[frame_right][/frame_right]Languedoc in southern France (Occitane-Aquitane) means “Language of Yes” or “Language of Oil” in Old French. The Latin “Aqua” was derived from Aqui, so it is also the “Language of Water”. If you are not spiritually ready for the Gnostic “Age of Aquarius”, now would be a good time. Keep in mind that when the so-called “Spear of Destiny” was thrust into Jesus’ side on the Cross, Water and Blood flowed out.
On 6/6/1244 Cathars “Pure Ones” were burned at Montsegur. “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow Green again” is an old Cathar saying; Cathars were and are still Gnostics; Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion” aka Revenge. Vox in Excelso was declared on 3/20/1312 and written down 3/22/1312 in the Languedoc (Occitane) region of France. Oc means Yes as does Oui in French or Oil in Old French. Oiseau means Bird. They lend the name to the Language of Yes aka Language of Birds (Heliopolis is City of the Heron/Phoenix), Green Language (Osiris “On” was the original Green Man), Adamic Language (Adam was fashioned from the Earth), Enochian (Used in ceremonial Magick), Core (Korah=Kore-An “Language of Allah” where Allah is El or On), Augury (Priest Divination using the flight of birds), Hermetic (Egyptian god of medicine is Toth-Hermes in the “Emerald Tablet of Toth”), Divine (Gnostics revere the Serpent as the source of Divine Wisdom), Angelic (Gnostics revere and communicate with a host of Angels), Serpent, Vibration (Voices are Vibrations as is Scalar Electro-Magnetic Waves formed by the Sun and Earth), Forbidden (Tree of Knowledge) etc. These are all forms of Spirit Communication. In Gen 3:22 Adam becomes “as one of us” i.e. a god; in Rev 3:22 Jesus concludes 7 Church Warnings to those who “have an ear”. If you don’t have an ear, it’s time to establish communication with Jesus Christ. When Jesus gave up the ghost on Passover (Roman 3rd month) he uttered words in Aramaean (Syrian) which begins King David’s Psalm 22, written in Hebrew prophesying the exact method of His Crucifixion 1000 years in advance. It is no coincidence Aram was Shem’s 5th Son or that 12/21/2012 begins the Age of the 5th Sun. I’m saying all this was planned long ago according to a rigid timetable.
Creation to Flood took 1656 years. As water drained from the Earth, the Vernal Equinox Sunrise was in Taurus; Sargon “Legitimate King” of Akkad was likely conceived 9 months earlier; a forerunner of John the Baptist who was conceived in the 8th, 8 day Temple service “Abia” about Summer Solstice. Sargon’s story also mimics that of Moses (change Nile to Euphrates) but instead of Zacharias the temple priest, Sargon is born to his mother, a temple prostitute and chief priestess of Ishtar (Easter or Cybele). The point? Aries to Pisces to Aquarius takes 4320 years + 1656=5976 years. Legitimacy under Hebrew Law is acquired at 21; there is a 3 1/2 year “Great Tribulation” before Jesus returns and astrologers tell us the Age of Aquarius begins roughly 2012. Do the math.
“THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS” has nothing to do with INRI “By Fire, Nature is Renewed Again”. Mayans called the Galaxy center “Tula”; the Egyptians called Heliopolis “Tula”; both called Tula “Place of Herons”. The Aryan (Noble) “Race” was claimed to have lived in Tula aka “Ultima Thule”, Greenland. On 3/22/2010 at 3:22UTC (Greenwich) Universal Health Care was signed into law; it was Midnight in Thule. Skull & Bones is called the Brotherhood of Death or Thule Society whose logo is a Skull over the X and 322. On every Catholic Cathedral is the Chi-Rho symbol, the P (Rho) rising through the X (Chi). 9 months from now the Sun will rise through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac beginning at 11:11UTC or Sunrise at Tenochtitlan’s (City of T-Enoch) Pyramid of the Sun. Despite the Sun in our eyes, the Sun will pass (as viewed from Earth) the Galactic Center “Tula” between Sagittarius and Orion (Orion=Osiris=Green Man aka “Constant Gardener”). Making any sense yet?
Sabas of Heron (Tula or Heliopolis) were called “Peacemakers of Harran” named after Abram’s older brother. The Heron is the Phoenix (Pa=House of Enoch), an Arab bird renewed by fire; Toth aka Hermes was the Bird-Man of Tula symbolized by the Serpents entwining the Pole “Caduceus” used by British and American Medical Associations. Saba means “Leave one’s religion to enter that of another”; we call them Priests, Ministers, Rabbis and Imams; Sabah with the “h” means “Sunrise”; headed for any Easter Sunrise services on Dies Solis this year? I hope not! On 12.21/2012 a unique Sunrise will cause the Sun to appear as if it is rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac between a group of Stars called Sagittarius and Orion. The area is called the Dark Rift or the Galactic Sun (Black Hole) “Tula”. “h” means “God is with me”; evidenced in Rev 7 “Juda”; “Abram” and “Sarai”; the hieroglyphic of a chair refers to the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. H, evolved from the Hieroglyphic of the Vesica Piscis; intersecting circles moved together by breaking the cross-bar to form the familiar “Fish” symbol; of Jesus? Heaven’s no, the Holy Door of the Mother Goddess via Temple Prostitutes. I mean no offense here; it is simply time to wake up and realize Easter is the “Eastern Star” “Venus (Sba in Arabic) impregnated by the Sun and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or Passover. Witches, rejecting Jesus Christ form the Peace Sign aka Broken Jew by breaking the cross bar. In Aramaean “Saba” means “Forsaken”; they know it and Jesus knows it. The “Emerald tablet of Toth-Hermes”; written “Green/Bird language” sums up the Freemasonic philosophy of bringing Heaven (Compass) to Earth (Square); recall Michael Douglas in “Romancing the Stone”? It was an Emerald. Languedoc “Language of Yes” is captured by Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes We Can”; he knows it and Jesus knows it. Last year Barack Obama made the ridiculous assertion his name was once O’Bama. Does that make him an Irishmen? No, Ireland is the Emerald Isle and Barack means Lightning; he was letting those with an ear for this sort of communication know he was a Knight of the Swarzwe Sonne “SS”, the dark sun at the center of the Milky Way known to occultists as “Tula” or “Thule”, the source of the Aryan Race according to Nazis initiated into the Thule and/or Vril Society.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Every year on 3/25 Romans celebrated the Ritual of the Taurobolium; Mithras (Persian sun god) slaying the Bull (Taurus); that Bull proudly sits at Wall St. The Wall St Bull is an illusion of wealth made from Derivative (Side Bets) on real assets like Oil, another version of the Language of Yes. According to the Institute for Energy Research in Washington DC, the US has 1.4Trillion recoverable barrels of Oil @$125/barrel = $175Trillion; 2.7Quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable Natural Gas@=$41Trillion; 486Billion Tons of proven Coal reserves and an estimated total of 103Trillion Tons@$90/Ton do the math. The US is a veritable Black Gold Mine, but you won’t hear about that; only the tremendous Debt. CAFR’s (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports) are the “Hidden Books” which balance Assets, Debts and Equity. Figured out the real meaning of Green Language and why 700 years after Templar assets were seized, the price of energy and hence food is skyrocketing? A hint lies in the Green Cloth used to cover the “Money Changer” tables and their familiar Green Visors. Money is like Energy in that it can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be exchanged or traded.
Green Language is the confiscation and control of the world’s assets as part of UN Agenda 21; recall 21 is the age of accountability; the agreement was signed in 1992 so do the math; it’s coming of age. The final Executive Order giving the president exclusive authority to seize every asset in the US (Transportation, Food, Water, Energy, Property and People) even in peacetime was signed late on the Eve of St Patrick’s Day; We can’t see that pot of gold, but the Leprechaun knows its there! Executive Orders began with Abraham Lincoln and have been signed by most presidents since; this one is far different as it is signed by a Foreigner usurping the office of President with the full knowledge and consent “Yes” of the Supreme Court and Congress. There are 2 primary modifications to existing Executive Orders dating back to FDR’s 1939 EO. The National Defense Resource Preparedness EO of 2012 has 3 primary changes. It Bypasses Congress, declares People are resources and may be enacted in Peacetime. In other words, the Constitutional basis of the Republic is over when the President says it is. No need for Congress to institute a Draft; the President may now do this at his sole discretion. Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Stripping of US Citizenship will now be at the discretion of the President. Election of Representatives is now meaningless. Dictatorial rights are given to the President who by any definition is “Rogue” and his appointed Cabinet Secretaries of Agriculture, Energy, Commerce, Transportation, Defense and Homeland Security. Under these Obama appointed secretaries are Corporations illegally entitled to rights as US Citizens by Skull & Bones Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison “Mot” Waite. Mot is a nickname given to this Brotherhood of Death initiate because Mot is the Chaldean/Phoenician god of Death whose name literally means “Death”. It is no coincidence corporate raider “Mitt” Romney is the Republican frontrunner either. Hard to believe? The merging of Corporations and Government is called Fascism; one need only look at the Fasces (Bundle of Rods surrounding an Axe Blade) symbol on Abraham Lincoln’s Chair, above the Supreme Court Door, over the Oval Office Doors and supporting the US Flag at Union Square Park in New York City to see the plan for America was set in marble long ago. Ever wonder why so few large international corporations are now in control of Air, Rail, Trucking, Oil, Food etc?
Obama is President #44. Executive Order #44 was issued by Gov Liman Boggs calling for the Eviction or Extermination of Mormons; it thereafter became known as Extermination Order #44. Mitt Romney’s ancestors are Welsh Gypsies “Romnichel” who changed the family name to Pratt, an early Mormon apostle who swore an Oath of Vengeance against America and the Gentile Race for shedding the blood of the prophets Hyrum and Joseph Smith. Parley Pratt was killed by the husband of his 9th polygamist wife; his son was run out of St John’s Arizona and his son was run out of Mexico; the nauseating details of this CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) traitor are in my article “Romney”.
The prophecy of St Malachy states there will be 112 Popes from Celestine I to Peter the Roman leading the Sheep through Tribulation. Peter means “Rock” or “Foundation” and is depicted holding the “Key” to the Door of Heaven. Is he? Of course not, Jesus is the Key. The point is Congress #112 has just given all of its Constitutionally vested authority to Obama, a man whose eligibility to hold office is in question; who was not sworn with his hand on a bible to defend the Constitution; who conducted the US Census under the White House rather than the Census Bureau and Commerce Department as specified in the Constitution and who without Congressional approval, illegally violated the War Powers Act by starting the Libyan War. Congress has yet to approve of this war.
Ahmadinejad, a Shia Twelver has stated his Divine Mission to usher in the 12th occulted Shia Imam “al-Mahdi” (He who rises refers to the Sun rising); complicit with Reagan’s “October Surprise” during the Iranian Hostage Crisis; he is well aware of the true meaning of the Iranian “Green Revolution” and the mantra “Yes We Can”.
Attis as the Green Man was known in Galatia (Turkey) is conceived 9 months before his birth on 12/25 coincident with Mithras slaying of the Bull. According to www.One-heaven.org/ and 6 other similar sites, the Pale (Chloro means Green) Horse will ride, coincident with the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac (Chi-Rho). Isn’t it time to stop the March Madness and get right with Jesus Christ? St Patrick means Patrician or Nobility; the Pale Green Man takes the form of a Leprechaun and his Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow. It is no coincidence lying physicists claim Leptons make up the basic building blocks of matter either. In the Rainbow Arch degree of Masonry, initiates learn the ineffable name of God is Jahbulon meaning Jehovah is Baal and Osiris. Baal is the Obelisk Idol; in the case of Attis, it was a 60ft tall evergreen tree. It is considered a depiction of the World Tree or Axis; the Stauros (Pole) used to Crucify Jesus. Osiris is of course the Green Man and Egyptian sun god. Priests of Attis and Cybele wore the Yarmulke then, and do today. Just look at Herod’s Edomite Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. It serves as a replacement Temple Veil, Jesus tore at the Crucifixion. This is why Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8) In Egypt, these Solar Priests of On set up the Pyramidion aka Ben-ben Stone toward the Rising Sun of Heliopolis aka “Tula” where the Phoenix was regenerated by Fire.
[frame_right][/frame_right]Osiris/Bacchus/Dionysus/Attis is conceived about Spring Equinox “Ostarra”. On 3/20 Zoroastrian “Star Seed” Persians will begin celebrating Nowruz “New Light” with Peacock “Sanjaks” Idols; so goes the Green Language of Birds “Yes We Can”. Yes We Can refers to “Repair the Earth” (Tikkun Olam) in Hebrew by opening the Holy Door to the Tower (Magdala=Magdalene) of Bab=Gate of El. Mot was El’s son; his name is Death, the name of the Pale Horse in Rev 6:8 is “Death”. The idea of Mary Magdalene and Jesus establishing a “Holy Grail” bloodline is blasphemous to be sure and false as can be; but the myth started in Languedoc and is carried on by supposed bloodline descendants of Israel such as the Mormon Church. Romney, a CFR initiate has the Horseman on the cover of Foreign Affairs Magazine above VBIQVE the Latin letters meaning “Everywhere, Ubiquitous or Omnipresent”. Ever wonder why Easter (Ashta=Star) is First Light on Sunday after the first Full Moon of spring? Star Seed is Light or Illumination. Norse Shaman conclude initiations with the “ang ak-oq”; Language and Light of Yes is none other than Languedoc. The Easter Bunny? None other than the Phoenix=Heron or Hare of On i.e. Hare-On aka Osiris “Heliopolis”. Temple Prostitutes were called “Harines” or “Horae”; the mother of Sargon the Great.
Cybele (Astarte, Easter, Ishtar etc) is derived from Saba El where Saba means “Leave the religion of Gnosticism (Yes, Green or Forbidden Knowledge) to enter and destroy that of another; Jewish, Mormon, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Islam; it matters not. (Read the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits to reinforce this). Saba also means Sa “Blood of Isis or Soma” and Ba “Soul”. With the added “h” Sabah means Sunrise; the impregnation of the Mother Goddess by the Star Seed regenerates the Divine Son, aka Horus (Ho-Rus or Horse of god), Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire) or Mot (Death). Recall Oil is Yes in Old French; the Key to WWIII is the Strait of Hormuz (Horus + Tammuz). Yes We Can. Notice the comparison to the real Divine Son, Jesus; in John 10:9 He says “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…” The Chi-Rho is the Royal Sun (P or R) piercing the X (Christ) to Repair the Earth “Rx”. There is only 1 date this could point to on 12/21/2012 exactly 9 months from Nowruz. www.Globe-union.org/ features the Kabbalah Tree, notice the center pole/axis also goes through the X; this site like 6 others associated with it claim the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012; Jesus says his name is “Death” and “Hell” follows him. Now notice what time of year Jesus was speaking of this Door; “And it was at Jerusalem the feat of the dedication, and it was winter” John 10:22. Feast of Dedication was celebrated on 25 Kislev (about Dec 25). Christmas means Sacrifice of Christ. So, the question is, how long are you going to celebrate Easter and Christmas?
The beginning of Psalm chapter 22 are the last words Jesus spoke from the Cross “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Given what we do every year, can you blame for Him for forsaking us? One final note about “Yes We Can”; it is well documented that using Reverse Speech the phrase means “Thank You Satan”. Now can you see why Satan changed his name to Lucifer “Light Bringer”? Time will tell, but 9 months from now a “New Order of the Ages” (Novus Ordo Seclorum means New Secular Order) may be Inaugurated (Augury) as the Sun passes through the X (Christ) and Man finally declares himself Free (France=Free=Secular) of God; a Hellene “Child of the Sun”. Better be careful what you wish for; in Rev 6:14 Heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together and pardon the expression “All Hell breaks loose”. Yes We Can? Or No I won’t? Have you noticed the opposite of On is No? I recommend the Language of No. The Language of Yes is for the Birds!