This site is a good primer on movie symbolism; no Hollywood is not Jewish!
Gravity as a “Force” necessitates a moving earth; the bible says Earth is fixed on a foundation that shall not be moved. If Gravity existed, the Earth, Created on Day 3 would have been pulled toward the Sun, Created on Day 4. “Houston, We have a problem”
Gravity is the theoretical “Force” that gives “Mass” to “Matter”; Sounds like God but it isn’t. Satan is the “God of Forces” (Dan 11:48) aka “God Particle”. Gravity cannot just mysteriously disappear with one exits the Atmosphere; the “Velocity” of objects in “Orbit” are simply matched to that of the Earth’s surface. No thrust (Force), no acceleration (A) and no need for a mysterious “Force” called “Gravity”.
In the vacuum of Space there is an ever present differential pressure between the edge of the Atmosphere and the Vacuum. A Vacuum cleaner does just fine picking up dirt and air opposite the so-called “Force” of Gravity; Space would do the same thing except that the surface of the Earth is constantly expanding much like a balloon being filled with air. The rate on Earth is 32ft/S2 That is the 1 (G) Acceleration (A) which multiplied by Mass (M)=Force. The Force we call Weight. Simple isn’t it? Masons refer to G as the “Grand Architect of the Universe” and no this is not God! Notice in the movie when the Chinese capsule is used for recovery, Buddha is standing guard; there is your false God.
Gravity is more than a disaster movie with a happy ending; the Gravity is the situation will last for Eternity. Here are a few Science problems with the movie.
- Spacewalkers wear a Cooling and Ventilation Garment with some 300ft of coolant tubes and Adult Diapers, not underwear; after walks, they wring with sweat.
- Pressurized space gloves are very difficult to manipulate which is why Astronauts wear SAFER packs to allow them to return to the ship in an emergency. Imagine the difficulty 330 Freemasons Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had in manipulating cameras with plastic film on the Moon; or don’t and chock it all up to Luficerian deception. The suits used in Gravity had an hour or so of O2 supply; Apollo Astronauts had 3 days worth; those diapers must have been either nasty or fictional.
- All pretense of a functional Space Suit went away with Ryan Stone in the Russian Suit; Rubber Gloves don’t work well 300+ degrees below freezing, little or no insulation, no cooling/heating equipment or oxygen backpack. Nice try!
- The Hubble Telescope orbits at 280 inclination. Russian communications satellites orbit at all sorts of different inclinations and altitudes. The ISS orbits at 520 inclination; they aren’t remotely in the same neck of the woods; a Chain Reaction is impossible. Americans paid for the ISS, canceled the Shuttle program and built it to orbit over Russia and China; pretty nice of us eh? When Houston was faced with a Hurricane, where do you suppose Mission Control went? Moscow! Who gave Russia its Rocket, Nuclear and Space Program? The US of course.
- The easy way to bring down a low earth satellite is to use Microwave Atmospheric Heaters like HAARP to vibrate the Ionosphere and create an upward rising plume of air. We saw this demonstrated with the deliberate destruction of Shuttle Columbia. Shooting down a Satellite can be done, but debris entering a 90 minute Orbit at 50,000 MPH? Ridiculous; Orbital Circumference is a little more than 25,000 miles, so Shuttles orbit at roughly 17,000 MPH.
- When Lt Kowalsky lets loose of Dr Stone; he accelerates away from her. Not possible since both had arrested their velocity away from the ISS by having Dr Stone’s leg caught in the parachute cords.
Hidden Occult Symbols in Gravity
- Ryan Stone: Ryan is Irish for Little King; think Tara Stone here; the stone “Lia Fail” will be used to Crown the Alternative Messiah. More hidden is Rhinestone. Glen Campbell was the “Rhinestone Cowboy”; Cowboy refers to Hathor the Celestial Cow. The movie was filmed at Glen Canyon and Lake Powell. On the $US 50 is a depiction of Hoover Dam being destroyed; if Glen Canyon Dam goes as well, it will be as it was in the days of the Flood when the Grand Canyon was created. This is precisely what scripture describes at the 2nd Coming. Just remember, these people are in “The Craft” not Born Again followers of Jesus Christ.
- Lake Zurich in Illinois is Ryan Stone’s hometown. International Bankers are called “Gnomes of Zurich”; Illinois means “Tribe of Superior people”. What are the odds of Ryan Stone being born in Illinois surviving an ordeal in Space and returning to a lake in the Midwest US? Nill.
- What is a Medical Doctor doing repairing the Hubble Telescope? First, Edwin Hubble had a Jesuit mentor in Georges LeMaitre who really invented “Red Shift” aka “Expanding Universe”; Hubble didn’t even believe his own theory, he merely got fame. Witches just can’t have people knowing the Earth is Fixed at the Center of Creation now can they? Dr. Ryan Stone was “Repairing the Earth”; “That which is above shall be that which is below” is the opening line of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes, the source of the Medical Ass symbol Caduceus and the Rabbinical phrase “Tukkun Olam” (Repair the Earth). Hospitallers aka Knights of St John take their name from this as well. The movie was a symbolic “Death and Re-birth” Ritual. The destruction of the US caused by Russia and the China provides the life boat. China is Sina or Sin, the land of the Children of Heth are Hittites. Sin is also called Allah.
- Lt. Mathew Kowalski plays the role of the savior who gives his life for Ryan Stone and then actually saves her via the Holy Ghost. Lieutenants are not on Space Shuttle Missions; Col is the usual rank. Lieutenant is French from “One who holds the place of another”. Essentially, Dr. Ryan Stone’s father figure is assuming the role of Jesus, the “Large Stone” and Dr Ryan Stone, the Little King and Small Stone is going to fix what Jesus could not. Mathew is the 1st book of the New Testament and provides the genealogy of Jesus Christ through King David and Solomon to Joseph, the husband of Mary. Luke, was in fact a real physician and provides the lineage of Jesus from King David and Solomon’s brother Nathan to Mary. Of Solomon and Nathan, only Nathan is to be resurrected! (Rev Zech 14) Kowalski asks why she had that name, the reply was “My Father wanted a son”. The most hidden (Occult) aspect of the movie is Antichrist will have a purported genealogy through King Solomon and his 1000 Canaanite wives/concubines. Hittites (China) are a little miffed that King David committed Adultery with Bathsheba and sent her Hittite husband Uriah into a war sure to kill him!
Sandra Bullock is a self admitted Witch; Witchcraft is called “The Craft” and is “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT”; it is not sensationalism to say Sandy Bullock is a “Whore of Babylon” in that her services are compensated. Her previous movies “The Craft” and “Practical Magic” bear this out. George Clooney is a CFR Initiate and Sodomite; he is as well.
Isaac Newton invented the “Force of “Gravity” by observing the moons of Jupiter; Jupiter is Zeus aka Lucifer. A Rosicrucian 330 Freemason, resident expert on Ezekiel’s Temple (Chap 40-47) even named this mythical “Force” after himself “Newtons”. Ezekiel is describing God’s eternal Temple which comes down from Heaven; Masons believe they can duplicate it; OOPS! Force X Distance or Time=Work; Lots of Time (13.7 Billion Years) and Lots of Distance (13.7 Billion Light-Years) is called the “Great Work”. Why 13.7? Power is the ability to do Great Work over a very short period of time. “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds , and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lams, slain from the foundation of the world. Rev 13:7-8. 137 is the DNA of Light; the essence of Kaballah and 33rd Prime Number.
Gravity Strings and P-Branes make up the Universe. Yup no kidding! P-Branes, MACHOS, WIMPS, Strange Quarks, Dark Matter and God Particles; How much Blasphemy will God tolerate and how Stupid must these Satanists think we are?
The Great Work transfers Infinite Energy, and creates an Infinite amount of Work over Infinite Distance and Infinite Time, or nearly so according to Apostate Scientists who can’t read 1 Tim 6:20 KJV; Science is falsely so-called “Vain and Profane babblings” in opposition to the Word of God. Profane means “Blasphemous Contempt of God”; nothing gets more blasphemous than a fictional “Force” of “Gravity” produced by “God Particles”. Dan 11:38 says Lucifer is the “God of Forces” That I can believe!
Hollywood means “Holy Wood” of Adonis, the Wood used to fashion Magic Wands. Druid means “Knowers of Trees”. Hollywood means Holy Tree of Knowledge; the Tree Jesus was held to with 3 Nails and pierced with the Spear! The Nobel Peace Prize is named after the man who invented Dynamite for use in War; the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics went to Peter Higg’s who invented the “God Particle” Gutsy or Stupid Pete? On Sun-god Day, the movie Gravity won 7 Oscars. Why? 7 is the number of Perfection; Oscar means “God’s Spear”!
Hollywood’s “Miss Congeniality” Sandra Bullock, star of “The Craft” and “Practical Magic” is a self admitted “Witch” who said “There is no Devil in the Craft”; Her mission is to change people’s impression of Witchcraft. Tell it to Jesus Sandy “And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world” Rev 12:8
America’s most idiotic actor turned Oscar winner Mathew McConoughey said “Sandra is a Witch, but she is a Good Witch”. McConoughey is a Celt (Warrior) of Scottish descent, born in Texas. Gravity is Witchcraft clothed in Science, so what is the Dallas Buyers Club?
Dallas means Sept (Family/Progeny Division) of Clan McIntosh. Tosh means “First or Beginning”; Remember the Apple McIntosh? The “Beginning of Sin” is meant here; Eve listening to the Serpent and Cain killing Abel. Sephardi (Sepharvaim) Molech worshipping fake Jews even created a kingdom in Languedoc (Occitane) called Septimania; enough proof our enemy is in our own house yet? McIntosh is a name change from McDuff (MacDubh) meaning “Black”; Black Nobility is meant here. How does one get to be Black Nobility? Duff means “Anal Intercourse”, precisely the initiation requirement for upper level Witchcraft, Freemasonry, and Jesuits is “Ritual Sodomy”. aka “Satan’s Sex”.
Sept means Clan; the KKK “Knights of the Kyklos Klan” are one such Scottish Division called the “Society of the Horsemen”. Dallas was located on the 33rd Latitude; Masons chose the site to kill JFK in full view there. Dallas means “Dwelling or Meadow of “Highlander Clans” of Scotland called the “Chattan Confederation” which is why Confederate President Jefferson Davis wanted to establish the New Confederacy in Texas, the State named for Lake Texoco, the site of mass Aztec sacrifices. Psalm 83 lists the Confederacy of Satan: Edomites, Ishmaelites, Hagarenes, Philistines, Asshur, Tyre and Midianites, all inside the gate Traitors.
Jacobites instigated the Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland and Jacobin Revolution in England and France before creating the “Dust Bowl” in Texas. The NAFTA Superhighway will create a homogeneous America-Canada-Mexico; a Texas Magistrate Judge was first to declare BitCoin “Legal Tender” and Ross Perot’s Alliance Airport even supplied the Sina loa Drug Cartels thanks to Rick Perry; it will be the first US State to declare independence and destroy the United States. Now, has anyone seen the $7 Billion invested in the non-existent Super-conducting Super-collider? How about you Ron Paul?
Ryan Stone ends up in a Chinese Womb filled with water; she tosses her old Space garb and swims ashore (notice the tadpole by her) where she learns to stand upright and walk again. Charles Darwin would be so proud of his Holy Wood “God’s Spear” The lake was somewhere in the Midwest according to the story. Why there? America’s Heartland is Zion to the Mormon Church; when America is destroyed, elders of the Church will set up shop at the spot they believe Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden to. To them, the Mississippi River is the Euphrates and they are the “Chosen Ones”.
Why the name Mathew Kowalski? Mathew is the 1st and most prominent book of the New Testament; Mathew’s name was Levi. Mormons falsely claim the Levite Priesthood that only Jesus can assume, as both sons of Aaron “Aaronic Priests” and Melchisedek Priests. The title of Jesus since the days of Abraham and King David is Melchisedek. Kowalski means “Metal Smith”; followers of Tubal-cain the instructor of Metal Workers. Polish Satanists made false conversions to Judaism, bringing with them Rabbis, Kaballah, the Talmud and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn/Molech under which sacrifices are continually offered.
The Gravity of the situation could not be more dire; Get right with Jesus and do it now!