iWorld Debt is now $217 Trillion; 3X World GDP. Who else but Satan with no legal right to Title (Jesus is Shiloh “He whose is is” Gen 49:10) could indebt the entire World with Usury? Who gains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to rule the World)? Esau (Rothschild=Red=Edomite Central Banks) You thought they were Jewish didn’t you? 200 years ago they changed their slightly more obvious name from Bauer (Farmer) to Rothschild; Cain was the first Farmer; what? didn’t think the world was dealing with Canaanites any longer? Esau married Canaanite women and today are the world’s Priests (Dew of Heaven), War Makers (Live by the Sword) and Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) Ref Gen 27:39-41KJV. The overall plan is called a “Sting”.
Lending companies use 3X Income guideline to offer Mortgages (Mort=Death Gage=Notes). The US is by far the world’s largest Debtor Nation $22T Cash + $77T Unfunded Liabilities (Gov’t/Military Pensions, PBGC, Social Security, Medicare) + an unestimable pile of Derivatives. Jesus warned “Creditors make Slaves of Debtors”; He prohibited Usury (Charging Interest) because there is never enough money to pay the Principle + Interest. The US is a CORPORATION with a CORPORATE CONSTITUTION that provides no rights for Citizens; Flags bounded in Gold Fringe place America under Admiralty Law administered from the City of London Corporation aka “Square Mile”. CORPORATE Balance Sheepts must balance Assets with Liabilities and Equity. The US has 25% of the World’s Fresh Water (Great Lakes), the world’s 2nd largest underground Aquifer (Ogalala), and several Trillion Bbls of Oil in the ANWR, Gulf of Mexico, and Bakken Formation with pipelines already in place. In addition, the US has nearly inexaustible Coal and Natural Gas in the Green River Formation (WY-UT), much of it under capped Gas Wells. Now, if you were a Creditor, what would you do? Foreclose.
Meeting in Dabiq is a 2015 ISIS (read SITE; Israeli Dual citizen Rita Katz produces ISIS videos for the US Army; ISIS head is also Israeli Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is Simon Elliot) propaganda video about the Islamic final battle “Armageddon” (Arabic “Malahim”) with Christianity and Zionism in Rome. WWIII is planned to pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, spiritual, economic and moral exhaustion in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted by the world. www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm July 1 Rome’s Fountains were turned off due to extenxive drought and heat. If that’s not bad enough, 2 of Italy’s largest banks have failed with taxpayer bailouts looming wolfstreet.com/2017/06/25/contagion-from-bank-collapses-italy/
July is named after Julius Caesar, asassinated by his own Senate; Donald Trump plays Julius Caesar in NY Central Park play. Marilyn Manson, Snoop Dog and Cathy Griffin are all admitted Satanists and all have recent videos killing Donald Trump. Should Mike Pence become US President, you may want to read up on “The Family” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family’ Pence is a rabid Zionist/Satanist who admires mass murderers Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin SJ, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung and assorted Arfican Kleptocrat Dictators. So who arms ISIS? The US (John McCain is the principal ISIS arms broker), Russia, Turkey (Google Mol Comfort and Nour M), Saudi Arabia. HR 5433 “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” 2013-14 had very few co-sponsors and neither does the current smokescreen bill HR 608 S-532 “Stop arming Terrorists Act” 2017 Is ISIS “Armageddon” the biblical Armageddon? Not on your eternal life; nobody battles Jesus and wins! Antichrist rises from these ashes.
NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg “A Cyber Attack on any member nation can trigger Art 5” Any anonymous hacker can now trigger WWIII. The new NATO HQ in Brussels looks like the NAZI SS Lightning Bolts because they are the same; SS Schwarze Sonne “Black Sun” is Saturn, the so-called Primeval Sun before Visible Creation. It’s no coincidence CERN is vainly attempting to prove the Dark Matter “Force Carrier” called “Black Photon”; all made up Satanic nonsense. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Brussels Brussels is not only the center of the 9th Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice ring at Chateau Amerois (Castle of Kings); Brussels also featured a “False Flag” on 3/22. Society 322 is called the Thule Society, Skull & Bones or Brotherhood of Death aka SS.
Independence Day www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn40677/Holiday Rosicrucian “Father of America” Comte de St Germain said “America was given to be free”; One Nation Under God is not Free, unless that god is Lucifer, the Serpent from the Garden of Eden. America was called Amorica 2 millennia before Columbus arrived; America is named after Amurru, the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god of the Amorites, the Canaanites, the sons of Ishmael and Esau married into in violation of the Covenant God made with Abraham. The Eagle symbolizes Esau “Exalting himself as the Eagle” Obadiah and carried the Serpent on the $ONE. Atop the US Capitol (Womb of Zeus/Jupiter) is Lady Freedom facing East toward the Rising Sun (Lucifer); in NY Harbor is the Statue of Liberty (Isis) facing the rising sun, standing atop an 8 Pt Star of Isis, both with her back to the nation she represents. July 4, 1776 was chosen by British, Sabian (Planetary) Astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly and Rosicrucian/Freemason Ben Franklin because of a 5 planet occultation by the Sun; 7 Yrs later the US signed terms of peace with Britian; hardly Free. America is in debt $22T + $77T (Unfunded Liabilities) to the City of London Corp in London; the Edomite Usury Bankers Jesus turned the tables on.
G-20 Summit in Hamburg 7/7-8. Macron fashions himself a mix of Machiavelli, Napoleon and de Gaulle, even writing a thesis on Machiavelli; known for Cunning Statecraft, Disregard for morality, Duplicitious, Self Serving, Personal Gain, much like Donald Trump. Macron goes by the title Jupiter; Jupiter is the Babylonian Marduk. On July 4 in a speech at Versailles Palace of the Sun King Louis XIV he said he wanted to be a Jupiterian President.
Ivanka Trump speaking at the G-20 Summit is strange enough, but in front of the Sun? A woman clothed with the Sun with Jupiter in the womb of Isis (Paris is the City of Isis) will be delivered Sept 23, 2017. The Age of Aquarius is now; the Crown of Judah? Hardly, Leo represents the Double Crown of Egypt (Greeks called Egypt “Land of the Gypsies”). The LGBTQ + 2 Rainbow eludes to the Pederast Zeus (Jupiter) abducting the Cretan youth Ganymede as an Eagle to carry him off to Olympus (Donald Trump is also a Pederast Ref Jeff Epstein’s Pedophile Island, Plaza Hotel and mentor/pederast Roy Cohn). Macron began such a journey at 14 in drama school with his 40 yr old drama teacher now wife Brigitte. Why Ivanka? The Feminine of John is Ivanka, Johnnitters like Knight of Malta aka Knight of St John of Jerusalem Donald Trump worship John the Baptist not Jesus Christ. Sept 23, 2-17 is Feast of Trumpets. Pretty slick how all this is out in the open eh?
“Nothing happens in politics by chance; it it happens you can bet it was planned” FDR 24 Congressmen seeking Mike Pence’ appproval to convene Psychiatric panel to assess Donald Trump’s mental fitness to be president. Telling Howard Stern and “The View” “If I weren’t married, I’d be dating Ivanka”; Tweeting ridiclulus insults toward Megan Kelly and Mika Brezezinski and launching 60 Cruise Missiles at Syria over “The most exquisite chocolate cake ever” or was it Iraq? Seems rather planned eh?
www.dailykos.com/story/2017/1/2/1615825/-Mike-Pence-Is-A-Theocrat-His-Christian-Supremacist-Followers-Seek-To-Take-Over-America-Seriously Pence is a Theocratic Satanist ie Zionist in Sheep’s Clothes; Donald Trump put Mike Pence in charge of all “Foreign and Domestic Issues”. Pence flashing El Diablo “I love you Satan” to his followers. Pence prepping the Lincoln Bible before the Swearing-In. The pre Inaugural Concert was at the Lincoln Memorial because Lincoln (Joshua Speed), like Pence was Gay and presided over the Civil War and has the Fasces (Symbol of Fascism) on this Throne. Pence speaking with Elephants in the Room; all the Stars are upside down for a reason. America is the Scapegoat “Azazel” in Num 16. Pence is a T-Party shill; T-Party HQ at Union Square Park also has the US Flag supported by the Fasces; just as the Fasces adorns the Supreme Court Doors, Speaker’s Rostrum and Oval Office Doors.
Mike credits “Gay Conversion Therapy” for helping him overcome certain urges and allowing him to marry. Mike’s role model VP is Dick Cheney, the puppet master of George Bush Jr and 9/11/2001 architect. The supposed Evangelical Christian and initiate of “The Family” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family loves Water Boarding, Sleep Deprivation and other Enhanced Interrogation techniques; Extraordinary Rendition; the Iraq, Afghanistan and Syrian Wars; Patriot Act (1006 pages written, read and signed into law 20 days after 9/11) CAFTA, NAFTA, TPP, TTIP and TiSA; NSA Roving Wire Taps and Drone Killings. Dick Cheney Part Deux is one heart beat or Psychiatric panel away from the White House.
Abe Lincoln known for sharing his bed with Joshua (Opus Day Dominus Iesus ringing a Baal?) Speed; Mike Pence known for “Gay Conversion Therapy” which allowed him to control “Certain Urges”. Where was the 1st ever pre-Inauguration concert and fireworks? The Lincoln Memorial. What’s supporting Lincoln’s Throne? The Fasces.
Mike Pence is an initiate of The Family aka The Fellowship, as is Dir of Nat Intelligence Dan Coats, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Education Dec Detsy DeVoss and Atty General Jeff Sessions; trying to imagine having a group like “The Family” in charge of the American Military is like imaging Hitler with his hand on the Red Button.
“The Family” sponsors the National Prayer Breakfasts. Doug Coe aka “Stealth Billy Graham” and Uganda’s Genocidal Dictator President Museveni set the agenda for The Fellowship; Coe says the “the men who understood the real message of the New Testament best were Adoph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol “Killing Field” Pot”; all totaled, about 200M people sacrificed. Coe has been called the “Stealth Billy Graham” and was in fact mentored by 33 degree Luciferian Mason Billy Graham whose son Franklin set the Zionist Crusaders ablaze for Jesus with his Inaugural Prayer. Jesus was homeless, so who did Donald put in charge of HUD? Ben Carson, 7th Day Adventist repeat (Billy Graham is the only other repeat speaker) guest speaker at the Prayer Breakfasts; in charge of National Intelligence? Dan Coats, another member of The Fellowship. The 2017 National Prayer Breakfast will be on Imbolc (Feb 2) “In the Belly”. Jupiter/Zeus/Lucifer is in the Belly, waiting to be delivered Sept 23, 2017. The message is clear Inquisition Part Deux is coming up.
Mike Pence entered “Gay Conversion Therapy” his senior year of college; one of his roommates says he went from listening constantly to Wham! (George Michel) to married that year “It will be nice to have the first Gay VP”. Knight of Malta Erik Prince, Blackwater founder and “CIA Assassination Point Man” financed Mike Pence’ rise to stardom during the Reagan Administration; hence Erik Prince’ sister Betsy DeVoss (Richard DeVoss is a 33 degree Mason) is Education Secretary. The Prince family finances the Trump-Pence SuperPAC “Make America #1”. Erik’s father Ed Prince began financing the Evangelical Right with Gary Bauer and James Dobson. Bauer means “Farmer” as in Cain; Rothschild (Red Shield=Edom) was originally Bauer; Esau married Canaanite women who descended from Cainites. Gary Bauer is Georgetown Jesuit educated; Undersecretary of Education and Domestic Policy adviser in the Reagan administration. Bauer is on the Extcutive board of CUFI (Christians United for Israel) managed by Zionist John Haggee, a signer of PNAC (Project For A New American Century) calling for the 9/11/2001 “New Pearl Harbor” and affiliated with “The Fellowship”. Bauer’s partner James Dobson mentored New Life Megachurch pastor Ted Haggard who spent Church Tithing on Male Prostitutes and Cocaine; Dobson blames Sandy Hook on “Gay Marriage”; the staged event was a Hoax; Trump is the same as Sandy Hook meaning “Play the Joker” or “Play the Trump”; Trump is also a Knight of Malta. “Focus on the Family” is also the theme of Pope Francis I; The Family being Edomites and their prophesied “Dominion”. Mike’s conversion to Christianity was derived largely from 700 Club Knight of Malta Pat Robertson whose sermons/speeches Mike Pence recorded and transcribed. 700 Club a reference to the Cathars “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”; 700 years ago on 3/18/1314 the last Templar Grand Master Jacques deMolay was executed in Paris and in 1317 the 5th Lateran Council in Rome proclaimed “Indestructibility of the Soul” Catholic Dogma; don’t be fooled; every soul on earth will be judged by JESUS. right on schedule NASA released pictures of Saturn’s Shepherd Moon “Daphnis” on Trump’s Inauguration; Daphnis means “Laurel”.
Knight of Malta Erik Prince (brother of Besty DeVoss) and 33 degree Luciferian Mason Chuck Colson (Nixon’s hatchet man turned Crypto Evangelical Christian) are hard at work Privatizing US Prisons with their “Prison Fellowship”; business if booming as America has by far the highest percentage of the population in Prison. America is the world’s largest Debtor Prison; $22T in Debt; $77T in Unfunded liabilities and $700T Derivatives. America will become the world’s largest Prison as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”.
Mike Pence may very well be the rider of the Black Horse. No other nation has the economic effect on the world the US does. The Black Horse Rider carries a Pair of Balances; offering a days wage of a Penny (Pence) in exchange for a Quart of Wheat.
Mike Pence PAC is “Principles Exalt a Nation”; Pence is an Anti-Gay, closet Homosexual, Evangelical fake Christian, Nationalist ie Nazi, White Supremicist “Great White Hope”
Yemen Cholera Epidemic worst in the world” (20M without clean water, food or medical aid; 300,000 infected; 2000 casualties) UN Humanitarian Chief Stephen O’brien and WHO Director Margaret Chan. O’brien is a Privy Counsilor (Royal Butt Wipe) for QEII; Margaret Chan is an Officer of the British Empire, Oath sworn to serve Prince Phillip who stated “I would like to be re-incarnated as a Killer Virus”. SOUTHCOM held a 10,000 person Haitian Relief Drill in Miami as the Earthquake hit Port au Prince, Haiti; the Drill went live. The UN sent relief workers who were exposed to Cholera to camps upstream of Port au Prince. Waste was dumped in the river, which predictably caused the still ongoing Cholera Epidemic. Port au Prince’s radio station played the Eagle’s “Welcome to the Hotel California” in a continuous loop as the event unfolded. HOtel California refers to the Black House on California St in San Francisco where Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) formed the Church of Satan. The US arms Saudi Arabia in its genocidal, unprovoked attack on Yemen.
NJ Gov. Chris Christie, his family and friends are all alone as they enjoy a picture perfect Sunday afternoon at the governor’s summer house at Island Beach State Park, which is closed to the public due to the state government shutdown. His 6 neighbors were forced off Island Beach, but not Crispy Creme and family. NJ, Maine, Illinois and Connectucut are the first US States to shut-down Government services making it paradise for NJ Gov Chris Christie, his family and friends. Illinois police shot 100 people July 4th; Illinois and California appear to be the first US States that will cut Gov’t pensions by 2/3rds. “Order out of Chaos” anyone? Christie’s plea deal with Charles Kushner made it possible for Jared and Ivanka to party in the Hamptons over the 4th of July weekend with George Soros and Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post editor Lally Weymouth. Not rich? Thank God your not Edomite. Who wants to live off the “fatness of the earth” (Gen 27:39KJV) like this?
“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 “God has given America to be free” Rosicrucian Count St Germain aka “The Professor”. The Rosicrucian father of America at Independence Hall, Philadelphia had just proposed America’s “Grand Union Flag”. An 8 pointed Star of Isis (Same as the 8 Pt Star )foundation of the Statue of Liberty) formed the Red Cross of St George surmounted by the Blue X of St Andrew with 13 stripes representing 13 colonies. 13/8=Phi (1.618) aka the “Golden Mean”, “Ratio of Life” or “Fibonacci Ratio”. Rosicrucian, Luciferian Mason, Hell Fire Society initiate Ben Franklin connected the colonies with a Serpent and the slogan “Join or Die”; the logo and slogan once used to prompt colonists to Join with Englend against French and native Indians was now recycled for use by Masons during the Revolution against Britian. So what does “Give me Liberty or give me Death” mean?
July 4, 1776 was chosen by British Freemason/Astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly (Ref Sibly Natal Chart) and Rosicrucian, Freemason, Child sacrificing (2 dozen bodies of ritually sacrificed children carbon dated to the time Franklin lived in his Trafalgar Sq home were found buried under the Kitchen), Hell Fire Society Initiate Ben Franklin because of a 5 planet occultation by the Sun. Franklin was an avid astrologer who said “Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences…no important affair was ever undertaken without consulting Astrology” The Sibly Natal Chart was drawn at 5:10PM in Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” (read Cain’s love of Abel; Esau’s love of Jacob). The $100Bill with Ben Franklin on it has 2:22 on the Philadelphia Clock Tower according to Knight of Malta Nic Cage who played Benjamin Franklin Gates in National Treasure; 2:22 was in reality 4:10. Why 2:22? 222 is associated with Earth as the Temple, seen in the term “Earth Dwellers” beginning in Rev 13 and those whom God has left to their impulses (Rom 1:27) because they worshipped Creation rather than the Creator.
America is named after Amurru, the God, Land and People called Amorites in the bible who descend from Canaan’s 4th son. Amorica existed 3 Millennia before Columbus arrived. One Nation Under God? Wrong God people! Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent God seen stabbed by St George at the UN and Cathedral of St John the Divine. Ameru means Serpent; Priests of Ameru in Ethiopia play a literal shell game with fake Arks of the Covenant (The Old Covenant). Amar is the Canaanite god of the West or “Land of the Dead”.
America is now 241 years old; Dan 2:41 describes the feet of the “Abomination of Desolation”; part clay, part iron. The Head of Gold of the Idol is Babylon (Gate of Saturn), from there Study Bible Notes most often claim Mede-Persia is the Breast of Silver (2nd Beast); Greece under Alexander the Great is the Belly and Thighs of Brass (3rd Beast) and Rome the 4th Beast. The problem is Greece never achieved “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule Earth) and therefore cannot be the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) because those Beast Kingdoms are happening right now. Esau obtains “Dominion” as the 3rd Beast, so who is the real 2nd and 4th Beasts? The 4th is Antichrist; Jesus warned no flesh would remain unless He shortened “Those Days”; the 4th Beast assumes his mantle and authority immediately after the 3rd Beast (Esau Ref Gen 27:40KJV; Dan 7:6) achieves “Dominion” and reigns 1260 Days “Great Tribulation”. So who gives Esau Sovereign Rule over the Earth? Happy 4th of July folks! The US Eagle has been carrying the Serpent for 241 years, right on the $ONE.
“North Korea’s Ballistic Missile and Nuclear programs require a determined response…strategic patience has ended” -Donald Trump June 30. North Korea launches Ballistic Missile July 2 “This fine good looking boy can hit anywhere in the world” Kim Jong Un. US demands UN Security Council Meeting on North Korea July 4. UN Security Council meeting July 5th condemns North Korea’s launch of an ICBM and directed an immediate halt to missile tests. Note: The mobile Hwaswong 14 is a mobile Intermediate Range Missile. Rex Tillerson says “The recent missile test represents an escalation and new threat for the US” . South Korea and US begin Drill designed to take out North Korean leader. Seems rather scripted eh? China and Russia agree “North Korea must halt all missile tests” Why? North Korea and Iran have no Rothschild Central Bank and are sitting on a lot of assets. No Debt=no Slavery. Libya got their Central Bank just after the 100 US made Tomahawk Cruise Missiles destroyed the GMMR (Great Man-Made River) under the pretense of “Terrorism”. North Korea is sitting on $6-10Trillion in mineral wealth; the City of London Corp controls the world’s wealth; Rothschilds control the City of London Corp. Rothschilds are Edomites; Edomites obtain worldwide “Dominion” through Usury Banking. (Gen 27:39-41KJV). Just ask Japan’s Emperor Akahito who sits on the Round Table. nypost.com/2017/07/03/north-korea-is-sitting-on-6-trillion-in-mineral-resources/ Who set up North Korea? The US Army of course; Capt Charles Bonesteel and Maj Dean Rusk took a crayon and a Nat Geo Map, putting our puppet Kim Il Sung in power. So where to next? Iran of course. Who set up the current leadership in Iran? The US of course; Operation Ajax put an end to Iran’s Oil Field Nationalization; who doesn’t like those Ayathollahs whose mere presence on Earth is required for it to continue existing. Jesus said “The love of money is the root of all evil” This all boils down to siezing assets and controlling nations with Debt. Tillerson is a Pilgrim Society Initiate whose stated goals are to control every asset the world has. Can you imagine what would happen if Kim Jong Un nationalized $10 Trillion in mines and did what Qadaffi did for Libyans by handing it out? Or what would happen to Donald Trump is he gave away the several Trillion Bbls of Oil to Americans, charging a Penny for Fuel? Tillerson would have a coronary.
Ballistic missiles fired into the East SeaDonald Trump responds to North Korean Ballistic Missile Test by firing a dozen US Ballistic Missiles against the wishes of China and South Korea. Trump fired 100 Depleted Uranium Tomawk Cruise Missiles at Syria while eating an exquisite piece of chocolate cake; don’t poke the Golden Rug man.
July 5 Russia hits ISIS in Syria with TU-95 bombers carrying Kh-101 Cruise Missiles from 600Mi range. Summer 2013, Russian flagged (American Presidents Lines-Russia cool name eh?) cargo ship Mol Comfort split in half with 50,000 tons of Russian weapons destined for ISIS. Nov 2013, Turkish cargo ship Nour M was intercepted by greek coast guard carrying 50,000 Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition to ISIS in Syria. Nations and people are being destroyed for no reason.
Italian newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano reporting Vatican Police break up Drug filled Gay Orgy at the Vatican Palace of the Congregation of Doctrine of the Faith Apartment. Pretty much right out of a scene from the HBO Series “Young Pope”.
July 6 Trump in Warsaw slams Russia; questions whether the west has the will to survive condemns Russia for meddling in the US election, support for Syria and Iran, destabalizing activities in Ukraine and for holding Poland hostage as sole energy supplier. Few can imaging the horrors Stalin and FDR/Ike put Poland through in WWII; Bro Stalin’s Holodomor purge and the 70th anniversary Russian downing of the Polish Jet in Smolnsk April 10, 2010 with 95 Government/Military officials right after paying the final debt payment to Russia’s (read Putin’s) Gazprom. Destabalizing Ukraine? Good one Don, the US put the Neo-Nazi Bankers in Ukraine and shot down Malaysia 17 with a Ukraine piloted Russian Jet to blame them for firing a BUC Missile during a NATO Radar Exercise. The G-20 meeting in Hamburg resembles a War Zone; US “Operation Gomorrah” in Hamburg created the largest firestorm in history; behind only to Dresden and Toyko. Shhh, don’t tell the Germans the US armed and funded Stalin and Hitler.
July 7 UN Treaty to ban Nuclear Weapons 122-1-1; US votes No; Israel abstains. Ratification opens Sept 20, 2017, the day the “Christ Angle” forms “So Below”. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Christ_Angle3 The US created Nuclear Weapons and gave them to Russia (33 degree Luciferian Mason/Traitor/Spy J Robert Oppenheimer and 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Jesuit Bro Joseph Stalin and Israel; every Israeli PM has been a 33 degree Luciferian Freemason) The Cold War and Star Wars was a $Multi-trillion hoax used to bankrupt the US and Russia. Why? Read Rev 18; the US is the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon has fallen!” When the US collapses, the UN will takeover US Nuclear Weapons making the 4th Beast of Iron seemingly invinicible; invincible to anyone but JESUS.
Gen David Flynn and Rex Tillerson aren’t the only Trump officials who can’t recall meeting with Russia; Isis arming traitor John McCain is in a picture posted by Veselnitskaya from his Senate office. Russian Ambassador Michael McFaul (Mormon Jon Huntsman selected Russian Ambassador July 20, 2017; Huntsman was involved with the Tianamen Sq uprising as China Ambassador) also met with Veselnitskaya who is the Managing Partner of a Kremlin Consulting company Kamerton Consulting with no Website, no Telephine # and no E-Mail. www.intellihub.com/russian-lawyer-veselnitskaya-registered-to-a-shell-firm-no-website-phone-or-email/ www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/07/russian-lawyer-veselnitskaya-posted-picture-facebook-inside-john-mccains-office/ Don Trump Jr, Jared Kushner and Campaign Mgr Paul Manafort met with vehement anti-Trump lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to obtain dirt on Hillary; makes no sense except to oust Trump. Veselnitskaya obtained a Visa working for Fusion GPS, a company hired by the DNC to obtain damaging information on the Trump campaign; seen behind ex Russian Ambassador McFaul. Paul Manafort has close ties to Vladimir Putin controlled Gazprom and Rosneft Energy; Gazprom (recall the Polish government/military was wiped out in the Katyn Forest crash; Poland had made its final payment and rejection of a Gazprom partnership) is partnered with Ukranian RosUrEnergo AG and indicted billionaire Dmity Firtash, a close associate of Manafort. Trump’s replacement for FBI Director James Comey is Christopher Wray whose law firm King and Spalding represents Putin’s Gazprom. Small circle eh? Why? Mike Pence. NYC Stage play with Donald Trump assassinated as Caesar, admitted Satanists Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson, Snoop Dog and Captain America are all seen assassinating Trump. The Simpsons foretold his announcement to run for President, winning the Presidency and his death surrounded by Secret Service. “Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened it was planned” Pearl Harbor/WWII planner FDR. Pence is a Zionist, Interfaith Minister, likely closeted Sodomite and initiate of “The Family”; an admirer of mass murderers Adolf Hitler, Jesuit Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol “Killing Fields” Pot and genocidal Ugandan kleptocrat dictator Yoweri Museveni who sets the agendas for “The Family”. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family
UNESCO votes to make Hebron and Cave of Patriarchs Palestinian and a World Heritage Site. Why? Abraham purchased the sites from the Hittites (same situation with the Temple Mount which David purchased from the Jebusites); his first born Ishmael and Esau married Hittite women against God’s Covenant with Abraham and are laying claim to it, and excluding any claim made by Isaac and Jacob. There are 2 Covenants with Abraham, one from the Bondwoman Hagar by Flesh, the other the Freewoman Sarah by Promise; UNESCO is cutting out the sons of Promise because Jesus is the Word made Flesh. WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted.
Articles of Impeachment H Res #438 filed by Rep Al Green and Rep Brad Sherman “High Crimes and Misdeameanors” against Donald Trump. Looks like the Media is wagging the tail on this dog.
The Six Pointed Star is not Jewish, nor was it ever the Star of David. The Six Pointed Star is Satanic. Called by various names, the Star of Molech, Chemosh, El, Chiun, Sikkuth, Milcom, Remphan, Shalim and Saturn represent the Ensign of Satan and enemy of Israel (People who wrestle with God). Like Esau and Judas, these people sell their Souls and everything they say is designed to help you do the same. The Six Pointed Star of Saturn was the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8). The Six Pointed Star was the reason Jesus was rejected, scourged, Crucified and departed by the exact same route. The Six Pointed Star is the reason the Glory of the LORD (Holy Ghost) will soon depart the Earth. On Sept 23, 2017 these people may even broadcast the “Greatest Show on Earth” called the “Rapture of the Chistian Church” and professional Liars may even fool some people. Satan has been planning this event for nearly 6000 Years; the Ionosphere has been turned into a Giant Television Screen (Operation Bluebeam) and Rapture hucksters are busily convincing people to greet the arrival of the Messiah Scripture calls Antichrist. Rev 11, 12, 13 give 3 different perspectives of the 1260 Day “Great Tribulation”. Rev 12 gives the Signs to look for and on Sept 23, 2017 it happens. Jesus refers to people not in personal Covenant with Him (God in Flesh, God in SPIRIT ie Father, Word made Flesh, Holy Ghost) as “Earth Dwellers” Rev 13:8. 13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life” Here is why Earth Dwellers will begin building the 3rd Temple of Antichrist in 2017. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/3rd_Temple3 Here is the sign that does not bode well for the United States www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Signs_of_the_Times_2017 Here is the reason the Great Pyramids of Egypt and Sphinx were built for the return of Osiris/Saturn www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_20,_2017_quot;Christ_Anglequot; www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Return_of_Osiris3 Here is the sign God put in the Heavens to warn us the Great Tribulation is about to begin. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_23,_2017:_Rev_12:1 The last 3 1/2 years will be a bloodbath; Jesus warned no flesh would remain on earth unless he shortened “Those Days” (Mat 24:22). Well folks, Those Days are just about here. I suggest a little one on one time in your Prayer Closet with the Creator of the Universe is in order.
37% of Nobel Prize winners claim to be Jewish. Television is run by hundreds of people who claim to be Jewish thezog.wordpress.com/who-controls-television/ In Gen 10 “Table of Nations” God warns us Ashkenazis are not Jewish but Germanic descendants of Japheth and Gomer. He warns us Sephardics descend from Babylonians, Medeans and Canaanites. Jesus warned of “Those who say they are Jews but are not…Ravenous Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” Here are a few more who control the Media.
MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN, owner of NY Daily News, US News & World Report and chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, one of the largest pro-Israel lobbying groups.
LESLIE MOONVES, president of CBS television, great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion, and co-chair with Norman Ornstein of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.
JONATHAN MILLER, chair and CEO of AOL division of AOL-Time-Warner
NEIL SHAPIRO, president of NBC News
JEFF GASPIN, Executive Vice-President, Programming, NBC
DAVID WESTIN, president of ABC News
SUMNER REDSTONE, CEO of Viacom, “world’s biggest media giant” (Economist, 11/23/2) owns Viacom cable, CBS and MTVs all over the world, Blockbuster video rentals and Black Entertainment TV.
MICHAEL EISNER, major owner of Walt Disney, Capitol Cities, ABC.
RUPERT MURDOCH, Owner Fox TV, New York Post, London Times, News of the World (Jewish mother)
MEL KARMAZIN, president of CBS
DON HEWITT, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes, CBS
JEFF FAGER, Exec. Director, 60 Minutes II. CBS
DAVID POLTRACK, Executive Vice-President, Research and Planning, CBS
SANDY KRUSHOW, Chair, Fox Entertainment
LLOYD BRAUN, Chair, ABC Entertainment
BARRY MEYER, chair, Warner Bros.
SHERRY LANSING. President of Paramount Communications and Chairman of Paramount Pictures’ Motion Picture Group.
BRAD SIEGEL., President, Turner Entertainment.
PETER CHERNIN, second in-command at Rupert Murdoch’s News. Corp., owner of Fox TV
MARTY PERETZ, owner and publisher of the New Republic, which openly identifies itself as pro-Israel. Al Gore credits Marty with being his “mentor.”
ARTHUR O. SULZBERGER, JR., publisher of the NY Times, the Boston Globe and other publications.
WILLIAM SAFIRE, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
TOM FRIEDMAN, syndicated columnist for the NYT.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post. Honored by Honest Reporting.com, website monitoring “anti-Israel media.”
RICHARD COHEN, syndicated columnist for the Washington Post
JEFF JACOBY, syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe
NORMAN ORNSTEIN, American Enterprise Inst., regular columnist for USA Today, news analyst for CBS, and co-chair with Leslie Moonves of the Advisory Committee on Public Interest Obligation
of Digital TV Producers, appointed by Clinton.
ARIE FLEISCHER, Dubya’s press secretary.
STEPHEN EMERSON, every media outlet’s first choice as an expert on domestic terrorism.
DAVID SCHNEIDERMAN, owner of the Village Voice and the New Times network of “alternative weeklies.”
DENNIS LEIBOWITZ, head of Act II Partners, a media hedge fund
KENNETH POLLACK, for CIA analysts, director of Saban Center for Middle East Policy, writes op-eds in NY Times, New Yorker
BARRY DILLER, chair of USA Interactive, former owner of Universal Entertainment
KENNETH ROTH, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
RICHARD LEIBNER, runs the N.S. Bienstock talent agency, which represents 600 news personalities such as Dan Rather, Dianne Sawyer and Bill O’Reilly.
TERRY SEMEL, CEO, Yahoo, former chair, Warner Bros.
MARK GOLIN, VP and Creative Director, AOL
WARREN LIEBERFORD, Pres., Warner Bros. Home Video Div. of AOL- TimeWarner
JEFFREY ZUCKER, President of NBC Entertainment
JACK MYERS, NBC, chief.NYT 5.14.2
SANDY GRUSHOW, chair of Fox Entertainment
GAIL BERMAN, president of Fox Entertainment
STEPHEN SPIELBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
JEFFREY KATZENBERG, co-owner of Dreamworks
DAVID GEFFEN, co-owner of Dreamworks
LLYOD BRAUN, chair of ABC Entertainment
JORDAN LEVIN, president of Warner Bros. Entertainment
MAX MUTCHNICK, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”
DAVID KOHAN, co-executive producer of NBC’s “Good Morning Miami”
HOWARD STRINGER, chief of Sony Corp. of America
AMY PASCAL, chair of Columbia Pictures
JOEL KLEIN, chair and CEO of Bertelsmann’s American operations
ROBERT SILLERMAN, founder of Clear Channel Communications
BRIAN GRADEN, president of MTV entertainment
IVAN SEIDENBERG, CEO of Verizon Communications
WOLF BLITZER, host of CNN’s Late Edition
LARRY KING, host of Larry King Live
TED KOPPEL, host of ABC’s Nightline
MIKE WALLACE, Host of CBS, 60 Minutes
MICHAEL LEDEEN, editor of National Review
BRUCE NUSSBAUM, editorial page editor, Business Week
DONALD GRAHAM, Chair and CEO of Newsweek and Washington Post, son of
CATHERINE GRAHAM MEYER, former owner of the Washington Post
HOWARD FINEMAN, Chief Political Columnist, Newsweek
WILLIAM KRISTOL, Editor, Weekly Standard, Exec. Director
Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
RON ROSENTHAL, Managing Editor, San Francisco Chronicle
PHIL BRONSTEIN, Executive Editor, San Francisco Chronicle,
RON OWENS, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
JOHN ROTHMAN, Talk Show Host, KGO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco)
MICHAEL SAVAGE, Talk Show Host, KFSO (ABC-Capitol Cities, San Francisco) Syndicated in 100 markets
MICHAEL MEDVED, Talk Show Host, on 124 AM stations
DENNIS PRAGER, Talk Show Host, nationally syndicated from LA. Has Israeli flag on his home page.
BEN WATTENBERG, Moderator, PBS Think Tank.
ANDREW LACK, president of NBC
DANIEL MENAKER, Executive Director, Harper Collins
DAVID REMNICK, Editor, The New Yorker
NICHOLAS LEHMANN, writer, the New York
HENRICK HERTZBERG, Talk of the Town editor, The New Yorker
SAMUEL NEWHOUSE JR, and DONALD NEWHOUSE own Newhouse Publications, includes 26 newspapers in 22 cities; the Conde Nast magazine group, includes The New Yorker; Parade, theSunday newspaper supplement; American City Business Journals, business newspapers published in more than 30 major cities in America; and interests in cable television programming and cable systems serving 1 million homes.
DONALD NEWHOUSE, chairman of the board of directors, Associated Press.
PETER R KANN, CEO, Wall Street Journal, Barron’s
RALPH J. & BRIAN ROBERTS, Owners, Comcast-ATT Cable TV.
Larry King — RT America and former CNN host
Jill Abramson
Martin Agronsky — reporter and host of Agronsky & Company[1][2]
Dana Bash — journalist for CNN
Emily Bazelon — journalist
Richard Behar — investigative journalist
Bonnie Bernstein — sports journalist[3]
Carl Bernstein — investigative reporter for the Washington Post, uncovered Watergate with Bob Woodward[4]
Wolf Blitzer — journalist and anchor for CNN[5]
Andrew Breitbart (1969—2012) — journalist
Ethan Bronner — investigative journalist
David Brooks — columnist, The New York Times[6]
Art Buchwald (1925–2007) — humor columnist[citation needed]
Herb Caen — journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle
Benyamin Cohen — founder of Jewsweek and American Jewish Life Magazine[7]
Alan Colmes
Katie Couric — journalist who currently serves as Yahoo! Global News Anchor. She has worked with all Big Three television networks in the United States, and in her early career was an Assignment Editor for CNN[8][9][10]
Benjamin De Casseres — early 20th-century journalist, critic and individualist anarchist[11]
Morton Dean — CBS News reporter[12]
Matt Drudge — founder of the Drudge Report[13]
Giselle Fernández — host of Access Hollywood[14]
Thomas Friedman — columnist, The New York Times[15]
Bob Garfield — NPR and ABC News journalist, columnist, and author[16]
Brooke Gladstone — Peabody Award-winning NPR journalist and author[16]
Bernard Goldberg — CBS News reporter[17]
Jeffrey Goldberg (1965–) — journalist, staff writer for The New Yorker and author of the book Prisoners[18]
Jonah Goldberg — columnist, commentator and Senior Editor of National Review[19]
Roy Gutman — Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist best known for his coverage of the war in the former Yugoslavia[20]
David Halberstam — Vietnam War correspondent[21]
Seymour Hersh — investigative journalist, uncovered My Lai massacre[22]
Christopher Hitchens — literary critic and political activist[23][24]
Andrew Julien — Editor and Vice President of the Hartford Courant
Ted Koppel — journalist for Nightline
Charles Krauthammer — columnist and commentator for Fox News and The Washington Post[25][26]
Paul Krugman — Nobel Prize-winning economist and columnist, The New York Times[27]
Rachel Maddow — commentator and anchor for MSNBC[28][29]
Dave Marash — former Washington-based anchor for Al Jazeera English[30]
Suzy Menkes — fashion journalist[31]
Edwin Newman — NBC News journalist, Broadway critic, author[32]
Daniel Pearl — murdered foreign correspondent[33]
Nathan Rabin — music and pop culture journalist[34]
7/13/17 Retired CIA Agent Malcolm Howard Death Bed confession admits he was part of project “New Century” controlled demolition of World Trade Center Bldg #7 “Solomon Bldg” on 9/11/2001. New Century takes its name from PNAC “Project for a New American Century” Neo-Cons calling for a cataylzing event like a “New Pearl Harbor”. Yes folks, Pearl Harbor was also a pre-planned/orchestrated event. Trump? He blames Saudi Arabia, the nation he is handing $Billions in military weapons. A little late don’t you think? Most of this page was written in 2004. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn40674/9112001 Ready for the new Hollywood blockbuster “Dunkirk” Yup, that was
Russia launches Mayak (Beacon), a rotating/tumbling, Pyramid shaped Mylar reflector predicted to be the 3rd or 4th brightest object in the sky, possibly as bright as Venus. Mayak is also the name of Russia’s largest nuclear fuel processing plant. Pyramid means “Amid the Flames”. Somebody has been reading Nostradamus “The last Pope will flee Rome when there are 2 Suns in the Sky in December to usher in Judgment Day” July 14 is Bastille Day, Donald Trump was guest on honor in Paris with Emmanuel (God is with us) “Jupiter” Macron celebrating the beginning of decapitations in the French Revolution. You may recall Trump’s “Let them eat cake moment” launching 60 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Syria for no reason, or was it Iraq? No matter Donald said it was the most exquisite chocolate cake in the world” Martinists and Jacobins instigated the French Revolution; in Russia they were called Bolsheviks. What a coincidence? Mayak was launched on the 99th anniversary of Lenon’s henchmen murdering the Romanov family in Yekaterinburg, Siberia “Church on the Blood” now stands on the spot.
Demon appears in clouds over Mt Vesuvius fires. Demon appeared in smoke of Jet Fuel Fires in South Tower on 9/11/2001. Signs from God? or signs of Scalar Energy Weapons?
Turkey buys Russian S-400 Missile system for $2.5B; guess all is well after US made Turkish F-16’s shot down the Russian SU-24 and shot the pilots on their parachutes over the Syrian border. Turkey, at least Ottoman Dictator for life Erdogan is Crypto; fake Jewish? Yes, fake Christain? Yes fake Muslim? Yes ISIS arming? Yes Afghanistan Drug Running? Yes Stolen Oil fencing? Yes.
Dialectic: Thesis + Antichesis=Synthesis US FDA looking at approving Heroin Vaccine. The US is by far the largest Heroin Dealer in the world, having turned Afghanistan into the supplier for 96% of the world’s Heroin, guarded and transported by the US Military. Now, in addition to being addicted to Radioactive Uranium laced Heroin, you can get your dose of Adjuvants like Squalene, Mercury and Aluminum.
72nd Anniversary of Trinity Site Atomic Bomb detonation. Little Boy (Uranium bomb destined for Hiroshima) and Fat Man (Plutonium enhanced Atomic bomb destined for Nagasaki) were enroute at the time. Luciferian Freemason, Soviet Spy J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva (Shiva is Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddan “Destroyer” in Rev 9:11; Shiva dances the Nataraja “Dance of Destruction” at CERN, attempting in vain to prove the existence of the Dark Photon, the “Force Carrier” of Dark Matter) in the Bagavad Gita “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” Fellow Satanist/Luciferian Freemason/Arab Shriner Harry Truman said “FDR wouldn’t have done it” referring to testing of Atomic weapons on Japanese civilians. Edward Teller proposed the Hydrogen Bomb at Bohemian Grove, hearing of the successful Trinity Site detonation he communicated “It’s a Boy” referring to the creation of Plutonium, the first man-made, extremely toxic material, later used at Fukushima to form a Radioactive, Buoyant cloud of destruction in the Pacific. Barbara Marx Hubbard “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies” Pretty coincidental July 16 is also New Year on the Mayan Calendar eh? or Not.
Wolbachia, the “Ubiquitous Gonad Chomping Parasite” was identified in common Mosquitoes in 1924; DDT controls Mosquitoes which is why Henry Kissinger and the US led the effort to outlaw DDT. Wolbachia eliminates most insect abilities to carry disease; kill Aedes Aegypti and Asian Tiger Mosquitoes take over. Oxitec, funded by eugenicist Bill Gates genetically modifies Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus “Asian Tiger” Mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti are “Hybrid” animals with artificial gene pairs; in the wild, Asian Tiger Mosquitoes take over, which is what is happening in 2016 in Fresno CA. GMO Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are carriers of Chikungunya, Dengue Fever, Malaria, Yellow Fever and Zika Virus. CDC Chief, Talmudic Crypto Jew Tom Frieden declared Zika a CDC Level 1 Emergency. Enter Google lab “Verily”. Google designer Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia are being released in Fresno Summer 2017 in “Project DeBug” Verily means “Truly”. Oxitec GMO Mosquitoes have a Tetracycline “On-Off” Switch; the antibiotic us considered Ubiquitous in the Livestock and Agriculture Industry, especially in the US. “World’s most deadly animal is the Mosquito and 2nd place is not even close”-Bill Gates.
Mormon Jon Huntsman nominated to Russian Ambassador Mormo is “King of the Ghouls” and “God of the Living Dead”. Huntsman was involved in the Tianamen Sq “Jasmine Revolution” as Obama Chinese Ambassador; this event led to the Arab Spring Revolutions and Color Revolutions sponsored by George Soros. Mormonism is an offshoot of Freemasonry; Mormons believe Adam Ondi-ahman in Missouri was once the Garden of Eden. Extermination Order #44 proclaimed death to Mormons in the Illinois Territories; Trump is the 44th person selected US President. Mormon Endowment ceremonies made each Mormon man to Swear to avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith (killed by Freemasons in the Carthage Jail, Ill) on America to the 4th and 5th generation (Jon is this generation), until the last drop of Gentile blood is spilled. Google Mormon “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” and “White Horse Prophecy” Mormon White Horse Prophecy “Fathers will turn against sons and sons against fathers. Mothers will turn against daughters and daughters against mothers. Crime will run rampant, America on the verge of crumbling to pieces, people will be starving and the Constitution will hang by a thread; saved by elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” Huntsman called for Trump to exit the Presidential race and make way for Mike Pence to lead the ticket last October. Hard to believe Mormons like Jon Huntsman would want to take revenge on every last American Gentile? Pence is an initiate of “The Family” www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Family who believes the men who understood the real message of the New Covenant best were Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin SJ. On the anniversary of the 9/11/1835 Mountain Meadows Massacre in which 120 pioneers in the Fancher-Baker Party were treacherously murdered in cold blood by Mormon “Avenging Angels” (Brigham Young’s Private Army), 33 degree Luciferian Mason/Witch Brigham Young (Jesuit handler was Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet SJ) pulled down the Cross saying “Vengeance is mine and I have taken it”. Mormon men assume the title Melchisedek Priest; Jesus is Melchisedek “King and Priest of Jeruslaem”; the token of the endowment is “Pey Heylel” which means “Marvelous Lucifer”. Mormon Brent Scowcroft advised 33 degree Mason George Bush Sr and 33 degree Mason Saddam Hussein during Gulf War I and the 100Hr Slaughter under a white flag truce (Google April Glaspie report). Huntsman’s Mormon pal Mitt Romney www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Romney was the chief money launderer during Iran-Contra Drugs for Weapons program during the Reagan administration. Mormons also teach “Gog will invade Israel at the time of the Lord’s 2nd coming” This is perhaps the most dangerous Lie; Gog and Magog is a one time battle at the end of the Millennium (Eze 38-38; Rev 20:7-8) “After the 1000 Years” too hard to understand? www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/gog
Temple Mount now under Israeli control “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise” Amos 5:2
Israel’s Flag is the Star of Saturn/Chaldean STUR (Amos 5:26) not the Star of David. Jordanian Waqf (Waqf means “Perpetual Donation”; Jordan is Idumea, the land of Edom, Moab and Ammon) loses control over “False Flag” incident at Lion’s Gate. Ref Sept 20 “Christ Angle” with Alpha Leo “Regulus” (Law Giver) and Orion (Osiris) at meridian and Sept 23, Rev 12:1 Jupiter in the womb of Virgo under the Crown of Leo; this timing is no accident. Palestine urges Muslims to boycott and reject Israeli aggression. Israeli Knesset member/spokesman Avi Dichter “Islamic Waqf jurisdiction over the Temple Mount is over. Israel will re-establich Jewish Sovereignty over the holy site. Israel is Sovereign over the Temple Mount period” One little eeensie weensie problem; Israel is not Jewish (Ashkenazi descend from Japheth and Gomer ie they are Germanic not Semitic; Sephardics descend from Babylonians, Medeans and Canaanites listed in 2 Ki 17:30; Mizrahi descend from Ham) and Jesus is Melchisedek “Sovereign King of Jerusalem”!
The Vatican (Vatis=Divine/Divining; Can=Serpent) Franciscan Order (Inquisition Monks) control the Temple Mount, Cenacle and David’s Tomb. Shimon Peres (Mene, Mene Tekel, Peres means Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, and Divided) llegally gave control from the Arab Waqf, to the Vatican over the sites. On July 20, 2017 (Cusp of Leo) Israeli police took control over the Temple Mount and the Knesset declared it’s intent to become Sovereign over the Temple Mount. Pope Francis even has a permanent chair in the Cenacle (Last Supper Room). Pope Francis (named after Francis of Asissi and the Franciscan Order; Francis=Merovingian Franks=Free from God aka the Holy Grail; Merovee means “Sea Beast”; Francesca is a double sided throwing axe) Zionist Christians, Muslims and Zionist fake Jews will soon initiate WWIII over the Temple Mount. Jesus returns to reclaim His property and destroy everyone in the House of Esau (fake Jews) at the 2nd Coming (Ref Obadiah). Those behind Him will claim their inheritance; those in front of Him will be destroyed. Esau sold his Birthright; British=B’Rith “Covenant Men”; City of London Corporation lays claim to every asset on earth including human bodies; Esau achieves “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV “Soveriegn Authority to Rule”) via Usury banking and collects Taxes at the City of London Corp; the world is now $217T in Debt Jesus warned “Creditors make slaves of Debtors” Get ready for the Black Horse folks!
“WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion, at which point the true doctrine of Lucifer shall be accepted” F
6.6 Earthquake and Tsunami off Turkish Coast; Jesus gave 7 Church Warnings to this part of Turkey in Rev 2-3; the 7th and final warning “Laodicea” means “Luke Warm”. Jesus spews this church from His mouth; time to take a stand folks! There are 66 books in scripture since Sir Francis Bacon got a hold of the KJV; 49 Books in the original division of scripture.
Anthony Scaramucci (Clinton, Obama donor; Gay Rights Advocate; Pro-Abortion; Pro-Climate Change Theory; Billionaire, Jesuit educated, Goldman Sachs Banker, Import-Export Bank SVP, CFR Traitor) to Press Secretary; SNL Melissa McCarthy out of business. Scaramucci was pushed by Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Billionaire, Goldman Sachs Treasury Sec Wilbur Ross. Message? Economic Collapse is my guess.
Apocalyptic Mosquitoes ready at Imperial College, London July 2017. Gene Drive, CRiSPR Gene Editing and Oxitec genetically modified Mosquitos has yielded what is being called the “Genesis Engine”; Doomsday Genes capable of wiping out an entire species. Eugenicist Bill Gates calls the Mosquito the deadliest animal on earth with second far behind. “Except those days should be shortened, there should not flesh be saved”-Jesus
Aspen Institute Security Forum July 19-22 Gen Joe Dunford (Jesuit JCS Chair), Dan Coates (Dir of Nat Intl; The Family), Mike Pompeo (CIA Dir; gave Saudi Arabia the George Tenet Award for Intelligence as Trump accused Saudi Arabia for masterminding 9/11), Michael Hayden, Michael Chertoff (PNAC author; Patriot Act author; Homeland Security billionaire from Full Body Image Scanners; name means “Son of the Devil”), James Clapper all guest speakers. John Denver would have attended but they murdered him.
Boy Scout National Jamboree July 19-28 Summit Bechtel Family Nat Scout Reserve; Trump and Tillerson attend. Boy Scouts were founded by Sodomite/Pederast/Fascist Robert Baden Powell; in Germany 1934-5 the Boy Scout Logo was the Swastika (Broken Sun Wheel; Jain Cross) which was adopted by the Nazi Party; Scouting disbanded with boys forced to enter the Hitler Youth. Tillerson, as head of the BSA approved Gay Scout membership; Bob Gates (Obama CIA Chief/Sec of Def) approved Gay Scout Masters. Tillerson and Trump both admire fake Jew Fascist Ayn Rand (nee Alisa Rosenbaum); Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) said “Satanism is Ayn Rand philosophy with Ceremony and Ritual”. The Bechtel Summit is named after Bohemian Grove Satanists Warren, Stephen and Riley Bechtel, the largest Civil Engineering (Hoover Dam; Mercury Nevada Test Site, Area 51) and Security Firm (Jupiter Security, Huntleigh Security) in the US. Satan loves you too guys!
Arab League Emergency Mtg in Cairo scheduled for Thursday 7/27 over Temple Mount Crisis. 1000’s of IDF soldiers sent to West Bank. Orthodox fake Jew Jared Kushner negotiating with Palestine Authority Pres Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu and and Jordan’s King Abdullah II; all 3 men are Sovereign Luciferian Freemasons. Why 7/27? Grand Climax of Begone Dull Care Ritual in Sumeria was held on July 27; today Bohemian Grove carries on the Satanic tradition. Arabs do not follow the laws or customs of any nation; Bohemian and Gypsy are examples.
www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Arab_Religion The Arab League was founded on 72 years ago on Mar 22 (3/22); think Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are enemies? Guess again. ObamaCare was signed on 3/22 at 3:22 UTC for this reason; Obama is Arab. Society 322 is the Brotherhood of Death aka Skull & Bones (Steven Mnuchin), a Cainite religion of Death seen in “The Family” (Mike Pence, Dan Coates, Betsy DeVoss, Jeff Sessions, Ben Carson) Christian? No folks Arab “He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword”-Jesus Why would Arabs have a say in the Temple Mount which ties 3 Abrahamic religions together? It’s the Canaanite “Threshing Floor”; Wheat separated from Chaff is Christian and Arab; Arabs intend to separate Jews, Christians and Muslims in WWIII “WWIII will put forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order for the doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted” Condederate Freemason Albert Pike Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871. Why now? 72 years is the time the Earth’s Axis Precession moves 1 degree; Welcome to the Age of Aquarius and Freedom from God.
www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu72.php 72 languages confounded at Babel; 72 chapters in the original rendering of Revelation; 72 rungs in Jacob’s Ladder according to the Zohar; 72 disciples of Confucius (“The world runs on symbols not words nor laws”); 72 disciples of Osiris (Saturn); Moon (Arab god Sin) is 1/72 the volume of Earth; Saturn is 72X Earth; 72 is the ideal human heartbeat. Why Green? The Arab Green Man “Al Kidr” of course; Greeks called him Dionysus; Romans Bacchus. Cairo sounds like Chi-Rho “Royal Christ” seen in the Labarum symbol likely on the altar of your favorite Christian Church; Why? Arabs entice Christians, Jews and Muslims to kill each other. Jesus said never call anyone Rabbi; Why? Arab and Rabbi means the same “Great One”. Wonder where the Suez Canal got its name? Arabs thought it would be funny to use Zeus spelled Backwards; Zeus/Jupiter is set to be born Sept 23, 2017. The Arab gods Hubal, Al Lat, Al Uzza and Manat, introduced by Quyraish (Korahites of Num 16) Bedouins of Mecca (Arabic “Adultery”) to form Islam. CIA asset Tim Osman (Osama bin Laden) said “America is Hubal of the modern age”; he was referring to Quyraish bedouin Muhammad smashing the 360 idols of Hubal at the Ka’aba and dedicating them to Allah, the Arab moon god “Sin”. Hu=Spirit of God + Baal=Master/Lord; Hubal is nearing 6000 years of age. Arab (Joktan) planning is coming to fruition in 2017. Time to get Spiritually ready!
Korean War Armistice 64th Anniversary. Korea was the United Nations 1st War; over a million displaced Koreans fought over an arbitrary line drawn on a Nat Geo Map by Capt Charles Bonesteel and Maj Dean Rusk. Same day Arab League Emergency MTG and anticipated N Korean Missile Test. The Arab League has more in common with Korea than one might think; they both owe their origin and name to the Korahites of Num 16; Jude 7.
7/26 Bohemian Grove www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Bohemian_Grove is a 4000 Yr old Sumerian ritual called “Begone Dull Care”. This Saturday, the Cremation of Dull Care opens the camp when the Sun is in the clutches of Leo and 2000 Elite Satanists meet in the Redwood Forest to offer sacrifices to Molech/Saturn, the god is the Ammonites and modern day Israel (Shemesh is the Moabite version of Moloch used in Hanukkah Menorahs). “Oh thou great symbol of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we do beseech thee, grant us thy counsel”; 2000 Cross-dressing Elites performing plays called “Hi Jinx”, “Passing Children thorugh Fires to Molech” (Sacrificing) in a modern day Cult of Isis ritual. 2017 is unique: On Aug 21 www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Signs_of_the_Times_2017 (cusp of Leo-Virgo) the US will be bisected by a Total Solar Eclipse. On Sept 20 (cusp of Virgo-Libra) the “Christ Angle” forms over the Great Pyramids. www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_20,_2017_quot;Christ_Anglequot; 3 days later on Sept 23, the Rev 12:1 sign forms on Shabbat Shuvah (Sabbath of Return). Jupiter www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Jupiter_in_the_Womb_of_the_Virgin will exit the womb of the Virgin clothed with the Sun, the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars (Leo) forms.
www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_23,_2017:_Rev_12:1 The 3rd Temple will soon be built on the Temple Mount with the Throne of Zeus/Jupiter (Satan’s Seat) in place for the Great Tribulation www.theresnothingnew.org/index/3rd_Temple3. Will you be ready?
Zionism to be protected by Law. Emmanuel Macron “Anti-Zionism is the new Anti-Semitism, we will not tolerate that” Benjamin Netanyahu “We will not surrender to Anti-Zionism because it is the re-invention of Anti-Semitism” 43 US Senators introduced “Anti-Israel Boycott” legislation HR1697; S 720 making if a felony to Boycott Israel. http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm
Scottish Rite Mason Albert Pike planned WWIII in writing on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871; “WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order for the doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted” The Temple Mount is now claimed by Zionists and Islam. Think all this is coincidence? By the way, Israel is made up of Ashkenazis, descended from Japheth-Gomer and Separdics descended from Canaanites, Medeans and Cuthites (Babylonians) The Semites in Israel are the Edomites Jesus said were “Inside the Gates” Ref Obadiah.
Angel Particle announced. Paul Dirac proposed Dark/Anti-Matter in 1928; Angel Particles have their own Evil Twin. Angel means “Messenger of God; One that announces” Announces what? The Dark Photon of course. CERN has the GOLIATH (Philistine Giant) Magnet controlled by the DAVID and powered by CESAR ready to prove the Dark Photon, the Force Carrier of Dark Matter, the Saturnian Primeval Matter of 1st Creation. God this BS is getting deep!
Transgender free Military. Ted Cruz claimed to have proof during the campaign Martin Knavs had sex reassignment surgery at the Denver Center for Sex Reassignment and changed his name to Melania. True or not, Donald was adamant on his visit to the Western Wall he would bring Melania and Ivanka to the Men’s Section. Trump’s pedophile pal Jeff Epstein and mentor Roy Cohn had no trouble having sex with transgenders.
Designer DNA produced in Yeast Creating new life from scratch made DNA? Jesus said “A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump” This is what man was doing just before the flood to produce Giants. The Serpent/Satan said “Ye shall not surely die” Man’s life averages 70 Years because a protein attached to the DNA acts like a time clock, allowing a certain number of divisions. “The days of our years are threescore years and ten…” Ps 90:10 Satan’s Lie coming to fruition.
Mahmoud Abbas plans “Day of Rage” for Friday July 28 calls for mass protests over Temple Mount and to intensify the popular struggle. Abbas, Netanyahu and Jordan’s King Abdullah II are Sovereign Luciferian Freemasons following the Aug 15, 1871 script for WWIII “Zionism versus Islam”. Dialectic: Thesis (Zionism) + Anti-thesis (Islam)=Synthesis a world void of God.
Hamas H#2554 means Violence, Cruel, Wrong, Injustice, Unjust Gain; Hamas is used to describe the violence of the pre-Flood world (Gen 6:11). Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Org “Terrorist Group” is promising violent protests over the Temple Mount. Satan takes control of the world through Unjust Gain; Edomites gain “Dominion” (Gen 27:41KJV) through Violence and Unjust Gain. Satan uses the Temple Mount to control the world. Emmanuel Macron (Jupiter) set to present Peace and Safety Plan for Israel and the Palestine Authority.
https://mysteryoftheiniquity.com/2014/01/14/the-8-pointed-star-symbol/ The Octagon at the Temple Mount is called the Star of Ilu; BabIlu is Babylon. Star of Isis/Athtoreth; Seal of the Prophets of Islam; Cross of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent); Witchcraft and Buddhist “Wheel of the Year”; Seal of Melchisedek; Chaosphere; Cross of St John (Hospitaller Cross); Templar Cross are all names for the place Jesus was rejected. Jesus Christ is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man; accept the 3rd Temple and Jesus will reject you.
Russia Sanctions Bill with sanctions against North Korea and Iran quetly slipped in, signed into law Friday July 28. Not coincidetal, Iran and North Korea each fired a Missile. Nikki Haley (Sikh UN Ambassador) “The danger to international peace North Korea poses is not unmistakenly clear”; PACAF Commander “US is prepared to use rapid, overwhelming, lethal force” Russia responded by siezing US properties and cutting Embassy staff. Russia responded by ordering an 75% cut (1000 to 250) to US Embassy staff; Jon Huntsman is going to be lonely planning America’s destruction according to Mormon prophecy/plan. “We will not tolerate attacks on our democracy” John McCain The US is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy led by loud mouthed War Hawks; imposing Economic Sanctions is an act of War.
Why Russia and Iran? Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8 describe the end of Millennium battle “Gog and Magog” 1000 years after Satan is chained in the Bottomless Pit. Rus or Rosh is added in new bible versions to “Gog, Chief prince of Meshech and Tubal”. Rosh and Rus have no place in the scripture; Meshech has nothing to do with Moscow; Tubal has nothing to do with Tobolsk, Siberia and Magog has nothing to do with Russia. Magog, Meshech and Tubal are descendants of Japheth “And the sons of Japheth, the eldest son of Noah; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech and Tiras” Gen 10:2 Madai is the progenitor of the Medes; Mede-Persia is modern day Iran.
Rome to have water cut 8 Hrs/Day. Same tactic was used at the fall of Rome. Meeting in Dabiq is the ISIS (US Army and SITE “Search for Int’l Terrorist Entities) video depicting the final battle of Christianity versus Islam ending in Rome; this Arab version of Armageddon has Muslim armies defeating Christians and the Antichrist, culminating in the descent of Jesus Christ. Just about as opposite Scripture as one can get. Dabiq is in northern Syria, on the road to Damascus; Is 17:1 “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap”. Watch out folks, False Rapture is coming to an Operation Blue Beam Theater everywhere.
Saxon Warrior NATO Drill Aug 1-10 Saxons are Germanic Pagans named for the Seaxe double bladed knife; they took control of Britian by treachery under the mercenary warrior Hengeist by murdering 360 Briton Noblemen at a peace banquet with Seaxe Knives hidden in their sleeves. To this day British (British means B’Rith “Birth Covenant”) Royals are Germanic Pagans as is most of Israel, the nation they created; Ashkenazis are not Jewish, they descend from Japheth and Gomer (German). So who are the 1st Born “Covenant Men”? Japheth, Canaan, Ishmael and Esau. Isn’t biblical truth more interesting than Satanic Lies? Satan’s Seat is currently in the Berlin Museum awaiting delivery to the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. The date? 9/11/476 of course which is why CVN-77 GHW Bush Carrier just arrived, named after 9/11/2001 architect and Skull & Bones Satanist GHW “Magog” Bush aka Germanic Nazi “Curious George” (Nikola Tesla called GHW Bush “That Monkey” which became the Cartoon Mnkey Curious George; Donald Trump’s uncle John, an MIT Scientist weaponized Tesla’s technology for the US Army after WWII which was later used on 9/11/2001 to destroy the airliners on contact with the Towers and vaporize millions of tons of steel and concrete in their demolition) Scherff Jr, husband of “Great Beast” Aleister Crowley’s “Babalon Working” ritual daughter Barbara. Think its coincidence American #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Longitude 60 years after the Cornerstone was laid in Masonic ceremony on 9/11/1941 with GW “Gog” Bush in the White House and his brother Marv in charge of security at the World Trade Center? “God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant…” Gen 9:27
GHW Bush is 93 years old; United #93 was the Scapegoat for the Pentagon attack; 93 means “Do what thou wilt” in Thelema; 93 the gematria of the Demon Aiwass, Crowley (Wood of the Crow) channeled to create Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93. 93 is the “Lost Word in Freemasonry”; Witches greet each other with “93”; 93/93 means “As Above, So Below” the opening lines in the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes; “Above” will occur on Sept 23, 2017 with the Rev 12:1 sign; “Below” will occur on Sept 20, 2017 with the “Christ Angle” forming. Emerald is the mythical stone worshipped by Satanists, cut from Lucifer’s Crown in Heaven; Emerald City being Oz seen in Book 77 aka Liber Oz written by Crowley. So what is GHW Bush’s nickname? “Poppy” or “Wizard of Oz”; Why? The Poppies made Dorothy sleep; Afthanistan “Graveyard of Empires” supplies 96% of the world Opium Poppies and Heroin since GHW and GW Bush’ Gulf Wars which began on 9 Av “Tisha b’ Av” 26 Years ago; 26 being the last English letter “Z”. Pretty coincidental eh?
God warned us Germans would impersonate Jews; the Star of the Canaanite god Molech is on the Flag of Israel. GW Bush was given the new name “Gog” at his Skull & Bones initiation at Yale; he was later presented Megillat Bush (Scroll of Bush) by the Senhedrin and Temple Mount Faithful in Zedekiah’s Cave on 1/8/8 and pronounced “Gog, Chief prince of Meshech and Tubal”; no worries he is not Gog; the Gog and Magog battle (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8) is at the end of the Millennium not now. Gog and Magog are 2 Giant Wicker Men statues who guard the City of London Corp (Square Mile), laying claim to every physical asset on Earth; the Lord Mayor’s Show is on Veteran’s Day Nov 11; Veteran means “Beast of Burden” because the Elite are not Burdened by Taxes. Nov means 9th month thus 9/11. Another interesting coincidence with Trump is his Trump Tower Penthouse is a Shrine dedicated to Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddan the “Destroyer” of wherelse but Rev 9:11; you may recall Apollo (Aplu=Apple) being pulled by Aurora (Sun and EM Weaponry cause Auroras) at Putin’s Sochi (Flame=Pyre=Pyramid=Holocaust) Olympics, the location not by chance as Sochi is the home of exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings (Sar means “Prince”; Sargon means “Legitimate King”; Antichrist will claim this title; Lucifer/Satan is “Prince of this World”) and the startue of Prometheus (Fore Thinker) breaking free of his chains and the Eagle pecking his liver. Ever wonder why the NATO HQ is shaped like Nazi “SS” Lightning Bolts? SS means “Black Sun” the Primeval Sun Satanists call Saturn seen in the Six Pointed Star aka Chaldean STUR=666. The coincidence with Lughash and 9 Av is also not by chance. Folks, you need to be in personal covenant with JESUS and you need to do this now! www.theresnothingnew.org/index/mn40674/9112001
Black Friday? US Debt Limit of $20T to hit Sept 29 Skull & Bones Satanist, Billionaire Rothschild (Red Shield/Edomite Goldman Sachs) Banker, (Mike Pence officiated Mnuchin’s wedding last month) Hollywood Horror Movie producer Steven Mnuchin suspends investment from Gov’t Pensions and Disability Retirement Funds. Sept 29 is Kol Nidre (All Vows) www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Kol_Nidre Talmudic Rabbis read in the Talmud “Jesus is writhing in Hell in His own boiling excrement”; on Kol Nidre they will forgive the pre-planned Sins of their Congregations for the coming year. Jesus (God in Flesh, Holy Ghost, Word made Flesh) only forgives Sins previously committed; Satan forgives Sins yet to be committed. Proverbs 22:7 (22/7=Pi) tells us the borrower (Debtor) becomes a Slave to the Creditor (Lender). Jesus is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) “He whose it is”; He is Creator of Heaven and EArth and forbids Usury Debt; He forgives all Sin (Debt) and will return to correct the Balance Sheet; His promise? Wherelse but Rev 22:7. “Permit me to issue a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws” Mayer Amschel Bauer (Bauer=Farmer=Canaanite) aka Mayer Amschel Rothschild 666 Am Mein Frankfurt, symbolized by the Red Six Pointed Star of Saturn. Got JESUS in your life yet?
July 31-Aug 1 9 Av “Tisha b’ Av”
In 2017 Lugnasadh (Lammas) aligns with Tisha b’ Av; the Witchcraft “Harvest Festival” in honor of the Druid god Lugh aka Vulcan. The Masonic pass phrase “Who is Tubal-cain?” Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites. “When men forget God, tyrants forge their chains” Patrick Henry. Tubal-cain aka Lugh is the instructor of all artificers of metal.
“9 Av”. Tisha b’ Av commemorates Jewish calamities; 9 Av is called “The saddest day in Jewish History” Jesus was Jewish; His followers are “Born Again Christians”, grafted on to the covenant God (Jesus) made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 9 Av may go down in history as the “Saddest day in Christian History” 2 Temples, 2 World Wars, 400 years of Inquisition, Holocaust and 16 Yrs of Gulf Wars. So when do you think WWIII will begin? Ans: While Bohemians celebrate their sacrifices to Molech, the Canaanite god of child sacrifice.
Rejection of the 12 Spies report of Canaan in 1492 BC leads to the death of adults 21 and over during 40 years wandering in the Arabian Desert; I repeat “Arab Desert” NW of Mecca at Jebel al Laws not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; God does not appreciate “Ancients of Israel” committing abominations on the altar as women “weep for Tammuz” on the porch!
The destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD. God was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”; an “Alternative Christ” will be born/revealed on 9 Av who comes in his own name; Daniel refers to him as the “God of forces”
Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 AD by fake Jew and self proclaimed Messiah of the Star Simon Bar Kochba. 500,000 real Jews are massacered because Kochba was believed to be Jewish; Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but Jewish.
The razing of the Temple site and re-dedication “Zeus Capitolina”; Zeus’ Capitol can also be seen in Washington DC at the opposing apex of the Federal Triangle.
The 1st Crusade in 1096; instigated by the same people who instigate all wars.
Expulsion of fake “Jews” from England in 1096; Rothschild is anything but Jewish; the name “Bauer” means “Farmer” the profession of Cain; Cainites, or their religion at least came through the Flood with Noah’s wife, who produced Canaan from incest with Ham and Edomites married women of this incest. Bauer became Rothschild whose street address 666 Am Mein was written in Red; Rothschild means Red Shield. The Zion/Sion London Olympics are the Rothschild Olympics
The Alhambra Decree, forced conversion and expulsion of Jews from Spain. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus’ (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the Red Cross on his sails and the British Flag is a dead giveaway) voyage to “New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD. No coincidence with Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical because it was at the end of the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era, Moses was raised up.
Spanish Inquisition begins 9 Av 1493. Pope John Paul II re-opened the Office of Inquisition under Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict).
WWI began in 1914 on 9 Av; the Nazi build-up planned in advance by 330 Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini
WWII began in 1939 on 9 Av; ever wonder where Hitler got the incredible sums of money, steel and aluminum to build the Nazi War machine? Hint: Prescott Bush and George Romney. WWI, WWII and WWIII were planned in advance as recorded by 33 degree Mason Albert Pike’s letter to 33 degree Mason/Jesuit Giuseppe Mazzini on 15 Aug “Feast Day of Lucifer” 1871. Both Luciferian Masons were Jesuit handled by Jean Pierre DeSmet.
Mass deportations of real Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942. 6 million God fearing Jews who rejected Rothschild’s British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech were gassed, burned or shot in Germany alone. Jesuit Bro Joseph Stalin SJ killed more than 7 Million in Death Camps. Dwight Eisenhower murdered 1.7 million German citizens after the war in 200+ made shift camps providing no food, water, sanitation, shelter or medical attention.
George Bush Sr and Saddam Hussein (both Luciferian Freemasons) begin Gulf War I on 9 Av 1991 with “Shock and Awe”; a promise made via Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie to allow Carlyle Group business partner and fellow 330 Freemason Saddam Hussein to control the Kuwait Oil Fields.
Crypto Jew Erdogan holds “Al Aqsa Summit” on Tisha b’ Av in Istanbul. Once Constantinople after Constantine the Great (Druid mother Helena was the source), Turkey received all 7 Church Warnings from Jesus in Revelation because Turkey has pretended to be Orthodox, Muslim, and fake Jewish, the home of Kabbalah, Zohar and Satanic Sabbataeanism. Ergun Poyraz’ book Children of Moses covers Erdogan and his Crypto Jew wife work for Israeli Intelligence as does ISIS figurehead Simon Elliot aka Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi; the new Ottoman Sultan Erdogan is Dictator for Life, providing Turkish Passports to ISIS and traffics ISIS’ stolen Oil, Weapons and Afghanistan Opium for the US, Saudis and Russia (Rf Turkish Ship Nour M with 50,000 Kalashinikovs and ammunition November 2013). Erdogan’s son Bilal was involved with shooting down a Russian bomber and the pilots in their parachutes. www.inspiretochangeworld.com/2015/11/turkey-president-erdogan-is-a-jewish-president/
“Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey” and “1900 Or the Last President” are 1896 novels by Ingersoll Lockwood Don (Scottish for King) “Master of all masters” sends Baron (Baron is the name of Edomite royalty in scripture; Edomites obtain “Dominion” over the earth Gen 27:41KJV) Trump from Castle Trump to Russia; in “The Last President” NYC becomes panicked after the election of an outsider; chaos ensues and a 5th Av Hotel (Trump family paid $18M for the site 666 5th Ave) is plundered first by the Anarchists and Socialists. Isn’t fiction great?
“WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam to the point of physical, economic and moral exhaustion…we will release the Nihilists (Anarchists)…in order for the doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted by the world”- 33 degree Mason confederate General , Sodomite, Glutton Albert Pike April 15, 1871.
“Socialism will come to America not by the sword but through the ballot box” 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Communist Dictator, Bohemian Grove member, Green Cross (Dionysus aka Arab al Kidr is “Green Man”) International (San Francisco), Church of Satan member Mikhail Gorbachev.
1957 series “Trackdown” features a traveling snake oil salesman beating a Drum named Trump (Trump name is actually Ashkenazi fake Jew “Drumpf” meaning “Drummer”) peddling fake news to a Texas town about the need to build a Wall to protect against alien invasions and death rays; funny eh? Donald’s uncle John Trump weaponize Nikola Tesla’s EM technology for the US Army and gave it to 33 degree Luciferian Freemason an Jesuit Joseph Stalin.
Simpsons episode “Trumptastic Voyage” even got every detail right about the night he announced his candidacy; the episode. “Nothing happens in politics by chance; if it happened it was planned” 33 degree Luciferian Mason, mass murderer FDR.
In 1971 C Alan Martin made his failed prophecy (or was it?) www.remnantradio.org/Archives/Visions/House%20Vision%20of%20the%20Night.html concerning the 44th US President and 12th President from Harry Truman being the last. Trump is the 44th person selected and 13th from Harry Truman; 44 the gematria of Solomon’s Cube aka Star of Saturn, the symbol “666”. Martin predicted Saturn would turn into a 2nd Sun; it is for Satanists; Saturn is the Black Star (Nazi SS or David Bowie Black Star may ring a Baal) the Primeval Sun. Martin predicted a Blood Moon (2014-2015 Tetrad 4 Blood Moons on Passover and Tabernacles) and Lightless Sun (2015 Solar Eclipse on 1 Abib God’s New Year and 1 Nisan Rabbinical New Year) House #4 Levine=Levite was Johnson, president during the 6-Day War giving fake Samaritan Levites control over the Priesthood of the Temple. Martin said this set the stage for the return of Jesus Christ; it did not; it set the stage for Antichrist to sit on Satan’s Seat and enforce the Mark of the Beast (666) and worship of the Abomination of Desolation. Think Sept 23, 2017 Rev 12:1 sign is the return of Jesus or the Rapture? Guess again. Martin said a new row of houses after #12 marked the Millennium of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Trump of God; Trump is just Balaam’s Ass.
Aug 2 Israeli environmental satellite “Venus” launch. Venus is Lucifer “Light Bearer”; the launch comes on the heels of the loss of Amos 6 due to BLEVE (Boiling LIquid Expanding Vapor Explosion) Well I for 1 don’t believe this Bullshit. Amos 6 “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the mountain of Samaria, which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!” The Priests of Israel are Samaritans; the mountain of Samaria is Mt Gerizem; Samaritans are not Jewish, don’t believe in anything in Scripture including the Penteteuch (1st 5 books of Moses). Need a refresher? I suggest www.askelm.com/books/book004.asp Samaritans control the Presthood of Israel; they entered Israel during Ahab and Jezebel’s days; Jezebel was a Phoenician princess who is now God turned into dog food Ref 1 Ki 21:23; 2 Ki 9:10. Come on people; time to wake up!
Aug 12, 2017 the Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to be the brightest in human history. Perseus is the Son of Zeus aka Jupiter; Jupiter exits the womb of the virgin (Virgo) on Sept 23, 2017. For a Hollywood review of this mythology being played out in real life watch “Clash of the Titans”