“The rose gives honey to the bees”
-Rosicrucian Robert Fludd.

Look familiar? There is nothing new.
By way of review, Babylon’s king Nebuchadnezzar sacked Judah for King Zedekiah’s apostasy and killed his sons (except for Mulek whom Mormons say escaped to America; NOT). His grandson Belshazzar had just used Jewish Temple vessels from Solomon’s Temple for an orgy and his Magi couldn’t read the “Handwriting on the Wall”. The Magi escaped to Medea, but he didn’t. Mede Priests called Magians managed to get Darius I on the Persian throne in a coup which sets the stage for one of the early Greek Hellenic philosophers to enter the stage. Heraclitus of Ephesus lived in the late 6th century Persian controlled city which became the wellspring of Goddess worship. The Temple of Artemis (Diana) was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. Ephesus had the distinction of garnering Jesus’ first warning as well in Rev 2:1. He warned about not listening to false (fake) apostles who are liars (probably Libertines of Acts 6:9 and “Certain” disciples of Apollos in Ephesus of Acts 19 called “Exorcists” and “Vagabond Jews”). Jesus also warned about following the Nicolaitans which proposed gaining “Victory” over the early Christians by elevating a fake clergy to lead them into error. Nike was the Hellenic Greek god of victory and Laitan means Laity, so this was essentially bringing Hellenist Greek doctrine into the simple message of Jesus that was preached by the true apostles.
Heraclitus’ influence is hard to overestimate. His influence on Ionian Greeks led to Athens becoming the premiere “Hella” or City State which brought to the world a veneration of fortune telling through the Oracle of Delphi (her information was translated ie written by Delphic Priests), forced conscription to military service, pederasty, proliferation of illegitimate children, proliferation of mercenary soldiers, chattel slavery and indentured servitude and strange musings about the material world. Heraclitus was the father of Big Bang Theory without knowing it, claiming the universe is made of ever changing fire which creates and judges everything in it. His “God” was fire and his “Father” was war; “War is the father of all, ruler of all”; “All things occur in accordance with strife and destiny”; “All things come into being by the conflicts of opposites.” God to Heraclitus was both day and night, winter and summer, war and peace. Out of this Gnostic theology, came Isaac Newton with his gravity theory to attract Einstein’s Big Bang exploded matter (fire) into planets and stars and finally, today’s Superstring Theory which connects everything in the universe to everything else. This theory is called Scientific Pantheism, a theory which came from Hellenized Greek Pantheism which said god exists in all things. The bible of course says God is on His throne in Heaven, so you decide which is correct, but don’t say Jesus didn’t warn you!
Rosicrucian Alchemy is a universal science concerned with such mythical ideas as transmutation of elements like lead into gold and humans into gods, perpetual motion, free energy, the Philosopher’s Stone, Elixir of Life, Holy Grail, and Golden Fleece to name a few. Symbols: bible, Skull, Hour Glass, Sun, Moon, Stars, and Compass. The Mother Goddess is often called Pansophia, and no wonder, that’s the name Rosicrucians gave to Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s love child. The “eye of Sophia” is today, just north of Ephesus across the Bosphorus in the Greek Orthodox Church of St John. John is another sort of dual purpose person like Mary, having been born opposite Jesus on the calendar as John the Baptist; he is considered Jesus’ mentor and having written Revelation as John the Evangelist, he is the seer of visions. Rosicrucians though, think there is one more chapter 23 to go in Revelation. NOT! (check this at worldvision.org or my Aquarian Cross article). 7 Rosicrucian degrees separate initiates in the Silver Cross, mid levels in the Gold Cross and adepts in the Gold and Rosy Cross.
Hellenic Philosophy entered Rome with Gnostics and worshippers of the generic John, Johnittes, Manichaens, and Yezidis in Iraq. Heretical sects followed like the Cathars, Bogomils, Albigens and the famous Templars, Hospitallers and Sufi Assasins. Lurianic Kabbalists (followers of Isaac Luria) took root in Turkey compiling books like the Zohar “Book of Splendor” and Yetzirah “Book of Formation”. To them, god now had 10 emanations “Sephiroth” which every man could follow in the Kabbalist Tree of Life; NOT! In 15-16th century Italy, the Platonic academy was financed by Cosimo de Medici, Leo X became Pope and bankrupted the Vatican by bulldozing St Peter’s basilica and rebuilding it, and Pico della Mirandola found common ground with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Note: Plato wrote extensively about his pederastic leanings toward his students, the Jesuits have controlled the Vatican since then and as for the religion side, Judaism died on the cross (it is only viable for a very few Israelites, 12,000 from each tribe who will become Christian in the Tribulation), and Islam worships the Akkadian moon god called Sin. (Muhammad was used by Jesuits just like Joseph Smith was used by Freemason Kabbalists).
Black Nobility families instigate the 3 Crusades with Templars and Assassins on both sides rallying the cannon fodder to die for their respective causes, getting filthy rich in the process. Rosicrucian Martin Luther blames Jews for the Crucifixion, claims the Pope is the Antichrist and by tacking his 95 objections to the Catholic Church to the Wittenberg Church on Samhein, he got Christians to begin celebrating the darkest day of witchcraft on the calendar. Catholics are offered the Order of Rose Cross after the 30 years war decimates Europe. Rosicrucian John Dee “007” seduced the virgin Queen (oh stop it) Elizabeth I and their illegitimate son, Sir Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare with his Knights of the Golden Helmet giving birth to the British (B’rith-ish means covenant) Empire. In the early 18th century, Jacobites (fake Israelites) infected “Craft” Freemasons with Rosicrucian concepts in Britain, Germany and France to create Scottish Rite (Templar refuge from the Catholic church was Scotland in Braveheart’s day). Jesuit Knight Adam Weishaupt creates the Beenan Order (Order of Bees aka liars) which is re-named the Order of Perfectibillists and finally turned into the Bavarian Illuminati. No it’s not gone. American, French and Russian Revolutions instigated by Rosicrucian trained Speculative Freemasons kill millions under the slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.
Rosicrucianism now has Catholic levels: Equirrie, Knight Commanders and Kabbalah Order, itself made of Baccalaureate, Licenciate, and Doctorate (I always wondered where that term came from!) Protestant levels: Junior, Theoreticus, Practicus, Philosopus, Minor, Major, Adeptus Exemptus, Magister and Magus. The Gold & Rose Order is said now to be the inheritors of the Golden Fleece.
Rosicrucians plant the Ephrata Commune in Lancaster PA in the mid 1700’s, and today AMORC is based in San Jose CA. Madame Blavatsky takes Rosicrucianism to form the Theosophical Society which claim Hitler and Stalin as members in the late 1800’s. Rosicrucians create the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn which fake Christian CS Lewis later joins and the Red Cross of Constantine is provided after a course in Tarot, Astrology, Alchemy and Kaballah. The outer court ranks: Neophyte, Zealotor, Theorcus, Practicus, and Philosophus while the Inner Court (the ones getting rich) become Lords of Paths in the Vault of Adepts. In 1906, Theodore Reuss creates the OTO (Ordo Templii Orientis) whose motto is “Do what thou wilt” attracting Mr 666, Alestaire Crowley as a founding member. Knights of the Golden Circle aka KKK attracts 330 Mason, outlaw, Jesse James. Unitarianism (Jehovah’s Witness), Scientology (total garbage), the Mayan Order (Mayans were taught Jesus was Kulkulkan and Quetzalcoatl, Astara, Mormonism (Jesus is the only Melchisedek Priest), Rose of Sharon (Jesus is the Rose of Sharon) Order follow and soon Liberal Protestants form Rosicrucian Fellowship churches complete with a Rose adorned cross and hymm book. “The Rose gives honey to the bees” Any questions?
Devotees of Artemis the “Queen Bee” of Ephesus were called Melissae which means “Bees”. Essene Monks “King Bees” wrote Gnostic bible texts in the Caves of Qumran “Beehives”, and the cult of the bees merely spread to Rome as Diana. As witchcraft came in contact with the Roman church, Diana merely morphed into Venus. Vestal Virgins became Nuns, and soon the Virgin Mary began to take on her role as co-redemptrix with her son as the “Rose without thorns”. “Rose”, is actually the Mother Goddess (Artemis/Diana) and her “Queen Bee” (Melissae/Demeter) controls legions of worker bees by supplying lies for them to dispense, and who in return, asexually serve her to the death getting honey (money) in return. Strange to be sure, but the example of Etruscan Priests of the dead embalming bodies with honey or Newton getting rich, staying celibate and writing 1000 pages about the construction of the Jewish Temple after he invented the force of gravity should make anyone wonder what the goal is.
Rosicrucianism is Alchemy; changing God and His creation into something else. The lead into gold part is merely for the dupes. Modern examples in religion are Catholic Priests changing sacramental elements of bread and wine into the actual body and blood of God; Muslim Imams changing God into the moon god, Al-Allah, Nature worshipping Pantheists declaring God is part of His creation or new bibles that change the Word which is God in written form. Akkadians changed God into a Crescent called Sin; Egyptians changed God into a Golden Apis Bull (Apis means bee and lie); Phoenicians into fish, Minoans into a Minotaur, Hellenized Greeks into Apollo, Hindus into Brahma the celestial cow, Middle age Europeans into Woden or Thor, Mormons into Lucifer (Jesus’ twin brother), Protestants into a capricious god who only loves His elect and so on. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And the glory of the un-corruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.” Rom 1:23 That’s only a short list of what God has become, but what of His creation?
God created the earth with a lot of water, put plants on it, fixed it in position, stabilized it (spin), made the sun, moon and stars, then people and animals that are different from one another. Rosicrucian Francis Bacon is considered the father of scientific theory, founding father of the British Empire and America, so let’s see what his scientists think about that. Astrologer, Nicholas Copernicus says the sun is at the center so the earth must be moving around it. King David says earth is fixed in Psalm 93:1 and his son Solomon does as well in Ecclesiastes. Gravity is holding planets in orbit around the sun, says Grand Master of the Prieure of Sion Isaac Newton. One lie builds on another, and nobody to date can tell you where the force of gravity receives its power supply. Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed and force requires energy after all. Gravity gets weaker with the square of the distance; any moron (not Moroni) can tell galaxies can’t be curved into spirals by this force when they are millions of light years apart, so Einstein creates Dark Matter and Black Holes. 3rd lie covers 1st 2 lies because Black Holes cannot develop infinite forces of gravity from collapsing stars running out of hydrogen fuel right? They somehow explode past their infinite gravity by magic and create carbon from which life begins and all the other heavy elements. 4th lie; carbon nor anything else is produced in supernovas. Let’s recap this Rosicrucian mess: Satan squishes the universe into the primordial black hole and causes it to explode. Gravity pulls matter flying apart at the speed of light, which has not yet been produced into clumps called planets, and by superb luck, earth has water, a carbon cycle, magnetic radiation protection fields, and with more luck the carbon and proteins make over a trillion perfect connections to form DNA whose only purpose in life is to re-create itself. Einstein proves the speed of light is not dependent on the speed of the light source because he thought the earth was moving; NOT. Superstring Theory developed recently which says the universe is connected by an invisible fabric that transmits force instantly over billions of light years distance constantly without a verifiable power supply. SWEET! It even vibrates in 11 dimensions we cannot see to create all matter, including us. Can you see why God may be getting just a little perturbed at us for following these morons?
Erasmus Darwin writes Zoonomia, his Lunar Society member grandson, Charles plagiarizes his theory that monkeys turned into humans 100,000 years ago with black people doing this last. Aryanism is proved correct and chattel slavery is thus justified. Scottish farmer Charles Lyell figures the rocks on his land were compressed miles deep in the earth and by tectonic plate motion, and made their way to the surface. Of course, this takes millions of years, so humans now become descended from million year old pond scum, and the interior of the earth becomes molten to swell up all these mountains of rocks. This pond scum is really incompatible with this theory, so it is deemed to have been sent from aliens from another galaxy. Man seems to be getting better and smarter all the time, but the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge are so accurately aligned with the stars and so perfect in construction that these guardian aliens must have helped them, and are guiding humanity on its course. Now, people God told us nothing about have mated with the finest humans to create a race of hybrids with superior intellect. God has now been changed from lying bull statues to aliens from another galaxy and impotent to boot.
At the beginning, I said Ionian Greeks had control of Ephesus (Turkey), the center of goddess worship, and Jesus warned them not to follow the Nicolaitanes. Ionians became Athenians who consulted the Oracle of Delphi (fed information from Delphic Priests “Magi”). Greek Hellenes became Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian Jesus (Antichrist) will be introduced to the world in images projected onto the Ionosphere by Star Wars Satellites. Nicolaitanes are the Rosicrucians. God is not returning as a Man of Peace. He did that once and was crucified by the bees. Honey is bee vomit which in Chaldee means “Word”, but their word is nothing but a lie on top of a lie on top of a lie. Honey is symbolic of the Golden Age when evil and violence had taken over. The Rose is really a Mother Cow Goddess, not God, and the Rosicrucians have all the knowledge needed to turn lead into gold and to become God yourself. I’m actually looking forward to watching them justify all this in front of Jesus!