“…give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth”
– Rev 11:18
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) antennas broadcast microwave (high frequency energy) to the Ionosphere for the purpose of earth (earthquake, volcanic) and weather modification. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves are created by vibrating the Ionosphere as a drummer vibrates the drum membrane. The frequency, well below human hearing, roughly matches the “earth beat” frequency of 7 Hertz (hertz is cycles per second) calculated by simply dividing the speed of light by the Ionosphere circumference (186,000 / 26,000 = 7Hz). This creates a “Standing Wave” which can be modulated in amplitude and frequency forming a “scalar wave” in 3 dimensions..
..in other words, any location on, above or in the earth can be affected.
Microwave radiation is enhanced by the use of chemtrails (aluminum/barium nano-particles) which serve as condensation nuclei, increasing kinetic and hence total energy of a weather system, as well as creating artificial low pressure areas used to guide weather systems or high pressure systems used to dam weather systems. Fukushima was a HAARP induced ecological disaster as was the Haiti Earthquake, India/Pakistan Floods, the Sichuan Earthquake in China, Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesia Earthquake/Tsunami used to murder 250,000 human cattle on Yule.
The map above is an October 29, 2012 depiction of HAARP signal intensity and frequency. The white area in the upper northeast appears to be an off the chart signal strength not seen previously.
Appropriate for a “Storm of the Century”? Time will tell..
- Hurricane Sandy is being guided, timed and increased in intensity. The 1000 mile wide storm has the largest total energy (kinetic energy ie molecular velocity X volume) of any storm to hit the US.
- Sandy will hit the Northeast Corridor at full moon at high tide.
- Sandy will hit a Pacific Ocean storm front at the coast.
- Sandy will hit an arctic air mass at the coast.
- Sandy will be accelerated by the jet stream abruptly turning north at the coast, potentially turning into a Nor’easter.
FEMA and “The Perfect Storm” come together in a 40 year work in progress beginning with the Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan years. Executive Orders 10990-11005 allow government takeover of all public, private and corporate assets during a Martial Law declaration; FEMA director Craig Fugate, appointed by Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Jesuit Knight of Malta, 9/11/2001 architect, Iran-Contra drug runner Gov. Jeb Bush to FEMA Director in Florida; offered FEMA Director by Bush Jr after Hurricane Katrina, accepted the job of FEMA Director under Barack Obama. He would assume the role of “Dictator” for an emergency such as a “Major Environmental Disaster” directed by the National Security Council from FEMA built underground facilities constructed using “Black Budgets”.
FEMA became a Secret Government Bememoth during the Iran-Contra Drug for Weapons pipeline managed by Reagan NSC Adviser now Methodist Reverend Oliver North, Bohemian Grove, CFR, Bilderberg, 330 Masons, George “Magog” Bush Sr, Gov Bill Clinton (DeMolay Mason/Rhodes Scholar managed supply lines from Mena AK) and Mitt Romney (managed the 173%/Yr $Multi-Trillion Money Laundry). Central American Cocaine essentially financed FEMA; isn’t that special? Today, FEMA is financed by Afghanistan Opium. Is it just coincidence that most of Obama’s NSC “National Security Council” including Hillary Clinton, Robert Rubin, Tim Geithner, and Operation Gun Runner architect Eric Holder are being sued for $43Trillion in Racketeering and Money Laundering? CNBC broke the story last week and Executive VP Kevin Krim’s children and nanny were murdered. Hmm, what to do?
[frame_right][/frame_right]Mitt Romney is repeating Genesis 11; he is Akkadian (Gypsy) “They” who came from the East to blame the Scapegoat King of Babylon, Nimrod for building the Tower of Babel and Nineveh; Nimrod did neither and neither did Obama. Obama is willfully playing the role of the Cushite Nimrod, Ethiopian princess and all as the “Scapegoat”. Why? Bari Malik Shabazz is a Sodomite 320 Prince Hall Freemason filling a scripted role. Mitt Romney controls SCYTL and the E-voting company Hart Intercivic; Obama knows this. Mitt is illegitimate under the Constitution to be President much as Sargon the Great of Akkad was just after the Flood. Mitt’s advisers are Reagan era “Neo-cons” who wrote PNAC (Project for a New American Century), they orchestrated Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan Crisis in the 1980’s (Neil Bush netted $2Billion through Silverado Savings), 9/11/2001 and all 3 Gulf Wars. Civil War and a Martial Law declaration are a very real possibility and Obama knows FEMA controls the shelters. Hurricane Sandy has another wrinkle.
40 million people live around the Gulf of Mexico where for 30 months since the engineered Deep Water horizon disaster, Methane under extreme pressure (100,000 PSI) long ago eroded the drill pipe casing and has saturated the ground surrounding the Gulf and along the New Madrid Fault, resulting in FEMA generators being pre-positioned and fire bans put in place. That’s a bad situation FEMA already planned for. Emergency Management requires Emergencies to Manage!
Some 25 nuclear power plants are in the projected path of Hurricane Sandy, an engineered Storm set to collide with an engineered Pacific Ocean cold front, moisture laden Jet Stream turing north over the coast and arctic cold mass, at a Full Moon “High Tide” over Samhain, an occult date used to “Cull the Herd”. Sandy is an engineered “Hybrid Storm” carrying a special delivery of Fukushima radiation (reports from last week, indicated spent fuel was uncovered and sending plutonium radiation airborne; true or not, the Pacific Jet Stream is carrying large amounts of radiation directly over the US). Particularly dangerous is the Baroclinity (Thermal Contrast based on Temperture and Density) of Sandy, a warm very late summer Hurricane interacting with a dense Cold Front is extreme.
Sandy is 1000 miles across with a Storm Surge of 6-11ft predicted in NY (NY Subways and Trains shut-down at 7PM; Busses at 9PM Oct 29) the date coincident with the Oct 29 Stock Market Crash. Pretty fortunate the Gold was long ago removed from the tunnels under WTC Bldg’s #4&5 eh? Airlines will have no overnight aircraft in LGA, JFK, or Newark Airports and Sandy has a total Kinetic Energy rating of 5.8 out of 6 according to NOAA. In other words, this storm has nearly the most energy NOAA has ever recorded, and it will slam into 3 other weather phenomena is its interaction with the Jet Stream, Arctic Air and Cold Front making it a potential “Storm of the Century”. In addition to 40 million Gulf residents worried about Methane Explosions, some 60 million people are projected to be impacted by Hurricane Sandy; estimates of damage exceed that of Hurricane Irene at $15 Billion and the Storm Surge expected by Sandy is 3 times higher.
A carving in stone at the entrance to the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC shows the Twin Towers collapsing before 9/11/2001 happened; another shows Satan hovering over the US Capitol and another shows NY cut off from the outside with collapsed bridges; on Halloween, the Cathedral usually hosts a Ghoul walk; rather odd for a “Christian” Cathedral eh? That’s because it isn’t; it’s Gothic. St John refers to Gnostic “Johnnitters” the forerunners of the Cathars, Knights Templar, Knights of St John “Hospitallers” and Knights Templar. 700 years ago, the Council of Vienne stripped assets and disbanded the Templars; their Cathar Priests prophesied “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again”. Think the Cathedral of St John the Divine is prophetic? Take a look at Rosslyn Chapel; Green Man is all over the walls staring down at the sleeping Templars. Why Rosslyn?
Scotland is leading the worldwide “Separatist” movement to create a world without Sovereign Nations or borders; watch what Prince Michael Stewart does in Scotland; 700 years ago in 1320 AD the Declaration of Arbroath proclaimed Scottish Independence; pretty patient planning eh? Knights of Malta aka Hospitaller Pat Robertson’s “700 Club” and Pat Buchannan should ring a bell; Liberty Radio’s Stan Monteith may not, but he along with intellectual giant Charlie Daniels, Jim Marrs, Lyndon LaRouche shill Joel Skousen and Gerald Celente are producing a movie due out soon called Behold a Pale Horse designed to foster a 2nd American Revolution. Separatist nations Catalonia (Basque Region) where Mitt Romney controls the US vote from, and Venetia in Italy will follow Scotland along with the break up of America. International Corporations will of course control America’s vast Military and nearly unlimited Water (Great Lakes, Ogallala Aquifer) and Oil (Bakken Formation, ANWR and Gulf of Mexico) resources. Oh, but Saudi Arabia has all the Oil! Wrong, America does.
Civil War is the goal and a very real possibility. The book Behold a Pale Horse was written by the uncle of the likely “One World Leader” Michael Plantard (This is just a guess). Naval Intelligence officer William Milton Cooper (www.Hourofthetime.com/) wrote the book covering such nonsense as the Prieure of Zion (Holy Grail Guardians) made up by his Vichy French Nazi traitor father Pierre Plantard and the twins experiments conducted by Joseph Mengele which resulted in his brother and sister Connie and Ronnie Cooper giving birth to Michael Plantard Michael refers to Archangel Michael and Plantard means “Vine Cutting”. Folks, the CFR and Jesuits are riding the Pale Horse, the Prieure of Zion is pure fiction! If you want to be a real life Jesus Kid, all you need to do is ask Him!
Samhain means “End of Summer”. Leaves are still on the Trees and Rain Bands are saturating the ground ahead of Hurricane Sandy, the largest storm to ever hit the US, assuring widespread power outages; a bad situation made worse if refineries in New Jersey are interrupted as back-up atomic energy coolant pumps are Electric and Diesel powered. Couple this situation with potential disruption in the Gulf of Mexico refineries and pipelines and a disaster of unimaginable proportions could develop. I pray this will not happen, but realize God wrote His plan in stone; it is not subject to the slightest alteration. The occult plan for America is to be a Scapegoat “Babylon” in order the Alternative Messiah venerated by Mitt Romney, Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may be revealed. It doesn’t take a genius to read Rev 18 and realize the plan for America is about as bad as man can design. Celt means “Warrior”, this is the Celtic “New Year”; Celtic Priests are “Druids” meaning “Knowers of Trees”; human sacrifice on horrific scale is what they do.
The date Knight of Malta Donald Trump called for Obama to release Passport and College Transcript records coincides with Hurricane Sandy; Coincidence? Obama is a fraud; he knows this, but so is Mitt Romney. The Perfect Storm for implementation of Martial Law cannot get set up more completely than this, and all this is happening over a Full Moon, Samhain and Guy Fawkes Day. Anonymous (aka Jesuits) stated they were preparing for “Civil War”. Guess they got the FEMA plan before we did. Who is Anonymous? Why is Nov 5 called Guy Fawkes Day? Why wear a mask?
Jesuit “Society of Jesus” has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church; they are the “Militia of Zeus and Minerva”. Zeus is equivalent with Damballah, (Allah means Serpent and Sin; Vatican means “Divine Serpent”), Apollo (Druid version of Jupiter) and Jupiter (Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith venerated Jupiter); Capitol means “Womb of Jupiter/Zeus. Congress comes from Congredi “Meet for War” Got it? High level Jesuits pretend to be anything from Muslim, to Catholic, to Jewish to Protestant to Scientists; they will say or do anything in opposition to Jesus Christ and His followers. (I have a condensed article on Secret Society Oaths or Google “Extreme Oath of Jesuit Induction”). They don’t believe God watches or hears their Oaths, but He does and they will pay for it for eternity. To even get that far, one must ritually Blaspheme the Holy Ghost.
Legion “My name is Legion, for we are many” Sandy: A synonym for innumerable. “Storm of the Century”; “Perfect Storm” and “Frankenstorm” are being used to describe the collision of Tropical Hurricane Sandy, Canadian Cold Front, mid-latitude low pressure front and a south to north Jet Stream. A Nor’easter may even develop on the 3 days of Samhain, the Celtic New Year, marked by a “Culling of the Herd”. Modern Halloween has little to do with the Pagan 3 day period of Samhain; All Souls Day, Hell Night, Cabbage Night, Mischief Night, Night of the Con, Days of the Dead (Los Dias de los Muertos) and Guy Fawkes Day; yup that last one lines up with the Babylonian astrology calendar more closely for the first of 4 Pagan High Holy Days Samhain, Imbolg, Beltane and Lughnasadh. V for Vendetta featured Guy Fawkes or rather a mask which became the symbol of Anonymous. Not so Anonymous, they are “Legion”, a group known as the Militia of Zeus and Minerva or Jesuits. The real mastermind behind the “Gunpowder Plot” to kill King James I was Jesuit Thomas Percy, whose descendant Barbara Pierce (Bush) was conceived in an occult ritual involving Aleister “The Beast” Crowley. Hard to believe? Her stepfather Prescott Bush had his assets seized by Congress in 1942 for “Trading with the Enemy”. Nikola Tesla called his lab assistant “Curious George” because Prescott Bush was George Scherff. Tesla demonstrated the technology being used to destroy the earth for humanitarian purposes which is why Prescott and Otto Skorzeny murdered Tesla and gave his technology to fellow Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death” initiate Joseph Stalin. Stalin was later nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Satanist George Bernard Shaw for murdering 20 million of his own citizens. Go figure!
NOAA changes to , a Skull & Bones symbol, flag and 2 Peace/victory signs in Wingdings format because the Skull & Bones symbolizes the culling of the herd; it is also known as the “Brotherhood of Death” symbol of Piracy. The Temple of Wisdom sitting atop 33 human vertebre; hey, if Jesus did it at 33, so can Freemasons. NOT! Symbols of Halloween such as the Skull or Skeletons come from ancient pagan practices in the control of food. For example, the Black Cat was deemed a symbol of witchcraft on Samhain, so townspeople foolishly slaughtered cats, allowing rats and mice to decimate grain stores leading to starvation and “Black Death” from the Bubonic Plague carried by fleas and rats. The familiar Witch Hat may look menacing, but it simply represents the Temple of Wisdom under the World Pole/Axis. Witchcraft is simply Gnosticism and control over the Weather is their Holy Grail. The familiar Black Cape also looks menacing, but it simply represents the backdrop of Stars used in Mithraic (Zoroastrian) Initiations ie Man enclosed by the Stars; Star Children or Indigo Children may sound familiar. Even Carl Sagan said “We are all children of the Stars”. Wrong Carl! Stars produce Helium; you are simply a “Light Headed” moron.
Ensign is the Mormon church Magazine; Flag means Ensign. Mitt Romney adviser 33° Mason, Bilderberger, Tri-Lateral Commission, CFR, Bohemian Grove, Pilgrim Society, Vietnam, Cambodia, E Timor, South American mass murderer Henry Kissinger said “Control Oil, you control Nations. Control Food, you control People”. The Flag or Ensign symbolizes a Nation; America’s 1st Flag was the Evergreen Tree, symbolizing the annual sacrifices in Babylon given to Lucifer “Light Bringer”; its second flag was the coiled Serpent known as “Alah” or “Damballah” the Egyptian word for Serpent; Allah being synonymous with On “Heliopolis/Osiris”, Marduk etc. Mitt Romney believes he descends from the Tribe of Joseph whose wife was the daughter “Asenath” of the Chaldean Priests of Heliopolis. Child of the Sun? As much as any deluded man can get. Damballah, Zeus, Jupiter, St Patrick (Ptah-Rek), all represent the Serpent in various forms. The heart of Damballah is called an “Amulet or Talisman”; Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith wore a Talisman of Jupiter, his guardian angel if you will; similar to the Catholic Crucifix or fake Jewish “Tallis” worn on the Tallit (Prayer Shawl).
The Victory sign is the “Sign of the Bowman”; Bi-sexual, Druid, 330 Mason Winston Churchill popularized it as the Peace Sign; it is not. The Bowman is Assur, the 2nd son of Shem who built the Assyrian Capital of Nineveh; the symbol represents Sargon “Legitimate King”; Legitimate only because the people elected him. Mitt Romney, an Akkadian Welsh Gypsy controls the voting system, so it matters little. America is modern day Assyria “Church of the East”; Satan’s Military if you will. America did not “Win” the American Revolution; it signed terms of Peace after the 7 year slaughter set up by Ben Franklin, George Washington, Haim Solomon and Thomas Jefferson. The Civil War set up Corporations as People while splitting families and slaughtering American men. WWI brought American made Spanish Flu to Europe. Vietnam was Jesuit managed Drug Pipeline. WWII slaughtered 60 million people, re-distributed wealth and tested Uranium and Plutonium weapons on humans. The Gulf Wars tested an even more diabolical weapon “Depleted Uranium” and turned Afghanistan into an Opium Field guarded by the US Military. Assyria is essentially a mobile War Machine called the “Church of the East”, which is why the Statue of Liberty, Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol Dome, Angel Moroni (I Moron) atop all 160+ Mormon Temples and the statue atop the Cathedral of St John the Divine all face East with their backs to the Nation.
Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein), Rasputin, Yasser Arafat, Richard Nixon all used the sign of “Benediction”. The shadow of this sign is “Malediction”, the sign of Satan or Baphomet, the pre-eminent symbol of Black Magick, perhaps only second to the Six Pointed Star of Molech on the Flag of Israel and Mormon Tabernacle. The Shadow produces sickness and death in witchcraft. In Roman times, this sign of V=5 meant Nail, another name of Satan; 3 5’s on Masonic coffins is synonymous with 3 6’s the Sign of Shin used by Talmudic Rabbis to open Synagogue; Mormons like Mitt Romney use the phrase “Sure Sign of the Nail” during Melchisedek Priest Initiations. The Malediction was used during the Inquisition, by Communist/Red organizations and the Church of Satan. In its alternate form, the Peace Sign is called the “Todersrune”, “Broken Jew” or “Nero’s Cross”, a symbol expressing hatred of Jesus Christ. Witch initiations require renouncing Jesus, turning the Cross upside down, braking the cross-bar in a ritual, voluntary “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost”.
Legion and the V symbol is Alex Jones’ symbol at Prison Planet.com. Legion is the name of many demons exorcised by Jesus in Mark 5:9; Legion was featured in the movie Exorcist, based on the novel Legion by William Peter Blatty. Andre Lingoe was Legion in Storm of the Century. Author Dean Koontz spelled out Legion is Lucifer, Abbadon, Satan and the Eater of Souls in his book The Taking; Anonymous is also called Legion. Rock bands such as Black Sabbath, Rotting Christ, Marduk, Electric Hellfire Club have songs dedicated to Legion. It can’t get more out in the open folks!
Should Hurricane Sandy become the “Storm of the Century”, the exact conditions that existed in Egypt at the time of the Exodus may be repeated. I suggest now is the time to accept the Blood of the Lamb for Atonement of Sin and post it as visibly as you can on the doorpost before Legion arrives.
Hurricane Sandy comes on the heels of Eid al-Adha “Feast of Sacrifice” The CFR “Counsel on Foreign Relations” initiates members who are willing to end their respective National Sovereignty; important because Oaths sworn to Nations require the exact opposite loyalty. Mitt is a CFR Initiate; Max Booth, his CFR adviser wrote an article endorsed by the Brookings Inst “5 reasons to intervene in Syria now” calling for a nationwide US enforced “No-Fly Zone” over Syria and lethal arming of Syrian opposition forces “Rebels” against “al-Qaeda”. Hate to break it to you, but the Syrian “Rebels” are “al-Qaeda” just as the Libyan “Rebels” are. The US is arming our own enemies. Brookings previously published the article “Time to Strike Iran”. A War with Syria and Iran was forecast in 2007 by Jesuit, Rhodes Scholar, “Butcher of Kosovo”, fake “Jew” Gen Wes Clark (nee Kohen) for 2012. Quite a coincidence eh? Perhaps this is why Gazprom (Russia Gas) announced a $10Billion Gas Pipeline from the Pars Gas Field in Iran through Iraq and Syria to Tartus, the Syrian-Russian port on the Med. Between Cyprus and Tartus is one of the largest Gas Fields ever found and exactly 700 years ago in 1302 AD, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller (Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Malta, Cyprus and Rhodes) were betrayed by the Cath9olic Church and sent to die in Turkish Prisons. What a coincidence all this is happening in 2012 eh?
[frame_right][/frame_right]Micah said in the Old Covenant (Mic 7:6) and Jesus said in the New Covenant (Mat 10:36), “A man’s enemies are the men of his own house”; more bluntly called “Traitors”. Rev Billy Graham endorsed Mormon/CFR Mitt Romney, a man sworn to end US Sovereignty and avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith on America and the Gentile Race. Billy Graham is a Gentile, but he is also a Sabboz Goy, a useful Chaldean tool acting as a 5th Column “Traitor” just like 33° Freemason, Iraq WMD liar Gen Colin Powell an avid Bohemian Grove worshipper of Molech endorsed Obama today. Molech sounds like Mulek, the fictitious son of Judah’s King Zedekiah who brought Ishmaelites to America according to Mormon lore because they are one in the same. Remember, god’s Commandment to Abraham was for his sons to not take wives of the daughters of Canaan; Ishmael and Esau married Hittite women; Isaac and Jacob did not!
Jesuit Knight of Malta aka Knight Hospitaller Leon Panetta said a “Cyber Pearl Harbor” is imminent, directed at transportation, power grids, banking and internet from hackers in Iran BS Leon! Maybe that’s why Raytheon, the makers of the Cruise Missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 just tested CHAMP, a Microwave based EMP Cruise Missile capable of rendering electronics inoperative; the test was in the Utah Desert near the NSA Data Collection facility where a few years ago, the Genesis Rocket attempted to prove the Sun creates the materials for Life on Earth such as Carbon; it crashed of course because the Sun creates nothing of the sort. Pearl Harbor refers to 330 Mason FDR allowing Japan to strike Hawaii unopposed and 9/11/2001 the PNAC (Mitt Romney’s advisers are mostly all PNAC advisers of Reagan and Bush Sr & Jr) “New Pearl Harbor” at the Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11/2001. A Raytheon “Cyber Pearl Harbor” seems to be in the offering so just add that to the list of self inflicted engineered disasters.
Not coincidentally, the German Paleo-magnetist (Noah’s Flood rapidly oriented magnetite in rocks 4300 years ago; Paleo-magnetists deny this event occurred) Norbert Nowaczyk at the GFZ German Research Center for Geo-sciences is predicting a rapid magnetic field reversal called a “Laschamp Event”; Catch the Champ here? If that were to happen, which it cannot, all life; plant, animal and human life would end.
Eid al-Adha is the Feast of Sacrifice; the Quran says Ishmael, the Word of God says Isaac. The Quran says Allah is God; the Bible says Jesus is God. Rosicrucian Martin Luther had his version of Eid al-Adha called “All Saints Day”, the day after he nailed 95 objections to the Wittenberg Church door Oct 31, 1517 on the Celtic New Year “Samhain”; Christian? No, Luther was celebrating the sacrifice of Christian Martyrs.
America a God fearing Nation?
Hardly.. News agencies refer to Hurricane Sandy as a “Frankenstorm”, due to collide with a Canadian cold front, Jet Stream and low pressure trough hitting America’s 1st 5 colonies, Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston in what is being called a potential “Storm of the Century”. Benn Franklin drew a map joining these colonies with a segmented serpent with the slogan “Join or Die”. Weather Underground meteorologist Jeff masters says “Mother Nature is not giving Treats, only Tricks. Why Frankenstorm? Frankenstein was a creation of Man that destroyed its creator, written by Protestant Mary Shelley. Why Storm of the Century? You may recall the Stephen King movie Storm of the Century starring Colm Feore who also played Admiral Kimmel in the movie Pearl Harbor; Coincidence? Not! Andre Linoge is an anagram of Satan’s Legion; he carried a Wolf’s Head Cane arriving on an island near Boston. “Give me what I want and I will go away” was Linoge’s famous line Why “Tricks”? Druids took children as New Year sacrifices “Treats”; when refused, “Tricks” were the Jack O’ Lanterns left behind, usually hollowed our Turnip Candles made with human fat to attract Satan’s Legion of Demons. Pranks played by “Ragamuffins” became more violent over the years to frighten townsfolk which is why Pilgrims outlawed these pagan celebrations.
There is nothing “Hallowed” about Halloween; it is a Celtic day of Sacrifice through “Culling of the Herd”. Folks, a lot of things are happening fast now, I suggest you give Jesus what He wants before the offer is pulled off the table!