“Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.” Gen 3:22
The Skull & Bones society uses the familiar pirate symbol with 322 under it; they are looking for another path to immortality than asking Jesus for it. As humanity was driven out of the Garden of Eden, Cherubim with a flaming sword guarded the tree of life from man until he was ready to eat of it. Responsibility? Oh yeah, Jesus told you what’s expected “Sell everything, pick up your cross and follow me”. Until you do this, your conscience will be the guide; perhaps slightly different for everyone, but most people know killing is just plain wrong, as is lying, adultery, stealing; hey wait, those are like the 10 commandments.
Cain farms, brings God fruit which is rejected; Abel tends sheep, presents his first born which is accepted. God explains all this to Cain, who then kills his brother and lies to God about it. His sons become city builders, cattle ranchers, musicians, metal workers. Cain’s descendants intermarry with Seth’s. Women become wives to demons, their offspring become “Giants”, everyone is thinking about evil constantly; god saves 8 people who apparently weren’t involved in this and begins again. “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” Gen 6:8 Noah was not perfect himself, but he had a relationship with God and genetically he must have had the “Right Stuff”; I wonder what that was?
There will be some argument here, and this is a thumbnail sketch by a guy who is just trying to make sense of things without getting too complicated. Japeth becomes father of Germanic people, Russians, Medes, Ionian Greeks, Anatolian Turks; in a word “Aryan”. Ham becomes father to Cush (Ethiopia), including Nimrod a.k.a. the Akkadian king Sargon, Mizraim (Egypt), including the Philistines, Phut (Libya), Canaanites including the Amorite king Hammurabi, the Arkites, Jebusites (1st settlers of Jerusalem) and Sidon (Phoenicians). These people may not be large in number, but they seem to have their share of Biblical “Giants”. Shem becomes father to Hebrews and Arabs.
For reasons known only to God, He chose Shem’s willing descendants (Abraham and Isaac) as the Savior’s genealogy. Noah, a descendant of Seth was chosen as a human Savior of humanity, but that’s where the similarities end. Waiting for a human Messiah to save humanity was called Chiliasm; today it’s called Zionism and this is how it started:
- Blame Shem’s descendants, so the world will kill its Savior. Semitic means Shem’s descendants, that’s basically Arabs, Edomites, Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews.
- Pick a universal symbol which serves as both the murder weapon and symbol of unity which accomplishes the goal (self inflicted genocide): the CROSS.
- Divide up the human “Race” into subgroups, so they can blame and hate each other. Note: There is only one “Race” of humans.
- Near the end, blame God for disasters (this is happening now).
The cross is Satan’s murder weapon; I feel it unwise for Christians to venerate this symbol for any reason. Jesus was hung on a tree, not a cross. The cross is a symbol of the earth’s destruction and humanity’s loss of salvation. There are hundreds of cross symbols used by all the world’s religions, and secret societies which have nothing to do with remembering Jesus Christ. The circled cross is perhaps the most universal. It is called the Circle of Life, Buddhist Wheel of Life, Hindu Mandala, Native American Medicine Wheel, Zodiac, Reincarnation Wheel, Earth Cycle of Fertility Wheel, Tree of Life, Celtic Cross, Coptic Cross, Ionian Cross, Evolution Wheel, Astrology Wheel, symbol of cosmic unity the Chi-Rho Cross a.k.a. Skull & Bones Cross and the Baptismal Cross are but a few names of the symbol plainly visible on the British Flag. Abraham is central to Hebrews (Judaism and Christianity) and Arabs. He was born in Ur of the Chaldees (Mesopotamia) and led by God into the Promised Land. World history will end with a reclaiming of this land from foreigners; but first, all religion must be destroyed by combining them with paganism. This is the goal of the UN (modern day Tower of Babel) and the URI (United Religions Initiative).
Noah steps off the Ark in Urartu (southeast Turkey). I suspect Japeth, stays there and begins the civilization of Aratta (ca 2450 BC); the people there became noted as craftsmen, artisans, metal workers and stone masons. If somebody is trying to fake this, they did a pretty good job, because anchor stones from the Ark are still there today.
“And the beginning of his (Nimrod) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.” Gen 10:10
Ceramic plates from Samarra depict this world division with some interesting crosses: 4 stags arranged around an evergreen tree, the familiar Maltese Cross and 4 women facing the 4 cardinal directions with their hair drawn back into a Swastika (Sun Wheel), surrounded by 8 scorpions stand out. Sargon was called the Akkadian “Scorpion King” whose kingdom was Accad, Elam, Subartu and Amurru. Akkadians are often said to be Semitic, but as shown Nimrod was Cushite and he was king of the world at the same time as Sargon. The evergreen tree was a symbol of Nimrod’s reincarnation and the scorpions symbolized Sargon. I’m fairly sure they are the same person with historians attempting to discredit the Bible as literal history and blame the Semites. As this is happening in Mesopotamia, Mizraim is settling in Egypt, and 2 familiar pre-flood themes emerge simultaneous or at least close together. Isis is said to have married her twin brother, Osiris to produce Horus, whose adherents settle in Mt Hor near Petra, Jordan. In Akkad, Nimrod is said to have married his mother after his father Cush died to produce Tammuz. People were still lamenting Tammuz in Ezekiel’s day some 1500 years later. Two forms of the cross, the T and the Ankh (T with a handle) emerge at about the time the Hebrews are in Egypt (ca 1900 BC).
Hyksos are called foreign rulers of Egypt which appear about 1900 BC from the Indo-Aryan world. Theories of how they arrived and when range from 1900 BC to 1600 BC; by some accounts, sailing into Egypt from one of the Ionian islands like Crete where the Minoan civilization is thriving, or come in as slaves from Egyptian conquests along the coasts of Phoenicia. My guess is from Crete for some pretty simple reasons; they were rulers, not slaves in Egypt, so they had to come in there much like the Phoenicians did to the Mayans- as gods. Another, perhaps lame reason is Crete was home to some of the earliest “Grove Rituals” after the Akkadian Empire and the term “Country Folk” originated there. They were worshipping the Minotaur (½ man, ½ bull) as their “Apis Bull”, and country folk are often called “Hicks”; would that be a hidden term for “Hyks”? Cretan rituals involved cannibalism, so another perhaps really lame connection is when American settlers found Tennessee, they called it Transylvania, the origination of the “Rome-anian” Aryan myth of the vampire.

The Bull on Wall Street
Hyksos divided Egypt into provinces called Nomes. Could be coincidence, but Nome Alaska is at the closest point to Siberia, and would have been the last dry land for Asian migrations into the America’s as the oceans rose after the flood. The myth of King Arthur probably came from the Hyksos as well from the Egyptian month of Aythyr (11th month of November) and the term Arctic derived from this as well, being the north latitude (66°) where Arcturas and the Big Dipper (celestial grail) circle Polaris every year. Back in Egypt, the governor the Nomes (Hermopolis was called “City of 8”), was ruled by a Nomarch under the god Toth, the god of writing and knowledge, often depicted as a baboon. Toth passed his knowledge to Hermes, and the final iteration appears in Ptolemaic (Greek) Egypt with Hermes Trismegistus whose winged staff wrapped by twin serpents became the symbol of worldwide medicine.
We have in the Hyksos (Hurrians?) the likely origination of:
- Gnosticism
- Medicine
- Evolution Theory
- Freemasonry
- War Chariots
- Metal Weapons
- False God worship
Maybe watching people wear a skull cap or cross will now make more sense. Hyksos are expelled at the same time Moses guides the Israelites across the Red Sea in exact fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham in Gen 15:13 Note that Melchisedek “King of Salem” makes His first appearance in Gen 14:18.
Aryans will eventually proceed into Ionian Turkey (west coast), into Greece, developing City States “Metropolis” similar to “Hermopolis”, into India bringing with them the Vedic gods, and north into Russia (St George), Europe (Druid gnomes) and northeast America “Ivy League”. By the 8th Century BC, the staging base for these incursions once again appears to be Urartu near Lake Van and today, the area appears likely to be the point of Turkish invasion of Iraq. As in all areas affected by Aryans, the Mother Goddess assumes the role of God as “King Maker”. Inanna began in Aratta, and assumed dozens of names; most famous in the west being Ishtar (Easter) and Mary.
The Great White Brotherhood are forming a giant police state “Polis” out of the world, patterned after the Hellenic Greek Metropolis “Mother City”. Mercenary armies held together by the UN are quickly becoming the norm just like they were in Greece. Symbolically, the “Sacred Marriage” a.k.a. “Grove Rituals” performed wherever they gained influence are a wedding of the sun and moon, so if the timing is right for the Iran (Iran means Aryan) war to begin, it would not be a coincidence that Sung Myung Moon is collecting scriptures from all the world’s religions for the URI, his Korean disciple, Ban Ki Moon (Korea is named after Core, and the Korahite Priests who assumed the mantle of Aaron through deceit) is in charge of the UN. The sun would be Javier Solana, the Spanish head of the EEC. To gain perspective on why he was chosen at this time, Daniel’s vision of the statue (head of gold=Neo Babylon; breast of silver=Mede/Persia; thigh and belly of brass=Greece; legs=Rome; 10 toes=rebuilt Rome). Watch out, there is a trick here.
The EEC was formed by the Club of Rome to be sure, and the territory covered by the Euro approximates the boundaries of the ancient Roman Empire, but the rebuilding of “Rome” is being accomplished by the same exact people who are reclaiming the Promised Land of Abraham; and they most certainly do not work for Jesus! The Great White Brotherhood are the top of the world’s secret societies, and Jesus never kept a secret; ever. He said to never swear an oath to anyone; they all swear oaths. The Bible says “the love of money is the root of all evil”; they control, dare I say the “Lion’s Share” of all the world’s assets. Thank Skull & Bones US Supreme Court Chief Justice MR Waite for giving corporations the plundering rights they enjoy today!
Have you noticed that most of them have left the US already?
The Club of Rome was set up for the same reasons, the US was created by Rosicrucians and Freemasons; they will falsely fulfill the role of the 10 horned Beast Kingdom and the US will falsely fulfill the role of Mystery Babylon in order that a false Jesus can arise. I’ve covered this in several other articles, but in a nutshell, let Jesus do the talking. Read Revelation 2-3; they are His warnings to the 7 churches; He warns Zionists and Goddess worshippers (Jezebel Spirit), not rank and file Catholics. Zionists are not Jewish! The Bilderberg Group pretty much controls the Club of Rome; do you think Jesus would want His followers in that secret society? Zionists practice Kaballah; that is black magick from Egypt (probably from the Aryan Hyksos), but nonetheless, it has nothing to do with true Judaism or Christianity.
Americans are lulled to sleep from Calvinist doctrine of pre-selection to salvation and pre-tribulation Rapture of the church. Both are nothing more than Aryan fables. The sad fact is America is named after Nimrod’s southwest quarter of the world Amurru (Calneh) and the Canaanite serpent god Amero, which will soon become the NAFTA currency to replace the Looney, Peso and Dollar. America was “Discovered” by a Sephardic Satanist named Columbus and controlled by Druid “Ivy League” Satanists posing as Puritans. Since the Civil War, America has been the “Sword of Damocles” or “Spear of Destiny”, not a Christian Nation by any standard. Jesus said anyone who kills another person shall be in danger of the judgment; picking up a gun in His name is not in the Bible anywhere! The Jesus most Americans worship at Christmas (or X-Mass as it’s becoming) is the Cannaaite god, Santa in a red Edomite suit and guess what, most of the world knows this except you. After you became “Saved”, did you sit back in the pew or ask Jesus if He gave authority to your Freemason in robes to “Baptize” in His name. Paul spent most of his ministry getting people to stop “Congregating”, and in Eph 4:5, he says there of one baptism. Is that the one you got with water, or the one Jesus gave you with the Holy Spirit?
I’m no saint, and I’m struggling just like everyone else to get closer to the Savior, but whether you like it or not, the Great White Brotherhood controls what you hear on Sunday, what you watch on TV, what you read in newspapers and books, and even what you read in the Bible unless it’s an Authorized KJV. Ionians “Aryans” will soon be using the Ionosphere to present their universal “Christ” to the world and send you a “Strong Delusion” to believe he is Jesus. They are already using the Ionosphere to cause Global Warming; it works exactly like the glass of water in your microwave and they are using the earth’s electrical energy to power it. Isaiah said the world will be wobbling to and fro like a drunkard and Jesus said He would return to destroy those who would destroy the earth. That’s the Great White Brotherhood.