(Article in Progress)
God Ordained Seven Feasts
God ordained 7 Feasts; Lucifer has dozens of “Festivals”. God’s 7 Feasts are:
- Passover (14 Abib)
- Unleavened Bread (ends 15 Abib)
- First Fruits (17 Abib)
- Pentecost (50 days after Passover)
- Trumpets (1 Tishrei)
- Atonement (10 Tishrei)
- Tabernacles (ends 22 Tishrei in October)
The only Feast that will remain in the Millennium is Feast of Tabernacles; a Hajj type pilgrimage to Jerusalem “And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one” Zech 14:9 “And it shall come to pass, that everyone that is left of all the nations which come against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles” Zech 14:16 . Israel and Arab nations have other ideas. The Shahada “There is no God but Allah” and the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is one” Deut 6:4 (new bible versions) both reject Jesus Christ as LORD; in the KJV Deut 6:4 reads “The LORD our God is one LORD”. Big difference here! Satan is cast to earth in Rev 9:11, exactly 18 months, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Over every door in Project 911 being built in Beit Shemesh on Site 911 near the south end of the Valley of Megiddo (Armageddon) is the non-KJV version of the Mezuzah, written by Rabbinical ordained Scribes who reject the words of Jesus “Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites” Mat 23:14 (Rabbis are today’s Pharisees) and “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ and all ye are brethren” Mat 23:8 Ever seen a Rabbi recognize Jesus Christ as LORD? Me neither.
Pharisees called for the Crucifixion of God on Mt of Olives because the Glory of the LORD departed Mt of Olives in Eze 8 as did the Lord Jesus Christ at the Crucifixion; His return will also be to Mt of Olives “And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives” Zech 14:4. Zech 14:12 is not a pretty sight for those not in Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ; the Arab version of “Plague” described here may have started on Nov 2 “All Souls Day”.
Any Arab, like anyone else for that matter may become part of Israel (One who wrestles with God) through a personal covenant with Jesus Christ. Physically however, Arabs descend from Joktan in whose days the world became divided, and after Abraham, through the Egyptian Hagar. Ishmaelites and by marriage, Edomites are not part of the Covenant God made with Abraham, yet God promises “Dominion” to Esau (Gen 27:40 KJV). Esau’s stated intent is to kill Jacob.
MERS CoV (Mid East Respiratory Syndrome; Coronavirus) aka Bird Flu broke out in the Arab Kingdom of Saudi Arabia before 3 million people participated in the Hajj. Corralled in thousands of Buses and Tents and Circumambulating the Idol of Hubal and the Black Stone in the Ka’aba, in close proximity before flying home to host nations in aircraft designed to recycle most of the cabin air, patient “0” is now in Spain. Mis-diagnosed Pneumonia? I doubt it; MERS CoV is the WHO #1 health concern. WHO Director Margaret Chan, an Officer in the British Empire works for Prince Phillip whose stated goal is to be “Re-incarnated as Killer Virus”. Is it just intelligent forecasting the CDC, HHS and WHO predicted a Bird Flu Pandemic would sweep across America last month?
Hanukkah and Christmas are not on God’s list of Feasts, but will likely be interesting this year as Comet ISON becomes visible in the coming days. ISON is an anagram of Sion aka Mt Hermon “Mount of the Chief”; Comet means “Long Haired Star”; historically regarded as portents of ill omen. Comet ISON reaches Perihelion (closest to Sun) on Hanukkah and makes its closes approach to Earth on Christmas Day. Coincidence? No, set in motion by God. Christmas means Sacrifice and Consumption of the body of Christ.
Lucifer as Sol Invictus is born at Christmas
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles
Luke 1 describes the Conception of Jesus Christ at Feast of Dedication. Talmudic Rabbis have changed Feast of Dedication to Hanukkah (Pa=House of Enoch), and the 7 Branched Candlestick to the Menorah where Shamash, the Assyrian sun god is at the center; not God. Hanukkah means “He Dedicated or Consecrated”. Who? Mormons (Mormo is King of the Ghouls) claim Enoch (Cain’s Enoch and his City were taken to Heaven. Seth’s Enoch was 365 years old (1 Solar Year=365 days) when God took him to Heaven; Lucifer as the Sun impersonated this with the Solar Year. Seth’s Enoch, the 7th from Adam, with Elijah will be God’s “2 Witnesses” during the Great Tribulation. Why? Jesus said “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” Heb 9:27 Seth and Enoch are the only 2 persons including Jesus Christ to have lived and not died; they will get their turn to die shortly and like Jesus, they will rise as “First Fruits” in Jerusalem, the city Jesus currently refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 KJV. Good Friday to First Light Easter Sunday is not 3 days and 3 nights; Jesus was Crucified on Passover Eve and rose on First Fruits (17 Abib) 3 days and 3 nights (14th, 15th, 16th) later. Tell your Priest/Pastor Rabbits don’t lay Eggs! Better yet, become “Holy” and leave.
God does not Lie. Satan Lies. Jesus said “Never call any man Rabbi”; Rabbis changed “Hanukkah” to “Festival of Lights” using the story of the miraculous burning of 1 day’s worth of Olive Oil for 8 days. Why Olive Oil? Jesus was Crucified on Mt of Olives. Christmas, then became associated with Festival of Lights (Lighting Trees and Houses) from the miraculous story of the Maccabees cleansing and dedicating the 2nd Temple on 25 Kislev (Kislev is December; no, it’s not coincidence) during the Inter-testament period roughly 160 years before Jesus; here we are 2160 years later, awaiting the arrival of another Messiah; no, it’s not going to be Jesus. None of these events nor the dates are in Scripture because they are Satanic counterfeits!
Nutshell version of Luke 1: John the Baptist is Conceived after the 8th Temple Service of “Abia” (June); in the 6th month of his mother Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Jesus was Conceived during Feast of Dedication (Mary becoming the Earthly Temple of God); 9 months later on the 8 day Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus was born as the Earthly Tabernacle of God. 33 1/2 years later, Jesus was rejected and Crucified, taking the exact same path to Heaven, the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple in Eze 8. 40 days after Passover, Jesus appeared to the Apostles and rose in His Transfigured Body into the clouds, and to Heaven; the promise given was in a few days time the Holy Ghost would be delivered to Baptize with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5) and that the 2nd Coming would occur in like manner. These events are recorded in Acts 1:1-12. This is celebrated today as “Day of Ascension”; the next being May 29, 2014. One problem folks! This is 40 days after Easter not Passover. Herod the Edomite ruler of Judea celebrated Easter (Acts 12:1 KJV) Easter is Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Isis, Astarte; the day has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Why? Passover is always Abib 14; God’s New Year always begins Abib 1, the first New Moon following Spring Equinox. Easter is Sunday following the Full Moon after the New Moon nearest Spring Equinox. The 2 dates may differ by nearly 5 weeks depending on how the New Moon and Easter Sunday fall in relation to Spring Equinox.
Diwali at the White House
Lakshmi, wife of Vishnu is the Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity both Physically and Spiritually; she is celebrated on Diwali “Festival of Lights” (Nov 1-6, 2013); Michelle Obama celebrated Diwali at the White House, which in 2013 coincides with Anonymous (read Jesuits) and the Million Mask March in 400 cities worldwide on Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5). Odd? Barack Obama carries an idol of the Hindu Monkey god Hanuman. With this Idol he also carries a GI Bracelet, Madonna and Child (Knight Templar Idol, not Mary and Jesus), St Christopher Medal (Christ-Taufr means Red Christ/Messiah; the Edomite Messiah is not Jesus Christ) and Gambler’s Chit (Obama Care is considered Insurance in Islam and Insurance is considered Gambling, making Obama the ultimate Hypocrite in Islam)
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes will pretend to be any religion in public while practicing Satanism in private; What is Satanism? Read the list in Lev 18:22 and Rom 1:27; summed up it is “Do what thou wilt”.
Obama lit the 2012 White House Hanukkah Menorah. Talmudic Rabbis lit the Washington DC Menorah
Obama bowed to Wahhabist Dictator King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
Obama bowed to Shinto Emperor Akahito
Obama proclaimed a “New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo standing next to Grand Orient Lodge Freemason
Hosni Mubarak. Note: Barack, a Prince Hall Mason and MuBarak both mean Lightning; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi; Barack Obama/Barry Soetero is not his name; he was given the name Bari Malik Shabazz meaning Boat or Barque ie the Carrier; Malik meaning Arabic Lord Molech/Martu/ Marduk aka Ilu or On. Babylon is derived from; Bab is Gate; On=Osiris=Heliopolis “City of the Sun”. Shabazz means “Royal Falcon”. If you saw the short video My Pet Goat II
You will see Obama is essentially the Barque or Boat of Molech; in Egypt Horus was this Divine Child born at Christmas. Obama is the Gate of the Sun god. Out of the ashes of the Phoenix the New Order will arise. Odd? Hardly This is Sabian Religion in action; Sabah means “Sunrise” and also means “Leave one’s religion for that of another”. Jesus used the term “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”.
On 11/22/13 Hunger Games: Catching Fire debuts on the 60th anniversary of the Masonic murder of JFK. Michelle Obama wore a Black Widow Dress on the same spot Abraham Lincoln was elected and held the Lincoln Bible as Barack failed to Swear to defend the Constitution in front of Jesuit Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts; the Invocation by “America’s Pastor” Rick Warren to Issa went largely un-unnoticed, but Essa is the Arab Divine Son, equivalent with Issa, the Druid version on whose branches in “Thor’s Oaks” sacrifices were “Made White” (sinless). White Oak? That’s Albuquerque where Obama sent weapons to Mitt Romney’s Mexican branch “Sinaloa Cartel”; Romney has been told for 33 years he is “The one, Mighty and strong to usher in the 2nd Coming of Jesus to America”; the Mormon Jesus is “Chaos” folks, and a divided US becoming “Panem” is not out of the question.
“The love of money is the root of all evil”
I do not endorse anything more than the analysis of the bills on this website. Jesus is NOT coming now; Lucifer comes first as “Alternative Messiah”.
The US $20 predicted the destruction of the Twin Towers and Pentagon in advance.
The US $50 foretells the destruction of the Hoover Dam, the primary source of water for Los Angeles. The movie Transformers also featured the Hoover Dam; “Decepticons” Hard to figure this out eh?
The US $10 shows a nuclear? attack and flooding; of NYC? Who knows.
The US $100 Witchcraft including Kaballah, Santeria, Voodoo etc. Islam? Osama bin Laden (Osama=Lion; bin=Crib or Manger; Laden=Ladon, the 100 headed dragon in the west America gave birth to as “al-Qaeda”) said “America is Hubal of the modern age” Why? Hubal is a Red Agate Idol with a Golden Hand; the Midas Touch is Babylon Banking, the MOney Changers Jesus turned the tables over on at the Temple. We know them as International Bankers, Knights Templars and Hospitallers aka Knights of Malta. Hubal is of Arabic origin, an Idol smashed and dedicated to Allah at the Ka’aba (Zamzam Well where Hagar and Ishmael were “Cast Out” by Abraham) by Muhammad. Ever wonder why Arabs claim Abraham and Muhammad had White Horses called “al-Buraq” (Buraq=Barack) take them to Heaven and survey the World? That horse is in the US White House; the Bari ie Barque of Sin! Who did Jesus call the “Man of Sin”? Lucifer, the Morning Star, Devil, Serpent, and Dragon (Ref Rev 12:9)
There is no god but Allah” is the Shahada, and all that is required to convert to Islam; Muslim means “One who submits”; Allah is the Moon; the Assyrian/Akkadian moon god is “Sin”. Make sense yet? Folks, the Shahada is under the Papal Chair of St Peter for Pete’s sake!
In 1604, King James signed the “Witchcraft Act”; being a witch became deathly dangerous. On Nov 5, 1605 Guy Fawkes took the fall for Jesuit (“Society of Jesus”; Seriously?) ringleader Thomas Percy in the “Gunpowder and Treason Plot”; Percy changed his name to Pierce to avoid the association. Jesuits tried to kill King James for exterminating Witchcraft and commissioning the Authorized Bible. Of note are the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15-19 as well as the larger text verses 9-20 are missing from Vatican texts. No miracles for God’s followers folks! How on earth could Jesus transfer the gift of miracles to other men, after His death via the Holy Ghost? Jesus said that all manner of Sin would be forgiven but 1 “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” See why Jesuits didn’t want those texts put in? Another critical text was changed iin Gen 27:39-41. Edomites obtaining “Dominion” over the Earth? Preposterous which is why your Priest/Pastor/Rabbi never mentions them. To Jesuits, Jesus is just a guy. “Killing Jesus” is Knight of Malta Bill O’Reilly’s new book. In it, Jesus is just a guy killed by Rome. Bill is a Liar; Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the execution of Jesus finding “no fault with him”; the Pharisees called for the execution, not Rome. Jesus damned the Pharisees to Hell for Eternity calling them “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” among other niceties. Now you know why He said never call any man on earth Father, Master or Rabbi.
In 1620 Sir Francis Bacon wrote New Atlantis describing America as the Pyramid (Amid the Flames) upon which a New Atlantis rises like the Phoenix. Note the connection with Bacon and Pigs here; Legion was the name of many Demons Jesus cast into the Swine as they fell from the cliff; America was set up to be the same, a hateful bird full of demons. PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain were all bankrupted by modern day Knights Templar; America will “Burn down the House”; remember that song? NYC has Coney Island for this reason; they will be first.
300 years later Barbara Pierce was born to Aleister Crowley, MI-6 agent and self proclaimed “Great Beast”; a Sex Magick Ritual called Babalon working involving Crowley and Pauline Robinson Pierce within AA (Astrum Argentium aka Order of Silver Star) produced Barbara. She then married George Scherff Jr aka George Bush Sr, whose father was Nikola Tesla’s lab assistant and Nazi accountant George Scherff. Illegal to be US President? Sure, so is Aleister Crowley and Pauline Pierce’ grandson George Bush Jr, but then again so is Barack Obama (Madrassa Quran Schools and Mitt Romney. “Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction must stick to possibilities, truth does not” Bohemian Grove founder Mark Twain. Oh, yes, Barack attends Bohemian Grove and worships Molech with the Bushes (Scherf’).
Shakuntala=Bird; Devi=Divine, the root seen is Devil
The latest Google Doodle came out during “Diwali”, the Hindu “Festival of Lights” (Lucifer means Light Bearer) to honor Hindu Math Savant Shakuntala Devi, dubbed the “Human Calculator”. The Divine Bird here is “Garuda”, considered the mount of Vishnu. Arabs call this same bird “Phoenix” meaning “House of Enoch”. Remember, Enoch lived 365 years; this Christmas, the Sun god “Solis Invicti” will resurrect 3 1/2 days after the Solar Solstice on 12/21 some 365 days after the 2012 Solstice began the 5th Age of Venus, another name of the “Light Bearer” Lucifer. There is more than meets the eye about 6006LE
6006LE is not only a numerical play on Google, but a reference to the Blogger 6006LE who referenced Ascension Island; do a Google Search of 6006LE. Recall, Google Barges built by a dummy Corp “By and Large” reference the same corporation in the movie WALL-E about a Robot cleaning up earth after fat, lazy humans render it inhospitable; Titus tells us their Priests even referred their own “Cretians” as “Liars, Evil Beasts and Slow Bellies”. Why is Sodomite Jodie Foster in Elysium? Shakuntala Devi married a Sodomite; like WALL-E the Cretians in Elysium (Similar concept to Valhalla) intend to watch America sink like Titanic; and like Titanic, they have Insured their bets in Hedge Funds and Derivatives. Where was Prop 8 passed? San Francisco, right where the Google Barges are manufactured by Google X. Want to design Robots like WALL-E? For an outrageous tuition Google will enroll you in Singularity University a New Age school built on Moffett Naval Base; nice of us taxpayers to give them that property wasn’t it? The Google Doodle before this latest one was the sign Jesus said He would send to the “Evil and Adulterous Generation” of Pharisees; The Sign of Jonah, which Google turned into the Whale.
Ascension Island was “Discovered” but “Un-recorded” by Portuguese sailor Joao da Nova Castella “John of New Castle” Cute eh? SMOM are Knights of St John of Jerusalem. He named the island “Conception Island”; note the above mentioned calendar change and this will make sense. The island was then “re-discovered” on 29 May, 1503 by Alphonse d’ Albuquerque on Day of Ascension; for that year? Heaven’s no, for 2014. Albuquerque, New Mexico is also named for this same navigator; funny how Operation Gun Runner armed Sinaloa Drug Cartels (Mitt Romney’s Mexican family branch) with weapons stored in Columbus, New Mexico (33rd Latitude like the Trinity Site) because Christopher Columbus was also Portuguese (Sephardic Fake Jews are Chaldeans 2 Kings 17:30 pretending to be Jewish) real name likely Fernando Zarco. He didn’t “Discover” anything either; merely turned America into a Disease infested Death Trap like WALL-E, and like modern day Bankers, he too stole the Gold. That date was 9 Av 1492, so its no coincidence Project 911 on Site 911 at Beit Shemesh (House of Shamash) will be completed with US taxpayer money by 9 Av 2014 (August 4-5) with the Mezuzah “The LORD our God is One” over every doorway. Jesus is not “One”; He is Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and the Word made Flesh; Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End. Albuquerque means “White Oak”; Druids are “Knowers of the Oaks”; Ascension Day is always on a Thursday, named after Thor, the Norse version of Satan like Christopher or Christ-Taufer “Red Messiah”. Check out the new movie Thor it’s not playing now by coincidence!
Alphonse d’ Albuquerque re-named “Conception Island”, “HMS Ascension” (Her Majesty’s Ship Ascension) the “Stone Sloop of War of the smaller class”. Ascension Day on May 29, 2014 is 40 days after Easter. A Messiah appearing in the Clouds taking up followers to Heaven? Sounds like the Rapture doesn’t it? Rapture is not in Scripture and Easter has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ; it has to do with “Her Majesty” the “Queen of Heaven”. Now, back to those Google Barges; why on Earth would they be called “Bal”? Baal is consort of the Queen of Heaven or course.
Now let’s wrap this up by describing why Hanuman the Hindu Monkey Idol bows to Vishnu to form Rami Pariver. Rami Pariver means “Family of Rama”; RAma means “Supreme Brahmin” where Brahmins are the Upper Priestly Caste. Note the similarity with Iran meaning “Noble Caste”. Rahm means “Supreme Creator”. Jesus Christ? Heaven’s no, the Orient (East) false Creator whose allegiance wiil cause God to send you to Hell forever!
If they want to listen to some good preaching, tapping the phone might one way to get it! Another easier way might be to toon into your web sight Howard ! Q. I too believe in keeping the feasts and sabbaths of YahUah ! ( KJV Jehovah ) Howard do you follow Yahuahs solar luner calander for your sabbaths as well as your feasts? I do not like the fact that Julius Cesar and Pope Gregory changed the Times or Feast we have been commanded to keep. Even the months are tampered with. Such as Cesar Augustus thinking he was so special he took a day from February so he could have 31 days for his month!
Is 66. After the new heavens and new earth, the word says that from one new moon to the next, and from one sabbath to the next all flesh shall come up before YahUah . Meet with our creator and worsh him.. He promises us his people if we keep his sabbaths he will take us to his holy mountain! It is a sighn(mark ) that we belong to him.?
Oh, forgot to mention the Microwave cooking of our Temples. It’s just a lovely situation isn’t it?
I have not done any research into microwave cookers! I hope the tale of microwave ovens is just that a tale and has not factual basis but cooking our brains sounds scary! We’re you referring to cellphones, are microwave ovens safe to cook with ?
Forward and rear camers yes and embed microphone ?
hacker news, cnn reports that 2 men have entered guilty pleas for hacking into women’s computers and photographing them. well I guess this cat’s out of the bag.
We carry around a fwd and rear facing camera remotely controlled by the NSA with a GPS Chip and all of our passwords and personal information. Cathoic Confession on Steroids!
bitcoin in the news, they call it crypto currency. crypto/secret, just what the bankers are into. who is minting this crap? that says lots. just like who put the very expensive sculpture in the ks city park during the occupy movement. it was at the wwi memorial right next to the fed resrve bank of ks city. no link fr rt.
rt reports a bumper crop of poppy’s/opium, heroine, in afghanistan . how come we can’t grow poppys? makes a lovely garden backdrop, with posies and forget me nots.
Poppy is GHW Bush nickname; we go through Poppies to get to Emerald City and the Wizard of Oz after all
“Righty Right? Let’s have a look at the Poppy first shall we? That adorable little red flower that we proudly pin to ourselves and display every November. The use of the poppy dates back to ancient times despite the fact that the establishment will tell you different and may suggest that Poppy Day only stems from the Napoleonic wars or maybe Flanders fields in World War One.
I will tell you, and I want you to take it in, that the Poppy is related to, like in most Serpent Cult deceptive activity, ancient deities of worship. In this case it is the son of the god known in Greek as ‘Hypnos’ and his name is ‘Morpheus’
Morpheus has two brothers named Phobetor and Phantasos and they are known collectively as the Oneiroi. I realise that that some of these names match up with the blockbuster movie called ‘The Matrix’ but I’m not here to tell you that the word Neo is an anagram of the word One. I respect your intelligence too much. I’ll leave things like that to the the phoney fakers that are selling you DVD’s.
Typical forum gossip after hearing the gripping news…”Well I’ll go to the bottom of my stairs, does the word Neo really change in to the word One ?” “You’ll be telling me Clark Kent is really Superman next”
But I will tell you that ‘Morpheus’ is the god of dreams and his father ‘Hypnos’ was the god of sleep. The poppy is associated with putting ‘people to sleep’ and it symbolises just that. Obviously there is no hiding the fact that the poppy is definitely related to Morpheus Also: Who can ever forget the scene from Wizard of OZ where they are put to sleep in a field of Poppies? ”
Speaking of putting us to sleep. D you believe the television (mind controle machine!) is being used to put us to sleep as well? Lots of flickering and wheels spinning!
Lots of references to the wizard of oz on the tube these days. I see lots of red shoes as well. (Edomite/Esau signature withe the red ties?). Are the red ties a hidden message a red alert sort of hidden warning? Oh and lots of red dresses on the tube..
5 million bit coin heist in china, and its gone! duh. I like the pics of though, gold with the rainbow hologram in print. it’s the best fake crap looking money I’ve seen.http://rt.com/usa/kaspersky-russia-nuclear-plants-612/
kaspersky says usa infected russian nuke plant with stuxnet. here is an excuse to hack the grid, just like in national geo’s special on the grid going down. forget the title. it has obama acting in it. http://rt.com/usa/kaspersky-russia-nuclear-plants-612/
the international space station may have been infected. I couldn’t listen to the whole vid. plot thickens.
Yamashita Gold aka Black Gold was looted by Hirohito (33 Mason); it was backlogged by US Subs in the Philippines before being sent to the Black Eagle Trust (Prescott Bush), M-Fund (M is the logo of the Society of Ormus aka Theraputae aka Alexandrian Gnostics; 007’s Boss? Cute eh?)
Chineses Troops on the ground In Hawaii Today. General John say Us/Chinese Joint Exercise in Case of a Disaster. Yeah Right its about that Gold they have in Hawaiian Vault I think. All this GridEx Crap is just to distract people from Gold Heist that Going on. JP(Chase.Bank)
OCTOBER 11, 2013
Dollar crash big trouble ! They just might need those FEMA Camps..
Howard, that symbol on this article looks like the twitter bird.
lots of aid $ rolling in for the charities to steal. cha ching al ling. cold blooded.
here’s a good one from cnn on sandy hook hoax. 1st responder has ptsd and can’t go back to work. smoke and mirrors and more smoke. http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/11/us/connecticut-newtown-officer-ptsd/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
Feds paid CT 10X the amount necessary to rebuild Sandy Hook with is now being demolished and the CT State Attorney is asking Judges to withhold 911 call transcripts to protect the privacy of victims. More Apis BS eh?
trump crowned miss venezuela miss universe with ukraine and china runners up. they dressed in red swimsuits to fit right in. Venezuela is taking over usa oil co. equipment and businesses that are gouging the public. they are buying russian missiles too. trump/joker wants to build a skyscraper in russia.
Nour M, a Turkish cargo chip carrying 20,000 Russian mae Kalashinokov rifles and explosives from the Ukraine through the Black Sea to Istanbul where the cargo was loaded, then to al-Qaeda “Rebels” in Tartus, Syria or Tripoli was intercepted yesterday by Greek Coast Guard.
Everybody works together for War
israel is gearing up for a solo performance on iran. talking lots of trash.http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=13245
Travis I cut the cable on my tv. just got internet and phone. tried to watch national geographic doc on grid being hacked. they had obama acting in it. the clips may have been from sandy hook news conference, but you still have to get his permission to use them. I think it has to do with black magik, fore telling of future events helps compound the spell. napolitano said it was 100% certainty that the grid would be attacked by hackers or the sun.
Craig and Travis, Stanford U posted an article about a reversal of the Sun’s Magnetic Field reversing very soon because the Northern Hemisphere had already flipped (what 2 poles of the same polarity now? BS!) and the South Pole is imminent which will affect Power Grids and GPS,
Communications etc
Nice timing with GridEx II tomorrow.
Definition of Magnet: Ferrous material below the Curie Temp The Sun doesn’t have a Magnetic Field, Earth does
Yeah Now Red Cross(aquarian) asking for Donation also??? To Craig just Got thru Look At Sleepy Hollow with.any Hidden Message or Trigger they put thru Airwaves . Have any of you GUY familar with the Term Cicero is was on the Headless. Character Teeth in the Past Episode. I COLLECT Marcus Tullius Cicero. Also 1 Cicero 4>51166667 millmeters.
they may have broke a record with that last typhoon, hope they’re proud.
Yeah Howard Its was a Interesting week past with Mitt Romney Mormons and Sinoloa Drug(Cartel) Finding tunnel in San Diego. Along with Mormon. Purchasing 2%percent of STATEOFFLORIDA on6thday(Friday*Freiya). Henry Kissinger Mitt Romney and Chris Christe Poltical Connection Also.
“Control Food you control people” Henry Kissinger is Mitt Romney and Barry Obama’s adviser. Mitt’s great grandfather Miles Park Romney fled justice from St John’s AZ to Chihuahua Mexico leaving behind what we call the Sinaloa Cartel which the US arms to the teeth and digs tunnels for.
Massive culling of Food Animals after Thanksgiving in response to a Bird Flu Pandemic times nicely with the Mormons buying another 400K ac to go with Deseret Land and Livestock 600K ac in Fla SW of Orlando and another 600K ac Deseret Farms in Nebraska.
I added all this to my article in theresnothingnew; I’ll ask Andy to repost this
I agree Travis, the Riddle known only to whom Samson told the secret will soon be revealed. Lucifer as an Alternative Jesus represented by the Lion and It substitute symbol the Eagle (Britain-US)
I also love the Mal 3:11 “Don’t cast our fruit to o early” I like you (I’m assuming) are having difficulty waking people up, but the days are coming when this will not be the case.
Honey has been regarded as “Nectar of the Gods” produced by Bee (Chaldean Priests are Melissae=Bees) Vomit (Speaking/Sermons)
The Mormon Church uses this symbolism in the Eagle Gate an Eagle clutching the Baphomet (God of All Things) and a Beehive.
I just saw a special on Mitt and Ann Romney; we have not seen the last of this money laundering Chaldean (Welsh) Gypsy
here’s a pic of ison with a green head and red tail.http://www.universetoday.com/106205/comet-ison-heats-up-grows-new-tail/
Olympic torch looks like a muslim sword. have to think about the riddle.
Samson Riddle has to do with Unveiling of that devouring lion or something Else Howard far as sun god thing sargonIII
Samson Riddle Language LionNow we will consider what is the spiritual significance of the symbols of Samson’s riddle for His Philistine guests at his wedding.
“What is stronger than a lion” was the answer to that part of Samson’s riddle. A lion, like every word of God, has both a positive and a negative application in scripture, and always typifies one of two things, either. Christ or the Adversary. For example:
Rev 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary. the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking. whom he may devour:Now with all this in mind, let’s look again at Samson’s riddle and see what it really reveals.
Jdg 14:14 And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle.
The eater is those who would destroy Christ and His Christ, His elect. He is called “the eater” or the devourerer.”
Mal 3:11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
The “meat” that comes out of “the eater” is the good that God causes to come of evil. It is the light that God calls out of darkness.
Gen 45:4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
Gen 45:5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.
Gen 45:6 For these two years [hath] the famine [been] in the land: and yet [there are] five years, in the which [there shall] neither [be] earing nor harvest.
Gen 45:7 And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
Gen 45:8 So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
Gen 50:19 And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?
Gen 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as [it is] this day, to save much people alive.
God alone can and will cause all evil deeds that have ever been committed to eventually bring forth good for all men, and all generations of all time. That is “Out of the eater came forth meat” and that is also “out of the strong came forth sweetness.”
Love the riddle ! Here is a little bit of a riddle , like your takes on. I live in a small northern Midwestern town with a population of aprox 3,000 -5,000 people. I just learned a local buisness is expanding. They are adding 400 new jobs. Now here is the riddle/question. They claim they cannot find enough people to hire from USA so they are adding 140 workers from Russa. In a country that has millions unemployed cannot find 140 workers? Are the Russians here to work or are they here foursome other purpose or both?
Any thoughts on Samson’s Riddle? I feel Christmas 2013 may solve that riddle
It’s just a guess, but when ISON passes Earth on Christmas, I thing strange atmospheric phenomena will be blamed on the Comet.
The thing we need to realize is the Earth is Fixed, it cannot move through the Tail.
Second is Comet Tails are sublimated ice that always extends away from the Sun, so the Comet essentially flies directly into the Tail. How can that geometry cause havoc on Earth?
Quick definitions from WordNet (hail)”greetings!” c.1200, from a Scandinavian source, cf. Old Norse heill “health, prosperity, good luck;” and from Old English hals, shortening of wæs hæil “be healthy” (see health and cf. wassail).
hail (n.)
“frozen rain,” Old English hægl, hagol (Mercian hegel) “hail, hailstorm,” also the name of the rune for H, from West Germanic *haglaz (cf. Old Frisian heil, Old Saxon, Old High German hagal, Old Norse hagl, German Hagel “hail”), probably from PIE *kaghlo- “pebble” (cf. Greek kakhlex “round pebble”).
▸ noun: enthusiastic greeting
▸ noun: precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents
Howard Hail in Meteorology representation to Ice Pellets(Balls) as You Mention in yours Article regarding to CometISON. Hail Term is in Isaiah 32:19 regarding Rebellious People/Woe to Spoiler
Howard Don’t Worry About looking for that Article Bro its too much stuff Happening to get sidetrack with Overponder by myselfs. Anyway have heard Drill With Chinese. Troops inregard to GridEXll Hawaii??? http://q=http://christianitynotchurchianity.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-next-90-days.html&sa=U.
I thinkiJackie used two guns. She used a dart gun to inject a chemical agent into JFK’s left thigh in order to incapacitate him first. Then about 7 seconds later, she used a firearm installed inside her handbag to shoot a special bullet below JFK’s left ear. The bullet exited on the right side of his forehead by crushing the frontal bone of his skull. Nobody would suspect Jackie holding her handbag close to her chest.
I’m with your analysis Travis; a similar thing with Lincoln happened as well. Nobody uses a single shot round ball derringer unless it is point blank
I’ll try to find the article I wrote on that Travis. I do believe she shot him as Mary Todd did Abe Lincoln. .50Cal Derringers were used in both. Apparently as JFK went into Respiratory Distress, Jackie hit him point blank and that bullet was removed during the military autopsy.
I don’t think any of us will ever figure out the depths of this “Matrix” deception; all I know is the Magic Bullet theory is impossible from a physics perspective
Did Jacqueline Had something to do with JFK Assassination??? She remarrie one of John Nemesis ONASSIS guys. What about that shot that hitTemple it seem Close range..
I heard the driver did it that’s why Jackie is seen trying to climb out the back…
33 degree Gerry Ford was one heartbeat and 2 assassination attempts away from the US having Nelson Rockefeller as Chief Executive. He indoctrinated Cheney and Rumsfeld to the marvels of Ethnic Cleansing aboard AF 1 when Ford green lighted Suharto in E Timor for the slaughter of 2 million people
CVN 78 is pretty telling; $13Billion and only 70% complete at Christening. 7X8=56 Chaldean Astrologers claim we are in the 56th and last era of the Sun which ends in 2016 to begin the 1000 years Millennium of the Sun. 7+8=15=6 and 5; 5-6 is the Mayan Era which begins at In Kaballah, Jesus is placed at the 5-6 Level.
it’s the marine corps birthday. one finger salute, at ease. they told me to leave and not come back. well sorrrry. I got a good conduct medal and a do not re-enlist code on my last orders. non initiates not welcome! what’s up with the red/blood stripe down the dress blue uniforms? paint it red to fit right in.
head’s up. ferrari satellite to crash to earth. not sure where, sorry. it seems it was measuring our gravity for 4 years. must have been boring. http://rt.com/news/goce-gravity-satellite-earth-499/
we have a new carrier, the gerald ford, I remember he was so drunk all the time secret service was picking him up off the ground every other day. his wife was so wasted they named a rehab after her. shelter from her little helpers. fitting name for an obsolete piece of crap.
Thanks Karl, Stacey; sorry for the oversight
Thanks Howard/Craig /Karl (((One Accord))))
Amen Bro; you too Craig and Andy
found this on weather channel http://www.weather.com/travel/worlds-tallest-statues-photos-20131106?pageno=12
Now you know why Mormo is an infernal name of Satan; called King of the Ghouls ie Graveyards and God of the Living Dead. The series Walking Dead making sense now?
Everyone, read the article with all the additional material on http://www.theresnothingnew.org/
The timing of this with the unprecedented slaughter of animal carcasses after Thanksgiving is not coincidence
The Mormon Church owns/operates as a 5013c Tax Free Corp Deseret Ranches and Deseret Farms operating in Nebraska 1/2 million as of farm land; in Flo west of Orlando (Disney purchased the land for Disney World from the Mormon Church) for Dseeret Land and Livestock (100 head of cattle on 1/2 million ac just in the US plus numerous big game ranches for the Elite to bag a trophy Elk etc.
“…Control Food you control people” Satanist Henry Kissinger
Notice the timing on this coincides with the CDC and FDA preparations for a mass killing of animal carcasses after Thanksgiving.
What more proof that we are near the end of America does one need?
I heard that they Mormon church owns Cocola company as well..
mean while in gay paris,1789 lovers of the bastille set in paris, pyro tech explosion. 15 injured 5 seriously. 3-5’s, voltaire’s ghost ? not likely. blast happened at 18:00 local time =666. 3 shows before this one, ten commandments, sun king, motzart the rock opera. motzart did the backwards writing and talking.
ps theater is a geodesic dome, ole bucky with the crazy balls. I do like the dome idea though. sphere is the most efficient shape. in my opinion. I think it was tesla’s too. notice how we almost always build opposite.
Obama Adds to the Ranks of His Secret Police… “The ObamaCare Police”
Obama Adds to the Ranks of His Secret Police… “The ObamaCare Police” |
In the wake of Jeff Duncan’s reporting of IRS agents being trained with AR-15s I think we should be at least somewhat concerned with a breaking news story about the new “ObamaCare” Police. It would seem that the IRS implementation will not be the only strong arm of ObamaCare but that Health and Huma…
A sect of the Mormon Church is poised to become the largest private landowner in the state of Florida …
Mormon Church purchases 2% of the state of Florida for half a …
… http://rt.com/usa/mormon-church-florida-half-billion-459/ ItBegining Marco Rubio/ Mitt CIA I mean
google is at it again, collecting personal data/passwords etc. from google maps cars. 60mirroror 06 upsidedown 37, 60/9=6.6666666667, 37/9=4.1111111111. google barges showrooms for google glass. strap the idiot box to head of slave. this turns us into little broadcast stations. the off switch doesn’t mean it is off. it’s off when google says it’s off.
forgot link to google art.http://www.france24.com/en/20131107-brazil-orders-google-hand-over-street-view-data
It’s the End of the world !
( that was the lyrics to a song I believe, he must of been a prophet !)
1 Samuel 6, it talks about the arks return. I think this cancer as a weapon against us is revenge for this. exposer to chemicals is a good start to cancer, then radioactive weapons, medicine, power, locomotion etc..Deut 28:27. the pink ribbon cancer bs. they make lots of $ from cancer. kerry and his stupid pink tie.
What constelation are we in now Cancer? Do you think the elite will be safe in their underground cities? Hide us from the rath of the lamb.
great article, lots of things going on in geneva/juniper in french or white in english. john kerry and his pink tie diplomacy. cern, they said arafat was poisoned , and named russia as the perp. still think that 6006LE has lots of math puzzels in it. have to revisit ascension island. how about that typhoon haiyan/? looks like all the moister will go over japan. 235 mph gusts, uranium 235 comes to mind.
We hove enough don’t need anymore 235 ! Considering if I should buy a rifle but the gun dealer said he has no bullets for the gun and not sure if he can get any ! He said they have been trying.though.. What’s the matter did they forget how to make Bullets?
What Up with HUNGER games Girl Jennifer Lawrencealong with many of these Monarch program women with their pixie cut hair style. …. What Signal these Programmer Trying to Send??? Nice Info Howard ONE Accord Brother One Accord
Texas Fundraiserevent(Willard(Mitt) Moments here for Runeman Barack
Did Obama just say, “we are remaking the courts …
Is he refering those Admiralty Law Courts with Judges of (Black Noblity) ????You Betcha(Not Betting Man tho
Change You can believe in !,
Yes We Can Oops Thank You Satan
Language of Birds, Oil and Green Language.
The ancient hidden language of the Druids, Troubadors and Bards in plain sight