“Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest…They deck is with silver and with gold…Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good” Jer 10:2-4
“Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain” Gal 4:11
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth…”
Mithra means “Covenant, Contract or Agreement”; Mithraism being the 7 Level Secret Society came from the East as Mitra to Babylon after the Flood and then spread to Greece as the Eleusinian Mystery Religion; to Persia via the Medes as Zoroastrianism; to Rome as Mithras; to Europe via Secret Societies such as Speculative Freemasonry and Rosicruciansim and lastly to the Americas. His Priests were “Priests of On” or “Society of Ormus” aka Theraputae whose logo was “Virgo”. Mithras was the son of the Persian deity Ahura Mazda aka Ormaizd the “god of light and wisdom”; he was “Immaculately Conceived” on Mar 25 and born on Sunday “Dies Solis” at “Even” on the Eve of Christmas Day Dec 25, to the Virgin Mother of god Anahita, both his mother and wife when she was impregnated by Light (First light Easter Sunday ringing a bell here?). He remained Celibate and became the Saviour by shedding “Eternal Blood” (Repeated Annual Mass, Starvation, War, Disease etc). His worshippers were Baptized with Water, viewed Wine as sacrificial blood, held Sunday as Sacred, called themselves “Brothers” through Oaths sealed by “Handshake” and partook of bread as the body of the Saviour marked with an equal arm Cross (Hot Cross Buns). Should sound familiar to Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Orthodox, Freemasons and besides Zoroastrianism, the most thoroughly Mithraic modern day incarnation “Mormonism” (The Hand Clasp is over the door to the Mormon Visitor’s Center, and the Secret Oaths used in Mithraism begin soon thereafter) because all are based on Mithraism. Zoroaster “Star Seed”, Astrophysics “Star Children”, Mormonism’s Embryo Souls from the Star Kolob or the Cult of Isis belief in souls residing in the Star Sirius are all examples of Mithraism, the religion of Lucifer/Satan that was brought to Babylon from the East shortly after the Flood. Easter and Christmas are Satan’s big festivals, but BEE Careful, Swearing a Mithraic (Secret Society Oaths) Oath (Denying Jesus Christ and accepting the Mark of the Beast) will land you in Hell for eternity! Waiting for Maitreya? This World Teacher is Mithras. The UN Planetary Initiative has declared “Nobody will enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”; Mithraism is that initiation.
Truth is the first casualty in the war for our Souls nearing it’s 6000th year.
God ordained 7 Holy Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost (Weeks), Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles; the first representing the Crucifixion of God in Flesh; the latter representing the birth of God in Flesh, Jesus Christ. Easter, Hanukkah and Christmas are Samaritan; neither Jewish or Christian, they are Heathen.
Actual Birth of Jesus Christ: 15 Tishrei (Sept 25) 6 BC
Jesus came to “Heal the World”; Luke was a Physician who described the birth of Jesus in where else but Luke 1? He was born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles and Circumcised in fulfillment of Jewish Law on the 8th “Great Day” of Feast of Tabernacles.
“Zecharias, of the course of Abia…as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months” 1 Chr 24 “chronicles of the 24 courses”, lists the 24, 1 week periods of Temple service beginning with 1 Abib/Nisan; once again, where else would God put this information but 1 Chr 24? Abia is the 8th service period beginning 2 months after the New Moon following Spring Equinox. The time John the Baptist was conceived would have been near Summer Solstice, which is why the Feast Day of John the Baptist is June 24th. Of note is Samaritan Gnostics were called Johnniters for their feigned worship of John the Baptist; today we call them Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes, Sovereign Military Order of Malta “SMOM” or Hospitallers.
“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto…Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary…the Lord is with thee…thou shalt conceive in thy womb and …shalt call his name JESUS…thy cousin Elisabeth …also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren…when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost” Jesus Christ was conceived when John the Baptist was 6 months in the womb during Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication”. Mary was the Undefiled New Covenant Temple of God.
“a similar decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed…when Cyrenius was governor of Syria…Joseph also went…out of the city of Nazareth…into the city of David…Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night….and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS” There was no room at the Inn because Tax season corresponds with Feast of Tabernacles (Sept-Oct) when Shepherds are watching their flocks by night. Feast of Tabernacles is the only Holy Feast ordained by God with 8 days; the 8 day Hanukkah “Festival of Light” is not Jewish, it is Samaritan. Jesus was Born on 15 Tishrei and Circumcised on 22 Tishrei.
“there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem…Herod…enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared…And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said Go and search diligently for the young child…And when they departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him…And was there until the death of Herod…then Herod …slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men” Mat 2 The 3 Wise Men in the Winter Nativity scene is a Samaritan Icon; Herod was killed after the “Slaughter of Innocents” in the Spring of 4 BC; Jesus was therefore born on the first day of Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC and Circumcised on the 8th “Great Day” of Feast of Tabernacles Why? Jesus became the New Covenant Tabernacles on that day! The 8th Covenant between God and Man had begun.
Samaritan Iconography violates the 1st and 2nd Commandments
Samaritans brought the Mithraic religion of Babylon and Persia (Medeans) to Israel; modern Israel has virtually nothing in common with Israel of the Old Testament.
Dove is not only the symbol of the Samaritans; a false version of the Holy Ghost. The Dove is the symbol of the Sovereign Queen of Assyria “Semiramis”, a mythical name meaning “Dove”. Semiramis and Nimrod was a purely made up myth originated by Samaritans during the Inter-testament period; likely at the Nag Hamadi Library in Alexandria. In Britain, Semiramis is seen in Britannia; in America, we see Semiramis represented in the Statue of Liberty and Lady Freedom standing atop the Capitol “Womb of Jupiter” where Congress meets to plan War (Congredi means “To meet for War”). The Dove symbolizes safety provided by God in Noah’s Ark; Trust in God and His Word. The Dove is also the symbol of the Holy Ghost, the entire foundation of the New Covenant and the very thing the Samaritan Magician Simon Magus attempted to purchase from the Apostles. Samaritans feign worship of John the Baptist because the Holy Ghost descended as a Dove at the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Holy Water has nothing to do with Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Ask Jesus Christ for it and you will see for yourself!
Nativity Scene
Nativity Scene is Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun) is the birth of Mithra, the Persian sun god aka Vedic/Aryan Mitra not Jesus Christ!. Mithra is the son of the Persian god of light “Ahura Mazda” aka Lucifer. Affecting more than Christianity, Ahura Mazda in the pre-Islamic Arab world was called Allah, one of whose daughters was “Al-lat”. Mithra means “Covenant”; a Covenant with Lucifer will land you in Hell for eternity! Wise Men (Medean Magi) arrived 1 1/2 years after Jesus’ birth when He was in Egypt. Any Priest/Pastor setting up the Nativity is a Samaritan Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes hiding Mithraism behind a Christian façade. It is no coincidence Zoroastrian Priests dressed in Red Robes and wore the Phrygian Cap (Liberty Cap) just like Santa Claus!
Jesus with White skin, Beard and Long Hair is Zeus (Egyptian Serapis), not Jesus Christ. Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Viracocha etc are similar false gods of Samaritan origin in the Americas. A false Messiah will soon be presented for the world to accept, and with it, the Mark of the Beast and a one-way ticket to Hell for eternity. “Nobody will enter the New Age unless he/she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”- UN Planetary Initiative. Bee careful folks, Chaldean/Samaritan Liars have planned this for 4300 years; Bee means Word in Chaldee and like WASPS, they have a Sting to them!
Santa Claus
Santa Claus is the Egyptian god Bes, the Gnome of the North Pole; Santa is the Hittite god of the west from the North Pole. Santa wears the Red (Edomite) suit of Zoroastrian (Aryan means “Noble Caste”) Priests, carrying a sack full of Red and White Amenita Muscaria (aka Fly Agaric) Mushrooms down the Smoke Hole, giving people a false euphoria with an “Entheogen” (God Within) rather than the “Holy Ghost”. Santa’s (Satan’s) Sleigh is pulled by 8 Stags led by the one with the Red (Edomite; Red is called the “Path of Mithra”) Nose because Jesus Christ is God in Flesh and “God hates Esau” (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13). The Benediction Sign is of this same Horned God of the hunt, Cernunnos or Herne. The Benediction is also the Sign of Duality, having originated with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and currently expressed in Zoroastrian (Star Seed) belief in the final battle of “Good versus Evil”. Folks, nobody battles God and wins, including Satan; “Armageddon” and “Gog and Magog” 1000 years later give no words to any battle; they are instant and eternal destruction to unbelievers in the presence of God! Sinterklass is nothing more than St Nicolaitane.
Easter Rabbit
Easter Rabbit is Anamellech, the Sepharvite god of flocks; the universal symbol of Free Love is diametrically opposed to God’s Word. 9 months after Easter (Ishtar) is impregnated by the Sun god, the Child is born; Jesus? Heaven’s no; Satan.
Yarmulke, Kippah, Zuchetti are all Caps of Cybele; replacements for the Temple Veil torn at the Crucifixion. Access to the Holy Ghost is one prayer away now;
Catholic and Orthodox Mitres
Catholic and Orthodox Mitres are Philistine Mitres of Dagan; gaping fish jaws from the side, the flame from the front. The original Sumerian Fish god “Oannes” and Canaanite fire god “Molech”, all in one.
Cross and Crucifix
Cross and Crucifix is the T used by followers of Tammuz (Satan); Jesus was hung on a Tree. Devotees of Tammuz placed a T drawn with ashes of human sacrifices in Babylon on their foreheads. Pope John Paul II even revived the “Twisted Crucifix”, carried in celebration of the Crucifixion; pretty bold and very blasphemous to be sure!
Menorah is a 9 branched candlestick whose 8 arms are lit by Shamash the Assyrio-Babylonian sun god equivalent with Ahura Mazda. Jesus was hung on a tree between 2 thieves forming the 7 branched candlestick, the Old Covenant symbol Moses constructed for the Tabernacle. The Menorah is not Jewish in any sense; it is Heathen and Samaritan.
YHVH is the Tetragammaton symbolizing the Samaritan “Elyon”, Phoenician “El”, Aramaan “Hypsistos” (Highest) and Elyon (Illyyon is Ilu, the Akkadian version of Osiris “On”) incarnate in one Samaritan liar Simon Magus. Babylon (Bab=Gate of Ilu) is the Gate of Lucifer/Mithras; Elohim is the Mormon version, having nothing to do with God. Like Mormons, Samaritans are “Those who say they are Jews but are not” In the same vein is Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High). This title is Jesus Christ’s alone; not Shem and certainly now the Samaritan version Adoni-zedek whom Joshua battled in Canaan.
Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree is the Evergreen of Adonis; like Elohim, Adonis has nothing to do with God. The Druids “Knowers of Trees” brought this Heathen custom to the west and Martin Luther gave it a Christian façade. Groves are where “Evil is done in sight of the LORD”; the books of Kings chronicles tearing down and building up of Groves; read Jer 10 and you will see God does not tolerate this practice for long.
Advent Wreath
Advent Wreath is Celtic (Warrior); 5 Candles: Prophecy, Bethlehem, Shepherd, Angel and Christ representing the Pagan Solar Christ “Mithra” aka Solis Invictus. The 4 candles representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the 4 cardinal directions: Summer/Winter Solstice and Spring/Fall Equinox surrounding the White Center Candle is the Universal symbol of the Sun, not Jesus Christ.
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights Lucifer sets his throne among the Stars; as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, Lucifer/Satan promised Adam and Eve they could be as gods. The first lines in the “Emerald tablet of Toth/Hermes” is rendered “As Above, So Below” meaning humanity can build Heaven on Earth; the Stars of Heaven are represented on Earth with Christmas Lights, hence Hanukkah (25 Kislev) is Festival of Lights. In Tarot, Card #17 “The Star” is a woman with her head in the stars and here feet on Earth and Water; this woman is Eve, the first woman to believe the Serpent’s Lie. Why card #17? The Woman Riding the Beast is described in Rev 17.
Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child is not an Icon of Mary and Jesus because it violates the 2nd Commandment; the Icon is of Zeus and Minerva (Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus and Minerva); Knights Templar took this Icons of the Black Virgin and Child into Europe; the Samaritan version is Shamash (Shamash lights the 8 candles on the Hanukkah Menorah) and Astarte, seen in Israel today or the equivalent Mithra and Anahita, the Red and Green colors of Christmas.
Under the Star of Molech and Chiun in Israel are the Samaritans, descended from Ahab and Jezebel’s “70 Sons” and the Heathens who intermarried with them listed in 2 Kings 17:30 who replaced the real Israelites. Samaritans effectively brought Persian Mithraism into false “Messianic Judaism” with Kaballah, into false “Christianity” with Mithraism and into Messianic Islam with Shia Ismailism.
Succoth-benoth aka Venus/Lucifer; the “Booths of Daughters” were used for Cult Prostitution. Boughs of Evergreens are today ignorantly spread all over Christian households or made into Wreaths.
Ashima, the Sabbath Goat called Azazel (Goat that Departs), Goat of Mendes or Baphomet; GOAT means God Of All Things and the mirror image The Ark Of God; this Samaritan version will land you in Hell. Hamathites brought this Icon to Israel; the Ark of God for them was the incest Ham had with his mother after the Flood to produce Canaan, Cursed by this Sin. Ashima is also associated with Osiris, the god of propitiation who bears the Sins of the Congregation. The inverted 5pt star symbolizes Ashima as does the Pentagon and the layout of Washington DC. Benediction Sign and its Shadow (Malediction) form the Goat. During the Inquisition, the sign of Malediction was often the last sign one would see. 33 years ago, Pope John Paul II hired Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI=Benediction) to re-open the Office of Inquisition.
Nergal is the Samaritan god of War and Plague; Icons of Nergal include the Lion, Rooster/Cock and the Eagle used to replace the Lion. Nergal means Dunghill Cock, the Icon of Sanjak in Persia. Nergal is also Ares and Mars, the Greek and Roman gods of War. Paul noted the men of Athens ignorantly worshiped the UNKNOWN GOD on Mars’ Hill (Areopagus).
Tartak is the mother of Assyrian gods, represented as a Donkey; the Ass Jesus rode into Jerusalem on. Druids mock the Passion putting April Fools in Hobby Horses; rather blasphemous isn’t it?
Nibhaz is Hades, whose Icon is a Black Dog. Egyptian Priests of On taught Souls resided in the Dog Star, Sirius; Mormon Kolob is the same.
Adramellech is the Assyrian sun god and god of fire equivalent with Molech. 2000 world leaders offer sacrifices to Molech every summer at Bohemian Grove; 66 years ago, Israel was born under the Flag of Molech.
Anamellech is the Assyrian god of flocks equivalent with Hermes or Toth; the Icon is the Easter Rabbit denoting spring fertility and fecundity. The Staff of Hermes “Cadeuces” (AMA symbol) and appears in Mithraism as the Lion wrapped in the Snake “Leontocephaline”.
Modern day religions and their Icons largely stem from the Samaritan Magician Simon Magus aka King Arthur’s Merlin. Christmas (Dec 25=3 days/3 nights after Winter Solstice) has long been the birth date of the Egyptian Horus (High Flying One); Babylonian Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire), Roman Solis Invicti (Son of Sol=Mithra), Sumerian Dumuzi (Tammuz), Persian Mithras, Phrygian Attis, Greek Adonis; Canaanite Molech, and the Celtic Adonai/Adonis; these Icons have nothing whatsoever to do with God; they are merely Samaritan facsimiles. Santa may seem Omnipotent and Omni-present, bearing Free Gifts for people he Judges as worthy (Luciferians), but this myth will land you in Hell rather than the Grace of Jesus Christ. Samaritans and especially the religion of Mithraism are deadly errors for Christians and need to be avoided. That’s Easter and Christmas folks! Time to wake up!
Samaritanism is “Baptized Heathenism” which brings “Freedom from God” not a “Wedding of the Lamb”. Samaritan Mithraism is Syncretism, the mixing of Paganism, Judaism and Christianity into a Universal Church of Satan. “Liberty, Freedom, Equality” was/is the slogan of Revolutionaries from France, Britain and Scotland to South America and the recent Arab Spring; these are the slogans of Freemasonry as derived from Mithraism.
Priests of modern day religions are Nicolaitanes; Samaritans wearing the attire familiar to their victims. These 5th Column Traitors go by the name Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend and Melchisedek Priest; blasphemously offering Communion and preaching Samaritan nonsense such as “One Saved; Always Saved” from an elevated pulpit to Conquer (Nico) the Laity. Jude 1:4 warns of this doctrine and Jesus hates it (Rev 2:6;15). The Jesuit “Society of Jesus” uses the logo of a Solar Disc, Cross of Tammuz, 3 Nails and “In Hoc Signo Vinces”. They have nothing to do with following Jesus yet they control Intelligence, Government, Federal Reserve, Supreme Court and Military.
Samaritans feign an outward appearance and confession of faith in God, but inwardly, are the Synagogue of Satan; examples were Allumbrados, Crypto “Jews” and Sabataeans, Kabbalist followers of Shabatai Zevi and Jacob Frank or today’s “Luke Warm” Joel Osteen.
Samaritan “Kohen” (eg John Kerry or Gen Wes Clark are both Kohen) have nothing to do with the original Levite Priests yet occupy the position of Kohanim (Chief Priest) and wear the breastplate of Aaron. Jesus carries that mantle from Judah (Heb 7).
Samaritans claim descent from Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim; neat trick also claiming Levite genealogy eh? This sounds like Mormonism, because Mormons are Samaritans carrying on the ancient Persian religion called Mithraism.
Samaritans invented Cults; they revere persons such as John Calvin, John Wesley (Methodist), John Knox (Presbyterian), Martin Luther (Lutheran), Anglican (King Henry VIII) Mormon (Joseph Smith). Samaritans from Cuthah, Medea (Western Iran), and Babylon replaced Israel 2700 years ago; with them came Mithraism and its attendant SEcret Oaths and Hand Shakes seen in Masonry and Mormonism in particular. Most every religion on earth is infected with Mithraism.
The terms American, Californian, German, Mexican, Russian, Iranian etc etc are of Samaritan origin; there are real Jews and Christians in all these States and Nations, yet the names evoke homogeneous qualities. There are Satanists and followers of Jesus Christ period! Holy means “Separate”; true followers of Jesus Christ are instructed to separate themselves from Heathen practices. Jesus is the Narrow Path; the Wide Path leads to spiritual destruction! Heathen means “Living on the Heath”; Jesus refers to them as “Earth Dwellers” because they have no true relationship with God through the Holy Ghost. Folks, you will have a relationship with Jesus Christ or spend eternity in Hell; there is not other way!
Simony was named after Simon Magus after he claimed to be God in Flesh and attempted to purchase the office of Apostle; today, the office of Interfaith Minister can be purchased for a few $ hundred; with it comes a white robe with all the Samaritan Icons in the COEXIST Logo.
Christmas is Saturnalia; Saturnalia is Mithraism
The Samaritan Magician Simon Magus is rightly considered the father of all New Covenant heresies. Merry Christmas? The term literally means Happiness at the death of Jesus Christ (Mass) and the consumption of His Body (Victim=Hostia=Host) and Blood every year! Romans celebrated “Saturnalia”, the week long celebration of the re-birth of Saturn.
“And he shall confirm the covenant with any for one week…” Dan 9:27 is last week of the New Covenant. Lucifer will confirm a previously made Covenant/Contract with the nations of the world before the entire world becomes “Desolate” (Without God) and God’s Wrath is poured out. This is Saturnalia/Christmas folks!
The highest of 7 grades used in Mithraism “Pater” is ruled by Saturn; Priests of Mitra “Brahmins” in India are in the highest caste; Iran means “Noble Caste”. They got this tradition from ancient Persia (Greek Perseus was featured in “Clash of the Titans”), where the Sun god was called Mithras, born Dec 25th, 3 days and 3 nights after the Sun’s descent into the Netherworld. Mithra, the Zoroastrian fire god and son of Ahura Mazda is Tammuz which means “Purify by Fire”; this was the name of this Sun god given in Ezekiel 8; it caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple! That’s “Desolation” folks! Satan is quite clever and knows the Word of God better than any of us; his goal is to kill God over and over until we believe He is really dead. Ask Him for the Holy Ghost and you will see He is not!
Catholic means “Universal”; Rom means “Man”; the Roman Catholic “Mass” is thus the Universal Church of Man. Are all Catholics condemned? Heaven’s no, just mesled like the rest of the Heathen world. The word Rom or Man comes from Romani Gypsies, the promoters of Mithraism (Astrology, Tarot etc) seen visibly in Druidism or at Bohemian Grove. The Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Priest) and the Pope (Father=Pater) are Mithraism positions; Mithra is in fact the root of Mitre; the Pope wears the Mitre of Dagan aka Ahura Mazda, the father of Mithra. The Papal Staff is nothing more than the symbol of the office of “Pater” and has nothing whatsoever to do with God. The Vatican was in fact built over a Mithraeum (Cave of Mithra).
Are the Protestant Religions a viable alternative? No! All are based on the teachings of a man (John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Knox, John Wesley, Joseph Smith etc).
Orthodox means “Having the correct opinion”; are Orthodox (Syrian, Greek, Coptic, Russian etc) religions speaking the truth? They are called “Church of the East” ie Rising Sun, so the answer is NO!
I humbly suggest you burn the Tree (Grove) and turn the Lights (Lucifer means “Light Bearer”) out; “Festival of Lights” has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Toss the Advent (Annunciation/Arrival of Mithra) Candles and Hanukkah Menorah; they have nothing to do with God. Skip the Vesper Service before it’s too late! Vesper means “Evening Star”, another attribute of Lucifer and those Bees Wax Candles are Chaldean not Christian or Jewish! Satan, Lucifer, Devil, Serpent, Venus and Satan are names of the deity worshipped at Easter, Hanukkah and Christmas.
Bee is the title of Mithraism initiates; Bee is Chaldean for Word. If you want Manna from Heaven, know that God sent the “Honey Bread” to Israel while they were 40 years in the Arabian Desert (no not Egypt) on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas! Samson saw the Lion with Bees and Honey in the Carcass; Jesus is the Lion of Judah, the Bees and Honey are His Body and His Word!
If you are not 100% sure of your standing with Jesus Christ, ask Him; make an Oath in any form and He will hold you to it. The correct response is “Yea” or “Nay”; in these cases NAY! Mithras is Natalis Solis Invicti. Folks, Jesus Christ was not there on “Silent Night” and neither should you! The Chaldean Bees of Mithraism and Protestant WASPS have stung us.
Barack means “Lightning” in Arabic; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian/Medean Persian) The Lion King presented on “Pride Rock” is Mithras not Jesus Christ! Time to say “Nay” and establish a Personal Covenant with Jesus Christ! Your “Prayer Closet” is far better than any Cathedral, Synagogue, Shrine or Mosque for communicating with the Creator of Heaven and Earth!
Its Basically the Playbook to Middle East War Games with silent weapons
Security council, peace would be nice ! Make love not war ! What did the resolution say Travis?
United States of America
Report to the Counterterrorism Committee pursuant to paragraph 6 of Security Council resolution 1373 of 28 September 2001 Implementation of UNSCR 1373
What is this?
Peace and security, yeah Right as they turn up their killing ,of the worthless eaters. Vaccinations,chem trails, Fukushima radiation, man made disasters,(weather tampering, floods drought s,freezing citris and produce, eliminating the food supply ! Not to mention Genetically changing the foods we eat so they are not safe. Na, they say peace peace, but their will be no peace till the Prince of Peace YahUsha returns !, It appears to me that Yahuah /(Jehovah KJV) is separating the wheat from the tares! (Judgeing the inhabitants of the earth! All these signs and still no repentance . (Scripture tells us to pray that we can be found worthy to escape!). How anyone can know the truth of the Bible and still serve the Devil is a mystery to me! I feel sorry for all those who sell themselves short. Howard I was reading some comments and this one got me thinking. Wasn’t the messiah seed of David? How could their be a vergin birth if messiah was seed of David! I have excluded his comment so I can get your thoughts, on the vergin birth?
Roland MitchellAugust 20, 2013 at 11:54 AM
the original bible was used for many many years it was introduced to us by King Henry the VIII and although he himself was Corrupted the word of god as from what I was told was a bible of which was to be Trusted James a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest became King The King Henry’s bible was something of a thorn in the Catholic Churches Back and so before the coronation of King James Bishops Cardinals Monks and nuns alike were to Ascribe to corrupt the word of God to a point where they made out that Mary was a virgin and that Joseph never touched her Now if that was a Fact pray tell me why does it say that King David would pass on his seed? Bathsheba was the woman in whom became the first woman to pass on his seed unto her giving the first boy child Read your bible and see on how many generations of the seed of David before it came to Joseph Look on how many Hebrew Names there were where you will not find one Male that is called Jesus and look and see how many Math, Mark Luke and Johns there was and how many Mary’s and Peter’s or James I do not think you will find any names that even have a J For I read the Letter J was not around in those early Years Yehowshuwa Was his name not Jesus Satan has destroyed the Living word of God and has Placed names within the Bible that are Roman names If you go to church no matter on how you clap your hands and stamp your feet and shout Jesus and then say Amen You will not be saved Protestant Catholic alike if you worship in those Churches and confess to Jesus or the Virgin Mary Wave goodbye to salvation
The theme of Obama’s speeches at the Jerusalem Convention Center, UN and SMOM Nelson Mendela’s fake funeral were all “Peace and Security”
Pope Francis Christmas message was “Peace and Security”; his Christmas Mass message was the Birth of the Saviour; Jesus was however born on Feast of Tabernacles, not Christmas
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” 1 Th 5:3
Better get ready for the last 3 1/2 years!
Hexagram is the Beehive; Bee is Chaldean for Word. The Six Pointed Star of Molseh, Milcom, Chemosh, Astoreth, Chiun is condemned as the Seal of Solomon in 1 Ki 11:5, 2 Ki 23:13, Amos 5:26 (physical Israel ie the 12 sons of Jacob lost the right to be called Israel here) and Acts 7:43
There is not defense for the Star of Satan. Modern Israel is not God’s re-gathering of Jacob; Jesus does that (Gen 49:10) as Shiloh.
We are quickly approaching the last 3 1/2 years and I suspect a fake Rapture is imminent to make the flock feel “Left Behind”.
In Defence of my friends attachment to the star of the Devil/Ramphant/Solomon ! I am in agreement with you Howard ! It is a little scary to me ,to think the star has any validity at all ! I see no Defence for the Satanic Star . To some this may seem elementary subject, but I needed to give the Issue some consideration as my friend chose to defend the star, claiming the word never gave a full discription of the star (how many points etc ). I found this as a proof from the scriptures that their were 6 points so I thought worth sharing! “First mentioned was ASHTORETH, otherwise called ASTARTE, the word meaning STAR.
“II Kings 23:13 is explicit: ‘And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.’…
“King Solomon built an altar for Ashtoreth, worshipped her, and also practiced Moloch rituals. It was at this time that the HEXAGRAM OR SIX-POINTED STAR CAME TO BE CALLED THE SEAL OF SOLOMON…
“…the Seal of Solomon or six-pointed star, or hexagram…was considered an ALL-POWERFUL TALISMAN especially when accompanied by the Hebrew Yod…It was also combined with the Tau cross, or Crux Ansanta in the center…
“…How do the dictionaries define ‘hexagram’? ‘The root word hex is defined as (1) an evil spell, (2) a witch (v.t. to bewitch)’ (Funk & Wagnall’s Dictionary)…
“Solomon’s Seal was accepted as occult by the occult world. King Solomon was deeply involved in witchcraft and occultism. According to The Sorcerer’s Handbook, ‘King Solomon, traditionally known as an arch magician, used a spell to banish infernal beings sent by the king of demons to extract human hearts… [The names of the demons are then given.]’… (Graham: 24-5, 29, 32)
America was set up as a Scapegoat for Babylon’:Yellowstone Eruption, Los Angeles Earthquake, NW Tsunami, NYC Tsunami and the big one, a flooding of the New Madrid Fault are all part of the plan.
I wish it were good news for America, but it never was.
We are dealing with Satanists who desire to eliminate 5/6th of the population. It’s hard to overestimate the cruelty they can conceive of. They have severed any connection to God and will do anything necessary.
Nikola Tesla invented the weapons they use and said this would happen. The capacity to destroy life is nearly limitless.
Hoover Dam might be (Doomed) although had a hard time seeing it on the Fifty$. I don’t think they ever grew up! They seem to enjoy Destruction!
So what about Yellowstone ? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1MSz1T05aKM
Obama tried to sign up for the Obama Care Bronze Plan on Christmas Eve as a symbolic gesture since his medical insurance is guaranteed through the military as Commander in Chief. The website couldn’t verify him as a US Citizen.
$400,000 per year should afford him some health care? 8 yr old 8 # of completion Brown died today after getting her diet g wish of carollers and a conversation with Taylor Swift/ completion coming swiftly? Laney Brown. Lived in the Town of West Reading PA. She was a 2nd grader at Wyo-missing Hills School. I hope the missing hills ais not in Yellowstone valco region ? She was diagnosed with acute My Loid Lukemia in May (May Day May Day ? Is their hidden message in this stuff? Your thoughts …
Why not sell china some of the gulf oil and just give everyone free health care for get giving the insurgence companies guaranteed 20% profits?
The plan is to de-populate the Gulf in order to control the multi-Trillion BBL stash of oil there. America is sitting on 25% of thw world’s frech water and most of the world’s oil; we could sell oil for anything we wanted, but international corporations control this resource.
Same thing happened to Cyprus sitting on the Leviathan Gas Field; no way they were going to be allowed to pay debts with that.
FEMA and NOAA have planning maps with the New Madrid Fault underwater; this is from collapse of the Salt Domes from Methane which has continued unabated since the planned Deep Water horizon disaster.
Barack-obama-allows-great-lakes-water-to-be-sold-to-china-as-half-the-u-s-faces-extreme-water-crisis/. Thoughts look like they fast Tracking already with China. LET NOT FORGET ABOUT THE GOLD HEIST WITH jp morgan H hawaii also. Sound like a Plan
Israel Caught Selling 69 US Patriot Missiles to Red China- REDUX
This story was first published in December 2011. What was the final disposition of this security threat to the US; what action was initially for Congreaa uummmchasvoice.blogspot.com/2011/12/israel-caught-selling-69-us-patr. Chasvoice.blogspot.com/2013/12/us-furious-with-israel-after-sale-of.1
Absolutely Karl; I do believe we are very late in the game. I posted another article “Writing on the Wall” trying to detail why I think 1 Nisan “April Fool’s Day” 2014 may very well be the start of the last 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation.
The WallMart ObamaCare RFID Scanners are a big part. They were originally installed as a no-cost vision checer like the BP machines, but a Retina Scan was secretly added to a worldwide data base. DNA is even being collected at routine traffic stops now; none of this is remotely legal under the Constitution, but Obama will sign today NDAA 2014 allowing the US Military to arrest and detain indefinitely anyone Obama deems to be a threat to the US Government.
I for one will not be silenced until my death.
If ones browsing hitory /statements, can land them in the slammer, any anti___ speech, might be considered a hate crime? Their fore any opinions about someone’s lifestyle, that is not politically correct, have been silenced.. Howard not to be bothersome or take too much of your time but I found this info a little unsettling . This is the first I have heard of this and don’t know if it is true, but reports of Wallimart setting up keeosks for scanning the new OBO RFID health/Hell Care Chip. If this is accurate it might be latter In the game than most think! This is the link iI found, your thoughts? http://guardianlv.com/2013/12/walmart-installs-obamacare-rfid-chip-scanning-health-machines/
I believe the second video down is the one to watch !
You are so right Karl; too much press just like Joe the Plumber. Look at the timing
ENDA is passed in November prohibiting discrimination against Homosexuality, Pedophilia, Voyeurism, Pederasty, Cross Dressing etc
1 activiist Judge in Utah, Robert Shelby nullifies all 50 States Rights to make laws supporting biblical marriage of a man and woman.
At the same time Vlad Putin makes laws against Homosexual propaganda and teaching it as an alternative lifestyle in school
And the lifelong Sodomite Obama boycotts the Russian Olympics which uses the Circular Rainbow colored Flame as its symbol, sends an all Sodomite delegation to Sochi which means Flame.
Pretty convenient story on Duck Dynasty when the creator of the show who writes the basic story lines is a Gay Porn Star isn’t it?
There is way more to this story
Duck Dynasty Homosexual Controversy A Reality-TV Dialectic Psy-Op
West Monroe La is about 1 hr drive from Ms
where Duck Dynasty is filmed. Have they not utitlized them similar to Forest Gump,making them to be gumpy?
THANK gOD! someone is willing to speak as to their beliefs.
Wasn’t it Paul in Timothy who spoke about the laws of man…….well, it’s one thing for govt to speak as to civil law but another thing to speak as to what God has given us in his word!…….perhaps its now that we should also start supporting and speaking.
All I can say is may God direct anyone willing to speak where they are and please be able to give the Bible verses ….I think that you already know them cy
The creator of Duck Dynasty Scott Gurney was in the Gay Porn industryhttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/12/20/duck-dynasty-creator-scott-gurney-starred-in-indie-gay-porn-film/
This is getting way too much press! Their must be a sinister side to demonize Bible believers as Homophobes. I have a bad feeling about the controlled media!
beforeitsnews.com had a 33min video which said the following: mDELa died June 26th,madela was a knight of Malta and under QElizabeth11, knights are celebrathing their 900 yr………then go to Knights of Mlta via the Unhivedmind.com
while one is there check out his version of the UK’S ABOUT the Jesuits………
we’re almost on the same page as Christains. cy
Veteran’s Today is even reporting Mandela died last June and the event was a gathering of the world’s elite to enthrone Marduk. They say Marduk is a Nephilim ie Alien-Human hybrid; I pray people will not fall for that garbage; but the event was def creepy with the sign language nonsense.
Mandela was a murdering Communist revolutionary, not a hero
How can anyone possibly believe Satan hates the Hexagram? It is his star
Thanks Howard, I appreciate your help with Ramphan that Devil star. I could not quite stomach my friends explanation of the Hex witches symbol! Howard her is a link I would appreciate it if you could find time to give me your opinion on. If you don’t care for violin music you could mute the sound! http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pWof1ATS7N4
Utah District Judge Robert Shelby single handedly nullified Utah Law and approved Same Sex Marriage on Yule. Dozens of Same Sex Marriages commenced yesterday in Utah “Zion”
Merry Christmas!
The Apollo Theater collapsed in London at Latutude 51.50 degrees, the same angle as the Great Pyramid and the Mr Peace Triangle. the Pyramidion “Capstone” is about to be placed on the 13 course Unfinished Pyramid.
Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastran); he will likely sign this on Christmas Eve at Lat 21.6 degrees; 216=6X6X6 and the cubes of 3, 4 and 5 (Pythagorean or Mr Triangle) added. Hawaii means “Water and Breath of Life” Merry Christmas folks!
NDAA 2014 fast tracked without discussion on Yule. Conflict Records Research Center under Jesuit Church Hagel may use the US Military to apprehend and detain anyone the Nat Intel Director (James Clapper) deems a threat. No trial, no rights for something as simple as one’s “Browsing History”
asheepnomore.net/2013/12/08/rockefeller-attaches-cybersecurity-bill-ndaa-2014/Jay Rockefeller (D WVA) has attached a cyber-security amendment (attached below) to the NDAA 2014 bill in Congress to mandate that precautions be taken to protect America’s cyber infrastructure and private entities
Sencer ?
A Friend of mine is attempting to make a Defence for the Star of Ramphant/Molec ! He is saying the devil hates the Hexagram because it is a symbol of the reunited two Houses of Israel The two Pyrmids inlayed over each other being the two Hebrew cractors in picture graphic Hebrew in David’s Name ! Howard do you see any validity in this Claim! More research is needed for me on this subject! He also claims the bible does not say what kind of star Ramphan is? How many points ect, Is this correct ? Thanks for any insight on this !
Hi Karl, the Six Pointed Star is well researched; I recommend the Six Pointed Star by OJ Graham
Karl it is used in Witchcraft as a protection circle from Satan; a Hex is a Curse. There is no defense against the Six Pointed Star of Remphan , Chiun, Molech etc. It is a Phoenician Star which entered Israel with Jezebel and should not be justified in any way
WW3 predominantly an Iranian, Russian (Iran and Russia are the Aryan 4th Reich, a continuation of the Nazi’s) war on Israel and its proxies the US and Great Britain. International law has given total sovereignty to Hospitallers which free them from any and all laws of the lands they live in; the Illuminati Oath is identical to the Knight of Malta Oath.Remember that Guy Gallio in Acts 18 regards to Paul being accused by Jew(Vagabond) of worship another God. They say he the brother of Rome Philosopher by the Name of Seneca Family do know . Is this significant to the DelphiAt the beginning, Ionian Greeks had control of Ephesus (Turkey), the center of goddess worship, and Jesus warned them not to follow the Nicolaitanes. Ionians became Athenians who consulted the Oracle of Delphi (fed information from Delphic Priests “Magi”). Greek Hellenes became Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian Jesus (Antichrist) will be introduced to the world in images projected onto the Ionosphere by Star Wars Satellites. Nicolaitanes are the Rosicrucians. God is not returning as a Man of Peace. He did that once and was crucified by the bees. Honey is bee vomit. which in Chaldee means “Word”, but their word is. nothing but a lie on top of a lie on top of a lie. As Proverb 26:11 mention A dog will return back to his Vomit also thoughts. Gallio MEANs one who sucks & lives off milk too Interesting
Well said Traivs; great and true info. Interesting about Bees; Melissae means Bee; they were the Eunuch Priests of Cybele in Ephesus at the Temple of Artemis/Diana.
The Supreme House of the Temple is made as an exact replica of the Mausoleum Temple of Artemis.
I had never made the conx with Ionosphere and Ionian gates to Ephesus. Ion Television “Positively Entertaining”; +=Cross=Path of Lightning; the Big Screen TV of Satan.
Just found this link on my Facebook. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MjnHeJG06s&feature=youtube_gdata_player. Is this ninth of av? Dark knight to be revealed ?
Siri means Secret or Hidden; 9 Av 2014 is Aug 4-5 and in 2015 it is July 25-26. Not sure what it means, but it’s for sure creepy
Apollo Huh Let Loose what about that Roof Collapse in London did you hear anything about that ???? 79 people injure 79(63)
Santa is the Hittite god of the West; Aplu (Apollo) the god of plague.
Dec 20: H1N1 “Swine Flu” blamed for 6 deaths and 14 Critical in Houston. Houston is named after “Hu” the Celtic deified man “God-man”; Houston and Barbara were the supply ships used in the “Bay of Pigs”. Influenza means “Occult Infestation”. Apollo is the Celtic Sun-god equivalent with Nergal and Shamash (Center Hanukkah Candle) Apollo 13 left Houston at 1313hrs, calling in “Houston we’ve had a problem” on April 13th. 13 is the number of Rebellion to God; Apollo 13 was an occult “Death and Re-birth” Ritual held in plain sight. Apollo means “Purify, Redeem or Destroy”; the sun-god “Aplu” to the Hittites was the god of Plague; Romans called Apollo (Aplu) “Sol”; Persians called him Mithra “Solis Invicti”; Christmas is “Natalis Solis Invicti” (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun). Apollo is the bringer of ill health and deadly plague. What else should we expect during Saturnalia 2013? Flu Vaccine? Bee Careful; Apollo also means “Let Loose”!
Fancy that, the roof of the Apollo Theater in London collapsed today
Guys, I feel very strongly our answers should be Yes or No; period. As Micah says 2 cannot be joined unless they agree; Paul says the same thing about being unequally yoked with non-believers.
Bill Deagle on Jeff Rense is proof enough for me he is part of the NWO; specifically the Alien Card which I feel is about to be played.
Scaring people for the sake of scaring helps nobody; scaring people into having a healthy “Fear of the Lord” so they will open the door to a personal covenant with Jesus Christ is all there is in my humble opinion.
Step 1 is turn out the lights and toss the Christmas Tree; what a statement to your neighbors that you have said “No” to this Satanic garbage once and for all!
Howard what is your opinion of bill Degal? Once again the dark side does reveal much truth! I found this quite interesting ! Some possible help for combating the radiation w as discussed. If you have time like your opinion, here is link.. Thanks. For any insight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl8iJkFUoNU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Bill Deagle is tied in with Art Bell and George Nory on Coast to Coast and with alien promoter Jeff Rense. He was with New Life Church and Ted Haggard and with Stan and “Prophet” Leslie Johnson at Prophecy Club.
He was involved with the AP Murrah Bldg investigation and Columbine.
Bill was teaching he was one of God’s 2 Witnesses 20 years ago; a bit deluded eh?
Scaring people is what Bill is good; I would take his info that is probably true and toss the rest
HOW DOES THE PLACEMENT OF Achaia. (Ephesus) fits into Olympic s
Not sure Travis; all I know about it is it was key in the Macedonian wars to bring the “Polises” (City States) under control of Athens. Non titled men who served in the Spartan military for example received citizenship.
The Olympics being in Sochi (Flame) where the Scythians and Cimmerian Rus held sway is for me pretty telling; the logo is a fire circle , 5 pt radiant star and a red, white and blue egg.
Stalin moved his summer capital to Sochi and his protégé Vlad Putin heavily invested in this resort. The Scythian who conquered Sochi was Vladimir the Great. Pretty much the title the world is giving Putin these days.
Recall, Putin send 5000 shipping containers full of weapons on Mol Comfort last June and just last Oct, a Russian ship with 50,000 Kalashinikov rifles was seized off the coast of Greece.
Putin is not one of the “Good Guys”
Is there Connection Between Giants (Ammonites& Syrians) to Mitre?? Along with El(Phoencian) . Who Killed Goliath was it Elhanan or David . Is this a Point to the True Jesus & False Christ the Luciferian are creating chaos for???
Giants should be used in Gen 6 “Sons of God say daughters of men and took wives”; physically? NO God is clear we can only reproduce among out own kind ie the Race of Man; there is only 1 Race of Man on earth. Nephilim is Rabbinical garbage.
Large stature came from Demons enticing women to cull their children (pass in fires to Molech) and arrange marriages with Canaanites who were originally produced by Ham’s incest with his mother in Noah’s Tent. This is why the prohibition is there not to take a wife of the daughters of Canaan.
Amalekites rebelled against God then and do to this day; they serve as the name implies Molech as Lord. Molech is MIthraHexagram.
Mithraism et all is a contract based religion much like today’s Freemasonry, requiring the rejection of Jesus Christ who is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7) and therefore this becomes the only “Unforgivable Sin”.
Obama, a closeted Gay Man like Vladimir Putin (ref Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” and Man’s Country Men’s Club on Obama and Stanislov Belkovsky’s biography “Putin”) snubs the Olympics in Sochi and chooses to send Janet Napolitano, Rob Nabors, Brian Boitano and Caitlin Cahow; all homosexuals on his Official American Delegation. Sochi means “Flame”, the Sochi Logo is a Red, White, Blue (Colors of Witchcraft) Egg and a Flame Circle. The Rus were Scythians from the Crimea where the games will be held.
“Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened you can bet it was planned” Sandy Hook was planned 6 years in advance and at this point, it appears they don’t care if we find out.
Anderson Cooper showing the school that was not even Sandy Hook proves without question CNN is involved at every level.
Karl, I don’t know where the absolute truth is concerning the Name or God; the name, for me will be Alpha and Omega, I AM, I Am He (He means God is with me), The Word, JEHOVAH and Jesus Christ.
The reason I feel strongly for keeping Jesus the way it is, it Joshua is a military version of Yeshua, something that Jesus is not.
There is no fighting God in any way; there is submission to God or there is being cast out of inheritance; period.
YHVH El. I looked this one up myself El=devil Interesting about the YHVH … 3rd commandment do not say our Creator/Heavenly Father name is Unemportant/Vain ! Messiah taught dis deciples to Pray (our father who art in Heaven. HALLOWED be thy NAME ! We are to keep our heavenly fathers name Holy. Don’t have the scripture off top of my head, but you can look it up. Scripture tells us, that our Fathers Name will No longer be Poluted or profaned. Why all the fuss about the Name? people tell me Oh he has many names , the name doesn’t matter. Ok call the father bubble gum or dog feet if it doesn’t matter call him what ever I want he knows who I am talking to! His name doesn’t Matter! ( that’s not what the word tells me!). Scripture over and over tells me the name does matter! As a matter of fact if we Know his true name and refuse to call him by that Name it is an even worse insult. To disrespect the Creator of the Universe, would be equivalent to jumping off a Cliff, only Much Worse and to dis respect his Name is to Disrespect Him! YHVH is not Palio Hebrew, so I find the info you have given to be quite nice. KJV does have the Name Jehova for our Heavenly Father! I find that Name about as close to Yahuah as Yahweh. Both Jehova and Yahweh are incorrect! Yahuah is the creators Name! Research this for Yourself. We know the letter J has only been around for a few hundred years ! The J should be a Y . The eh is an inconsistency , in the word Pailo Hebrew. The Backwards E = ah is found Twice in the Fathers Name ! Q. If it is found Twice why did KJV only use it once on the end of Jehovha ending in the ah sound? That same backwards E is found twice in the Paolo Hebrew original language.( original Palio Hebrew did not have the vowel points) why the in consistency Jehovah only uses the ah sound once when should have been used 2 times ! Now for the word Yahweh , Notice the translators/scribes sheep in wolves clothing Knowing the backwards E Paulo should be used 2times just like the KJV scribes only used the ah sound at the end of the fathers name Now the Yahweh s scribes put the ah at Yah! Yahuah correctly places two ah sounds in our heavenly fathers name! I hope people can see where the scribes/wolves in sheep clothing, have poluted our loving Heavenly fathers Name! Remember scripture says he will seal his people with his Name! …
Here are a few Il Cornuto “I love you Satan” handsigns used in El Worship. El is the Phoenician creator
Sandy Hoax was blatant, in our face Satanism. Nothing about the story makes logical sense. Hurricane Sandy “Hooking” into NYC exactly as FEMA and NOAA predicted 1 yr earlier. Sandy Hook on the Dark Knight Rises promotional packet and in the movie. The Church of Satan having its East Coast HQ on Rte 6 near Sandy Hook. Adam Lanza “Red Spear”, Dawn Hochsprung “Dawn has Spring”
Muslim means “One who submits” There is not common ground between Christians and anyone else who does not recognize Jesus Christ as God in Flesh and the Word made Flesh.
Jesus says “Be faithful unto Death…” not Submit to Allah aka Sin, and certainly not Sharia or Noahide Law.
A friend of mine, had a saying, (oops, Too late to get scared Now! ) that might apply for us now. Laugh or cry, these are perilous times to be sure. If the days were not shortened no flesh could survive. The link in your chat room was quite nice info. Have you had a look yet? More info on sandy hook to go along with yours Hoard. The thing that I have been dreading sounds like it is upon us. From what I could understand, the war on truth has now escalated a notch. Taking down sights they don’t like. New it was comming. Pretty soon, the door of truth will be closed and the masses will be shut out in the Dark! Here is a little excerpt from the link…follow up on site shutdown: Web Hosting Service Caves To Purpose Driven Pressure (fundamentalist: any person who does not submissively accept the new order of the Antichrist one world religion now being pieced together by the ‘new civilization’ architects. These are the ‘enemy’, as the Warren quote reads, but it’s the the same message being sent by many of the self proclaimed power-elite. It seems that the line has now been crossed and a new era entered as evidenced with this ‘first of it’s kind’ strike by the global religionists. Anti purpose-driven site taken down…just like that..gone. 7-26-08.This is a very significant event. Looks like they are intending to play hardball now. Much more on this to come, that is certain, but the precedent has been set in motion. Note also next article down; another ‘unprecendented’ ‘historic’ religion-merging conference for the getting closer and closer than ever ‘new civilization’ inauguration, with some very big names in attendance who surely do not appreciate being challenged. connect the dots)
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries has advised that Apprising Ministries is “officially offline”, due to the pressure Purpose Driven Apologist Richard Abanes exerted on Apprising Ministries web hosting company IPower.
It is a sad day for Christians on the ‘Net and the First Amendment.
No doubt it’s the sign of things to come.
As America’s Pastor, Rick Warren says “fundamentalism is the enemy of the 21st century.”
Well, looks like the persecution has entered cyberspace at the hands of the religious elite.
Christians, Muslims Seek ‘Common Ground’ at Historic Conference
The false Christians are always “Sincere”; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes must be that way to attract a following; they teach as much truth as possible.
Stan Johnson and his wife Prophet Leslie Johnson are no exception.
They can be sincere because they believe their literal eternal life depends on it; all have severed the conx with God in a Witchcraft or Secret Society Ritual; people attending Churches with an honest searching for truth are simply in a Matrix of Lies, but the people leading them (Nicolaitanes) are a far different animal.
Entertainment means Enter and Contain the Victim; Mesmerize if you will. Sports, Church activities, TV, Music are all part. The best at this was Jimmy Page after he took part in a 5 month death/rebirth ritual at Aleister Crowley’s castle in Loch Ness. 50,000 people all lighting candles as he built the Stairway to Heaven for them.
Holy means Separate not Congregate; get out and head for your Prayer Closet; things will look a lot different soon after!
Thanks for your response ! TOM PETTY and the Heart breakers! What a lovely Name for a Band ! I used to enjoy his music! Plumb island moved to Kanses! Prophecy club out of Kanses with zip code 666 ! I knew their was a bad reason for that ! Met Stan in person never could emagine him being a wolf in sheeps clothing. The truth always comes out in the end. Getting closer every minute ! How about the Band called Heart?come on home girl come on home. Try to understand try to understand, he is a Magic Man! That song had such a good beat were they referring to Kanses in the Name Heart? On other of my most liked bands was called Kanses ( the lead man Kerry Livegrin if you remember started a christian band I loved called AD? ) he was friends with Ronney James Dio who sang on a couple songs,(former leed singer from Black Sabbath I believe! Sounds like a Bad Alliance for Kerry although always thought he was so sincere ( I am sure you remember the song Kerry wrote before he was a christian, DUST in the WIND ! Is that Newclear dust he is talking about. Interesting anyways about Tom…
First of all I am here to learn! Not to antagonate! So please try to not be offended by anything I say! If I am in error I beg for your help! Being deceived is what I have been my whole life! In your own words I hate lyers . Well I love lyers ,but Hate to be lyed too! So I think that puts in the same boat, we love truth! Enough rambling . Plese let me make my point and if I am scred up I hope I still have time to turn around! Here in lies my problemb. First I would like to say I do not dislike the King James Bible, or any other Bible for that matter! What I dislike is the LIes and errors put in the Translations by the Scribes/deceives/wolves in Sheepclothing! Here is my thoughts on the KJV. King James was a Freemason (correct?). I believe the PROOF of this is in all the Masonic imaging (handshakes etc) found in his KJV Book! Some sources claim king James was opposed to witchcraft. ( but how could this be when Freemasonry is Witchcraft? ). So I find that very hard to stomach , just as much as Ozzy Osborn claims to be a born again Christian ! WOLVES in sheep clothing we have been warned to watch out for. Do I like the bibles ? Yes I like them all, some better than others KjV better than most. But we are told, commanded to prove all things! The original Palio scriptures had the original one and only name for the messiah! Yahusha, Yah is Salvation, wicked translators removed his Name! The Only Name under Heaven where man might be saved! Why? Scripture tells me to work out my salvation with feer and trembling, studying to show myself approve and calling on the Holy Spirit for gidence to Leeds me into all truth! This I know for a Fact! The Messiah was a Hebrew and Had a Hebrew Name. Would anyone care to dispute this fact? Wy was his Replaced with a Greek Name! Names are Transliterated not changed. If you change the name Now you have another Name! Yahuah will seal His people with his Name! All that call on His name will be Saved/Delivered ! Rev12:9 The Devil Has Decieved the whole World! If we say we were never Decieved that makes a lyer! Scripture tell us that the messiah Yahusha is being Held back until the Resteration of all things. Yahuah is calling his people out! I Have a little flock who have not denied my Name! How can we say we Know him when we have never called out his name never spoken his Name, never Prayed to hiim by Name. Sadly most will be Decieved and believe the lie. They loved not the truth, believing the lye and were Dambed! Cry out to Yahuah while he may be found ! 70X7 and the doors to the wedding feast will be shut and the Judgement will be set…
Good points Karl. I’m not a linguistic expert but here is how I understand it. Jesus is Greek because the New Testament was written in Greek except for His cry from the Cross in the company of those who killed Him in Aramaic (Syrian)
In Hebrew, the name Yeshua is used by Messianic Jews today as it was in the 2nd Temple Period ; the name is associated with Joshua as a military Savior. The Jews had been tricked into waiting on a military hero rather than Jesus riding on the ass.
As to King James I Whether he was a Freemason or not. Masons lie, always and if KJ was a Mason, it was a craft guild equivalent or higher than being a Doctor today. Rosicrucians and Jesuits took over the guild after KJ to turn it into the Esoteric Masonry we have today.
I do not find one shred of evidence KJ had any hand in the writing of the Authorized Bible , was a Homosexual or into Witchcraft. He wrote publically and condemned all of that. The Authorized Bible was a translation of the original Greek Received Texts that the early Christians having a first hand account of the Apostles deemed “Inspired” Remember, Simon Magus, and the Gnostic community were writing their own gospels such as the earliest “Gospel of Q” (Q=Quelle=Source) which declared Jesus to be merely human, not the fully human Son of God come to save the entire world..
Today we have the exact same scenario developed; people want a military savior, not a spiritual savior and sadly, most will as you said Karl, follow this “Christ” (Messiah=Christ).
MIthra means “Covenant, Agreement or Bind” the first Secret Society began East of Babylon with Initiations into the Solar Cult that we know as Easter-Christmas and Jews know as Hanukkah (Dedication). Mitra in India was first, MIthra in Persia, Mithras in Rome and Freemasonry in Europe and the Americas is Initiatory and Secretive, with Oaths sealed by Handshake. Jesus requires none of this; the only reply when we come to accepting the Mark of the Beast or not is Yes or No.
Simple as this may sound Karl, Just say No to all and Jesus will hear you. As He said Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown.
Kathleen Sebelius in visting Miami for ObamaCare Promoting unto Latinos;(Mexicans) South Florida and Texas west of I-35 are slated to be returned to Mexico as part of “Aztlan” acording to Voz de Aztlan, MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan) and La Raza Unida (United Race). Try tothe sort of “Race” Riots and the Riots of Ephesus(Diana/Temple of Witchcraft) in Acts 18 interesting huh Howard. How Many Chapters Acts 18 and Rev 18 ????
The NAFTA Superhighway I-35W is slated to have up to 10 lanes, heavy and light rail, natural gas lines and Fast Pass customs.
Zebelius gave the rebuttal as Gov of KS to Sodomite GW Bush’ last State of the Union using the phrase “Unite” over 16 times in 3minutes. Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers did the halftime show with an arrow driven through the heart of Kansas City where Zebelius gave the speec at the exact geographic heart of America.
I was in Baltimore at a Fresh Mex place 2 yrs ago and there were 50+ young men wearing “Viva la Revolucion” “Voz de Aztlan” T-shirts. I asked when the Revolution is to start and a supervisor came over and told them not to answer.
The map before Masons instigated the Alamo from both sides (Gen Santa Ana was a Mason with Steven Austin and company) it includes South Fla (Marco Rubio was no accident). SW Colo, South Utah, AZ,(Napolitano was GOV) NM (Susanna Martinez hid the arms used in Operation Gun Runner in Columbus NM), Texas west of I-35W (Rick Perry used Ross Perot’s private airport in FT Worth to transfer the weapons in Gun Runner) and CA south of San Francisco.
All part of Order out of Chaos; America will be taken out very fast per Rev 18 but AS A SCAPEGOAT for BABYLON so the Alternative Messiah can be presented and acceptable to the world.
Hold on to your hats folks!
TPP and TAP void US Sovereignty, Rights of Citizens and nullify US Courts. I find no other way to describe all 535 members of Congress than “Traitors”. The few members who will pretend to fight TPP and TAP are like Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee pretending to fight Obama Care; they know they will be outvoted, so it matters nothing.
The reason people choose Mammon, Heathen etc over Jesus Christ is they don’t know Him. They don’t know Him because they have not asked Him. Dan 4:17 says God installs the basest of men to rule; He does this to show believers in truth just how far corrupt the world really is.
The depts of evil, never stop to astound me! How can Humanity stoop to such a level of wickedness ?
Ammonites Congress(Congredi meetforwar) was your Founding on these Members do they have anything in Common??? Are they Agents to Rothchild(bauer) & Rockefeller Dogs of war Guardian of the Vatican Treasury. 5 Members on (Trans_Parency)http://thenewamerica.com/economy/item/17111-members-of-congress-call-for-tpp-transparency
To heads are better than one, so they say. Call us truth ears or whatever some call themselves. I am endive ring to learn all I can I regret that I am not as knoledgeable as many. I thank the creator he has allowed me to learn from this site. This concept of RFID is in my thoughts and I know you have talked on this subject. I have heard that food stamps will require an RFID perhaps beginning next Year 2014? I also realize that the elite telegraph what they intend to do. (Saying we tell them what we plan to do, and if they are stupid enough to let us do it to them. Then they deserve it. So much of the info seems to be released by the elite, but that in my opinion does not make it false. Howard you probably have already seen this u-tube video and much I had seen already myself. This was over an hour kind of a compilation of lots of shorter videos. Nevertheless after watching the whole presentation it seems quite clear the chip is soon to come. Your thoughts are appreciated, here is the link. Tanks for any responses. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxLgy37K65E
I read the text on King James; I’m not saying he was a Saint, but the maligning of the man who financed the Authorized Bible, the only translation of Textus Receptus has no bounds and James had nothing to do with the production.
What I know of him is he hated Witchcraft and so do I; MYSTERY, BABYLON…. is Witchcraft not the Catholic Church. Gay? I have no idea and could care less.
Edomites pretend to be Islam (Ismailis/Twelvers ie Messianic Arabs), Jewish (Talmudic/Kaballah ie Messianic Jews; fake of course) and any number of fake Christian religions, all teaching nonsense like the 7yr Tribulation, 70 Weeks being 483 years plus the 7yr Trib, Rapture etc) . Edomites change Gen 27:39-41 and Amos 7:2-3;5-6 to pretend they are the downtrodden; they are not!!! They are the Elite and serve as Priests, Imams and Rabbis to unsuspecting people.
God is the Word (Jn 1:1); Jesus Christ is God in Flesh (1Jn 5:7) and the only Authorized Word is the KJV. Pretty simple, yet so many people try to complicate things.
Just noticed that the word Saint looks like an anagram for Satin. Place the t after the a and what do you Have?
I am not trying to be a Pain! Just want the truth.. But can I get your opinion on this aspect of King James life, thanks, once again I am in the pursuit of truth, nothing less. Scripture tells me to prove all things and do the best I can. http://etb-history-theology.blogspot.com/2012/03/king-james-was-gay.html
Karl, Every new bible version including the New King James is the product of BF Westcott and FJA Hort; both men were Gnostics who re-wrote the underlying Greek Accepted Texts according to Gnostic renderings.
They start out with a few, but deadly reversals, but by the time the New Living Bible it is simply a Mess fit only for Joel Osteen.
I have a chronicles list of Bible revisions and KJV Talking Points to show you how they did it and how bad the changes are.
I’m not saying a person cannot be saved without reading the KJV, I am saying however, for those of us who want to know the truth, it is the only way
Knew you were only using sarcasm on the Saint! I do like your sence of humor. Found some history on Mandy Ella said put in power by Brits imagine that.. Link if anyone is interested http://wakeupcallnews.blogspot.com/2013/12/nelson-mandela-was-not-saint.html
Here is the link to John mcarther s take on the RFID. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yteZw7VMaRU
Thanks for your take on KJV I only want the truth! Q Howard have you or anyone else be able to validate the info being circulated that John Mcarther has taken the verichip RFID in his right hand and is now promoting it to his followers? I did here a recorded conversation by him and another notable teacher where they said that they thought it could be forgiven and might be nessary to receive the RFID .. Your thoughts.
Yes, I have heard quite a few fake Pastors are scoffing at the Veri-chip; making light of it. I don’t know if it is the Mark or not, but it sure paves the way for it.
http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/james_vi/james_vi.html. Howard if king James was a Freemason do you think their could be errors in his translation ? Do you think that the original Pailo Hebrew manuscript s might be a safer way to go? Not to say KJV is all bad !
King James detested Witchcraft; he was extremely learned and in “Demonologie” he struck fear into the private doings of the Secret Societies involved with Witchcraft and Shamanism; this is why they fled to America, hidden within the Pilgrim communities and I believe as the Puritan Clergy (Nicolaitanes) elevating themselves above the Laity.
The Authorized Bible was not produced by King James; he merely bankrolled this endeavor to collect and translate the original Greek “Accepted Texts”; the Aramaean texts were and are corrupt Gnostic versions created in Alexandria and Qumran.
54 men separated as the original “Scribes” (not the corrupt Scribes Jesus condemned) did in 3 places in 9 groups of 6 to translate every “Jot and Tittle” into modern English; it became the 7th and by far the most thorough attempt and followed the 1599 Geneva Bible. Recall followers of Jesus will be refined 7 times as Silver, so was the Bible as the Vulgate and Septuagint were corrupt, it had to be this way.
All new bible versions are the product of Gnostics BF Westcott and FJA Hort, both members of the Hermes and Apostles Club; recall Simon Magus was the first false Apostle; these men were as well. Neither believed the infallibility of Scripture and chose to translate the Nag Hamadi texts largely written in Aramaic by Philo and Origen into Greek and then English.
At this late stage in the game, it is my contention one needs to toss the fake scripture and trust every Jot and Tittle as it iw written, without any “Private Interpretation” ex “70 Weeks” in Dan 9:24-27 is 490 days, not the open ended garbage put out in Study Bible notes.
I hope this helps
We are in agreement! I am just learning and studying these things. Thank you for all your much research! In search of truth..
Your thoughts welcome ! The scriptures state over and over again that the messiah will rise again on the third Day! yes he Yahusha (KJV Jesus) would spend 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the earth correct! Why the apparent contridection ? The scriptures cannot contridct itself! Their fore I might be our understanding of the scriptures that is flawed. I have heard that Jersulem was considered and called th Belly of the Earth. Yahusha (Hebrew Yah is Salvation) spent exactly 3 years ( day can be considered a year, and Yahusha spent exactly 3 years 3days and 3 nights in Jersulem from his arrival on the donkey till his death on Passover ! There is no contridection . Scripture must make logical sence. Ok well how about rising on the third day this must make sence as well correct! Lets examine the facts! Our Savior and Messiaha Yahusha who came in his fathers name and was rejected, another will come in his own. Name and the world will receive. I must rise on the third day or he would be a liar which he was not . So he was murdered killed on the 14 th of Abib correct? Remember they had to hurry to get Yahusha off the cross and in the tomb before sunset because that started a new day the 15th being a sabbath! No work to be done on sabbath. Messiah Yahusha spent all Day the 15 th in the tomb correct ? This Is Day 2 when did he say he would rise again? On the 3rd Day correct? Thirfore on the Morning of the day after the sabbath scripture says after daylight Mary manga line came to embalm Yahusha correct what day was it it was the 16th and Yahusha had risen He was no longer dead or in the tomb correct? Ok let’s see he was murdered on the 14th rose on the 16th how many days in tomb 3 which day did he rise again the 3 rd day! Their is no contradictions in the scriptures. We must have full understanding . Your thoughts?
The 4 Spring Feasts of the LORD represent the Crucifixion/Rejection and start of the New Covenant:: Passover 14 Abib was the Passover Crucifixion ending at Even. Un-leavened Bread on the Sabbath was the Earth/Sepulcher accepting the Sinless body of the LORD. 15, 16 and then on the 3rd Day would be Feast of First Fruits Wave Offering at 9 AM but the LORD had already offered Himself by the time Mary arrived/
The New Covenant began on Pentecost 7 Sevens following Passover.
The Millennium will likely begin the same day Creation and the birth of Jesus, on Feast of Tabernacles 15 Tishrei. Thus the fall feasts herald the Coming of the LORD with Trumpets, Atonement (Remission of Sin) and Tabernacles (Prepared/Sinless home of the LORD)
That’s my understanding; nothing in these Feasts is by chance; all have a purpose.
The early family of Yah were called (nicknamed Christians) my understanding, is they never called themselves Christians.) this was a label put upon them by others. Christianity started by Constanteen the Roman emperor first leader of and creator of the Christian faith. He was a worshiper of the invincible Sun. He forced Sunday sun god worship on the people. He created the Name Ieosus Christo’s later with the invention of the letter J in replacement to the I in Ieosus changing the Name to Jesus a Greek Name Sus referring to Zeus ! My understand and what I have come to believe to be true from my studies is that Christianity is noting more than Sun worship and Paganisum, which has been inserted into the holy scriptures and the truths and true names have been replaced by the Scribes/translators, to hide the truths of the scriptures. Thus a false religion created by the Sunworshiper Constonine the not so Great !Your thoughts?
My thoughts exactly Karl. Christ means “Messiah”; Christianity is more Churchianity than Born Again Faith; the religion Constantine started with Sunday, Priests (Nicolaitanes) , Christmas (Saturnalia) , Easter etc. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the faith taught by the Apostles.
Scottish are not one of the 12 Tribes; that is a Lie promoted by Brit-Am-Israel and men like Yair Daviday and Arthur Koestler who wrote the “13 Tribes”. Scotti founded Ireland and then Scotland; they were Pagans mixed Scythian and Egyptian blood; the Egyptian having come from the Hyksos ie Amalekite rulers of Egypt.; they were called Foreign Shepherd Kings.
The fake tie in comes from the myth of Zedekiah’s daughter Tea Tephi being taken by Jeremiah to Tara in Ireland with Lia Fail aka the Stone of Scone or Jacob’s Pillow; It’s all 100% Chaldean crap on par with St Nelson Mandela; I was only kidding about that!!!
There is no conx between Jacob and Irish or Scottish Kings. Every one of Zedekiah’s sons were killed by Nebuchadnezzar as well as Zedekiah.
A friend of Mine tested out the new Google glasses yesterday. They sound like the ultimate spy machine. Your thoughts?
St. Nelson Mandella ?
It appears that the Scottish do try to make a case that they are Hebrews who were driven out of Northern Yahsharal (isRaEl) wrong replacement. Is=Isis Ra=Sun god and El=Devil. Claiming to be from one of the 10 lost tribes driven into the Caucasian caucus mountains thus receiving the Name White/Caucasian . I am interested in this Subject! Howard if the Caucasians are not the lost scattered 10 tribes, who do you feel are the lost 10 tribes and where have they migrated from ? There should be many as Abraham was promised to have decendents as the sands of the seas.. The ancient Hebrew (Pailo) had 22 letters practically identical to the ancient Scottish alphatet,I have been told! Stone of scone where Jacob slept when he wrestled with the angle? The Brits claim to possess the the throne chair of David and linage back to David . They claim they can prove a line of linage from Charles to David .
St Nelson Mandela died on the Feast Day of St Nicholas of Myra,. Constantine’s clown Bishop who brought Sunday, Dec 25th Christmas and Sinterklass to the Christian Church .
Both Satanic Viruses
“For the love of money is the root of all evil”
“A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own household”
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”
No other way to put it; TPP and TAP forces every person in every government to become Traitors to their oaths of office.
As George Ball—who introduced the policy at the Bilderberg Meeting in 1968—stated, “modern needs” demanded the replacement of the “archaic political structure of the nation state,” with a form of corporate rule, as a way of preventing national governments from interfering with the maximization of the use of scarce global resources. The peculiar genius of the world company, Ball said, stems from its ability to view the world from a single vantage point. He explicitly cited the “overlapping sovereignties of the governments of Europe and the House of Rothschild” as a model.
Under the TPP, according to several leaked documents, national laws that interfere with the rights to profits of financial and corporate interests could be brought up to an international tribunal which could reverse sovereign actions. Such a process could be used to overturn financial regulation, in particular Glass-Steagall. A leaked draft of the investment section of the treaty, for example, notes that the tribunal could force an offending government to pay monetary damages or even order the restitution of property, should an investor be harmed by what the tribunal deems as inappropriate action. Investments include all sorts of financial instruments including derivatives, tangible and intangible property, and intellectual property rights—basically anything where capital is invested in expectation of a profit.
Essentially, the TPP, along with the Trans-Atlantic treaty now being negotiated, and a host of previous treaties including GATT/WTO, the European Union treaties, NAFTA, and others, represents the relentless push to replace the system of nation-states with a global corporatist dictatorship. This continued destruction of the protections of ordinary people is intended to allow maximum profits while imposing genocide.
Thank: Apollo 8 Nelson Mandela passing unto the day of Advent. I seen Nelson Mandela Funeral is on a Sunday. Also read he came to Harlem 1990 matter of Fact. Former Presidents set to appeaar at his funeral. Including George Hw bus. Remember 1990 UN Nation Speak of Poopy bush
Church gets its meaning from rute (Circe the which who turned her victims to swine and ate them.)
don’t watch that stupid movie, sorry just read about it. check out this update on weather channel concerning dion winter storm. the low pressure zones he predicts (scripted) are symbolized with white circles with red spinning arrows that make up a xbox, pyramid. has L in the center. L-7 square, remember that in school. http://www.weather.com/news/weather-winter/winter-storm-dion-forecast-20131204
magik circle means manipulation I think. harp?
titus, 1999 movie with sir/cough anthony Hopkins. played hanibal the cannibal. i’ll try to watch it again
2nd thought i’ll read about it on wiki.
xbox is a magik circle, that’s circle with a cross in it. masons call it squaring the circle. it is the corner of the square, in 3d it is a pyramid sticking out. I heard if you put a square in a circle and draw a circle in that. you can figure the speed of light. which reminds me of Voltaire and his circle at cern (large hadron collider). hope that isn’t too far out there.
Why all the canabalism? Pretty soon no people left to eat, then what to eat? (Why the canabalism getting so much recognition, in the movies. Starvation sounds more appealing .
Rev 6:6 comes to mind, the weather channel article was put out on st. nicks feast day. 12/6/2013. st nick would leave coins in people’s shoes who left them out for him. he is the patron st of archers thieves pawn brokers , students, and varangian guard(personal body guards of byzantine emperors) . they got lots of ammo (2 billion). the angle from lncoln’s temple( pivot pt.) to the xmas tree, temple to wshington monument is 18%? had to use a speed square, couldn’t find protractor. 18=666 9+9.
very good article for the season, Howard. weather channel says dion/short for dionysios/god of wine,ritual madness and ecstasy is coming in from where else but california. they put a symbol on the page it is a cross or x in a circle( supposed to look like a rifle scope image with a snowflake in the middle/ is a star of molech.http://www.weather.com/news/weather-winter/winter-storm-dion-forecast-20131204– lots of mass black magik rituals coming up for the masses to participate in.
found where the zoroastrian priests would tend a eternal flame. ancient iranian religion.this puts a weird angle on the view from jfk’s tomb to the national xmas tree. this religion replaced many gods with 2. ahura mazda and angra mainyu. reminds me of the essenes and their sons of darkness and sons of light battle. lincoln’s temple( that’s what it says on the wall) and throne and womens in war memorial are in line.
wonder if that’s where we get the black and white chess bd.
now I remember your articles. yin yan, pentagram formed from phallic symbol/obelisk, that’s what lincoln is looking at, a star (dog?) coming up over washington monument, which has a winged disc over the elevator. I rode the elevator and participated in that ritual. snared. freaking scorpions are everywhere. so this jfk view gives us a new angle?