[frame_right][/frame_right]In 1300 BC, a tribe descended from Canaan’s 2nd born son “Heth” called Hittites settled what is now eastern Turkey and western Syria. Pantheists, they worshiped many gods, but 2 that stand out in western culture are Santa and Amurru. Beginning at Gen 25:22, the LORD describes Esau and Jacob struggling in the womb. They would become fathers of 2 manner of people, one stronger than the other with the elder (Esau), serving the younger. Esau was born first, Red and Hairy and not valuing his right to inherit Abraham and Isaac’s promise of a Savior and the Promised Land, sold his birthright to Jacob. At 40 years of age, Esau took 2 Hittite daughters, Judith and Bashemath as wives. Jacob, wanting his father’s blessing dressed in Esau’s clothes and put goat hair on his hands and neck to impersonate his brother. Esau went to Isaac for his blessing and was told that he would live by the sword, off the fatness of the earth (Rich) and serve his brother, but when he had achieved “Dominion” he would break Jacob’s yoke from his neck. Esau went on to marry women in Ishmael’s family (Gen 28:8) who in turn married into Arab families. Santa is Esau’s god; dressed in Edom’s “Red” clothes, he impersonates Jesus. He is the ”Red Sun/Son” born 9 months after Easter (Ishtar). Esau views the “Trinity” as Father, Mother and Son rather than Father, Son and Holy Ghost because he routinely commits the only “Unforgivable Sin”; “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”. Esau nearly has dominion over Jacob (Jews and Born Again Christians); Daniel 8 records the “Rough Goat” going to war with the “Ram” and 2300 days of “Daily Sacrifice” following.
History textbooks generally attribute the name “America” to Amerigo Vespucci or Richard Amerika. Naming a continent after a person’s first name or after a person who isn’t recognized as the official discoverer is at least unusual. The Hittites vied for power with Egyptians, Hebrews (primarily Israelites in the northern Tribe of Dan), Phoenicians and Phrygians of Anatolia (central Turkey) to name but a few. The Phonetic Alphabet, Egyptian scales, unfinished pyramid and Phrygian Cap (Smurfs and Santa Claus wear this cap) are but a few lasting legacies. Hittites viewed the world to have 4 quarters, and Amurru was considered their “God of the West”, a consort of Anath, the goddess they and many others considered to be the “Mother of God”. The Mayans called their red and purple feathered serpent god, Amero, and later Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan became synonymous with Amero as well. Phoenicians traveled to both North and South America as early as 1000 BC, leaving behind obelisks, phallic monuments, sacrificial altars, solar and lunar oriented stone Temples and burial mounds as presents for their “God of the West”. Natives were impressed with their accurate predictions of solar and lunar eclipses, and willingly offered up silver, gold, furs and human sacrifices to appease these obvious “God Men”.
Plato described Atlantis as a pre-flood civilization fed by 4 rivers surrounded by water filled circular ditches laying underwater to the west of the Gates of Hercules. Mythology records “Titans” ruled over Atlantis, but the bible merely calls them “Giants” (ref Gen 6); Feller, Bullies and Tyrants who had fallen into sins of “Incest”. Christopher Columbus said America was to be “New Jerusalem” and Francis Bacon said America would become a New Atlantis, but what does Santa have to do with this?
Pantheistic Hittites knew the Hebrews worshipped a single God and must have known of their miraculous Red Sea crossing (1492 BC) and military successes against the Egyptians and their Canaanite ancestors, still they worshipped many gods; one being a god named Santa, so what did he do for them? Well, maybe Santa gave Phrygian King Midas his golden touch, but this ended up being more curse than blessing. The Persian sun god “Mithra” was soon depicted wearing Santa’s soft pointed hat called the “Phrygian Cap” and America later put them over the doors at the Library of Congress and on the “Minutemen” opposing British rule. Maybe Santa helped Midas’s son King Gordius tie his famous “Gordian Knot” to “Yoke” his “Beast of Burden”. This knot could only be untied by he “King of the World”; Alexander the Great. Celts adopted it and called theirs the “Celtic Knot”; computer techies call theirs an “Infinite Loop”. The Latin word for Beast of Burden is “Veteranus”; war being a significant source of wealth for people who live by the sword like Esau. Maybe Santa helped Spartans climb in the Trojan Horse; they were the Hittite’s western neighbors. Santa certainly does sleek into many well meaning Christian houses on the solar solstice every year and some even leave milk and cookies for him.
Hittites migrated west assimilating locals and acquiring new names. Moving into Macedonia by land, and by sea, they settled the islands of the Aegean Sea, Cretans being noted for their “Grove Rituals” and close sibling “Kinsmen” marriages. From there to Greece, City States formed to serve the “Metropolis” (Mother Police State) protected by armies of pederastic fighting pairs such as Thebans and Spartans. In Tuscany, they brought their cult of the dead, often embalming the wealthy in honey for preservation in the afterlife. Their Greek pantheon of “Titans” changed names and was brought to Rome where it spread far and wide by legions of Roman soldiers initiated into Mithraism, a Persian solar cult initiated by “Zero-Ashta” aka Zarathustra or Zoroaster. Ashta refers to Ashtaroth the “Mother Goddess” replacement for the Holy Ghost in the “Trinity” and many thought they could be saved by “Zero”, the heroic winner of the world’s final battle “Ahura Mazda”. The “Ram” became the symbol of Persia and in Daniel 8 their outcome is defeat at the hands of the “Goat”. In America, we call this “Goat” Uncle Sam likely because Ishmael was Esau’s uncle and Samaritans (mixed genealogy of Babylonians, Canaanites, Edomites and Cuth “Medes”) replaced Israel during Assyrian captivity in the early 7th Century BC.
Jesus Christ was crucified by people who said they were Jews but were not.
“…I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
– Rev 2:9
He called the Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites sitting in Moses’ seat binding heavy burdens on Jews and not doing what they preach; ravenous wolves full of dead men’s bones; a generation of vipers; people who steal widow’s money and shut up the kingdom of God and blind fools damned to Hell” (ref Mat 23). Fine, but if they weren’t Jewish, who were they? We have 15+ different versions of a Bible that says it is God in written form, so I suppose it’s fair to attribute 14+ of them to the Scribes who later became the Essenes “King Bees”, or Alexandrian Gnostics “Theraputae”, but what about the Pharisees? Jesus didn’t blame Jews for the Crucifixion, He blamed the Pharisees, so who were they and what did they have to do with Santa?
[frame_right][/frame_right]“Grove Rituals” (post flood) begin in Akkad (Mesopotamia). Ritual altars excavated from Nimrod’s day ca 2150 BC. Nimrod was a Cushite from modern Sudan who was falsely blamed for building the Tower of Babel; the builders came “from” the east, not the west. Many identify him with the famous Sargon I of Akkad “Scorpion King” (I doubt this), but rites held on the top floor of Ziggurat Towers commemorate “Hierogamy”, the marriage of the Divine Couple, and have done so to this day at places like Bohemian Grove. 2000 world leaders attend this summer ritual in the Redwood Forest on the Russian River (Rus means Red) near Santa Rosa and the Chief Priest is none other than Santa Claus. My Bohemian Grove article goes into more detail. Hierogamy rituals were held at sunrise on the solar solstice on a “High Place”, amid a “Grove” of evergreen trees. Babylonians called this “Succoth-benoth” for “Booth of daughters”. Stone representations from the Baghdad Museum show in detail what these “Sacred Groves” looked like. I don’t know how to be more delicate so here goes: 2 naked men face with an offering table between them. They kneel between two ziggurats, next to twin pillars and an “Amphora” (2 handled jar of water) and perform ritual cleansing of each other “Ablution”. Modern Freemasonic altars call the twin pillars, Jachin and Boaz to venerate the Israelite seed mingling with Moabites descended from Lot’s incest with his daughter. Akkad existed before the days of Abraham yet “Ablution” rituals have twin pillars exactly like Freemasonic altars, so I’m guessing they represent ritual incest. Nimrod and his Mother, the Cushite queen Semiramis (Statue of Liberty) were not unlike Osiris and Isis in Egypt as Father and Mother; their “Hierogamy” union created Tammuz, the source of many “T” shaped stone altars all over the world. The “Christian Cross” was derived from the Cross of Tammuz or Egyptian Ankh; as stated 6 times in the Authorized Bible, Jesus was crucified by hanging Him upon a tree in accordance with Jewish Law found in Deut 21:22. The “Cross” worn by many Christians is not unlike Santa Claus impersonating Jesus Christ. Both may be far more dangerous than one can imagine “Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD” Deut 27:15 Question: Elizabeth (John the Baptist’s mother) was visited by Mary in the winter during her 6th month of pregnancy. Jesus and John were born 6 months apart. How is it possible Jesus was born in winter?
Tammuz and Horus were known as “Divine Sons”. Highlanders in Persia called them “Dumuzi Apsu” which means the offspring of the underground cavern or spring. The Bible uses the phrase “passing children through fires of Molech”, in other words presenting them as ritual sacrifices; their heads placed as ornaments on the “Sacred Tree” much like we do today with Christmas ornaments. I hope the angel on top of the tree looks a little different after reading this! In Latin, “Mass” means ritual killing, so it’s only gotten worse because at Christmas, Jesus is the ritual sacrifice. In Greece, Hellenes called Tammuz “Adonis”, the youthful reincarnation of his father; in Rome he became Janus the 2 faced god with his “Back to the Future”. That innocent looking movie featured “Pederastic Mentorship” which formed the backbone of Spartan, Theban, Teutonic Knights, Shoulin, Samurai among many more. The idea that “Time Travel” may one day allow one to prevent another’s birth was on display in much the same way Terminator movies did or Einstein’s Theory of Relativity does. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it ain’t happening!
In today’s terminology these offspring would be called Gaea’s “Mother Nature” children or Stephen King’s Children of the Corn. Greeks venerated Ceres “Goddess of Grains” as Queen of Heaven much like the Virgin Mary would become to the Roman Church or Mary Magdalene for the “Holy Grail” crowd Dan Brown has given new life to. Tithing of Corn, Wine and Oil to God are called “First fruits” in the bible, so it’s usually the first born children who are sacrificed in these rituals; Freemasons ease into the idea dedicating structures on the earth with identical Corn, Wine and Oil ceremonies; at lower levels, the Corn is money (gold coins or money placed under the foundation stone) but an actual human being is required in time. For example, a requirement at upper Jesuit levels is to kill another, and upper level oaths for Knights of Malta require them to “Destroy this vile refuse from Heaven”. The Christmas Tree is a “Grove”; Freemason coffins are shaped like the Kabbalah “Tree of Life” with an evergreen sprig at the head and 3 “5’s” at the heart. 5 is the Roman numeral for 5 and the 6th Hebrew letter “Vau” which means nail; in other words the 3 nails used to fasten the ritual human sacrifice (Jesus Christ) to the Sacred Tree. You probably want to come to an understanding of this before rushing out for a tree this year, and if it’s an artificial X-Mass tree (like I had until recently) I’d watch out for lightning bolts! “X” is the symbol of the “Divine Union” with the Egyptian sun-god Osiris.
Canaanites venerated Baal as the “corn god”; Phoenicians then made Baal’s the chief god of each of their cities they infected with this doctrine; the Bible mentions many of them (Berith, Gad, Hamon, Hanan, Hazor, Hermon, Baalim, Meon, Peor, Perazim, Shalsha, Tamar). Through interaction (particularly at Mt Hermon) with tribes of Israelites, they convinced them Baal was providing their land, and material wealth and over time the image of God turned into Egyptian and or Cretian “Apis” Bulls, Obelisks, Goats, Red and Purple feathered Phoenix birds like Quetzalcoatl or the more recent iteration of the Hittite god “Santa Claus”. Often these Canaanite names were changed and assimilated into local custom such as Baalbek, Lebanon the Temple of Baal-shamin in Palmyra, Syria (Palmyra NY is named after this Temple). Corn i.e. gold was made valuable by Phoenician merchants who traded it for worthless trinkets, metal weapons or purple and red fabrics deemed necessary Royalty”. At present, all or most of the world’s gold is hoarded in London, so as the Bible says “As in the days of Noe, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man”, we will once again return to corn being more valuable than gold. We can see this in GM modified “Terminator” seeds, vast quantities of water being used to produce corn ethanol rather than food and the massive Arctic seed vault in Svalborg, Sweden being funded by Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation. I can assure you, they know something you don’t! At the UN, an “Ark” shows people disembarking into the New Age, next to St George killing a dragon (Jesus), next to a small “Golden Globe” being birthed from it’s own destruction (small as in 5/6th less people). In Noah’s day, the Ark was a boat; guess where the ark is today? Gaea’s Womb; the same underground water filled caves “Apsu” which protected the Divine Child Dumuzi Apsu “Tammuz”. Cave entrances are considered Gaea’s Womb “Labarum” and face east toward the rising sun. Ignorantly or not, the Christian “Fish Symbol” is this Labarum often called the “Golden Mean”.
Emperor Constantine held the first ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325 AD to among other issues decide what the Trinity represented because he had no idea what the Holy Ghost was. Nicholas was bishop of Myra, (SW Turkey); recently freed from prison for striking an Arian heretic (Arianism held Jesus to be subordinate to God), his “Cult” following spread quickly. Whether St Nicholas of Myra attended the council I’m not entirely sure, but the Nicene Creed basically affirmed an apostolic line beginning with Peter through Roman Catholic Popes. Too bad there isn’t one! It’s Jesus through the Holy Ghost!! This elevated clergy above the laity was known as the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which Jesus also said He hated as described in Rev 2 &3. Nicolaitan stems from 2 Greek words meaning “conquer” and “laity or people”. Constantine told his followers that in a dream he saw an X in the sky and the Latin inscription In Hoc Signo Vinces which means “By this sign, conquer”, so maybe Nicholas had more than a casual relationship to the Nicolaitans. Note also that the Nicolaitans were established at Pergamos Turkey, the physical location of Satan’s Seat on earth and X is the symbol of the Divine Union in Egypt (Osiris +Isis= Horus). The X is really an upward triangle (male) mating with the downward (female). The Six Pointed Star flying over Israel today represents the union of Adrammelech (sun god) and Anammelech (Rabbit Idol) (ref 2 Kings 17:30) It represents Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the unforgivable sin from where there is no forgiveness or Salvation. Jesus calls Jerusalem spiritual Sodom and Egypt right up until the 2nd Coming (Rev 11:8); maybe now you can see why. “Sacred Grove” rituals accomplish this; Mormon men who accept the title “Melchisedek Priest” are literally playing with fire because this is usurping a title only Jesus held and becoming God whom Abraham paid his “Tithe”.
Celtic (Aryan “Highlander”) cults began in the mountains of Iran; transported by Gypsies and Bohemians they developed throughout Europe with the Druids becoming their famous elevated clergy. Druids were prolific sacrifices of human beings as well as being judges, poets, educators, musicians and priests. Sacrificial bonfires burned especially bright on Yule, considered the birthday of the Sun-god. This was usually accomplished at places like Stonehenge and in Oak Groves “Thor’s Oaks” stripped of their branches and adorned with a large cross bar forming a T. Like the Hittite “Oaks of Bashan”, they too were Pantheistic believing spirits resided within the earth, but to them, Pan was more than just an obscure underworld deity. He was ½ man, ½ goat (recall Jacob used goat hair to impersonate Esau) having cloven hooves, downward pointed beard and horns who seduced nymphs of his choosing with beautiful music. Today we may call him “Sugar Daddy”. Knight Templars, the first International Bankers fulfilled Isaac’s prophecy for Esau to live off the fatness of the earth and venerated the Goat Idol called “Baphomet”.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Throughout the Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Gaul (France) and Bohemia (Germany to Turkey) Santa was known as “Sinterklass”, really just another name for the Norse god Odin who with Freya as Father and Mother gave birth to Thor as “Divine Child”. Look for this to be put on display in Tom Cruise’s new movie Valkyrie. The US is in the same position Germany was in at the end of the Weimar Republic; as WW2 began, so will WW3 initiated by the same people. The myth of King Arthur and Beowulf stemmed from this time ca 500 AD shortly after the fall of Rome. Saxons took Britain on 9/11/472 just as America was put on the slippery slide on 9/11/2001. In the 1500’s, Martin Luther firmly established the Protestant Reformation in Germany. He established Nov 1 as “All Saints Day” in memory of fallen martyrs, but in Celtic tradition, the day was still Samhein, the day when demon spirits move easily between the underworld and the living world. He also established the practice of decorating an evergreen tree on Yule with ornaments in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ. Once again, these were severed heads of sacrifices so the celebration cannot get any better than its foundation. Luther was a Rosicrucian “Order of the Rose and Cross”; basically a goddess (Gaea) worshipping secret society based on Kabbalah. This is why his symbol is the rose and cross and why Knight Templars had these symbols carved into Castles and Cathedrals. Jesus was not born at the solar solstice. For over 300 years, Christians did not venerate His birth, only His resurrection because His birth was not the important thing to remember; His resurrection is what’s important, and that has nothing to do with Easter; it’s called Passover. Jesus was born during the time of year when lambs are still in the mountains, not winter. The reason Mary and Joseph were in Jerusalem was for Feast of Tabernacles because Mary was about to give birth to the human Tabernacle. Herod was one of Esau’s descendants; he tried to kill Jesus when he heard of His birth. He died in the spring of 4 BC, so you take a guess when Jesus was really born. 0 AD? Anno Domini means “Year of our Lord”. Not my Lord, Jesus Christ but Esau’s Lord the Red Dragon. Was it at the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn as many claim? I doubt Jesus would use planets named after Satan (Saturn) and the Cretian pedophile, Zeus (Jupiter).
Throughout Europe, children were told stories of Sinterklass. Over the years, his horns were removed, his cloven hooves and goat legs hidden. He aged, became pot bellied, and brought presents to everyone in the world simultaneously on the longest night of the year with the help of Elves of course. Elven Path is the oldest form of Wicca by the way. Celts knew Elves to be demon spirits, but now they were Sinterklass’ helpers. The familiar soft pointed hat worn by Santa and his helpers came from Phrygia called the “Liberty Cap”. Egypt and Phrygians of modern Turkey often disagreed on who was the older civilization according to Greek historian Herodotus, so suffice to say this Liberty Cap is quite old (ca 1900-1500 BC). Aryan Medes introduced this Liberty Cap as the “Cap of Mithra” the Persian sun god and as always, Mithraeum were caves used for ritual initiation. Mithrasim was identical to the 7 step Druid initiations that would later develop with Druids and Bards. Mithraism spread throughout the Roman Empire by Legionnaires in the waning days of the Empire; notably at this time, Sicambrian Franks began the popular Merovingian myth that Dan Brown exploited as the Holy Grail. You may recall Sophia was the last of the Grail line in the DaVinci Code. In Latin, Hagia Sophia means “Wisdom” and yes, it’s the same “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” Eve partook of.
The Liberty Cap (Papa Smurf consults with demon spirits you know) originally came from the Canaanites in Phoenicia (ca 1400 BC) who called it a “Henin”. It became the “Sleeping Cap” (Opium Poppies put Dorothy to sleep remember) to represent keeping the laity ignorant of the true war going on for human souls. Dionysus in Greece and Bacchus Rites in Rome became known as the wedding of Liber and Liberia. Liberty then is merely being liberated from worship of God; Jacob’s Yoke if you will. Christmas certainly has accomplished this quite well! Freemasonry being the largest secret society in the world liberates initiates in a 33 step process under the slogan Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. They have initiated every modern Revolution in the world, tracing their origins back to the first Canaanite rebellion described in Gen 14. Recall, Abram only became Abraham (h refers to covenant with God) when he refused to have anything to do with the Canaanites and the covenant was passed on “Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan” The Roman celebration “Saturnalia” lasted a week as the ritual wedding to Satan, featuring alcohol, drugs, orgies, human sacrifice, and ritual cannibalism. Kahn-Baals (Priests of Baal) first taught cannibalism simply because it was pretty much the only rule God gave to Noah and his family after the Flood not to do.
Bacchanalian “Bacchus” Rites came straight out of Egypt, probably brought there by the white foreign rulers called “Hyksos”. Dionysiac “Dionysus” Rites, Mithraic “Mithra” Rites are all the same; a ritual wedding to the fire god Satan who the Canaanites called Vulcan and Egyptians knew as Ptah. Think Patrick got rid of all the snakes in Ireland? Ptah-Rekh means “Sun King”. His Celtic Cross was identical to the Akkadian Sun Wheel and I’m quite sure whoever he was, he knew it.
To put all this in Biblical perspective, Cain’s descendant Tubal-Cain was the first metal smith who lived in a time when men were not calling on the name of God, after the murder of Abel. In the Freemasonic handbook, the password Tubal-Cain is compared to the fire god Vulcan of the Pagan Canaanites. Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) is an avid Kabbalist; the “V” sign of Vulcan is the same sign the Pharisees “High Fived” each other with after the Crucifixion of Jesus and today taught by Kabbalist Rabbis as the sign of “Shin”. This “V” not only represents Gaea or Anammelech (Rabbit Idol) and the nails used to Crucify Jesus, but the symbol of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory adopted by the Nicolaitans and St Nicholas of Myra. Winston Churchill, an initiated Druid Priest used the “V” sign as a symbol of peace because one day this Antichrist will indeed be a man of peace who as Daniel said would obtain the kingdom by flatteries and destroy wonderfully. Occultists the world over knew that Churchill and FDR, a Freemason had conspired to fight WW2 and they also know that rabbits do not lay eggs. Easter is merely Ishtar the Canaanite goddess being impregnated by the sun god, and the rabbit, a symbol of fornication.
Sinterklass developed into Santa Claus, the original name of the Hittite god of the west, largely from an add campaign Coca Cola used after the turn of the 20th century. Their campaign was a trial balloon floated to judge public perception much like the campaign used to initiate the world to Aspartame laced Diet Coke in the early 80’s. Memories are quite short, but people in Europe knew Santa more as Sinterklass the evil character and many knew that aside from massive $$ thrown into marketing, the reason Coca Cola was more popular than other brands was not their secret formula as much as it’s cocaine additive which made it addictive. The biggest Opium Dealers on the planet are Yale Skull & Bonesmen which is why Bonesmen Bush Jr turned Afghanistan into the Opium capital of the world an laced it with depleted uranium. Stalin was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and I’m sure Bush will be as well! Aspartame was a caustic refuse chemical used by Don Rumsfeld’s company GD Searle. Aside from a dozen serious diseases such as Lupus and joint degeneration, Aspartame fattened pigs quite well for slaughter before it became the sweetener used to replace Saccharin. Such is the world of legalized lying called marketing I suppose.
Santa sits on God’s throne in the north married to Mrs. Claus with a legion of elves helping him. He is able to read everyone’s mind, be everywhere at the same time and judges good versus evil thoughts. He wears a Red Edomite suit and Phrygian Liberty Cap bringing presents on his own birthday to people in exchange for worship of a “Grove”. He finds his way with a Red Light and convinces people to light their houses up as the Jewish Temple was for Feast of Tabernacles. God lamented to Ezekiel that He had been changed into creeping things, 4 footed beasts and flying fowl, now we can add old, flying, fat, white guy in ridiculous red suit who shows up at the end of a week long Roman holiday called Saturnalia.
Aryan Medes are not Persian. They are Caucasian descendants of Japeth from Armenia, Iran, and Afghanistan; steppe regions north of Babylon. Herodotus describes Armenians from Urartu, the area where Noah’s Ark rests today in Kurdish territory bringing Phoenician date palm wine to Babylon on home made barges wearing white robes, tunics, sandals, beards, long hair, carrying crooked staffs bearing symbols of the apple, rose, lily and or eagle. After the exchange, for gold, they rode home on donkeys. This being 700 years before Jesus is pretty incredible and very similar to stories of the Mayan Quetzalcoatl and Norse Odin. Mede (Persian/Babylonian Magi) Priests wore Crimson colored robes and three of these wise men even brought Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to the baby Jesus 2000 years ago when they saw a star in the east. Arriving as Pagans, they left as Christians when they became aware of who Jesus really was but travelling 400 miles in winter and viewing Him still in the manger on 0 AD; don’t think so. In Babylon, Solar Priests taught that Nimrod died, was buried and an evergreen tree miraculously sprouted at the head of his grave. From the dead, he was said to bring presents to his people in exchange for suitable human sacrifices of children. Ham means black so this was likely the beginning of subjecting blacks to slavery; Nimrod did come from the East; Median “Magi” did.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Phoenicians taught Inca and Mayan Priests of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan and Druids followed the tradition of sacrificing virgins after their interaction with these Phoenician Magi. Well documented (ref America BC by Harvard Anthropologist Barry Fell) is the fact that Phoenician, Libyan and Celtic merchants collected gold and silver from the Inca and Maya, copper from the mid-west using the Mississippi River, furs from the north east, and tin from Briton in exchange for human sacrifices, gold and astrology predictions. Metals were smelted at the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar at Cadiz, Spain) into weapons, idols, libation bowls and transported worldwide. King Solomon’s “Ships of Tarshish” began all this; remember, Abraham would not take a shoelace from the Canaanites, but Solomon let them use his ships, and they continue to plague his generations. In other words, Abraham was “Saved” and Solomon probably not, even though the Bible describes him as the richest and wisest man in all of history.
In Heaven, God sits on His throne in the north. It’s not coincidence that like Santa Claus, Superman had his home there as well or that many theologians are expecting a human messiah (Chiliasm is the Kabbalist preparation for the human messiah known as Zionism) to one day sit on the throne of King David and rule the world. Santa is white like Quetzalcoatl; Phoenicians told the Mayans this was Jesus. Aztecs were named after Aztlan “To make white”; MeCHA and LaRaza Unida are now uniting Mexicans to reclaim Aztlan taken from them by Freemasons at the Alamo. It is not coincidence that Gen Santa Ana, also a Freemason is named after Santa (sun god) and Ana (Anammelech). This crept into the Mormon Church from Kabbalists who taught Joseph Smith that Lamanites were actually these dark skinned Mayans.
Scandinavian mythology depicts Odin (Woden) with a robe, crooked staff and white beard whose version of Heaven (Valhalla) is staffed by Valkyries who aid warriors in battle; the very killing, Jesus says excludes a person from Salvation. Sufis taught the same thing to Muslim “Assassins” and Knight Templars to Crusaders. Christians, even if they know Santa is a fake are probably desiring to rebuild the Jewish Temple and follow its eventual human leader. Read Ezekiel 48 folks, Jacob is restored after the 2nd Coming and the Temple of God descends from Heaven, not from Man. Greek philosophers made Father Time “Grim Reaper” into Cronus, the god of time who eats his offspring as soon as they are born. The Bible calls this “passing children through fires to Molech”. Take a step back and evaluate what’s going on; J Edgar Hoover said it best “People are confronted by a conspiracy so monstrous, they simply can’t believe it exists”. The human Messiah and Man of Peace is Satan!
God created angels and humans. 1/3 of angels decided to follow Satan. Satan is real!!! You and I have the exact same decision to make; follow Esau’s lord Satan or follow Jacob’s Lord, Jesus Christ. We cannot become a god ourselves; it’s a lie the serpent told Eve and it hasn’t changed one bit, and by the way Melchisedek is God. We cannot get salvation by killing people and Jesus most certainly didn’t arbitrarily choose people over others; Everyone is welcome to be “Saved” if they ask Jesus to save them. Christmas is really 2 words meaning Christ and Mass, to kill Christ and distribute the Host (Eucharist bread and wine). This is what Nicolaitan means and what Constantine had in mind as well when he saw the “X” in the sky with the slogan “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign conquer). Jesus was Hebrew, so He probably had fairly dark skin. He was not born on Christmas, and He wouldn’t bring presents to his own birthday, right? Now who do you really think is hiding in that red suit?
Esau was Jacob’s twin brother, born hairy and red all over, jealous of his brother, despising his birthright, living by the sword, rich off the fatness of the earth. Humanity has 2 choices like we always have, choose the ways of Cain or Abel, Esau or Jacob, and soon Jesus or a Man of Peace. The only way to know is to ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost. Canaanites chose the ways of Cain. Mede Priests, Druids, and Bards descend from Japeth followed suit. British Royalty put the Red Cross and Red X on their flag. The US put 13 Red and White Stripes (Laban’s Strakes described in Gen 30:35-41) on theirs. Jesuits, disguised as Catholic wear Esau’s Red Robes. Sufis a Red Sash; Templars a Red Cross. Communist Nations use the Red Star; Muslim Nations the Red Crescent; Imperial Japan the Red Sun. Protestants follow Calvin whose real name was “Cohen” a Samaritan Priest name like Kahn; Lutherans follow Luther “Red Rose and Red Cross” and a member of the “Black Cloister”; Presbyterians follow John Knox and bless the Chief of the Assyrian Army “Tartan” every year. We are led by Priests into following a Red Nosed Reindeer rather than critically reading the Word of God. Obama uses the Rising Sun Logo and Palin has a Marketing company named Rouge Coup. Do you need more clues that Esau is nearly at the point of Dominion over Jacob? The Divine Marriage has been celebrated since the flood 4500 years ago and I’m quite certain before it. Christmas is ritual Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost whether you are aware of that fact or not, Jesus is not happy about it. I left out the part about Mistletoe, Holly-wood, and Yule logs because it makes me sick. Santa has a big bag full of presents; guess what they are? 7 vials of wrath if we keep letting him slide down our chimneys, and following Rudolf’s red nose, we will wind up in Esau’s Sheepfold called Bozrah. It’s no coincidence WW3 was described by HG Wells in The Shape of Things to Come as beginning in Basra, Iraq with an attack by Iran. The original Persian Magi came from the east to build the Tower of Babel and the Bible says 4 Rivers marked the original Garden of Eden forming an X. This is the spot! Is it any wonder why Daniel 11:41 says Edom shall escape out of Antichrist’s hands?
Sanat Kumara, Santa Claus and the Peacock King of Persia “Sanjak” are all Esau and his effort to obtain Dominion over Jacob. The US has $11T in Red Ink; all but the first $1T coming from Reagan a Knight of Malta and 2 Bushes, both Skull & Bones. They burned us. Abraham wouldn’t take a shoelace from the Canaanites, we take piles of presents from them, paid for with borrowed money and think God will forgive us. I am not ever going to celebrate Christmas again; How about you? Zechariah 14:16 says Jesus will reinstate the annual Feast of Tabernacles; why not start today?