[frame_right][/frame_right]Dies Solis “Sunday” after “Egg or Pink Moon”; the 1st Full Moon of Spring falls between Mar 22 and April 25 by decree of Pope Gregory XIII. The 2012 Solstice is recorded as on the Venus/Mayan Calendar, so Gregory 13th may not be coincidence; Gregory means Awake, Watchful or Aware, and the Beast rising from the Sea ie Antichrist is described in Rev 13. This number of rebellion is also the age of Ishmael at his circumcision. Sunday became the Sabbath by decree of Pope Constantine; the X symbol and “In Hoc Signo Vinces” became the Jesuit motto, and is also the symbol of Osiris. Make no mistake here, this is a condemnation of Paganism (Gnosticism or Luciferianism) not the Roman Catholic Church.
On Day 1, God said “Let there be Light”; this is not the Light God made on Day 4 by creating the Sun, Moon and Stars! Easter is celebrated at First Light; Passover is celebrated at Even before the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread. Easter can be translated as Pasha, but it matters not; Easter has nothing to with the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb, release from bondage and absolution of Sin with the Blood of the Un-blemished Lamb. Easter is a Pagan/Edomite day celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the sun-god. 2012 may be the year of “Birth Pains” of the Alternative Christ, not the one’s associated with Jesus Christ.
“…the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of the Sepharvaim” 2 Kings 17:31 Adrammelech is the sun god going the name Osiris “He-siri” means “The Seed”; both son and husband of his mother. Anammelech means “The Lord is Anu” the supreme god “Bel or Baal” of Mesopotamia whose consort was represented by the Rabbit Idol.
Veneration of Easter, the Anglo-Saxon Eostre, Phoenician/Syrian “Astarte”, Babylonian/Assyrian “Ishtar”, Roman “Venus”, Eospherus “Dawn”, Phosphorus or Vesper “Lucifer” was brought to Britain by Druid “Priests of the Groves”, who celebrated the annual Immaculate Conception by Sunlight (Star Seed) and birth of the Moon (Assyrian “Sin”; Arab “Allah”) 10 Lunar Cycles after Easter on December (10th Month) 25th; the day called “Natalis Solis Invicti” (Birth/Nativity of the Unconquered Sun). This has nothing to do with Jesus Christ who was Immaculately Conceived by the LORD with Mary, not the Sun with Ishtar during winter at “Feast of Dedication” aka “Festival of Lights” or “Hanukkah” in the 6th month of John the Baptist’s pregnancy (8th Temple service was Abia=June). Jesus was conceived and Mary became the New Covenant Temple; He was born on the 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles to become the New Covenant Tabernacle. Shepherds were tending their flocks by night; this was in October (8th Month). John was conceived in June “Tammuz” and born at Passover. Christmas, Lent and Easter have no place in God’s calendar.
The Rabbit Idol of Anammelech symbolizes the “Unclean Animal” of Lev 11:5 and Deut 14:7; a young Rabbit is called a Coney; the name refelcted in NY “Coney Island” Amusement Park (Francis Bacon’s “Baconey’s” were called after another unclean animal “Swine”, becoming the source of Coney Island); a Coney/Rabbit is not a Hare by the way. Much as a Chick is protected by the Egg, the Egg came to symbolize the Ark of Noah with the seeds of humanity or the Earth’s Magnetic Field protecting life from the Sun and/or God’s Presence; the Yarmulke/Zuchetto aka Cap of Cybele serves the same purpose as the Temple Veil Jesus tore at the Crucifixion for Gnostics in the “Synagogue of Satan” who reject Him. Sorry if this is harsh, but that’s you at Easter or Pasch (Pasch is not the Hebrew Passover) and Christmas or Hanukkah. The first religion was Solar; it’s Priests “Konn-Torrs” were Priests of the Torriod (Magnetic Field); in Iran it si called Zoroastrianism where Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star; no this religion did not start with Zoroaster/Zarathustra, the idea of Good Versus Evil is now nearly 6000 years old; it’s called Gnosticism.
“Pink” is a mixture of Red and White referring to the US Flag and it’s 13 Colonies becoming a melting pot (Sacrificial Cauldron) and Scapegoat for Bab=Gate; On=Osiris “Babylon”; not the real worldwide Babylon, just the Scapegoat and Gate or Doorway of On, Ilu, Marduk, Allah aka the Alternative Messiah “Antichrist”. Like Eos, Aus means “To Shine” which is why Austerity has become the 2012 buzzword. America is not quite what you have been taught; Amar is the Canaanite god of the west ie setting sun ie Vesper; Vespa is Italian for Wasp and folks, we got Stung. Amurru is the Edomite shepherd and serpent god where “Shepherd” refers to the false Sheepfold of Easter/Christmas ie Synagogue of Satan and “Serpent” refers to “Freedom and Liberty” from God and “Equality” with God. In relation to Easter, Pink refers to “Pink Ground Phlox”, the first wild ground cover of spring; Easter is a solar fertility festival after all. Nothing makes Baal more fertile than children running Red and White Ribbins around the May Pole at Beltane eh?
Coney and its derivatives (eg Cunning etc) mean “Deceive in order to win a woman’s sexual favors”. Wonder how deep this Rabbit Hole goes? Go ask Alice; Dark Matter is called Mirror Matter for a reason, and yes, astro-physicists (Star Physicians) are lying. Rabbits, and Eggs have nothing to do with Jesus; what about Jesus’ body nailed to the Tree on Good Friday at Vesper and Risen on Dies Solis at Dawn? “Boun” are Sacred Cakes made of fine flour and honey usually inscribed with a Cross, they came to be called Crossed Buns. Nothing new here, Jeremiah warned of this 2600 years ago “…the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven…” Jer 7:18. 10 lunar cycles later, Jeremiah warned of the vain custom of heathens cutting a tree and decking it with gold and silver. Dru means Oak or Tree; Druids annually celebrate Easter and conduct sacrifices at Christmas for this reason. The term “Boun in the Oven” refers to INRI “By Fire Nature is Renewed Whole”; Tammuz is the Boun; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire. The Glory of the LORD left the 1st Temple because Women wept for Tammuz (ref Eze 8:13-14).
Egg comes to English by way of the Hebrew “Baitz”; in Phoenicia “Baith”; similar enough to “Beth” which means “House”; of God? One would have to be Star Struck to believe that.
Uba, I do not judge anyone. Easter is mentioned in the Authorized Bible one time in Acts 12:4; Herod celebrated Easter just as Germanic pagans did Eostre.
Jesus said “My people perish for lack of knowledge” Perish here means the Sour perishing forever/ The Rabbit Idol violates God’s 2nd Commandment; as a symbol of Anammelech the Assyrian goddess.
If you can argue a sucessful defense for celebrating Easter or Christmas in front of God be my guest, but I will not be taking that chance
publications like this sorts will stand as witness against many in the day judgement.
you are inexcusable for your paganism and idolatory , oh man!
whosoever that is therefore is observing or celebrating Christmas and Easther is directly worshiping Satan..