[frame_right][/frame_right]The “God Particle”
will be was announced at CERN in Switzerland as a 4 Sigma Discovery on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, American Independence Day. 5 Sigma means 100% proof; Sigma is derived from the Phoenician (Phoenix means Pa=House of Enoch) letter “Shin” which developed into the letter “S”, used in the $ and the Cadeuces used by the American Medical Ass. The “Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes” and “Hospitaller” should ring a bell. Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogue with the Sign of Shin, meaning Nail; remember that “Live long and prosper” Vulcan sign? The Masonic Shibboleth for “Who is Tubal-Cain”? is “Vulcan of the Canaanites”. The Shibboleth for the 2nd Token of the Mormon Melchisedek Priesthood is “Sure Sign of the Nail”; the Nail used to pierce the right wrist of Jesus Christ. This was a big week for “Blaspheming God”; remember Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 6:12KJV to avoid “Vain and Profane Babblings”. Announcing the “God Particle” tops the list. #2 on my list is NASA declaring they have proof of Planet X “Eris” 2003UB313. Eris is the Greek goddess of War, Strife and Discord; Planet X is neither real, nor will it affect Earth; it is occult communication dealing with the 2012 Solstice and 10th Jubilee prediction of the coming of Marduk 500 years the Jesuit takeover of the Vatican under their puppet “Black Nobility” Pope Leo X in 1513. #3 this week is Jesuit Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts declaring Universal Health Care aka Affordable Care Act Constitutional when it is neither Constitutional nor Affordable. Note: Mitt Romney claims to descend from the Israelite Tribe of Ephraim; he blasphemously claims to fill the Priestly Office of Jesus Christ as a “Melchisedek Priest”; Mormon Prophets claim to be of the Tribe of Dan which means “Judge”. Notice in Rev 7, niether Ephraim nor Dan are listed as one of the “Saved” tribes. “Mormon” means “god of the living dead”. Mormo means “Gates of Hell” in Chinese; Why? The Pale Horse is “Death” and “Hell” follows him. Folks, this is serious as a heart attack; at www.One-heaven.org/ 12/21/2012 is proclaimed the “Day of Divine Judgment”. Now, why announce near proof of the “God Particle” on July 4th, 2012?
Rosicrucian, 33° Mason, Hellfire Society member and Magi Astrologer Ben Franklin chose July 4, 1776 at 10:10EST to sign the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia; the Liberty Bell, made in White Chapel, London has a crack in it for a reason which should become apparent. Magi Astrology is based on Planetary Occultations rather than House based Astrology. Planet means “Wanderer” in reference to Cain, the first Vagabond cast East of Eden toward the “Sunrise”; it is of Sabian Origin where Sabian refers to Sabah “Sunrise” and a person who keeps Luciferian religion private while professing another religion in public ie a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”. Sorry, but America has never been a Nation based on Jesus Christ; “In God We Trust” refers to an Alternative Christ “Messiah” seen in the name “America”, as Amurru, the Land furthest West and Amurru, the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god. Can means Serpent Priest; the title Kahn Baal (Priest of Baal) became the word Cannibal. America’s first flags were an Evergreen Tree (Tree of Knowledge) and Serpent for this reason.
“Declaration of Independence” means Independence from God; the date was a rare 5 planetary eclipse. Jupiter (Capitol means Womb of Jupiter/Zeus) was eclipsed by the Sun (Solis Invictus); Aquarius (Aquarius “Water Pourer” is synonymous with Sodomite behaviour/initiation illustrated by the myth Zeus and Ganymede; Pederasty, Pedophilia, LBGT etc; no offense meant here, but Dirty Sanchez applies to Ritual Anal Intercourse by both men and women initiated into Sacred Marriage rites) by the Moon (Moon is the Assyrian god “Sin” aka Allah, El, On, Marduk). Mars (Mars is the Roman god of War equivalent with the Greek Ares or Nergal, the Lion Idol brought to Israel by men of Cuthah; ref 2 Kings 17:30), Venus (Venus is equivalent with Eostre, Lucifer, Phosphorus, Ishtar, Easter; the so-called Mayan Calendar is a Venus Calendar) and Jupiter “King Star” occulting lesser stars. Together, this signified the birth of a powerful nation at least according to Sabian Astrology.
Franklin’s astrologer, and indeed America’s was Ebenezer Sibly, physician, Rosicrucian, Freemason from Bristol (Wales); his Natal Chart for America was based on planetary astrology derived from the Grand Lodge of London. Good so far? I didn’t think so. Keep this in mind: There are 2 Sticks Jesus Christ will use to Judge Man (ref Eze 37:16) the Stick of Joseph and Ephraim and the Stick of Judah. Are you “In” or are you “Out” ie the “Inner Court” or Outer “Court of the Gentiles” (ref Rev 11:1)? That depends on how you pronounce “Shibboleth”. Men from Ephraim pronounce it “Sibbolet” Why? “h” means God is with me. Look at the spelling of Abram before he met Melchisedek or Sarai before God promised her Isaac. Now answer this: Why is Juda spelled without the “h” in Rev 7:5KJV? Jesus is God; He is from Judah; He took that “h” with Him to Heaven and delivers it to man via the Holy Ghost. Got it now? Sibly said “America will soon or late give laws to the whole world”; now can you see why Mormon Mitt Romney, supposedly a Melchisedek Priest (Jesus is Melchisedek) from the tribe of Ephraim is running for US President? It was no coincidence the Trans-continental Railroad was joined near Salt Lake City by a Golden Spike between Engine #119, because the Area Code of Iran and Iraq is #119 and the reverse of America’s Emergency phione #911 and the Jupiter. Mormo means “Gates of Hell” in Chinese; Mormo is one of Satan’s infernal names and I do not use this lightly; notice how Ephraim and Dan (Judge) are not listed as one of the 12 “Saved” tribes in Rev 7? Mormon means “God of the living dead”; to be truly considered a Mormon, means rejecting the Holy Ghost, the only “Unforgivable Sin”.
Sabians of Haran aka “Chaldean Magi” called Tula the “Black Sun” which gave order to the Universe according; today we know them as astrophysicists “Star Physicians”. Tula is also called “Thule” aka “Brotherhood of Death”, “Skull & Bones” or “Brotherhood 322”; Man becomes as “one of us” in Gen 3:22. See the Melchisedek connection now? The God Particle is just the final outgrowth of this lie; given the name “Gravity” by Isaac Newton, a Rosicrucian and 33° Mason far more obsessed with construction of the 3rd Temple according to the blueprint found in Ezekiel 40-47 than proving Gravity. Jesus Christ will re-gather Israel at the 2nd Coming; men who believe they are gods are doing this now. This “Gravity Theory” developed into Heliocentric Theory, Big Bang, Space-Time Warping and String Theory. Think about it; if every atom (Atum=Egyptian creator) produces and transfers a “Force” to every other Atom in the Universe, this would cause infinite “Work”; this is why occultists call it the “Great Work”.
God said “let there be light”; CERN will claim mass-less particles traveling at “Light Speed” filled the void before the “Big Bang” switched on the “Higg’s Field” (Peter Higgs is the moron who named the Graviton after himself) aka “Force of Gravity”. Thus, the “God Particle” attracted these particles and gave “Mass” to the Universe. Paul tells Timothy in 1 Tim 6:12KJV Science is “vain and profane babblings”; profanity is blasphemous contempt of God, which is exactly what the “God Particle” is.
The God Particle is quite literally BS. Zeus was called the “White Bull”; remember Sibly? He said Adam and Eve were White as there were not Black Nations at the time of the Tower of Babel. Can you see why Mormons use the phrase “White and Delightsome” now? He like Mormons, use the Book of Enoch (Seth’s Enoch was taken directly to Heaven; he will be one of the 2 Witnesses with Elijah; the Mormon Enoch is Cain’s Enoch); ever heard of Rosicrucian John Dee “007” or his Enochian Magick? Everything is done backwards. An example in “Reverse Speech” is “Yes We Can”; it means “Thank You Satan”; my article on the “Language of Yes” goes into more detail. The Brotherhood of Death (Tula, Thule, Nazi SS “Schwarze Sun”) believe they have a “License to Kill”, however, Jesus said “He who killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword” Rev 11:18. Zeus, the Celestial Bull and Brahma, Hathor etc the Celestial Cow aka Milky Way, thus became “Father and Mother” of the occult Trinity; on 12/21/2012, the Sun rises through the womb of the Galaxy, giving birth if you will to the Black Sun. In physics terms, the “Black Hole” creates “Mass” and Stars produce Light, the “Star Seed” from which these “god men” descend. Ever heard of Tuatha de Danaan? They are the Children of the godess Danu.
The “Black Son” is seen in “Black Virgin” statues all over Europe; the Divine Child is not being born, but presented by his Virgin Mother. The Divine Child is none other than Tammuz; worship of Tammuz was the reason the Glory of the LORD left Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8 and the reason Jesus left the 2nd Temple on Passover 27 AD. Make sense? Now, what is a Shibboleth? In a nutshell, Shibboleth is a Masonic Passgrip or Password used to denote “Agreement”, a “Fellow Craft” Mason if you will. How you pronounce Shibboleth determines whether Jesus will give you a “New Name” and a “White Robe”. You can ask Him for that now, or wait until the Fireworks start; Tammuz means “Purify by Fire”. Happy Independence Day? Wednesday is the day Jesus was Nailed (Shin) to the Tree;”Good Friday” is a lie. Sunday is not the Sabbath; Saturday is. Wednesday is Wodan or Odin’s Day, the father of Thor. The first Solar Priests “Kon-Torrs” provided the root for Tyrians (Phoenicians of Tyre such as Hiram the architect of Solomon’s Temple) and Thor. Torr means “Torriod”, the Magnetic Field protecting the Earth from the Sun; the word “Elect” is derived from the Phoencian word “Elekron”; the spiritual descendants of these Solar Priests “Magi” are driving the 4th Nail on Independence Day. In Gematria, Sigma has a value of 200, so 4 Sigma is 800. Good thing JESUS has a value of 888 eh?