/operator error? Whew, THAT makes me feel all better now.
I agree 100% The FBI warns of a train derailment 5 days before a train derailment.
NATO and SOUTHCOM are in Miami for a Haitian Earthquake Relief Drill and Haiti gets hit with a 7.0 Earthquake.
The FBI and FEMA are in NYC for a Terror Drill and said on 9/10/ 2001 their #1 concern was a Terrorist Act in NYC. Larry Silverstein even insured the Twin Towers for separate acts of Terrorism.
NPR is in Sichuan China when the Earthquake hit.
NOAA put out a Hurricane planning map with the exact hooked path Sandy took a few weeks later
CNN Meteorologist Chad Meyers drove down the street in Moore OK and said he expected Tornadoes later that afternoon; they mowed down that very street.
Sandy Hook is warned in advance in Dark Knight Rises. An FBI, CT State Police Drill is conducted in Sandy Hook as the school is hit with gunfire. NOT!
A team of Earthquake specialists are in Kathmandu for “The Big One” when the Earthquake hits at the exact time CERN powers up.
The BATFE is in Oklahoma City when bombs rip the AP Murrah Bldg apart
Now we are getting warnings about the San Andreas Fault as the movie San Andreas debuts after Andreas Lubitz pilots an aircraft into the Alps NOT!
Ever wonder why Revenge of the Planet of the Apes and Book of Eli ended in San Francisco with Eli’s nemesis in Utah, the state Jade Helm 15 declares is “The Enemy”?
What will it take to wake people up to Jesus’ warning “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own household”?
The Origin of the Male and Female Symbols
Each heavenly body, along with its god, was also associated with a particular metal. So, for example, the Sun (Helios) was associated with gold (note: in truth, the Sun is white in the human visual spectrum, not yellow); Mars (in Greek, Thouros) was associated with the hard, red metal used to make weapons, iron; and Venus (in Greek, Phosphorus) with the softer metal that can turn green, copper.
Writing about these metals, the Greeks would refer to them by their respective gods’ names, and then as now, these were spelled with a combination of letters; after awhile, a type of shorthand arose; for example, relevant to Mars (Thouros) and Venus (Phosphorus):
symbols1In medieval times, European alchemists relied on these shorthand symbols, which were retained through the Enlightenment and used by such notables as Carolus Linnaeus (the father of modern taxonomy who made binomial nomenclature popular), to refer to such metals in his 1735 work Systema Naturae.
Linnaeus was also the first to use these signs in a biological context in his dissertation Plantae hybridae (1751), where he used the symbol for Venus to denote a female parent of a hybrid plant and the symbol for Mars to denote a male parent.
Linnaeus continued to use the symbols for the purpose of distinguishing male and female, and by 1753’s Species Plantarum, he was using the symbols freely [1]
Is there any benefit for Americans to leave the USA for other countries, say South America (Paraguay) for example?
Sorry, I meant Panama….
Hey Howard recalled that Movie Black Sunday Steelers and Cowboys?? Interesting predicting’s programming that I think deals with Obama#44 Spot shadow in the Film 44(Mel Blount) then a Hail Mary 12 Bradshaw to 88 Swann Interesting Predictive program. Black September with Mossad in 70’s any connection to this September from that you can elaborate on. Pharoah Hatehsheputs Hide her in place of Ramse 2 . Can you recommend anything that you can give me on this Interesting measure of cover up of history ?? Articles fits today or what’s on horizon
Hatshepsut reigned during the Exodus period 1508-1458 BC ; she was Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted Moses and became a cross dressing Pharaoh with her young son Tothmose III, who likely drowned in the Red Sea.
The timeline doesn’t work out with Rameses II because his rein was 1279-1213 BC, just 230 years before the birth of King David rather than 430 years the book of Judges covers. The books of Kings cover another 430 matching the 430 years in Egyptian captivity from Abraham to Moses.
There is a lot of effort to hide this chronology, perhaps because the Hyksos were Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation; they arrived as Foreign Shepherd Kings in the mid 1700’s BC from Crete; bringing worship of the Apis Bull much like we have today in America and its short lived 250 year history with the Wall St Bull and Israel had with the Golden Calf.
Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd god and source of America, Neo-cons are the same Hyksos (Edomite fake Jews) Jesus turned the tables on at the Temple; International Bankers serving Mammon whose goal is the 3rd Temple.
Every nation on earth has discovered what these War mongering Satanists do and kicked them to the curb, except the US, we put them in charge of Government, Military, Treasury, Banks, Universities and Churches.
Knowing the timeline of 6000 years is critical: 2000 years Creation to Abraham; 2000 years to Jesus (Captivity, Judges, Kings, Inter-testament Period) and the last 2000 to the 2nd Coming.
Sun, Moon, Stars are God’s Clock; Hyksos know this, yet give us Bullshit like Big Bang and Evolution taking Billions of years. We are in Aquarius now, in the midst of the 8th Tetrad with 2 additional Solar eclipses exactly 50 years (Jubilee) after the 7th Tetrad, founding of the Church of Satan, 6-Day War for Mt Hermon (Gen 6 “Giants”) and capture of the Temple Mount.
The Aquarius symbol is on the Gnomon Pillar at St Sulpice, the Rosicrucian time keeping cathedral associated with the Cathars.
The Aquarian Cross is atop Glastonbury Tor aka Avalon “Place of Apples”.
Evan Almighty highlighted Sept 22 at mid-day as the time to enter the Ark.
The Papal (Jesuits=Hyksos) visit is Sept 22-27; matching plans by Nostradamus, C Alan Martin, Benjamin Parravicini.
We have a Foreign born Hyksos Pharaoh with a cross dressing partner related to Ethiopian Priests of Ameru (Queen of Sheba) in the Great House given the Nobel Peace Prize for creating War after War after War whose name means “He is with us” in Farsi (Medes=Hyksos).
CERN will ramp up to prove Dark Matter; the God Particle is already being claimed like the fake Law of Gravity; about as Bull Shit as it can get.
What will it take to wake people up to the fact we are standing on the precipice of eternity with the same and only way out Israelites did? We need the Lamb’s Blood over our Doors and we need it now!
Evan Almighty
Jeru Z alem
All recently depicted Sept 22 as the time to get into the ark
Most of the Forbes Billionaire List claim Jewish ancestry. In Gen 27:40 KJV God says Esau will live off the fatness of the earth. Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Sheryl Sandberg, Sergei Brin, Larry Page, George Soros (Grigori Schwartz), Sheldon Adelson, Carl Icahn,, Michael Dell, Michael Savage (Weiner; probably a good idea to change that name) son Russ Weiner etc all claim to be Jewish, yet God says they are Edomite. Who is right? Read Obadiah; Obadiah means “Servant of JEHOVAH” Jesus was God in Flesh, He was Jah and Jehovah; in Spirit JESUS is JAH and JEHOVAH (Mat 1:25; Ps 68:4 KJV). God is always right; these Billionaires reject God and worship Mammon.