“Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened, you can bet it was planned.” -FDR
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists.”
-J. Edgar Hoover
Both of these men were 33° Sovereign (Sovereign means “no higher rank” ie free of all laws) Freemasons, exposing a monstrous plan called Zionism; in Hebrew, the phrase Tikun Olam means “Repair the Earth”, a re-stating of the Hermetic Axiom “As Above, So Below”. The monstrous plan is set in stone at the Georgia Guide Stones, calls for the elimination of all but 500 million persons from earth; it is no coincidence that monument was erected at the same time the Iranian (Iran=Aryan) Revolution; WWIII will be the Mede-Persian Ram versus the Grecian Goat. It is also no coincidence the Super-carrier John C Stennis (Freemason, Knight of Pythias=Pythagorean Brotherhood) is stationed near Iran’s Naval Exercise at the Straits of Hormuz over Christmastide “12 Days of Christmas”. Stennis, a 40 year senator from Mississippi said “I want to plow a furrow straight to the end of the row”.
Folks, we may very well be getting to the end of the row.
33° Freemason Albert Pike spelled out the plan with 3 world wars, culminating between forces of political Zionism and Islam, after which the true light of Lucifer could be exposed; the question is when? Joseph Smith was martyred by Freemasons at the Carthage (Carthage is the Phoenician outpost where the Arab Spring Revolutions began in Jan 2011) Jail buried with a Talisman of Jupiter, called the “King Star”, the planet represents Zeus (Zeus=Day=Light) and the astrological age of Aquarius “Water Pourer” begins 12/21/2012, the day rehearsed for 2000 years in Mayan Ball Court Games.
[frame_right][/frame_right]I’m not predicting Mitt Romney will become President of the US; I’m trying to illustrate the most ancient plan on earth is for man to become a god; call this Gnosticism (Tree of Knowledge), Kaballah (Work upon the Sacred Tree), Masonry, Zionism (Judaism is not Zionism), Chiliasm (putting a man on the throne of David), Mormonism (Jesus is Melshisedek; not Mormon men), Zoroastrianism, Bahai, “Twelver” Shiite Islam, Buddhism or a host of other names; the plan is the same: “Squaring a Circle”. Irrational? Of course that what Pi=3.14… is; the tools of the “Craft” (Witchcraft)? Square and Compass. The Earth mapped as a “Plan”; the “Circle of Heaven” brought to Earth so Man can become god. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said “With enough repetition, people can be made to believe a Circle can become a Square”; He Lied.
Lucifer is the “Light at the end of the tunnel”; Jesus told us we would see “Antichrist revealed”; occultists call this the “Golden Age”; it is no coincidence the Trans-continental railroad was connected by the “Golden Spike” in Salt Lake City between Engines #119 and the Jupiter. The area code for Iraq and Iran is also 119.
Mitt Romney is a CFR member; Foreign Affairs magazine features a cover with the Rider of the White House, hand uplifted and the inscription “VBIQVE” which means “UBIQUE” for “Ubiquitous” the quality of being “Omnipresent”. On the cover of the Jan 2012 issue “TIME TO STRIKE IRAN”
Mormon White Horse Prophecy
“Fathers will turn against sons and sons against fathers. Mothers will turn against daughters and daughters against mothers. Crime will run rampant, America on the verge of crumbling to pieces, people will be starving and the Constitution will hang by a thread; saved by elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.”
The U.S. Constitution is the sole basis of authority for the Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches of Government. Without this document, US soldiers have no Geneva Convention protections. No matter how one feels about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be Commander in Chief, the Constitution has been severely attacked.
- Obama was not sworn in according to the Constitution intentionally by Jesuit, Knight of Malta John Roberts; Rick Warren invoked “Essa” in the benediction which is the Arab version of Jesus; the repeated oath did not use a bible which is not a requirement, but symbolically the swearing-in was held in front of Freemason Benjamin LaTrobe’ portrait, the architect of the Capitol (Temple of Zeus).
- Universal Health Care goes well beyond the scope of authority given the Federal Government. It was passed in Congress on Sunday 3/22/2009 at 3:22UTC. The Skull & Bones (aka Brotherhood of Death) Logo features 322 below the crossed bones forming an X and a skull with no lower jaw; translated, Genesis 3:22 is the fall of Man (Adam) into sin by becoming “as one of us” ie a god; the X a symbol of the Ecliptic (Solar track) crossing the Galactic plane (Zodiac) and the Sun passing through on 12/21/2012 at the end of Obama’s 1st term; this date is also declared to be the “Day of Divine Redemption” according to Art 24 of the Covenant of One-Heaven. http://one-heaven.org/covenant/heaven_0240.htm/
- The Constitution requires the Census to be conducted under the Census Bureau, which is currently under the US Commerce Dept. The 2010 Census was conducted under White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel
- Only Congress has the authority to declare war. Congress had just recessed when the Libyan War began. The date was Purim. Pur=Lots; Puru is an Akkadian/Assyrian Holy Day originating during Judah’s Babylonian captivity meaning “Cast lots for Marduk”; the same day George Bush Sr ordered the slaughter on Hwy 8 “Hwy of Death” of Iraqis returning after the “Operation Desert Storm” cease fire and the same Holy Day George Bush Jr began the “Shock and Awe” (Shekinah is a feminine term meaning Presence of the Deity ie Cybele or Ishtar) campaign in “Operation Iraqi Freedom”; Obama’s war in Iraq is called “Operation New Dawn” (Dawn=Vesta, Eos, Eostre, Ishtar, Easter). If past repeats, WWIII may start on Purim 2012.
- The Constitution was shredded with “Operation Fast and Furious” aka “Operation Gunrunner” provided assault weapons, pistols, body armor, 50cal sniper rifles and night vision equipment to the Los Zetas Mexican Drug Cartel using BATF agents in Phoenix, Columbus NM and the Alliance Airport in Dallas-Ft Worth, not coincidentally all located on the 33rd Latitude with Baghdad.
- Obama bowed in submission to Wahhabist Saudi King Abdullah. Obama proclaimed “A new beginning for Islam” in Cairo (Muslim Brotherhood and Arab League were founded in Cairo). Obama bowed in submission to Shinto, Order of the Garter Emperor Akihito. His father a Freemason partnered with Freemasons Douglass MacArthur, FDR and Harry Truman to inflict mass WWII casualties in Japan; 6 years later Freemasons Curtis LeMay, MacArthur and Harry Truman inflicted mass casualties in Korea killing 1/3 of the population and separating 10 million families by the 38th parallel on the DMZ. Fukushima, also on the 38th parallel was later initiated by an Electro-magnetic induced earthquake and subsequent shut down of primary and triple redundant back-up cooling systems on Lent in 2011 (40 days weeping for Tammuz). The ongoing, out of control event is killing the Pacific Ocean food chain from the bottom up and delivering radiation worldwide via the Pacific Ocean Current and Jet Stream.
- Obama toasted Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace to “God save the queen”. Her son Prince William is the 1000th Knight of the Garter (a Norman/Cathar order currently directed by Prince Charles, reportedly a convert to Islam; Horohito Akihito is also a Knight of the Garter); BP (Anglo-Iranian Oil) would later remedy the Deepwater Horizon (caught fire on Weed Day and sank intentionally on Earth Day) disaster using the UN banned Weed Killer “Corexit”, creating massive oxygen deprived “Dead Zones”, killing Gulf of Mexico fisheries and disrupting the Atlantic Thermohaline Ocean Conveyor.
Romney=Welsh Kale Gypsy name for Judgment. Kale means Black; the Romney name was changed from Pratt meaning Trick. Black as in Black Nobility of the Italian Renaissance or Kwanzaa has nothing to do with skin color; it has to do with Darkness, absent the Holy Ghost. English and Dutch “Romnichel” were Black Gypsies dealing in fortune telling, basket making and draft horse and ox trading. Jon=“Jehovah has favored”; Huntsman=Anglo-Saxon/Celtic “Hunter”. It matters little which candidate wins the Causus; they take orders from the Prophet of the Mormon Church. Kale gypsies migrated from Turkey (all 7 Church Warnings in Rev 2-3 came from there for a reason) to Serbia, Austria, Hungary and Russia having names like Smith, Lee, Cooper and Locke.
[frame_right][/frame_right]The red scallop featured on the Romney (Huntsman as well) Coat of Arms is a pagan fertility symbol of Venus used by Winston Churchill, Diana “Princess of Wales” Spencer, Prince William (1000th Knight of the Order of the Garter) and Methodist Church founder John Wesley. James, son of Zebedee and brother of John the Evangelist became mythically associated with the scallop shell by rescuing a dying/drowning Knight (Setting Sun) covered (protected) in scallop shells; James is thus portrayed wearing a hat and cloak with a scallop shell symbol. The scallop then became a symbol of pilgrims and water baptism; infants often sprinkled with Holy Water from a scallop shell as remission of original sin; infants having done no evil are in no need of this. The shell symbolizes the Celtic (Celt=Warrior) death journey to the West (Amurru=biblical Calneh=America) land of the setting sun (Obama’s Prince Hall Masonic logo is the setting sun), called variously the “End of the World”, “Coast of Death”, “Sea of Darkness”, “Abyss of Death” and “Atlantis”. Recall, Sir (Sir means Knight in service to the queen of heaven ie Venus/Ishtar) Francis Bacon wrote New Atlantis referring to America rising as a Phoenix out of its own ashes of destruction to become a new “Isle of Atlas”; the statue is proudly displayed at 30 Rockefeller Center if this is just too unbelievable. Pope Benedict XVI uses a gold scallop on his Coat of Arms to illustrate the same baptism/regeneration/rebirth. Why? America was set up as a Masonic enterprise to serve as a Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon” (physical Babel=Confusion). The Roman (Rome=Rom=Romani Gypsy) Catholic (Catholic=Universal) Church was also set up to be a Scapegoat for Rev 17 “MYTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” ie the Whore of Babylon or Woman riding the Beast. The Alternative Messiah of Zionism will follow their destruction.
The Unforgiveable Sin is “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”; that’s what “Black” or “Darkness” means. A return to the “Law” (Noahide and/or Sharia) is the intent of Zionism and for America, the Mormon Church will play a dominant role. “The law and the prophets were until John…” Lk 16:16; it is no coincidence Ishmael was born in Gen 16 or that God’ “Wrath” (7 Vials/Bowls on the last day) is described in Rev 16 either.
Mitt’s Advisory Team
Mitt Romney has an advisory team (read about it here) including Cofer Black: CIA Director of Operations, Blackwater VP, Blackbird Technologies, 2011 Black Hat key note speaker and Total Intelligence Solutions CEO, a spinoff of Eric Prince’ Blackwater turned Xe Services now Academi. Eric is currently assembling a Private Mercenary Army for the United Arab Emirates because Sharia and Noahide Law stem from the same Satanic source. Michael Chertoff Dual Israeli citizen, Rabbi, FEMA, Chertoff Group lobbies the US and UN for Full Body Terra-hertz Imaging Scanners and Backscatter X-Ray scanners for airports, cargo ports and Un-constitutional van mounted mobile scanners. Michael Hayden 9/11/2001 NSA Director, CIA Director, Chertoff Group President. It is no coincidence the NSA is building its largest Data Collection Facility in Salt Lake City, Utah either. Dov Zakheim Dual Israeli citizen, Rabbi, War College professor, Flight Termination System CEO (builds remote guidance systems for military drones such as the RQ-170 allegedly brought down in Iran as well as military and commercial aircraft) Dov was Gov Bush Jr Texas Comptroller, Pres Bush Jr DOD Comptroller albeit not a good one for admitting the loss of $2.3 Trillion on 9/10/2001 and current chair of the Iraq-Afghanistan group tracking $60B missing funds. Robert Kagan Yale Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death Society”, CFR (newest article “Time to StrikeIran”), Brooking’s Institute (pamphlet “Which Path to Persia”), Jesuit, Georgetown professor. Norm Coleman AIPAC, Liberal Democrat turned Conservative Republican turned Independent, ran for MN Senator against Paul Wellstone, conveniently dead from a plane crash and chair of the Senate investigation into the Iraq “Oil for Food” scandal which netted Kofi Annan several $billion. Meghan O’Sullivan Bush Jr Dep Nat Security Advisor, Iraq-Afghanistan policy advisor. Walid Phares NBC (Rockefeller) FOX (Murdoch=Marduk) Middle East Contributor, Defense of Democracy Inst like George Soros’ NED, Maronite ie Phoenician-Philistine-Aramaean (Syriac) Church. Lebanon=Lbn=Laban “To make White” (Note the similarity to Mormon “White and Delightsome” doctrine); The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is Lebanon’s Flag; the Phoenix is on the $US. See the pattern? No. Intelligence. This is why the NSA is building the world’s largest data collection facility in Salt Lake City. Sheriff Joe Arpaio campaigns for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney; he is rumored to be Mitt’s pick for Dept of Homeland Security should he become president, Joe’ tough stance on illegal immigration is rather duplicitous since Operation Gunrunner was managed out of the Phoenix BATF office where Joe is Maricopa County Sheriff as well as Gov. Rick Perry’s Alliance Airport in Ft Worth. Should Joe Arpaio get in, I would expect Voz de Aztlan (Justice Sotomayor is a member of this and Belizian Grove) and MEChA to escalate violence toward reclaiming “Aztlan” (California south of San Francisco, Arizona, most of Utah, SW Colorado, New Mexico and West Texas). Laban, Aztec and Aztlan all mean “To purify” or “To make White”. Mitt didn’t acquire this band of world-class criminals by chance.
[frame_left][/frame_left]Mitt Romney’s genealogy includes murdered polygamist Mormon Church apostle Parley Pratt; killed because his 12th wife Eleanor was still married to her husband Hector McClean. The persecuted Puritan Anne Marbury Hutchinson whose “Scarlett Letter” (A) appeared in Francis Bacon’s rendering of the 1611 Authorized Bible KJV; no textual changes were made, just illustrations and margin notes. There are rules you know! Eleanor of Aquitane, whose Norman/Cathar marriage and patronage of Chretien de Troyes furthered the “Holy Grail”, “Robin Hood”, “King Arthur” nonsense along or course with the 2nd and 3rd Crusade, the latter for control of Jerusalem under closet homosexual son Richard the Lionheart. Charlemagne probably gives Mitt goose bumps for uniting pagan tribes under the banner of Christianity or rather the Fleur de Lis (Lucifer’s Flower); Merovingian (Merovee means “Sea Beast”) Franks, Lombards (Lom=Rom=Dom=Dominion), Saxons all under one tent, and Mitt knows well BP is Anglo-Iranian oil, and that WWIII will start near Abaddan Island where Iran has its largest refinery. He is well aware and in business with Iran-Contra arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi who financed covert weapons to Iran from 1984-1988 through the Mormon Church and Triad Investments. The problem with Mitt is the Oath his ancestors swore to uphold.
Oath of Vengeance
You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.
The prophets are Joseph and Hyrum Smith; Parley Pratt is considered the “Apostle Paul of Mormonism”. The Nation is America. The Blood Atonement Oath was part of the Endowment (Gifts from God including Healing, Prophecy, Knowledge, Tongues) initiated by Joseph Smith for his “Church of Christ”. Christ here is the Alternative Christ. Smith and Oliver Cowdery witnessed God, Jesus Christ, Moses, Elijah and Elias. The problem here is God and Jesus Christ are one as are Elijah and Elias. Cowdery later recanted his testimony and Dannites like Parley Pratt, Mitt Romney’s Fourth generation Grandfather (1807-1857) were called upon to enact “Blood Atonement”.
Masons murdered Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the Carthage Jail, Illinois. Illinois means “Tribe of Superior Men”; the original Carthage “New Tyre” aka Tunis is the site where the 2011 Arab Spring Revolutions first began. Carthage was settled by Phoenicians escaping the Assyrian siege. Hiram of Tyre (High Born of Tyre) supplied materials for Solomon’s Temple (ca 960 BC) as well as 1000 wives and concubines; Assyrian King Shalmaneser (Shalmaneser means Solomon of Assyria) IV invaded Tyre; escaping Phoenicians led by Kahn Baal (Priests of Baal aka Magi) fled to Carthage; homosexual, pederast Generals Hannibal the Cannibal (Kahn Baals taught Cannibalism) and his son Hamilcar will ring a bell as Rome fought 3 successive Carthaginian Wars before salting, scorching and pissing in the ashes of Carthage. Notably, Muammar Qadaffi was trying to revive the desert using the GMMR (Great man-made River) before NATO and the US (modern Assyria) fired 160 uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Tripoli and destroyed any attempt to exploit the GMMR.
Isaiah 7:2 tells us “Syria is confederate with Ephraim”; Is 7:9 “The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is Remalia’s son…” Remaliah’s son is Pekah who “Did that which was evil in sight of the LORD” 2 Kings 15:28 Assyrians replaced Israel at that point with “men of Babylon…men of Cuthah…men of Hamath…Avites and Sepharvites” 2 Kings 17:30-31. Joseph’s brother Hyrum had bestowed the Masonic degrees in one day; his Masonic distress call “Is there no help for the widow’s son?” thus began “Blood Vengeance” that according to the oath is still in effect today with Mitt Romney. The Widow is Ruth the Moabite widow who became the great grandmother of King David. This “Oath of Vengeance” was added to Temple Ritual as “Limited Atonement” by 330 Mason Brigham Young who ordered the vengeance murder of the Fancher-Baker Party on 9/11/1857 at Mountain Meadows. At the memorial site, Brigham pulled down a Cross stating “Vengeance is mine, and I have taken a little”. He spoke this as a Melchisedek Priest; Melchisedek is the author of the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 14:8), Davidic Covenant (Ps 110) and New Covenant (Heb 7-9) This article is not intended as an attack on Mormons; it is to illustrate why men like Mitt Romney are “Double Minded”; unstable in every way; men who will say or do anything. History records them as Crypto and Marrano; false converts to other religions.
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are the current front runners for the 2012 Republican primary (as of 12/25/11) Ron, like Ross Perot (Alliance Airport airlifted Operation Gun Runner weapons to Los Zetas Mexican Drug Cartels) is a spoiler; Ron is an initiate of Lambda Chi Alpha; his family are initiates of Job’s Daughters, Rainbow Girls and Velasco Lodge Freemasonry; he does what he is told. 4 years ago he turned on the 9/11 Truth Movement by throwing his support to gun toting fake Baptist preacher Chuck Baldwin; Chuck who? Exactly, he garnered 2% of the vote. Newt is an example or a Crypto; a recent false convert to Catholicism, and member of Opus Dei from the Southern Baptist Denomination, the latter being fully controlled by Freemasons, the former being fully controlled by Jesuits. Gingrich is playing his role in the 2012 elections by failing to qualify for the Virginia and Missouri primaries and opening his first Iowa office this week. Oversight? No. Intentional? Bet on it, the man is a seasoned politician, CFR member and Bohemian Grove initiate. Moloch is worshipped at Bohemian Grove, Bohemian is derived from the adherents to the cult of Cybele and Attis in Phrygia (Turkey) called “Boii”; the word Bohemian like Gypsy refer to people who do not adhere to the laws of the land they reside in.. Pictures of Newt Gingrich wearing the Yarmulke abound; (Jesuits call this the Zuchetto) Jewish? Absolutely not, it is called the Cap of Cybele worn by false converts to many religions including Islam. Every religion has them; Jesuits and Knights of Malta are Roman Catholic in public, Gnostic ie Satanic oath swearing in private. Freemasons are Protestant in public while swearing Oaths to Lucifer/Satan in private. Kabbalists and Talmudists pretend to be Jewish in public, but the religion is pure Gnosticsm. Sufis, Assassins, Twelvers and Wahhabists pretend to be Muslim, but are anything but in private. The foundation of Satanic religion is Zoroastrianism (Zoro=Seed; Aster=Ishtar ie Star Children); in Mormonism Kolob is that Star; the Satanic Bible even lists Mormon as an infernal name of Satan. WWIII is Zoroastrianism’s final battle of “Good vs Evil” culminating in the revealing of the Alternative Messiah. Iran “Aryan” means “Noble Caste”; Pres Ahmadinejad a “Twelver Ismaili” has the same goal Mitt Romney does, the restoration
******Mitt’s presumptive Homeland Security Secretary, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is researching Obama’s eligibility to be US President due to his forged birth certificate, false Social Security Number, forged Selective Service Card and false Passport; there is little chance Joe will research Mitt’s eligibility to be President on his payroll.
Mitt Romney’s father was MI Gov, Richard Nixon HUD Secretary, American Motors CEO, George Romney; born in Mexico, he was never naturalized a US Citizen making Mitt ineligible to be President.
George’s father Gaskell Romney changed from his Polygamist father’s name Helaman Pratt and his father Parley Pratt; Campbelite converts to Joseph Smith’s new “Church of Christ”. Gaskell fled the Mexican Revolution back to America and sued the Mexican Government for loss of possessions; neat trick eh? Jesus was never part of the original Mormon Church because Jesus has nothing to do with it.
Gaskell’s father Miles Park Romney established a refuge for Mormons in St John’s Arizona. First, St John’s is named after a mythical cross between John the Baptist, hence the obsession with Water Baptism. The original Johnitters and Yezidis “Devil worshippers of Kurdistan” were among the first post Crucifixion Gnostics descended spiritually from the Essenes of Qumran; Essen means Priest as in Galli, the Eunuch Priests of Cybele and later the Priests of Artemis/Diana at the Temple of Ephesus. The other John is John the Evangelist who communicated with Jesus via the Holy Ghost, hence the Mormon obsession with Angels and spirit communication. Miles edited a St John’s newspaper called “The Orion Era”. Orion is Osiris the Egyptian sun god “On”. Mitt believes (or maybe knows the truth) he is descended from the Tribe of Joseph whose matriarch was a daughter of the Priests of On in Heliopolis named “Asenath”. Jesus’ bloodline is Patriarchal; the Antichrist lineage is Matriarchal. Articles appearing in the Apache Chief newspaper called for the extermination of Mormons, signaling out the jailed Miles Romney by “Gun or Rope”; Miles skipped bail and fled to Mexico.
Mitt is the a 4th Generation descendant of Welsh Gypsies, sworn to what became known as the “Salt Sermon” by apostle Sydney Rigdon. Parley Prattt is called the Apostle Paul of Mormonism however Paul, Jesus and James all said “Swear Not”; Mormonism is all about Oath Swearing..
“If the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”
Two days after Rigdon preached the Salt Sermon, eighty Latter-day Saints signed a statement Danite Manifesto) warning the dissenters to “depart, or a more fatal calamity shall befall you.”
Rigdon was a Campbellite minister from Ohio who converted Romney’s ancestor Parley Pratt and threw his lot in with Joseph Smith’s “Church of Christ”. Rigdon’s letter to dissenters is a death threat similar to that found in Freemasonry.
- 1st token of Aaronic Priesthood calls for one’s throat to be cut ear to ear and tongues torn out by the roots.
- 2nd token of Aaronic Priesthood calls for one’s breast to be torn open with hearts and vitals given to birds of the air and beasts of the field.
Note: Only sons of Aaron could fill roles in the Levitical Priesthood; Mormons have no claim to Levite genealogy.
- 1st token of Melchisedek Priesthood calls for one’s body to be cut asunder in the midst with bowels gushing out.
Note: Jesus is Melchisedek, a priesthood stemming from Judah; Mormons have no claim to Judah “Jewish” genealogy.
The goal of WWIII is to pit Islam against political Zionism in an effort to falsify the final end of Millennium (1000 years after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ) battle “Gog and Magog” The restoration of Israel is described as joining the sticks of Judah with his companions in Israel and with Joseph, the stick of Ephraim with his companions in Israel. (ref Eze 37:16) Take note that Kind David will be king (Eze 37:24) and Jesus will “Tabernacle” as God (Eze 37:27); no Temple folks, a Tabernacle.
Today, we have a situation where Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan claim to be sons of Joseph as well as the Mormon Church (Note: US soldiers are caught in the middle); White Europeans like Mitt Romney claiming Joseph’s younger son Ephraim and Blacks, Polynesian, Native Indians claiming Joseph’s eldest son Manasseh. Now turn to Rev 7 and figure out why Ephraim is not mentioned. Isaiah spells this out clearly.
Romney is a Welsh “Kale Gypsy” name meaning “Winding River”; his wife Ann LaFount like the architect of Washington DC, Pierre L’Enfant is also a Welsh Gypsy name meaning “A Child”; Ann a 1966 (1966 is Anno Satanae “Year One” due the founding of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan) convert to Mormonism from Welsh Congregationalist, a Gypsy offshoot of the Anglican Church. Rom is the root of Romani and Romania meaning “Gypsy”; Rome founded by twins Remus and Romulus found floating in the Tiber River and raised by priests called “Augurs”. The Egyptian (Aegyptus means Land of Gypsies) Horus has a similar myth using the Nile River and Sargon the Great has a similar myth using the Euphrates River. Rom is similar to Dom, the Brahmin priest class in India and root of “Dominion” given to the 3rd Beast in Daniel 7:6. This Beast is a Leopard because a Leopard cannot change its spots. Rom=Dom=Lom the root of Lombards a matriarchal pagan society which became home to the Cult of Nicholas aka St Nick aka Santa Claus. Ever wonder why Mormons are so fixated on Christmas? Now you know, but rest assured, Mitt and Mormon leaders know full well Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles, not Hanukkah and not Christmas.
Peter told us “…be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise…” 2 Pet 3:8 The promise being to return. Study bible notes usually explain that God is eternal and therefore a thousand years are short in His sight. Don’t believe that lie; “ God said. Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” Gen 1:14. The scripture is telling us the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ will occur when Creation is exactly 6000 years old. Subtract the Great Tribulation Christmas 2012 results, just after the Nov 2 election of my best guess, Mitt Romney. Why?
Synarchy is a Theocracy ruled by secret societies; the Mormon White Horse Prophecy fits this plan
More White Horse Prophecy
Fathers will turn against sons and sons against fathers. Mothers will turn against daughters and daughters against mothers. Crime will run rampant, America on the verge of crumbling to pieces, people will be starving and the Constitution will hang by a thread; saved by elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The prophecy is attributed to Joseph Smith, however is was written some 20+ years after his Masonic revenge killing in the Carthage Jail; you will notice Jesus Christ is in the title, originally it was omitted as the church has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
[frame_right][/frame_right]The Hopi also have a prophecy recorded in stone at Prophecy Rock in the 4 corners area (UT-CO-NM-AZ)
Hopi Blue and Red Kachina Prophecy
When the blue star Kachina appears in the heavens, the 5th world will emerge on the Day of Purification. It will come when Saquasahuh (Blue) Kachina dances in the plaza before the uninitiated and removes his mask. Red Kachina comes not far behind and brings the Day of Purification to Earth. All creatures will be offered a chance to change forever and issue forth a great Red Light
The 5th world refers to the Mayan Calendar date or 12/21/2012. 13 is the age Ishmael was circumcised and the time Isaac was born to assume the Covenant God gave to Abraham; Art 24 of the Covenant of One Heaven says this is the day of the Pale Horse, the day of Divine Redemption. The mask “Domini” refer to masks worn at Mardi Gras and Carnivale Festivals. Red refers to Edom; the prophesied “Dominion” of Esau in Gen 27:40 will come to an abrupt conclusion at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, described in Obadiah. This is the essence of Zionism which is why Salt Lake City is called Zion.
Joseph Smith’s revelation
Gentile property to be consecrated unto those of the house of Israel
Spiritually, all Gentiles are welcome to become Born Again Christians; Gentile means “Of nobility; Chivalrous”; the Phoenician (Hiram=High Born) and Aryan (Arya=Noble Caste) refer to Zoroastrianism and Iran where Bahai religion started just after the Mormon Church; physically, it refers to a non-Jew; spiritually, everyone is welcome to accept Jesus Christ and become part of “Israel”. Mormon leadership claims to be of Dannite origin. Dan means “Judge” because Jacob prophesied in Gen 49, Dan would “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel” Gen 49:16; they will at the end of the Millennium when Jesus gathers the tribes of Israel. For now, Dan will be a “serpent by the way and an adder in the path” Gen 49:17 Druid Priests are initiated in Wales and are called “Adders”. White European Mormons claim Ephraim, and Native/Polynesian Manasseh origin. In youth, Mormons are given keys to the Aaronic Priesthood, thus claiming to be physical descendants of Aaron and of Levite origin. Had the priesthood not been corrupted, the New Covenant would have been unnecessary, but it was and “…Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitation” Gen 49:5 In adulthood, they are given keys to the Melchisedek Priesthood, thus claiming the priesthood only Jesus has a claim to from the tribe of Judah (ref Heb 7-9) Leopards can’t change their spots; Mormons claim to do this 5 times; an obvious impossibility.
Hopi prophecy claims Red Kachina follows close behind Blue Kachina on the “Day of Purification”. Bahai religion unites the offspring of Abraham through Hagar-Ishmael, Sarah-Isaac-Esau-Jacob and Keturah-Krishna-Buddha. Zoroastrianism’s final battle of Light (Ahura Mazda) versus Dark (Ahriman) is this “Purification”. Bahai is the same with “Bab” (Bab=Gate=Blue Kachina=Blue Lodge or Freemasonry) the forerunner of Baha’u’llah “Son of Man”; not the real Son of Man, Jesus Christ mind you, but the Alternative Christ Jesus said would come in his own name.
Mormon prophecy is thus Zionism, Mayan prophecy, Hopi prophecy, Zoroastrian prophecy, “Twlever” Shia Islam prophecy and Bahai prophecy rolled into one. Baha’u’llah, al-Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha are all the same. Joseph Smith stated:
New Jerusalem Prophecy
The restoration of Zion and erection of New Jerusalem in Missouri at the Temple lot
would occur before he would have been 85 years old; this makes him a False Prophet. New Jerusalem (Eze 40-48; Rev 21) occurs after the Millennium; Mormons will time their false event with 12/21/2012 which the Hopi call “Day of Purification”. Article 24 “Covenant of One Heaven” (read it here) calls this day “Day of Divine Redemption” and provides an 18 digit (3 groups of 6) identification number.
Wisdom is counting that number and knowing Jesus meant what He said in Rev 13:15-18. Mitt Romney is running for President of the US at a time when the Constitution is hanging by a thread not by coincidence, but by meticulous planning. Nothing could be more symbolic in my view that the Golden Spike hammered between the Engine bearing the area code of Iran and Iraq and the Jupiter in the land Mormons call Zion.
Still think those red scallop shells on the Romney Coat of Arms are coincidental?