Tesla Weapons
Satanic Trump Card of the 4th Beast
Scapegoats are trained to Exit before the Shearing/Slaughter; their legs are painted Red which their Shepherds can see, but color blind Lambs cannot. If you can’t see the Red Edomite Legs on these False Lambs you need the true Shepherd JESUS in your life not the Amorite Shepherd Amurru. If your Bible uses Azazel in Leviticus 16:8-10 instead of Scapegoat, get a KJV; Azazel is Satan and the “Man of Sin” has no authority or ability to forgive “Sin”.
“Permit me to issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws”
– Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild)
Bauer=Farmer a Cainite name changed to Rothschild “Red/Edomite Shield”; Satanism hiding behind a thin Jewish facade. The Battle of Waterloo (8 miles from Brussels) June 18, 1815 created the modern FEDERAL Reserve system or Usury based Currency printed from thin air. BREXIT set to create FEDERAL Superstate; FEDERAL=Foederis “Covenant with God”; not JEHOVAH, JAH (Ps 68:4 KJV) or JESUS (Mat 1:25 KJV) but Yahweh/Yah/Jah, the Human Messiah dreamed of since Martin Luther called “Chiliasm”; a Messiah in a Rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem on the Throne of Pergamon “Satan’s Seat”.
Brussels will likely control the FEDERAL Superstate and Computer called “Beast” allowing everyone on Earth the ability to Buy and Sell provided they accept the Mark of the Beast. The World just experienced its Waterloo Moment, and like the Battle of Waterloo, it was planned and rigged ahead of time.
BREXIT (British Exit) is derived from British meaning “B’Rith-ish” or “Covenant by Birth”, that being Cain, Japheth (Germanic, Ashkenazi, Turks), Canaan, Elam (Persia=Iran “Noble Caste”), Abraham, Ishmael, Esau, Ephraim and an Edomite Antichrist. This is the physical “Covenant”; the SPIRITUAL COVENANT is thorugh Seth, Shem, Arphaxad, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and JESUS CHRIST. These families are represented by 2 Sticks, a Plumbline dividing them (Ref Eze 37:16-19; Amos 7:7-8; Rev 11:1-2. The Family do you belong will determine your residence for Eternity. Hint: JESUS is “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10) meaning “He whose it is”; the “Scepter shall not depart Judah until Shiloh comes”. Think a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem is what God wants? Guess again; if you are at the altar of Templars, you have one foot in Hell already.
“Private Interpretations” of Dan 7 usually center on the 4 Beast Kingdoms being: Babylon (Lion), Mede-Persia (Bear), Leopard (Greece) and the 4th Beast prepresenting the Roman Empire; Bull Shit. The other Private Interpretation is more of a modern day invention: England (Lion), Russia (Bear), Germany (Leopard) and the 4th Beast a conglomeration representing a rebuilt Roman Empire; again Bull Shit; specifically Chaldean Bull Shit. The key word to prove this is “Dominion”. The 3rd Beast described in Dan 7:6 (Leopard) and Dan 2:39 (Kingdom of Brass) is described as having “Dominion” and “Bear rule over the earth”, both mean the same thing. Greece and Nazi Germany never achieved “Dominion”; it’s as simple as that. The 3rd Beast is the Dominion of Esau prophesied in Gen 27:39-41KJV, and it’s about here.
BREXIT, Independence Day: Resurgence, Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 (Battle for Scottish Independence began 2 months after Jacques de Molay was executed in Paris) Opening of Trump Turnberry, Founding Day of Freemasonry in 1717 and St John’s Day align on June 24 for a reason; Johnitters reject JESUS as God in Flesh. While all eyes were on Britain, the US quietly allocated $1.1B for the Zika Virus Hoax.
While all eyes were on BREXIT a swarm of Earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault (Memphis, St Louis, Evansville) began and Congress quietly allocated $1.1Billion to the CDC for Zika.
FEMA, US Navy and NOAA have planning maps with most of California, the New Madrid Fault and Coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico underwater; 20-30M “Migrating” people, just ask UN Dept of Migration Chair Sir Peter Sutherland, engineer of the ongoing Deep Water Horizon disaster. Methane is still collapsing the Salt Dome covering perhaps several Trillion Bbls of oil there. The WHO (Margaret Chan managed the 2003 Bird Flu and is an officer in the Order of the British (B’Rith=Birthright) Empire under Prince “Killer Virus” Phillip) and CDC (Jesuit Anthony Fauci; Fauci=Sickle used for Reaping)
Managed Hype and Vaccinations
Managed Hype Programs
- 2009 Swine Flu
- 2012 Wild Polio
- 2014 Ebola Hoax
- 2016 Zika
Why the Hype? Vacccination.
Why 2016?
United Nations Year of Pulses (Tares, Slips) to be eliminated from the Gene Pool.
Zika Virus doesn’t kill or cause Microcephaly.
Microcephaly is caused by Pyrophroxyfen Larvicide in drinking water and an intentional malnutrition program; a joint Brazil-US project the United Nations is well aware of.
The BEAST in Brussels
Brussels: HQ of the FEDERAL Superstate, Beast Computer and Mark of the Beast.
FEDERAL (Foederis) means “Spiritual Covenant with God”; JEHOVAH aka JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) or JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV)? Not on your eternal life; this Covenant is with Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet. National Armies, Criminal Laws, Tax Laws, Refugee Laws, Central Banks all history; replaced by Global Taxation and Global Tax ID# conveniently beginning with “666” issued by the “Beast Computer” tied into 270 banks throughout Europe and 10 Regional FEDERAL Reserve Banks in the US. With Chateau Amerois “Castle of the Kings” or “Castle of the Dak Mother” just down the street; why not? In the United States, the Beast is the Bluffdale UT NSA FAcility in wherelse but Mormon “Zion”; remember the “Zion Mainframe” in “The Matrix”; how’s it look now? “Book of Eli”, the post-apocalyptic US with the New King James Bible and NWO Prophet “Solara” (Daughter of the Sun) was also centered in Utah. Hunger Games’ Panem Capitol (Capitol=Womb of Zeus) also in Utah; Coincidence? On St John’s Day the world took a $2 Trillion haircut and the worst is yet to come.
2017: Year of Sustainable Development “Maintain world population under 500Million” #1 Commandment at the Georgia Guide Stones and echoed in Laudato Si (Be Praised) ghost written encyclical by Jesuit Pope Francis. Encyclicals are “Teaching Papers”; the Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of the Jesuit HQ St John Lateran Basilica in Rome is the “Teaching Seat” of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev Rev 12:9; 16:13)
City of London Corp, the Temple Church (Knights Templar HQ in Britain) and Temple Bar (Gate) occupies the Sacred 33rd Borough of London (no coincidence Aliens landed there in Independence Day: Resurgence) and lays false claim to most of the world’s Physical natural resources, including the Bodies of everyone on Earth; it is called the Sovereign Square Mile because 33 is the age Jesus was Resurrected and the number associated with Sovereignty in Scotch Rite Masonry. Jesus title is “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10) meaning “He whose it is”. The false claim comes from Peter as “The Rock”, laying hands down to the British Druid Pope Constantine the Great and passing on the assets via the forgery called the “Donation of Constantine”. Through Usury, Bankers have acquired nearly everything, leaving behind a sea of Debt which is why Jesus turned the tables on the Money Changers at the Temple.
False control over the Spirit and Soul is through the Sovereign Territory at the Vatican and Arch-basilica of St John Lateran (3 Spirits of Devil, Antichrist, False Prophet) Control over Body, Soul and Spirit is symbolized by the Triple Crown.
Enforcement is through Washington DC and the Pentagon, another Sovereign Territory.
Physically nobody on Earth has a claim to anything; SPIRITUALLY we have claim to Heaven through JESUS and the Holy Ghost.
The Club of Rome
The Club of Rome was born in 1968, the year NASA began its full scale deception (Aliens, Apollo), and Rosemary’s Baby debutted (guessing: Antichrist will be about 50 years old); the 2016 Club of Rome Mtg “Global Warming and Sustainable Development” on Nov 10-11, 2016 (Lord Mayor’s Day at the City of London is Nov 12) will be in Berlin where Satan’s Seat aka Throne of Pergamon or Throne of Zeus is housed; here are the current members.
What a coincidence the United Nations calls “2017: Year of Sustainable Development” NOT! Obama’s 2 speeches under the Quadriga (4 Horsemen: White, Red, Black, Pale) of Apollo in Berlin entitled “Yes We Can” means “Thank You Satan”; Donald Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse in NYC a Shrine to Apollo a word meaning “Destroyer”. The Club of Rome gave birth to the European Union from this cesspool symbolized by the Woman “Whore” of Babylon, Riding the Beast (Zeus). The EU is being destroyed by its makers to make way for Edomite Dominion.
Global Warming Nonsense
“Go forth and multiply” does not mean “Go forth and multiply until Carbon Di-oxide and Methane destroys the Environment through Global Warming” Global Warming is Chaldean Bull Shit; Carbon di-oxide and Methane are Plant Food. Earth is covered by 75% Water; Warm Water increases Evaporation; Evaporation rises to the Saturation Level forming Clouds which block Thermal (Infrared) Radiation; Simple eh? Tesla Weapons are transferring energy from the North to the South. Sir Peter Sutherland, Chair of UN Migration engineered the British Petroleum Deep Water Horizon disaster currently disrupting the Thermohaline Conveyor in the Atlantic; “Revenge is a Dish best served cold” Europe had better get set for a cold winter. Sustainable Development? “Maintain the world population under 500 Million” #1 Commandment at the Georgia Guide Stones and Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si” (Be Praised).
Satanic Jubilee
2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee, 50 years after the 6th Tetrad (4 Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles) and 6-Day War took control of the Temple Mount and Golan Heights (Mt Sion=Mt Hermon “Mt of the Chief”); the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7) is the New World Order springing from 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) Edomite Dominion. Esau is impersonating Jacob as Jacob once impersonated Esau to obtain his father Isaac’s blessing; the blessing did not come from Isaac, it came from God (Gen 27:39-41KJV); Esau is to Live by the Sword, Wealthy (Fatness of the Earth) and as Priests (Dew of Heaven) until he has “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth) at which point Edomites will turn over the Kingdom to the 4th Beast “Lucifer/Satan”.
Financial Control
Financial Control: The City of London Corporation aka Square Mile or Round Table of the Order of the Garter (Garter is a Witch’s Belt) lay claim to most of the world’s natural resources illegally; Jesus is Shiloh “He whose it is”; He never gave Title to anyone over the Earth. Statues of Gog and Magog stand guard over the City of London Corp; Sorry Satanists, but JESUS returns as Shiloh and reigns during the Millennium; Gog and Magog is the final battle of Man versus God in Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium and ends in failure as all battles against God do.
Religious Control
Religious Control: The Mother Church of all Churches in the World (Islam and Eastern Religions included) is the Jesuit HQ (Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus and control the Knights of Malta like Donald Trump) Arch-basilica of St John Lateran in Rome. Basilica=Teaching Seat “Sedes Vacante” the Vacant Seat soon filled by False Prophet; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon (Lucifer, Satan, Devil), Antichrist and False Prophet.
Military Control
Military Control: Washington DC, Pentagon (77th Meridian for a reason).
The Satanic Plan
Lucifer/Satan/Dragon/Devil: Angel of Light
The Satanic Plan is to present the Roman Catholic Church as Fulfilling Rev 17 “Whore of Babylon” aka “MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS ON THE EARTH”. Likely Jesuit Pope Francis will be the last Catholic Pope; Revenge for the Templar (Banker) executions and Jesus turning the tables on the “Money Changers”
The Satanic Plan also calls for the United States of America (Amorica, Amurrucu, Amurru, Ameru, Amar all means Serpent) to be broken up (Drawn and Quartered) and Burned (Holocausted) as fulfillment of Rev 18 “Babylon”; the New World Order will rise as a Phoenix from the ashes as written in Francis Bacon’s 1620 book “New Atlantis” No coincidence TEXIT “Texas Exit is scheduled for 2018; the Lone Star State seceeding from the Union was planned at the 1st Civil War; for this reason the Texas Flag is flown level with the US Flag. “Yes California” is a similar measure scheduled for 2020; Nikola Sturgeon, Scotland’s 1st Minister is on the brink of a 2nd Scottish Referendum scheduled for Fall 2019; what a coincidence exactly 400 years after the Declaration of Arbroath in 1620 eh? Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria all intend to follow Britian. Marine Le Pen says FREXIT will bring the final nail to the EU coffin; that’s the plan. The Dominoes are falling and in place to control the world’s militaries? The UN. “Who is able to make war with the Beast” Ring a Baal?
This is the root of Satanic Deception; Antichrist presented as JESUS CHRIST; here lies the rebuilt Roman Empire, not the EU. The War for Souls has and always will be a SPIRITUAL WAR; the World is entering the 3rd and final phase of Chaldean Magick “Prestige” aka “Satan’s Trump”
The Timeline? 2016-17 Satanic Jubilee + 3 1/2 Years (1260 Days)=2020, 400 years after the Scottish Declaration of Independence “Declaration of Arbroath” and Sir Francis Bacon’s book “New Atlantis in 1620. 2020 Vision only comes from JESUS folks! What day in 2020? Feast of Tabernacles is the only day the world will be required to celebrate during the Millennium (Ref Zech 14:19) You tell me.
Nikola Tesla’s inventions are being and will be used to “Destroy the Earth” and eliminate the “Tares” aka Pulses. 2016 is the United Nations “Year of Pulses”; Born Again followers of God (JESUS) are the Pulses
Tares among the Wheat or Slips among the Gene Pool if you will. Satanists intend to destroy every remnant of God and the Holy Ghost on Earth.
Donald Trump: Evangelical Christian; NOT!
Nation of Islam is not Muslim, it is Cainite-Canaanite Cult of ISIS “Black Virgin”; a religion based on the 1st Race “Shabazz”; here is 33 degree Mason and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan backing Donald Trump.
Psychologist and fake Evangelical Christian Dr James Dobson “Focus on the Family” says Donald recently became a “Born Again Christian”; the “Family” is that of Pope Francis “Focus on the Family” which is why he endoresed fake Evangelicals Ted Cruz, Sodomite Rev Ted Haggard and Sodomite Crusader George Bush Jr.
Trump is an Oath Sworn Initiate of the Hospitallers aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem of Sovereign Military order of Malta, his 66th Floor Penthouse in NYC dedicated to Apollo and attendance at Billionaire Pedophile Jeff Epstein’s “Pedophile Island” is a dead giveway. Trump (Drumpf is Ashkenazi) means “Card of the Suit deemed to outrank others”; he is just playing the Christian Trump Card. Remember, Antichrist means “Alternative Christ”; Christ simply means “Messiah”; Trump serves a Messiah called the 4th Beast.
Trump and Tesla
Donald’s uncle John G Trump (MIT Scientist) was chosen to review Tesla’s inventions and papers after his murder in NYC in 1943. John Trump was tasked to develop Tesla’s Inventions as Weapons of War. Here is the Trump article http://removetheveil.com/?s=trump
Donald Trump isn’t in Turnberry for the BREXIT Vote on St John’s Day by chance.
Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch, both Knights of Malta in Scotland on St John’s Day; Murdoch=Merodach=Marduk=Molech, the Satanic Trump. Trump spoke at Turnberry, his new Scottish Country Club where William Wallace “Braveheart” was allegedly Drawn, Quartered and Burned in accordance with Masonic Oaths, declaring “Freedom”. Here is a sampling of the Oaths men like Donald Trump take
There are 90 or so Masonic Oaths just as nauseating; it’s why James said “Above all else brethren Swear Not”.
BREXIT “British Exit” means B’Rith=Birthright Covenant; the Covenant of the 1st Born; Cain, Japheth (Germanics/Ashkenazic “Fake Jews), Canan, Elam (Persia=Iran “Noble Caste”), Ishmael (Ismailis), Esau. BREXIT means Freedom from God.
The goal of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is to end all National Sovereignty; to that end it recruits Traitors from all nations. CFR President Richard Haass met with Donald Trump in March and attended Bilderberg 2016 whose #1 topic was BREXIT; if George Soros (Grigori Schwartz=Black) is a good candidate for the Black Horse Rider, Richard Haass in his 13th year as head of the CFR which has the Pale Horse on the cover of Foreign Affairs Magazine is a good pick for the Rider of the Pale Horse.
Donald Trump said “The UK has exercised the sacred right of all free peoples” Sacred Right? People “Free of God” will be told “Depart from me, I never knew you” Another group of “Free Peoples” is the Bilderberg Group; another is the United Free States of Spirits
with 7 sites covering the entire world where one can declare independence from God and receive their 18 digit (3 groups of 6) “Mark of the Beast”. Do this and Hell for Eternity awaits. Johnitters rejected Jesus as God in Flesh at the Crucifixion; their plan is 2000 years old.
JESUS is Shiloh “He whose it is” (Gen 49:10) you and everyone else on Earth have no Sacred Rights! Jesus is Alpha and Omega (Beginning and End); Jesus is Melchisedek (Priest-King of the Most High); any Rights on Earth anyone will or has ever had come from God who shed His blood to preserve the Sacred Rights of Man to join Him in Heaven. Donald Trump is sounding the call of “Freedom from God”; the same Freedom Esau obtained when he sold his Birthright. “In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Perfecti. Get ready folks, the Laurel “Crown of Bacchus” is officially Green. Build (with Slave Labor of course), Bankrupt (strip the assets, leave the debt), Destroy, Re-build, Open under New Management; nobody lives this CORPORATE Axiom better than the Bankrupt King Donald Trump.
“Green Language” is the Chaldean language of Green Man aka Bacchus, Dionysys or the Arab version al Kidr; It is also called “Language of Yes” (Yes We Can ring a Baal?) “Language of Oui” in French; Old French Oui=Oil (Tesla warned of Oil Corporations controlling the world over 100 years ago); Language of Oc (Oc=8 or Sight; Cathars executed in Langued’Oc ring a Baal? or the All Seeing Eye?); Language of Birds (Augury).
Think Auntie Em on Wizard of Oz or Panem on Hunger Games was chosen at random? Tesla’s EM Technology (Electro = Sun + Magnetic = Earth), the greatest boon of God provided “Free Energy” for mankind, turned against Man with Annonymous mass murder, Geo-engineering, Climate Control (Droughts/Floods), Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, Tornados, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Endothermic (Cold) and Exothermic (Heat) Explosions; all part of the upcoming Stage Show, and 3rd Act of Chaldean magick “Prestige”. Satanic Trump or JESUS, the “Trump of God”? time to choose.
At the United Nations Plaza and Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC, St George (Patron Saint of Britian and a dozen more nations including Russia) is seen killing the Dragon in Cancer; well check the Astrology Calendars people, this is right on time to play the Trump Card on St John’s Day. 2016 is a Leap Year, meaning Cancer begins on the Solar Solstice of June 21, the day at High Noon when Priests at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris will mark the Sun in the Brass (Kingdom of Brass) Square on its progression to the Altar on Sept 21 and Obelisk on Dec 21. Prophecy Rock in AZ illustrates the time when Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina removes his mask at the Plaza before the Unitiated and the time of White Brother arrives. Red Kachina is Esau people! No more masked balls, only an orgy of killing.
Brexit Wins!
BREXIT Wins; Financial Markets and Sterling Tank; Short Sellers Celebrate
The Black Horse collapses the world economy; no coincidence Astrophysicists worship Black Holes and Hospitallers Swear Oaths with a Black Cross to the Black Pope (Jesuit General). Alleged 9th Circle of Hell Initiate George Soros (Grigori Schwartz “Black”) is “The man who broke the Bank of England” the year the European Union was formed. Soros said
“BREXIT will make some people very rich, but all of you poorer, be warned.”
Who gets rich? Same as before, the Knights Templar, Hospitallers aka International Bankers getting rich from Usury, Controlling Markets, Betting on the Swings, and Insuring (Hedging) their Bets. “The referendum is an incredible opportunity to make money”-Short Currency Sellers. Soros is the world’s “Economic Hit Man” George Soros began with Reagan’s “Star Wars” $Multi-trillion theft (US Debt rose from $900B to $2.7T in 8 years), used to collapse the Russian Ruble and break-up the Soviet Union (Gorby and Reagan worked together, both Molech worshipping Bohemian Grove Satanists). Soros then used the funds to “Break the Bank of England”. Soros then illegally used TARP Funds (with the aid and consent of Obama, Geithner, Bernanke) taken from Taxpayers and held by the US Treasury. Soros took $700B and turned it into $10+T, the funds used to short Silver on its one day rise and fall from $19-$47; Soros held the Shorts as Taxpayers and Silver investors took it in the Shorts. BREXIT may make Black Horse Rider George Soros $Multi-Trillions more (put pinky in mouth like Dr Evil when you say this). The British Pound and European Union collapse has come on a $15Trillion Pile of Laundered Paper Money called Foundation X
Interesting name “Foundation X” The Divinity of Jesus is the Foundation/Rock of the New Covenant; “al-Qaeda” also means “Foundation” and Isis means “Throne” and “Black Virgin”. X means “Chi” the Greek form of “Christ”. Foundation X refers to the “Throne of the Antichrist” ie Satan’s Seat or Throne of Pergamon on the Temple Mount “Dome of the Rock”. Perhaps a bit to obvious, but the Mosque is situated in an 8 Pointed Star of Isis representing the end of the 8th and final Covenant between God (JESUS) and Man.
The United States of America (Amurru/Calneh Gen 10:10; Amos 6:2) is being Scapegoated right now for being the Black Horse. Here is Lord James of Blackheath exposing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Tim Geithner)
Satanic Criminals riding Black Horses into Financial Black Holes. James of Blackheath “Black Earth”? Not that hard to figure out eh? X means “Christ”, the Rosicrucian Symbol is the Cross in Crown called the Chi-Rho “Royal Christ” aka 4th Beast.
The Club of Rome (no this is not a rebuilt Roman Empire) formed the European Union with Europa, the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast as its symbol. Europa was the mythical Cretan Princess who mated with Zeus (Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus) in the form of a White Bull and created the Wall St Bull/Beast. The EU Parliament was built to resemble the Unfinished Tower of Babel (in reality, the Tower of Babel was and is now Secret Society Initiations, not a physical Tower) has Seat #666 Vacant, but not for long. BREXIT Wins (British Exit from the EU) Referendum wins; 9th Circle of Hell Initiate David Cameron resigns.
The EU is not the bebuilt Roman Empire
Boris Johnson ex-London Mayor and author of “The Dream of Rome” the likely replacement as British PM. The “Dream of Rome” discusses how Rome and the EU achieved Unity and failed. Boris’ speech promoting BREXIT in May “We Happy Few” says it all. Happy is Welsh (Chaldeans in Walses are called Culdees) for “Wise”; Witch/Wicca means “Wise One”. We Happy Few refer to the 7% of Earth’s Population who escape the hand of Antichrist by selling their Soul to Satan (Dan 11:31-41) America changed the pre-amble of the Declaration of Independence (a Rosicrucian document altered by Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin both Initiates of the Hell Fire Society in London) from “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Property” to the “…pursuit of Happiness” for this reason; July 4, 1776 a date chosen by British astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly in London. Boris Johnson is a Liar. The EU was created by the Club of Rome and is not the re-built Roman Empire.
Dominoes are the game played at Bohemian Grove by 2000 Molech worshipping Elite for a reason; they arrive in the “Grove” next week.
Britain, the 1st Domino likely to send Europe into depression. “Vote against BREXIT (British exit from EU) or face WWIII” 9th Circle of Hell Child sacrificing PM David Cameron (Article “44” covers this below this article). George Soros is the man who broke the Bank of England 24 yrs ago shorting the British Pound as if Free Floated; he predicts a 15-20% loss for the British Pound is BREXIT is voted in “Brexit will make some people very rich, but all of you will become much poorer; Be Warned” Lord Jacob Rothschild “BREXIT will produce a damaging and disorderly situation”. George Osbourne is prepared to halt trading Friday “St John’s Day” in the event of BREXIT. The BREXIT Vote is June 23, 2016 “Eve of St John’s Day”. The Nativity of John the Baptist is as much Bull Shit as Christmas being the Nativity of Jesus; these are Solar Holy Days; the Solar Christ Krishna, Mithra, Horus, Attis etc is born at Christmas not Jesus. What Soros (Khazarian Grigori Schwartz), Rothschild, Osbourne have in common is accusations of child sacrifice in the 9th Circle.
Scottish Knight of Malta aka Knight of St John of Jerusalem Donald Trump (Drumpf) in Scotland for BREXIT Vote and Grand Opening of his Trump Turnberry Golf Club in Scotland on St John’s Day. “America is next; Come November Americans will have the chance to re-declare their independence”. Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again” refers not so much to Conquistadores murdering Natives; Pioneers stealing land; America’s Revolution, Civil War, WWI, killing 1/3 of Eurpope with Spanish Flu or arming Hitler and Stalin during WWII, it refers to the Americas as home to the Amorites.
Knights of St John are the Knights of Malta aka Sovereign Military order of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes aka Hospitaller Knights are the continuation of the Knights Templar, a Cancer (Cancer June 21-July 22 as well) much like the Jesuits are for the Roman Catholic Church and Masons are in Protestant churches. The Knights of St John use the “Black Cross” symbol of the “Black Virgin” and “Black Horse”. Templars are the International Bankers who obtain control through Usury and were therefore forcibly ejected from the places they are named after; Jerusalem, Cypris, Malta and Rhodes. Scotland took them in forming Scottish Rite Masonry and the Presbyterian Church under Calvinist John Knox. The Black Cross symbolizes the Black Virgin “Isis” the Throne of Antichrist. Why Turnberry?
William Wallace (Braveheart) was martyred 1305; Templar ships arrived in Scotland to the aid of Robert the Bruce 1307, the year King Edward I “Longshanks” died; Robert the Bruce won the Battle of Turnberry using some 33 Templar ships and Knights Templars, leading to the Battle of Bannockburn on St John’s Day June 24, 1314 and “Declaration of Arbroath” (Scottish Independence) in 1320. Templars were/are the Military-Bankers of the Cathars “Every 700 years the Laurel grows green” refers to the Crown of Satan in the form of Bacchus, Dionysus, al-Khidr the “Green Man” of the Templars. Recall Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was executed in Paris on 3/18/1314, just 3 months earlier. 1307 was the year the Templars were arrested, tortured and executed on the “Unlucky Day” Friday Oct 13. 1320 was the year was the year Sir Francis Bacon published “New Atlantis” calling for the self destruction of America as the Phoenix of the New Age. Druid “Amorica”; “Amurru” Western land of the Amorites; Amar “Canaanite Serpent god of the west”; Ameru “Serpent” should all ring a Baal by now. If 700 years is plainly evident, how about 500 years, the lifespan of the Phoenix?
Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis accusing the Roman Catholic Pope and Catholic Church of being the Antichrist and Whore of Babylon; they are not. Luther was a Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Liar. 1517 was also the year Francisco Pizarro arrived in Amurucu and was received as Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Plumed Serpent of the Amorites and later the Mormons); he like Martin Luther Lied and destruction followed. 1517 was also the year the Roman Catholic Church adopted the Catharist Dogma “Indestructibility of the Soul” at the 5th Lateran Council. Arch-basilica of St John Lateran is the Jesuit Cathedra “Teaching Seat” of the 3 unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet. Quite the patient plan eh?
The EU is not the Whore of Babylon; the Roman Catholic Church is not “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” (Rev 17); America (Amurru) is not “Babylon has Fallen” (Rev 18); the Messiah rising from the Ashes of WWIII will not be JESUS; it will be the Alternative Messiah; the Satanic “Trump Card”.
Satanic Plans written in advance heralding the arrival of the Alternative Messiah
Prophecy of St Malachy declares Rome will burn and Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II will lead the flock through Tribulation. Pope Benedict is #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 after releasing 2 White Doves on “Peace Day”; they were attacked by a Seagull. Francis had the same thing happen on the same day in 2014 by a Crow and Seagull. There was no person St Malachy; Malachy is Baal-Moloch, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Saturn. The prophecy was written by Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16)
Benjamin Solari Parravincini 1938 “The Pope shall leave the Vatican in his travels and reach America whilst mankind falls”. A Brass oval on the altar at St Sulpice Cathedral marks Sept 22; the Solstice is marked by an Aquarius symbol on the Gnomon Pillar. The movie Evan Almighty highlighted Sept 22, the Papal visit to America and Kol Nidre “All Vows” on Sept 22, 2015 Eid al Adha and Feast of Atonement are Sept 23, 2015; the Papal visit concludes at the UN on the day the 7th Tetrad concludes. The UN and CERN call the “2015: Year of Light”; the “Satanic Jubilee” follows. 2016: Year of Pusles (Pulses are Grain Tares or Gene Slips ie unwanted imperfections) 2017: Year of Sustainability (93% less people)
“In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Prophecy On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. 700 years later the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses began. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan “Green Man”. French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the “Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth” (Basilica of St John Lateran aka Teaching Seat of the Hidden Frogs: Beast, False Prophet, Dragon), the seat of Jesuit Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome.
“al-Mahdi” arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad”
Sheikh Nazim abdul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014. al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek. Folks, Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be an Alternative Messiah. 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the 5th Lateran Council of 1517 The first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther on All Hallows Eve 1517. Pope Francis plans to heal the Protestant-Catholic Schism Oct 31, 2016-Oct 31, 2017. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Spirits of Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan. Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason. 2016-17 is the Satanic Jubilee.
Mormon “White Horse” aka “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain” This is where Mitt Romney steps in.
Yezidi (Kurds) “Al-Quds” Prophecy “When Blue Star Al-Qud appears in the Heavens, the 5th Age will commence the days of purification; War and Distress as Melek-Taus (Peacock Angel=Molech) returns as a Rainbow around the Sun or a Peacock. Cathari are “Pure Ones”
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy States the 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro. Sochi is the ancestral home of Circassians (goddess Circe=Circle) the “White People”. Prophecy Rock in AZ puts this plan in stone. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the “Purifier” will remove his mask in the plaza before the Unitiated” and White Brother “Pahana” will be revealed. White Brother is Lucifer; the White bearded Jesus is a Gnostic creation. You will want to be “Uninitiated”! Ref Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1-2
Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day”.
The death of “Mabus” will herald thirst, hunger and a cataclysm when the comet runs. Obama nominated Ray Mabus to Sec of Navy; he is a CFR Traitor, RAND Center, ex-Saudi Ambassador led the Navy salvage of Deep Water Horizon in 2015. UN Office of Migration Chair Peter Sutherland managed the Deep Water Horizon disaster and will lead the Migration plan when most of the New Madrid Fault splits.
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet of the Sleeping Land (Tobolsk) channeled a demon who predicted Russia would be die and be re-born to become the hope of the world. The Sochi Olympic Logo was a Bear Cub; the Re-birth of the Russian Bear; 2nd Beast of Dan 7:5 Tobolsk (Tobol River) has nothing to do with Tubal and Meshech (sons of Japheth) in Eze 38:2; the battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7) not now! Baphomet means “Union of Logos and Sophia”; the Tobolsk Kremlin and Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk were made for the “Prestige” the 3rd and final act of the “Great Work” of Lucifer.
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be #12 from Harry Truman; Obama means “He is with us” in Farsi (Zoroastrian Persian; language of Mithraism) is #12 and Obama is President #44.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy says 500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational, Material) will herald the New Age. Jesus says “where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is a Jesuit, “Operation Condor” operative.
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age.
Bab and Baha’u’llah: Bahai prophecy says “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” This lie is the source of Edgar Cayce’s lies.
Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Feel like a Sheep being led to Slaughter by Red Legged Scapegoats exiting the Stage? Jesus set it up that way. He is the only escape! “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Rom 8:36; Ps 44:22. America will likely and with President #44 as Israel ended with its last King Zedekiah #44 and Scripture ends with Chap 22.
Lucifer’s Vitamin
7/16/16=777 While TV was flooded with images from Turkey and Nice and the Capitol Mall filled with Pulse Reset 2016 participants, the FCC quietly approved rollout of the Nationwide Artemis 5G Network; NAZI Eugenics meets the modern age. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler is an Obama Fundraiser, Telecom Venture Capitalist, Telecom Lobbyist and ex-CEO of Cellular Telecomm & Internet Association; in other words the Fox is guarding the Hen House. Nationwide Broadband kills indiscriminately; you wouldn’t think to put your Ovaries or Testes in a Microwave, but you will.
Wheeler’s books tell the story “Take Command: Leadership lessons from the Civil War” Well folks, Artemis 5G is “Civil War” and both sides lose; think it’s coincidence Captain America” Civil War is in theaters? “Lincoln’s T-Mails: How Lincoln and the Telegraph won the War” Nobody won the Civil War, it’s purpose was Death, and to make a subtle but extremely deadly change to the Constitution Constititution of the United States was changed after the war by Skull & Bones (Brotherhood of Death) Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison “Mot” Waite (Mot is the Phoenician god of Death) to CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES. US Citizens have no rights in the UNITED STATES.
The Temple of Artemis was one of the 7 ancient wonders in Ephesus. JESUS’ warning to the Church of Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) resulted from failing the first Commandment of the New Covenant “Love God”. Artemis/Diana is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Fertility and Child Birth; the Temple is replicated by the Supreme House of the Temple; the Shrine of 33rd Degree Masonry has 2 large basement rooms dedicated to the FBI and Apollo Moon Landing for a reason.
Millimeter Wave Energy at 20X 4G Power=Sterility and Disease. The Love of God aka “Charity” (1 Cor 13) is #1; new bible versions change “Charity” to “Love” which has a vastly different meaning, the results seen in the 2006 movie Children of Men; Fertility Rates drop to 0.
Skin production of Vitamin D “Sun Vitamin” is destroyed by Millimeter Wave Energy which causes bubbles in the DNA strand. Millimeter Wave Emitters are called “Pain Rays” for a reason! Skin Cancer an obvious by-product as are Auto-immune Disorders, Infections and Cognitive Disorders. thefullertoninformer.com/2016/07/
Pulse Reset on 777. Evangelical Nick Hall pulsemovement.com/events/ is the figurehead leader of Pulse Reset 2016, UNITE and TOGETHER designed to gather well meaning Christians together; on 7/16/16 TOGETHER is around the largest Mason built Obelisk (Baal’s Shaft) on Earth. The United Nations has designated 2016 “Year of Pulses” and 2017 “Year of Sustainable Development”. It’s no coincidence Orlando “Pulse Nightclub” was chosen for a Staged Hoax. Pulses are Tares among the Grain, removed by the Millstones. Jesus is the “Narrow Path”; His followers are the “Holy” and “Ekklesia” ie Separated Church not UNITE or TOGETHER. Notice the spelling: Pulse Reset is a Name and Person; UNITE and TOGETHER is CORPORATE. This is not trivial folks.
Pulse Reset? 2016-17 is a Satanic Jubilee, a Reset of Slave and Master, or in this case Esau and Jacob. Edomites are the Wolves enticing Sheep into the Shearing Pens. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus taught “False Apostles” and “Nicolaitane Doctrine” (Elevated Teachers). Time to Get Out before the Shearing begins!
‘G’ is the seventh letter of the alphabet G also for Masonic ,Intelligence surveillance. Any Significant fo Christine Lagarde of IMF After all, next Monday July 7, 2014 (applying Ms. Lagarde’s demonstrated formula) really does calculate to 7/7/7 (2+ 7/7/(2+0+1+4=7)!
2014?(7 )2016 ( 9 ) 7+9 =16
7×9 =63 . Also what prospective on Matthew henry Commentary 6 volume set of the Holy Bible??/
“Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any Private Interpretation….prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as there were moved by the Holy Ghost”-2 Pet 1:20-21
“The best false teachers teach as much truth as possible” False Teacher, Study Bible Writer John MacArthur
5G Will Enable Massive IoT – How Will LTE IoT Fit in the 5G World?
: Qualcomm
The Internet of Things is bringing a massive surge of smart, connected devices that will enable new services and efficiencies across industries. Learn about the new LTE IoT technologies that address a wide range of use cases and pave the path to a 5G connected world
Thanks for the confirmation measure of SCRIPTURE . Brethren HOWARD
G=7th H=8th JESUS=888 “h” means “God is with me” as in Abram-Abraham or Sarai=Sarah. Juda in Rev 7 KJV is missing the h because Judah is related to the Scepter carried by Shiloh “He whose it is” in Gen 49:10. JESUS returns to claim everything that is His; His followers and to destroy everything made by the hand of man to improve on Creation. Our goal is to be behind Him on arrival; everyone in front will be destroyed.
This guy Joshua Cooper Ramo. Making his rounds on the TV. With his best seller the 7th Sense. Interesting he’s is CEO of Kissinger Associate. As in Henry Kissinger. Also is Council of Foreign Relations member, League 21 member. Is huge advocate for supercomputer /artificial intelligence. Also been in Beijing China . Hmmm.
Kissinger (nee Heinz) “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars”; is a Bohemian Grove, 33 degree Mason, Knight of Malta, Jesuit, fake Jew (Khazar) who ran the BCCI (Bank of Commerce and Credit), Iran-Contra, Vietnam War, Pol Pots “Kiling Fields”, South Am Revolutions etc etc.
He is as untouchable as Zbigniew Brzezinski (Khazar Nobility i.e. Chaldean Satanists pretending to be Jewish) who wrote “America in the Tecehnotronic Era” and “Grand Chessboard”
In Kaballah (Witchcraft) warning of one’s actions in advance gives more power to the Magic eg Santeria Voodoo. Joshua Cooper Ramo 7th Sense is exactly that: Refugee Waves, Endless Terror, Unfixable Global Economy is the goal; Wars create Refugees and suck the life out of Economies.
Kissinger will be in Hell for Eternity, as will this smug little elf on his staff
Charlie Chaput’s Hellfire Club Convention – The Napa Institute – 2016
When my memory was better, I think I was a bit too obsessed with the buggers that run the Catholic Church in Rome and America. I see from reading an old blog that was above my pay grade not in intelligence but in evolved personal belief that hit me with a hard realization that I did not belong there, while being hit also with the fact that the old boys of the RC church that would rather protect a bugger priest / nun than send him or her off to jail for abusing children, that the old “Religious Freedom”, “Religious Liberty” good ‘ole boys of the American RC hierarchy are meeting, have been meeting, for a drinking fest in honor of one of the Founding Fathers – of Benjamin Franklin, networking, drunking it up, whoring it up in imitation of the “HellFire Club” from his days as unofficial American ambassador to the Court of Saint James in England in the eighteenth century.
That Cardinal Chaput of Philadelphia was a founding father of this RC Hellfire Club in Napa Valley – wine country in California – “The Napa Institute” was founded for the extreme uber-nazi-like wing of American RC Hierarchs to sit around and bitch about how Clergy don’t get any respect anymore – just like Rodney Dangerfield. At least with old Rodney there was punch line and a giggle. But these guys get together to swill Speaker Paul Ryan’s (a good “catolick” btw) private stock of $350 a bottle Lobbyist vino.
That and celebrating Latin Masses in “Catacombs” (tunnels / wine cellars) and dealing in innocent prepubescent games of
Darkness dawns on the US as Wheeler’s FCC moves the wireless sterilization agenda forward with 5G and Artemis
full deployment
Teresa May PM: Royal Privy Councillor (Butt Wipe), Bank of England, MI5 Asset, investigator of Pedophile Rings including 9th Circle. Boris Johnson Foreign Secretary; an Israel first, Yarmulke wearing Satanist.
Thanks looking up on this .
Black Lives Matter Leader Hacked, His Plans Reveal ‘Martial Law’ by Chaos at Both Republican and Democratic Conventions
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We are in need of Role Players to act out “injured citizens” for one of the biggest Military exercises in Disaster Response ever World Wide!
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789 Vermont National Guard Road, Colchester Vermont, 05446
Black Lives Matter “Summer of Chaos” in response to the Dallas Hoax
Anonymous (Jesuit Cowards) call for “Nationwide Day of Rage” planning rallies in 37 US Cities July 15
Black Panther Party calling for “Nationwide Purge” and “Kill all Police”
Cleveland RNC Codenamed “Eagle Rising”
June 21 “Doomsday Forum”
“Build Peace and Security thorugh pre-emptive nuclear strikes by Land, Sea, Air against Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, ISIS and al-Qaeda” Military Contractors, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Gruman, ATK Thiokol; Military Brass; Nuclear Scientists meeting in Albuquerque near the “Trinity Site” Atomic detonation.
Solar Solstice “Strawberry Moon” The first Full Moon coinciding with the Solstice since 1967; 25000 Neo-Druids celebrate at Stonehenge. St George (Patron Saint of Britain and Russia) slays the Dragon in Cancer (June 21-July 22) at St John the Divine Cathedral in NYC; his statue is also at the United Nations Bldg. America is the Dragon folks! At the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris, the Sun will be in the Square at the end of the “Rose Line” and begin its annual march to the Obelisk and back. At the Dec 21 position is the Aquarius Symbol. George means Earth; Strawberry means “Earth Berry”; worship the Earth? No thanks, I’ll worship the Creator.
June 21 Lt Gen Tom Waldhauser told Senate Committee Chairs John McCain (meets regularly with Abu Bakr al Badhdadi) and Lindsey Graham (insistant on War with Russia in Damascus to uost Assad) testified “Military action in Syria would be wise even without White House confirmation I would welcome the authority”
Tesla Weapons are the Trump Card…Super Typhoon Nepartak a “Near Perfect” Category 5 (175MPH .897mb) Storm hitting Taiwan on Eid al Fitr (Break the Ramadan Fast) as 2000 Molech worshipping Satanists head for Bohemian Grove. Nothing new, Edward Teller planned the Hydrogen Bomb at Bohemian Grove. Nepartak has a low pressure of 897mb dwarfs Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy
Sign of the Times. Katy Perry admits to selling her soul and has 90Million Twitter followers.
Dr. Peter Salama (center) during his tenure as UNICEF Representative to Ethiopia. Credit: UNICEF
The World Health Organization (WHO) this week announced the appointment of Dr. Peter Salama as the Executive Director of its new Health Emergencies Programme, at the level of Deputy Director-General.
The Programme was set up following severe criticisms of the WHO’s slow and disorganized response to the West Africa Ebola crisis, in which more than 11,000 people died.
– See more at: http://globalbiodefense.com/2016/06/30/who-health-emergencies-programme-peter-salama/#sthash.wR532FyG.dpuf
Independence Day
The Bible is all about demonstrating Dependence on God.
While all eyes were focused on BREXIT Congress allocated $1.1B to Zika.
July 4, 2016 1 Million people will crowd the Capitol Mall and Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool on Independence Day. Reminiscient of the 1 M people attending Obama’s Inauguration using the Lincoln Bible, held by 1st cross dresser Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama) for the 1st ever Oath of Office which failed to have the illegal, foreign born President “Swear to defend the Constitution”. Planned? On Election Night Obama stood on the same steps Rosicrucian Sodomite Abe Lincoln did with Michelle wearing a “Black Widow” Dress. Barely noticeable because of its immense size on Abe Lincoln’s Throne is the Fasces, the symbol of Fascism also adorns the Supreme Court Doors, Oval Office Doors and Congressional Speaker’s Podium.
Aedes Aegypti and Asian Tiger Mosquitoes were delivered (likely by Oxitec Corp) in DC 5 years ago; the 5th Generation Zika, Malaria, Dengue Fever carrying Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes survived their 5th winter in Washington DC. 1 Million people in DC gathered around a 2000ft X 167ft Pool followed by the Rio Olympics where the Zika Hoax originated under the world’s largest Idol of the False Christ.
Devil’s Bridge
Gotthard Tunnel replaced “Devil’s Bridge”; the opening was a Pagan Witchcraft ceremony centered on Cernunnos “Horned One” aka Herne, Baphomet, Goat of Mendes, Pan, Nodens etc. Cernunnos is the oldest form of the Devil on Earth and the namesake of the Super Collider at CERN which has Shiva “The Destroyer” aka Apollyon/Abbaddan (Rev 9:11) or Apollo out front. CERN was built over an ancient Temple of Apollo. They were calling down Apollo to destroy the Earth (Rev 11:18; 13:8) so they can remake it in their own image. European heads of State attended the Pagan Ritual; Miners in Orange Jumpsuits (Prisoners; Hotel California may ring a Baal) enter the Mine dedicated to Saint Barbara the patron saint of miners martyred with the sword whose dying wish was for God to comfort those unprepared to suffer sudden death. The Miners, sacrificed in the tunnel emerge in wedding veils as spirits who then mate with the Goat (God Of All Things) Cernunnos, who himself is sacrificed and resurrected with a legion of crossdressing harlots enjoying a Bacchanalia of sorts.
BREXIT was planned in advance to form a European Superstate; Russia-China-Iran-Pakistan and Asia are also forming a Superstate as part of the Silk Road Initiative, and NAFTA meeting in Ottawa is also forming a North Am Union, and its all happening this week. 10 Horns but only 7 Heads, 3 Horns plucked up by the roots (Dan 7:8) will yield to “Little Horn”. Notice how the world is forming the 2 Horns (Dan 8:3 Mede-Persia V Grecian Goat) out of which “Little Horn” (Antichrist/Alternative Messiah) rises. The 3 Horns/3 Heads about to be plucked up are likely the Americas; the land named after Amurru, the land, god and people of the Amorites who reached their peak under Hammurabi (bible calls him Amraphel King of Shiner “Babylon”); the EU has the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast out front of the EU Parliament, built as an unfinished Tower of Babel (Gate of the Gods) with Seat #666 vacant. They are about to fill it with “Little Horn”
ISIS attack on Attaturk Airport Istanbul Turkey. ISIS is trained and obtains Turkish Passports in Istanbul. Luciferian Mason Reccip Tayyip Erogan and his son Bilal transport ISIS oil from Syria to Tatrus; biting the hand that feeds them? I doubt that. Almost comical; Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden shares the name of the 1st Ottomon Sultan Osman I; Erdogan wants to be its last.
Appreciate the research work y’all do.
One thing thou lackest in your research which may open some doors.
Paul was the false prophet, a thorough research compilation can be found at http://www.jesuswordsonly.com
Also his name was Yahushua, Jesus obviously means hail Zeus & in Hebrew it means “may his name be blotted out & his memory forgotten forever”
I guess he’s promised new names for those worthy of obtaining eternal life with him anyway, scripture emphasizes the importance of his name many times though