The Yoke of Jacob
Updated MH-17 Hoax)
Edomites are under the “Yoke” of Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV); when they obtain “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule), their “New World Order” (Novus Ordo Seclorum=New Secular Order) based on Freedom and Liberty from God will be Hell on Earth for those of us who are not Free of God.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Masonic motto for instigating Revolutions since 1776 means Liberty (Liber is Bacchus, Dionysus, Templar “Green Man” aka Lucifer) from God, Equality with God and Fraternity among like minded Gnostics who believe they can become Gods. “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” Jesus Christ (Jn 9:5). Jesus was rejected in Flesh and JESUS is about to be rejected in Spirit; the “New Light” is Lucifer. Without the Holy Ghost, the only option on the table is becoming an “Earth Dweller” and membership in this “New World Order” requires “Luciferian Initiation” and the “Mark of the Beast”.
ISIS “Throne or Lap of Antichrist” (Black Virgin if you prefer) are threatening Embassies worldwide; 1500 APC’s and 52 Howitzers added to the arsenal 7/14. The US trained ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi at Camp Bucca in Umm Qasr, Iraq, now called “Basra Gateway” (Basra or Bozrah means “Edom’s Sheepfold”). Daniel received his vision from Jesus and Angel Gabriel 2700 years ago in Basra. Muhammad also had an alleged visit from Angel Gabriel during Ramadan in 610 AD when the Quran was delivered. Quran or the Word of God? You decide, but I would decide fast because Daniel got sick and fainted hearing what is about to happen (Ref Dan 8). al Baghdadi gave a sermon in Kabul on the day Iraqi forces claim they killed him in Qaim; all Gnostic BS! The US State Dept prepared in advance by purchasing (Solicitation Orders FY14-GC-272 thru 282) large quantities of C-4 Shape Charges, Liquid explosives, Blasting Caps, Fuse Igniters etc for shipment to Embassies worldwide via Diplomatic Pouch Mail, not subject to TSA, BATFE, Customs or Postal inspection; sounds like a repeat of bin Laden and the Kenyan Embassy bombing eh? Heading this operation is Sec of State John Kerry (Samaritan Kohen), a Molech worshiping Skull & Bones (Brotherhood of Death) as well as a Jesuit beholden to the Black Pope, Luciferian Freemason, Knight of Malta and Bohemian Grove initiate. Where is John? At Bohemian Grove of course!
Malaysia Flt MH-17: Modern Day Trojan Horse
Cargo Handlers at Amsterdam loaded dozens of blood drained corpses and blood packets onto MH-17; passengers boarded; pilots said nothing about the illegal cargo and first responders were never warned? BS! The Trojan Horse was not loaded with soldiers; it was loaded with decaying corpses and brought voluntarily into the walls of Troy; the resulting destruction is legendary. MH-17 may be the modern day Trojan Horse and the Death Train arrived in the Netherlands on 7/23. So what happened? No way Cargo handlers at AMS would load corpses and tainted blood onto a commercial airliner. MH 17 was likely a Remote Flown B-777 (GA Telesis aircraft from Tel Aviv?), intentionally flown over Eastern Ukraine and shot down by NATO using a Russian SU-25. It’s plague riddled cargo sent by train to Europe. Far fetched? 9/11/2001 and MH-370 were the same act.
On the 70th anniversary of the “Bretton Woods” Gold Agreement, BRICS formed a New World Order Bank, Israel invaded Gaza and MH-17 stole the headlines. MH-17 will force airliners to install “Flight Guard” @ $1M/commercial jet; Chaff, Flares, ECM work on unsophisticated MANPAD IR missiles, not on Radar guided missiles like Buc. $50,000 Cockpit Doors from 9/11; $70,000 Fuel Pumps from TWA-800 seem like chump change. Money shines through as a prime motivator. A 17 yr old to the day B-777 allegedly crashes with a cargo hold full of decomposing corpses and blood samples with 108 epidemiologists, AIDS, Influenza and WHO Ebola Bio-weapon Virologist Stephen Becker heading for a UN AIDS Conference in Oz. The incident even matches the script for the 2012 season opener of the BBC series Sherlock “A scandal in Belgravia” Who would load dead corpses onto an Airliner/Drone to create “Order out of Chaos” ? WHO=UN=NATO; WHO Director Margaret Chan works for Order of the British (B’Rith=Birthright=Cain-Ishmael-Esau) Empire head Prince Phillip; his stated desire is to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus”. The number 17 is the number of ill omen for Italy called the “Admirable Sacrament”.
What’s the big plan?
- The Roman Catholic Church is being destroyed as a Scapegoat for “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” (Rev 17).
- America is being destroyed as a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Gate of Lucifer).
- Palestine is being destroyed as the Scapegoat for the “House of Esau” (ref Obadiah).
- Russia will be the Scapegoat for “Gog” (Eze 38:1; Rev 20:8); Don’t fall for these Lies!
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) will destroy the Twin Pillars of the world economy, the IMF and World Bank; Bankers planned and control both sides of WWIII. Brics are the new Bricks in the Chaldean Tower of Babel destroying the World Reserve Currency, the $US. On 7/17 the BRICS Development Bank was created to handle the shift away from the $US. 7/17 is the anniversary of Catherine the Great murdering her husband Peter III to become Empress of Russia. 7/17 is the anniversary of the murder of Tzar Nicholas II and the Romanov family by Wall St henchmen Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) and Lenin. 7/17 is the anniversary of 33 degree Masons Churchill, Stalin and Truman carving up Europe at the Potsdam Conference; FDR didn’t have the heart for Atomic Bombing of civilians so he was murdered; Truman had no such qualms. BRICS originated in Yekaterinburg, Russia named after Peter the Great’s wife Ekaterina? Hardly, Gnostic Cathars (Catharsis means “Discharge of Pent up emotion”) and Catharine meaning “Pure”, “Hecate” (Goddess of Witchcraft) and “Torture” more like.
In Mathematics 7/17/1717 is called the “Day of the Yellow Pigs”; the number 17 denotes an initiate who has succeeded at his “Inner Marriage” aka Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. The Swine Herd Jesus allowed the demons called “Legion” to inhabit might ring a Baal here.
On 7/17 the UN AIDS conference was discussing progress on a Swine Flu Pandemic and the DOD ordering the Def Logistic Agency to acquire and distribute massive quantities of Novartis (Swiss) and BioCSL (Australia) Swine Flu Vaccine worldwide by Aug 29, 2014.
On 7/17, MH-17 was a 17 year old B-777, allegedly carrying 108 AIDS, Swine and Avian Flu and Ebola experts heading to Melbourne aka Oz. 77 is Oz; Aleister Crowley’s “Sabbath Goat on the Altar”.
Another Media Diversion??
UN AIDS Conference, BRICS, Israel Ground Invasion of Gaza and MH-17 all on 7/17? MH-17 is likely just another Edomite media diversion.
Here’s Why.
On the 65th anniversary of NATO, electronic warfare exercises BREEZE 2014 (Radar jamming AWACS was also involved with MH-370 “disappearing” from civilian radar) and Rapid Trident II were in progress. shows MH-17 was cancelled on 7/17. Ukraine separatists allegedly posted a video about the crash to Youtube the day before. MH-17 disappeared from Radar over Germany; and changed course over Poland; the same thing happened on 9/11 when remote flown A/C replaced the commercial flights. Dozens of long dead, blood drained, decomposing corpses and blood packets were found at the incident site; no way cargo handlers could load this onto a civilian airliner. Ukraine Security Service allegedly stormed Borispol Tower and confiscated Kiev Air Traffic Control tapes; ARTCC is not in the Tower nor in control of Class A airspace; nice try. Where are voice recorder, engine data, radar data, navigation data, ACARS data and Position reports? Allegedly, an Su-25 shadowed MH-17 on its northward flight path deviation which began in Poland; previous flights went south of Ukraine; the US says no, but with BREEZE 2014 in progress, rest assured they know. Video footage shows MH-17 descending with its right engine on fire; if authentic, an air to air IR missile may have taken it out; not a Buk SAM or bomb. The implications are enormous as NATO planned the False Flag and in fact, sends arms to Russia. A US Satellite was allegedly over the area; where are the photos? Was MH-17 shot down using a Russian Buk Surface to Air Missile? NO! Operating a Buk Missile system requires radar guidance and transponder interrogation; with flight intercept, this involves many people including likely German or Polish ARTCC; not something “Rebels” could pull off, and there are no shrapnel marks on fuselage parts. Inflight disintegration from Buk Missile shrapnel would result; intact bodies and pristine Passports at the crash site? Not likely. The passports shown were not only pristine, but new with no Visas or Stamps; some were punched and clipped, indicating they were expired or otherwise unfit for travel. On 7/21 the bodies and blood drained cadavers were sent in refrigerated train cars on a 17 Hr ride to Kharkiv and from there to the Netherlands; great idea if spreading disease is the goal. The reasonable thing to do is incinerate the deadly cargo. The “Death Train” will arrive in Europe on the Grand Climax of the Begone Dull Care Ritual in Bohemian Grove; Coincidence? Cockpit Voice Recorder and Flight Data Recorders also turned in to ICAO on 7/21; if right engine is on fire, it was not a Buk Missile; it was a US-NATO-Poroshenko “False Flag” operation. Was there even a missile attack on a commercial airliner at all? On 9/11 remotely flown aircraft swapped transponder codes with airliners; was this done again? Crisis Actors in Sandy Hook and Chinese mourners in Beijing holding signs in English within an hour of MH-370 failing to arrive, and NATO nations Britain and France arming Russia should wake anyone up. AWACS has the capability to remotely take over commercial airliners with the Boeing Un-interruptible Auto-Pilot, and AWACS was in the area with the express mission of monitoring civilian air traffic.
Dialectic: Arm both sides and light the fuse..
Kiev is a US proxy managed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski detailed in “The Grand Chessboard” Putin is a lifelong KGB=CIA asset. Putin sends arms to both sides as does the US. Recall Turkish Ship Mour M and Russian ship Mol Comfort both had massive amounts of Russian weapons bound for “Rebels”; Kerry was even waiting for the Russian ship with “Friends of Syria” in Saudi Arabia. Moscow trains Saudi Military Brass and the US arms them. Britain sends Russia weapons as does France, both NATO countries. NATO wants War and likely planned the Air to Air Missile shoot down of MH-17; Supreme Allied Commander Gen Phil Breedlove attended Bilderberg 2014 for a reason and MH-17 might just give it to them.
Malaysia is a Rothschild (Red=Edom Shield) controlled, Edomite (Hashemite) dictatorship just like Israel and Britain (B’Rith=Birthright); yes I know you think Israel is Jewish; the Six Pointed Star of Saturn is Chaldean not Jewish. Kuala Lumpur is home to the War Crimes Commission which has convicted Israel, Britain and the US of war crimes relating to the Gulf Wars. MH-17 took off from Schipol Airport 100% dominated by Israeli Security firm ICTS. MH-17 allegedly had a cargo hold full of decomposing, blood drained corpses and countless packets of blood. Airport Security allowing decomposing corpses and blood aboard an airliner? A flagrant violation of International Law; Don’t think so. Viruses stored in semi-dry flesh? The work of Bio-weapons experts.
MH-370 also had a Bio-hazard cargo aboard; 2 Trident (Operation Trident II ringing a Baal?) Bio-security guards were murdered guarding it in Abu Dhabi which is just now operating Customs pre-clearance direct flights into America. Obama celebrated Ramadan in the White House on 7/14 with United Arab Emirates and Saudi leaders; pretty coincidental eh? Dr Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Medical Center near Amsterdam works Dr Yoshihiro Kawaoka Major Horatio Ishi and Unit #731 should ring a Baal here; WHO is the modern day Unit #731. “Weaponized Killer Viruses like Ebola, Swine Flu and Avian Flu were designed to kill 90% of the world’s population” 108 Virologists with advance knowledge of an upcoming UN sponsored Ebola/Flu Pandemic? How many people have become infected and are now infecting others from decomposing corpses and aerosol blood at the MH-17 accident scene? The US ordered massive quantities of Swine Flu Vaccines, deliverable by Aug 29, 2014 and all 50 states have JBAIDS testing equipment and 1000 mobile hospitals ready. Good preparation eh? Why the Ukraine? Kawoaka bragged “My new Swine Flu virus is Unstoppable”. Fouchier bragged “A human to human transmissible virus, even moderately fatal, will become a plague of unimaginable proportions”
Ukraine is home to exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings aka Priests of the Prince “Satan”, the Chaldean Priest builders of the Tower of Babel; Noble Caste “Aryans” if you prefer. In Farsi Obama means “He is with us”.
Schipol Airport was made famous by Christmas Bomber Farouk Abudulmutallib (story was complete BS; he shares the name with Muhammad’s Hashemite Quyraish Tribe uncle; hilarious isn’t it? Hashemites are Edomites; Quyraish are the Rebel Priests from Moses’ day God swallowed up in the Earth) and the debut of $Trillion worth of Full Body Image Scanners and Back Scatter X-Ray machines ($250,000/machine) at 49,000 commercial airports, each needing one to dozens of machines; another $Trillion lie promoted by American-Israeli Michael Chertoff and Sodomite Janet Napolitano aka FEMA District #10 chief. The 18th anniversary of TWA-800 was also 7/17, the downing of that aircraft resulted in unnecessary replacement of Fuel Boost Pumps in thousands of commercial aircraft @ $70,000 per pump; each aircraft has between 6 and 10 pumps so do the math and it’s another $Trillion lie. ICTS subsidiary Huntleigh supplied security on 9/11/2001 at Boston and Washington Dulles Airport; add another $50,000 for each Cockpit Door for every commercial airliner because of Arab hijackers with box cutters BULLSHIT! Money shines through as the prime motivator. MH-17 will facilitate aircraft the Israeli “Flight Guard” missile defense system installed (chaff/flares) as Israel’s El Al Airlines uses. Money folks, follow the Money.
Where is Obama? In addition to closing on a $4.5M mansion in Rancho Mirage CA, on 7/14 Obama hosted an Iftar (Break Fast) Ramadan Dinner at the White House with “Muslim” leaders who listened to his praise of Israel and to Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer (Neocon shill tied to Bush family, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mitt Romney and Sheldon Adelson) justifying Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Palestine with DIME, White Phosphorous and Flechette Munitions all designed to maim and torture. WTF Over? Think these guys are Jewish or Muslim? Guess Again; their Satanists.
Indonesia illegally annexed E Timor on 7/17 after the CIA coup that installed Suharto left 2 million dead; AF 1 with Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld lifted off as the first shots were fired. Lolo Soetoro a Colonel under Suharto and Barry Soetoro (Obama) a Madrassa schooled Indonesian passport holding citizen trained as Mujaheddin “Warrior of Allah”. Obama has no US Passport, no US Citizenship, no valid Social Security Card and was never sworn to defend the Constitution so don’t blame him; he’s doing his job quite well!
The 7th Prime Number 17 is the number of the Holy Spirit; number of the “Son of Man”; 10 Commandments written in 17 verses; number of the Karmic evolution of the Cosmos; Man participating on the Celestial and Terrestrial planes; junction between the Spiritual and Material Worlds; Sufi mystics use 17 for the World in Balance; 17 companions of Ali; 17 nations at Pentecost and the ominous number in Italy equivalent with 13 in the West meaning “I Lived; therefore I am Dead”. This is why the Grand Lodge of England adopted Speculative Masonry in 1717; the White House is on 17th St and the last staged Apollo mission was 17. Obadiah is Book #17; the shortest book was written by Jesus declaring the annihilation of the House of Esau.
The Old covenant is the 7th contract between God and Man + the 10 nations of the confederacy against God in Psalm 83:6-9.
The Covenant with Abram and Isaac is described in Gen 17; Amalek wars with Israel in the Wilderness of Sin in Ex 17; Aarons Rod buds in Num 17, Offerings to the LORD must be perfect in Deut 17 and “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” is described in Rev 17 for a reason. The Roman number of ill omen is 17 and the Scapegoat for Rev 17 is the Roman Catholic Church, like America and Palestine they are about to be destroyed in preparation for the coming false Messiah. The number 17 is called the “Admirable Sacrament”. “And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire and used divination and enchantments and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger” 2 Ki 17:17 Amurru Khan (American) is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd about to be Admirably Sacrificed. MH-17: M=13 H=8 (He is Jesus’ title meaning “God is with me”; Abram becomes Abraham; Sarai becomes Sarah. 13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life”. Life through an Admirable Sacrament making sense now? Now how does the Edomite Malaysia MH-17 look?
Osiris was martyred by Set and set adrift on 17 Athyr; Egyptians believed the date aligns with the 17th day of the 2nd Month when Noah’s Ark was set adrift. In Tarot, Card #17 “Star” refers to Chaldean STUR aka Six Pointed Star of Molech, Chiun, Ashtaroth, Milcom, and Chemosh. that Star on the flag of Israel is not Jewish in the slightest. Temple of Set founder NSA Gen Michael Aquino making sense now? NSA Spy Facility in the Beehive State aka Zion making sense now?
al-Qaeda and ISIS are US creations originating from the Iran-Contra “Drugs 4 Weapons” program during the Reagan administration with Mitt Romney and “Bain Capital” laundering the enormous profits. El Salvador’s “Civil War” created the conditions for MS-13, the Sinaloa Drug Cartel and Los Zetas to export violence into the US in “Constitution Free Zones” using US arms supplied during Operation Gun Runner; RPG’s, Grenades, SA-7’s, AK-47’s, Night Vision, Body Armor and Sniper Rifles. US Border Patrol and DHS even provides air transportation through “Orange Air LLC” (Limited Liability Corporation in a Constitution Free Zone financed by taxpayers lovely eh?) and the UN is set to declare the immigrants “Political Refugees”.
Tropical Storm “Nine” formed off Guam on 7/11; if you have not seen Tim Burton’s 9 now is a good time; it deals with extinction of the human race by machines; same theme as Wall E (Google Barges are ready), Terminator and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Persecuted debuts July 18; Christians are about to be tested as it was just after the Crucifixion. Time to take a stand folks; 9 is the number of Supreme Judgment/Justice.
Prophecy Summit II at Pike’s (Sodomite Mason Albert Pike planned WWIII; Masonic “Explorer” Zebulon Pike? Don’t think so) Peak July 25-27 (Sumerian Grand Climax Ritual in E-Barra was 27 July) in the Garden of the Gods (Watch out for Serpents!); Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Jesuit Lie), Gog and Magog (End of the Millennium over 1000 years away); Shroud of Turin (Black Nobility BS); Garden of Eden location, Fall of Rome just before the arrival of Jesus, 3rd Temple of God (Jesus destroys this), Shamanism and Nephilim (Not in the Authorized Bible but coincident with the Series “Extant”?) by 23 of the best Liars from Israel and the US set to fool Christians into accepting the False Messiah. Here are last year’s topics. BEE Careful folks!
The “False Flag” trigger for Bank Collapse? Negative LIBOR (aka LIBER is London Inter-bank Offering/Exchange Rate) sort of a global game of “Hot Potato” when banks will pay to hide assets. When? 7/20/2014 (Guessing) Now you know why Jesus turned the tables on the Money Changers. The latest entry into Central Banking is the Vatican and like all other Central Banks, London will determine Lending (Creditors) and Borrowing (Debtors). America: Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”. The Roman Catholic Church: Scapegoat for Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…”. Palestine: Scapegoat for House of Esau (Stubble is left after a Grain Harvest/Reaping) in Obadiah. All are about to be sacrificed by fire on the Altar to Molech. St Malachy said Rome would burn under Pope Francis’ term; this is a long term plan.
Bohemian Grove July 10-27 is the worship of Wisdom seen in the Owl mascot, a symbol of Athena, Ishtar (Easter) and Isis (Throne); “Begone, Dull Care” refers to the casting off of the Light of the world in E-Barra “Shining House”; that would be JESUS, the “Light of the World” and “Holy Ghost”. 2700 men practice plays called “Hi Jinx” dressed in women’s clothes (playing the role of Transvestites/Hierodules) amid idols if Isis and Athena is a little hard to explain to the average guy so distractions are created. 700 mile wide 120MPH Super Typhoon Neoguri (Korean “Racoon Dog”) heads for Japan (Rising Sun) and Fukushima on the 77th anniversary of the 7/7/1937 start of the Sino-Japan War which led straight into the Rape of Nanking and WWII. Donghak Religion is a Messianic synthesis of Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Korean (Korah=Core) Shamanism calling for WWIII, Seoul in flames, and “Mysterious Disease” which “Cuts the spirit cord of humanity”; that would be Plutonium Radiation slicing through DNA, which will soon cause the world’s largest Exodus across the 38th Parallel and Silk Road to the Karakoram Hwy (Noah’s ark settled on Mt Everest (Chumolungma=Earth Mother) not Turkey; Authorized Bible says “From” the East Gen 11:2), Islamabad, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Jordan to Har Megiddo. Project 911 is due completion by 9 Av “Tisha B’ Av”; Aug 4 is also Obama=He is with us; alleged birthday, so the timing is rather suspect. Cooling Water in Reactor #5 was shut down today; temperatures expected to soar and if not restored in days, a meltdown and atmospheric radiation release will occur. Israel launched Operation Protective Edge began 7/7 bombing 300+ targets in Gaza using US made F-16’s Apache Helicopters, UN banned White Phosphorous and DIME (Dense Inert Metal); 40,000 Reservists called up for possible ground assault (similar to 2006 “False Flag” Lebanon War over Bohemian Grove, Bush Jr attended). Israeli Lawmakers calling for genocide of Palestinians (No, they are not Edomites only the Scapegoat for the “House of Edom” in Obadiah) calling children “Little Snakes”. CNN says “Palestinians live in a culture of martyrdom; they want to die”. Israeli lawmakers state the goal is “To bomb Palestine infrastructure, roads and water back to the stone age”. Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo even predicted the “Casus Belli” kidnapping of Israeli teens 1 week on advance; another Masonic False Flag (Abbas and Netanyahu are born 33 degree Luciferian Masons) to justify War.
La Raza Unida (“United Race” announced plans on 7/13 to kill every American), Voz de Aztlan (Voice of Aztlan) and MEChA (Mestizo/Chicano Student Movement; similar to Taliban=Student) arrived in Murietta CA on 7/7 for “La Reconquista”; the conquest of Aztlan involves AZ, NM, Southern CA, SW Utah, SW CO, South FL and 1/2 Texas. MS-13 and 18th St gangs are recruiting immigrants from Catholic Churches, ICS Detention Facilities, Converted (BRAC facilitated this) US Military Facilities and Baptist Child and Family Services. All this is financed by taxpayers using HHS funds, DHS, Customs and Border Protection and the Red Cross. Rex-84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) began this treason on cue from George Orwell’s Book “1984”. Why 1984? Jesus began His public ministry at age 30 and lasted 3 1/2 years. Satanists are beginning their public ministry and it too will last 3 1/2 years of “Great Tribulation”. Obama (a Sodomite foreigner attended a fundraiser in Austin for La Raza advocate and Machete Director Robert Rodriquez before heading for AMORC (American Order of Rose and Cross) HQ in San Jose CA and a little one on one time with Molech at Bohemian Grove; Fund Raisers? BS! A “Death Train” with 1300 immigrants derailed heading for the border on 7/11; think US spy drones knew about it? Immigrants are warehoused with TB, Measles, Chicken Pox, Dengue Fever and Scabies before being recruited into gangs and transferred by US Customs and Border Protection to interior America; DHS requested contractors to handle 65,000 unaccompanied children in January; nice planning eh? DHS and Customs is inviting the press (muzzled of course) to the Ft Sill immigrant camp July 12; good place as Prescott Bush (Nazi George Scherff) stole Geronimo’s Skull for his Skull & Bones Initiation from Ft Sill. Molech demands sacrifices and Satanists are happy to oblige.
“God has given America to be free”
– Count St Germain aka “The Professor”.
The Rosicrucian father of America at Independence Hall, Philadelphia (City of Brotherly Love is Cain and Esau murdering their brother) had just proposed America’s “Grand Union Flag”. An 8 pointed Star of Re-birth formed by the Red Cross of St George surmounted by the Blue X of St Andrew aka “Union Jack” with 13 stripes representing 13 colonies. Why? 13/8=Phi (1.618) aka the “Golden Mean”, “Ratio of Life” or “Fibonacci Ratio”. Rosicrucian, Luciferian Mason, Hell Fire Society initiate, human sacrifice (20 human skeletons carbon dated to the time of Ben’s residence with signs of ritual torture were found under his Trafalgar Square home), British/French diplomat and US traitor Ben Franklin connected these colonies with a Serpent and the slogan “Join or Die”; hence the slogan “Give me Liberty or give me Death”. When one sells their Soul to Lucifer it is “All or nothing”. Think the series Extant (Extinct) has 13 episodes, a 13 month mission and 13 hour Solar Flare aboard the Space Station Seraphim by accident? Seraphim are Fiery Ones.
777 is Jackpot for a reason. 330 Luciferian Freemason Rev (Only Jesus carries the title “Reverend”) Billy Graham and Ann Graham Lotz “Prayer Initiative 777” will conclude on July 7, 2014 (2+1+4=7 thus the date is 7/7/7 in occult numerology; the last 777 on July 7, 2005 witnessed the self inflicted “London Subway Bombings”) with a 7 hr Prayer Vigil for “The Kingdom of God manifested on Earth”. Those familiar with the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes will recognize the same alchemical theme “That which is above shall be that which is below” or the more familiar “As Above, So Below” seen in the Six Pointed Star of Molech. 14 days later is 7/20/2014; important in a moment. 7/7 is also the anniversary of the re-trial and acquittal Joan of Arcadia (Arcadia is the center of Rosicrucian mythos) condemned for heresy and later made a Saint by infallible Popes; go figure!
777 is “Perfection in the Trinity”; Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word (ref Jn 1:1; 1:14; 1 Jn 5:7) not a Trinity! Prayer Initiative 777 also coincides with the International Common Law Court of Justice Jubilee Week (Trumpet) delivering the Easter Annulment Proclamation to alleged 9th Circle of Hell initiates Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Anglican Church Archbishop Justin Welby, Jesuit Pope Francis I, Pope Benedict XVI and Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas in London. Charges include ritual abduction, torture, sacrifice and cannibalism of innocent children. Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice the night Pope Benedict announced his resignation. 2 Doves (Samaritan symbol) released by children attended by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis I from the Vatican (Divining Serpent) apartments were attacked by a Raven and Seagull 2 years in a row. The Raven symbolizes Freedom from God as does the name Francis (Franks=Free) as the bird was released from Noah’s Ark and never returned. The Seagull is a new bible version change from Cuckow (Cuckoo Clock) which figures prominently in Mormon mythology. Cuckows are Brood Parasites; they steal and lay eggs in the nests of others.
On June 30, 3 Lightning bolts hit the John Hancock Building, Sears (Willis) Tower and Trump Tower in Chicago simultaneously; the 3 bolts hitting the Willis Tower formed the Trident (3 Teeth of the Beast in Dan 7 and weapon of Poseidon, Neptune and Shiva “The Destroyer”) the idol of CERN Father, Mother, Son is the occult Trinity symbolized by the Trident; in Witchcraft the Trident represents Triple Goddess Hecate. Jesus is not a Trinity; He is Father (JESUS), Son (Jesus), Holy Ghost and the Word (Authorized Bible) made Flesh. Trinity Acquisition purchased the Sears Tower (United Airlines uses the Trident as its Logo) for Irish Multi-national Willis Group Holdings. The odds of this happening by chance is nill; especially considering Pope Francis I is the “Last Pope” according to the plan of St Malachy.
Why Ireland? It’s the “Emerald Isle”. There was no St Malachy (Molechy) nor St Patrick (Ptah Rek refers to Toth/Hermes); the Celtic Cross of Ireland symbolizes Dominion over the 4 Quarters of the Earth and is a 4300 year old symbol of “Repairing the Earth” (Hebrew “Tukkun Olam”)according to the Emerald Tablet of Toth; a world without JESUS in it. The Swastika is a broken Celtic Cross. The Stone of Scone is not Jacob’s Pillow. Jeremiah did not travel to Ireland with King Zedekiah’s daughter to establish the royal thrones of Ireland; that too is a bunch of Malarchy which will draw the Ire of God. Malachy is Molechy and the sacrifices are about to begin. To the occult, Ireland is Emerald Isle aka Emerald City, the end of the Yellow Brick Road where the Golden Apples are guarded by the Ladon Dragon (al-Qaeda, ISIS=Osama bin Laden=”Lion in the Manger of Ladon”). Emerald is the Stone cut from Lucifer’s crown and it is about to be replaced. Feel like “Romancing the Stone”? do so and Hell awaits.
3 Bolts X 3 Buildings=9=9th Circle of Hell. 9 is the number of supreme Judgment; the holy number of the Etruscans; “Under a Tuscan Sun”? Adultery is not for me. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were members of the 9 Muses Lodge in Paris; Dante’s 9th Circle of Hell is Treachery. Jesus said “A man’s foes shall be the men of his own house” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 because Jesus spoke His last words and “Gave up the Ghost” at the 9th Hour on the Cross (X=Messiah surmounted by the + Cross should ring a Baal here) in the “House of His friends”. Satanists regard 9 as an upside down 6 ie Rebellious Man. Trump means Trumpet, the precise meaning of Jubilee. John Hancock was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and founder of the “Loyal 9” aka “Sons of Liberty”; their slogan was 13 Colonies joined by a segmented Serpent with the slogan “Join or Die”. We see this logo used by the Mason (33 degree Mason Dick Armey “Freedom Works”) created “Tea Party”; the Tea tossed in Boston Harbor by Freemasons from the Green Dragon Tavern dressed as Indians? Heaven’s no, Tammuz the Babylonian Son; the Tau Cross which caused the Glory of God to depart the 1st Temple (Eze 8) and Jesus to do so 2000 years ago. Join or Die? Count me out boys! Talmudic fake Jew and Kabbalist “Veep” star Julia Louis Dreyfus tattooed (fake I’m sure) John Hancock on her back side with the Constitution for the cover of Rolling Stone; plenty of occult communication here but Hancock didn’t sign the Constitution, only the Declaration of Independence “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; Happy now? it means Wise in Welsh, the language of Culdees (Chaldeans).
Warning: Possible IMF Currency Reset Date 7/20/2014
Washington DC is not part of America; the IMF (Int’l Monetary Fund) HQ in our National Capitol (Womb of Zeus) is guarded by the Pentagon (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Quintessence or Illumination) with Intelligence (All Seeing Eye) supplied by the NSA, DIA and CIA plus all other nation’s intelligence apparatus’ (KGB, MI5, Mossad, ISI etc). Similarly, worldwide assets are controlled at the City of London and Universal (Catholic=Universal) Religion from Vatican (Divining Serpent) City. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own house” -Jesus.
IMF Director Christine LaGarde claims International Law (Sovereign Nations are not bound by International Law) allows for Expropriation of Funds, held in Gov’t Treasury Bonds. China is Cathay aka Sons of Heth or Hittites; China has $5T invested in US Gov’t Treasury Bonds. Guess what they will do when the IMF Expropriates their Investments? Mutual Funds, Retirement Accounts, Savings Bonds, Gov’t backed Deposit insurance FDIC and SLIC, Social Security (Luciferian Traitor Bill Clinton traded SS Funds for Gov’t Bonds) and PBGC (Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp) are all held as collateral against Sovereign Debt by the IMF; some $66Trillion as of July 4, 2014. FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) went into effect July 1 also; it prevents offshoring of assets. Think you own Property or Investments? Guess again! “We the People” were only given the right to pursue “Happiness” not “Property”
Bohemian Grove 7,10,2014—7,27,2014
The Grand Climax Ritual of Begone Dull Care at E-Barra “Shining House” is Wisdom worship through Molech (Lord) and took place 4000 years ago as it does today; when “The sun is in the clutches of Leo”; 7/20, when this occurs, is the middle of the Bohemian Grove encampment; Adultery, Homosexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Necrophilia, Human Sacrifice all fair game. An idol found in the ruins of Sargon II palace at Nimrud (named after the Nube “Nimrod” the Scapegoat for the Tower of Babel Nimrod did not build the Tower of Babel or found the Assyrian capital of Nineveh) features a Nubian Man being mauled by a Lion; Obama? I’m not trying to be funny here, but the Obamas both claim Kenya (Nubia/Kenites=Caintes) is their home and Barry is a Nube (Pitiful, Emasculated man). Time will tell but his Transvestite partner Michael (Michelle) wore a Black Widow dress on Election night on the same spot Abe Lincoln did for a reason. Sargon III “Legitimate King” will be Antichrist, the chosen vessel of Ishtar; whether in 2014 remains to be seen. 2+1+4=7 14 is 2X7 or 77. Hold that thought. Obama uses the Prince Hall Mason designed logo of the Rising Sun; his name means “He is with us” in Zoroastrian Persian (Farsi); he is a very long range plan.
The Assyrian Church is the Global Church of the East ie Rising Sun; like God’s “Church”, Assyrians are in Diaspora (Scattered) among host nations they coerce into turning their backs to the LORD and worshipping the Rising Sun; Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Statue of Liberty, Lady Freedom are examples of this “Leaven”. Israel is not Jewish, it is made up of Babylonians, Cuthites, Medeans and Kenites listed in 2 Ki 17:30 who replaced Israel during Assyrian Captivity. The title Sargon is given to Legitimate Kings of the Church of the Rising Sun ie Beast from the Sea. The symbol of the Assyrian Church is the Six Pointed Star aka Mark of Cain; ie they are Kenites. In America, the Assyrian Church HQ is Chicago whose mayor Rahm Emanuel (Rahm=Supreme; Emanuel=God is with us) is a Sodomite, dual Israeli citizen and son of Israeli terrorist Ben Emanuel; his brother Ezekiel is Obama’s Science Czar soon to be known as Dr Death.
Hermetic Qabalah is “Accounting” used by secret societies such as the Order of Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism, Enochian Magick etc. Want to be Accounted as worthy? Repeat the Shema “Her O’ Israel” and the rest of Deut 6:4 in new bible versions “The LORD our God is One”. The Samaritan (Kenite) version is “The Name is our God, the Name is One”. YHVH, Adonay, ha Shem is the LORD “One” meant here, not Jesus. Just repeat it and have a Kenite Scribe put it in a Tefillin worn on your arm, a Phylactery over the pineal gland of the forehead and over your doorways in the Mezuzah and Hell awaits with 100% certainty! Now you know why Jesus said “be not ye called Rabbi” (Mat 23:8) and pronounced “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees (Rabbis), hypocrites…” (Mat 23:15). Want protection from Lucifer when he arrives? Better hope there is room in Project 911 in “Beit Shemesh” (House of the Sun); the Mezuzah is over every doorway and due for completion by 9 Av (4 Aug, 2014).
The Assyrian New Year features parades down Nimrod Blvd in Chicago on April 15 coinciding with IRS Tax (Burden) Day because the IRS is merely a collection arm of the World Bank, IMF and BIS. Daniel’s last 2300 days (Dan 8) form from the 1260 day Great Tribulation + 1040 days, seen on the IRS Form 1040. America is about to be Audited.
The Writing on the Wall means the Kingdom is weighed in the balance and found wanting; it will be divided. America is to be divided, but when? Nothing says Freedom more than Global Economy and Currency Reset and Numerologist LaGarde, cryptically announced the possible date 7/20/2014 when 2700 Molech worshipping Satanists will be in Bohemian Grove. Week
77 is the Thelemite (Aleister Crowley) Sabbath Goat on the Altar; Goat Boy Bush Sr “Magog” (Nazi “Curious George” Scherff) has CVN #77 named after him stationed in the Persian Gulf ready to start the pre-planned sequel to Gulf War I and II. 77 is Ayin Zayn or OZ, the end of the Yellow Brick Road and Bush Sr (Crowley’s illegitimate son in law) is most definitely the Wizard of Oz in the Opium Field and the Wizard of the Oz ie Bretton Wood’s Gold Standard.
LaGarde mentions 2014 is the 100th Anniversary of WWI, the first World War resulted immediately following the illegal creation of the Federal Reserve. She also mentions 2014 is also the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Gold agreement, the basis for the IMF. 7 is the number of perfection; 777 is Crowley’s book “777 and other Kabalistic writings…”. The book is essentially the bible of Hermetic Qabalah. Christine LaGarde uses 7 and 77 overtly 10 times throughout this short cryptic National Press Club Speech on 1/14/14; 1+14+14=29=7 and 1+1+4+1+4=11; the date was no accident. LaGarde mentions G-7 and G-20 in connection with the “Magic Year” 2014. G is 7th letter and Grand Architect in Masonry so G-7 is 77, however there was no G-7 in January, Russia had not been ejected from the G-8 until March. G-20 is 7/20. Occult planning in plain view. 7/20/2014 is 7+2-2+1+4=16=1+6=7 The NPC logo is Aladdin’s Lamp, Capitol Rotunda (Womb of Zeus) and Owl (Owls symbolized a Druid Parliament, Athena the Warrior goddess; Wisdom and the Bohemian Grove mascot Molech).
7 is the number of Cain’s Revenge and 77 is Lamech’s (Cain’s Lamech) revenge (Gen 4:24). 777 the age of Noah’s father Lamech at the Flood (Gen 5:31). The point is, God set this up to be this way; He is protecting Cain and allowing everyone to choose between God and Lucifer; the Hexagram is the “Mark of Cain” and Star of Molech. 6000 years of pent up revenge is about to begin.
The movie Maleficent is not by chance. Maleficent means “To Do Evil”; Angel of the Bottomless Pit is a good choice for the role. Talia (Dew of God or Female Lamb) and Prince Phillip star in Disney’s remake of the 17th century Italian fairy tale “Sun, Moon and Talia” Talia dies prophetically on her 16th (1+6=7) birthday (Benedict XVI and Rev 16 “Wrath” may ring a Baal here; 16 is the age Debutants are presented; 16 cauldrons of Olive Oil were used to light the 2nd Temple on Festival of Lights aka Hanukkah); a hunter (Nimrod?) rapes the dead Talia who miraculously gives birth to Twins; the Sun and Moon; she is then is revived by them. Maleficent orders her tossed in a Baal Fire, but the Curse is Reversed; the same thing happened when fake Jews (Pharisees) Crucified Jesus making Him the Curse. At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC is a statue of St George slaying Satan in Cancer (June 21-July 22) under the joined Sun and Moon. The same statue is also at the UN. Why Prince Phillip? This slimy Nazi Cretan accused of ritual murder and cannibalism controls WHO Director Margaret Chan and wants to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus”. The Pharisees delivered Jesus to the Judgment hall calling Him a “Malefactor” meaning “Evil Doer” Remember Bush accused Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden of being “Evil Doers”? Those of us who follow JESUS via the Holy Ghost and the Word will now assume the same label “Evil Doer” and likely suffer the same fate. Folks, if you are not in personal covenant with JESUS you need to be.
al-Qaeda (Foundation) and ISIS (Throne) are American creations; Isis the Egyptian goddess stands atop the Capitol Dome (Womb of Zeus/Lucifer) and in NYC Harbor with her back to America facing East to the Rising Sun.
The Camel’s Nose is in the tent. On July 4, 2014 the UN began intervening in intentionally manufactured Detroit Water Crisis (50% of Detroit residents may potentially be without water due bankruptcy reorganization; Bankrupting of the Detroit Auto Industry also intentional; pensions handled by PBGC are now subject to IMF Expropriation). The UN will intervene next in the manufactured southern border crisis.
Fireworks in 2014 celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Battle (rather Show) of Ft McHenry and America’s National Anthem. Not unusual as America the Beautiful originated from “God save the Queen” (Queen of Heaven is meant here) the National Anthem of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Luciferian Mason Francis Scott Key chose the Greek poem “Anachreon in Heaven”, attached to an Irish drinking song as he watched the show from a British ship in Baltimore Harbor. “Bombs bursting in air” resulted from fuses intentionally set short on America’s first Fireworks Spectacle.
Rosicrucian, Freemason Ben Franklin and fellow Luciferian British Mason Ebeneezer Sibly decided America’s Birthday. America’s Natal Horoscope is the Sibly Chart in the Library of Congress. Library=Book; Congredi “To meet for War”, literally the “Book of War”.
Sibly and Franklin chose a 5 planet Solar occultation for America’s Birthday on July 4, 1776. Planetary (Planet=Wanderer=Cain the Vagabond) Astrology or Sabian Astrology originated in Harran (Abraham’s elder brother and Lot’s father was Harran) with “Sabians of Harran”.
Planets Wander around the Sun, held in Orbits by Gravity; hence CERN Scientists also chose July 4, 2012 to announce 99.99% proof the Graviton aka God Particle produces Gravity and gives Mass to Matter. Lucifer is the “God of Forces” (Dan 11:38 after all); oh, and the God of Bullshit.
“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” Rom 1:22
CERN is “Cernunnos” aka “Herne the Hunter” the Horned God of Witchcraft. God Particle scientists walk passed the Hindu god Shiva “The Destroyer” with his Trident every day. The 8 pt Star of Isis formed on America’s first flag is the 8 fold path of enlightenment used in Witchcraft called the Star of Regeneration or Star of Baptism. 4 Sabbats (2 Solar Solstices and 2 Solar Equinoxes) and 4 Cross-quarter Sabbats (Imbolg, Beltaine, Lugnasaid, Halloween); 13 Stripes the number of Rebellion seen in Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom”; What Sins? CeDom means “Scorch one’s Soul”; the result of Freedom and Liberty from God. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” is the Masonic slogan used in all Revolutions and America’s 2nd Revolution is here.
Rosicrucianism didn’t begin with Francis Bacon, but his Knights of the Golden Helmet aka William Shakespeare or “Baconies” (Coney Is and the foul bird Coney may ring a Baal) followed the path of fleeing Knights Templar (Wall St Bankers) and Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus to America in order to found “New Atlantis” and “New Jerusalem”. God creates “New Jerusalem”; the Rosicrucian version is what Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 because it is where He was Crucified. The Phoenix Bird seen on American Gold Coins is Pa Hanok=House of Enoch; the Egyptian Benu Bird connecting Egypt to Arabia symbolized by the Great Pyramid Capstone or Pyramidion on the $US.; a Fiat (Worthless Illusion or Appearance) of Wealth enslaving the world. America will burn and the world will be set free; with a Mark of the Beast of course.
Baconies are taking revenge for the demon infested, powerful man on the east side of the Jordan River (Idumea=Edom). When Jesus arrived the demons named “Legion” asked Him for permission to enter a Swine herd, which then voluntarily jumped to their death; we see this today in the motto of Jesuit inspired “Anonymous”. Yoshihiro Kawaoka (U of Madison-Wisconsin and U of Tokyo) took the H1N1 Swine Flu (Influenza means Occult ie Demon Infestation) virus and manipulated it to evade and render antibodies in the immune system defenseless. Couple this with out of control Ebola, which attacks the Immune system and all Hell could break loose at any time. We are Anonymous; We are Legion? Hardly, more like Jesuit Swine.
“America is a Christian Nation”! Bullshit, America is Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar the Canaanite god of the West and Ameru the Kenite Serpent. The ONE on the $US refers to the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” Oops, it should read “The LORD our God is one Lord” Deut 6:4 meaning the LORD is the Lord seen in Jesus Christ. By the end of Ramadan, Project 911 will be completed in Beit Shemesh “House of the Sun” near Jerusalem. Ever wonder how Jews could be convinced to replace Jesus as the center candle of the 7 Branched Candlestick with Shamash on an 8 Branched Menorah? Same way Christians are convinced Jesus was born at Christmas. The New Covenant is the 8th and last Covenant between God and Man and that “Age of Grace” (Grace Period) will end with America’s pre-planned destruction.
America’s death was planned at its birth; the 8 pt Star of Regeneration and Baptism on its first Ensign (Flag) is the symbol of a worldwide Luciferian Baptism.
Independence Hall means Independence from God. Philadelphia means “Brotherly Love” of the sort shown by Cain for Abel and Esau for Jacob. Jesus calls the Church of Philadelphia, the “Synagogue of Satan” because Esau is impersonating his brother Jacob in Israel. Using the Star of Chemosh, Chiun, Milcom, Saturn, El, Molech and calling the abomination the “Star of David” is a really nice touch, which is why the 13 stars on America’s flag were originally the Hexagram, the symbol of protection in Witchcraft clever little Bees aren’t they? The Star of Molech (Lord) is the Mark of Cain; God gave that Mark of protection to Cain as he wandered the Earth East of Eden (Toward the Sunrise).
Sabian Astrology of July 4, 1776 has its root in Sabah meaning Sunrise. 6 Triangles of 600 around the Hexagram forms the Seal of Solomon aka Mark of Cain; on the “Great Seal” formed with 13 Stars on the $US. America’s Great Seal is the Seal of Solomon, the richest and wisest person on earth who will be in Hell for eternity. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Property” Nah, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; Why? Chaldean Priests of Babel (Babel=Gate of El/Molech) used Bee for Word. Samson found Bees and Honey in the Lion’s carcase at Beit Shemesh; hence Project 911 will have the Mezuzah written over every door to replace Lamb’s Blood when the Angel of Death comes. Beit Shemesh is also where Samson slew 3000 Philistines with the Jawbone of an Ass “Lehi”. The Mormon Lehi arriving in America “Zion” and setting up the Beehive State may ring a Baal because the Hexagram is the Beehive. Chaldeans left Ur for Harran and used the word Happy for Wise; in Wales they were called Culdees and America is full of them.
“Without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22 The Angel of Death heading for America is Ebola, a CDC created and weaponized bloodletting killer. Dr Eric Pianka (Univ of Austin) says 90% of the world population can be culled with weaponized Ebola. On 7/11/2014 the CDC suddenly developed slippery fingers with samples of Ebola, Swine Flu, Anthrax and Smallpox; BS! All 50 States prepared in 2013 with JBAIDS Test Kits and 1000 Mobile Tent Hospitals with Bio-hazard disposal capability.
In addition will be the children of the Lion of Ladon (Osama=Lion; bin=Crib or Manger; Laden=Ladon) a mythical multi-headed dragon guarding the Golden Apples of Hesperides (West)that replaces each severed head with 2 more. The US created the Taliban (Student) to train Mujahideen (Warriors of Allah or Sin) in the Opium Fields (Poppies on the Yellow Brick Road). The US trains and arms Mujahideen in Benghazi (biblical Cyrenaica) aka Synagogue of Libertines.
Happiness means Wise or Intelligence; al-Qaeda is the Central Intelligence Agency created Bogeyman which gave birth through the faked death of its founder on Beltaine (Bel=Baal= plural Balaam) to al-Nusra Front, al Aqsa Brigades, Boko Haram, IEI, ISIL, ISIS (include Haqqani and Hamas) and now IS, the Islamic State with newly anointed Caliph (Chief) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The IS foothold currently stretches NW (Amurru aka Calneh in Gen 10:10) of Baghdad between the Tigris and Euphrates; independent Kurdistan is a return of the Yezidis (Devil worshippers of Kurdistan) and Johnnitters. A worldwide baptism in the waters feeding the Garden of Eden will soon follow.
The Serpent in the Garden started all this 5996 1/2 years ago; the Mormon Church (offshoot of Freemasonry and Witchcraft) was created to end it in Zion aka Jackson MS, the “Heartland”. July 4, 1776 was the day of America’s Birth; through its blood sacrifice, and Burnt Offering, the Phoenix will rise as “New Atlantis”. America’s 2nd Revolution will be managed by the United Nations, standing on the Eastern shore of the nation facing east to the Rising Sun with the Statue of Liberty and Lady Freedom standing atop the US Capitol (Womb of Zeus/Lucifer), housing Congress “To meet for War” facing the world’s tallest Obelisk “Baal’s Shaft”. Not ordinary Obelisk nor a true obelisk such as the ones in Vatican Square, London and NY Central Park, but an Obelisk made of hundreds of other Bricks like the ones first used on the original Tower of Babel.
The United Religion Initiative (URI) is the completion of the Chaldean UR in Babylon. “Begone Dull Care” was the Luciferian Initiation Ritual held annually in E-Barra “House of the Sun” (Begone is Barra) On July 10th, 2700 of mostly America’s Elite will converge on Bohemian Grove to conduct the “Begone Dull Care Ritual” to worship Molech as the Sun enters the clutches of Leo (Lion). Kenites have done this for over 4000 years and innocent human sacrifices are required.
The UN Planetary Initiative states states “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” In the front is an Idol of St George slaying the Dragon; the same Idol stands at the Cathedral of St John (Johnitters) in NYC. The Bricks are people held in common bond with Bitumen Mortar (Slime is Tar, formed by the Flood when all living things were buried in the earth) Tar or Oil is the Language of Yes (Oil is Old French for Yes) Obama’s logo is the Rising Sun. Obama’s motto “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan.
If your LORD is JESUS you need to let Him know right now. JESUS has a number it is 888 which eats the 777 “Jack Pot” every time! Jesus is the Word; Chap 888 is Amos 9 which describes the 2nd Coming. The “Tabernacle of David” (Amos 9:11) will be built on the ruins of the Temple of Antichrist and the total destruction of Esau (Edom). You can read about that on the following page in the book of Obadiah. The Edomites in Israel impersonating Jews are nervous for very good reason.
Independence From God
They forsook the LORD and sold their Birthright but you don’t have to!
False (White) Flag on The Brooklyn Bridge
NYC in the apocalypse on St. John(Johnitters) the Divine (all photographs by the author for Hyperallergic)
On the Portal of Paradise on the western façade of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan are sculptures of the end of modern New York. The Brooklyn Bridge is breaking in two, a bus plummeting from it into the water while waves rise up over the toppling skyline. People run in a panic below the Stock Exchange, and next to them a scorpion, snake, and other signs of pestilence swarm a skeleton.
I’ve been there studying those carvings. A baby born out of a Lotus; Kaballah Tree; Jesus hanging upside down in a nest of horns; an upside down cross being pulled into the earth; Twin Towers collapsing and Clinton’s impeachment all there.
Priests go by the title Very Reverend and bless animals from cats to horses. Every Halloween they have a procession of ghouls.
On top is a figure similar to Liberty or Freedom facing east to the rising sun waiting the arrival of Lucifer. Creepy doesn’t do that place justice.
New York was first called New Amsterdam
M=13; H=8 13/8=Ratio of Life or Golden Mean. 17=Admirable Sacrament; Jesus represents the Sacrament ending the 7th Covenant of which John the Baptist was the greatest; 17=7th Prime #. Buk=Book or Letter=Beech Tree or Goddess Tree; the sum of all wisdom and knowledge from all other trees. It is called the Ritual Tree
Seeing articles on Templ Mount wanting to start constructionon 3rd Temple this fall; if so 9 Av on 4 Aug would likely be the date of destruction of the Al Aqaa Mosque
Border Patrol Agents Reveal The UN is in Control of the Border . While there UN Security Council Chairman (Obama BARI SHABAZZ) is in the white House. The Jesuits Confederacy is occurring. Jesuits Sicko Bill O Reilly of Fox New s Military Industry complex Operation Normandy for the Minutemen you don”t say////
The US Government traitors declared Illegal Immigrants “Refugees”; recruited by MS-13 in US Customs and Border Prot facilities; given EBT cards; transported by Orange Air to cities all over America carrying TB, Measles, Ebola, and put up in Catholic Family and Child Services and Baptist Family Services “Foster” Families all decided upon by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. 7/23 is the day America died
MH-370 had a “Suspicious Cargo” aboard according to Russia. 2 Trident Security Bio-hazard Security guards were murdered guarding what ever it was when it was in Abu Dhabi aboard the Maersk Alabama.
MH-17 had a cargo bay full of decomposing and diseased corpses and tainted blood samples; ICTS (Israeli Security) had to have put it there.
Amsterdam is where Dr Ron Fouchier designs “Weaponized Killer Viruses”
Malaysia Flt MH-17
America is being destroyed as a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Gate of Lucifer) and Palestine as the “House of Esau” (ref Obadiah); Don’t fall for either one of these Lies! BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are the new Bricks in the Tower of Babel destroying the $US and creating a One World Currency. On 7/17/14 the BRICS Development Bank was created 7/17 is the anniversary of Catherine the Great murdering her husband Peter III to become Empress of Russia. 7/17 is the anniversary of the murder of Tzar Nicholas II and the Romanov family by Wall St henchmen Trotsky and Lenin. 7/17 is the anniversary of 33 degree Masons Churchill, Stalin and Truman at the Potsdam Conference; FDR didn’t have the heart for Atomic Bombs so he was murdered. BRICS originated in Yekaterinburg, Russia named after Peter the Great’s wife Ekaterina? Hardly, Gnostic Cathars (Catharisis means “Discharge of Pent up emotion”) and Catharine meaning “Pure”, “Hecate” (Goddess of Witchcraft) and “Torture” more like.
In Mathematics 7/17/1717 is called the “Day of the Yellow Pigs”; the number 17 denotes an initiate who has succeeded at his “Inner Marriage”. On 7/17, MH-17 with 100 AIDS experts heading to Sydney aka Oz (77 is Oz) crashes; perhaps ready to expose AIDS as a US Army creation? It sure is stealing the headlines from Israel’s 7/17 Ground Invasion of Gaza. Malaysia is an Edomite dictatorship; the flight took off from Schipol Airport 100% dominated by Israeli Security firm ICTS, made famous by Christmas Bomber Farouk Abudulmutallib (shares the name with Muhammad’s uncle; hilarious isn’t it?) and the debut of $Trillion worth of Full Body Image Scanners and Back Scatter X-Ray machines ($250,000/machine) at 49,000 commercial airports, each needing one to dozens of machines; another $Trillion lie promoted by American-Israeli Michael Chertoff and Sodomite Janet Napolitano aka FEMA District #10 chief. The 18th anniversary of TWA-800 was also 7/17, the downing of that aircraft resulted in unnecessary replacement of Fuel Boost Pumps in thousands of commercial aircraft with $70,000 pumps; each aircraft has between 6 and 10 pumps so do the math and it’s another $Trillion lie. ICTS subsidiary Huntleigh supplied security on 9/11/2001 at Boston and Washington Dulles Airport; add another $50,000 for each Cockpit Door for every commercial airliner and Money shines through as the prime motivator.
So where is Obama? On 7/14 Obama hosted an Iftar (Break Fast) Ramadan Dinner at the White House with Muslim leaders who listened his praise of Israel and to Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer (Neocon shill tied to Bush family, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mitt Romney and Sheldon Adelson) justifying the wholesale slaughter of Palestine. Indonesia illegally annexed E Timor on 7/17 after the CIA coup that installed Suharto left 2 million dead; AF 1 with Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld lifted off as the first shots were fired. Lolo Soetoro a Colonel under Suharto and Barry Soetoro (Obama) a Madrassa schooled Indonesian passport holding citizen trained as Mujaheddin “Warriors of Allah”. Obama has no US Passport, no US Citizenship and was never sworn to defend the Constitution so don’t blame him; he’s doing his job quite well!
The 7th Prime Number 17 is the number of the Holy Spirit; number of the “Son of Man”; 10 Commandments written in 17 verses; number of the Karmic evolution of the Cosmos; Man participating on the Celestial and Terrestrial planes; junction between the Spiritual and Material Worlds; Sufi mystics use 17 for the World in Balance; 17 companions of Ali; 17 nations at Pentecost and the ominous number in Italy equivalent with 13 in the West meaning “I Lived; therefore I am Dead”. This is why the Grand Lodge of England adopted Speculative Masonry in 1717; the White House is on 17th St and the last staged Apollo mission was 17. Obadiah is Book #17; the shortest book was written by Jesus declaring the annihilation of the House of Esau.
The Old covenant is the 7th contract between God and Man + the 10 nations of the confederacy against God in Psalm 83:6-9. The Covenant with Abram and Isaac is described in Gen 17; Amalek wars with Israel in the Wilderness of Sin in Ex 17; Aarons Rod buds in Num 17, Offerings to the LORD must be perfect in Deut 17 and “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” is described in Rev 17 for a reason. The Roman number of ill omen is 17 and the Scapegoat for Rev 17 is the Roman Catholic Church, like America and Palestine they are about to be destroyed in preparation for the coming false Messiah. The number 17 is called the “Admirable Sacrament”. 2 Kings 17:17 “And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire and used divination and enchantments and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger” Oops! Amurru Khan (American) is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd about to be Admirably Sacrificed. MH-17: M=13 H=8 (He is Jesus’ title meaning “God is with me”; Abram becomes Abraham; Sarai becomes Sarah. 13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life”. Life through an Admirable Sacrament making sense now? Now how does the Edomite Malaysia MH-17 look?
Osiris was martyred by Set and set adrift on 17 Athyr (Arthur=Branch); Egyptians believed the date aligns with the 17th day of the 2nd Month when Noah’s Ark was set adrift. In Tarot, Card #17 “Star” refers to Chaldean STUR aka Six Pointed Star of Molech, Chiun, Ashtaroth, Milcom, and Chemosh. Temple of Set founder NSA Gen Michael Aquino making sense now? NSA Spy Facility in the Beehive State aka Zion making sense now?
The Satanic mason Arthur C Clarke wrote that the 3rd World War involved just 2 Nukes in his 1987 book 2061 A Space Odyssey.
It’ll be just for the fear factor of course – Op Blackjack/Jericho/Southland Tales/Sum of All Fears.
As for the psyop RT and their Dirty Bomb reference in relation to the ISIS Hoax, note the HBO series ‘Dirty War’ about Dirty Bombs. Could easily be their next Hegelian play.
Sick Sick CDC Announces Winner of ‘Predict the Influenza Season Challenge’ – See more at:
Columbia U Jeff Shaman; with a name like that he can’t lose
Howard and Friends… two things thats I found interesting leaked Letter (yeah Right) Reuters of UN Ambassador Mohammad Ali Alhakim told UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on July 8 Terrorist group seize NUCLEAR Material at the site False Flag pretense here. Also Today Citigroup lost 7billon dollars in a Civil Settlement No one was criminally charge(Not Surprisingly) but Tony West of the US justice department was talking about How 4billion of that settlement is going to the Treasury Department(Govt Bonds) along with 500 million going to 5 States. The interesting part of this Hot potato is what that is Treasury Department going to do with that 4 billion. i have in Idea its either going to fund the Civil War that becoming more eminent or transfer that to UN or China
Hi Leslie,
Mass means “Dismissal” wrt Tridentine Latin Mass; to “Send Forth”. Tridentine means 3 Teeth; the 3 Teeth of the Beast, Trident of Shiva the Destroyer, Triple Hecate in Witchcraft etc. Latins were never Christian, they formed Rome with Albans and Etruscans and founded the Catholic “Universal” Church around “Continual Sacrifice” ie the Church of Thyatira. The Latin Mass is a continual sacrifice of Jesus’ Body and Blood Transubstantiated by a Priest of Baal with no authority or ability to do so. “Call no man on Earth your Father”-Jesus
Apis means Honey Bee; Chaldeans brought worship of Taurus to Egypt as Priests of On (Osiris=Heliopolis) as the Apis Bull. Bee is Dabar in Chaldee meaning Word incarnate in the Bull seen in the Golden Calf, and Jeroboam’s Golden Bull Altars in Dan and Beth-el “House of El/Saturn/Molech”. The Star of MOlech is currently the Idol/Ensign of Chaldeans in Israel, not Jewish in the slightest.
Atum means “To Finish”; the Graviton as the mythical source of “Gravity” will complete the 4 Forces of the Atom, the unit of Matter Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-magnetism and Gravity which gives “Mass” to “Matter” or Creation. There are no “Forces” in or out of the Atom; Lucifer is the “God of Forces” described in Dan 11.
I do not have contempt for Knowledge, but Science is a very different thing called the of the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” in Dan !:4 and called “Vain babblings in opposition to scripture” in 1 Tim 6:12. Gravity, Evolution, Helio-centricism, Dark Matter, Relativity, Big Bang etc are all Chaldean “Blasphemous Contempt” (Profane) of God.
CNN has written about the “supermoon” that is to occur during the full moon of Saturday, July 12, 2014. A supermoon occurs when the moon reaches it closest point to the earth during its full moon cycle. The term for this is “perigee”.
Perigee = 7+5+9+9+7+5+5 = 47
Moonlight = 13+15+15+14+12+9+7+8+20 = 113
The NASA contact for the article is named Geoff “Chester”.
Geoff = 7+5+6+6+6 = 30, reduces to 3
Chester = 3+8+5+1+2+5+9 = 33
Let us examine an excerpt from the article.
“Generally speaking, full Moons occur near perigee every 13 months and 18 days, so it’s not all that unusual,” Geoff Chester of the U.S. Naval Observatory said in a statement from NASA. “In fact, just last year there were three perigee Moons in a row, but only one was widely reported.”
If this “33” thing weren’t so prevalent, I wouldn’t have so much to post about.
Does = Ancient Kemet(Nubia/Kenites=Caintes) .????Im starting to see alot of this going back to Egypt epidemic in the community during my travels with the Nubian the Goddess Afrikan Phoenician attire Anku symbolism of fertility becoming more and more now. Also have Wrestler Daniel Bryan(Bryan Lloyd Daniel-son) )use YES Chant as well think thats a Coindence hidden inplain sight??? Ah phooey indeed
I always thought that area was peaceful until zionists came in around ww2 and started kicking everyone out thru terrorism?
Obadian says the House of Esau will be for stubble and none shall remain; Satanists want us to believe Palestine is the House of Edom It is not
Global chessboard enthusiast Zbigniew Brzezinski has a plan for Ukraine. In a recent speech to the Woodrow Wilson Center, excerpted by the Atlantic Council, he argues forcefully in favor of the United States providing the Ukrainian military far more weaponsThe odds of defending against the invading Russian military being very low, Brzezinski has a different idea of how the US should arm the Kiev government.
Said the former National Security Advisor:
I feel that we should make it clear to the Ukrainians that if they are determined to resist, as they say they are and seemingly they are trying to do so (albeit not very effectively), we will provide them with anti-tank weapons, hand-held anti-tank weapons, hand-held rockets—weapons capable for use in urban short range fighting.
Brzezinski has long advocated US domination of Ukraine to deprive Russia of any productive relationship with its neighbor. “Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire,” he wrote in his 1997 book book, The Grand Chessboard. //Daniel McAdams
Some of my friends are jewish, and they’re always posting on facebook this Isreal Defense force propaganda. I’ve read Howards book and I understand Zionism is the cause of all the bloodshed in Gaza and Isreal. I was wondering if you guys could help elaborate on this. Is it safe to say that this was a fairly peaceful region until zionists moved in and started slowly pushing millions of palestinians into the sea, and have been doing so for several decades therefore palestinians fight back any way they can ?
Hi Wally, Israel means “One who wrestles with God”; Jacob and Esau each had a choice, but only Jacob did this and his name was changed to Israel.
Amos was sent to Israel after Solomon took 1000 Phoenician (Kenite) wives and concubines; his son Jeroboam then reverted to Bull (Zeus/Apis Bull) worship and Ahab and Jezebel let fake Jews called Samaritans raise their 70 sons. These 70 Ancients of Israel were called out in Eze 8 doing Evil in sight of the LORD on the altar and weeping for Tammuz on the porch. The Glory of the LORD ie Holy Ghost departed by the same route Jesus as God in Flesh would later take.
Amos warned Israel not to adopt the Star of Chiun aka Molech, El or Saturn which is the Six Pointed Star representing the Gnostic Axiom “As Above, So Below”. Man creating Heaven on Earth without God and His followers in it.
Sorry, but your friends may be ignorant of this but I can assure you Zionists are not Jewish in any sense of the word. If they wear the Yarmulke (Kippah) they are separating themselves from God as the Temple Veil once did. Hanukkah is not a Jewish Holy Day; it is Solar Holy Day. The Menorah is likewise not Jewish; the 7 Branch Candlestick was hung on the Tree amid 2 Thieves.
As Jesus returns to Mt Zion so will Antichrist; his followers are called Zionists.
What I was looking for was more of a historical explanation as to why theres so much violence between isrealis and palestinians. I understand the bible says that jews are to remain in diaspora until the messiah comes to gather his children. That never happened, instead zionists created isreal.
$22 Billion in California Homes Sold to Chinese All-Cash Buyers; “Beginning of Tidal Wave” says NAR Chief Economist