Dec 31
Writing is on the Wall for 2017; Return of Jesus? Revealing of Antichrist comes first. if you can’t understand it, ask JESUS for help. 2017 is the Satanic Jubilee, 50 years after the 1966-7 6th Tetrad and 6-Day War. Psalms 117, the center and shortest Psalm. Discover Ministries and countless other “End Time” false prophets are claiming Ps 117=2017 the “Year of the LORD” This is a Lie. “The Law and prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 Every one of them is a False Prophet. Ps 117 begins and ends with “Praise the LORD” Be very careful; JEHOVAH Ex 6:3; JAH Ps 68:4KJV; JESUS Mat 1:25KJV is not Jah or Jesus used in new versions. Hallelujah (Hail/Praise Jah/Yah) is Antichrist, the human Messiah Jesus warned of; JESUS uses “Alleluia” KJV (Rev 19:1) not “Hallelujah” for this reason. Satan’s plan to falsify the 2nd Coming is likely planned for the 2017 Satanic Jubilee Year; Edom=Red=Edomite “Dominion”; 3rd Beast Dan 7:6 quickly gives way to the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7). Ps 117 is the center of the Word of God delivered to men moved by the Holy Ghost; Iron is the most stable of the Periodic Table of Elements; one SPIRITUAL; One Physical. In Druidism there are 117 constituent elements in the Universe; 1/17/17 is the cusp of Aquarius. This is not Prophecy (Pre-written History); this is Prophesy, the ability to understand the Word of God comes after Charity “Love of God” 1 Cor 13-14.
TPP, CETA, TTIP meet Big Brother; 2017 is the Year of TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) Treason on a Worldwide Scale. 50 Nations including the US and the EU controlling 80% of Worldwide Services. Water, Food, Emergency (Fire/Police/Ambulance), Energy, Transportation (Cabotage), Health Care, Banking, Insurance etc. All Privatized and controlled by International Corporations relieved of Financial Risk, Environmental Laws, National Laws/Courts, Social Norms or Work Rules. Personal Data and People bought and sold as a commodity. Offshoring and Inshoring of Jobs (Economic Forced Migration). The Word of God calls this the “Black Horse”. Seat #666 is being intentionally held vacant at the EU Parliament, built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with the Woman Europa aka Whore of Babylon Riding the Beast out front. It’s been a long time since the Cretan Princess Europa mounted the White Bull Zeus, now she has the Bull by the Horns.
Obama (all part of the Satanic show) declared 35 Russian Diplomats “Personna non Grata” over the unproven Russian Cyber Hacking of the US Election. NASA’s Captain Vlad, Co-pilot Boris and the Robotic Bear flying across the Atlantic to personally hack the DNC Servers was my personal favorite Lie of 2016. While ISIS arming Traitor John McCain calls Russian Cyber Hacking an “Act of War”, Vladimir the Great invited US Diplomat families to a Moscow Christmas/New Years Party with Grandfather Frost and His Granddaughter “Snow Maiden”. Vladimir Putin, and John McCain not only wear the Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall and desire to rebuild the 3rd Temple, they both arm ISIS.
Is America about to be Holocausted? Do Bear Shit in the Bear’s Ears National Monument?
Prophecy Rock
“When Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the Heaven’s the 5th World will emerge on the Day of Purification”
Hopi called the land of the Bear’s Ears National Monument “Turtle Island”; Turtle a word denoting “Diabolical Beast”
Bear’s Ears and Golden Butte National Monuments 2+M Acres of Unconstitutional Federal Land Grab by the Un-constitutional President, which under the Antiquities Act wil require an Act of Congress to undo; not likely because Golden Butte aka Mormon Bundy Ranch has Uranium and Molybdenum mines worth a fortune. The Federal Government may only own land necessary for the National Capital and Military Reservations subject to State approval. Bear’s Ears (Russian Grizzly Steppe Virus and Cyber Hacking Bear should be obvious by now) in 4 Corners has the famous Prophecy Rock which outlines the arrival of White Pahana (Brother) with Blue Star (Planet 9?) at which time Red Kachina (Red=Edomite) ie Esau will remove his mask in a dance before the uniitiated in the plaza. What plaza? My guess is UN Plaza 777; 777 and other Kabbalistic writings fo Aleister Crowley may ring a Baal; AMORC Liber 777 “Celestial Sanctum” may ring a Baal. Address 777 UN Plaza, Turtle Bay NY. corner of 1st Av and 44th St. Trump is the 44th man elected US President; Obama is the 44th President. Liber 44: Book of the Goat may ring a Baal
The 5th Age will commence on this Day of Purification according to Hopi Shaman aka Chaldean Magi in Amurru. Theosophist Helena Blavatsky called this the 5th Root Race. 9 is the number of Divine Judgment; Gnostic Cathars were “Pure Ones”; Catharsis “Discharge of pent up emotion”; 777 the number of Triple Perfection; Cathar Priests were called “Perfecti” aka Order of Perfecitibillists aka Jesuits who founded America and put the 13 course Un-finished Pyramid on the $US.
The Hopi Prophecy lists 8 Warnings beginning with the Arrival of White Man stealing land that is not theirs using Wagons, Cattle, Railroads, Power Grid and Highways; followed by the Sea dying (Deep Water Horizon and Fukushima have done just that); a return to Shaman religion (Earth Worship) and Blue Star heralding the arrival of White Brother as the “Earth reels to and fro as a drunkard” You may recognize this is from Isaiah 7; incidentally most of the Book of Mormon is a reprint of Isaiah.
The Oldest Symbol
The Swastika aka “Broken Sun Wheel” is the oldest post Flood symbol on earth; repairing that Sun Wheel aka Celtic Cross has been the now 4346 yr goal of Satanists spelled out in the Rabbinical phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair or Perfect the Earth to pre-Flood conditions). At the end of the line is the Templar Cross. The Tower of Babel is Satanic/Solar Initiation; I cannot stress enough, you will want to remain “Uninitiated” for this event; the New Covenant is a SPIRITUAL Contract with JESUS, creating the New Covenant Temples ie People Covenanted with God in Flesh. Knights Templar/Knights of St John desire to build the 3rd Temple of Antichrist. Blue Lodge in Masonry are Porch Brethren; we can be at the Altar or on the Porch but not both; Stay on the Porch!
Blue Star? Siriusly? You should know this by now; it’s in Orion where Priests of On (Osiris) have taught for 4 Millenia. The Subaru Telescope in Hawaii is now aimed at Orion for its Jan 5 sightning of Planet 9. You may recall the Universe was in Orion’s Bell in “Men in Black” or Sirius Black in “Harry Potter”. Mormons call Sirius by its Arab name “al Qalb” or “Kolob”. Lovely isn’t it? Spirit Babies coming from Orion’s Belt; Satanism will never get more obvious than this! Time to get JESUS in your life!
Russians Bears hacked the Election and US Power Grid; on Dec 31 a Russian Virus dubbed “Grizzly Steppe” was found on a Burlington Electric Co Laptop. Bear (Acturas aka King Arthur is the Bear Guard); Steppe refers to the Crimean or Kievan Rus aka Sarmations aka Khazars aka Bolshevik Satanists in control of Russia.
The Text of the Hopi Prophecy was published in 1959 and again in “Book of the Hopi” by Frank Waters in 1963; the warnings are really not that prophetic, just part of a 6000 Yr old Satanic Plan.
Dec 13 (Feast Day of St Lucia aka Lucifer) Comet NEOWISE passed 66M miles from Earth. The comet may end up being much like the non-existent Comet ISON in 2013, an anagram for SION aka Mt Hermon “Mt of the Chief” of Gen 6 fame; NEOWISE (Think Matrix Neo here) will become visible to the naked eye on Jan 14. On Jan 15, 70 Nations meet in Paris to propose a Palestine State. Both Israel and Palestine are led to Hell by 33 degree Luciferian Freemasons. Comets were seen as harbingers of catastrophe; the term “Long Hair Stars” copied by the Merovingian “Long Hair Monarchs”. More occult communication folks.
Hollywood means Holy Wood, the Trees Druids used to hang human sacrifices; Weed is synonymous with “Pulse” meaning Tares among the Wheat or Slips in the Gene Pool. Prank? or Occult Communication? 2016 is the United Nations Year of Pulses; 2017 is the UN Year of Sustainability. Cainites are the Gardeners about to do some Weeding.
Jan 1
Istanbul Night Club shooting; 38 people dead. Pulse Nightclub, Bataclan Theater, Nice Part 2. Maronite fake Christian Walid Phares, a Romney and Trump Mid East Adviser; FOX Commentator, Arab Adviser to Lebanese War Lord Samir Geagea during Lebanon’s Civil War fled to the US as all Chaldean Advisers do “The Istanbul attack by ISIS was very sophisticated”. Walid knows full well ISIS is “Made in the USA” and Cryptos like Walid are “Made in Turkey”. Reina Nightclub owner Mehmet Kocarsian claims he stepped up security for New Years Eve; he hired Israeli Security. Reina is across the street from an Istanbul Police Station and 25,000 police were allegedly on duty in Istanbul that night. The Killer/s dressed as Santa; Police were dressed as Santa. (Santa is a 3000 Yr old Hittite god by the way and Turkey is the land of the Hittites) Billionaire Heroin Trafficker Turkish PM Binali Yildirim says there was one killer; witnesses claim 3 killers. The Killer allegedly spent 13 minutes cleaning his AK-47 and changing clothes before escaping in front of the Police Station. Dang, Santa is easier to believe than this nonsense; then again, Istanbul was Constantinople, named after the guy who found pieces of the Cross, Crown of Thorns, Nails and claimed to be an Apostle of Jesus and people believed it.
10 US Aircraft Carriers are in home port; all of them. Don’t blame Obama, Congress did this. America is being set up to be the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”; read the text and you will see what’s coming up. Just be aware, Jesus returns 3 1/2 years later, not now.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold”
Dangerous Liasons America is in the Geo-Engineering crosshairs. Whose Revenge? Lucifer aka Jupiter/Zeus Ring in the New Year with Winter Storm Jupiter.
Jan 2
ISIS (read US) cuts off Water to Aleppo; US Weapons given to Takfiri (really ISIS) cache found in Aleppo; ISIS (US) contaminates 70% of Damascus Spring Water with Diesel Fuel. “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap” Is 17:1
Jan 5
Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea Hawaii (Hawaii means “Water and Breath of Life”) will attempt to prove the existence of Planet 9 visually. Might be better to watch the 1950’s cult classic “Plan 9 from outer space” before Thursday (Thor’s Day). Subaru means “United” in Japanese; the logo is the constellation Pleiades (7 Muses of Zeus). The telescope will look whereelse but Sirius (Star of Isis aka Arab al Qalb or Mormon Kolob) and the constellation Orion (Osiris; On).Where did you think they would look? Nephilim (Hybrid Demon/Alien-Humans) are a Lie. Rapture is a Lie. Anunaki (Planet 9 Aliens) is a Lie. Gravity is a Lie as is the Gravitational havoc (Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes), and EMP (Power Grid disruptions) which will be attributed to Planet 9 “Eris”, named after the daughter of Zeus, the goddess of discrod and strife. This is all Jesuit nonsense; who else but the Society of Jesus would name the Vatican telescope LUCIFER for Pete’s sake? Unity with Osiris? Count me out.
John Kerry (Skull & Bones Satanist, ISIS arming, Crypto Catholic, Samaritan “Kohn/Kohen”, Knight of Malta, Luciferian Freemason, Muslim Shriner, Jesuit, Bohemian Grove, CFR Traitor, Bilderberg) to deliver plan for a Palestinian State as a framework for a 70 Nation Summit in Paris (House of Isis) on Jan 15. Trump plans to convert the US Consulate in Jerusalem into the US Embassy; JESUS refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. Hold on to your hats folks or Toupes like Knights of Malta John and Don.
The Western Wall
Israeli Police and Rabbis prepare the Western Walll Hanukkah Menorah for the arrival of the Messiah. Why not? The day the Magi arrived and the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas has the same amount of truth. The center candle Shamash replaces Jesus on the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed; the same 7 Branches Crucified on the Tree, pictured by Jesus amid to Thieves (7 uplifted arms around the Saviour) and is named for the Sun God who comes in many names as Jesus said he would ie al Mahdi, Krishna, Sanat Kumara (anagram of Satan just like Santa), Attis, Mithra, Horus, Tammuz, Apollo (Donald Trump’s favorite is Rev 9:11 Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddan “Destroyer” is also called as Jesus was “Good Shepherd”). Site 911 and Project 911 in Beit Shemesh “House of the Sun” is ready for the arrival of the Messiah as well; a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is one” Deut 6:4 over every door; the actual reading is “The LORD our God is one LORD” (Deut 6:4 1 Pet 4:8 KJV) because the next sentence “thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might” matches the 1st Commandment of the New Covenant “Love God” aka “Charity” (1 Cor 13). Can’t understand this? It’s because Charity “Love JESUS” comes before “Prophesy” 1 Cor 14, the ability to understand. The Mezuzah denies JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV), JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) is the Messiah “When Messiah arrives everyone will want to approach him” Israeli Police Commissioner Roni Alsheikh (Sheikh means Arab Noble) “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive” Jn 5:43.
The pair were competing on the Russian television programme Vladimir putin at wailing wall
Russian Orthodox Christmas aka “Baptism of the Kievan Rus”. Rus or Rosh does not belong in the text of Eze 38:2 because the “Gog and Magog” is a gathering around Jesus, King David and Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium, not before the 2nd Coming. (Rev 20:7-8)
What Vladimir the Great aka “Pooty Poot”, a Sodomite Freemason, Israel and people listening to lying Priests in the United States have in common is the desire to build the 3rd Temple of Antichrist. “Every man praying of prophesying with his head covered dishonoureth his head…” 1 Cor 11 Under the Fedora a Yarnulke (Skull Cap) just like Vladimir the Great, namesake of his 10th century counterpart who instituted “Baptism of the Rus”; about as much a Baptism of the Holy Ghost as the Merovingian Kings of France or Emperor Constantine’s Baptism. Nothing like a visit from St Nicholas (Nicolaitane Rev 2:6;15) aka “Grandfather Frost” and his Granddaughter the Snow Maiden “Ded Moroz” to the Sacred Pine “Enka” (once considered a symbol of death which it is) topped by an Edomite Red 5 Pt Star to celebrate the birth of the Sun Saviour.
The Rus, Scythians “Black Sea Princes”, Sarmations (Sar means Prince; Sargon “Legitimate King”) and Khazars are Satanists. As Lenin (Lev Bronstein) said “The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves”; today we see then in Fedoras, Yarmulkes, Mitres of Dagan (Orthodox and Catholic Mitres), and Saturn Hats. Putin probably gets a big laugh celebrating the Russian Holocaust in the open; all totaled Brotherhood of Death Society Bro Stalin dwarfed Hitler’s Holocaust.
Esteban Santiago kills 5 with Gun in Checked Luggage in Ft Lauderdale Airport. “I was forced to fight for ISIS”; Santiago making the Masonic Sign of Fidelity. Witnesses claim multiple shooters, some with rifles; no explanation why airport police “The right to bear arms shall not be infringed” 2nd Amendment. Want to carry a gun on an aircraft or likely any commercial transportation?
Jan 8
Arctic Ice melt causing Earth to run AMOK. AMOC (Atlantic Meridonal Overturning Current) is part of the Thermohaline Conveyor which distributes Equatorial Heat to higher latitudes. Salt (Haline) Water is less dense than warm Salt Water which is less dence than Fresh Water. Transferring energy via EM (Electro-Magnetic ie Sun-Earth) energy from the Arctic to Antarctic causes cold Fresh Water to blanket Salt Water. Deep Water Horizon disrupted and continues to disrupt the Thermohaline Conveyor with massive Methane (up to 100K psi through a 22in orifice for 8 years since Earth Day 2009) release. Global Warming? Not quite, more like the “Day After Tommorrow” scenario. “Revenge is a dish best served cold”-Dangerous Liasons; fitting the Broadway Show about “Sex used as a weapon” with Liv Schreiber, star of “The Omen” movies about the arrival of Antichrist is currently finishing its limited engagement in NYC. On 1/8/8 the Sanhedrin and Temple Mount Faithful awarded George (Geo=Earth) Bush “Megillat Bush” proclaiming him “Gog, Chief of Tubal and Meshech”; Gog also happens to be GW’s Skull & Bones “Name”; Poppy (named after Opium Fields in Afghanistan and in Wizard of Oz) is called “Magog” because the goal is to fake the “Gog and Magog” War, the end of Millennium War from the North centered on Jerusalem, King David and Jesus Christ in (Eze 38:2KJV; Rev 20:7-8) Rosh or Rus is added to new bible versions of Eze 38:2, but Russia is not part of the event, only the Satanic Trump. On 1/8/17=1/8/8, the Atlantic Deep Freeze runs AMOC. Atlantic=Atlantis; Operation Atlantic Resolve is the US-NATO-Russia military build-up on the Polish border, warned in advance with the False Flag Turkish Amb Assassination (Archduke Ferdinand Event).
Amok means “Wild, Unrestrained, Out of Control”; Beast means “Morally Unrestrained”. Beast from the Sea (Antichrist) and Beast from the Earth (False Prophet) rise at the start of the Great Tribulation. Time for a little one on one with JESUS; 888 beats 88 every time.
Palestinian, ISIS sympathizer (Of course, who else?) killer runs over Israeli soldiers without blood on the Lorrie; Israeli police hit windshield with a dozen bullets without cracking it. As in NIce, quite the miracle; NOT! Hamas praises the attack; Luciferian Freemason, fake Jew Netanyahu declares the killer an ISIS sympathizer. On Jan 15 Palestine and Israel will be divided by the UN; WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam (Google Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars). Israeli Police prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. Dispentationalism is a Jesuit inspired Lie nowhere in Scripture; it derives from Amos 7:2-3;5-6. The KJV “…by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this; It shall not be” New Versions change this critical passage to “Relented” or “Changed His mind”; not possible because God wrote the Word in advance of creation and is not subject to the slightest change. When Jesus returns, everybody in front of Him dies. Rapture, 7 Yr Tribulation, Israel “Peace Treaty” are all Satanic Lies.
More Occult communication: Goliath Gate “Discovered” Aug 4, 2015; Golden Globe Awards 17 Months 4 days later; “Goliath” described in 1 Sam 17:4 is no coincidence. Obama means “He is with us”, a Zoroastrian/Medean name whose claimed birth in Hawaii (Water and Breath of Life) on latitude 21.6 on the 216th Day of the year is also no coincidence. 216=6X6X6 and the cubes of 3, 4 and 5 added. 3-4-5 Pythogorean Triangle is the Mr “Peace Triangle” seen in Merkabah “Ezekiel’s Wheel”; Egyptians called it Mr- Akh-Bah “Body, Soul, Spirit”; Russian Mir Space Station may also ring a Baal. So what is the occult communication? Gog and Magog. The end of Millennium gathering of nations around Jesus and King David in Jerusalem (Eze 38:2; Rev 20:7-8). Just like the young King David killing the 9ft tall Philistine giant Goliath, Israel will destroy the invasion force coming from the north in Eze 38:5-6;13: Mechech (Moscow), Tubal (Tobolsk), Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Germany, Turkey, Ukraine/Crimea (Togarmah of the north quarters) Sheba and Dedan (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen). One little eensie weensie problem; the King David and Messiah in Jerusalem will not be the real thing. The days Jesus warned of when “No flesh would remain” are here; a far smaller “Golden Globe” will enter the “Golden Age” seen in the Sphere within a Sphere displays at the UN, Vatican and around the world.
Shariah Law, Israeli Noahide Law and UN Planetary Initiative all agree “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” Folks, there is no room in the Golden Age for JESUS or any of His followers, nor will there be any room in Heaven for Luciferians. Choose Wisely!
Dubbed “Canada’s Prime Minister of Homosexuality” Justin Trudeau, a recent convert to Ismailism, meets with 49th Imam and Billionaire Nizari Assassin (Ismailis worship the “Old Man of the Mountain”) Aga Khan IV; Canada is the US largest trading partner and Trudeau will not attend Trump’s Inauguration. Why? Trump is a descendant of the Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights and currently a Knight of Malta; the groups pretending to be oppossed to the Assassins. Pretty coincidental “Assassins Creed” is in theaters eh? America is about to be scapegoated for Rev 18 “Babylon”.
Jan 10
“We don’t want word to get out, the goal is to exterminate the negro population”
– Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood)
Religious Leaders bless Planned Parenthood’s Washington DC Mega-Abortion Clinic. “God let your spirit rest upon these caregivers who serve as instruments in your hands” Rabbi Michael Namath “Be not ye called Rabbi…” Jesus Mat 23:8 “Satan let your spirit rest upon these murderers of the innocent…” may be more appropriate. Margaret Sanger preferred sterilization (Birth Control) as a Eugenics tool; Slaughtering Innocents is the same as “Passing children through fires of Molech” and the Satanic Rabbi knows it.
Jan 12 “WWIII Day”
72 Yr old Unification Church “Moonie” disciple and Korean CIA asset Ban-ki Moon travels to South Korea in bid to become President. Ban’s brother Ban-ki Sang “Landmark 72” developer, and his NYC Real Estate agent/nephew Joo Hyun Bahn indicted the same day in Manhattan Federal Court for accepting a $500K bribe on the sale of their $1Billion Hanoi Office Tower “Landmark 72”. Moonies follow South Korean Cult leader Sun Myung Moon who taught Jesus failed His mission and they are tasked with completing it. After resigning as UN Sec General, Ban is running for South Korean President, a seat vacated last month when it was discovered “South Korea’s Rasputin”, the Shamanistic Cult leader Choi Tae-min had been running the S Korea’s Park government since the Kennedy administration, and today through his daughter Choi Soon-sil via a lesbian-mentor relationship with the dictator for life’s Park Chung Hee’s daughter Park Guen-hye. The Buddhist turned Shaman Pastor of the “Church of Eternal Life” blackmailed her father with a secret villa of sexual escapades; when her father and mother were killed, he channeled her mother’s spirit becoming the young Park’s lifelong mentor. Rasputin started the Bolshevik Revolution; FDR’s Rasputin Nicholas Roerich started WWII; now a Moonie Cult disciple and CIA asset will replace S Korea’s Rasputin in time for WWIII 72 years later.
Coincident with Ban’s travel to South Korea, the US Treasury froze the assets of 7 Kim dynasty in North Korea officials incuding his sister Kim Yo Jong, head of the “State Propaganda and Agitation Department” Who comes up with names and titles like this? Professional Propandists. This act of war is accompanied by SBX-1 (Sea Based X-Band Radar) moving into position off Korean Coast; to spot Missile launches? Hardly, Geo-Engineering of Weather and Earthquakes
CNN reported the Jan 9 departure, this 2013 article will tell you about its true capabilities. Dialectic is controlling opposing sides. The US installed the Park dynasty in South Korea 50 years ago, the Kim dynasty in North Korea 72 years ago during the Truman administration and divided the 2 nations at the 38th Parallel after the first UN sponsored War “Korean War” which ended in Armistice (Temporary cessation of hostilities). The planned sequel is coming soon. Korea takes its name from “Kore” (Jude 7), the Korahite Priesthood from Moses’ day (Num 16). Moonies take their name from the Arab Moon God “Sin”. “Perish in the gainsaying of Kore” or “Eternal Life through Jesus Christ” Seems like an easy choice to me. Every 72 years, the Earth’s Axis precesses 1 degree; this is the last degree before the Age of Aquarius.
The same day US Army and NATO “Operation Atlantic Resolve” is moving War equipment requiring 1000 Rail Cars to Poland. 1300 Wheeled vehicles, 400 Track Vehicles, 80 Abram’s (named after Abram before hid made a Covenant with God to become Abraham) tank, 140 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, 400 Humvees; a mere drop in the bucket compared to Russia’s Baltic Fleet, and 225K soldiers. The Turkish Ambassador False Flag shooting was in front of an art exhibit “From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka”; Kalinin was the man behind Lenin and Stalin; Kaliningrad was Koenigsberg the Teutonic Knight Fortress, just ask Teutonic Knight Donald Trump (Drumpf is Germanic for Drummer) The script for WWIII was written 800 years ago in 1217 by Crypto Jew Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel Here is Koenigsberg when the Red Army rolled in in 1945.
US and NATO Generals hold a Press Briefing “Prepare for WWIII with Russia in the very near future”. Moscow put on “Combat Alert”; S-400 Anti-aircraft missiles ringing the city put on defensive.
2 Bomb Blasts kill at least 50 people in Damascus; Israeli Jets attack targets in Syrian Capital of Damascus; ISIS Suicide Bomber kills at least 6 in Damascus Why? Damascus Isaiah 17:1 and Eze 38-39. Just remember, Rus/Rosh does not appear in Eze 38:2 KJV for good reason; “Gog and Magog” is over 1000 years from now; this is the Satanic fake. Who can’t understand “After the 1000 years” in Rev 20:7-8 but a Satanist? Remember, Israel controls ISIS; Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is Simon Elliot; ISIS propaganda is handled by the US Army and Rita Katz through “SITE”.
So, North and South Korea in turmoil; Massive Protests planned for the Trump (Tax Exempt, Hollywood Actor, Pedophile, Teutonic and Hospitaller Knight, Crypto Satanist) Inauguration; Ismaili Canadian PM Justin Trudeau snubs the Trump Inauguration; Mexico raises prices on Gasoline and Food 20% in one day, causing massive rioting; US-NATO warn of WWIII with Russia; Moscow on high alert; Bomb blasts, Israel prepares for the Arrival of the False Messiah and attacks Damascus; an ISIS Suicide Patsy in Damascus and Jerusalem all in one day? Just Stupid? or Absolutely meticulous Satanic Planning?
Friday 13th
13Yr old Finnair A-320 Flt AY 666 departs Gate 13 Copenhagen Airport at 1300Hrs on Friday the 13th, landing in HEL (Helsinki). 2 days before the 8th Anniversary of Sully’s “Miracle on the Hudson” or rather “Lie on 34th St” Think everyone has forgotten about the Friday 13th Templar Arrests?
Tribe of Manasseh returns to Israel
More occult communication. Jacob gave the blessing to Manasseh’s younger brother Ephraim aka Israel, the sons of Joseph and Asenath, the daughter of a Priest of On (Horus Priest). Ephraim subsequently made a treasonous pact with the Assyrians leading to Captivity that has never ended. Brit-Am-Israel and Arthur Koestler “13 Tribes” name indigenous tribes of the Americas as descendants of Manasseh; Mormons consider Whites within their church Ephraim and Natives, Blacks, Polynesians to be Manasseh; all without historical merit. Mormons consider their founder Lehi to be from Manasseh; Lehi means “Jawbone of an Ass”, specifically the weapon Samson used to kill 3000 Philistines at Beit Shemesh aka Project 911 on Site 911, a radiation hardened bunker readied for the arrival of Antichrist. Guess those silly Rabbis thought nobody would notice.
Jan 14
Temple of Satan holds largest Black Mass in Los Angeles complete with Bloodletting, Green Baphomet and Snaketivity Scene.
Jan 15 UN Summit Day/Martin Luther King Day “Ides of Janus”
Dr King was no PhD Civil Rights leader, merely a Masonic tool with a plagiarized Thesis used and discarded. Jan 15, 2017 is Mike King’s 88th Birthday made a “Freemason on Sight” posthumously by the Grandmaster of the Prince Hall Lodge in Atlanta. 88 denotes Infinity of the Universe, the Cosmic Christ on the Cross, and Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” seen in Mercury’s (Mercury is Toth=Hermes, the source of “As Above, So Below”) 88 day Solar Cycle; 88 means “God One” in simple gematria. Monotheism is Satanism folks! God is Father (Spirit), Son (Flesh), Word (KJV), Holy Ghost, not “ONE”.
A King cleaved from a Mountain comes from Hellenism; the myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha tossing stones to re-populate the Earth formed the basis of “Free Masons” and Libertine Jews “Synagogue of Libertines” (modern day “Judaism”). Jesus is the real King of the Mountain; JESUS is 888.
Prince Hall Masons have no interest in Black Civil Rights; this form of Masonry is akin to ISIS “Black Virgin”, originally derived from Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother producing Canaan; Prince Hall is based on the concept of 1st Race “Shabazz”.
Janus (January) is the God of Doorways, 72 Nation Summit in Paris Jan 15 The Arch of Triumph (Arc de Triompfe is at the head of Champs Elysee “Field of the Blessed” in Battle) is Napoleon’s (a Rothschild ie Edomite creation leading to the Federal Reserve Usury Bank System) replica of the Sacrificial Arch of Isis at the Temple of Baal, Arch of Septimus Severus and Arch of Titus commemorating the slaughter of Jews; Napoleon planned the world’s largest Obelisk for Pont Neuf (New Bridge) 200 years ago on the site where Knight Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed by the Catholic Church and King of France; it’s payback time.
The UN and Paris Summit reaffirmed support for the division Israel and Palestine; an effort to gain a UN Resolution before Trump takes office is in the works. The Vatican controls the Temple Mount, Cenacle and David’s Tomb; the UN and Vatican are controlled by Jesuits “Militia of Zeus”; Pope Francis I and Jesuit General Arturo Sosoa SJ in Rome and the UN under Sec Gen Antonio Guterres.
Division: Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis
Synthesis is no better seen in the Martin Luther King Monument; his and his father’s given names were never legally changed to pay hommage to the Rosicrucian reformer Martin Luther; his name is Mike King Jr. Turning a Communist (60 Communist Groups backed King) Operative, Plagiarist, Adulterer, Sexual Deviant into a National Hero is nothing new, just look at the “Fasces” supporting Rosicrucian, Sodomite, Liar “Honest Abe” Lincoln’s Throne or Order of Cincinatti Initiate (America’s Royalty named after Roman Farmer turned Soldier Cincinattus) George Washington’s Phallus to whom every president since Reagan has paid homage on Inaugural Day. Coretta Scott King obtained a Federal Court Order sealing some 50 Years of FBI Documents detailing the real life of Mike King Jr saying “Releasing them would destroy his reputation”; No Shit Coretta. Be careful with this site; Rapture is part of David Stewart teachings.
January 15 is the “Ides of Janus” Janus is the 2 faced god of beginnings, endings, time, transition, war and peace; one face looking to the past (Old Order) and one to the future (New Order) The Doors of the Temple of Janus were opened in times of War. 72 Nations met in Paris reaffirming Knight of Malta John Kerry’s (Samaritan Kohen) 2 State Plan for Sovereign Palestine and Israel with the shared Temple Mount in the middle.
The Millennial Goal (Jesus rules Earth during the Millennium) of the UN is “Palestine Sovereignty”. Both nations are led by 33 degree Luciferian Freemasons. Benjamin Netanyahu is an Ashkenazi (Germanic) fake Jew just like Donald Trump; Time Magazine “President of the Divided States” inaugurated with the game show “Divided” debut; pretty coincidental eh? Netanyahu claims Benjamite lineage; Benjamin is prophesied in Gen 49:27 to “Ravin as a Wolf”; Donald Trump is also a Wolf in Sheep’s clothes worshipping Lycaean “Wolf God” Apollo aka “Destroyer” (Ref Rev 9:11); Netanyau is prepared for the arrival of the false Messiah with Project 911 on Site 911, a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is ONE” over every door, an open rejection of JESUS as JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) and JAH (Ps 68:4KJV).
Donald Trump’s Israel Ambassador David Friedman intends to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israeli occupied Jerusalem in open defiance of UN Res #2334 and the 72 Nation Summit. David Friedman is an Ultra-orthodox, Chabad Lubavitch, Sephardic fake Jew, President of Bet El; Bethel “House of El” or “House of Saturn” is where Jeroboam instituted worship of the Golden Calf, at the spot Jacob had his vision of a Ladder to Heaven. Friedman is aptly, a professional Bankruptcy Attorney in league with Jared and Charles Kushner, currently the brains behind Donald Trump, who will likely preside over the Bankruptcy of America; Friedman is a Zionist Wet Dream come true calling anyone opposing Israeli settlement of Palestine worse than “Kapos, the Holocaust prosoners who served as NAZI Concentration Camp Guards”.
The cusp of the Age of Aquarius (code for a return to the days of Sodom ie Pederasty, Pedophilia) is 1/17/17; the shortest Psalm is the center of the Word of God. In Hebrew gematria Meteor (ZIQ) and Black Out/Darkness (AVPL) both=117. According to “Leaked” Theosophical Society information to Lambert Dolphin (Cutting has this; nobody sneaks into Theosophical Society meetings and the Theosophical Society does not leak anything they do not want to intentionally get out) claims WWIII will last 13 Weeks (91 Days). Jan 15-April 16 “Easter Sunday” is during Passover when the Passover Lamb is sacrificed. Born Again Christians in Covenant with the real Passover Lamb JESUS are the Passover Lambs. “We are killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep for the slaughter” Ps 44:22 Paul quoting a Psalm written by King David in Rom 8:26. JESUS is the Passover Lamb of the Old and New Covenants!
Paris “House of ISIS” was designed for this event
St Sulpice Cathedral Rose Line Tracks Solstice, Time of Year, Inclination and Ubliquitory Angle of the Earth’s Axis. Rose Line is the Celtic Prime Meridian connecting the Cathar “Hole Grail” Church Rennes le Chateau with Arch of Triumph. Jan 20 is the Solar and Stellar Age of Aquarius in the 2017 Satanic Jubilee Year
Chartres Cathedral Druid Center; Temple of Green Man, al-Kidr, Bacchus, Dionysus aka Antichrist
Cathedral of St Chapelle Reliquary of the Crown of Thorns (Fake or non-existent dating from Constantine the Great; his Druid mother Helena claimed to have found the relic 300 years after the Crucifixion)
Cathedral of Notre Dame Reliquary of the True Cross (another Fake relic dating from Constantine the Great and his Druid Princess mother)
Cathedral of St Denis Merovingian Cult of the Severed Head; origin of Jesuit Order on Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534
Pt Neuf “New Bridge” DeMolay execution site on Day #77 Mar 18, 1314. “In 700 years the Laurel grows green” Cathar Prophecy
Luxor Obelisk World’s oldest Obelisk marking the Place and Palace of Concord of those with Satan
Champs Elysee Elysium “Field of the Blessed”; those blessed who died with the Sword in hand
Place of Concord Covenant with Many; Dan 9:27
Arc de Triomphe Replica of Arch of Titus commemorating the slaughter of 500K Jews and Arch of ISIS in Amurru (Palmyra) Syria. Smaller replicas were placed in New York Civic Plaza and Trafalgar Sq London.
Pantheon (All Gods) is the Mausoleum of God Men. Rosicrucians intend to “Sprout the Rose from the Cross” in Paris (House of Isis=Throne). “In 700 years the Laurel will grow Green Again” Cathar Perfecti. Grand Orient Lodge Masons King Adbullah II (Hashemite ie Edomite King of Idumea), Ayathollahs Khomeini, ali Khameini, and ali Sistani were all Initiated in Paris.
70 Nations gathered for the funeral of Shimon Peres (Jesuit, fake Jew Simon Perski) to honor the man who handed control of the Temple Mount, Cenacle (Upper Room of the Last Supper), David’s Tomb to Jesuits at the Vatican. Vatican Jesuits are Dividing Israel from Palestine; the result will be WWIII “WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam” the place where Abraham offered Isaac in the Bible and Isaac offered Ishmael in the Quran will trigger WWIII; Time to choose sides before the killing starts.
Israel is not Jewish: Ashkenazi Jews descend from Ashkenaz, the grandson of Japheth; Mizrahi Jews descend from Ham; Sephardic Jews descend from Babylonians, Medeans, Canaanites listed in 2 Ki 17:30 “The virgin of Israel has fallen and shall no more rise; there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2
Jerusalem is “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsim (Peres) Mene: “God has numbered thy kingdom, and finished it” Tekel: “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” Peres: “Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians”. Shimon Peres should ring a Baal now.
Planned in Advance?
Planned in advance? Pope Francis I and Pope Benedict XVI recommend reading the 1907 novel “Lord of the World” about the nations of the world holding a summit, unifying around a one world leader coming in Peace; Donald means “World Ruler”; Trump a title of Jesus “Trump of God”. You may recall the night Pope Benedict XVI resigned, Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice. The last time Pope Benedict released Peace Doves on International Peace Day, they were attacked by Ravens; the 1st time Pope Benedict released Peace Doves, they too were attacked by a Raven and Seagull (Seagulls figure prominently in Mormons).
So is Donald Trump the Antichrist? No. Worshipper of Apollo/Apollyon? Yes. Knight of Malta? Yes. Teutonic Knight? Yes. Crypto? Yes. Hollywood Actor? Yes. Pedophile? Yes. Descendant of the Fairy Kings of Dunvegan Castle who protected the Knights Templar? Yes. Chabad Lubavitch-Ashkenazi fake Jew? Yes. Antichrist will be Edomite; Esau obtains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth; Gen 27:41KJV; Dan 7:6). Trump is riding the Golden Ass, under the Golden Bough of Apollo into the Golden Age, but a far cry from being an Alternative Messiah.
Jan 17 “New Silk Road”
Taiwan Military Drill “Operation Phoenix Rising” simulating Full scale war with China. Davos Economic Summit. Beijing-London Direct Train 1/17/17 Ps 117 is the center and shortest Psalm; 1/17 is the Cusp of Aquarius; The Inaugural Beijing-London direct “Silk Road” Train departed New Years Eve and arrived 1/17/2017 as China’s President Xi Jinping gave a speech in Davos condemning “Trade Wars”. Donald Trump ignited China-Taiwan tensions immediately after the election calling President Tsa ling-wen promising a $Multi-Billion F-16 upgrade (effectively Treason) while John Kerry was in Beijing with Xi Jinping. F-16 “Falson” refers to the Falcon Headed god “Horus”; the upgrade to F-16V changes the F-16 “Falcon” to F-16V “Viper” meaning “Serpent” + “Alive” + “Bring Forth” hence “Phoenix Rising”. The 2012 London “Zion” Olympics theme was “Phoenix Rising”; Francis Bacon’s 1620 book “New Atlantis: A work unfinished” portrays America as the Phoenix with New Atlantis rising from the ashes hence the Phoenix rising from the Flames; Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”
The New Silk Road Rail line from Beijing to London is part of China’s “One Belt; One Road” Initiative; Donald Trump has pledged to enact Tariffs on Chinese Imports. Trump declares Chinese Trade War; Xi Jinping condemns Trade War; London and China Trade Route opens. Now if that doesn’t “Blow your Socks off”; the entire Train was filled with Socks. One Belt refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt; One Road refers to the Maritime Silk Road; a giant $8Trillion Eurasia Trade Block of 60 Nations excluding the US of course. The US attempted to enact the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade Investment) however both are now nearly dead; replacing the deals TiSA (Trade In Services Agreement). Not such a good deal for the US as all Services such as Investment, Banking, Police, Fire, Transportation by Land, Sea, Air, Health Care etc etc etc will be outsourced and provided by the lowest bidder ie China.
The Silk Road connection line at the Korean DMZ is about to open as well; South Koreans are a little upset their nation is being run by a Korean Cult; the solution? ex UN Sec General and Unification Church disciple “Moonie” Ban ki Moon. Moon’s and now Jesuit Antonio Guterres’ UN High Commissioner of Refugees in Geneva, Switzerland is Jesuit Georgetown Law School Dean T Alexander Aleinikoff who also heads the “Migration Policy Institute”. Guterres says “Mr Aleinikoff brings a rish combination of skill and expertise serving refugees” He means to say “Producing Refugees”. Socks blown off yet? Just wait.
WWIII will set the fires: China will take control of Taiwan; North and South Korea will end the Armistice, America will be destroyed and 200M people will head (herded) to Armageddon along the “Silk Road” (Rev 9:11) by Apollyon. Donald Trump’s god “Apollo” is “Apollyon”, the theme of the Russian Sochi (Flame) Olympics. Sochi is the site of Sarmation “Priest-Kings” and the pilgrimage to the statue of “Prometheus” (Fore Thinker/Planner) whose twin is in New York City at Rockefeller Plaza, seen giving Fire to Mankind. Note the obvious Masonic Handshake between British PM Theresa May (covering up the 9th Circle Child Pedophile/Sacrifice Ring in Britain) and Xi Jinping; they used to hide signs like this, but no more. Mid-point of the Rail Line is Astana Kasakhstan “Capital of the Sublime Threshold”
Apollo worshipping Donald Trump wears the Golden Bough, riding the Golden Ass into the Golden Age, heading the Golden Horde. Apollo is equivalent with Shiva “Destroyer”; no coinidcence Knight of St John, Donald John Trump’s uncle John Trump whom he is named after, weaponized Nikola Tesla’s Electro-Magnetic Technology for the US Army after WWII or that Shiva is out front of CERN, purveyors of the mythical “God Particle” and Scapegoat for Earth Destroying weapons perfected with looted “Cold War” funds by Russia and China.
The route service from China to the UK: The service will pass through seven countries before arriving in London
The train is part of an initiative by Chinese leader Xi Jinping pictured with PM Theresa May to improve trade with China and Europe Ovation forecast model – Northern hemisphere PA:PRESS ASSOCIATION
Obama (Michelle is Trans-gender Michael) commutes Transgender Spy Bradley/Chelsea Manning Prison Sentence. 6 Weeks after Manning enlisted to obtain free College tuition she was transferred to a discharge unit due to harassment; denied Honorable Discharge she was assigned to a Top Secret Information Unit; Makes sense eh? 1 Million Top Secret Classified Iraq War, Afghanistan War and Diplomatic Cables copied on a CD labeled “Lady Gaga” (Superbowl 51 Halftime should be interesting) posted to UTube and E-Mails.
The Sun has not risen above the horizon for 2 months yet the North Pole is 93 degrees above average for this time of year. Record flooding and snow across Europe and Ice Storms across the US. Tesla Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) antennas cannot create energy, but they can transfer a lot of energy.
Pulling Apollo’s Chariot is Aurora; EM Energy cause Auroras. Ready for the Inauguration of Apollo? He is the only god worshipped as Apollo in both Greece and Rome. Why 93? Aiwass and Thelema + Agape equal 93 in Gematria; Aiwass is the demon Crowley channeled for his Thelema Religion; 93% is also the percentage of earth that needs to die (7% of 7.3Billion=500Million, the number of people indicated on the Georgia Guide Stones on Hwy 77). 93% is also the percentage of the Universe made of Dark Matter (A Lie of course).
Thelemites and Witches greet themselves with “93” short for “Do what thou wilt” or “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”. 93/93=ONE seen on the $US, the Capstone of the Pyramid. Aleister (Great Beast) Crowley’s Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93. 93 is also the gematria of the “Lost Word in Masonry” known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff. Ready for the 3rd Temple? It’s coming fast, complete with “Satan’s Seat” and the “Abomination of Desolation”.
Jan 19
Trump lays the Wreath at the Tomb of Unknowns and attends Inaugural Concert at the Lincoln Memorial “Glory, Glory Halelujah” Trump, a 5 time Vietnam Draft Deferment recipient worships the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) the men of Athens did; the God of War Ares, Mars or Nergal (Acts 17:19) The Fasces support Lincoln’s Throne as they do the over the Supreme Court Door, Union Sq Flag (in front of the Virgin Record Building with the Midnight Countdown Clock), Congressional Rostrum (Speaker’s Podium) and Oval Office Doors. Halelujah means “Hail Jah”. Jesus as “Jah/Jehovah” was Crucified; Antichrist is “Jah” seen in new bible versions of Ps 68:4. Don’t be fooled; JESUS is JEHOVAH and JAH; Antichrist is Jah, Jehoshua or Yeshua, the YHVH Christ Rabbis await. The Lincoln Memorial is at the end of the Reflecting Pool; a Mirror Image of JESUS is what Antichrist is.
Joshua 10:13 “Sun stood still” caused by Solar Eclipse on Halloween 1207 BCE according to Scientists at Ben Gurion University. 2 eensie weensie problems; Israel crossed the Red Sea in 1492 BC and wandered for 40 years to 1452 BC; the books of Judges and Kings are each 400 years long, placing Solomon and David in the correct historical context with respect to the 1st and 2nd Temples; 1207 BCE turns scripture into fiction. The second problem is Solar Eclipses do not cause the Sun to stand still; the Sun actually moves with respect to the Earth rather than the Jesuit Lie in Heliocentric Theory. Why the Lies today? Jah (Jehoshua or Yeshua) is Joshua not Jesus.
Sinaloa Cartel “El Chapo” Guzman extradited to US. Operation Fast and Furious (Gunrunner) armed the Sinaloa Cartel with weapons used to kill BATFE agents; just ask Mitt Romney.
Rick Perry confirmed by Saturday Night Live star Al Franken to Sec of Energy, sounds like a SNL skit but it gets worse, Perry heads the department he said he would abolish in the debates. Perry watched Sarah Palin claim to have her water broken, give a speech in Dallas, travel to Wasilla over 12 hours and give birth to Trig, or rather not; he is Bristol’s child and later became a facilitator of the Sinaloa Cartel arming through the Alliance Airport near Dallas. Psst Rick, there are Trillions of Bbls of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, ANWR (Alaska) and Bakken Oil Field; how about nationalizing them?
33 degree Luciferian Mason Mahmoud Abbas meets Jesuit Pope Francis I at the Vatican; Rabbis call this the prophesied joining of Ishmael and Esau precedeing final redemption by the Messiah. Bull Shit! The Rabbinical Lie is based on Yalkut Shimoni, a Rabbinical commentary on the Jewish Bible which assumes Palestinians are Ishmaelites and descendants of Romans are Edomites; both of these claims are nonsense. Jesus returns to Zion to destroy Edomites, inside the gates (Obadiah); Israel is not Jewish! The final Pope “Peter the Roman” touted by False Prophets reading the Prophecy of St Malachy (Molechy) claim Pope Francis is the Final Pope to lead the flock through the Tribulation, which begins AFTER Jewish Redemption; this is found nowhere in either Old or New Testaments; it’s all based in Private Interpretations of Dan 9:23-27 (490 Days is 70 Weeks folks, not the Study Bible Notes we’ve all read for years with 69 Weeks of Years + 70th Week being the 7 Yr Tribulation followed of course by the Rapture; all Jesuit nonsense). New bible renderings of Gen 27:39-41 KJV reverse the roles of Esau and Jacob and form the basis of another Jesuit fabrication “Dispensationalism”; Amos 5:2; 26; 7:2-3; 5-6 KJV spell out very clearly “The Virgin of Israel has fallen…there is none to raise her up”; Why? Israel adopted the Star of Molech, the source of the Malachy Prophecy; God doesn’t change His mind folks! Mahmoud Abbas was invited to open a Palestine Embassy in Rome; the assumption here is obvious, a 2 State UN Resolution; remember Israeli PM Shimon Peres (note the same name in Shimoni; Simeon and Levi, the Priest Tribe are both prophesied to be instruments of cruelty in Gen 49:5. MENE, MENE TEKEL UPARSIM (PERES as in Shimon Peres, a blackmailed initiate of Jeff Epstein’s Pedophile Island with Donald Trump and Bill Clinton) refers to a SPIRITUAL Division not a Physical Division and JESUS is holding the Plumbline! The Messiah awaited by the Rabbis (Talmud says Jesus is in Hell in His own boiling excrement) is the Antichrist; worship at the Altar of Antichrist and Hell for Eternity is a certainty. Remember, Shimon Peres handed over control of the Temple Mount, Cenacle (Last Supper Room) and David’s Tomb to the Vatican and Jesuits control the Vatican.
Enough news for one day, but Kosher Wine was found, tithed, blessed and brought to the nascent Sanhedrin. Tithing is only legal for legitimate Levite Priests; remember, Simeon and Levi are instruments of cruelty because there are no Legitimate Levite Priests; Jesus (Melchisedek) replaced them (Gen 14:18; Ps 111; Heb 7). Another Rabbincal requirement for the False Messiah to come is to pour a Qtr Hin (roughly a bottle) of wine made by Sabbath (all 7 days are New Covenant Sabbaths) observant Jews over the altar. Mic 4:4 speaks to the Millennium after the 2nd Coming when Jesus and King David return to Jerusalem with Israel (People who wrestle with God ie Born Again followers of JESUS including the 12,000 from each of 12 Tribes); Rabbis will fill attempt to fill these prophecies from Eze 37 and “Gog and Magog” from eze 38; Rev 20:7 early. Take note here, Dan and Ephraim are not among those “Saved” in Rev 7KJV; Dannites will be the Judges; Ephraim (Mormon Church claims both of these lineages as well as holding both Levite and Melchisedek Priesthoods; an obvious Lie X 4) made a treasonous pact with Tartan, the Assyrian Army Commander (Isaiah 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) who replaced real Israel with imposters from Babylon, Medea and Canaan (2 Ki 17:30); once again folks, Israel is not Jewish in any sense of the word! Jerusalem is in fact “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. Tartan means Phoenician Cloth; Crypto Presbyterian Donald Trump/Drumpf the 44th (4X4=16) person to be elected US President (note the tie in with Mic 4:4 and Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix has a Scottish Tartan, once illegal in the US, because it was used during the Jacobin and Jacobite Revolutions; Trump will be use his Presbyterian Bible handed down from the MacLeod Templars and the 16th, Presidential Bible used by Abraham Lincoln. Recall Donald Trump said “I have never apologized to God, but I take Communion…” Bad form Donald. The 16th President started the Civil War, matches the 16th Trump in Tarot called the “Tower Card” and Lincoln was Assassinated by Mason-Jesuits ie 33 degree Mason John Wilkes Booth. Take note of the 1958 Trackdown episode with Walter Trump beating his Drum (Drumpf=Drum); Trump’s Inauguration is #58. TRUMP Tower and Trump’s Penthouse Shrine to Apollo may ring a Baal; both Apollo/Apollyon/Shiva (Rev 9:11) and the Tower Tarot Card represent “Destruction”. Below is a short description of CERN’s just announced Alpha (Jesus is Alpha) and AWAKE Experiments; Shiva “Destroyer” is out front of CERN which was purpose built over an ancient Temple of Apollo. CERN will be the Scapegoat for Earth Destruction; Tesla based Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) Weapons not coincidentally, weaponized for the US and Communist Russia by Donald Trump’s uncle John Trumpf. Folks, there is way to many coincidences here; Time to get JESUS on your side!
George HW Bush and Barbara Bush hospitalized with Pneumonia (Pneuma=Spirit). Pretty coincidental the Crowley’s Star of Babalon “Scarlet Woman” has the Maltese Cross (Knight of Malta), 7Pt Star and 77 eh? His channeled Liber 77: Book of the Goat may ring a Baal because GHW Bush Aircraft Carrier Group is CVN 77, especially since UA 77 hit the 77 ft tall Pentagon, built on the 77th Meridian when HW (Nazi George Scherff Jr) and Barbara’s son was president eh? HW will turn 93 in June.
Jan 20 “Order out of Chaos”
Donald Trump thanked Steve Bannon for writing his speech; Steve said “Darkness is good; people are unaware of who we are or what we are doing” “We are taking power from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people” Donald Trump “We take back Gotham from the corrupt…and give it back to you the people” Bain “Dark Knight Rises”.
Knight of St John of Jerusalem, Donald John Trump began the day at St John’s Episcopal Church; pastor Robert Jeffress’ Inauguration Prayer compared Donald Trump to another great leader God raised up, Nehemiah who rebuilt the 2nd Temple. “The 1st step to rebuild a nation is build a great wall” Dan 9:25 may come to mind. “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.” God means what He says; 70 Weeks is 490 Days not 69 Weeks of Years + 7 Yr Tribulation “70th Week”. This Lie is called “Dispensationalism”. It comes right after the “Rapture”, both Jesuit created Lies.
Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, perhaps the most dangerous Liar in America spoke for 20 minutes about Donald Trump building the 3rd Temple and giving him the Aaronic Blessing. The Satanic Rabbi knows Jesus is Melchisedek who replaced the corrupted Levite Priesthood under Moses and Aaron. His book “The Harbinger” means “One who brings forth”; Jesus? Not on your eternal life; Antichrist Jesus came in His Father’s name and was rejected; another is coming in his own name and will be accepted. Heard that before?
“We stand at the birth of the New Millennium” Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 Yrs old to begin the Millennium; the New Millennium is the revealing of Antichrist; Aleister Crowley called it the “New Aeon of Horus”. “We have One glorious Destiny” There are 2 Destinies for everyone; Hell or Heaven; Donald Trump, by his own admission has never apoligized to God; his destiny? “Depart from me, I never knew you”. Mt 7:23; Lk 13:27. America’s Destiny, put in writing in 1620 is to be the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”; the New Aeon of Horus (Trump’s New Millennium) rising as a Phoenix from the Ashes as the “New Atlantis”. Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis: A work unfinished”, completed by Trump, with the destruction of the Tower Trump Card, a Kabbalistic symbol of the Tower of Babel.
How’s that episode “End of the World” in Trackdown look now? Snake Oil salesman Walter Trump swings into Texas beating his Drum (Trump is really Drumpf; Ashkenazi fake Jew for “Drummer”) calling for building a Wall; not just any wall, but one that would protect against “Ray Beams”. Donald in Scottish (Mormon Tabernacle Choir wore Tartan Scarves) means the same as Walter in German (King/Ruler); Donald’s uncle John developed Tesla based Electro-Magnetic weapons for the US Army; the “Ray Beams”? 2 months ago the Sanhedrin predicted Trump and Putin would fill their biblically mandated roles as modern day Cyrus (Persian King who 1st began the rebuilding of the Temple) figures in rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Antichrist will sit on Satan’s Seat next to the Abomination of Desolation in that Temple.
Trump’s Heraldic Double Eagle of Lagash matches the Nazi Double Eagle used by the Teutonic Knights; his Nationalistic Speech matches the German Nationalism Hitler used; the Zodiac of the Inauguration closely matches that of the 3rd Reich. Nazi Germany never attained “Dominion” of the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6); Trump/Drumpf (Trumpet/Drummer)? Trump is the 44th person elected to hold the office; Aleister Crowley’s Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix ring a Baal?
Nathan Crowley is related to Aleister Crowley; his promo pack for Dark Knight Rises debutted at the Aurora (Aurora pulls Apollo’s Chariot), Colo Theater shooting; Lil Wayne’s music video “My Homies Still” predicted the number of alleged killings ahead of time in Aurora just as the map of Sandy Hook “Strike Zone 1” in Dark Knight Rises predicted the location and number of alleged deaths there 1 Yr in advance. Pretty obvious the Tail is wagging the Dog eh?
“We will be protected by God” “I have never apologized to God; I do however take Communion” Donald Trump OK Donald we get the 666 sign already.
Trump Inauguration or World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland? What’s a Billionaire Globalist to do? Pretend to be a Homeless Refugee. Donald Trump, an Apollo worshipping, Tax-Exempt Billionaire Ashkenazi Crypto, Knight of Malta descended from Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights is not sending a representative to the Davos “Gnomes of Zurich” Gala; this year’s hot topic “Globalization and hostility toward Donald Trump”. Among Trump’s priorities is enacting China and Mexico “Tariffs”. The World’s Elite mock “Refugees” by pretending to flee advancing armies on their hands and knees, pretending to leave their bombed out homes, parents being killed and siblings being raped from the comfort of a 6 Star Resort in Davos spending $50K/person to attend. Henry Kissinger (Russian Agent, SMOM, 33 degree Mason, Bilderberg, CFR Traitor, Bohemian Grove) closed Davos WEF 2017 by praising China’s President Jinping and saying “Trump must define America’s role in the process of creating an International Order”. The role? Self Sacrifice, the plan for 400 years; America is the Phoenix of the New Age.
Trump is the 44th (44=Gematria of Blood) person elected President; Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix and Valentine’s Day #44;s_Day tell the story The movies “There will be Blood” and “No Country for Old Men” were filmed at Cibolo Creek Ranch, PO Box 44, where Knight of Malta/Opus Dei Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia allegedly died on Valentine’s Day #44
The Old Man, Knight of Malta Donald Trump likely remembers that.
Every 25,990 years (Egyptian Great Year) the Solar and Stellar Ages of Aquarius align on Jan 20th; the Trump Inauguration of the Age of Aquarius? The Sun will travel down the Brass Line aka Rose Line on the Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft/Gnomon Pillar) at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris to the Aquarius Sign on Jan 20. Palmyra, Syria where the original Arch of Isis was constructed was called Amurru, the source name of America means Serpent; Amurru is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd God. Romans worshipped Apollo as the “Good Shepherd”; Donald Trump’s Penthouse is a Shrine dedicated to Apollo aka Aplu, Apollyon, Abaddon or Shiva “The Destroyer” of Rev 9:11, 18 months before the arrival of the real “Good Shepherd” Jesus Christ. Knight of Malta Donald “Ruler of the World” Trump (Trump of God; Drumpf=Drummer) descends from Ashkenazi fake Jews; Ashkenaz is the grandson of Japheth and son of Gomer ie Germanic ie Teutonic imposters. A Teutonic Pederast Knight? Trump is also descended from Clan MacLeod of Ionia; “Island of the Dove” refers to the Holy Ghost descended as a Dove; in the Age of Aquarius “Water Pourer” the Spirit of Jove is more akin to Sodomy. Teutonic and Maltese Knights of St John (Trump’s middle name John is also the name of uncle John Trump who weaponized Nikola Tesla EM technology for the US and Russian Army) assumed the mantle fleeing Knights Templar, guarded on Ionia and Dunvegan Castle by the MacLeod Clan.
The Inauguration
Trump will be Inaugurated by a bevy of false Christian Ministers including his chief spiritual adviser, Trinity denying, Adultress, Prosperity (Esau achieves Prosperity “Fatness of the Earth” in Gen 27:40KJV not Jacob) preacher Paula White who has a hard time understanding 1 Cor 14:34-5 “Let your women keep silince in the churches”, Rev Franklin Graham, Samaritan’s Purse Ebola purveyor and son of 33 degree Luciferian Mason/Shriner Billy Graham, initiated into Satanism alongside Trump mentor and Muslim Shriner Rev Norman Vincent Peale, Bishop Timothy Dolan, and Rabbi Marvin Hier. The Teutonic Knights HQ in Koenigsberg is today called Kaliningrad, featured in the Turkish False Flag assassination of the Russian PM; the city is being built up for WWIII by NATO-US and Russian troops, tanks, aircraft and ships. Kalinin was the mentor of 33 degree Masons and Jesuit Priests Stalin and Lenin.
Donald Trump only appears to be going head to head with Global Money Masters, the UN Partition Plan, NATO War build-up “Operation Atlantic Resolve” and CIA Chief John Brennan (Wahhabist Muslim Convert). Opposing the Trump Inauguration and 750K protesters. J20 has a dozen organizations trying to create “Order out of Chaos” the motto of Luciferian Masonry.
Trump’s Wall Planned in 1958
Planned? In the 1958 Western Series “Trackdown” 3 Episodes: Mistake-End of the World-The Deal appeared in succession; End of the World featured Snake Oil salesman-Con-man Walter Trump(Walthar in German and Donald in Scottish have similar meanings “King/Lord of the World”; Walter referring to Tyr the Teutonic god of war) convincing residents of a Texas town building a Wall was the only way to be saved from destruction. Trump got his start as a child actor on Freemason Andy Griffith Show as a blowhard, bully all talk and no action. The 5Pt (Pentacle=Illuminated Man) and 6Pt Star (Hexagram/Star of Molech) on the Mayberry RFD uniforms a reference to the 5-6 level of Kaballah and 5th-6th Root Race in Theosophy; the X or Christ if you will. Notice the Masonic symbols on Walter Trump’s Drum; Trump is a change from Drumpf “Drummer”. Hard to believe the 1958 Western portended the 58th Inauguration?
Allbeury paints a fictional story of a Republican Populist Fueled president-elect’s chief adviser, blackmailed by Russia over compromising pictures, who takes an overdose, passed off by the CIA as a heart attack. Preposterous eh? Donald Trump said he is not sending a representative to the Davos World Economic Summit because doing so would betray his “Populist-fueled Movement” The Donald and the ABCCBSNBCCNBCFOXMSNBC “Populist Fueled” talking heads all must have read the book eh? So who are Donald’s Chief Advisers? Well besides Russian KGB Spy Henry Kissinger or Khazar “Grand Chessboard” Zbigniew Brzezinski who advise all Presidents.
Mike Pence “Gay VP”. Member of “The Fellowship” (aka The Family) with Dan Coats and Jeff Sessions (HUD Secretary 7th Day Adventist Ben Carson spoke to the National Prayer Breakfast, put on by “The Family” twice) Doug Coe leads the “Missionaries to the powerful” with Uganda’s President Museveni (Ugandan Genocide coming to America); described as “Quiet Diplomacy” Coe asks “Name 3 men who understood the real message of the New Testament?” Ans: “Hitler, Stalin and Mao”; the message is Human Sacrifice. Israel’s Zionist T-Party VP, is one heart beat away from the Presidency Pence is pro Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria Wars, pro Free Trade Agreements NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, TTIP, TiSA, pro Patriot Act Wire Taps, pro Extraordinary Rendition, pro GITMO, pro Torture, pro Drone Killings, pro Immigration ie most everything Donald Trump is pledged against. Irish Catholic Altar Boy turned Born Again Evangelical Christian? Sure thing; “Love God”, “Love your Neighbor” Mike; pretty hard to understand that isn’t it? Pence advocates “Gay Conversion Therapy”; he allegedly went from Gay to Married in 1 Yr at University of Indiana; Pence stated in 1983 “Gay Conversion Therapy saved my marriage and helped me overcome certain urges”. Former Dorm roommate James Badwater “It’ll be great to have the first Gay Vice-President”
Day 1 Trump gets the party started; US Embassy relocates from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, viewed by the United Nations and most of the world as Israeli occupied territory; views by Jesus as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt”
“Darkness is good, people don’t know who we are or what we are doing” Catholic Militant “Crusader”, Goldman Sachs, Trump Chief White House Adviser and Benjamin Netanyahu (Germanic fake Jew; Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz in Gen 10, who claims Benjamite lineage prophecied to “Ravin as a Wolf, dividing the spoils” Gen 49:27) mouthpiece Steve Bannon. Goldman Sachs (read Edomite Rothschild=Red=Edomite Shield) Zionist, Catholic Militant Steve Bannon who is calling on Catholics to fight a new Crusade against the “Barbarity of Islamic Fascism” (funny, the Catholic Church using the writings of St Augustine “City of God” started the Muslim religion; 50,000 Catholic Christians in Fez Morocco were beheaded as a result; just ask any Shriner wearing a Red Fez), Donald Trump’s other Chief White House Adviser is Jared Kushner; Germanic/Ukrainian ie Khazar Kushner means “Furrier”; recall Rebekkah dressed Jacob in Fur to impersonate Esau “And he (Isaac) perceived him not, because his hands were hairy, as his brother Esau’s hands: so he blessed him. And he said, Art thou my very son Esau? And he said, I am.” Gen 27:23-24 When Jesus returns to Zion, Edomites pretending to be Jews will be there and every single one of them will die. Obadiah 18, Donald will appoint Ultra-Orthodox (Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in his own excrement; still think Donald is a Christian? Apollo was originally a Wolf God; the Donald is a classic Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes just like his advisers) son in law Jared Kushner “Middle East Peace Broker”. Jared Kushner and Israeli Ambassador, Ultra-orthodox “Synagogue of Satan” David Friedman will usher in the Messiah coming in his own name Jesus warned about. Chris Christie prosecuted and convicted (with a light sentence plea deal) Kushner’s fake Jew, Russian mob father Charles Kushner of Corruption, Obstruction of Justice, Witness Intimidation, Illegal Campaign Contributions, Tax Evasion, Racketeering and Entrapment (hiring a prostitute to entrap his brother in law). Kushner’s KABR Group is named after the Nabattaean goddess “Kabar” aka Aphrodite, the Black Stone of the Kaaba in Mecca is said to be the “Head of Aphrodite”; they own the prestigious Satanic address 666 5th Ave. Jesus warned of “Those who say they are Jews but are not… and are ravenous wolves”. Now these generational Synagogue of Satan control the US and Middle East Peace.
Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Melia Obama depart for a Palm Springs vacation after just returning from a Hawaii vacation, traveling on Special Mission 29,000, the VC-25 Tail # 29,000 aka Air Force One at 2:45PM Jan 20; as unprecedented as a Foreign born President not being Sworn to defend the US Constitution. The #1 and only Mission Requirement for VC-25 #29000 is Presidential transport.
Self proclaimed prophet of God Kim Clement quoted God in 2007 “Trump shall a Trumpet. I shall raise up Trump to become a Trumpet…in his office he shall shout my name” Kim died Thanksgiving 2016; maybe he should have read Luk 16:16 “The law and prophets were until John” Donald said “I have never apoligized to God. I do however take communion. When I eat my little cracker and drink my little wine I feel cleansed” The soon to be moron in chief should have read 1 Cor 11:27
In 1990 Heavy Metal Magazine Comic Book predicted the Donald Trump presidency and the Trump Wall; not to keep immigrants out, but to separate the “Elite” from “People”; precisely the goal of UN Agenda 2030. Cain’s first born son Enoch “He Dedicated” built the 1st City; Mormons believe Enoch and his City were taken directly to Heaven; this of course a Lie. People means “Masses, Throngs” contrasted from “Elite”. Who are the Elite? He told us, “Americans”. America is named after Amorites, Serpent (Amurru) worshipping Canaanites and the Ishmaelites and Edomites who married into the Canaanites. That’s what the Trump Inauguration is about.
Quran Surah 18 83-101 Dhul-Qarnayn “He of the 2 Horns” foretells a figure empowered by Allah to erect a wall between mankind and God and Magog, the Chaos released behind the Wall destroyed by God in a single night on the “Day of Ressurection” Quyraish bedouins sent 2 men to inquire of Jewish Rabbis whether Muhammad was a true prophet of God, predicting this event. “The Law and prophets were until John” Lk 16:16; “Call no man Rabbi” Mat 23:9 are clear enough. Quyraish are the Alternative Ishmaelite-Edomite Priests of Num 16 woh worship Azazel (Wilderness Goat). Dan 8 tells of the “2 Horns”; Alexander the Great? Hardly, “Little Horn” is the “King of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences…shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper…and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people, and through his policy he shall cause craft to prosper…magnify himself…and by peace shall destroy many…” Dan 8:23-25 Folks, Daniel got sick and fainted hearing Gabriel tell him this, the very same words “Prosperity and Peace” Donald Trump used in his Inauguration. “Gog and Magog” is after the 1000 years; at the end of the Millenium as Rev 20:7-8 make perfectly clear; Donald is promising a “New Millennium” of Antichrist.
Folks, America has never been a “Democracy”; Greece was the last “Democracy” and failed; go back to the Sandy Hook map in Dark Knight Rises and review Bain’s and Trump’s “Power to the People” speech again. Sandy means “Alexander” as in Alexander the Great; Sandy Hook means “Play the Joker”; Adam Lanza means “Red Spear” ie the “Spear of Destiny”; Edomite Destiny to Rule the Earth (Gen 27:39-41KJV). Esau was prophesied to “live by the Sword”, hence Donald Trump has 3 4 Star Generals in his Cabinet; Esau was prophesied to live off the “dew of heaven”, hence Evangelicals are heaping prophecy and praise on Trump as a Trumpet of God and Donald stated “God will protect us”; Esau was prophesied to live off the “fatness of the earth”, hence billionaire Donald Trump’s Cabinet is a Goldman Sachs boardroom. A Joker Card is a Trump Card folks! Who the Hell could “magnify himself” more than Donald (Ruler of the World) Trump (Trumpet)? Trump of God? Hardly, more like the Joker.
Jan 20-23
“In the beginning the Egyptian creator Atum self ejaculated causing a Matter and Anti-matter explosion; billions of years later, Gravity caused Stars to form; billions of years later, Stars exhaused their Hydrogen fuel and formed Black Holes, which later exploded, forming all the Atoms in the Universe; billions of years later, Gravity attracted the Atoms forming Elements; the best materials with the Divine Spark became the Elite and killed everybody else” Amen No folks, this is no joke, Theologians and Scientists agree, this is how we came to be; the Greeks called God Zeus who appeared as a White Bull to Europa; henceforth, most everything we are taught is “Bull Shit”. For me, I’ll take God and His Word anytime.
The Jesuit Origin of the Idiotic Table of Elements released in time for Opus Dei Congress to elect new Prelate. Rosicrucian, 33 degree Mason Isaac Newton, the last of the Alchemists made up “Gravity Theory” Carl Sagan said “We are all made of Star Stuff”; He lied. Jesuit Georges LeMaitre SJ made up Big Bang Theory using “Red Shift” and the attention whore Edwin Hubbel put his name to it. “Earth is in a unique, central position but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all cost; we must compensate using Spatial Distortion” Edwin Hubbel. The Theory goes like this. Alchemists call this nonsense Solve and Coagula using the symbol of Baphomet. Don’t believe it? Look at the Arms. Big Bang (Solve) and Gravity (Coagula) are Satanic Alchemist nonsense, Paul calls “Vain and profane babblings” in 1 Tim 6:12KJV
Opus Dei was founded in 1928 by Jose Maria Escriva, his successor Javier Eshevarria died on the Feast Day of our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 12, 2016 (Dec 13 is the Nordic Festival of Light/Lucifer) of a mild lung infection; given Last Rights by his likely successor Fernando Ocariz. Dec 12 commemorated the day God sent a Marian apparition, confirming the Diety of Mary. Opus Dei will likely name Fernando Ocariz, the current Vicar General and co-author of Dominus Iesus. Don’t be fooled, Iesus is Joshua, the warrior god raised up to lead Israel to the promised land, not JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV; JAH Ps 68:4KJV or JEHOVAH Ex 6:3); Iesus is Joahua and the Hebrew Yahweh, not JESUS! Ocariz is Consultor of the Congregation of Doctrine and Faith under current Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. Never in history has there been an Emeritus Pope; recall the night Pope Benedict resigned, Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE! Pope John Paul II re-opened the Office of Inquisition under his hand picked Nazi Cardinal Joeseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) and promoted Opus Dei Prelate Fernando Ocariz. Pope John Paul II was the Ecumenical Pope, taking the stage with clergy from all different religions; no surprise, JPII was the 1st Pope in over 1500 years to openly carry the Pagan Twisted Crucifix celebrating the Crucifixion of God.
Opus Dei initiates include Supreme Court Justices Sam Alito, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, possibly Chief Justice John Roberts, Paul Ryan, Sam Brownback and Rick Santorum. Public Oaths mean nothing to these people. Think your neighbors are not in Opus Dei? Guess again. Oh, that Mitre is the Mitre of Dagan, the Philistine god.
The Inquisitions relied on heresay and annonymous accusations, financing their Papal Tribunals, Torture and Incarcerations with the estates of accused. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge “There is no Salvation outside the Catholic Church” is guilty of Heresy in the coming New World Order. In Mat 16:18 Jesus explains to Peter His Divinity is the Rock upon which the Christian Church is based; Peter means Small Stone and was never in Rome, let alone the source of Apostolic sucession to the 1st self appointed Pope, Constantine the Great; all made up nonsense just like Papal Infallability, Immaculate Conception and Mary as Co-redemptrix. Jesus said never call any man on earth “Father” for this reason. Mat 23:9 Listen to the words of Bain in Gotham “Courts will be convened and the spoils will be enjoyed” The Inquisition Courts did exactly that. Listen to the words of Jesus “…they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my names’s sake”. Luke 21:12 (same in Mat 24:9 and Mk 13:9). Time is extremely short folks; head for your Prayer Closet and get JESUS on your side! Need more proof?
NASA releases more high resolution pictures of Pluto. Amazing isn’t it? 33 degree Mason cartoonist Walt Disney managed to draw Pluto, the Bloodhound identically to the planet Pluto in 1930! Conquistadores used human flesh eating Bloodhounds to conquer the Americas. Plutonium was most recently used in Fukushima Reactor #3; MOX (Mixed Uranium-Plutonium Oxide) Fuel was mixed to produce Buoyant “Bucky Balls” in Seawater when melted; it’s been flooding the Pacific Ocean and Pacific Jet Stream for 8 years, a slow kill of everything living in its path ie the Americas. “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” J Robert Oppenheimer. “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death. God creates, we decide who lives and who dies” Barbara Marx Hubbard; her mentor was the namesake of “Bucky Balls” Buckminster Fuller. So who will usher in Death? The Black Horse Rider carrying the Pair of Balances “A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny…” Rev 5:5-6. Penny? Oh, that’s right Mike Pence (Pence=Penny=Denarius) whose office is filled with? Oh, come on guess. Lincoln paintings, the homosexual head of AMORC (Rosicrucians in America); Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Mike Pence used the Lincoln Bible for the Swearing In. Yes the one Pence delivered. How many people noticed Mike Pence speaking with 3 Elephants all with Upside Down Stars of Baphomet? About as many as his
Where did Donald spend Inauguration Night? Lincoln Bedroom; Abe Lincoln known for sharing his bed with Joshua (Opus Day Dominus Iesus ringing a Baal?) Speed; Mike Pence known for “Gay Conversion Therapy” which allowed him to control “Certain Urges” and marry. Where was the 1st ever pre-Inauguration concert and fireworks? The Lincoln Memorial. What’s supporting Lincoln’s Throne? The Fasces. Mike Pence is a member (no pun intended) of The Family aka The Fellowship, sponsors the National Prayer Breakfasts. Doug Coe and Uganda’s Genocidal Dictator President Museveni set the agenda for The Fellowship; Coe says the 3 men who understood the real message of the New Testament best? Adoph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol “Killing Field” Pot; all totaled, about 200M people sacrificed. Coe has been called the “Stealth Billy Graham” and was in fact mentored by the 33 degree Luciferian Mason whose son set the Zionist Crusaders ablaze for Jesus with his Inaugural Prayer. Jesus was homeless, so who did Donald put in charge of HUD? Ben Carson, 7th Day Adventist repeat (Billy Graham is the only other repeat speaker) guest speaker at the Prayer Breakfasts; in charge of National Intelligence? Dan Coats, another member of The Fellowship. The 2017 National Prayer Breakfast will be on Imbolc (Feb 2) “In the Belly”. Someone’s in the Belly alright. The message is clear Inquisition Part Deux is coming up.
False Prophet Dr Patricia Green predicts the Earthquake in Jerusalem and End Time Events. She obviously can’t understand 1 Cor 14:34-35 “Let your women keep sience in the churches”, but wearing Tekhelet Blue (False Canaanite color of the Levite Priests) in front of the Israeli Flag and Star of Molech? John Hagee would be so proud.
Mt Paektu a 9000Ft Supervolcano in North Korea is poised to explode in a once in 1000 Yr disaster. Kim Jong Un’s nuclear weapons tests? Nah, SBX-1 (X-Band Sea Based Mobile Radar) moved into position off the Korean Coast from Pearl Harbor Jan 12. Heaven’s Lake formed when the Caldera blew in 946 AD; in what is considered one of the largest eruptions in history, the ash cloud covered Japan.
Jan 23-24
Russia-Turkey Peace Talks between Syrian Rebels and Syrian Government in Astana “Capital of the Sublime Threshold” Russia and Turkey are strange bedfellows. Both nations arm Syrian Rebels; Russian Cargo Ship Mol Comfort split in half delivering 5000 Shipping containers of Russian Weapons to Syrian Rebels June 2013. Turkish Cargo Ship Nour M was intercepted with 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and ammunition off the Lebanon Coast Nov 2013. Turkey supplies ISIS/ISIL/DAESH Passports, training, weapons as well as transporting and selling stolen oil for ISIS. Turkey even allegedly shot Russian pilots of an SU-27 while they were hanging in their parachutes. Russia plays both sides by arming Bashar al Assad’s forces. While these so-called “Peace Talks” in the Rivos Hotel built by Communist Dictator Nursultan Nazabayev predictably descend into “Quarreling”, the Water Supply for Damascus is under siege at Wadi Barada. “Damascus shall be a city no more…a ruinous heap” Is 17:1 Ready for the fake “Gog and Magog War”? It’s coming. Trump? He declined sending any representatives to Astana now and this summer’s Summit as well as to the Davos World Economic Forum. Pissing off the Global Elite? or part of the Trump Screen Actors, Hollywood Star show? Trump is ending TPP, ending US intervention in Syria, ending US-NATO Alliance and ending Illegal Immigration. By the way, the US also arms ISIS, the one common foe Donald Trump is against. Ready for President Pence?
Jesuits at the head of secret societiesOpus Dei Prelate Fernando Ocariz elected; no surprise, Ocariz joins newly elected Jesuit UN Sec General Antonio Guterres, Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa, Jesuit Pope Francis I and Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, head of the Office of Inquisition. The world has ejected Jesuits from nearly every nation, now we find out why. Jesuits instigated World I and II and managed the Vietnam War “Spelly’s War” (Jesuit Cardinal Francis Spellman) after JFK was assassinated. The Jesuit Order was abolished by Papal decree in 1773 by Pope Clement XVI and re-established by Pope Pius VII in 1814. The NAZI SS were modeled after the Jesuit Order. Jesuits constitute the largest influence on Schools, Universities and Confessionals (Spies). Jesuits made up Rapture, Dominionist Theology, Jesuits have been in control of the Inquisitions for over 400 Years. Jesuits planned WWIII in writing on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871. Opus Dei are the Lay Ministry (Minister: One who works at the behest of another) of the Jesuits; Opus Dei are the Spies of the New World Order.
Sodomite Mike Pence represents what Donald Trump does not: “The Fellowship”, Free Trade, Extraordinary Rendition/Torture, Unbridled Immigration, War with Russia, Unbridled NSA/CIA Domestic Spying, Un-constitutional Drone Killings. Think JESUS approves of this? Guess Again. Think it’s coincidence HBO Mini-Series “Young Pope” began with the Trump Inauguration?
Jesuit Pope Francis I warns of “Hitler like leaders coming to power on a wave of populism”; now that’s funny. Hitler modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order; Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and the Hitler’s Second Book: Unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf were ghost written by Jesuit Fr Bernhard Staempfle SJ. Francis must have read the 1907 book The Twentieth Day of January eh? Now who could this Hitler like leader be? “Donald kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bed” Ivana Trump
Sethite or Cainite? Noah was a Sethite; Noah’s wife was a Cainite. Ham’s incest with his mother produced Canaan, whose bloodline is “Cursed”; the covenant with Abram required his sons to never take wives of the daughters of Canaan; Isaac and Jacob obeyed; Ishmael and Esau did not. Astrophysicists predict a New Star will emerge from the collision of 2 Stars in Cygnus (Swan and “To be made White”) producing a “Red Supernova” (Esau=Edom=Red) in a few years; new bible versions use “Rising Star”; the only one I’m aware of is Venus (Phosphorus) aka Lucifer; Jesus comes down from above. Baalam’s Ass spoke to him and Baalam prophesied in a God produced trance “…there shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth” Num 24:17. Maimonides believed this Star was a physical sign preceeding the coming Messiah as does the Zohar “Book of Splendor” and Rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mt Zion (controlled by the Vatican) Rabbi Yosef Berger. The Star will appear in Cygnus (Swan); one problem with this is the spelling of “Star” in the KJV is written as a Personal Name. The same prophecy is in Gen 49:10 pertaining to Jesus as “Shiloh” (He whose it is), but “Dominion”? Not until the end of the millennium (Dan 7:14). This “Red Nova” is Edomite “Dominion”, prophecied in Gen 27:41KJV whose written intent of to slay his brother Jacob. Born Again Christians are grafted onto the House of Jacob through the Sethite Jesus Christ via the Holy Ghost. Jesus warned unless He shortened “Those Days” no Flesh would remain (Mat 24:22) Well people, “Those Days” are about here. Swan, Aztlan and Aztec mean “To be White”; think the days of Aztec beheadings are over? Guess again.
Donald Trump signs Executive Order authorizing the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL Pipeline. Standing Rock Sioux? bend over; Ogallala Aquifer? The water source of America’s Bread Basket polluted with Oil. Where is the US Citizen in all this? Ask Sinaloa Drug Cartel arming moron Rick Perry.
Millions of women march in Iran protesting the Hijab while the Women’s March turns the US Flag into an Arab Head scarf symbolic of Shariah Law. The Hijab is no more Muslim than ISIS; the Arab Head Scarf has been in use since the Nabbatean era (15BC), used for Arab Elite and “Respectable Women” as opposed to Prostitutes and “Lower Class”. Red, White and Blue are Masonic Colors; Masonry is called “Craft”; hence Red, White and Blie are the colors of Witchcraft; recall Neo in the Matrix was offered a Red and Blue Pill; Masons progress from the Blue Lodge (Porch Brethren) to the Red Lodge (Esoteric Masonry) and to the Great White Brotherhood (Luciferian Brotherhood). 1 Cor 11:5 “But every woman that prayeth of prophesieth (Prophesy is understanding the World of God; Prophecy is pre-written history) with her head uncovered dishounoureth her head…” Hijab means “Partition or Curtain”, not head covering; the Hijab fills a similar role as the Kippah, Yarmulke, Zuchetti worn by fake Jews and fake Christian clergy to replace the Temple Veil Jesus tore in half at the Crucifixion. Quran Sura 24:30 uses “Khimer (Head Cover) and Jilbab (Cloak) referencing Muhammad’s call for modesty; wearing a Hijab American Flag calls attention, not modesty. Artist Shepard Fairley created the Obama “HOPE” poster and the Hijab Poster; appropriately, he owns OBEY Clothing; the Hijab represents Obeying Shariah Law; the Yarmulke represents Obeying Noahide Law; both Laws force rejection of Jesus Christ as God in Flesh. “Hope” comes from 1 cor 13:13 “Faith, Hope and Charity”, the latter changed to “Love” in new versions because Charity means “Love of God”. Islam was created using the writings of the Phoenician/Canaanite trained St Augustine “City of God”; the basis of Zionism. Joining Islam is as simple as saying “There is no God but Allah”; do this knowing who Allah really is and Hell for Eternity awaits. Allah is the 4000 year old moon god “Sin”, one of 3 principle Arab deities Al Lah, Uzza, Manat representing the Moon, Sun and Venus. The UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” WWIII was planned to pit Zionism against Islam, on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871, the anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths taken in the crypt of St Denis Cathedral Aug 15, 1534; Denis is Dionysus (Bacchus) aka “Green Man”, Arabs call “al Khidr”. Islam and Zionism are simple 2 sides of the Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis; the Synthesis being Luciferian Religion, the religion of Freedom and LIberty from God that began with Joktan (Arabs) and Peleg (Archipelago=Land separated by Water) 100 years after the Flood. JESUS (JEHOVAH Ex 6:3, JAH Ps 68:4KJV, JESUS Mat 1:25KJV) is the LIVING WATER. Ask JESUS for a Baptism of the Holy Ghost and stop being led like Sheep to the Slaughter!
777 represents perfection on 3 planes: Matter, Astral (Mental/Soul) and Spirit. Donald (Lord/King of the World) Trump (Trumpet) commissioned this picture of the Jan 21, 2017 Inauguration for the White House Press Hall; the Inauguration was Jan 20th. Why? Donald is 70 Years, 7Months, 7 Days on Jan 21 (21=777). AMORC (Rosucricians in America) Liber 777 Celestial Sanctum and Aleister Crowley Liber 777 and other Qabalistic Writings may ring a Baal. Lamech the last Patriarch before the Flood lived 777 years; Jan 21 is the Dawning/Inauguration of Aquarius “Water Pourer”. In HBO’s mini-series “Young Pope” the Big Dipper is where God is; pretty coincidental eh? Himalayan Masters teach the “Celestial Man”=777; guess where Noah exited the Ark after the Flood? Mt Ararat, Turkey? Guess Again; Chomolongmo “Earth Mother” aka Mt Everest. “They came from the East” to Babel (Gen 11:2KJV) not “They came to the East” like new versions claim. The Ethiopian book Wisdom of Sibyl ascribes the last of 9 cycles 777 years to the “Master of the World”. Pope Francis I and Benedict XVI recommended reading the book “Lord of the World”; pretty coincidental eh? “I am the resurrection”=777; CIA Director wanna be Mike Pompeo (Pompeii eruption may ring a Baal) said “Jesus is the only way for the world”; Jesus,Jah, Jehovah was rejected; JESUS, JAH, JEHOVAH (SPIRITUAL) is now the only way. Orthodox (Having the correct interpretation) Messiah=777; No part of scripture is subject to “Private Interpretation”. Yeshua Saves and Yeshua Messiah both =777; Yeshua is the Antichrist not JESUS. “Filled with Light”=777; Lucifer “Light Bearer” may ring a Baal. Can you see the Writing on the White House Wall yet?
Donald Trump Executive Order: US withdraws from TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership); NAFTA and TTIP likely next; Why? read Rev 18 “Babylon has fallen” America is to become the Scapegoat for “Babylon” in preparation for the reveaing of Antichrist. A Pacific Rim Trade War is beginning.
Donald Trump signs Executive Order; Immigration blocked from Terrorist harboring Nations: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen; the nations listed by Crypto fake Jew, Rhodes Scholar, Balkan Butcher, Waco mass murderer Gen Wes Clark (Samaritan Kohen) in 2007 are the nations the US has destoyed to create Refugee Immigrants. Turkey arms, finances, sells ISIS stolen oil and supplies ISIS passports. Why isn’t Turkey on the list? ISIS is a homegrown Terror Organization not Islamic in the slightest, just like al Qaeda.
Donald Trump to begin construction of Mexico Wall; paid for by 20% Import Tarrifs; same day Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto threatens US Diplomacy over the Wall and cancels a planned meeting with Donald Trump. US Citizens pay for the Wall with higher priced imports ie Food and Cars (eg TARP funds were used to close US Auto factories and open them in Mexico; Obama set the stage for Trump) and Mexico responds with a Trade War closing markets for US imports. “Power to the People”? Hardly.
Donald Trump preparing Executive Order lifting ban on CIA Black Site Prisonss
Donald Trump proposes UN Bill; US to withdraw UN Membership, end funding for UN “Peacekeeping” Operations and end UN Diplomatic Immunity. This will never pass, but might get the Donald axed. All these Executive Orders go directly against what Mike Pence wants. Don’t be shocked if all this comes to a Martial Law screeching halt.
Jan 26
The 50 m-high domed structure would be built using 3D printing of lunar soil. ESA (European Space Agency) announces plans for “Moon Temple for the Unity of Mankind”. Same day Atomic Scientists move the Doomsday Clock ahead to 2 1/2 minutes from Midnight. Who says Science isn’t Political? Why 2 1/2 Mins? The Age of Aquarius. 150 Minutes indicates 150 degrees from Regulus “Law Giver” (Alpha Leo) to the east boundary of Aquarius; the “Sign” of the Age of Aquarius. 1656 years from Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 years to the crowning of Sargon the Great “Legitimate King” (Kingship Legitimacy begins at adulthood, 21 years)=5996 years. The 2017 Jubilee Year will likely begin the final 3 1/2 Yr 1260 day Great Tribulation. Jesus returns for His Bride when creation is precisely 6000 Years old (3 Pet 3:8) I suggest you make yourself ready.
Moon Temple will be located in Shackelton Crater because Earth will only be visible 2 Weeks at a time; one portal aimed toward Earth, the other toward Space. Arabs begin with Joktan and Peleg; in their days 100 years after the Flood, humanity was divided by Water; JESUS being the Holy Ghost aka “Living Water”. Arab Unity of mankind? Count me out; Arabs worship Al-Lah, Manat and Uzza, the 3 daughters of Allah being the Moon, Venus and Sun; Al-Lah is “Sin”, Joktan’s 4000+ year old Moon God. Lucifer is the “Man of Sin”; the UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”. Speaking of Luciferian Initiations.
Doomsday Clock moved up solely due to Donald Trump? Hardly, Trump is opposed (at least publically) to War with Russia; not the case with most of his Cabinet and VP. The Doomsday Clock move was due to Climate Change Trump rates Climate Change as a Hoax in public; Trump is an Oath Sworn Knight of Malta pledged to serve the Jesuits in charge of the Vatican. “The triumph of science is finally realizing Earth can only support 1 billion people” Jesuit Pope Francis I’s Encyclical (Teaching Paper) Laudato Si (Be Praised). What’s a world to do with a Rogue US President? Ask Mike Pence who chose Trump’s cabinet. “They shall put you out of the Synagogues: yea the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doith God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me” Want to get kicked out of a Synagogue? Just say “Jesus is God in Flesh”. When He said “Go forth and multiply” He did not mean “…until Earth has 1 billion people”
Isaac Silvera (Isaac “He Laughs” + Silver “To Refine”; Silver) Obama appointee to Vietnam Education Foundation) and Harvard Natural Sciences Professor creates Metallic Hydrogen: The Holy Grail of Physics How? Cooling Hydrogen H2 to 5.5K at 10,000ATM in a Diamond Casket. Masons are buried in Diamond shaped caskets with 555 on them because Diamond is Metastable, Refined Carbon; Luciferian Masons being the Highest Refined forms of Carbon based Life; Gag me. 5=V=Nail; Jesus refines Christians as He did His Word as Silver in the Refiner’s Fire. H in Hebrew means “God is with me” seen in Abram becoming Abraham; Sarai becoming Sarah. Hydrogen, the “Star Stuff” of Physics fuses to form He (Helium); Jesus’ title is “I Am He”; in SPIRIT “I AM HE”. Catching on yet? At the 7000 year point, God will create a New Heaven and New Earth by melting with “Fervent Heat” the Elements; Satanists will try to duplicate this soon, raising New Atlantis as a Phoenix from the Flames. Metallic Hydrogen is claimed to be a room temperature Super-conductor, capable of creating strong Magnetic Fields, Unlimited Free Electricity, and Interstellar Rocket Fuel. Metastable Hydrogen? Or Metastable Lucifer? Hydrogen as a non-metal is invisible; as a metal, Hydrogen becomes Black and Lustrous; “The Shining” or “2001: A Space Odyssey” Black Monolith may ring a Baal. Pretty coincidental the Star Based Periodic Table of Elements was published a few days ago eh? NOT! Folks, It’s an Idiotic Table of Elements just like the Idiot Einstein whose Bose-Einstein Condensate led to Metallic Hydrogen. Time to get He on your side folks!
Bible left undamaged, open to Ps 46 amid tornado damage at William Corey University on Jan 25th; about as miraculous as the unburned bible open to the end of Millannium scripture Joel 1:15-19 at Dollywood as Adultress Dolly Parton was appearing on “The Voice”. Ps 46 is the 666th Chapter from Beginning to End of Scripture; the last verse is #1776 from the end of scripture matches the year of America’s National birth seen on the $US ONE. “Shake” (V3) is the 46th word; “Spear” (V9) the 46th word from the end. Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon and the Knights of the Golden Hemet) coded the chapters to reflect this; Obama read Ps 46 at the 9/11 Memorial in 2011 for this reason; 6 years later, a new 9/11 event likely being planned. Shakespeare is Pallas-Athena shaking their Spears in times of War. Ps 46,47,48 detail Israel’s national deliverance in Hezekiah’s day from the Assyrians; fitting as fake Presbyterian (unknown to most Presbyterians, Kirkin O Tartan celebrates Assyrian captivity in the Presbyterian Churches) Donald Trump’s (Donald Drumpf=666; 666ft tall Trump Tower; 666 5th Av Tower; $666M, 666ft tall One Journal Square Tower) Nationalistic platform and Scottish Tartan (Clan McLeod) is the Double Headed Eagle of Lagash; Tartan the name of the Assyrian Army Commander making the Treasonous Deal with Ephraim leading to Assyrian captivity. The 3 Psalms fortell the 2nd Coming; in this case, the page left open fortelling the end of America and arrival of the Antichrist. William Shakespeare was said to be 46 when the Authorized Bible was published in 1611. A lot of Occult Communication in that Psalm.
Jonah’s Tomb in Mosul revealed. Destroyed by ISIS (US/Israel/Turkey/Russia) in 2014 and revealed same day Ps 46 appears in MIssissippi; a sign from God? Don’t bet on it. Mosul is across the Tigris from Nineveh, the Assyrian capital; Asshur built Nineveh, not Nimrod as new bible versions claim; in doing so . The Quran changes Jonah’s faith in God claiming that during the storm, Lots (Purim means “Cast Lots”) were drawn 3 times and fell on Jonah, so they tossed him overboard; the bible says Jonah willingly gave himself to God and asked the men to choose him. In the belly of the fish 3 days and 3 nights, Jonah became a symbol of Jesus being in the sephulchre 3 days and 3 nights (no not Good Friday at Even to first light Sunday); a warning the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation is about to begin? We’ll soon see. Jonah delivered the LORD’s 40 Day warning to Nineveh who repented; this may be a similar 40 day warning leading up to Purim 2017 (Mar 11-12).
“A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas” Mat 16:4
Purim has hosted celebrations of death such as the Gulf War I “Highway of Death” slaughter, Cave of Patriarchs, Gulf War II “Shock and Awe”, Sichuan China Earthquake, Concepcion (Sichuan’s sister city) Chile Earthquake, Libyan War and Brussels Airport Bombing. The modern day Pharisees just got their sign of Jonah; if history repeats a Brussels Airport Bombing Part Deux? Nice timing with Trump stopping Immigrants at the Airports amid nationwide protests eh?
Jan 29
After conversation with Vladimir Putin, Trump signs Executive Order for Military to submit plan for defeating IS (Islamic State) in Iraq and Syria (Levant) aka ISIL (Islamic State in Levant), DAESH (Nation of Islam in Levant) within 30 Days. The Draft plan, to be submitted to Jesuit Sec of Defense Gen Mad Dog/Chaos Mattis. How about stop arming, financing and training IS? Russian Cargo Ship Mol Comfort split in half enroute from Singapore to Jeddah with 5000 Shipping containers full of Russian weapons headed for IS. Turkish Cargo Ship Nour M, was intercepted by Greek Coast Guard carrying 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and Ammunition destined for IS. US Apache Helicopters routinely escort IS convoys full of US State Dept issued Toyota SUV’s. There was little difference between Hitler and Stalin and there is little difference between Trump and Putin. Time to wake up! “It’s fun to shoot people” Mad Dog Mattis.
Trump proposes Callista Gingrich as Vatican Ambassador. Born Year One Satan 1966, Callista (“Beautiful”; 4th moon of Jupiter; mother of Arcas by Zeus (Arcas is Ursa Minor “Little Dipper” meaning Bear; the root of King Arthur “Bear Guard”; Callisto is the Big Dipper; Arcas is “Little Horn” aka Antichrist), in 1993 she met 33 degree Luciferian Mason, lifelong fake Southern Baptist, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipping Newt (“Lizard”; Newt was named after the T-Rex skull he kept on display in his Congressional Office), fined by the House Ethics Committee $300K after the affair became public. Newt was 1st married to his HS Math teacher, whom he began an affair with at 16. After a 6 Yr Secret, Adulterous affair, Newt’s 19 Yr 2nd Marriage to Marianne whom he compared to a Jaguar (requires maintenance) when she was diagnosed with MS, was officially annulled (by the Catholic Church not by God) and Callista (Jezebel) and Newt were married. 33 Degree Mason, Crypto (fake convert) Newt converted to Catholicism, became an Oath sworn Papal Knight of Malta and joined Opus Dei (new Opus Dei Prelate Fernando Ocariz co-authored the Opus Dei Doctrine of Faith). Callista, educated at Luther College (Martin Luther was also a Papal Knight, of the Black Cloister who later married a Nun) is a Choir member of the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception; the Basilica housing the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of the Doctrine of Immaculate Conception; the Gnostic doctrine teaches Mary was absolved of “Original Sin”, she became Sinless by being the chosen vessel for God, and remained sinless throughout her life and eternity, becoming a Co-redemptix” with her son; Unbiblical Papal Bull nonsense dating from 1854 “Ineffabilis” by Pope Pius IX. The Vatican was handed control of the Temple Mount, King David’s Tomb and Cenacle (Upper Room of the Last Supper); the Vatican is controlled by Jesuits just like the United States. Pope Francis I, teaches the death of 6 Billion people is necessary for the good of the Earth and Jesuit General Arturo (Arturo=Arthur=Bear) Sosa. Donald Trump is a Knight of Malta; Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is Opus Dei. So, folks, is it time to wake up yet?
Holding hands (May has a fear of steps), in first head of state visit with Theresa May since she and China’s President celebrated the New Silk Road Railroad; framed between them is Bi-sexual, 33 degree Luciferian Mason, Druid Winston Churchill and Freemason, Order of Cincinatti (American Royalty named after Roman farmer turned dictator Cincinatus) George Washington. May is protecting the 9th Circle Child Pedophile/Sacrifice Cult in Britain; Donald hiding his involvement with Jeff Epstein and Pedophile Island; a match made in Hell.
Jan 30
Trump’s 7 Nation Immigration Ban are the 7 Nations Wes Clark outlined in 2007; Iran is the only nation remaining. Right on cue, Iran tests Ballistic Missile; Trump is committed to ending Tehran’s Ballistic Missile program. Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat (Dan 8) aka WWIII will reveal “Little Horn” aka Antichrist; his Throne of Pergamon/Satan is in the 3rd Temple
Nascent Sanhedrin re-institutes 1/2 Shekel Silver Tithe for 3rd Temple during the 2017 Jubilee Year. Rich or poor, the requirement for 1/2 Shekel (1/5 Oz) was an Atonement Tithe for the Soul (Ref Ex 30:15); Tithing is only legal to be collected by a legitimate Levite Priesthood; there is none. Jesus redeems the souls of everyone in the New Covenant FREE of CHARGE; the Sanhedrin who Crucified Him are now collecting the Tithe for the 3rd Temple of Antichrist and training the Levite Priests and Kohanim “Chief Priest” for the soon to be built Temple in Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV Jesus replaced the Levite Priesthood (Heb 7); want to pay your Tithe? Ask JESUS; He paid it for you! The Jerusalem Bible uses “…atonement for yourselves” as opposed to “…atonement for your souls” KJV. JESUS is the Judge of every soul on Earth; you may recall Jesus turned the tables on the Temple “Money Changers” who were selling sacrificial animals; Jesus offered Himself for free. I suggest taking Him up on His offer. This Jubilee is a Satanic Jubilee!
NASA releases pictures of Saturn’s moon Tethys; Why now? “Order out of Chaos” Terthys symbolizes of the completed “Death Star”. Tethys means “Grandmother”, the Titan sea goddess and sister-wife of Oceanus “god of the sea” is the eldest Titan of Uranus (Sky/Heaven) and Gaia (Earth); the Union of Heaven and Earth is the Divine Union or Sacred Marriage, a one way ticket to Hell symbolized by the Six Pointed Star (Union of Up and Down Triangle; Trump uses the down Triangle sign habitually along with the 666 sign “OK”) of Saturn.
Trilateral Commission Member Appointed To National Security Council Kenneth I. Juster
Juster has also served as Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Vice Chairman of the Board of the Asia Foundation, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the American Academy of Diplomacy.
Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.
In his position as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, Juster will continue the Trilateral Commission’s 44 year hegemony over economic affairs with its stated intent to create a “New International Economic Order.” Juster’s elitist resume indicates that he is a key Trilateral operative within globalist circles.
Juster’s first exposure to the Trilateral Commission occurred early in his career, during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, when he worked one summer on the staff of the National Security Council under Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder and principal strategist for the Commission.
As carefully documented in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, Trilateral Commission members have been directly responsible for the creation of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy), Agenda 21 and other UN programs.
Trilateral Commission turns 44 in 2017. Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix. Donald Trump is the 44th person elected US President. Zedekiah was the 44th and last King of Israel. Gematria of Solomon’s Cube aka Saturn’s Cube is 44
Iraqi Helpers Will Be Exempt From Travel Ban; Mattis
Iraqis who aided the American military on the battlefield will be exempt in President Donald Trump’s revised immigration executive order, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Monday. Trump has vowed to issue a new executive order this week after his initial order banning travel from seven majority Muslim countries, including Iraq, was blocked by the courts.
Mattis made an unannounced trip to the Iraqi capital Baghdad Monday, in an act of support for an operation to recapture the city of Mosul from Islamic State militants. While there, he assuaged fears that the United States would attempt to take the country’s oil, as Trump has often stated is his wish.
But he also attempted to reassure thousands of Iraqis who had played crucial roles in aiding U.S. military efforts in the country over more than a decade.
“Right now, I am assured that we will take steps to allow those who have fought alongside us, for example, to be allowed into the United States,” Mattis said. “They will be vetted obviously by their performance on the battlefield beside us.”
The initial executive order, signed last month, made no accommodations for those interpreters, advisors and others that have worked alongside the U.S. military.
Trump said when announcing plans for a revised executive order last week that it would be tailored to the federal court decision that so earned the president’s ire by halting its implementation
Israel destroys drinking water pipeline in Jordan Valley
FEMA have arrived at Travis Air Force Base in Southern California in readiness for the Oroville Dam to completely collapse.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the storms currently raging through Southern California are very likely to lead to the Dam failing.
The same day Bill Nye the Science Lie and Luciferian Mason Buzz “Lightyear” Aldrin put on a Mars “Fashion Show” in New York; the same day Mars Habitat on Mono Lake began.
I have heard that Monaco was named after Hercules “The One” I just always thought that was nifty.
How can we manage to organize a U.S.-crewed orbital Mars mission by the mid-2030s when we never even went to the moon? The idea is laughable, as was Obama’s administration, if I may add ”
– Yale Professor David Gelernter
Makes you wonder what they are up to…. throw some truth at us now so they can deceive us later?
Yes, the old wolve in sheep’s clothing tactical ploy. Indeed Matthew