9 Av “Tisha b’ Av”
9 Av “Tisha b’ Av” may be “The saddest day in Jewish History”, but as Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6 make clear, Israel is no more Jewish than the Six Pointed Star of Saturn on its Flag. 9 Av is 13-14 August, 2016; August the month sacred to Lugh, the Celtic Sun god aka Apollo “Destroyer” (Ref Rev 9:11 Apollyon or Abaddon). Jesus was Jewish; His followers are grafted on to the covenant God (Jesus) made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 9 Av will soon go down in history as the “Saddest day in Christian History” Why? Born Again followers of JESUS are the New Covenant Temple.
Georgia Guidestones GG represents 77; Geo=Earth “They worshipped and served the creature more than the creator” ring a Baal? How about Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised)? The monument on HWY 77, in Elberton Georgia in Elbert County is named after Master Mason Samuel Elbert, spared a British Bayonet by displaying the Masonic Distress Phrase “Is there no help for the widow’s son?” Elberton is called the “Gravestone Capital of the West”; recall Washington DC is on the 77th Longitude “God’s Longitude”; pretty amazing American #77 hit the 77ft Tall Pentagon whose Corner Stone was laid on 9/11/1941 directly on the 77th Longitude eh? Aleister Crowley “Liber 77: Book of the Goat” may ring a Baal; the Goat is Pan aka Baphomet or Azazel (Goat that departs in Num 16:8-10) Azazel is not JESUS; only He is the true Scapegoat.
Georgia Guidestones
Stonehenge is a Druid Astronomical Observatory oriented to Winter Solstice; “America’s Stonehenge” was dedicated by RC Christian, a pseudonym for Rosicrucian Freemasons Robin Carter Cook and Ted Turner, both Nazi Eugenics and Planned Parenthood proponents) on 3/22/1980. In Gen 3:22 Adam falls into Sin; Society 322 aka Skull & Bones (Temple of Wisdom sitting atop the 33 Vertebrae) is the Brotherhood of Death (Universal Health Care is the new Nazi Eugenics; passed onto law 3/22/10 at 3:22UTC).
#1 Commandment of the Guide Stones Maintain population under 500,000,000. How? “A moderately fatal, aerosol transmitted virus, will become a plague of unimaginable proportion” Dr Ron Fouchier. This info is no the Plague Page. A Zika Vaccine is imminent. When? The Cornerstone of the English pillar has inscribed 8-14-2016 MM and JAM meaning Master Masons will Judge Humanity on 9 Av 2016.
#2 Guide reproduction wisely How? Artemis 5G Millimeter Wave Nationwide Broadband was just approved. Cell Phones become Birth Control (Lab Rats exposed to similar power were sterilized in 15 mins) and inhibiting the skin’s ability to produce Vitamin D aka “Vital Amino Acid”. The Temple of Artemis is replicated by the Supreme House of the Temple; now you know why no hand touched the Georgia Guide Stones during dedication, who was not a Master Mason.
#3 Unite Humanity with a living new language Which language? Heptapod, featured in the “Story of my Life” is worth researching before “Arrival” debuts on 11/11. Arrrival of what? My guess is the “2 Witnesses” Enoch and Elijah. Why Heptapod? Hept means 7; the King James Bible brings the Bible’s Heptadic Structure into modern English; don’t have one? Get one. When JESUS returns, He will be wearing a sign nobody knows called “WORD OF GOD”. You will want to be behind Him by then!
#4 Rule passion, faith, tradition with temporal reason “The Age of Reason” by Rosicrucian philosopher John Locke may ring a Baal. Born Again followers of JESUS have a burning passion to “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor”. The UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” Sounds reasonable eh? Do that and Hell for Eternity awaits.
#5 Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. How? Shariah and Noahide Laws. Both proscribe the Death Penalty for worshippers of JESUS.
#6 Let all naitons rule internally resolving external disputes in World Court. National leaders swear to defend their respective Constitutions; this is why the bible says “Above all else brethren, Swear Not”.
#7 Avoid petty laws and useless officials “Do what thou wilt” may ring a Baal; one Nation of Panem in a Hunger Game with no rights for Citizens. TPP, TTIP, TISA ring a Baal? Petty laws like the Bill of Rights, a thing of the past.
#8 Balance personal rights with social duties. Green Party candidate Jill Stein worded this best “100% mobilization to fight Global Climate change” Serfs have no rights, only social duties to serve the Elite.
#9 Prize truth and beauty, seeking harmony with the infinite. Pan “All” ring a Baal. Jesus? Oh, He, Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem) came in wearing sack cloth on an an ass, fulfilling the 7th Covenant; rejected, He began the 8th and final “New Covenant”; 8 is the number of the Inifinte.
#10 Be not a cancer on the earth; Leave room for Nature; Leave room for Nature. UN Agenda 21 from the 1990 Rio Earth Summit may ring a Baal; it leaves plenty of room for Nature, herding what few remain on Earth into UN managed reservations. Mother Nature may be happy, but not JESUS.
On top of the English Language side is a Masonic Ashlar Stone (Worked/Smooth Stone); a Perfect 6in X 6in X 6in Cube removed and broken in 2014 at the start of the 7th Tetrad (4 consequative Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles); breaking the Cube refers to the Opening of “Pandora’s Box” and the beginning of “Chaos”; the motto of Luciferian Masonry “Order out of Chaos”. Chaos/Chronus is Saturn. Note: The Six Pointed Star of Saturn (Chaldean STUR) is not Jewish in the slightest.
Cube worship is Saturn/Satan worship (Cubes were featured prominently at the 2016 Rio Olympic Opening Ceremony); the Guide Stones English Cube is marked with 8-14-20-16; on the sides is MM (Master Mason and 1313; Genesis 13:13 “Sins of Sodom” may ring a Baal) and JAM “Judicie Anno Mundi”(Judgment of the World) read as “Master Masons will bring Judgement Day”. The Perfect Ashlar Cube represents the Mason’s path to Sovereignty (Godhood); God demands Altars made of “Unhewn Stone””And if thou wilt make me and altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it” Ex 20:25 Rebellious little Masons aren’t they?
8/14/2016 “Judgment Day” is the most likely start of the “Great Culling”, at least in America “Land of the Amorites”. The date on the Ashlar Cube is coincident with 9 Av 2016 in a Satanic Jubilee Year, 50 years after the 1996-7 6-Day War, Capture of the Temple Mount and founding of the Church of Satan during the 6th Tetrad (4 consequetive Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles) Not a chance in Hell this is coincidence.
Anti-masonic Party was born on 8/14/1823, the date Master Mason William Morgan obtained a copyright for “Illustrations of Masonry by one of the fraternity who has devoted 30 yrs to the subject”; for this exposure of Masonry’s Rituals he was murdered on 9/11. “Remember William Morgan” a favorite Masonic rallying cry to keep the Brethren in line.
Worth watching is Independent Presidential Candidate Evan McMullin and/or Mitt Romney; Mormonism is Masonry by another name and both men are CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Traitors. Evan entered the Presidential Race on 8/8, 2016 (JESUS=888; 2016=18=8); if you are not familiar with the Mormon Oath of Vengeance or Mountain Meadows Massacre (also a 9/11 event; MMM), now is a great time. The Oath of Vengeance required Mormons to Swear to their famililies 4th generation, to spill every single drop of American blood in Revenge for spilling the blood of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Guess what people, Masons spilled that blood!
8/15 is the “Feast Day of Lucifer”; the anniversary of the first Jesuit Oaths taken in the crypt of St Denis (Denis is Dionysus) Cathedral on 8/15/1534. On 8/15/1871 Sovereign Mason, Sodomite, Glutton, Confederate Albert Pike wrote the detailed plan for 3 World Wars to fellow Luciferian Mason, Italian Revolutionary, MAFIA (Mazzini Authorizes Theft Fire Poison) Founder Giuseppe Mazzini.
8/14/2016 JAM “Judgment of the World” by MM “Master Masons” on 9 Av during the Satanic Jubilee (Reversal of Slave and Master) with a Time Capsule set to be buried 6ft under with a date written on it at the start of the “Great Culling”. Jesus warned a day would come when people would kill others thinking they do God’s Work; today we call that Global Climate Change. Jesus also warned that unless He shortened “Those Days” no Flesh would remain. Well, folks “Those Days” may be about here.
The Georgia Guidestones form an X (Greek Chi=Christ=Messiah) around a central Pillar, topped by an Altar covered in Blood, reminiscient of “Horned Altars” used for sacrifice (Ref Eze 43:15)
9 Av is a day associated with calamaties that begin when Israel worships the Golden Calf (today’s Wall St Bull is the same Egyptian Apis Bull) at the base of Mt Sinai (Mt Sinai is in Arabia at Jebel al Laws west of Mecca not in Egypt; Ref Gal 4).
God does not stand by when Golden Calf Idols are worshipped (40 Yrs. He does not stand by when people commit abominations on the altar as women weep for Tammuz on the porch. He does not stand by when the King of Israel (Zedekiah) uses the Temple furnishings for an Orgy. He does not stand by when “Money Changers” sell the sacrificial animals God provides for Free. He does not stand by when people follow leaders claiming they are God. He does not stand by when His “Friends” demand His Crucifixion, and He will not stand by people accept the Mark of the Beast. That’s coming soon.
- Rejecting the 12 Spies report on Canaan ca 1492 BC, the death of adults 21 and over during 40 years wandering in circles in the Arabian Desert; “Arab Desert” NW of Mecca at Jebel al Laws not the fake Mt Sinai in Egypt.
- Rabbis teach that Jeremiah is a Traitor, born on 9 Av; a traitor because he told the truth (eg Jer 10) to his people in the face of Rabbinical Lies; think God is pleased with celebrations of setting up Groves on Hanukkah, or baking cakes for the “Queen of Heaven”? Guess Again. Followers of JESUS are in the same predicament celebrating the Pagan Holy Days called Christmas and Easter. Jeremiah is important because Irish-Scottish-English Kings claim descent from Zedekiah’s mythical daughter Tamar-Tephi (Tamar comes from Gen 38:12-23; Judah’s eldest son Er married Tamar and was killed by God; Onan and Tamar then receive the inheritance due Er; Onan is killed by God; Judah then doesn’t recognize Tamar and the 2 give birth to Perez, an ancestor of Jesus) who allegedly is taken by Jeremiah to Ireland with “Jacob’s Pillow” where she gives legitimacy to the Irish Kings; the last of which will be Sargon “Legitimate King” III or Antichrist.
- The destruction of Solomon’s Temple (ref Eze 8) in 585 BC; God does not appreciate “Ancients of Israel” committing abominations on the altar as women “weep for Tammuz” on the porch! The 1st Breach in the Walls occurred on 17 Tammuz 3 weeks before; in 2016 this is July 23, the first full day the Sun enters Leo.
- The destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD. Jesus, fulfilling some 300 prophecies to the letter was rejected as King of Jerusalem and Priest of the Most High “Melchisedek”; an “Alternative Christ” will be born/revealed on 9 Av who comes in his own name; Daniel refers to him as the “God of forces”
- Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 AD by fake Jew and self proclaimed Messiah of the Star Simon Bar Kochba. 500,000 real Jews are massacered because Kochba was believed to be Jewish; Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, Rabbis are like the Pharisees of old, anything but Jewish.
- The razing of the Temple site and re-dedication “Zeus Capitolina”; Zeus’ Capitol can also be seen in Washington DC at the apex of the Federal Triangle.
- The 1st Crusade began on Aug 15, 1096 (Aug 15 if the Feast of Lucifer) preached by Pope Urban; instigated by the same people who instigate all wars. Guess he forgot Jesus’ only 2 Commandments “Love God” “Love our Neighbor”. “He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword”. Crusader means “Warrior of the Cross” The Cross is a Pagan symbol of Tammuz having nothing to do with Jesus who was Nailed to a Tree amid 2 Thieves roming the 7 Branch Candlestick.
- Expulsion of “Fake “Jews” (Usury Bankers) from England July 18, 1290 by King Edward I; Rothschild is anything but Jewish; the name “Bauer” means “Farmer” the profession of Cain; Cainites, or their religion at least came through the Flood with Noah’s wife, who produced Canaan from incest with Ham and Edomites married women of this incest. Bauer became Rothschild whose street address 666 Am Mein was written in Red; Rothschild means Red Shield.
- Expulsion of “Fake Jews” from France July 22, 1306
- The Alhambra Decree, forced conversion and/or expulsion of Crypto “Jews” from Spain. Rosicrucian Christopher Columbus’ (Christ=Messiah; Taufr is Norse for Red=Red Messiah; the Red Cross on his sails and the British Flag is a dead giveaway) voyage to “New Jerusalem aka America in 1492 AD. No coincidence with Moses date 1492 BC either; this date is critical because it was at the end of the Hyksos (Amalekites are Edomites/Ishmaelites) Era, Moses was raised up.
- 1648 Chielminicki Massacre; 250K Polish and Ukraine Jews slaughtered
- WWI began on Aug 1, 1914 (Aug 1 is Lugnasadh) on 9 Av; the Nazi build-up planned in advance by Jesuit handled 330 Masons Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini (Google Albert Pike 3 World Wars)
- 9 Av 1929 Grand Mufti of Jerusalem initiates the Hebron Massacre
- WWII began in 1939 on 9 Av; ever wonder where Hitler got the incredible sums of money, steel and aluminum to build the Nazi War machine? Hint: Prescott Bush and George Romney are 2 names that should ring a 23 tonne Bell. Again, WWII was planned in advance as recorded by Albert Pike on 15 Aug 1871
- “The Final Solution” 9 Av 1941, Aryan Nazi Reinhard Heydrich receives orders to initiate the Holocaust
Mass deportations of real Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto initiated the Holocaust on 9 Av 1942. 6 million God fearing Jews who rejected Rothschild’s British version of Israel and the Zionist Star of Molech were gassed, burned or shot. Dwight Eisenhower gets a free pass in history for murdering 1.7 million German citizens after the war. - 9 Av 1991 “Shock and Awe” begins Gulf War I. Shock and Awe is the Talmudic-Kabbalist “Shekinah” the “Sacred Feminine” presence of God; wrong God boys, that’s Satan. 9 Av 1991 330 Luciferian Mason Carlyle Group Business Partners GHW Bush and Saddam Hussein with Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie initiate Gulf War I, now entering its 26th year.
9 Av 1994 Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires Argentina bombed killing 300.
9 Av 2006 while GW Bush is at Bohemian Grove, news shills claim he is monotoring the Lebanon War from his Crawford Ranch.
George Bush Sr began with Gulf War I on 9 Av 1991 with “Shock and Awe”; a promise made via Iraq Ambassador April Glaspie to allow Carlyle Group business partner and fellow 330Freemason Saddam Hussein (Given the keys to Detroit by Don Rumsfeld and Norm Coleman) to control the Kuwait Oil Fields; the oil is now being sent to Haifa, Israel; on 9/11/1991 Bush Sr aka “Magog” wife of Bab’s “Babalon”, the illegitimate daughter of British Freemason, M-5 Agent Aleister Crowley “The Beast” made his famous “New World Order” speech; that year he also founded his “1000 pts of Light” foundation to vacuum up charitable donations destined for the Iraq people. 1000 Pts of Light refers to the Dome under which children are sacrificed daily at Chateau Amerois (Castle of Kings) in Muno Bel, Belgium; their blood used to write progress of the New World Order. Iraq is physical “Babylon”; “Operation Iraqi Freedom” hides the true meaning “Liberation of Babylon”
- 2016 is 50 years after “Anno Satanae” (Year One Satan), the year the Church of Satan was founded and Twin Towers (Horus and Set, Jacob and Esau) construction began in 1966. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee, a reversal of Slave and Master ie Esau and Jacob
- The Church of Satan was born in the “Black House” on the 38th Parallel aka “Hotel California” in San Francisco as is the Korean DMZ; what a coincidence! An Idol of Core (Jude 7) is in the San Francisco Airport. Like Asiana #214 Captain me thinks Sum Ting Wong.
- 2016 is the UN “Year of Pulses”; Pulse being Tares sewn among the Wheat; Tares are followers of God in the Pagan world.
- Aug 13 is the anniversary of the Korean DMZ and aligns with 9 Av in 2016. Korea is named after the Korahite “Rebel Priests” of Num 16.
“9 Av”
The 1st and 2nd Temples were destroyed on 9 Av; Born Again followers of JESUS are New Covenant Temples
On 9 Av, 1945 Dean Rusk (Rhodes Scholar, Military Intel, CFR, CIA, Korea and Vietnam War Architect, Rockefeller Foundation President, 9 yr Sec of State) and fellow Rhodes Scholar (named after Cecil Rhodes) Charles Bonesteel using a Nat Geo Map and a Pen with no Korean input, separate 30% of Korean families; 100K tortured and killed in the years preceeding the conflict, in what Koreans call their “Civil War”, along the 38th Parallel “DMZ”; what a coincidence Washington DC is not only on the 77th Longitude, but also the 38th Latitude; amazing isn’t it? Harry Truman and Douglass MacArthur both Sovereign Luciferian Shriner Freemasons assembled some 30 Atomic Weapons in Okinawa; the plan was to Radiate the entire DMZ forever. The senseless battle Truman called a “Police Action” had no Congressional Authorization and occurred before any UN Mandate, ending in Armistice (Temporary cessation of hostilities) A Sequel is planned. North Korea effectively ended the 1953 Armistice on July 28, 2016.
Whether 9 Av 2016 is the start of WWIII obviously remains to be seen, but the goal of WWIII is to pit Zionism against Islam to the point of Moral, Economic and Physical exhaustion in order for the Doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. (Google Albert Pike 3 World Wars). Participate in that and Hell for Eternity awaits.
Arrival Nov 11, 2016 (9 11 9)
“Language is the first weapon drawn in times of conflict”
God separated the Nations and Confounded Language at Babel; Luciferians want to Unite humanity with Pure Language
Arrival follows the 1996 version, both based on “Story of your Life” This is Witchcraft. “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law”-Crowley No consequence when the Story of our Lives is already written eh? This Lie has and will send Billions of people to Hell. John Calvin (Cohen) proposed TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Pre-destination) Pre-destination does not refer to Fixed Pre-destination to Heaven or Hell; If you want to remain written in the Lamb’s “Book of Life”, you need to tell JESUS. Catholics receive absolution from the Church hierarchy aka Nicolaitane (Conquer the Laity) Doctrine; if you want forgiveness of Sin, you need to ask JESUS.
Heptapod A is “Spoken Language”; Heptapod B is “Written Language”; understanding the latter allows one to know the entire life story of an as of yet un-conceived embryo. Note the similarity to Jesus here. Jesus is Alpha, the Spoken Word of Creation; Jesus is the Word made Flesh; Jesus is Omega, the Spoken and Written Word intact at the 7000th year.
Satan’s version is the Gnostic concept “Transmigration of Souls”. Mormonism or Star Children adhere to this Lie. Catholicism accepted the Gnostic-Jesuit Lie as “Indestructibility of the Soul”; “Fear him who can destroy both body and soul in Hell” is what Jesus taught. Mormons are taught the Star Kolob is where Souls are born; Kolob is the Arab Star “Qalb”; Siriusly people! In Egypt it was Sirius, the Star of Isis, the “Black Virgin”.
Zeph 3:9 refers to “Pure Language” of the LORD; Heptapod B? Not on your Eternal Life
Hept=7 the number of Perfection; Cathar Perfecti or “Order of Perfectibilists” (Rosicrucian Illuminati) may ring a Baal. Crowley’s OTO (Oriental Templars ie Sun Rise) and Order of the Silver Star utilize the 7 Pt Star, the “Alchemical Star of VITRIOL”.
VITRIOL means Glass; Glastonbury Tor, the mythical burial mound of King Arthur (Branch) may ring a Baal. VITRIOL is VRL or VRIL, the Vril Society prevalent among Nazi SS refers to the “Elemental force of Creation”. VRL + ITIO (remaining letters) represents the Elemental Force of Creation Going or Traveling to Man. Man becomes God in this Satanic system. www.horusmedia.de/2004-siebenstern/siebenstern-en.php
Glastonbury Tor “Isle of Glass” is the mythical “Avalon” meaning “Place of Apples” aka Apollo/Apollyon “Destroyer” in Rev 9:11. Atop the ancient burial mound is the Aquarian Cross, designed by Wholistic World Vision; the Cross highlights the Ratio of Life aka Fibonacci Sequence or Golden Mean (1.618 to 1) not Jesus Christ. “Tikkun Olam” may ring a Baal, it means “Repair the Earth” to the conditions in the Garden of Eden, specifically the time after Cain killed Abel; one big problem for Satanists is Jesus, the Tree of Life is guarded by a 4 faced Cherubim with a Flaming Sword. King Arthur is myth; Knights of the Round Table are the 12 signs fo the Zodiac. Arcturas is Arthur, the Bear Guard guiding the Big Dipper around the Pole Star; in Sufism “Qutb” means “World Pillar” hence “Whirling Dervish” imitate this. The Age of Aquarius is upon us as is Satan’s Wrath, an imitation of God’s 7 Vials of Wrath.
Pure Language is the theme of the Georgia Guidestones’ Satanic 10 Commandments #3 “Unite humanity with a living new language”. #1 “Maintain world population under 500 Million” #2 “Guide Reproduction…”, so 93% of us will need to die of course; a far cry from God’s Commandment “Go forth and multiply” eh?
7 Pt Heptadic Star of Alchemy “Seal of Satan”
The Druid (Knowers of Trees) Septenary Star represents the 7 attrubutes of Druids: Wisdom, Compassion, Liberal, Abundance, NOn-conformity, Learning, Idealism. There are 7 Septenary Races in the Vedas; 7 Planetary Furnaces of the Soul (Sabian Astrology); 7 Chakras (Serpent Force) in the “Planetary Man” and 7 Alchemical Metals: Saturn=Lead; Jupiter=Tin; Mars=Iron; Sun=Gold; Venus=Copper; Mercury=Zinc or Mercury; Moon=Silver. (Allah is the Arab Moon god aka “Silver Surfer”)
In Witchcraft the 7 pt Star if the Elven Star and Faerie Star aka Mithril Star (Mithra is the root of Mitre) representing the 7 Levels in Mithraism
7 pt Star of Alchemy aka Seal of Satan or Star of Babylon represents the Body (Sal) + Sulphur (Moving Soul or Transmigrating Soul) + Mercury (Connecting Soul); 7 days of Creation Week; Heptadic Structure of the Bible (KJV); Sigil of Ameth/Amoth; 7 Angelic Order of Angels, Order of Knight Masons; Encampment of Scottish Rite; are all part of the “Faith of the 7pt Star” seen on Australia’s Flag; why Australia? Australian Antigen AUAG is featured at the base of Mayan artwork highlighting a Plague killing mankind at the Denver Airport. In Kaballah, the 7th level Netzach is the base of the Mercy Pillar, the “Turning Point” where Mercy turns to Harshness. Sheriff’s use the 7 Pt Star because they are Tax Collectors; Tax is a Burden, forgiven by JESUS but enforced by Satan. If you want your Sin Debt forgiven, you need to ask JESUS.
The Angelic Order of Netzach is called Elohim (Offspring of the Chaldean god El) or Star Children. Mormon Evan McMullin entered the US Presidential Race on 8/8/2016 (888) because as a Melchisedek Priest, he is filling the role JESUS (888) failed at; Mormons will explain their this to JESUS in person soon; in fact, all of us will. Hardly alone, the United Nations is led by Unification Church “Moonie” (Allah is the Arab moon god “Sin”) Ban Ki Moon, the International Body leading the way to Luciferian Initiation; the UN Planetary Initiative ” No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” Hollywood Actor playing US President Ronald Reagan “Nothing would unite the nations of earth faster than the threat of an Alien invasion not of this Earth”. Understand Heptapod B? Me neither, Time to have a chat with JESUS!
Rio XXXI Olympics
80 years ago Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels started the Torch relay from Olympia Greece to the site of the Olympic Games honoring Zeus/Lucifer. The average salary in Rio is $778. 12 billion dollars will be spent on the Olympic “White Elephant” venues overshadowed by the largest Idol of Antichrist on Earth.
Brazil was called “Amarucu” long before Columbus, Pizarro, Cortez, Pinzon or Cabral arrived; Amerigo Vespucci would even take his name from the “Land of the Amorites”. Cabral arrived January 1500; thus Rio De Janiero is “River of January”, the month named after the Roman god Janus. Murder for gold and for Jesuit founding Pope Rodrigo Borgia (3rd Jesuit General) who turned the Vatican into a Brothel and Carnivale Festival. Borgia divided the Earth between Portugal and Spain, Brazil the dividing line went to Portugal, the land of the Sephardic “Fake Jews”. Sepharvaim are Babylonian, Medean. Cuthite, Canaanites described in 2 Ki 17:30, not Jewish or Christian in the slightest; history records them as Crypto or Marranos, practicers of Satanism in Private, Christian, Talmudic Jews or Muslims in public.
“Christ Redeemer” is not Jesus. “Thou shalt not make any graven image or any likeness of anything …in heaven… Earth or the water under the Earth” Ex 20:2. Amar is the Cananite god of the west; Amurru the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god of the West and god of the Amorites. Welcome to the 2016 Amorite Olympics.
Our Lady of Copacabana is venerated Aug 5, Opening Day of the Rio Olympics. The shape of the Opening Ceremony floor was inspired by Copacabana, the Bolivian City overlooking the Sacred Island of the Inca in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Copacabana is named after “Katakawana” the androgynous god of fertility equivalent with Venus or Aphrodite aka Lucifer, whose Temple was filled with creatures known as Mermaids; today, the Catholic Basilica of Our Lady of Copacabana occupies the Pagan Site. Copacabana overlooks Isla del Sol and Isla del Luna, the islands where the Sun and Moon gods were born; the Union of the Sun and Moon is called the Sacred Marriage. Time to choose the Marriage of the Lamb folks! Marriage to the Sun and Moon results in Hell for Eternity.
Opening ceremony began with Water; this is the Primordial god Chaos. Microbes begin covering the land forming the Rain Forest (Garden of Eden), then Insects, then Man; Elite regard most of us as Evolved Microbes-Insects-Monkeys. Inca originally came from China; 2016 is the Chinese Year of the Monkey. Colonization (Survival of the Fittest) begins with the Jesus like figure, natives were taught to accept as the Messiah, Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha or Kulkulkan; Oops! The Slave Trade, Rain Forest destruction, Industrialization (Wright Brothers did not invent powered flight) and Global Warming quickly follow; notice how this is Northern Hemisphere Global Warming, not Southern Hemisphere; EM (Electro-magnetic) Scalar Antennas in the Arctic and Antarctic used for Geo-engineering transfer energy South to North.
Notice the Peace Signs, both in the Rio Olympic Tree Logo and Hand Sign. The V sign popularized by Bi-sexual, Luciferian Mason, Druid Winston Churchill means Nail used to Crucify God, a Satanic Victory sign. The Peace Sign “Broken Jew” or “Todersrune” is a Death Sign; the sign used in Witchcraft Initiations to Blaspheme Jesus Christ; Waling Dead may ring a Baal. The Cross turned upside down and the cross bar broken was also an initiation ritual of the Knights Templar.
Janus is the God of War and Peace. Notice the Hand Peace Sign opposite the Rooster. The Rooster is Nergal the Babylonian God of War (2 Ki 17:30) aka Mars or Ares, the “UNKNOWN GOD” of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” ignorantly worshipped. The Rooster was used by Jesus to show Peter he would betray Him; the Rooster heralds the Rising Sun “Lucifer”.
Notice the Cubes; brought down from the Sky to build Heaven on Earth. Cube worship is Saturn worship; the Cube “Kaaba” at Mecca or Kabbalah (no it’s not Jewish) for example. Mecca is the Arab “Mechus” meaning “Adultery, the Sin (Allah is the Arab Moon God “Sin”) preventing the “Marriage of the Lamb” (Rev 19:7) Cubes are central to Thelema; Brotherhood of Saturn, Saturnalia (Christmas), Transformers “All Spark” (Janus is the god of Transformation) etc etc www.nicholson1968.com/nicholson1968s-post/saturn-worshipthe-black-cube What’s the real 411 (Information)? Acts 4:11 of course Jesus is the Stone the Builders (Freemasons) rejected; Saturn (Cube) worship is the alternative. Now you know why Cornerstones are laid in Sacrifice (Corn, Wine, Oil) Ceremonies. www.youtube.com/watch
Notice the Phoenix Rising out of the Green Earth. In 1620 Francis Bacon write “New Atlantis”; the Americas destroyed with the Phoenix rising from the ashes as the New Atlantis.
New Atlantis is the Golden Age; Men turned into Gods as Lead/Mercury is turned into Gold; the Alchemical “Philosophers Stone/Cube”. Gisele Bundchen dressed in Gold played the role of the “Girl from Ipanema” Heloisa Eneida de Menezas Paes Pinto aka “Helo” or “Hele” (Hale, Healthy Sun) the Sun worshipping Muse turned future Playboy Model who carried the Olympic Torch through Ipanema; “She is the golden girl, a mixture of flowers and mermaids, full of light and full of grace, but whose character is also sad with the feeling as youth passes, beauty is not ours to keep. She is the gift of life with its beautiful and melancholic ebb and flow”.
Notice Chinese Taipei? This insult to Taiwan is no accident; WWIII will pit North Korea against South Korea; China will invade Taiwan; Exodus across the Silk Road to Armageddon; Russia will lead an invasion (false Gog and Magog Eze 38:1) to Jerusalem.
Notice the Red Sign “CO2 Emisions”; Exhalation causing Global Warning is a Satanic Lie; CO2 caused warming increases evaporation forming clouds which reflect solar radiation; CO2 is plant food, not an Earth toxin.
Global Warming is Jesuit Bull Shit invented at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit as an excuse to murder 93% of the world’s population to save the Earth. This is written in stone in the Georgia Guide Stones and Pope Francis’ Earth Encylical “Laudato Si” (Be Praised). Jesus warned days would come when people kill others and think they do God’s service; those days are here. Global Climate Change Agreement “Agenda 21”, Kyoto and Paris Climate change Agreements all came from the United Nations 1992 Rio Earth Summit.
Notice the color Green, Ubiquitous color of the Rio Olympics; Green Man is Satan aka Bacchus or Dionysus. Green Cross International headed by Communist Dictator, 33 Degree Luciferian Freemason, Bohemian Grove Initiate Mikhail Gorbachev founded this to build on the Rio Earth Summit.
Rhodes Scholar, Clinton’s Balkan Butcher, Branch Davidian murderer, fake Jew, Gen Wes Clark (Samaritan Cohen) told of the plan to destabilize the Middle East (Fertile Crescent) at the same time the United Nations hosted the Rio Earth Summit www.youtube.com/watch
Pope Francis has stated the Northern Hemisphere Nations owe a large debt to the Southern Hemisphere Nations; this was portrayed in the Opening Ceremonies during the Industrial Age of Northern Foreigners exploiting Southern Natives.
Sea Level Rising Inundation begins in Amsterdam (home of fake Jews and the Dutch East India Trading Company; New York City was at first “New Amsterdam”), Dubai, Florida (record flooding during the Olympics), Shanghai, Lagos and Rio.
With Earth destroyed, New Life emerges in the asphalt. Bitumen (Asphalt/Slime) is the Mortar used to build the Tower of Babel; completion results in a new Garden of Eden formed by destroying the Old Order. Babylon means “Gate of On” where On “Osiris” is Christ the Redeemer, the sun god, facing East to the Rising Sun.
The Native “Amarucu” form Downward Triangles, an Earth Symbol and twirl them into the 3 XXX’s; Antichrist will be the 3rd Adam; X=Christ/Messiah. A Carnivale aka Baccanalia follows as the Cauldron is lit by the Sun; this is the birth of the New World Order; Christ Redeemer facing the Rising Sun, Apollo aka Janus.
Rio De Janiero means River of January, the month beginning the Roman Solar Year is sacred to Janus (Apollo=Apollyon=Destroyer; Rev 9:11) the Roman god of Doorways and New Beginnings; one face to the future, one face to the past. Janus is the Roman Primordial god of Beginnings “Chaos” and Endings; the parallel with JESUS as “Alpha and Omega” should be evident. We saw the Primordial “Chaos” in the Oceans forming Dry Land in the Opening Ceremony. Janus represents the Beginning and Ending of Conflict, thus he is the god of War and Peace.
Janus is the god of Beginnings, Gates (Bab=Gate), Transitions (Old Order-New World Order), Time (Chaos/Chronos), Doorways, Passages (Narrow/JESUS/Salvation-Wide/Apollo/Destruction), Bridges (Earth-Heaven eg Bifrost/Rainbow Bridge) and Endings (Rapture? Heaven’s no; that is Jesuit made up Bull Shit) The new plant life represents the Olive Branch brought back by the Dove released by Noah at the end of the Flood. “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Mat 24:37; Lk 17:26. Ready for the Alternative Christ? Me neither but he’s coming.
Superior to the Roman Pontiff (Master Bridge Builder) Rex Sacorum (King of Sacred Rites) presided over Janus (God of Bridges) Ceremonies. For the Olympic Opening Ceremony Rex Sacorum is Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Secretary General, and disciple of Sun Myung Moon’s “Unification Church”; the opposition to God thwarting the progress of Babel should be obvious. Why “Moon”? A reflection of the Sun; Arabs called the Moon “Sin” because the first lie in the Garden of Eden was Eve would not die, but become as the gods; hence the Arab moon god “Sin” came to be called “Allah” aka Ilu as in Bab + Ilu or Babel. Sun Myung Moon believed Jesus failed His mission to “Repair the Earth” and his Divine Mission was to complete it. The Doors of the Temple of Janus were opened in times of War.
Sept 13, 2016 is 10 Elul the day Noah opened the Ark for the 1st time after the mountaintops became visible and released a Raven. The Raven never returned because Ravens are “Unclean Birds” which feed on carcasses of dead animals/fish/carrion. The 1st visible mountaintop? Mt Ararat, Turkey? Try again. Mt Everest aka Chumolongmo “Earth Mother”. Plant life would not begin for another week when the Dove brought back an Olive leaf. Remember, there were 2 of every creature in the Ark; the 2nd Dove never returned because it represented the Holy Ghost given to man; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; the Dove returned to Man. Only people who have asked for and been given a Baptism of the Holy Ghost are truly Free in this world. Noah would become a Vine dresser, drunk, his son Ham would mate with his Cainite mother to give birth to the “Cursed” bloodline of Canaan. “They came from the East” to Shinar (Babel) to build a Tower (Magdala) aka Holy Grail, prompting God to separate the Nations by Water in Peleg and Joktan’s day and confound the languages to inhibit building progress. Get ready folks, the Tower of Babel is about finished.
Miracle of the Sun 3 children, visited by the Virgin Mary, made predictions on 13 July, 19 Aug and 13 Sept 1917 set for Oct 13, 1917 which became known as the “Miracle of the Sun”. Why? Assumption of the Virgin Mary needed proof. 13 Sept 2016 is 10 Elul, the day Noah released a Raven from the Ark. Pope Benedict released Peace Doves which were promptly attacked by Ravens; 2 months later he resigned and Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica TWICE; the following year, Jesuit Pope Francis I released Doves which were again, attacked by a Raven and a Seagull. The Flood lasted 1 yr 10 days; on Sept 23, 2017 the celestial alignment described in Rev 12:1 will occur.
Ben Hur: First to Finish Last to Die. “Brother against Brother” is Esau against Jacob. Ben=Son; Hur=Fire. Ready for the Holocaust?
Miracle of the Dark Sun?
July 14 is “Bastille Day” July 14, 2016 (7, 14=77, 16=7) Scientists announced proof of a 5th Force. The Dark Photon is the Force Carrier of Dark Matter. 5th Force is none other than Quintessence the mythical Aether of the ancient Greeks, Plato’s Dodecahedron (12 Sided Pentagon), 5th Element, Divine Spark (All Spark in Transfromers), TULA “Dark Sun” of ancient Egypt and Black Sun of the Nazi SS (NATO HQ is the SS Lighting Bolts). Quintessence is Witchcraft; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence or Illumination. Got JESUS in your life? Quintessence is a Pale substitute. Nice Terror Attack? Not quite The list of dead from 2 dozen countries prompt Francois Hollande to promise attacks on ISIS in Syria and Iraq in response to the attack on Nice; good thing the Savant had a multi-site Terror Drill in progress.
Like 7’s (Perfection)? How about Crazy 8’s? On 8/8/16 the Pentagon IG report was released “$6.5Trillion missing” That’s about 10 yrs of the Pentagon Spending. Aug=8, 8, 2016=18=8; or 8/8/2016=8888 if you prefer. JESUS=888. This is however a far cry.
Artemis is the goddess of Witchcraft. Not to be outdone FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler allows rollout of Artemis 5G Network; NAZI Eugenics in the modern age. The Temple of Artemis replicated by the Supreme House of the Temple of 33rd Degree Masonry. Millimeter Wave Energy at 20X 4G Power=Sterility and Disease. Millimeter Waves absorbed in the Skin inhibit production of Vitamin D. Lab Rats exposed to the level of Radiation in Artemis 5G became Sterile in 15 Minutes. thefullertoninformer.com/2016/07/
VP of Remote Viewing Association Dick Allgire allegedly predicted the attack and location 2 months before it happened hrvg.org/newsletter/2001-05/home.html Why? It was another pre-planned Sacrifice or Hoax? during a Multi-site Shooter Drill “Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened it was planned” FDR (His Wife Eleanor also used Remote Viewing and Seances). “There will not be found among you any one …that useth Divination…a consulter with famiLIAR Spirits, or a Wizard or a necromancer” Deut 18:10-11 An amaziing ability on par with the Bastille Day 2015 fly-by of Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft; returned pictures look exactly like the 1930 drawings, made 86 years ago by Luciferian Freemason Walt Disney. Pluto is the Roman God of the Underworld; to “86” something means to “Eliminate or Kill”. Pretty coincidental timing with United Nations 2016: Year of Pulses. 2016-17 is 50 years after the 6th Tetrad, 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan making it a Satanic Jubilee.
Bastille Day celebrates Storming the Bastille Prison in Paris 1789 and the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens” Citizen is further defined by the Rosicrucians, Martinists, Jacobins and Masons who instigated the French Revolution as “Human”. Hu is the Celtic Creator; the Word used in Creation? “HU” of course; the Word simply means “God Man” This Hoax is the Division of Gnostics who believe they can become Gods and those of us who follow the only true God JESUS. There are no “Rights” of Man, JESUS is “Alpha”, the Creator and “Shiloh”, He whose it is, and Omega, the End. 84 Dead, 50 injured in Nice France during Bastille Fireworks? Sure, just like Paris. www.youtube.com/watch
This may not seem like Olympic Games material, but it is; a War for our Souls is in full swing; prayers to the Virgin Mary, Rosary Prayers and Miracles of the Sun will not get you to Heaven. Only a one on one relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth will; His Name is JESUS.
Double Eagle Rising
The Eagle symbolizes Edomite “Dominion” (Gen 27:40 KJV; Dan 2:39; 7:6); JESUS destroys everyone in the House of Esau (Ref Obadiah); don’t like being in the House of Esau? Let JESUS know. Munich means “Monk”; Order out of Chaos is the motto of 33 degree (Sovereign) Freemasonry; 2016 is the Summer of Chaos. “I get on my knees and pray, we won’t get fooled again” The Who; referring to Esau being tricked into selling his Birthright to Jacob. NDAA 2013 ended the ban on Domestic Propaganda.
“Tell the world about Nibiru or I will”
– Vlad Putin
Ukraine War Princess Victoria Nuland (Husband Robert Kagan is a Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death Satanist and author of PNAC the 9/11/2001 blueprint) Obama’s “Niburu Czar” arrived in Moscow; Putin’s Ultimatum “Tell the world about Nibiru or I will” Nibiru is Bull Shit folks; whether called Planet X, Planet 9 USGS Climatologist Dr Ethan Trowbridge says “Nibiru will ravage Earth”
Like father Adolph (Noble Wolf) in the Eagle’s Nest, daughter Merkel is in Munich (Munich=Monk; Benedictine Monk) with her version of Adolph’s Munich Putsch in 1923. Angela’s Merkel’s Munich Putsch is an EU SuperState. Ever wonder why “Monk” is not in the bible? Monks are in Satan’s Army. Munich is Ground Zero for the Neo-Nazi Empire, the Edomite “Dominion” described in Dan 7:6 and Kingdom of Brass described in Dan 2:39. Hitler, charged with Treason, received a 24 day public trial to introduce his Jesuit inspired National Socialist Agenda; after serving 9 mos of an already incredibly light sentence he was released from prison with the Jesuit (Fr Bernhard Staempfle) written “Mein Kampf” in hand. The symbol Hitler chose was Mirror Image (Black Path) of the Aryan Swastika aka Broken Sun Wheel or Broken Celtic (Chaldean) Cross, Thor’s Lightning Bolts and Sieg Heil “Victory Hail” aka Bellamy Salute or Fascist Salute seen on the cover of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Magazine “Foreign Affairs”; most of the American government are CFR Initiates including Mormon White Horse Mitt Romney whose family name “Pratt” is on it’s HQ. Hitler’s Satanic Handler (Thule Society, Vril Society may ring a Baal) was Dietrick Eckhart who said on his deathbed “Mourn for me not, for I have affected history more than anyone; Hitler danced, but I called the tune”. The Eagle carries the Serpent on the $US for a reason.
The Munich “Terrorist” attack is a German Gun Control False Flag on 5th Anniversary of Anders Breivik Neo-Nazi manifesto/rampage during an Oslo, Norway Police Drill. Aryans are Normans “North Men”, who else but an Iranian (Aryan) patsy? The Double Eagle symbolizes Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis; Esau controls both sides in order to achieve “Dominion”; Esau’s symbol is the Eagle. This Dialectic can be seen in the Yin Yang, Black-White Checkerboard floor in every Masonic Lodge or Light and Dark Matter; the latter is the Universal Biggest Lie and yes Scientists are aware of the Lie. Satan is the “God of Forces” in Dan 11:38; aka Gravity.
Pretty coincidental Israeli photo-propagandist Richard Gutjar was in position for the Nice Hoax, pre-planned Turkish Coup and Munich False Flag events eh? Well not really, Gen 9:27 explains Japheth (the Eldest son of Noah is dwelling in Shem’s tents; Japheth’s son is Gomer (Germany), and his son is Ashkenaz (Israel is 80% Ashkenazi), the brother of Togarmah (Turks) Turkomen aka Mohammadens, the inventors or purveyors of Kaballah, Talmud, Talmudic Judaism, Rabbinical Judaism, Crypto Judaism, Chabad Lubavitch, and Zohar “Book of Splendor”. Germanic Pagans (like Donald Drumpf) are what Jesus referred to as the Synagogue of Satan, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes and “Those who say they are Jews but are not”; they are about to Purge the House of Jacob. Pulse means Tare, an imperfection in Grain and God’s Word (New Bible versions); the Pulse Nightclub Hoax and movie “Purge Election Year” were no coincidence. Everyone not in agreement with the Aryan agenda is about to be Purged.
Synagogue is not used in the Old Testament; by King David’s day, the last Jewish Synagogue had been corrupted (Ps 74:8) all are led by Satanic Wolves called Rabbi which is why the author of the Old Covenant, Jesus Christ said “Be ye not called Rabbi” Mat 23:10. Wolves? Adolph=Noble Wolf + Hitler=Shepherd in a Hut or Tent (Shem’s Tent Ref Gen 9:27); his nickname was “Herr Wolf”; His Prussian HQ Wolfssahanze “Wolf’s Lair” also the name of his French and Ukraine HQ’s.
Angela Merkel is the illegitimate daughter of Adolf Hitler; no he didn’t die in the Berlin bunker on Walpurgisnacht; the US sent “Herr Wolf” and Eva to Argentina; they even share the same Birthday on April 20th, the start of the Beltane Fire Festival (Holocaust began in Warsaw on this date); amazing coincidence eh? Adolph Hitler himself was the illigitimate grandson of Solomon Rothschild (Red Shield); no the Rothschild family was not Jewish, nor is their Frankenstein monster Israel.
The NAZI Aryan playbook to disarm and use the Army against the public is in full swing. Eiffel Tower was lit in German National Colors; Champs Elysee means Elysian Field (Field of the Blessed in battle); like Chancellor Adolph, Chancellor Angela is obsessed with Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries, collecting the War dead for the great feast in Valhalla, the Aryan version of Heaven. Hollywood has been prepping us for the main event with Thor movies; NATO’s new Brussels HQ is the Nazi “Lightning Bolts”; NATO patches feature Thor’s Lightning and Thor’s Hammer aka Tesla Electro-Magnetic (Sun-Earth) Weapons. The main event? The arrival of Thor of course; no folks, the son of Odin is not Jesus Christ! Guess what animal pulls Thor’s Chariot? Goats. Scapegoats have red painted legs their Shepherds can see but the color blind sheep cannot. Want to wake up? Ask JESUS, He separates Goats from Sheep and the Goats are headed for Hell for Eternity.
Angela Merkel and Israeli Sayannim (Israeli Double Agent) Francois Hollande planned the European SuperState before BREXIT; in fact Merkel stated her plans for the NATO led Euro SuperState in 2007. NATO versus the Eurasian SuperState (Russia, China, N Korea, Pakistan, Iran + South East Asia Nations) is WWIII; just ask Chabad Lubavitch, Sayannim, Knight of Malta, fake Presbyterian (Kirkin O Tartan celebrates the Tartan Cloth aka Phoenician Cloth of the Assyrian Army who took real Israel into captivity) fake Jew Donald Drumpf (Ashkenazi) Sayannim aka Donald Trump whose uncle John developed Tesla Weapons (Thor’s Hammer) for Military use. Think that Flat Hand “Sieg Heil” Nazi Salute by Laura Ingraham at the RNC was coincidental? How about Nazi Pope Benedict XVI being elected April 20, 2005 on Adolph and Angela Hitler’s Birthday sharing the name of the Benedictine Monks who founded Munich?
Hitler’s 3rd Reich was financed by Prescott Bush nee Nazi George Scherff through Union Bank; you may recall the Union 76 Logo is the Union of 76 (Capricornus “Horned Goat” aka Azazel in New Versions of Lev 16:8-10) and the Sun; Mitt Romney’s father George Romney supplied the Luftwaffe Aluminum and was trained in Propaganda with Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels by British Satanist Edward Bernays the “Father of modern Propaganda”.
The Nazi 3rd Reich was not the 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6); that is likely coming up on Christmas 2016, the top of the Brass Line (Rose Line or Paris “House of Isis” “0 Meridian”) at St Sulpice Cathedral has the “76” symbol at the Dec 21 (Capricorn) position and 2016-17 is the Satanic Jubilee Year. Capricornus, the He Goat or Horned Goat aka Pan, Herne, Cernunnos (CERN), Goat of Mendes or Baphomet (Union of Knowlege and Wisdom aka Gnosis) is another name of the Beast from the Sea “Antichrist”; no folks, Jesus was not born on Christmas; the Red Edomite Suited Nordic Shaman bringing the Amenita Muscaria Hallucinogens Satan (Santa) was.
Donald Trump’s 66th floor Trump Plaza Penthouse (Pentacle=Illuminated Man; Witchcraft is Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence aka Illumination) is a Shrine to Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddon “The Destroyer”; Apollo the Sun god is born under the “Groves” by the Dew of Heaven (Ref Esau’s “Dew of Heaven” prophecy in Gen 27:39-41KJV).
Thor is the Trump of Satan aka “Antichrist”; JESUS is the TRUMP of GOD aka CHRIST. 7/22 was no accident either; 22/7=Pi the Circle of Heaven brought to Earth “Behold I come quickly” Rev 22/7; this event on 7/22 was the Mirror or Reverse Image.
Russia is also symbolized by the Double Eagle. Another recent tid bit of occult communication is the Eremite Denisova Cave; like St Patrick there was no Hermit Monk named “Dionisij”; this is Dionysys aka “Green Man” worshipped by Knights Templar as “Green Man” as well as Arab Assassins as “Al Khidr”. Denisova Cave is code for Denis (Jesuits took their first Satanic Oaths in the Crypt of St Denis/Dionysys Cathedral in Paris on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1534; the plan for WWIII was written on the Feast Day of Lucifer in 1871) or Dionysys “Green Man”.
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again”
– Cathar Perfecti
This is the rise of Green Man aka Arab al Khidr or Bacchus. In 1317 the Catholic Church published the Council of Vienne detailing “Perfection of the Human Person” a decidedly Gnostic/Catharist teaching seen today in Mormons, Order of Melchizedek or 2000 years ago in Julianists.
Watch for the Green Party candidate Jill Stein (Jill=Julian + Stein=Rock) teaming up with Bernie Sanders, both are fake Jews turned Atheist, Earth Dwellers (Rev 13); the Jesuit-Masonic plan for WWII is to unleash the Nihilists (no belief in God “Earth Dwellers”) destroying Islam and Christianity at the same time.
RNC “Eagle Rising”
The Nazi/Edomite Eagle rose in Cleveland, Munich and will rise in Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” is Esau’s love of Jacob; he intends to kill him. Who better than an Iranian (Iranian means Aryan or Noble Caste) “Terrorist”? Israeli photo-propagandist Richard Gutjar was even pre-positioned in Nice and Munich for the False Flag Events; what are the odds?
The Republican National Convention in Cleveland is codenamed FEMA-NORTHCOM Exercise “Eagle Rising”
Timeline for RNC Deployment called FEMA Exercise “Eagle Rising” (Esau and Zeus/Lucifer are symbolized by the Eagle; Prometheus breaks free of his chains and the Eagle pecking at his liver in Sochi, Crimea) LRAD (Sonic Cannons), IMSI (Cell Interception). MACC (Multi-agency Comm) becomes active June 28. Posse Commitatus prohibits US Military from being used on Civilians; this blows that provision to Hell. Craiglist ads call for Trump Protesters. Trump funded LaRaza protestors packed into a Football Stadium? A disaster planned to happen. Cleveland Area Code 216=6X6X6 and 33 + 43 + 53 The number associated with Time (Axis Precession=2160 yrs/Astrological House); the Beast, Pythagorean Geometry, Mr Triangle (Merkabah), Great Pyramid and the King’s Chamber.
Time is short; the Trump Card is about to be played. 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee; the 1st instigated “Race” (One Race of Man on Earth; Race in the Bible refers to a contest of speed) Riots began in Cleveland 1966 “Year One Satan”, the year the Church of Satan was founded.
Kicking off the Event, Opus Dei, Knight of Malta Paul Ryan posted a picture of Trump Interns dubbed “World’s largest Intern Selfie”; missing? Minorities; a White and Delightsome Middle Finger to everyone else. Hitler’s Aryan Race “Eagle’s Nest” had more diversity.
Watch for Hand Signs. Trump is a Knight of Malta, Chabad Lubavitcher who knows them well.
Melania (Black) Knavs (changed to Knauss “Haughty Person”) speech copied from Michelle Obama (Michael Robinson) 2008 Speech; same speech writers.
Ted (Rafael) Cruz non-endorsement after calling Trump a “Pathological Liar and Narcissist” delivers a pro-Constititution Speech. Ted’s father as Donald Trump correctly pointed out was a pro-Castro propagandist involved with the JFK Assassination who fled the Vietnam Draft to Canada and illegally entered the US. When Ted gave up Canadian Citisenship he bacame a citizen of no country. Constitutional Lawyer? Good one.
Newt Gingrich (Bohemian Grove, Baptist, Luciferian 33 degree Mason turned Opus Dei, Knight of Malta Jesuit introducing Constitutional VP Mike Pence pro Israel (Amos 5:2 “The virgin of Israel has fallen”); War Hawk (Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, ISIS); Pro-Immigration; Patriot Act; Wire Taps; Drone Killings; Extraordinary Rendition (Kidnapping, CIA Black Sites), Evangelical (Crusader/Templar), Indiana Gay Mafia pretend Homophobe, CAFTA (Central American Free Trade) NAFTA (North American Free Trade), TPP, TTIP (Atlantic and Pacific Free Trade) Traitor.
Laura Ingraham “Power to the People” Speech and Nazi Flat Hand Salute, no accident, the Nazi Eagle is indeed rising Ref Dan 7:6 (Panzer=Leopard)
Donald Trump Serial adulterer/pedophile (Jeff Epstein’s Pedophile Island “Little St James” and Lolita Express), Knight of Malta (Oath Sworn agent of the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas), Chabad Lubavitch (Kaballist) raised Ashkenazi (Germanic) Crypto fake Jew (Drumpf), pretend Presbyterian with a 66th Floor Trump Tower Penthouse dedicated to Apollo (Apollyon=Destroyer aka Shiva) “We don’t want them here…We are going to build a great wall” speaking of Immigrants, excluding of course his Scottish Immigrant mother Maryanne or Brothel owner grandfather Fred. Uncle John developed Tesla (Electro-magnetic) based weaponry for military use in “Destroying the World”. No worries folks, JESUS is the real TRUMP (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17) who returns to “Destroy those who destroy the Earth” Rev 11:8 like Donald who apparently can’t understand why America is never mentioned as a Nation in Eze 38, the real “End Times”. “Make America Great Again” refers to the time when immigrants slaughtered natives and stole their land.
Guan Yu
7/18/16 Giant statue of Guan Yu unveiled in Jing Zhou. The Civil War General who brought and end to the Han Dynasty is remiscient of Civil War Confederate General Albert Pike. Guan Yu is immortalized as the “God of War”. China is Hittite (China=Cathay=Cathar=Cath=Heth=Hittite); the Dragon is the Serpent from the Garden of Eden. Jing Zhou is also the god of Wealth, Brotherhood, Protection and Loyalty. Ishmael and Esau took Hittite Women as wives in violation of the covenant with Abraham; their Brothers were Isaac and Jacob, the brothers God chose for the Covenant. The Southern Branch Silk Road city was said to have been built by Guan Yu out of the Earth; Adam=Edom. His weapon: Green Dragon Crescent Blade. You may recall the Green Dragon Tavern was home to Freemasons who instigated the American Revolution; the 2nd Am Revolution and Civil War is imminent.
Edomite Dominion is 100% assured in Gen 27:39-41KJV; Esau lives by the Sword (War) and of the Fatness of the Earth (Wealth). The Silk Road will soon host the largest Exodus in world history; Get Ready.
Lucifer’s Vitamin
7/14/16 a day like no other. Nice, Turkey and Baton Rouge, the filled the TV as the Capitol Mall filled with Evangelical Christians for Pulse Reset 2016. Meanwhile, the FCC quietly approved what may be the largest Mass Murder in history with the rollout of the Nationwide Artemis 5G Network; NAZI Eugenics meets the modern age. Artemis is the Satanic Brainchild of Apple Engineer Steve Perlman; if the bite missing from the Apple (Apollo/Apollyon “Destroyer”) isn’t enough to wake up, how about $666.66 for Apple’s first computer? 7/14/16= 7777; crazy numbers eh? Artemis Antennas are or soon will be on every Tower, Building and Intersection, turning Cell Phones and Laptops into RF Birth Control, Disease, Spy and Tracking devices.
Strong Delusion
Arguably the FCC is the most powerful branch of Government, in control over all Broadcast Energy such as TV; Radio; Internet; RF Smart Meters; RF Hardware Chips used in Drones or Commercial Aircraft and Train Remote Takeover, On Star, RF Hardware Controls such as Coolant Controls at Atomic Power Stations or Electric Turbines at Dams; Directed Energy Weapons such as Millimeter Wave “Pain Rays” and Microwave Emmitters or Mobile X-Ray emmitters; GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) used for lovely things like Mind Control, Incapacitation or Electronic Cages; HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) “Ionospheric Heaters” used for Jet Stream Manipulation and Geo-engineering projects like Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, or Tsunamis; Scalar EM Antennas like SuperDarn, SOUSY, Wood Pecker Grid and an array of Arctic and Antarctic EM Generation Antennas; X-Band Weather Modifying Radars used for pinpoint Weather Modification at home and against other Nations; Project Blue Beam Ionospheric “Positively Entertaining” Gigantic Screen TV soon used to present the Antichrist as Jesus Christ aka Strong Delusion to believe the Lie.
FCC (Fed Communications Comm) Chair Tom Wheeler is an Obama (44th President “He is with us”; 44=Solomon’s Cube, 9th Circle, Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix, 44 Kings of Israel www.theresnothingnew.org/index/44:_Mass_of_the_Phoenix ) Fundraiser, Obama Appointee, Telecom Venture Capitalist, Telecom Lobbyist and ex-CEO of Cellular Telecomm & Internet Association; in other words Tom Wheeler is Fox is guarding the Hen House and Wolf in the Sheep Pen. I say Sheep Pen because the Earth is a Giant Sheep Pen; nobody has or will ever travel outside the Radiation Belts 1000 miles above the Earth and Tom Wheeler knows this quite well.
Nationwide Broadband kills indiscriminately; you wouldn’t think to put your Ovaries or Testes in a Microwave, but you will. It all began with Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdulmutalib; nobody noticed Millimeter Wave Full Body Imaging scanners were already at most major airports, ready to be deployed. Abdel (Servant of El/Allah) Mutallib (Student ie Taliban) was Muhammad’s uncle and originator of Islam; one doesn’t travel on a cash ticket Internationally to 3 countries without a Passport folks!
Wheeler’s books tell the story “Take Command: Leadership lessons from the Civil War” Well folks, Artemis 5G is “Civil War” and both sides lose; think it’s coincidence Captain America” Civil War is in theaters? “Lincoln’s T-Mails: How Lincoln and the Telegraph won the War” Nobody won the Civil War, it’s purpose was Death, and to make a subtle but extremely deadly change to the Constitution Constitution of the United States was changed after the war by Skull & Bones (Brotherhood of Death) Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison “Mot” Waite (Mot is the Phoenician god of Death) to CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES. US Citizens have no rights in the UNITED STATES.
The Temple of Artemis was one of the 7 ancient wonders in Ephesus. JESUS’ warning to the Church of Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) resulted from failing the first Commandment of the New Covenant “Love God”. Artemis/Diana is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Fertility and Child Birth; the Temple is replicated by the Supreme House of the Temple; the Shrine of 33rd Degree Masonry has 2 large basement rooms dedicated to the FBI and Apollo Moon Landing for a reason.
Millimeter Wave Energy at 20X 4G Power=Sterility and Disease. The Love of God aka “Charity” (1 Cor 13) is #1; new bible versions change “Charity” to “Love” which has a vastly different meaning, the results seen in the 2006 movie Children of Men; Fertility Rates drop to 0.
Vitamin D “Vital Amino Acid” + Death
Skin production of Vitamin D “Sun Vitamin” is destroyed by Millimeter Wave Energy which causes bubbles in the DNA strand; Cancer is caused from DNA and Amino Acid imperfections called “Slips” (Gene imperfections) or “Tares” (Plants) in Scripture; the Clay-Iron Feet of the Abomination of Desolation may ring a Baal. Millimeter Wave Emitters are called “Pain Rays” for a reason! Skin Cancer an obvious by-product as are Auto-immune Disorders, Infections and Cognitive Disorders. thefullertoninformer.com/2016/07/
Lucifer means “Light Bearer”; Sunlight is vital to Photosynthesis, and is the Key ingredient to physical Life; JESUS the “Light of the World” is the vital ingredient to SPIRITUAL LIFE. Lab Rats subjected to Millimeter Wave Radiation at the power level of the Artemis 5G Network were Sterilized in 15 minutes. Think it’s coincidence Artemis is building a $5B HQ in San Jose shaped like a Human Egg Cell? Jesus warned a time would come when people Kill and think they do God’s work. Those days are here.
Pulse Reset 2016 Capitol Mall
PULSE Events are happening Worldwide. Pulse means Tare (Undesirable element); Capitol means “Womb of Zeus”. Evangelical Nick Hall (Nicolaitane Hall?) pulsemovement.com/events/ is the figurehead leader of PULSE. Pulse Reset 2016, UNITE and TOGETHER designed to gather well meaning Christians together. Pulse Reset 2016 on 7/16/16 “777” (Just remember JESUS=888) is called TOGETHER; 1 M people around the largest Mason built Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) on Earth.
PULSE will lead the “Jesus is the Reason of the Season Christmas Tour” No people, Jesus is not the reason for Christmas! Christ=Messiah + Mass=Sacrifice of the Host. Jesus was Conceived on Christmas (Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication”) He was born the New Covenant Tabernacle “House of God” and born on Feast of Tabernacles (29 Sept 6 BC) not on Christmas. Mithra, Sol, Apollo, Attis, Dionysus, Bacchus et all was born on Christmas. If people would read Scripture rather than follow Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes, they could protect themselves. “A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump” Sound familiar?
The United Nations has designated 2016 “Year of Pulses” and 2017 “Year of Sustainable Development”. It’s no coincidence Orlando “Pulse Nightclub” was chosen for a Staged Hoax. Pulses are Tares among the Grain, removed by the Millstones. Jesus is the “Narrow Path”; His followers are the “Holy” and “Ekklesia” ie Separated Church not UNITE or TOGETHER.
Ever wonder why Jesus said “Except those days should be shortened, no flesh would remain”? Mat 24:22 Artemis 5G may very well accomplish this in less than a generation. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own house” Mic 7:6; Mat 10:36.
Notice the spelling: Pulse Reset is a Name and Person; PULSE, UNITE and TOGETHER are CORPORATE. This is not trivial folks. Nick Hall is funded by the Billy Graham Evangelical Network; Billy is a 33 degree Luciferian Freemason in league with dozens of apostate religions (Cathy Burns book “Billy Graham and his friends” covers this in detail www.chick.com/reading/books/260/0260excerpt.asp Nick was initiated at Fuller Seminary which teaches “Bible Inerrancy” while promoting the Revised Standard Version. Jesus is the Word made Flesh, (Jn 1:1; 14; 1 Jn 5:7KJV) there can only be one Word of God; the Authorized Bible. All new versions came out of the Bible Revision Committee in 1887; neither BF Westcott or FJ Hort believed in Genesis or Revelation. Fuller Seminary Dean Richard Mouw teaches “Mormonism is a Christian Religion because it has a University” Well now Richard, Gal 1:6-9 states if anyone teaches “Another Gospel” they are Anathema; guess you missed the title of the Book of Mormon “Another Gospel of Jesus Christ” Oops! BTW Brigham Young was a Jesuit handled 33 degree Mason who taught Mormons to “Take Vengeance on America until the last drop is spilled” Ever heard of the “Blood in the Streets Prophecy”? Good ole Mitt Romney may seem squeaky clean, but laundering $Billions from Iran-Contra isn’t. Hypocrites in Sheep’s Clothes.
Pulse Reset? 2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee, a Reset of Slave and Master, or in this case Esau and Jacob. Edomites are the Wolves enticing Sheep into the Shearing Pens. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus taught “False Apostles” and “Nicolaitane Doctrine” (Elevated Teachers). Time to Get Out before the Shearing begins!
Staged Turkish Coup
Why Turkey? The Big Picture
NDAA (Nat Def Authorization Act) 2013 ended the ban on Domestic Propaganda; News is made by Actors. France and Turkey are now in 3 month “States of Emergency”, a dressed down term for “Martial Law” Erdogan a Grand Orient Lodge Freemason, trained in Paris. 14 Turkish Ships, 2 Black Hawk Helcopters and 25 Special Forces missing including a Nuc capable Guided Missile Frigate; what a coincidence, it was used by “Terrorists” in JAG Season 3 episode “Tiger Tiger”. EU and NATO searching for the Ships; Sure, they just vanished like UA-93 on 9/11 or MH-370 in a Black Hole of Stage Managed Lies.
JESUS delivered all 7 Church Warnings in Rev 2-3 to the land occupied by Turkey. Fake Apostles. Goddess Worship. Satan’s Seat (Templarism). Elevation of Clergy (Nicolaitane Doctrine), Synagogue of Satan (Fake Jews/Star of Moelch). Idol Worship (Cross/Crucifix). Works based Salvation are all condemned.
Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis. Erdogan is a Grand Orient Lodge Luciferian Freemason, Muslim Brotherhood AKP (Justict & Development Party), the planned opposition to the Global Imam Fethullah Gulen, an Interfaith Educator with 1000 Schools in 160 Nations. The result of this Staged Conflict is Shariah Law aka Luciferian Law. The Coup was Staged Dialectic.
Occultists (Gnostics hiding among the Sheep) deny JESUS is God; they deny He is Alpha and Omega (Begin and End). They deny He is JEHOVAH (JAH Ps 68:4KJV) and JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) These are replaced by Jah, and Jesus respectively in all new bibles; an Alternative “HU Man” Messiah or Antichrist (al-Mahdi, Maitreya, Krishna etc). They also deny He is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) meaning “He whose it is” ie “KING OF KINGS”. There are 2 major confrontations separated by the Millennium in scripture, Armageddon (Rev 19) and Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7)
Occultists aim is to fake Gog and Magog; notice Russia and Turkey (Togarmah) jumped right on this Bastille Day nonsense. Putin with his pal John Kerry in Moscow called for Worldwide Unity fighting ISIS (ISIS is the Black Virgin and Throne of Antichrist). Is 17:1 says “Damascus shall be a city no more…”; Damascus is directly north of Jerusalem as is Moscow, the path Russia will take to Jerusalem. Russia is not “Rosh” which means “Head”; new bibles even go so far as to add “Rus” to Eze 38:2 and claim Moscow is Meshech and Tubal is Tobolsk (Siberian HQ of the Golden Horde i.e. Mongol Ghengis Khan).
Ezekiel 38 occurs at the end of the Millennium. Read the list of nations in Eze 38-39: Turkey (Togarmah), Ethiopia/Sudan (Cush), Libya (Put), Persia (Iran), Gomer (Germany; note also Gomer’s son is Ashkenazi the fake Jews in Israel), Sheba (Saudi Arabia/UAE) and Dedan (Yemen). Notice Togarmah of the north quarters; that is the Baltic Nations being primed for War by NATO whose new HQ is the NAZI Lightning Bolts and Thor’s Hammer. The Confederacy is also named in Ps 83: Jordan or Idumea being the Tabernacles of Edom, and Moab; Saudi Arabia the Tabernacle of Hagarenes; the Persian Gulf the Tabernacles of Ishmaelites. The point is God has hardened the hearts of His enemies and all of them want War.
Armageddon precedes Gog and Magog by 1000 years and will follow a 200M large Exodus along the Silk Road (China aka Hittite “Silk Road Initiative”) beginning at Fukushima-Korean DMZ (Korahites of Num 16)-Himalayas (Chumolongmo means Earth Mother because Ham and his Cainite mother (Noah’s wife) produced the “Cursed” Canaan bringing the Curse across the Flood; Noah stepped off the Ark East of Babylon in the Himalayas not at Mt Ararat west of Babylon like study bibles and new versions claim)-Karakoram Hwy to Islamabad (bin Laden raid was a Hoax)-Afghanistan-Iran (Mede-Persian Ram)-Iraq-Jordan to Armageddon “Valley of Slaughter”. As the Exodus reaches Iraq (Babylon) Rev 9:11 will occur when Satan is cast out of Heaven with the War with Michael and given the Keys to the Bottomless Pit some 18 months, 1 Week and 1 Day before the 2nd Coming “5th Trumpet”.
In both Wars, everyone not in personal Covenant with JESUS dies instantly; there is no battling God, that’s why they insist on creating Civil Wars to have people destroy themselves per the WWIII Script laid out by Jesuit handled Confederate (Foederis means “Covenant with God”; Confederate is “Against the Covenant with God”) Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15 1871.
ISIS “Black Virgin” and “Throne of Antichrist” a Multi-National Ghost Army
Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Turkey, EU, and the US, arm, train and finance ISIS. Russian Cargo Ship Mol Comfort split in half off the Yemen Coast June 17, 2013 carrying 50,000 Tons (5000 Shipping Containers) of Russian weapons destined for Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Traitor John Kerry was there, waiting on the shipment. In August 2013 Turkish Ship Nour M was intercepted by Greek Coast Guard carrying 50,000 Kalashnikov Rifles and Ammunition to Tartus, controlled by Russia and Turkish President Erdogan son Bilal; the weapons once again destined for ISIS.
In response to the Nice and Ankara events Vladimir Putin with John Kerry (Kohen) called for “Worldwide Unity fighting ISIS”; hours later Lighting, Flooding and Hurricane force winds hit Moscow. No, Moscow is not Meshech in Eze 38.
The US State Dept (read US Taxpayers) purchases fleets of Toyota SUV’s for ISIS. US bases in Jordan train equip and train ISIS. Apache Helicopters guard ISIS Convoys. Looted ISIS Oil is transported by Bilal Erdogan across Turkey to market. Afghanistan Heroin reaches European market through Turkey.
ISIS figurehead leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi is Israeli Mossad asset Simon Elliot. Every wonder why Israel never gets attacked by ISIS? Israeli Spy, US-Israel dual citizen Rita Katz (Rita=Pearl; Katz=Kohannim + Tzaddiq “Righteous Priest”) handles ISIS Propaganda (Fake Beheadings etc) in conjunction with the US Army at Ft Huachuca and Qatar.
The purpose of the Libyan War, launched on Purim was 1. Destroy the GMMR (Great Man-made River) Project 2. Prevent Libyan Oil from reaching market or sold in African Dinars. 3. Set up the Benghazi ISIS arming, funding center. Why Benghazi? Cyrennaica is the “Synagogue of the Libertines”.
Gulenists “Hizmet”
The US will soon be Scapegoated as “Babylon” (Rev 18) in order to make way for the Luciferian Messiah. The US is now accused of harboring the Turkish Coup mastermind Imam Fethullah Gulen
The Gulen Movement a Worldwide Interfaith, Science and Religious Education Cult; in a word “Gnosticism”. Interfaith dialogue is dubbed “Common Good” or “Islamic Calvinism” ie Pre-destination. Ever wonder why Science is teaching Evolution, Big Bang, Gravity, Black Holes, Dark Matter, Heliocentrism, Aliens, Time Travel etc? “Science” is the “Tongue of the Chaldeans (Dan 1:5) and “Vain and Profane Babblings” 1 Tim 6:12KJV. Science is derived from Scire “To Know”; Gnosis (Knowledge) or Sophia (Wisdom) may ring a Baal; the 2 put together are Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes worshipped by the Templars and Assassins. Why harbor this Cult in America? The same question can be said of Mormonism. Amurru is the Canaanite-Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god of the Amorites; we are to be the Scapegoat, sacrificed for the New World Order. Turkish Coup Hoax=Interfaith “Gulen Movement”
Jesus gave all 7 Church Warnings to the land now called Turkey for a reason! “Turks” (Turkomen or Mohammadans) represent all 7 of them.
- Turkey is Christian: Messianic/Templar/Zionist
- Turkey is Jewish: Fake Jews ie Kabbalists, Talmudists, Zionists aka Cryptos
- Turkey is Islamic: Sunni, Shia, Sufi.
- History records this Interfaith Religion “Crypto” or “Marrano”. Satanists in Sheep’s Clothes.
- Gulenist Religion is Sabbattean
Erdogan is a Luciferian Grand Orient Lodge Freemason and Crypto Jew (Satanist) in league with Fethullah Gulen, now demanding his Extradition.
Fake Turkish Military Coup
Soldiers tell interrogators they were told this was an Exercise.
“I escaped death by minutes”-Erdogan So why didn’t 2 F-16’s behind his Gulfstream take him out?
Erdogan his holding Incirlik Airbase Hostage including US Nuclear Weapons, F-15 “Eagles” and F-22 “Raptors”. Turkey is also receiving 100 F-35 “Lightning” Aircraft.
An Interfaith Rogue Nation with Nuclear Capability; Hmmm, what to do? Here is the plan.
Form an EU Superstate HQ’d in Brussels in a new HQ fashioned like NAZI “SS” Lightning Bolts. No individual Nations, No Inndividual Nuclear Capability or Armies; No Borders or Immigration Controls; No Individual Criminal Laws and No individual Central Banks or Currencies. Why? SS “Schwarze Sonne” means “Black Sun”; ISIS is the “Black Virgin” after all. SS, Thule Society, Skull & Bones, Theosophical Society is all the same thing the “Brotherhood of Death”
Think the world is going to sit back and watch Turkey hold 50 US Nuclear Devices Hostage? This is why all 28 EU Nations are being issued the “Ultimatum” with the Pre-amble “Our countries share a common destiny and set of values, giving rise to a closer union betwen its Citizens. We will strive for political union in Europe…” Bastille Day is the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens” Making sense yet? If you want Rights as a Planetary Citizen, you need to deny JESUS first!
So back to Turkey. Internet, Social Media, TV go dark; Soldiers, Military Aircraft, Tanks in streets with protestors waving 1000 Turkish Flags. 33 degree Grand Orient Mason, ISIS arming wanna be Ottoman Sultan Reccip Tayyip Erdogan flees in Private Jet and calls on Citizens to fight the Coup for him. The Assclown Coward reminiscient of Bi-sexual Luciferian Mason, Druid Initiate Winston Churchill smoking stogies in a protected bunker while Hitler Fire Bombed London. Vacationing Erdogan is denied Asylum in Germany; Ironic because Germany=Gomer the father of Togarmah “Turks”. Erdogan flees to Britain for Asylum (British=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant=Esau). New Prime Minister Teresa May a Jesuit trained, Oxford U, MI5, Bank of England, Privy (Privy=Toilet) Councillor and Child Abuse investigator (Google Jimmy Saville or Marc Dutroix or 9th Circle); her husband? G4S Security Director; yeah that one, Sodomite Muslim Omar Mateen worked for G4S and went in like Rambo at the LGBTQ Pulse Nightclub Shooting Hoax
So, the ISIS arming, Passport providing, Oil Thief, Crypto Jew (2007 Book by imprisoned Ergun Poyraz “Children of Moses” claims Erdogan and his wife are both Israeli assets and Crypto Jews ie Occult Satanists; not unusual; ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is Israeli asset Simon Elliot) whose son Bilal filmed the shooting of Russian Pilots hanging in their parachutes; Ottoman Sultan wannabe, Grand Orient (Sunrise=Luciferian) Lodge Freemason returns from a well timed vacation in the Aegean Sea, oribitting his G-5 Private Jet several hours and re-assumes command of Turkey? Theatrics par excellence. “It’s a gift from Allah”-Erdogan. If this quote is true, he is probably referring to the disruption of Trump’s VP announcement party, a gift for Hillary, and the “Reichstadt Fire” in 1933 that propelled Hitler to power in Germany. Hitler and Stalin (a Jesuit co-adjuror) were both initiates of the Brotherhood of Death aka Skull & Bones; the Brownshirts set fire to the Government Building in order to blame the Communists. Deja Vu, Erdogan is blaming the US for the Gulenist Coup.
Gulenists run 1000 Schools in 160 Nations from Kindergarten to University; they are part of a movement called Hizmet (The Service); a worldwide Turkish Lobby and Education Cult with strong ties to the Clinton Global Initiative and ClintonReady PAC; a key contact is Hillary lover, 20+ yr personal assistant Huma Abedin; Junk E-Mailer Anthony Weiner’s “Beard”. Recall Hillary Clinton was let off the hook by AG Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey? They were the lawyers who filed Clinton Tax Returns; a bit hard to cover Iran-Contra Money Laundering, Columbia and Sinaloa Cartel profits eh? Alliance for shared Values” funds some 150 Gulenist Charter Schools in the US alone such as Harmony Schools in TX are essentially a Turkish Lobby educating the young to accept the Luciferian New World Order. There are more than 1000 Gulenist Charter Schools worldwide in 160 Nations. Turks founded Kabbalah and Zionism; one cannot over state the central importance of Turkey to Luciferianism; in Turkey, Hizmet (Service) is called Cemaat (Assembly) Jesus is the Narrow Path to Salvation, the “Holy” (Separated) “Ekklesia” (Called Out, Separated Assembly).
Time to change Congregations folks! Congregation is not mentioned once in the New Covenant in association with JESUS; the only time is a Warning in Acts 13:43.
Gulenist Religion is Sabbattean Religion. Maimonides and later, Sabbattei Zvi and Jacob Frank (Frank=Free “Frankists”) introduced the west to Kabbalah and Talmudic ie Crypto Jewish Religion. This is Luciferian Religion ie Religion Free of boundaries. Eg John Kerry (Kohen) Talmudic fake Jew turned Catholic. Newt Gingrich: Baptist turned Catholic/Opus Dei/Knight of Malta. Donald Trump (Drumpf): Chabad Lubavitsh Fake Jew turned Presbyterian. Teresa May (British PM) Pro-Israel, Jesuit educated, Anglican.
Why Turkey? Ezekiel 38:6 “House of Togarmah”=Turkey. Note: The real Gog and Magog War is AFTER the Millennium (Ref Rev 20:7) Satanists who deny JESUS intend to fake that War. The big player is Russia, who comes from the North. Is Russia “Rosh or Rus”? No. Is Russia “Gog”? No.
Bastille Hoax Day
NDAA (Nat Def Authorization Act) 2013 ended the ban on Domestic Propaganda; it is not legal to lie.
“Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” Is 17:1 ISIS (read Rita Katz “SITE”, Israel and the US Army) claims responsibility for the Terrorist Attack in Nice. Russia calls for Worldwide Unity fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq aka “Levant”. The White Lorrie traveling 40mph covers a distance of 1 mile in 1 Hr hitting 200+ people from more than 2 dozen countries. Do the math. Driver Mohammad Bouhlel alive and well in Sousse, posts video after police laid blame on him aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/search Same thing happened on 9/11/2001. Francois Hollande extends the French State of Emergency by 3 months in place since the pre-planned Paris Hoax. Turkey follows suit within a week initiating a 3 month Turkish State of Emergency. What is so special about the Fall Equinox 2016? The Sun hits the altar at St Sulpice in the 2016 Satanic Jubilee Year and Age of Aquarius for one.
France PM Francois Hollande promises “War on ISIS in Syria and Iraq”. Why? Syria and Iraq comprise “Eretz Israel” aka “Levant” ISIS is DAESH “Nation of Islam in Levant”; not Muslim in the slightest, but Canaanite. Syrian Refugees, produced by the US-Britian-French-Jordanian-Russian-Saudi arming, training and funding of ISIS taking the brunt of the “Rage”. US VP Wannnabe Opus Dei, Knight of Malta, 33 degree Mason Newt Gingrich calls for “Deportation of Sharia Muslims”; well, except Fethullah Gulen, mastermind of the Turkish Coup of course. France is no stranger to staging Hoaxes like Charlie Hebdo; remember that Satanic Kumbaya plastered on the cover of “Economist Magazine”?
Hollande was equally well prepared in Paris (all 4 locations) and Nice with pre-planned Terror Drills in progress; Clairvoyant or follwoing a Satanic Script?
The Nice Truck was a movie prop, the same before and after the shootout; I mean really, bullets do not pass through windshields without cracking it. The movie, currently in theaters “Bastille Day” details the CIA-Con, as does Captain America: Civil War and Purge: Election Year. Hollywood (Holy Wood of Adonis) is the highly Clairvoyant Edomite Tail wagging the Dog. Where is all this headed? Well may be a bit too obvious, but a bold declaration of the Rights of Man, Civil Wars, Purge of God’s followers using Tesla Weapons. Where did that come from? Sodomite George Clooney’s Disney movie Tomorrowland which featured the Eiffel Tower; did you know their was a large fire there on Bastille Day? Pretty clairvoyant eh?
On Bastille Day 2015 “New Horizons” spacecraft made the first fly-by of Pluto
An amazing piece of Clairvoyant Bull Shit; pictures of Pluto (Roman god of the underworld) look exactly like the 1930 drawings of the Blood Hound drawn by Luciferian Freemason Walt Disney 86 years ago. “86” means to “Destroy”; it comes from Abram being 86 when Ishmael was born; just ask Maxwell Smart, Control “Agent 86”, always battling “Chaos”. “Order out of Chaos” is the motto of Luciferian Masonry; not ready? me either, but its coming. Horus is the god of New Horizons. An amazing coincidence? Hardly, more like Quintessence.
VP of Remote Viewing Guild Dick Allgire allegedly predicted the attack and location 2 months before it happened hrvg.org/newsletter/2001-05/home.html How? It was another pre-planned Hoax during a Multi-site Shooter Drill “Nothing in politics happens by chance. If it happened it was planned” FDR (His Wife Eleanor also used Remote Viewing and Seances). “There will not be found among you any one …that useth Divination…a consulter with famiLIAR Spirits, or a Wizard or a necromancer” Deut 18:10-11 Dick Allgire and the rest of the Remote Viewing Guild teach: Martian Bases, Lunar Aliens, Saturn Bases, Shapeshifting, and Planet X Bull Shit and more Satanic Lies are on the way.
An amaziing Clairvoyant ability? or Consultation with Familar Spirits? Pretty coincidental timing with 2016 being designated the United Nations “Year of Pulses” eh? Pulses are Tares among the Wheat, much like Slips among the Gene Pool; Born Again followers of JESUS are the Slips and Pulses! 2016-17 is 50 years after the 6th Tetrad, 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan making it a Satanic Jubilee. If you haven’t read about the Sept 23, 2017 alignment and Rev 12 yet, now is a good time, the Whore is about to give birth.
Google “Pictures of White Truck”; No Blood? After mowing down 200 people? Notice the Bullet Holes in the front window; Bullets do not pass through Glass without cracking it; these Bullet Holes are likely just Decals. Why no Cellphone coverage? Why no Cellphone Pictures? Why no Paramedics on scene? Truck travels at 40mph, over an hour and travels 1 mile? Bullshit. “Never underestimate the power of the people to believe a lie” NAZI Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.
Nice France: Another Staged Hoax
Why Bastille Day? Bastille means “Tower”; Storming the Bastille Prison in Paris 1789 represents the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens” Citizen is further defined by the Rosicrucians, Martinists, Jacobins and Masons who instigated the French Revolution as “Human”. Hu is the Celtic Creator; the Word God used in Creation being HU, the equivalent of AUM. HU-Man simply means “God Man”. This Hoax is the Division of Gnostics who believe they can become Gods and those of us who follow the only true God JESUS. There are no “Rights” of Man, JESUS is “Alpha”, the Creator and “Shiloh”, He whose it is, and Omega, the End.
Nice = Hoax
84 Dead, 200+ injured in Nice France during Bastille Day Fireworks? Sure, just like Paris; Inside the truck were “Dummy Rifles” and “Inoperable Grenades”; Outside, Fake Bullet Holes in the Glass and No Blood anywhere after mowing down 200+ people. We’ve seen this type of deception before and Hollywood doesn’t dissapoint “Sully” will be more of the same Bull Shit coming to a Theater near you next week; a “Windscreen Black with Canadian Geese” and not one single feather found anywhere on his airplane. Crisis Actor Kristen Couch of Dallas TX was unfortunate enough to be at the location of the Dallas Shooting Hoax on 7/7 and the Nice Hoax 7/14 Guess she likes those “7’s” just like the Mormon Missonary who was unfortunate enough to be at the Boston Marathon Finish Line, Paris Hoax and Brussels Hoax
Luciferian Mason John Kerry in Moscow with Vlad Putin calling for Worldwide Unity fighting Terrorism. Putin arms ISIS (Google Mol Comfort) just like Holland, Erdogan (Google Nour M) and John Kerry. Think God noticed? Lightning, Flooding and Hurricane Force Winds hit Moscow after the Speech sputniknews.com/russia/20160714/1042926728/moscow-thunderstorm.html Reminiscent when Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice the night Pope Benedict XVI resigned.
Newt Gingrich called for “Deportation of all Sharia Law Muslims” Newt is a “Crypto” ie Baptist turned Catholic, Opus Dei Initiate, 33 degree Shriner Freemason. Shriners are the “Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine” and swear an oath much like Sharia Law. Jesus calls people like Newt “Hypocrites”
deepinsidetherabbithole.com/PARIS_Hoax.html Bastille means “To Build a Fortress, Castle or Tower” aka “Tower of Babel”; It’s about done folks! Holy means “Separate” not Interfaith and not Congregate;
Time to Get Out!